What's New - 2024
Check out our news of previous years
Heart of the Continent Dog Show
St Norbert, Manitoba
Sept 7/8, 2024
Katie - Ch. Dalgarnoch My Sweet Kathleen Pictured bottom right.
Best of Breed - Group 3. Judge: KathleenAnderson Wolf
BOS (3) - Judges: Darl Hecke; Nancy Popovich; Yvonne Sevard Handler: Jade Unrau
Pictured top Left: Katie, earning her Master Ratting and Barn Hunting 2024
Expertly trained and handled by Faye Unrau.
North Shore Dog Show
Aug 9/10/11, 2024
North Shore
Chippewa, Thunder Bay, Ont
Aug 9/10/11, 2024
Winston - Ch. Dalgarnoch Winston
Select Male (3) Judges: Yuichi Tonimoto; Susan Norris- Jones; Raymond Yurick
Kiltie - GCh. Dalgarnoch River Dance
Select Female (3) Judges: Yuichi Tonimoto; Wendy Maisy; Susan Norris-Jones
Pewter PT - GCh Dalgarnoch Kings Ransom RAE, CD, CGN
BOS - Judge: Yuichi Tonimoto Select Male: Tony Vandendool Handler: Trish M.
“New ROMC”
Ch. Dalgarnoch Aline Liberty Belle ROMC. Seen here with her son, Ch. Dalgarnoch Little Dark One, whose “New” Championship, gave his mother Libby, her ROMC..!!
A very well deserved title. Love you my little one  . Dimi Bertin, Marian Szelekovszky
Kirby - Ch. Dalgarnoch Klean Sweep
Best of Breed - Best Puppy in Group (3)
Pictured here - Judge: Tony Vandendool Handler: Trish McGonigal
BOS, WD, BPIG - Susan Norris-Jones. BOS - Wendy Maisy
BOS - BPIG Judge: Raymond Yurick
Our beautiful boy, at just 9 months of age, needs only 4 points for his Grand Champion
Maple - Ch. Dalgarnoch Maple Sugar “New” Champion
Best of Opposite Sex - Best of Winners
Pictured her with Judge: Tony Vandendool Handler: Kathy Bevilacqua
Best of Winners - Judge: Yuchi Tonimoto Winners Female - Judge - Wendy
Prism - Dalgarnoch a Nite to Remember
Best of Winners - Judge: Susan Norris-Jones Handler: Kathy Bevilacqua
Winners Female - Judge: Raymond Yurick
Reserve Winners Female - Yuichi Tonimoto, Wendy Maisy, Tony Vandendool
Kieran - Ch. Dalgarnoch Little Dark One “New” Champion
Best of Winners (2)
Judges: Wendy Maisy and Raymond Yurick Handler: Marian Szelekovszky
Lakehead Kennel Club
July 26, 27, 28, 2024
Thunder Bay, Ontario

Kirby - MBPIG Ch. Dalgarnoch Klean Sweep
BOS - Judge: Robert Rowbotham Handler: Trish McGonigal
BOW- Judge: Lynn White Select Dog - Judges: David Gilmore, Judi Elford

Kiltie - GCh. Dalgarnoch River Dance
BOB (3) - Judge: Robert Rowbotham Handler: Trish McGonigal
BOB - Judges: Judi Elford, Lynn White Select Bitch - Stewart Danker

Austin - Ch. Dalgarnoch Man of Mystery
BOS (2) - Judges: Lynn White, David Gilmore - Handler: Kathy Bevilacqua
Select Dog: Stewart Danker

Kieran - Ch. Dalgarnoch Little Dark One
RWD (3) David Gilmour, Judi Elford, R. Rowbotham Handler: Marian Szelekovszky
Sault ste Marie
July 12/13/14, 2024
Libby - Ch Dalgarnoch Aline Liberty Belle ROMC
Winners Female
Judge: Patricia Lanctot. Handler: Jenn Mayo
Reserve Winners Female - Judge: Corinne Walker
Kiltie - GCh Dalgarnoch River Dance
Best of Breed - Group 4.
Judge: Joy Lynn Huntley. Handler: Brooklyn Wabegijig
Select Female (2) Judges: Jocelyn Gagne, Michael Lancelot

Kohl - GCh Dalgarnoch Kohl Miners Daughter
We decided to enter Kohl, in only 2 shows, and she did us proud!
Select Female (2) Judges: Heather Langfield and Corinne Walker
Winston- Ch. Dalgarnoch Winston. “New” Champion
Best of Opposite Sex - Best of Winners
Judge: Corinne Walker. Handler: Brooklyn Wabegijig
Winston - Ch. Dalgarnoch Winston
Best of Winners - Best of Opposite Sex
Judge: Joy Lynn Huntley Handler: Debbie Legros
TBKTC June 7/8/9, 2024
Murillo, Ontario
Libby - Ch. Dalgarnoch Aline Liberty Belle ROMC “New” Champion
Best of Winners Judge: Patricia Taylor Handler: Jenn Mayo
Winners Female: Lucie Paradis

Kieran - Dalgarnoch Little Dark One
Winners Male - Judge: Patricia Taylor Handler: Marian Szelekovszky
Reserve Winners Male (3) Mike and Ann Jackson, Lucie Paradis
Austin - Dalgarnoch Man of Mystery
Best of Opposite Sex (4)
Judges: Mike and Ann Jackson; Lucie Paradis; Patricia Taylor
Handler: Kathy Bevilacqua
Kohl - GCh. Dalgarnoch Kohl Miners Daughter “New Grand” Champion
Best of Breed - Judge: Patricia Taylor Handler: Debbie Legros
LKC May 3/4/5, 2024
Grandview Arena
Thunder Bay, Ont

Ch. Dalgarnoch Kohl Miners Daughter - Khol
Best of opposite Sex - Judge: Linda. St. Helaire
Select Bitch - Judge: Michelle Scott
Handler: Debbie Lego’s

“New” Champion Dalgarnoch Miracle Girl - Amy
Best of Opposite Sex Judge: Carol,Graham
Select Bitch x2. Judges: Joe Deleo, Jo Ann Pavey
Handler: Trish McGonigal

Dalgarnoch Klean Sweep - Kirby
Best Baby Puppy in Group
Judge: Michelle Scott. Handler: Trish McGonigal
GCh Dalgarnoch River Dance
Select Bitch
Judge: Linda Ste-Hilaire. Handler: Brooklyn Wabegijig

Dalgarnoch Man of Mystery
Best of Winners
Judge: Carol Graham. Handler/Trainee: Kathy Bevilacque
”New Champion” Dalgarnoch Man of Mystery
Winners Male
Judge: Joe Deleo Handler/Trainer Kathy Bevilacqua