Archives 2016
Sept. 8, 9, 10, 11 2016
Thunder Bay, Ontario
What a great way to finish off 2016 at our new/old venue, The Grandview Arena. It was nice to come full circle, from my younger years of competing at the Arena, where many of our dogs competed in the past. And what a very successful show weekend for us indeed.
Our beautiful Sable Merle, Keeva, GCh Dalgarnoch Celtic Von Matris, with her exclusive handler, Faith Codeiro, set the show ring on fire, acquiring her Grand Champion at 17 months of age, in very limited shows. She picked up a Group 2, and 3 Select Bitch.
Gypsy, Ch. Paray's Mandarin Kiss, took a 2 Group 4, a Group 3, and a Select Bitch, putting her at 17 Grand Points.
Tiana, Dalgarnoch En a Vogue, our dynamic blue girl, at her first show, came home with a Best of Winners.
Whitney, at 9.5 months old, became "New" Champion, Dalgarnoch By Request. She Won, 2 Best Puppy in Group, and 2 Best of Winners, to acquire her CKC Championship
Oscar, GCh. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars handled by his trainer Sophie Sutherland , took top honors with 2 wonderful, Best Puppy in Show, and with very limited showing, ended the year #5 Sheltie in Canada

GCh Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris
Group 2nd - Judge: Jean Lois Blair
3 Select Bitch Judges: Kristine Francis, Jack Ireland,
Geraldine Taylor

Ch. Paray's Mandarin Kiss
Group 3rd - Judge: Geraldine Taylor
2- Group 4 and a Select Bitch
Judges: Kristine Francis, Jack Ireland, Jean Louis Blais

“New” Ch. Dalgarnoch By Request
2 Best Puppy in Group - 2 Best of Winners
Judges: Kristine Francis - Geraldine Taylor Handler: Monique Arpin

GCh Dalgarnoch Nite at the Opera
Best Puppy In Show
TBKTC - Sep 10, 2016
Judge: Bruce Owens Handler: Sophie Baxter
Dalgarnoch En Vogue
Best of Winners
TBKTC - Sept 10, 2016
Judge: Bruce Owens Handlers: Trish McGonigal/Monique Arpin

July 22, 23, 24 2016

Grand Champion Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris (17 months)
Group 4th
Judge: Corine Walker. Handler/Trainer: Sophie Southerland
3 BOS - Judges: Carol Graham, Tom Nesbit, Dr. John Reeves Nelson

Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Best of Winners
LKC July 24, 2016
Judge: Dr. John Reeves Nelson. Handers: Maureen Marttunen and Monique Arpin

Dalgarnoch Luxurious
Best of Winners
LKC Shows July 23, 2016
Judge: Thomas Nesbit Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Ch. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Best Puppy in Show
LKC July 24, 2016
Judge: Dr John Reeves Nelson Handler/Trainer: Sophie Sutherland
Breeder: Bettijane Flanagan

Ch. Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Best Puppy in Group
LKC July 23, 2016
Judge: Corinne Walker Handler/Trainer: Sophie Sutherland

June 24, 25, 26, 2016
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Another wonderful weekend at the TBKTC Shows. Many thanks to our judges Irene Bader, Olga Gagne, and Breeder Judges Guy Jeavens, and Mark McMillan for acknowledging our dogs.
Tiffany, GCh. Dalgarnoch Victoriana Rose received her Grand Champion. We finished a New Champion, young Oscar, Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscar; Whitney, Dalgarnoch By Request took home a Best Puppy in Group; with Keeva, Ch. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass VonMatris receiving a Group 4th; and we accumulated points, on Max, Dalgarnoch Maximillian Schell, Ebony, Dalgarnoch Escape the Ordinary, and Scarlet, Dalgarnoch Luxurious.
Tiffany, our newest Grand Champion will now retire to a Jr Handler Dog, and being a Mom. She has had a great career.
I can't thank our hard working handlers enough. We couldn't do it without you. Trish McGonigal, Maureen Marttunen, Faith Codeiro, Sophie Sutherland, Lauren Maki, Monique Arpin, and Melanie Parker. Love you guys.

Ch. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris
Group 4th - Breeder Judge: Guy Jeavens
2 BOB Judge: Irene Bader and Breeder Judge: Guy Jeavens
2 Select Bitch - Judge: Olga Gagne and Breeder Judge: Mark Mc Millian
Owner/Handler: Faith Codeiro

Oscar - A new Champion at 7 months of age
"New" Champion Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Winners Male - Best Opposite - Best Puppy in Breed - Judge Irene Bader
Winners Males - Breeder Judge: Mark McMillan
Owner/Handler: Faith Codeiro

Dalgarnoch By Request - Whitney - 7 months
Best Puppy In Group - Breeder Judge Mac McMillan
2 Best of Winners - 2 Best Puppy in Breed
Judges Olga Gagne, and Mark McMillan
Handler: Trish McGonigal

Dalgarnoch Luxurious - Scarlet
Best of Winners
Judge: Irene Bader - Handler: Maureen Marttunen

Dalgarnoch Escape the Ordinary
Best of Winners - Best Puppy in Breed
Breeder Judge: Guy Jeavens - Handler: Monique Arpin (Faith Codeiro standing in)

Dalgarnoch Maximillian Schell
Winners Male - Best Opposite - Best Puppy in Breed - Judge: Irene Bader
Winners Male - Breeder Judge: Mark McMillan
Handler: Melanie Parker

"New" Grand Champion Dalgarnoch Victorianna Rose
Best of Breed - Judge: Olga Gagne
Select Bitch - Breeder Judge: Guy Jeavens
Handler: Trish McGonigal (Faith Codeiro standing in)

Kenora & District Kennel Club
June 17/18/19, 2016
Kenora, Ontario
Another wonderful show weekend for Faith Codiera and Sophie Sutherland , with Keeva and Oscar. These two young Jr Handlers certainly know how to hold their own in the ring. Coming into these shows with 9 points acquired her first time out, Keeva took the breed Friday, to finish her CKC Championship. Keeva is sired by Ch. Dalgarnoch Long John Silver out of Ch. Paray Mandarin's Kiss.
Oscar, just 6.5 months old, and his first time in an official CKC show, picked up 7 points, and a Group 4th. Both of these dogs are owner/handler/trainer. So proud of them, and wish I could have been at the shows. Oscar is sired by AKC BPIS Ch. Laureate Be My Guest out of CKC UKC Ch. Dalgarnoch Olivia De Havilland
Keeva - A new Champion in 5 shows, at 14 months of age.

Ch. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass Von Matris
Kenora & District Kennel Club - June 17/18/19, 2016
BOB - Judge: Al Bennett - Handler: Faith Codeiro

Oscar - A stunning performance for this young Hopeful at 6.5 months old.
Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Kenora & District Kennel Club - June 17/18/19, 2016
Group 4 - Judge Patricia Lanctot
2 BOB - Judge: Stephen Daniard, Patricia Lanctot
2 BOS - Judge Al Bennette, Pamela Bruce
6 WM and 4 BPIB
Oscar and Keeva - What can I say..
Two beautiful young Jr Handlers, with 2 beautiful young dogs.
Kenora & District Kennel Club - June 17/18/19
Best of Breed
Handlers: Sophie Sutherland and Faith Codiero
Just love "Smosh Pictures" - This says it all !

Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars - New Ch. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass VonMatris
Oscar - Sophie Sutherland and Keeva - Faith Codiero
"High Five Dude"

April 29, 30, May 1, 2016
Thunder Bay, Ontario
What a fabulous weekend we had on "Sheltie Island" at the LKC shows this Spring, (just an inside joke with the dog people). We were set up in a 20 x 20 grooming area with 14 Shelties, 7 of which were Baby Puppies… barely….:)
We have 2 New Grand Champions, and a third well on her way to becoming a Grand Champion. As well as our wonderful up and coming youngster taking top honours with Best Baby Puppy In Show.
Whitney- Exclusively handled and trained by Trish McGonigal

Dalgarnoch By Request
Best Baby Puppy In Show - 13 puppies

Whitney - Our beautiful Hopeful who just shines in the ring
Dalgarnoch By Request
Lakehead Kennel Club April 29/30 May 1, 2016
Best Baby Puppy in Show - 13 puppies
Judge: Ron Mahon - Handler: Trish McGonigal
3 Best Baby Puppy in Group - 8 puppies

Oscar - A young hopeful who certainly is giving us an Academy Award Performance

Dalgarnoch Nite at the Oscars
Lakehead Kennel Club - Apr 29/30 May 1, 2016
Best Baby Puppy in Breed - 7 puppies
4 Best Baby Puppy Male
Judge: James Frederickson Owner/handler/trainer: Sophie Sutherland

Ch. Dalgarnoch Celtic Lass VonMatris
Keeva - 15 Grand Champion Points - Our stunning Sable Merle
Lakehead Kennel Club - Apr 29-30 May 1 2016
BOB - Judge: Ron Mahon
4 BOW - 2 BOS
Judges: James Noe, Anik Primeau, James Frederikson
Owner/Handler/Trainer - Faith Codeiro

New GCh Dalgarnoch Guinness Original.
Thanks to judges: James Noe, Anik Primeau, James Frederikson, Ron Mahon and handler Lauren Maki who always makes him shine.
Grand Ch. Guinness Original
Lakehead Kennel Club April 29/30 May 1, 2016
4 Select Male
Judges: James Noe, Anik Primeau, James Frederikson, Ron Mahon
Handler: Lauren Maki

Tiffany - 19 Grand Champion Points
Thanks to judges: James Noe, Anik Primeau, James Frederikson, Ron Mahon
Ch. Dalgarnoch Victorianna Rose
Lakehead Kennel Club April 29/30 May 1, 2016
2 BOS - Judges: James Noe and Anik Primeau
2 Select Bitch - Judges: James Frederickson, Ron Mahon
Handler: Trish McGonigal |