What's New - 2015
Nov 27-29, 2015
Mississauga, Ontario
What an honour to announce that Connor, Dalgarnoch Fast and Furious, his very first time in the big boy ring, at the huge Caledon Shows, took Best of Winners for 3 points the first day, defeating 7 females. This little man is just 7 months old. Then on the final day of the shows, he took Winners Male for another point, and Best Puppy in Breed. Thanks to judges Jacqueline Quiros-Kubat and Stefan Sinko for these lovely wins. We are just so proud of you Grace, for your beautiful training and handling of this wee man.
Dalgarnoch Fast and Furious
Calendon Kennel Association - Missisauga, Ontarioa
Nov 27, 2015
Best of Winners - Judge: Jacqueline Quiros-Kubat
Nov 29, 2015
Winners Male - Best Puppy in Breed
Handler- Grace Pella

July 24, 25, 26, 2015
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Double your pleasure.. Double your fun!!
We couldn't be happier with this wonderful weekend we had.
On Friday, Guinness, Ch. Dalgarnoch Guinness Original, took Best of Breed, walking away with a Group 2nd under Judge Tim Doxtater.
Then he took 3 BOS to his sister Tiffany, and a Select Male.
Tiffany, Ch. Dalgarnoch Victorian Rose went Best of Opposite Sex, the first day to Guinness, then won 3 Best Of Breed, under Judges, Corinne
Walker, Avery Gaudin, and a Group 3rd under Doug Gaudin. Thank you judges for these lovely wins, which puts both Guinness and Olivia well on their way to their Grand Champion. Thanks also, Lauren Maki and Faith Codeiro for your fabulous handling.
Not to be outdone, our newest sweetheart Tiana, Dalgarnoch En Vogue, her very first time in the ring, at just 3 months of age, went Best Baby Puppy in Show, under judge Tim Doxtater, handled beautifully as usual by Trish McGonigal. And then, her brother, Conner, Dalgarnoch Fast and Furious also just 3 months of age, took a Best Baby Puppy In Show, under judge Doug Goudin with super handling by Grace Pella. We are just so proud of these to up and coming hopefuls.

Ch. Dalgarnoch Guinness Original
LKC July 24-26, 2015
Best of Breed - Group 2nd
Judge Tim Doxtater
3 Best of Opposite Sex:
Judges: Corinne Walker, Avery Gaudin, Doug Gaudin
Select Male - Avery Gaudin
Handler : Lauren Macki
Ch. Dalgarnoch Victoriana Rose
LKC July 24-26, 2015
3 Best Of Breed - Group 3rd
Judge Doug Gaudin
Best of Opposite Sex,
Judges: Corinne Walker, Avery Gaudin
Handler: Faith Codeiro
Ch. Dalgarnoch Victoriana Rose - Faith Codeiro
Ch. Dalgarnoch Guinness Original - Lauren Maki
LKC July 24, 25, 26, 2015
Dalgarnoch En Vogue
Best Baby Puppy in Show
LKC July 24, 2015
Judge: Tim Doxtater Handler: Tris McGonigal
Dalgarnoch Fast and Furious
Best Baby Puppy In Show
LKC July 26, 2015

TBKTC - June 26, 27, 28, 2015
We had a excellent weekend at the Thunder Bay Kennel and Training Club shows. Thanks to all the handlers and friends for your help all weekend.
Our beautiful red boy Ch. Dalgarnoch Guinness Original, entered in only 2 shows, walked away with Select Dog both days. Guinness is well on his way to his Grand Champion. Thank you judges Peter Machen, and Phyllis Pancel, and Lauren Maki for your excellent handling.
Not to be outdone our lovely bi black girl, Ch. Dalgarnoch Opal Essence, entered only 3 days, went Best Of Opposite to Guinness, June 26 and June 27, but to BOB on June 28 with a Group 3 under judge Richard Lake. Thank you again judge Peter Machen, Phyllis Pancel and Richard Lake.
Ch. Dalgarnoch Guinness Original
Select Dog
June 26 and June 27
Judges: Peter Machen and Phyllis Pancel
Ch. Dalgarnoch Opal Essence
(2)BOS - BOB - Group 3rd
Judges: Peter Machen, Phyllis Pancel, Richard Lake

Lakehead Kennel Club
May 1, 2, 3, 2015
Thunder Bay, Ontario
We started of with what looks to be a very promising year. Our boy Solo, became "New" Ch. Dalgarnoch Hans Solo, taking 2 Best of Breed over Specials, and a Group 3rd, under Breeder Judge Leslie Rogers. This beautiful young male will now wait to mature and coat up, before his debut as a Special. Many thanks to breeder judges Brian Reid, and Leslie Rogers, and to Faith Cordeiro who has done a superb job of handling Solo. Watch for this team, as they also continue their winning ways in the Jr Handling Ring.
Not to be outdone, Ch. Guinness Original, his first time in the ring as a Special, took BOB on Sunday. Although Guinness did not get into the Group, he showed beautifully and is well on his way to his Grand Champion. As always Guinness was nicely handled by Lauren Maki.
Thank you judge Cheryl Paterson.
New Champion Dalgarnoch Hans Solo
Best of Breed
Lakehead Kennel Club - May1, 2015
Judge: Brian Reid - Handler Faith Codeiro
Ch. Dalgarnoch Hans Solo
Group 3rd
Lakehead Kennel Club - May 2, 2015
Judge: Leslie Rogers - Handler Faith Codeiro
Ch. Dalgarnoch Guinness Original
Best of Breed
Judge: Cheryl Paterson - Handler: Lauren Maki
Jr Handling

Junior Handling - Winning their Division
Ch. Dalgarnoch Hans Solo and Faith Codeiro

Junior Handling - Winning their Division
Ch. Dalgarnoch Hans Solo and Faith Codeiro
International All Breed Canine Association Shows
May 1/2/3, 2015
Hutchinson, Minnesota
At the USA, IABC Shows the first weekend in May, Danny, Gr Can/UKC/Int Ch. Dalgarnoch Opening Act, became a New International Champion. Receiving very positive and pleasing critiques from the judges, he took 3 of the 4 Best of Breed, from the adult open class, over Grand Champions with ratings of V1 in all 4 shows. We are very pleased with the opinions of these USA and International judges, about this Special Boy. I can't thank Inez Lazzari enough, for her wonderful handling, and for taking Danny to the shows for me.
Can Grd, Int, UKC Ch. Dalgarnoch Opening Act
Best of Breed - x3
Judges: AKC/Int. - Handler: Inez Lazarri
IABC Shows - May 1, 2015
Hutchinson MN
