What's New - Archives 2017
Winnipeg, Manitoba - Oct 21/22, 2017
My beautiful Katie, is now "Ch" Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen. Thanks to Jade Unrae and Simone Rudolf, she took Winners Female and Best of Winners, for that last dreaded point, under judges Elaine and Robert Whitney. Thanks Trish McGonigal for taking her on the journey that got her there.

Thunder Bay Sept 8/9/10, 2017
What a whirlwind weekend to end our local show season.
We picked up 4 out of 4 Group placing, with GCh. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars, taking a Group 1st; while GCh. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris, took home a Group 2, Group 3, and a Group 4. I couldn't be prouder of those two young handlers, Sophie Sutherland, and Faith Codiero being so professional in the ring.
Our girls Katie, Raine, and young man Max, brought home 4 BOW ribbons, with Dalgarnoch Pot of Gold, garnished 2, Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen and Dalgarnoch Maximillian Schnell, each taking one. Oscar also received a Select Male, and 2 BOS. Max and Keeva each took a BOS.
The BPIB were shared between Katie receiving 1, Raine 2, and Stori, 1. No luck in the Puppy Group, as Cathy had a beautiful Corgi Puppy from the States, who also won group platings. Dalgarnoch Tell Me A Stori was the bridesmaid all weekend with 3 Reserve Winners Female.
Thanks to Judges, Nancy Popovich, Robert Whitney, Pat Taylor and Elaine Whitney, for appreciating my dogs. And thanks to Trish McGonigal, Faith Codeiro, Meaghan Villella, Michael Pella, Grace Gilmore, Dagmar Cathers, and Kai Finley Fairbairn all your help, I couldn't do it without you.

GCh. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris
Group 2 - Group 3 - Group 4
TBKTC Sept 8, 9, 10, 2017
Judge: Elaine Whitney, Nancy Popovich, Pat Taylor
Handler: Faith Codeiro
Best of Opposite Sex Judge: Robert Whitney
GCh. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Group 1st
TBKTC Sept 9, 2017
Judge: Robert Whitney Handler: Sophie Sutherland
Select Male Judge: Nancy Popovich
BOS Judge: Pat Taylor and Judge: Elaine Whitney
Dalgarnoch Maximillian Schell
Wommers male - Best of Opposite Sex
TBKTC. Sept 8, 2017
Judge: Nancy Popovich. Handler: Grace Fillmore
Ch. Dalgarnoch Maximillian Schell
Best of Winners - New Champion
TBKTC Sept. 10, 2017
Judge: Pat Taylor Handler: Grace Fillmore
Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen
Best of Winners - Best Puppy in Breed
TBKTC Sept. 8, 2017
Judge: Nancy Popovich Handler: Trish McGonigal
Dalgarnoch Pot of Gold
2 Best of Winners - 2 Best Puppy in Breed.
TBKTC. Sept 9/10, 2017
Judges: Robert Whitney and Judge: Elaine Whitney
Handler: Meaghan Villella
Ch. Dalgarnoch Opal Essence
3 Select Bitch
TBKTC Sept 9, 2017
Judge:Robert Whitney Judge: Pat Taylor
Handler: Michael Pella (2)

Ch. Dalgarnoch Opal Essence
Select Bitch
TBKTC. SEPT 10, 2017
Judge: Elaine Whitney Handler: Kai Finley Fairbairn

Manitoba Working and Herding Specialty
Aug 17, 18, 19, 20, 2017
Winnipeg, Manitoba
It was a great weekend at MCA, and the WASSA and MWH Specialties. Sophie Sutherland showed her heart out, doing an excellent job with Katie, Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen. Thanks so much everyone for stepping in and helping Sophie and her mom Denise. Meaghan, and Sarah for taking Katie in, when Sophie was in the ring with her boy Oscar, GCh Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars. And others behind the scene who were so gracious with your help.
Thank you to the MCA Judges: Judi Elford for the Winners Female , on Fri, Dr. ALievano for the RWF on Sat, Kirsten Kremling for Best Of Winners, on Sun. And thank you to MWH Specialty Judge, Denise Cornelsson, for the Reserve Winners Female.
Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen
Winners Female
Manitoba Canine Association
Judge: Judi Elford Handler: Sophie Sutherland
Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen
Reserve Winners Female
Manitoba Canine Association
Judge: Dr. A Lievano, El Salvado Handler: Sophie Sutherland
Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen - Reserve Winners Female - MCA
Judge: Dr. a Lievano Handler: Sophie Sutherland

Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen
Reserve Winners Female
Manitoba Working & Herding Association Specialty
Judge: Denise Cornelsson Handler: Sophie Sutherland
Best of Winners
Manitoba Canine Association
Judge: Kirsten Kremling Handler: Sophie Sutherland & Sarah McIntyre

What it's all about ....
Sophie Sutherland
GCh. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars - Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen

Lakehead Kennel Club
July 28, 29, 30, 2017
We have some Brags at these shows. But the highlight of the weekend was finding Scarlet, Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious. On Friday, after winning Select Bitch under Irene Latchford, Scarlet escaped into the bush from her handler. 5 days later, with the help of many many wonderful people, she was found. Myself and Dagmar, with Max, Dalgarnoch Maximillian Schell, one of her buddies, were the lucky ones that she finally came too.It was tough pulling my dogs from the shows, to look for her, but so worth it. The dog community in Thunder Bay is the best, just awesome, and we can't thank you enough.

A very Happy Reunion
Scarlet with her mom Teryl Morris-Cocks

Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious
LKC July 28, 2017
Select Bitch
Judge: Irene Latchford Handler: Maureen Marttunen
Winners Male: Dalgarnoch Maximillian Schell - Judge: Irene Latchford Handler: Grace Fillmore
Reserve Winners Female: Dalgarnoch Pot of Gold - Judge: Irene Latchford Handler: Meaghan Villala
Select Male: GCh Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars-Judge: Sandy Gelinas Handler: Sophie Sutherland
Best of Opposite Sex: GCh. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris-Judge:Sandy Gelinas Handler Faith Codeiro

Thunder Bay Kennel and Training Club
June 23, 24, 25, 2018
Thunder Bay, Ontario
What a great weekend we had at the TBKTC shows, introducing our 6 month old babies to their first "official" dog show.
Logan, Dalgarnoch Hole in the Wall, took a Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Group, under Dr. Gail Forsythe, while his kennel mate Stori, Dalgarnoch Tell Me a Stori, went Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Breed under notable Breeder-Judge Phil Wendling. Danze, Dalgarnoch Dancing Queen, took Reserve Winners Female
Both our Specials, Scarlet, Ch. Luxurious, and Oscar, GCh. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars, each won 4 Select Bitch and Select Male. Keeva also won 4 BOS.
Thank you to all the judges for recognizing our dogs.

Dalgarnoch Hole in the Wall
Best of Winners - Best Puppy in Group
TBKTC - June 23, 2017
Judge: Dr. Gail Forsythe ~ Handler/Owner: Melanie Parker

Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Select Bitch
TBKTC June 23, 2017
Judge: Dr. Gaill Forsythe ~ Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Select Bitch
TBKTC June 23, 2017
Judge: Martin Doherty ~ Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Select Bitch
TBKTC. June 25, 2017
Judge: Brendan Wright ~ Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious ~ GCh. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Select Bitch x 4 ~ Select Male x 4
TBKTC - June 23, 24, 25, 2017
Judges: Dr Gail Forsythe, Phil Wendling, Martin Doherty, Brendon Wright
Handlers: Maureen Marttunen and Sophie Sutherland

Dalgarnoch Tell Me A Stori
Best of Winners ~ Best Puppy in Breed
TBKTC June 24, 2017
Breeder Judge: Phil Wendling Handler: Trish McGonigal

GCh. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris
Best of Opposite Sex x 4
TBKTC June 23, 24, 25, 2017
Handler: Faith Codeiro
Lakehead Kennel Club
May 5,6,7, 2017
Thunder Bay, Ontario
I would like to thank judges, Cheryl Meryers-Egerton, Tom Alexander, Carmen Haller and Judy McVeigh, for kicking off our Show Season with such a bang. It was a fabulous weekend.
Introducing our Baby Puppies, out of Olivia, Ch Dalgarnoch Olivia De Havilland, Gypsy, Ch. Paray's Mandarin Kiss, and Tiana, Dalgarnoch En Vogue was just so much fun. it certainly gave us a wonderful insight of what's to come. I had lots of help with these youngsters. Trish McGonigal, Faith Codeiro, Melanie Parker, Meaghan Villella
Maureen Marttunen picked up a 3 point win, on Saturday morning, with Scarlet, "New" Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious, acquiring her title. Scarlet had 3 BOW, and 3 BOS.
Our Junior Handler Sophie Sutherland, light up the ring garnishing a Group 1st, Group 2nd, and Group 4th, with Oscar, Ch. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars. This young team also won Reserve Overall at the Junior Handling Regionals. They definitely are force to be reckoned with.
Another of our Juniors, Faith Codeiro, took a Group 4th with our beautiful Sable Merle, Keeva, GCh. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris. Keeva and Faith are a dynamic young team that I love watching in the ring. They are beautiful to behold and it is nice to see judges appreciating Keeva's beauty as a Merle.

Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen
Best Baby Puppy in Show
May 5, 2017
Judge: Cheryl Meyers-Egerton Handler: Trish McGonigal

Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Best of Winners - May 5
Judge: Cheryl Meyers-Egerton Handler: Maureen Marttunun
Breeder: Bettijane Flanagan & Darren MacIsaac

GCh. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris
Group 4th
Judge: Cheryl Meyers-Egerton Handler/Trainer: Faith Codeiro
Co-Owners: Trish McGonigal and Faith Codeiro
Breeder/Co-Owner: Bettijane Flanagan

"New" Champion Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Best of Winners - Best of Opposite
LKC May 5, 2017
udge: Tom Alexander Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Sophie Sutherland and Oscar, Ch. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
First in Junior Open - Reserve Best Overall Junior
LKC Thunder Bay - May 6, 2017
Ontario Zone 4B 2016 Zone Finals

Ch. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Group 1st - May 6. 2017
Judge: Tom Alexander Handler/Trainer: Sophie Sutherland
Breeder: Bettijane Flanagan

Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Best of Winners - Best of Opposite
LKC May 6, 2017
Judge: Carmen Haller Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Ch. Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Best of Opposite Sex
LKC May 8, 2017
Judge: Judy McVeigh Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Ch. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Group 2
LKC May 7, 2017
Judge: Judy McVeigh Handler: Sophie Sutherland