See also The Transparencies Gigs Page.
This is meant to give you some idea of what I've been up to with music over the last few years. Feel free to contact me, if it suggests to you any opportunity for me to use my music -- especially if it pays!
The bulk of my day-to-day musical activity doesn't appear here. For decades I have been singing hymns to groups of residents in several Senior homes. More recently I have been hired to sing one-on-one to selected residents at Pioneer Ridge every second Monday.
As well, until a few years ago for five or more years, I accompanied the school choir of Pope John Paul Senior Elementary School for Masses, assemblies, tours of senior homes, talent shows, and the grad ceremony. Each year we'd put together a rock band of students, and so the grad ceremony was always fun, as we would rock the FW Gardens with an excerpt of School's Out.
For many years I led singing at Dorion Bible Camp. More recently I've been doing so for Camp Gitchigomee and Manitoba Pioneer Camp.
And, of course, until recently I often led singing for the Northwood Park Church of Christ.
I have also played guitar & sung in three different Cambrian Players plays: Much Ado About Nothing, Halo, and You'll Get Used to It: The War Show.
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Much Ado | Halo | The War Show | Treasure Island |
I also sang but without my guitar in Cambrian's The Full Monty, Hamlet (Prince of Denmark), and A Christmas Carol.
Rather than link every instance of the songs I most often perform, here is a list of links to audio tracks, videos, and lyrics.
| 1979 | 1980 | 1981
| 1982 | 1983 | 1984
| 1985 | 1986 | 1987
| 1988 | 1989 | 1990
| 1991 | 1992 | 1993
| 1994 | 1995 | 1995
| 1996 | 1997 | 1998
| 1999 | 2000 | 2001
| 2002 | 2003 | 2004
| 2005 | 2006 | 2007
| 2008 | 2009 | 2010
| 2011 | 2012 | 2013
| 2014 | 2015 | 2016
| 2017 | 2018 | 2019
| 2020 | 2021 | 2022
| 2023 | 2024 |
Open Mic at The Foundry: Oct. 7/24
I sang three Dylan songs:
Man in the Long Black Coat,
Highway 61 Revisited, and
Make You Feel My Love.
Reviews: "I love me some harp playing." (or words to that effect) -- Host Tiina
"That was great!" - Adam (who seemed a touch tipsy, but hey ... )
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Oct. 3/24
My theme was songs covered by the Beatles in their early days:
Be-Bop-a-Lula (Vincent),
'Til There Was You (Willson), and
I'm Going to Sit Right Down and Cry (Thomas/Biggs).
Review: "'Til There Was You" is one of my favourite songs. - Zach R
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Sept. 26/24
I sang all Dylan songs:
Man in the Long Black Coat,
I Threw It All Away,
Highway 61 Revisited,
I Believe In You,
Highlight: The return of Stu.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Sept. 19/24
My theme was songs I had just learned:
Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World (U2),
Mercy ( Chris Jonat), and
Runaway Train/If You Could Read My Mind (Pirner/Lightfoot).
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Sept. 12/24
Because I was still recovering from a cold, I chose to sing short original songs:
Cowboy Lament,
Bob From Nunavut, and
The Biggest Toy.
Review: "Lovely" - Asha
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Aug. 22/24
My theme was Beatles songs I sing in C, even though they weren't originally in that key:
I Will, Yesterday & Ob-la-di Ob-la-da.
John P-W's daughters & niece singing "Flowers".
The return of Bernie!!
Cambrian Players' Open House: Wed. Aug. 21/24
Along with others, I provided some background music:
Cal(i)purnia's Dreamin' (my parody)
Three Little Birds/River of Babylon (Marley/Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton)),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors (Moxy Fruvous),
Friends Theme/Smelly Cat,
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Bird On the Wire (Cohen),
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (Idle),
Farewell Shanty (verse 1).
Review: "My mother liked your music." - Cheryl S.
Photo by Thomas McDonald:
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Aug. 1/24
I sang 2 sets:
Campfire songs: Princess Pat, the Juicy Moose, & Kum Bay Ya.
2nd set: Best Day of My Life (American Authors),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), and
Three Little Birds (Marley)/Rivers of Babylon.
Highlights: lots of former DBC campers there! But I sang Gitchigomee songs. One woman was singing and swaying to the Moose song.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: July 4
My theme was songs in a minor key played in 3rd position on harmonica (to prove to myself that I can, despite failing the previous two weeks):
Love Is Blindness (U2),
Justice (Cockburn), and
The Way (Scalzo).
Highlight: I succeeded.
Review: “I like your Phantom of the Opera cap.” - 2 women at 2 separate times.
The Heroes Unleashed event at The Brick: June 30/24
I sang:
Best Day of My Life (Barnett/Shelley/Sanchez/Rublin/Goodman/Accetta),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Wonderful Tonight (Clapton),
Superman's Song (Roberts),
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Arthur TV Theme (Henderson/de Villiers),
Put a Little Love In Your Heart (De Shannon/Holiday/Myers),
I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (Cook/Greenaway/Backer/Davis), and Stand By Me (King/Lieber/Stoller).
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: June 27/24
My theme was more "Day" songs:
Ruby Tuesday (Jagger/Richards),
That'll Be the Day (Holly), and another attempt at
The Way (Scalzo).
Highlight: We were on the patio. Better sound and atmosphere!
Lowlight: I still couldn't get the harmonica part right for The Way.
Another highlight was Cassidy taking a picture of David (Boy Roland) and me with an old-timey disposable camera. I can't show it here, because she'll have to take it to Film Factory & wait for a week.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: June 20/24
My theme was "Day":
A Hard Day's Night (Lennon/McCartney),
A Routine Day (Woloschuk), and
The Best Day of My Life (Barnett/Shelley/Sanchez/Rublin/Goodman
Highlight: Guy from Wisconsin pictured below with my guitar, said I had a great voice. Really?
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: June 13/24
My theme was love:
Put a Little Love in Your Heart (De Shannon/Holiday/Myers),
I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (Cook/Greenaway/Backer/
Davis), and
Wonderful Tonight (Clapton) by request for my brother visiting from Waterloo.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: June 6/24
I didn't have a theme:
The Way (Salzo),
Superman's Song (Roberts),
Complicated, (Lavigne/Christy/Spock/Edwards), and
Theme From Arthur (Henderson/de Villiers).
Highlights: The Ken Song by John's niece!
Two finales!!
"Tour" With Pope John Paul 2nd School Choir: June 3/24
We performed at Pioneer Ridge Senior Home, and St. Martin's School.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: May 30/24
I sang:
St. James' Infirmary, Bob From Nunavut (Pepper), my Three Little Birds from Babylon Medley, and I’m Too Old (For the NHL) (Pepper). Later I sang With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: I love that song. (A Little Help). - Zach
The Alzheimer's Society Walk For Memories: May 25/24
I sang (accompanied by Barb M on flute):
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger)
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
I'm Into Something Good (Goffin/King)
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) (Reid/Reid),
Those Were the Days (Raskin), and
The Hockey Song (Connors).
Review: "Here, have some pizza."
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: May 23/24
For Bob's birthday (the next day) I sang his song Señor.
Then I asked myself, "What would Bob want me to do?" Answer: sing my own songs.
So then I sang Acadia Dry, and Free Stanley.
Highlight: August leading sing-a-long "Part of Your World".
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer with Adrian: May 17/24
My theme was happy songs:
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
We're Off You Know (Klaatu),
Oxen & Wheelbarrows (Pepper), and
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney)
Photo by Sterling Finlayson:
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: May 9/24
I sang all-Dylan, all with harp (in 2 sets):
I Shall Be Released, Every Grain of Sand, Clothes Line Saga,
Highlights: The return of Stu, the return of Shan.
Review: "It's always nice to hear you perform." - Sara the Poet. Aw, shucks. Thanks.
Photo by Shan
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: May 2/24
My theme was Beer/Whisky:
Wasn't That a Party? (Paxton),
Beer Glorious Beer/Here's to Good Ol' Whisky (Trad.?), and
Tubthumping (Chumbawumba) accompanied by Kris.
Review: I liked your harmonica playing. - Paul (keyboardist in a group that played that night).
Sulkko Memorial Service at Gathering Table: Apr. 27/24
I was honoured to be asked to lead the music, mostly 60's folk songs:
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
Blowin' In the Wind (Dylan),
Amazing Grace (Newton),
Anthem (Cohen), and
We Shall Overcome (Ridley/Seeger).
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Apr. 18/24
My theme was "days gone by". I sang:
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Delta Dawn (Larry Collins/Alex Harvey), and
Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin).
Review: "That last one was fun!" - Mitch or Bernie or Matteo, I forget which.
Highlight: Nanaimo squares brought by Kris!!!
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Apr. 11/24
I sang three songs by Bruce Cockburn:
The Whole Night Sky,
All the Ways I Want You, and
Love Loves You Too.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Apr. 4/24
I sang Leonard Cohen songs:
Tower of Song,
Everybody Knows, and
Bird on the Wire.
Review: "Good performance." - Bobby
Highlight: Being called onstage by Rose to play harmonica on a jazzy song from the 30s. Diatonic C harp over C E7 A7 D7 G7, causing me to fear I'd hit clunkers over the accidentals. Just keep moving and it works.
Elizabeth Rex, play-reading at Cambrian Players: Mar. 30/24
I provided pre-show & interval music for Cambrian Players' Green Room reading of Elizabeth Rex. Songs are "Trad." unless otherwise stated:
Scarborough Fair,
Greensleeves (Henricus Rex VIII?),
Sigh! No More Ladies! (Shakespeare),
Tiny Sparrow,
How Should I Your True Love Know? (Shakspere),
Where the Bee Sucks (Shaksper/Pepper),
When That I Was And a Little Tiny Boy (Shakp),
A Soalin',
Barbara Allen, and
Flout 'Em And Scout 'Em (Shakspear/Pepper).
FWIW I now have a tidy little set of Elizabethan-ish songs I can perform at your next Renaissance Party.
Manitoba Pioneer Camp Spring Celebration: Mar. 14 -16/24
Thu. Mar. 14 at St. Pierre Bible Fellowship I led In Christ Alone, and the next day at a similar event at Crossroads Mennonite Brethren Church in Winnipeg during the offering I sang U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, accompanying myself on the director's nylon string guitar.
Open Mic at Poetry Night at Branch 5 Legion: Sat. Mar. 9/24
I sang my original song Don't Be Afraid.
Review: "That song was just what I needed." - young lady who was very nervous about reading her poetry publicly.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Mar. 07/24
My theme was making songs count:
Count On Me (Mars),
All Together Now (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
1234 (Feist/Seltmann).
Bernie let me do one more. So I closed with One (U2).
Review: "Good set list." - guy at the bar. "You sounded fabulous!" - Zach's friend.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 29/24
My theme was "I Want You". I sang:
I Want You (Dylan),
I Want You Back (Gordy/Perren/Mizell/Richards), and
All I Want Is You (U2), closing with a fumbled instrumental quote from I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "I like your Homer Simpson jersey." -- several people.
This was the night that we had an early closing so that a young man could be taken home by his caregivers. He insisted on staying until it was over. So Bernie went from table to table and let us all know, he'd announce it was over, so they could take him home. Then we'd start again. However, John was singing at the time, and so he didn't get the memo, and was quite surprised.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 22/24
My theme was ... I forget:
I Forgot to Remember to Forget (Kesler/Feathers),
Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone (Frew/Reid/Vallance), and
Don’t You Forget About Me (Forsey/Schiff)
Review: "Great job, sir." - a guy who didn't look that much younger than me.
Note: I forgot the tune to the first song, on purpose, of course. ;)
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 16/24
My theme was "Call on, lean on, stand by me":
Lean On Me (Withers),
You've Got a Friend (Carole King), and
Stand By Me (Leo Robin, Ralph Rainger).
Review: "That was rad." - a guy at the bar.
Pancake (Shrove) Tuesday With Gathering Table: Feb. 13/24
I sang:
The Way (Scalzo),
All-Star (Camp),
The Big Bang Theory (BNL),
Video Killed the Radio Star (Horn/Downes/Woolley),
Friends Theme (Willis/Crane/Kauffman/Solem/Wilde/Jay)/Smelly Cat (Chase/Borns/Kudrow),
Lean On Me (Withers), and
Stand By Me (Leo Robin/Ralph Rainger).
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Creatore/Weiss)
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
Bird On the Wire (Cohen),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele), and
I'm Into Something Good (Goffin/King).
My theme was songs of dissatisfaction in E (major or minor)*:
Satisfaction (Jagger/Richards),
Rocking In the Free World (Young), and
We're Not Gonna Take It (Snyder).
* joined by Bernie on the cajón.
Highlight (for me): Sam playing Ghost Riders In the Sky.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Jan. 25/24
I sang:
My Old Friend the Blues (Earle),
I'm Into Something Good (Mann/Weill),
Doo Wah Diddy Doesn't Remind Me of Anything (Barry/Greenwich/Audioslave),
Video Killed the Radio Star (Horn/Downes/Woolley), and
Always Look On the Bright Side of Life (Idle).
Highlight: BGVs during Video Killed.
Also the fact that I knew 3 young people there from their times with me at 3 different summer camps.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Jan. 11/24
My theme was (mostly) basic finger-picking:
Don't Let Me Down (LENNON/McCartney),
Superman's Song (Roberts),
Monsters In the Sky (Pepper), and
Now and Then (Lennon).
Review: "You killed it." - random young guy (he might have been drunk).
Thu. Jan. 4/24: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang:
Piggies (Harrison),
Now and Then (Lennon)*,
Christmas Vacation (Mann, Weil)**,
TV Show "Arthur" Theme (Henderson/de Villiers), and
The Urban Spaceman (Innes).
* I usually do oldies, but this is a recent #1 !!
** At its end, I quoted Cousin Eddie, but no one seemed to get it
Tue. Dec. 19/23: Advent Mass For Pope John Paul II School at St. Pat's Cathedral
Taken by the school photographer from approximately where I stand to accompany the choir.
Thu. Dec. 14/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was Christmas:
Christmas Is All Around Me (from Love Actually),
It's Christmas At Ground Zero (Yankovic), and
The 12 Days of Christmas (McKenzie version).
Review: Not much applause for ... Ground Zero. Perhaps they were actually listening to the words.
Now I know why the McKenzies say their 12 Days ranks up there with Stairway to Heaven. They are both so freakin' long!
Thu. Nov. 9/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was Remembrance:
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Justice (Cockburn),
Rosie the Riveter (Evans/Loeb), and
Peace On Earth (U2).
This was taken by Shan R. who tried to get a good shot of me, and then gave up.
Thu. Nov. 9/23: Remembrance Day Service at Pope John Paul II School
I play guitar for the Pope John Paul II Senior Elementary School. For this service we did
O Canada,
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
You've Got a Friend (King),
Count On Me (Mars),
Rosie the Riveter (Evans/Loeb), and
If I Had a Hammer (Seeger etc.).
Thu. Nov. 2/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was Clowns:
Send In the Clowns (Sondheim),
Mr. Tambourine Man (Dylan),
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (LENNON/McCartney),
I'll Be There For You (Willis/Crane/Kauffman/Solem/Wilde/Jay)*,
Three Little Birds/Rivers of Babylon (Marley/Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton), and
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Review: "Thank you for letting me use your music stand." - Zoe of Kyle & Zoe.
*In Memoriam Matthew Perry
Thu. Oct. 26/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was spooky/magical things:
Scooby-Doo/Buffy Themes Medley,
Love Potion #9/The Witch Doctor (Lieber/Stoller/Bagdasarian), and
Werewolves of London (Zevon/Marinell/Wachtel).
Review: "Your spooky tunes were awesome." - a young woman.
Highlights: When the crowd actually recognized my "campfire" version of "Buffy".
Shan & Sterling duets.
Thu. Oct. 19/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
Again my theme was songs we used to sing in the LU Agora from the little brown book(pictured):
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Leaving On a Jet Plane (Denver), and
Sunshine On My Shoulders (Denver/Kniss/Taylor).
Leaving... sounded good when John and Kris were singing along.
Thu. Oct. 12/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was songs we used to sing in LU Agora in the 70s from a little brown book:
Rich Man's Spiritual (Lightfoot),
Mr. Bojangles (Walker), and
Grandma's Feather Bed (Connor).
Review: "Great job" -- youngish couple as they were leaving.
Thu. Oct. 5/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang songs from the White Album ("The Beatles"):
I Will (Paul),
Revolution #9 (Excerpt) (John, some George & Yoko),
Rocky Raccoon (Paul),
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill* (John),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Paul, intro by John).
* A masterpiece up there with Strawberry Fields and Imagine.
I was going to be bring a copy of The White Album, but I showed them a picture instead.
Thu. Sept. 28/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang some originals:
Hurting Song,
Peter Hart,
Bob From Nunavut, and
I'm Too Old (For the NHL).
Review: "Good show, man!" - some relatively young guy when I was on my way to get my free beverage.
Highlights: Bernie invited me to play harp in his set.
I invited myself to play harp in John's set (Copperhead Road),
Two harp players (Shan and myself) in the finale, and
"Blu Lemon", an instrumental blues/jazz/rock group.
Thu. Sept. 21/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang:
My Back Pages (Dylan),
Wild Horses (Jagger/Richards),
Superman's Song (Roberts), and
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Review re. Superman's Song: "Any dummy can play that song." (No one said this, but someone should have.)
Thu. Sept. 7/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
There were not many performers, and so Bernie allowed me to sing six songs, out of desperation:
Seventy-Six Trombones (Willson),
Over the Rainbow (Harburg/Arlen),
The Light of the World (Schwartz/Schwartz),
This Wheel's On Fire (Dylan/Danko),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney), and
Norwegian Wood (LENNON/McCartney).
Highlights: Frank who actually knows how to play harmonica,
Sat. Sept. 3/23: Campfire at the Tonkens House
I came straight from improv (after 2100h), partway through the jam.
I sang:
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss),
Three Little Birds/Rivers of Babylon (Marley/Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton), and
Threw It All Away (Dylan).
Photo by Sterling before I arrived:
Highlight (for me): During the Lion/Babylon medley, John beside me was holding down the Reggae backbeat, and singing harmony, while Jules was drumming on the box, allowing me to really get into the singing.
Thu. Aug. 31/23: "Cheer's Open Mic" at Lakehead Beer
I sang:
Feed the Birds (Sherman/Sherman),
Edelweiss (Rodgers/Hammerstein), and
Every Grain of Sand (Dylan).
Thu. Aug. 24/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang 3 Dylan songs:
You Ain't Going Nowhere,
Make You Feel My Love, and
Forever Young.
Review: "That was dope." - a young lady in the audience re. my off-stage harmonica playing during Clay Breiland's set.
I believe dope is a good thing, that is, the word is.
Thu. Aug. 3/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I saw this "long-haired freaky person" actually paying attention as I sang. It turned out to be Stu MacLean whom I knew when he was a staff-kid at Camp Gitchigomee. He performed an impressive set, including two originals featuring finger-picking.
I sang 3 Dylan songs:
I'll Remember You,
All I Really Want to Do, and
Threw It All Away.
But then my cheat-notes were blowin' in the wind, and so I sang from memory
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele).
Highlights: Stu.
Sat. July 15/23: Campfire at the Tonkens House
I sang:
The Witch Doctor (Seville),
Count On Me (Mars),
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Dylan), and
Three Little Birds/Rivers of Babylon (Marley/
Thu. July 6/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was originals:
Blowtorch Cat Blues,
Caffeine (parody),
Monsters in the Sky, and
Before Dawn.
Thu. June 29/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was originals:
Laughter Heard Through the Wall,
Underneath This Tree,
Bob From Nunavut, and
Don't Be Afraid.
Highlights: Bernie plays piano!
* Yes, you file it under O, not P.
Thu. June 22/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang (or attempted to):
Heart of Glass (Harry/Stein),
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (Michael),*
Karma Chameleon (O'Dowd/Hay/Craig/Moss/Pickett), and
Istanbul Not Constantinople (Kennedy/Simon).
* I did not "hit that high".
Highlight: The return of Matteo.
Thu. June 15/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang a medley of excerpts of songs (in D):
The Lion Sleeps Tonight,
Love Me Tender,
Don't Be Cruel,
Where Is Your Heart?,
If I Had a Hammer,
Bad Moon Rising, and
With a Little Help From My Friends.
Highlight: hug from drunk lady who bumped into me accidentally.
Thu. June 8/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I missed most of the event, as I was at Dress Rehearsal for the 10x10 Play Festival. However, they did let me play harmonica on the Finale (The Weight).
Unfortunately, I missed Katelin Middaugh's debut, but I was glad to have caught Tina Flack's set.
Thu. June 1/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was (mostly) folk songs (which are usually about death):
Danny Boy (Weatherly),
John Henry (Trad.),
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You* (Creatore/Weiss), and
St. James Infirmary (Trad.)
* by request, and with BGVs.
Sat. May 27/23: The Alzheimer's Society Walk For Memories at Prince Arthur's Landing
I sang:
If You Could Read My Mind (Lightfoot),
The End of the Line (The Traveling Wilburys),
Karma Chameleon (O'Down/Hay/Craig/Moss/Pickett),
Vincent (McLean),
Medley in D:
-- Three Little Birds (Marley),
-- By the Rivers of Babylon ((Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
-- What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
-- Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
-- Love Me Tender (Darby/Poulton),
-- The Lion Sleeps Tonight (The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss),
-- All I Want Is You (U2)
-- With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney).
Thu. May 25/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
Because of Bob's birthday the day before, I sang all Dylan:
Love Minus Zero/No Limit,
In the Summer Time,
Subterranean Homesick Blues,
I'll Remember You,
Absolutely Sweet Marie,
Simple Twist of Fate, and
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.
Sat. May 20/23: Open Mic Gang's Campfire at the Tonkens House
I sang:
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan),
Echo Beach (Gane), and
The End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys).
Highlight: AMPW singing "Flowers".
Thu. May 18/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was The Traveling Wilburys (who are mostly dead):
Handle With Care,
Tweeter and the Monkey Man, and
The End of the Line.
I was also invited to use my new harmonicas on "I Shall Be Released" by two hairy guys with guitars, and the Finale "The Weight" (E and A respectively).
Highlight: harmonicas that are not flat.
Thu. May 11/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was sad songs:
If You Could Read My Mind (Lightfoot),
Softly Every Day (Pepper), and
Vincent (McLean).
Highlights: Bernie's anniversary song.
Thu. May 4/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was (mostly) Gordon Lightfoot songs:
Did She Mention My Name?,
Black Day in July, and
Rich Man's Spiritual.
2nd Set by "popular" request*:
In the Early Morning Rain, and
Puff the Magic Dragon (Lipton/Yarrow).
Review: *"We want Pepper!" -- Big John.
Photo by John P-W. "Richard in a nutshell":
Thu. Apr. 27/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang:
The Theme From Friends (Willis/Crane/Kauffman/Solem/Wilde/Jay),
Sweet Caroline (Diamond), and
Tubthumping (Chumbawumba).
Review: Half the room cleared out while I sang Sweet Caroline, including people I know.
Thu. Apr. 20/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang:
As Tears Go By (Jagger/Richards),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger), and
What a Wonderful World (Cooke).
2nd Set!!:
Her Majesty (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Bob From Nunavut (Pepper),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Edelweiss (Rodgers/Hammerstein), and
Que Sera Sera (Livingston/Evans).
I also joined in the Finale: The Weight on harmonica, which went better than I expected.
Review: "Ba ba ba ba." Andrea D. during Happy Together.
Thu. Apr. 13/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
I sang:
Smelly Cat (Chase/Borns/Kudrow),
Rock and Roll Song (Valdy),
We're Not Going to Take It (Snyder), and
Medley: Three Little Birds (Marley)/
Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton)/
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss).
Open Mic Tip: How to play 6 songs -- include a medley.
Sat. Apr. 8/23: Gathering Table Easter Vigil
I led the singing. We started outside the building & moved inside gradually turning on the lights as we entered. Then I took my place and led the songs.
Thu. Apr. 6/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was songs I sing at Senior Homes:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
I Can't Help Falling in Love With You (Creatore/Weiss), and
(believe it or not)
Satisfaction (Jagger/Richards).
Highlights: "The Jordanaires" sang along.
Olivia on violin.
My closing comment: Keith also plays his guitar out of tune.
Thu. Mar. 30/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was songs by Bruce Cockburn that I can actually play:
Anything Can Happen, and
Tie Me At the Crossroads When I Die.
Review: Hey, may I borrow your guitar? (See collage by Kris.)
Thu. Mar. 23/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was my birthday (later that week). I sang:
When I'm 64 (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Birthday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
In My Life (LENNON/McCartney).
Review: Nice job -- a guy passing by.
Thu. Mar. 9/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was songs by U2:
Love Is Blindness,
All I Want Is You, and
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.
Highlight: Sterling singing I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It.
Photo by Kris.
Sun. Mar. 5/23: Gathering Table Church Service
As substitute preacher for Gathering Table, I included two of my songs: The Man Who Died For You, and Micah 6:8.
Thu. Feb. 23/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was songs by Leonard Cohen:
Bird On the Wire,
Tower of Song,
So Long Marianne, and
Dance Me to the End of Love.
In honour of Leonard deigned to wear a Montreal jersey.
Tue. Feb. 21/23: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper For Gathering Table Church
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Brimhall/Weiss/Theile),
Que Sera Sera ( ),
Bird On the Wire (Cohen),
Anthem (Cohen),
Love Rescue Me (U2),
Put a Little Love in Your Heart (De Shannon/Holiday/Myers),
All You Need Is Love (LENNON/McCartney),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Tower of Song (Cohen).
Set 2:
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
The Big Bang Theory (BNL),
Norwegian Wood (LENNON/McCartney),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon), and Both Sides Now (Mitchell).
Review: No one "stood up and walked out on me".
Thu. Feb. 16/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was love:
Love Rescue Me (U2),
Put a Little Love in Your Heart (De Shannon/Holiday/Myers), and
All You Need Is Love (LENNON/McCartney),
Highlight: My Cheers Gang horn section during "All You Need Is Love".
Thu. Feb. 9/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was songs that are to make you laugh at me:
Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap),
Cowboy Lament (Pepper), and
(Always Look On) The Bright Side of Life (Idle).
Review: You look like Valdy - Bernie.
Thu. Feb. 2/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme this week was original Pepper songs:
Laughter Heard Through the Wall,
I'm Too Old (For the NHL), and
Don't Be Afraid.
Photo by Melissa's sister, Miranda of F#m during "Don't Be Afraid":
Jan. 19/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was the 90s:
In the Garage (Cuomo),
All-Star (Camp), and
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan).
Review: "Good set." - Matteo
Photos by KC Westfort.
Jan. 26/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was Beatles songs sung by Ringo:
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
I Wanna Be Your Man (Lennon/McCartney),
Don’t Pass Me By (Starkey), and
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "Great job." - Some guy who looked way younger than a Boomer.
Highlight: The return of John #1.
Photo by KC Westfort:
Jan. 12/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was hockey:
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Free Stanley (Pepper),
I Wanna Drive the Zamboni (Gear Daddies), and
Nobody Talks (Pepper).
Jan. 5/23: Open Mic at Lakehead Beer
My theme was TV:
Scooby-Dooby-Doo/Scooby-Scooby-Doo/Buffy Medley,
Hey Hey We're the Monkees! (Boyce/Hart),
The Big Bang Theory (BNL), and "Encore":
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney).
Highlight: The return of Kris's voice.
Lowlight: I flubbed the lyrics to Eight Days, but no one could hear me over all the screaming girls anyway.
Thu. Dec. 1/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang at Lakehead Beer Open Mic Night
I sang:
Caffeine (parody of JJ Cale's Cocaine),
Blowtorch Cat Blues (Pepper),
Bob From Nunavut (Pepper), and Clothes Line Saga (Bob).
My theme was Blues in E.
Highlight: Return to live open mic.
Tue. Nov. 22/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam
I sang:
Motorpsycho Nitemare - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
You're So Vain (Simon),
Joy to the World (Axton),
I Heard It Through the Grapevine (Whitfield/Strong),
Taking Care of Business (Bachman), and Big Wind (Terry/McGhee).
Tue. Nov. 8/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam
I sang:
Subterranean Homesick Blues* - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Werewolves of London (Zevon/Marinell/Wachtel),
(Ghost) Riders in the Sky (Stan Jones),
Karma Chameleon (O'Dowd/Hay/Craig/Moss/Pickett),
El Condor Pasa (Simon), and You Are the Light of the World (Schwartz).
*I might have fumbled some of the words.
Sat. Sept. 17/22: Alzheimer's Society Duck Race* at Trowbridge Falls
* no race due to high/fast water; so the winning ducks were just drawn.
I sang:
A Hard Day's Night (Lennon/McCartney) with Jim 'n' I*,
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Put a Little Love in Your Heart (De Shannon/Holiday/Myers),
Scooby Doo/Buffy Medley,
Hey Hey We're the Monkees (Boyce/Hart),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
Blowin' in the Wind (Dylan), and What a Wonderful World (Brimhall/Weiss/Theile).
Review: No one "stood up and walked out on me".
* or with Jim 'n' Me if you prefer to be grammatically correct.
Mon. Sept. 12/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang (2 of us) Campfire
I sang:
Open the Door, Homer* - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
The Phony King of England (Harris),
Let It Rain (Clapton/Bramlett),
Peter Hart (Pepper),
Underneath This Tree (Pepper),
Refugee (Petty/Campbell),
Empty Places (Pepper), and There Goes a Cigar Smoking a Man (Gary S. Paxton).
*Dylan & The Band actually sing "Richard", not "Homer".
Highlight: Kris sang several of her own early songs, which I've never heard before.
Pic by Kris.
Mon., Sept. 5/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire
I sang:
Tell Me That It Isn't True - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
9 to 5 (Parton),
Back in the USSR (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Charles Badger Clark),
We Shall Overcome (Tindley/Seeger), and Good Night (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: A string broke during "Back in the USSR". A sign?
Vid by Kris.
Mon. Aug. 29/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire Sans Fire
I sang:
You Ain't Going Nowhere - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
In the Summertime - another even-lesser-known Bob song,
I Wanna Be Your Man (Lennon/McCartney),
Rocking in the Free World (Young), and Satisfaction (Jagger/Richards).
Review: "Here. Have some cucumbers." - Kris (Thank you.)
Photo by Kris (obviously):
Sun. July 24/22: for Gathering Table (Camp Sunday)
For some reason the video starts partway throug the opening song, and then ends halfway through the service.
I led:
Pre-Service: The Steadfast Love of the LORD (Daniel) -- not seen,
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High (Founds),
Jesus Loves Me (alt.) (Warner),
Man Gave Names to All the Animals (Dylan) -- not seen,
You Are My All in All (Jernigan) -- not seen, and
Day Is Done (Horace Lorenzo Trim) -- not seen.
Tue. July 12/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire
I sang:
Just Like Tom Thumb Blues - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Called Me Back (Cockburn),
Get Back (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
My Old Friend the Blues (Earle),
I'll Remember You (Dylan), and The Safety Dance (Doroschuk).
And at some point I sang Blueberry Hill (Domino).
Highlight: First-time performance by a new participant.
Sun. July 10/22: Song-Leading for Gathering Table
Tue., July 5/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire
I sang:
Do Right To Me, Baby - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Strength (The Alarm),
Complicated (Lavigne),
Congratulations (DYLAN/Harrison/Lynne/Orbison/Petty),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon), and Feed the Birds (Sherman/Sherman).
Mon., June 20/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire
I sang:
What Was It You Wanted? - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
I Will Survive (Fekaris/Pemen),
Cal(i)purina Dreamin' (Pepper Parody),
Best Day of My Life (Barnett/Shelley/Sanchez/Rublin/Goodman/Accetta),
Helter Skelter (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
As Tears Go By (Jagger/Richards).
Review: "Woo woo woo" - Kris, during Best Day of My Life.
Performer pix from vid by Kris. I took the one of the audience.
Thu., June 16/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire
I sang:
Tombstone Blues - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Sweet Caroline (Diamond),
True Colours (Steinberg/Kelly), and Hava Nagila (Trad.).
Highlight: Four Bob songs were sung: Tombstone Blues, Down Along the Cove, Forever Young, and Wagon Wheel (the chorus).
Sat. June 11/22: Wedding of Melissa (Tempelman) and Michael Hinsperger @ Urban Abbey
I was honoured to accompany Austen Finlay in Lean On Me (Withers), and Maranda Dumas in
I Get to Love You (Ruelle).
Photo by Greg Ribotto.
Mon., June 6/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire
I sang:
Shelter From the Storm - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Que Sera Sera (Livingston/Evans),
Ring of Fire (Carter/Kilgore),
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),
Three Little Birds/The Rivers of Babylon (Marley/Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
Handle With Care (Harrison/Dylan/Petty/Lynne/Orbison), and Hallelujah (Cohen).
Highlight: Ice cream sammiches!!
Photo by Kris Tonkens:
Wed., May 11/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam ... on the Back Deck!!
I sang:
Everything Is Broken - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors (Moxy Fruvous),
Purple Haze (Hendrix),
Down on the Corner (Fogerty), and
So Long Marianne (Cohen).
Highlight: Mushroom tacos by Kris!!
Thu., Apr. 28/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam
I sang:
Lenny Bruce - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Beds Are Burning (Garrett/Moginie/Hirst),
You Can't Always Get What You Want (Jagger/Richards), and
Goodnight Irene (Ledbetter).
Highlight: Choir voices on the keyboards during YCAGWYW.
Thu., Apr. 21/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam:
I sang:
All Along the Watchtower - this week's well-known Bob song, often misattributed to Jimi.
Wonderful Tonight (Clapton),
A Routine Day (Woloschuk), and The Drinking Song (Moxy Fruvous).
Highlight: "What song is this?" - SF (You had to be there.)
Sun. April 10/22: Song-Leading for Gathering Table's Palm Sunday:
Guitar is sometimes too loud.
Wed. Apr. 6/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam
I sang:
I Don't Believe You - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Unchained (Johnstone),
Caldonia (Jordan),
Wasn't That a Party! (Paxton), and Bright Side of Life (Idle).
Thu. Mar. 31/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam
I sang:
Heart of Mine - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
When the Night Feels My Song (Malinowski/Pengelly/Sinclair), and
Lean on Me (Withers).
Highlight: When John 2 Rick-rolled us.
Thu. Mar. 24/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam
I sang:
Heart of MineWith God On Our Side - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
Heart of MineI Never Cry (Cooper),
Heart of MinePeggy Sue (Holly),
Heart of MineSpiders and Snakes (Stafford), and Doin' It Right (Powder Blues Band).
Highlight: Wings and pizza thanks to KC!!
Tue. Mar. 8/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Jam
I sang:
It Takes a Lot to Laugh; It Takes a Train to Cry (Dylan),
We're Off You Know (Woloschuk/Long),
The End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys), and You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (LENNON/McCartney).
Wed., Feb. 2/22: Cheer's Gang On-Line Open Mic
I sang:
Pledging My Time - this week’s lesser known Bob song,
Love Is Blindness (U2),
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go (Michael),
Speak Softly Love (Kusik/Rosa), and Farewell to Nova Scotia (Trad.).
Highlight: John Jr. played all his songs on the kalimba.
Tue., Jan. 25/22: Cheer's Open Mic Gang On-Line Jam
I sang:
Cold (Pepper),
Flip Flop and Fly (Turner),
The Wanderer (Maresca),
Things Have Changed - This week’s lesser known Bob song, and
Love Rescue Me (U2).
Tue., Jan. 18/22: The Cheer’s Gang Back on-Line Again Open Mic
I sang:
One (U2),
Love Stinks (Geils),
As Tears Go By (Jagger/Richards), and Hwy 61 Revisited (Dylan).
Tip: At an open mic, remember to “open” your mic.
Sun., Jan. 2/22: Lessons and Carols at Gathering Table
I sang the carols, accompanying myself on guitar.
Wed., Dec. 22/21: Alzheimers Society Christmas Social on Zoom
I sang:
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (Trad.),
Jingle Bell Rock (Lanning/Beale/Boothe),
The Christmas Song (Torme),
White Christmas (Berlin),
I'll Be Home For Christmas (Gannon/Kent/Ram),
Stille Nacht/Silent Night (Mohr/Grueber),
The Little Drummer Boy (Orante/Simeone),
Please Come Home For Christmas (Brown),
Blue Christmas (Hayes/Johnson),
Cantique de Noel (De Roquemaure/Dwight/Adam),*
Good King Wenceslas (Svoboda/Neale/Trad.),*
Deck the Halls (Trad.),
Angels We Have Heard On High (Trad.),
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Brooks/Redner),
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane), and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Me a Figgy Pudding (Trad.).
* by request.
Review: "Fantastic" (Someone in the Zoom chat).
I had fun, but I did not get any figgy pudding.Then it began to rain.
Tue. Dec. 14/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Indoor Distanced Campfire Jam Sans Campfire
I sang:
Must Be Santa (Moore/Fredericks),
Surfing Safari (Wilson),
The One After 909 (Lennon/McCartney),
The Christmas Song (Torme), and
I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day (Longfellow/Marks).
Highlight: Jules' drumming on Dance Monkey.
Tue. Dec. 14/21: Pope John Paul II School's Advent Play
I played guitar for these recording sessions over a period of lunch hours at Pope John Paul II School
If the video doesn't work, try here.
Tue. Dec. 7/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Indoor Distanced Campfire Jam Sans Campfire
I sang:
Christmas at Ground Zero (Yankovic),
Please Come Home For Christmas (Brown),
Little Drummer Boy (Orante/Simeone),
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth (Gardner), and
Handle With Care (Traveling Wilburys).
Highlight: Pizza and wings provided by KC!!
Mon., Nov. 29/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Indoor Distanced Campfire Jam Sans Campfire
I sang:
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Easter (my parody of Willson),
White Christmas (Berlin),
Handle With Care (Traveling Wilburys), and
Farewell Shanty (Holdstock/MacLeod).
Highlight: Kris's son, J. on the drums. Handle With Care became a real jam.
Mon., Nov. 22/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Indoor Distanced Campfire Jam Sans Campfire
I sang:
Man of Peace (Dylan) - this week's lesser known Bob song,
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
Born to Be Wild (Bonfire), and Close Every Door (Webber).
Highlight: Sourdough bread from Kris's brother-in-law!!
Photo by Kris:
Nov. 17 - 21/21: Cambrian Players' Production of Treasure Island by Bryony Lavery
As Blind Pew I led the singing of Farewell Shanty (Dick Holdstock and Allan MacLeod), and played guitar for the Curtain Call: Rio Grande.
Photo by Matt Goertz:
Tue., Oct. 26/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Campfire Jam
I sang (originals only):
Bob From Nunavut - Not a song by Bob, but about a Bob.
'69 - '74,
Acadia Dry, and
Highlight: Cheer's Crew tshirts!! and people laughed at the right places in '69 - '74.
Sat. Oct. 23/21: Farewell to Porters at Suttons'
I sang a few songs that George and Nancy like:
Anthem (Cohen),
Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn), and
I Want Jesus to Walk With Me (Trad.).
No Bob songs.
Wed., Oct. 20/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Campfire Jam
I sang:
Apple Suckling Tree/Froggy Went A-Courtin' (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
Rasputin (Farian/Reyam/Jay),
Echo Beach (Gane),
Bird On a Wire (Cohen), and
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Highlight: My fingers didn't freeze and fall off.
Mon., Oct. 11/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Campfire Jam
I sang:
Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
Video Killed the Radio Star (Horn/Downes/Woolley),
One More Minute (Yankovic),
The Fool on the Hill (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Top of the World (Carpenter/Bettis), and
Threw It All Away (Dylan).
Highlight: John joining in with the doo wop BGVs for One More Minute, as I knew he would.
Mon., Oct. 4/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Campfire Jam
I sang:
In the Garden (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
Put a Little Love In Your Heart (De Shannon/Holiday/Myers),
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Mercury),
Not Your Stepping Stone (Boyce/Hart),
Softly Every Day (Pepper),
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes (Pepper), and
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Highlight: Indestructible Dollarama marshmallows.
Mon., Sept. 27/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Campfire Jam
I sang:
You're Going to Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
A Certain Love (Terry Taylor),
Norwegian Wood (LENNON/McCartney),
Blowtorch Cat Blues (Pepper), and
King of the Road (Miller).
Wed., Sept. 22/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Campfire Jam
I sang:
Simple Twist of Fate (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
All the Way Home (Spinal Tap),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Wade in the Water (Trad.),
Mayfly Mush (Pepper), and
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly (Pepper).
Review: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - (neighbour's lawn mower).
Mon., Sept. 6/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Campfire Jam
I sang Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Harbach/Kern),
Political World* (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, and We're Not Gonna Take It (Snider).
Then it began to rain.
* 11 stanzas; 1 chord.
A still from the vid Sterling took of WNGTI:
Mon., Aug. 30/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang Tweeter and the Monkey Man (Dylan/Traveling Wilburys) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
Can't Buy Me Love (Lennon/McCartney),
Each One Lost (Cockburn),
A Blessing in Disguise (Lost Dogs), and Three Little Birds/Rivers of Babylon (Marley/Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton).
Review: "That was morbid." (re. "Each One Lost") -- everyone else.
Photos by Kris:
Mon., Aug. 23/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell), and Don't Be Afraid (Pepper).
Review: "Good tune." (re. Eight Days)
Photo by Kris:
Sat., Aug. 21/21: The Transparencies Perform at DBC 75th Reunion
Today the Transparencies (Darren "Shroom" Foulds on drums, Robin Harbron on bass, & yours truly) performed at Dorion Bible Camp, as part of their 7th Anniversary outdoor celebration. We did the same set twice (songs written by me unless otherwise noted):
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
The Christian Beaver,
Mayfly Mush,
THE Day in the Life of a Mayfly,
Your Clothes, They Need A-Changin',
I Will Put My Faith in You,
Medley of Monty Songs in D (various), and The Camp Song (Parks, Mouland, Claman).
Review: "I like your self-deprecating humour." - Charles Snell. (I was actually trying to deprecate Shroom!)
Mon., Aug. 16/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang Where Teardrops Fall (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
Love Potion Witch Doctor (Johnson/Alexander),
Satisfaction (Jagger/Richards),
Peter Hart (Pepper),
Wasn't That a Party (Paxton), and May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose (Merritt).
Personal Highlight: Satisfaction Sing-a-long.
Photo by Kris:
Mon., Aug. 9/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang Every Grain of Sand (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song,
Nobody's Fault But Mine (Johnson/Alexander),
Do You Want to Know a Secret? (Lennon/McCartney),
40 (Ps. 40/U2),
Feed the Birds (Sherman/Sherman),
At This Moment (Vera), and We Shall Overcome (Tindley/Seeger).
Personal Highlight: "Peaches" (The POTUSA) by John 2.
Photo by Kris:
"Commodores Are Dumb"
(recorded Feb. 2017)
Click here.
Make You Feel My Love.
Highlights: The return of Matteo,
A viola !,
John sang wedding song for Keri's birthday, despite the distraction of a strange guy who wanted to get up & jam with him.
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
The Way (Salzo).
Lowlights: I forgot to capo for The Way, and so my harmonica was the wrong key. I left my music binder behind.
Another highlight: Today a PSW at Pioneer Ridge said she'd heard my song Free Stanley at open mic a while back, and really liked it! Wow. I didn't think people were listening!
Lowlight: I spilled my beer.
One Too Many Mornings, and Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.
Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 8/24
New stage lights!
Frank, a harp player who blows me away.
Various other new-to-me performers whose names I've forgotten.
The little boy who wanted to be part of every act, starting with John.
A one-eyed dog on their way to Toronto to start their own CBC show (apparently,
The return of Sterling, and
Jules on drums (making his Mom cry).
Debut of Jules and Maeve,
The young couple who sang oldies (including Dylan) with finger-picking,
Matteo had me play harmonica on Handle With Care,
Matteo's rendition of Oh, Pretty Woman*, and
Two harmonicists (see photo) on The Weight.
One guy started clapping partway through, presumably meaning "This is great! Keep on singing!"
"Nice medley" - Bernie
Jenn's first time on-stage at this venue.
Lowlight: Kris, our leader, had lost her voice.
Mon., Aug. 2/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang Gonna Change My Way of Thinking (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Laughter Heard Through the Wall (Pepper), Edelweiss (Rodgers & Hammerstein), For No One (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), Count On Me (Mars), and Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell).
Highlight: Ice cream! (hypothetically).
Fri. July 30/21: Victoria Inn
I performed with the Cheer's Open Mic gang for kids/youth from Poplar Hill FN.
I sang (assisted by Kris) Down By the Bay, Little Cabin in the Woods, On Top of Spaghetti, Baby Shark, and Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney).
Along with the Two Johns and Kris & Kid J, I jammed along with various pop songs including:
Crazy (Barkley), Umbrella (Rihanna), Shallow (Gaga/Cooper), Old Town Road (Lil Nas X), I'm a Believer (Diamond), All-Star (Smashmouth), Blank Space (Swift), Photograph (Sheeran), Grenade (Mars), Wrecking Ball (Cyrus), Shotgun (Ezra), Dance Monkey (Tones & I), Let It Go, and How Far I'll Go.
Review: "Do you know the Drowning song?" - little girl.
Anyone know what this might be?!
Mon., July 26/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang Doo Wah Diddy Doesn't Remind Me of Anything (Barry/Greenwich/Audioslave), and Somewhere Over the Rainbow ( Arlen/Harburg ) -- cut short due to rain!
No lesser-known Bob Song this week.
Wed., July 14/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
Lo and Behold (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Fixing a Hole (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger (Trad.), The Poker Faced Gambler (Lady Gaga/RedOne/Schlitz), Before Dawn (Pepper), Ruby Tuesday (Richards), and Route 66 (Troup).
Review: "That was a long song!" - Sterling left to buy coffee, as I started Fixing, and returned during Wayfaring Stranger, both in Dm.
Tues., July 6/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang Clothes Line Saga (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, The Big Bang Theory (BNL), Oh! Darling (MCCARTNEY), and If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger).
Review: Everyone seemed to like "Clothes Line Saga", a quirky talking-blues description of a family, who do not particularly care that the Vice President has gone mad, as they are busy doing laundry.
Fri., July 2/21:Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Distanced Jam
I sang Clean Cut Kid (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Justice (Cockburn), Motherless Child (Trad.), Walking on Sunshine (Rew), and The Good Ol' DRE (Pepper).
Tues., June 22/21:Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Fewer Than 10, Distanced Jam
I sang One Too Many Mornings (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Rosie the Riveter (Evans/Loeb), You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (LENNON/McCartney), The Hippopotamus Song - Mud, Mud (Flanders/Swann), and Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport (Harris).
Review: "Noice." - re. "... Kangaroo" - what I wish Kris had said.
Tues., June 15/21: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Outdoor Fewer Than 10 Distanced Jam
I sang Close Every Door (Rice/Lloyd Webber), Jokerman (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, I'm Into Something Good (Goffin/King), Haleluya (Oshrat) - winner of Eurovision 1979, Handle With Care (Harrison/Lynne/Dylan/Orbison/Petty), and Across the Universe (LENNON/McCartney).
Review: "I like that song." - re. "... Something Good", Kris's Mum, who was gardening & dancing in the background.
Tues.,June 8/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang In the Summertime (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Where No One Stands Alone (Lister), Penny Lane (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and You Can Hold Only What You Let Go (Pepper).
Review: "Nice" - Kris re. "YCHOWYLG".
Tues., June 1/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang Birthday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), You're a Big Girl Now (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Snowbird (MacLellan), Would They Love Him Down In Shreveport? (Braddock), and Acadia Dry (Pepper).
Review: Thumbs up. - John 2 re. Would They Love Him?.
Tues., May 25/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang When the Night Comes Falling From the Sky (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Painted Ladies (Ian Thomas), Here, There, and Everywhere (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and Love Makes Me Barf! (Pepper).
Review: "You've been holding out on us." - Kris re. "Love Makes Me Barf".
Tues., May 18/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang Tiny Montgomery (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Some Enchanted Evening (Rodgers/Hammerstein), Dedicated Follower of Fashion (Davies), and Ain't No Cure For Love (Cohen).
Review: "You butchered my song." - The Ghost of Leonard Cohen.
Tues., May 11/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang I Believe in You (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Manic Monday (Prince) - yes, Prince wrote it, Seventy-Six Trombones (Willson), I'm So Tired (LENNON/McCartney), and Country Gospel Song (Pepper).
Review: "Good job!” - Sterling (aka Hairless Glabella) re. "I'm So Tired".
Tues., May 4/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang Odds and Ends (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song, Eleanor Rigby (Lennon/McCartney), Down By the Riverside (Trad.), and Shalom Chaverim (Trad.).
Reviews: "Amen!” - John 1 re. "Down By the Riverside". .................“L’chaim!” - John 2 re. "Shalom Chaverim".
Tues., Apr. 27/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang Silvio (Dylan) - This week's lesser-known Bob Song -, John Henry (Trad.), and Time Tears Us Apart (Pepper).
Review: "That was awesome." - KC (re. Silvio)
Tues., Apr. 20/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-line
I sang Love Potion/Witch Doctor (Lieber/Stoller/Seville), Get the Jab (Parody by Pepper), and I and I (Dylan).
Tues., Apr. 13/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-Line
I sang Senor (Tales of Yankee Power) (Dylan), Before Dawn (Pepper), Swing Low/Swing Down Sweet Chariot (Trad.), and If It Be Your Will (Cohen).
Tues., Apr. 6/21: Cheer's Open Mic On-Line
Tech issues were solved, and the Cheer's Open Mic Gang met virtually.
I sang Maggie's Farm (Dylan), When I'm 64 (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), The Big Rock Candy Mountains (McClintock), Anthem (Cohen), and Abide With Me (Lyte/Monk)/Taps.
Tues. Mar. 30, 2021: Cheer's Virtual Jam
I sang Maggie's Farm (Dylan), When I'm 64 (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), The Big Rock Candy Mountains (McClintock), Anthem (Cohen), and Abide With Me (Lyte/Monk)/Taps (Trad.).
Review: "I was singing along with every word." - Emily re. "When I'm Sixty-Four".
Photo by Kris Tonkens.
Tues. Mar. 30, 2021: Cheer's Virtual Jam
I sang Sgt. Pepper's LHCB (& Reprise): Lennon/McCartney, Ballad of a Thin Man (Dylan), and Wayfaring Stranger (Trad.).
Graphic by Kris Tonkens.
Tues. Mar. 23, 2021: Cheer's Virtual Jam
For the first time we had a virtual Cheer's Open Mic night.
I sang I Wanna Be Your Man (Lennon/McCartney), You Got to Move (Trad.), We Shall Overcome (Tindley/Seeger), In My Life (LENNON/McCartney), and Absolutely Sweet Marie (Dylan).
Review: "Good song." (re. You Got to Move)
Dorion Bible Camp Songs Home Recordings
Six years ago I began recording Dorion Bible Camp songs (the "card" songs). Recently with "Stay at Home", I've begun catching up.
Fri., Feb. 5/21: Pioneer Camp Coffee House
Via Zoom I participated in the annual Pioneer Camp Manitoba Winter Coffee House. The theme for the evening was "boats" and so my contribution was a sort of sea shanty: Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirate Chorus", previously recorded for the Cheer's Open Mic Gang Quarantunes.
Tue., Jan. 12, 2021: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
Note that this was outdoors (where 10 are allowed, but we had only four, plus one dog), and we kept our distance from each other.
Note that this was outdoors with fewer than ten, and we kept our distance from each other. However, next week will be "stay at home".
I sang 40 (U2), I Want You (Dylan), Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney), Is Your Love In Vain? (Dylan), Kum Bay Yah (Trad.), and Caffeine (my parody of JJ Cale's "Cocaine").
And of course I joined in the finale: Country Roads (Denver).
Tue., Jan. 5, 2021: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
Note that this was outdoors (where 10 are allowed, but we had only four, plus one dog), and we kept our distance from each other.
I sang The Christian Beaver (Pepper), I Can't Help Falling in Love With You (Creatore/Weiss), The PFC of DBC (Pepper), Wade in the Water (Trad.), and I Threw It All Away (Dylan).
And of course I joined in the finale: Country Roads (Denver).
And then I played the Buffy TVS Theme (Nerfherder).
Review: "I regret that." (re. Buffy). - Sterling (I'm still not sure what he meant.)
Tue., Dec. 22, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
Please note that this jam as all the others below in the Green, Yellow, or Orange stages followed the Covid protocols (big space, distancing, fewer than 10, sometimes fewer than 5, hand san, pre & post cleaning of the room).
I sang Snoopy's Christmas (Weiss/Creatore/Peretti),
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (Marks),
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane),
Stille Nacht/Silent Night (Mohr/Grueber),
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Marks),
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn),
Coventry Carol (Trad.), and
Jingle Bell Rock (Lanning/Beal/Boothe).
Group Jams: Happy Xmas/War Is Over (Lennon/Ono), and Country Roads (Denver).
Well, because all 4 of us did Winter/Christmas songs, they were pretty much all jams.
Tue., Dec. 15, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
I sang
Christmas Is All Around (Reg Presley/Curtis),
Man in the Long Black Coat (Dylan),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney),
All I Want Is You (U2),
"Campfire: Version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme (Nerfherder),
All I Really Want to Do (Dylan), and
Gabriel's Message (Trad.).
Group Jams: Happy Xmas/War Is Over (Lennon/Ono), and Country Roads (Denver).
Dec. 12/20: Jam With Friends
Not really a gig, just a jam session in Urban Abbey's basement with Brian Dunn, Darren Foulds, Robin Harbron, and Tim Lappala.
I led us in the following:
Man in the Long Black Coat (Dylan),
What Do You Think of Me, Jesus? (Pepper), and
Laughter Heard Through the Wall (Pepper).
This was also a late birthday party for Brian (and his new grandson).
Review: "Shut up and play the song!" -- Shroom.
Tue., Dec. 8, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
The Fortieth Anniversary of John Lennon's death.
I sang
Strawberry Fields Forever (LENNON/McCartney),
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (Dylan),
Tower of Song (Cohen),
The Hockey Song (Connors), and
Revolution (LENNON/McCartney).
Group Jams: The Stage (Tonkens), Happy Xmas/War Is Over (Lennon/Ono), and Country Roads (Denver).
Tue., Dec. 8, 2020: "Should I Stay Because of Snow?"
My contribution to the "Come Play With Me TBay" 12 Days Countdown to Christmas:
Tue., Dec. 1, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
I sang
Try to Remember (Schmidt/Jones),
Idiot Wind (Dylan), and
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney).
Group Jams: The Stage (Tonkens), Happy Xmas/War Is Over (Lennon/Ono), and Country Roads (Denver).
Tue., Nov. 24, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
I sang
Hotel Liverpool (Felder/Henley/Frey/Lennon/McCartney)
Kicks (Mann/Weil), and Dark Eyes (Dylan).
Closing Group Jams: Wagon Wheel (Dylan/Secor) and Country Roads (Denver).
I sang
ABBA medley [Take a Chance/Super Trouper/Money Money Money/Dancing Queen],
Hey Hey We're the Monkees (Boyce/Hart), and
Another Cup of Coffee (Dylan).
Closing Group Jams: Country Roads (Denver), Wagon Wheel (Dylan/Secor) and I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) (Reid/Reid).
Nov. 11, 2020: Remembrance Day "at" PJP2 School
I played guitar for a few of the singers at Pope John Paul II School for their Remembrance Day video, organized by Mrs. Cain:
Tue., Nov. 10, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
I sang
I and I (Dylan),
B.B. King Medley: The Thrill Is Gone (Hawkins/Darnell)/Darling, You Know I Love You (King/Bihari)/Please Accept My Love (Garlow),
Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap),
Tie a Yellow Ribbon (Levine/Brown),
Across the Universe (LENNON/McCartney), and Van Diemen's Land (U2).
And, of course, I joined in the finale: Country Roads (Denver).
Tue., Nov. 3, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
I sang
Wasn't That a Party! (Paxton),
Shot of Love (Dylan),
Integrity (Pepper),
Anything Can Happen (Cockburn), and
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney).
And, of course, I joined in the finale: Country Roads (Denver).
Tue., Oct. 27, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Gang at Kris's
I sang
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Dylan),
Little One (Pepper),
Born to Be Wild (Bonfire), and
I'll Remember You (Dylan).
I joined in the finales as well: The Weight (Robertson) and Country Roads (Denver).
Highlight: Little M toddling around stealing my hat and song sheets.
Tue., Oct. 13, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire at Kris's
I sang
Masters of War (Dylan),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner) (Pepper) (by request!), and
I Threw It All Away (Dylan).
However, I had to leave before the finale: Country Roads (Denver).
Fri., Oct. 9, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Campfire at Kris's
I sang
Black Day in July (Lightfoot),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
I'm Too Old For the NHL (Pepper),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn),
If I Had Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss), and
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan).
And, of course, I joined in the finale: Country Roads (Denver).
Highlight: Big strong wind and flame. No speaking in tongues, however, (though mentioned in one song).
Collage by Kris.
Wed., Sept. 30, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic @ Kris's
I performed
Tub-Thumping (Chumbawumba),
Anthem (Cohen),
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (LENNON/McCartney),
After Midnight (Cale), and
Laughter Heard Through the Wall (Pepper).
And, of course, I joined in the finale: Country Roads (Denver).
Wed., Sept. 23, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic @ Kris's House
Around Kris's campfire, I sang
Sugar Sugar (Barry/Kim),
Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Dylan),
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Good Enough For Now (Yankovic), and
Eve of Destruction (McGuire).
Highlight: Kris trying to set me on fire in revenge for knocking over her guitar.
... and pizza!
Wed., Sept. 16, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic @ Kris's House
Around Kris's campfire, I sang
Junk Food Junkie (Groce),
You May Be Right (Joel),
(with others) Come Together (LENNON/McCartney),
Three Little Birds/Rivers of Babylon (Marley/Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
Knocking on Heaven's Door (Dylan), and
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper).
I also joined in at the end with Summer of '69 (Vallance/Adams), and Country Roads (Denver).
Highlight: John's home-made beer explosion.
... and wings and doughnuts!
Wed., Sept. 9, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic @ Kris's House
Around Kris's campfire. Lots of chatting in between songs, and so I sang only three:
Eleanor Rigby (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (Kennedy/Simon), and my own
'69 - '74.
Instagram collage by ladyjonkens.
Wed., Aug. 26, 2020: Come Play With Me Campfire Stories
I sang The True and Terrible Ballad of Evil Ed Gooch. At the end of the campfire I attempted to lead "Zoom Bay Yah".
Click here for a blog post with more pix and info.
This link might still take you to the Facebook video of the entire show. Ed Gooch starts around 26:24, and then I was asked to lead a non-rehearsed Kum Bay Yah at c. 2:05:00. Advance the cursor to locate these, if you wish.
Wed., Aug. 19, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic @ Kris's House
Another physically-distanced session in Kris's sun (rain) porch.
I sang
Another Brick in the Wall (Waters),
Black and White (Lambert/Potter),
The Safety Dance (Doroschuk),
That Thing You Do (Schlesinger),
Complicated (Lavigne),
Ruby Tuesday (Jagger/Richards),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), and
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney).
There were many other jams led by others, including
Copperhead Road (Earle), Brown-Eyed Girl and Into the Mystic (Morrison), and our usual finale:
Country Roads (Denver).
Collage by ladyjonkens (Kris).
Tue., Aug. 12, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic @ Kris's House
Some of the Cheer's Open Mic gang, after months of sharing songs on-line, met in person, physically distanced in Kris' screen-windowed porch.
I sang
One Tin Soldier (Lambert/Potter),
The Safety Dance (Doroschuk),
The Bright Side of Life (Idle), and then led jams of
Rocking in the Free World (Young),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash) with solos by Sterling, and
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon).
There were many other jams led by others, including
Lost Together (Cuddy/Keelor), and our usual finale:
Country Roads (Denver).
It was great to see/hear one another in person again!
Collage by ladyjonkens (Kris.
Sun., May 31, 2020: Alzheimer's Society [Virtual] Walk For Memories
I usually am one of the buskers along the route of the actual walk, but this year I was asked to submit a couple of videos.
I repurposed a couple of my Quarantune Open Mic vids. Click on either of the photos below from the Thunder Bay A.S. page to be taken to a blog page with the videos.
Thu., May 14, 2020: Almost Lost in "Lost Together" Singalong
Click the picture for more info about my singing along with Greg Keelor, Jim Cuddy, and hundreds of fellow Canadians.
Tue., Nov. 17, 2020: Cheer's Open Mic Jam at Kris's
The video at The video on YouTube
Mar. 23, 2020 until ????: Cheer's Open Mic Crew On-Line During Isolation
Because of the need for social isolation, and physical distancing, the Tuesday Night Cheer's Open Mic Crew chose to post songs on-line. An artist or theme was chosen for each day, with Fridays being a day for originals or your own choice. I've not been able to post every day, but see my blog for an almost complete collection of my videos. Included are original songs, and covers, medleys, and mash-ups by artists such as The Beatles, BNL, The Eagles, Alanis Morissette, Bob Marley, Gilbert and Sullivan, John Willams, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Madonna, Spinal Tap, The Wonders, The Turtles, Peter Paul and Mary, Barry McGuire, Bruce Cockburn, Flanders & Swann, Bill Haley, Neil Young, Smashmouth, Buffalo Springfield, Leonard Cohen, and Abba.
A blog post of most of the videos
Or go straight to Youtube:
Tue., Mar. 10, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I performed three songs on piano: The Marines Hymn, A Little Waltz I Wrote in High School and my contest-losing song Cold.
See how fast my hands are moving in this Instagram collage by @ladyjonkens (Kris Tonkens).
Fri., Mar. 6, 2020: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Route 66 (Troup),
You Won't See Me (Lennon/McCartney),
Bad Moon Rising (Fogerty),
Blue Suede Shoes (Perkins),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
You Can't Always Get What You Want (Jagger/Richards),
I'm Gonna Be (Reid),
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Mercury),
Fixing a Hole (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Wait (Lennon/McCartney),
I Need You (Harrison),
Old Man (Young),
I'll Cry Instead (Lennon/McCartney),
Dark Eyes (Dylan),
Hey Good Looking (Williams), and
P.S. I Love You (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "Do you want seconds?" - Megan, serving lunch.
Tue., Feb. 25, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic & Song-Writing Contest
Collage by Kris Tonkens
Congratulations to Emily who was the well-deserved winner of the Cheer's Song-Writing Contest on Tuesday. I played my entry Cold on the piano!
As part of the Open Mic I sang my songs Bob From Nunavut, Acadia Dry, Free Stanley, and (by request)
Nobody (and I mean Nobody) Talks During Coaches Corner.
Review: "You must have been told before that you sound like Randy Bachman." [!!!] - a patron *
Collage by Kris Tonkens
*or did he say Burton Cummings?
Fri., Feb. 21, 2020: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
Honestly (Sweet) - before guests arrived,
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
Four Strong Winds (Tyson),
Laughter Heard Through the Wall (Pepper),
The Blowtorch Cat Blues (Pepper),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Mothers of the Disappeared/40/Still Haven't Found (U2),
All I Want Is You (U2),
Old Man (Young),
Right Side of the Grass (Pepper),
Anything Could Happen (Cockburn),
Across the Universe (LENNON/McCartney),
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Dylan),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon), and
For What It's Worth (Stills).
Review: "That was awesome" - guest, after U2 medley.
Tue., Feb. 18, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Photo by Kris Tonkens
I sang
Laughter Heard Through the Wall (Pepper),
I'm Too Old (For the NHL) (Pepper),
Life Is Good (Pepper), and
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele).
Later I sang
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY). and
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY)
Later I sang
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
I Shall Be Released (Dylan),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen), and
Mothers of the Disappeared/40/Still Haven't Found... (U2).
Then Kris and I closed the evening with
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Country Roads (Denver).
Sat., Feb. 15, 2019: Open Mic Comedy Night & Weird Al Karaoke Night @ The Fastlane
I was asked to be the closer, and so I sang my
Sound Check Song,
Calpurnia Dreamin',
You're In Love (With Your Smart Phone), and
Bob From Nunavut.
Review - "Please scratch me behind my ears." - Karen*
- "Sing some Ed Sheeran" - Crystal**
* Carole's chihuahua
Tue., Feb. 11, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage by Kris Tonkens
I sang Lennon McCartney's
Eight Days a Week,
Yellow Submarine, and
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.
Later I sang my own
Bob From Nunavut,
Hurting Song, and (yes)
Love Makes Me Barf.
Review: "Me, too." - Emily (re. Loves Make Me Barf).
Collage by Kris Tonkens
Fri., Feb. 7, 2020: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Mothers of the Disappeared (U2),
Old Man (Young),
Laughter Heard Through the Wall (Pepper),
All I Really Want to Do (Dylan),
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (LENNON/McCartney),
And I Love Her (Lennon/McCartney),
Right Side of the Grass (Pepper),
Girl (LENNON/McCartney),
The Band Played On (Palmer/Ward),
The Sidewalks of New York (Blake/Lawlor),
In My Merry Oldsmobile (Bryan/Edwards),
Michelle (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
The Urban Spaceman (Innes),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
I Threw It All Away (Dylan),
Country Roads (Denver),
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaikowsky),
Leaving On a Jet Plane, and
Dark Eyes (Dylan).
Review: "Thanks for the John Denver songs." - Donna
Tue., Feb. 4, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage by Kris Tonkens
I sang from the 90s (the 1890s):
The Band Played On (Palmer/Ward),
The Sidewalks of New York (Blake/Lawlor), and
In My Merry Oldsmobile (Bryan/Edwards), and then my own
Right Side of the Grass.
Later I sang Lennon/McCartney's
Michelle, and
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, and
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (with "Hey"s by John & Larry in the crowd).
Review: "Good job with the Beatles songs. - Henry (whose parents were from Liverpool).
Collage by Kris Tonkens
Tue., Jan. 28, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage by Kris Tonkens
I sang Caffeine,
A (Relatively) True Story, and
Old Man (Young).
Later I sang 3 Dylan songs:
Every Grain of Sand,
Forever Young, and
Make You Feel My Love.
Review: "'Old Man' needs work." - me.
Collage by Kris Tonkens
Tue., Jan. 21, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage by Kris Tonkens
I sang
Acadia Dry,
Anglo Saxon, and
Right Side of the Grass.
Later I sang
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
I Threw It All Away (Dylan),
For No One (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Monsters in the Sky.
Finally I sang
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
All I Want Is You (U2), and
Across the Universe (LENNON/McCartney).
Review: "Whoo!" - someone in the crowd.
Tue., Jan. 14, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage by Kris Tonkens
I sang
Cowboy Lament (Pepper),
The Urban Spaceman (by the "recently late" Neil Innes), and
The Biggest Toy.
Later I sang
Before Dawn,
Mothers of the Disappeared (U2), and
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Fri., Jan. 10, 2020: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Mellow Yellow (Donovan),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
All I Really Want to Do (Dylan),
Mothers of the Disappeared (U2),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Norwegian Wood (LENNON/McCartney),
Integrity (Pepper),
All My Loving (Lennon/McCartney),
The Unicorn Song (Silverstein),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Strawberry Fields Forever (LENNON/McCartney),
I Threw It All Away (Dylan),
One More Cup of Coffee (Dylan),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Tower of Song (Cohen), and
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Review: Applause for each Beatles' song by one particular guest.
Lyrics video of my E.P. of some of my oldest songs (recently recorded).
Tue., Jan. 7, 2020: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage by Kris Tonkens
I sang
You're In Love (With Your Smart Phone) (Pepper),
I'm Too Old For the NHL (Pepper), and
Tower of Song (Cohen).
I didn't stay long because I was getting sick, and I ached in the places where I used to play.
Tue., Dec. 24, 2019: Christmas Eve at Gathering Table
I sang Bruce Cockburn's
Cry of a Tiny Babe. (In this picture I am actually singing a stanza of the self-contradictory
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence).
Mon., Dec. 23, 2019: Surprise Mini Concert in Wal*Mart
At the Sally Anne kettle, Don was taking a break, and invited me to use his guitar. I played
Deck the Halls,
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,
Joy to the World,
Silent Night, and
Jingle Bells.
Sat., Dec. 21, 2019: Open Mic Comedy Night & Variety Show @ The Fastlane
I sang
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Easter and my parody of
Let It Go. I know the tune to the latter was "approximate" -- so as to avoid trouble with those scary Disney lawyers. ;)
Review: "It's time for Karaoke!!!!" (while I sang).
Fri., Dec. 20, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Willson),
Angels From the Realms of Glory (Montgomery/Smart),
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Longfellow/Marks),
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (Marks),
Angels We Have Heard on High (Trad.),
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (Trad.),
Winter Wonderland (Bernard/Smith),
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Geisel/Hague),
White Christmas (Berlin),
Snoopy's Christmas (Gernhard/Holler),
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
The Angel Gabriel (Baring-Gould/Trad.),
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn),
Deck the Halls (Trad.),
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (Lennon/Ono),
Silent Night (Mohr/Grueber),
The Christmas Song (Torme/Wells),
I'll Be Home For Christmas (Gannon/Kent/Ram),
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane), and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (during the opening prayers).
Review: �Very nice.� - guest.
Tue., Dec. 17, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang my parodies:
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Easter,
Let It Grow, and
Check the Malls, followed by
Don't Be Afraid.
Later I sang
It's a Wonderful World (Thiele/Weiss),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn), and
When I'm Sixty-Four (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Then I joined Kris in
Happy Xmas/War Is Over (Lennon/Ono),
I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas (John Rox),
Silent Night (Mohr/Grueber),
Auld Lang Syne (Burns), and
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane).
Review: "You have a wonderful voice." - Stan (to Kris).
Tue., Dec. 10, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
Bob From Nunavut,
Give It 110%, and my mashup of
Should I Stay or Should I Go? with
Let It Snow.
Review: "Hey, remember that week you sang all those Beatles songs? That was good. :) " - K.C.
Fri., Dec. 6, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Edelweiss (Rodgers/Hammerstein),
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Don't Let Me Down (LENNON/McCartney),
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn),
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Coots/Gillespie),
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Marks),
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Willson),
Jolly Old St. Nicholas (Trad.),
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (Marks),
Frosty the Snowman (Rollins/Nelson),
The Christmas Song (Torme/Wells),
Christmas in Killarney (Welden, Cavanaugh, Redmond),
A Holly Jolly Christmas (Marks),
The Little Drummer Boy (Davis/Onorate/Simeone),
Silver Bells (Livingston/Evans),
Silent Night (Mohr/Grueber),
O Holy Night (De Roquemaure/Dwight/Adam), and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (during the opening prayers).
Review: "Happy Holidays." - Guest.
Tue., Dec. 3, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
The Blowtorch Cat Blues, and
NOBODY Talks During Coaches Corner (with epilogue). Later I sang Lennon/McCartney's
Things We Said Today, and
I Will, and joined in (on harmonica) the finale:
Country Roads (Denver).
Review: "You didn't write that Coaches Corner song, did you?" - Steve.
Tue., Nov. 26, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang 3 Dylan songs:
When the Ship Comes In,
This Wheel's On Fire, and
Make You Feel My Love. I also sang (with much harmony from the crowd) Lennon/McCartney's
With a Little Help From My Friends, and
Fri., Nov. 22, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang (hoarsely, and with a lot of on-the-fly transposing)
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Tower of Song (Cohen),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Little Sister (Pomus/Shuman),
King of the Road (Miller),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
Don't Think Twice (It's Alright) (Dylan),
You Ain't Going Nowhere (Dylan),
Knocking on Heaven's Door (Dylan),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
For No One (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell), and
Love Rescue Me (U2).
Review: "That's a good song." - Guest (re. Folsom).
Tue., Nov. 19, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I wasn't able to sing, as my voice hadn't recovered yet from my cold, but I did join Kris and her dad, Ian (visiting from Oakville) on harmonica for a couple of songs.
Fri., Nov. 8, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Despite a horrible cold, I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
(Tuned down half a step)
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash) (in Eb!!),
Love Me Tender (Darby/Poulton),
I Shall Be Released (Dylan),
King of the Road (Miller),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Where Is Your Heart (Engvick/Auric),
Blowin' in the Wind (Dylan),
Girl (LENNON/McCartney),
You've Got a Friend (King),
Three Little Birds (Marley), and
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton).
Tue., Oct. 29, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
My Sound Check Song,
Bob From Nunavut,
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner),
You're In Love (With Your Smart Phone),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney), and
Girl (Lennon/McCartney).
Later I sang:
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For* (U2),
The Blowtorch Cat Blues,
Norwegian Wood (LENNON/McCartney),
'69 - '74,
Let It Be* (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Country Roads* (Denver).
* along with Kris.
Review: "You did an awesome job." - Hipster Dude
Fri., Oct. 25, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Deep Calls to Deep (Sister Estelle White),
Norwegian Wood (LENNON/McCartney),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
You've Got a Friend (King),
When I'm 64 (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Where Is Your Heart? (Engvick/Auric),
I'm Into Something Good (Goffin/King),
Black Fly (Hemsworth),
I Saw Her Standing There (Lennon/McCartney),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Michelle (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
You Can't Always Get What You Want (Jagger/Richards),
This Wheel's on Fire (Dylan/Danko),
Here There and Everywhere (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Handle With Care (Traveling Wilburys),
Strawberry Fields Forever (LENNON/McCartney),
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen), and
And I Love Her (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "You did a good job." - Guest
Tue., Oct. 22, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner),
Black Fly (Hemsworth), and my new
Closing Song. Later I sang three Beatles' songs sung &/or written by Ringo Starr:
With a Little Help From My Friends,
Octopus's Garden, and
Yellow Submarine -- and finally
There's a Tavern/Beer Barrel Polka for Stan.
Tue., Oct. 15, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
I'm Too Old (For the NHL),
You're in Love With Your Smart Phone, and
Nobody Talks During Coaches Corner. Then I sang three Beatles' songs:
Across the Universe,
Norwegian Wood, and
Yesterday. Finally I sang a U2 Medley:
I Still Haven't Found..., and
All I Want is You.
Review: I could hear the choir in your voice. - KCDC (during Across the Universe? The Phil Spector Wall of Sound?)
Fri., Oct. 11, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Count on Me (Mars),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Norwegian Wood (LENNON/McCartney),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Penny Lane (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Put a Little Love in Your Heart (Holiday/Myers/de Shannon),
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney),
Country Roads (Denver), and
Only You (And You Alone) (Buck Ram).
Tue., Oct. 8, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
Free Stanley, and
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner). Then I sang some Lennon/McCartney:
I�ve Just Seen a Face,
Things We Said Today, and
I Will for John because he likes them, but he wasn�t there.
Not THAT John.
Sat., Oct. 5, 2019: Comedy Open Mic @ the Fastlane
I sang
Sound Check Song,
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner), and
Free Stanley.
Review: one of the women in the bachelorette party laughed the first time I sang the line �Don't ever talk during Coaches Corner".
Tue., Oct. 1, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap),
When First My Old Old Love (Gilbert & Sullivan), and
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner).
Later I sang
Bob From Nunavut,
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Strawberry Fields Forever (LENNON/McCartney).
I also joined in the closing jam on
The Weight, and a song by Audioslave.
Review: "I liked the Beatles songs." - John
Tue., Sept. 24, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
Laughter Heard Through the Wall,
I'm Too Old (For the NHL), and
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner) with audience handclaps.
Later I sang
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen), and
Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn). I joined Kris for the final singalong of
Country Roads (Denver).
Sun. Sept. 22, 2019
From my Richard Pepper Myoozishun Facebook page:
"So, last night I was at The Fastlane, singing Caffeine as part of the Weird Al Karaoke night. This morning I was at the West Thunder Community Centre leading Give Me Oil in My Lamp, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, This Little Light of Mine etc. for St. Thomas' Anglican Church."
Tue., Sept. 17, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang
Pillow Fighting Champ,
Your Clothes They Need a Changin�,
Mayfly Mush, and
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly; and then
Calpurnia Dreaming, and
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner).
Tue., Sept. 10, 2019: "The Tokes on You" Show at Trixxx Lounge (not a strip club!)
I performed:
Sound Check Song,
You're in Love (With Your Smart Phone),
Bob From Nunavut,
Free Stanley, and
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner).
Review - "I enjoyed that." - Megan's Mum, Cheryl.
- "We want you to be our future kids' honorary grandpa, the singing grandpa." (Eep!) -Dylan Jay Williamson.
Tue., Sept. 3, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage from Instagram by @ladyjonkens
I sang
Hurting Song,
Bob From Nunavut, and
Cowboy Lament.
Encore (requested):
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner).
Review - "I should write a song about baseball." (RP)
Tue., Aug. 27, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage from Instagram by @ladyjonkens
I sang
The Blowtorch Cat Blues, and
You�re In Love (With Your Smart Phone); and then
What Do You Think of Me, Jesus?, and
Don't Be Afraid.
I also joined in the closing jam of
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles), and
Country Roads.
Review: [thumbs up] - Joe.
Tue., Aug. 20, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Collage by Kris Tonkens: ladyjonkens on Instagram.
After a 2 week hiatus, I returned to sing at Cheer's Open Mic:
Mothers of the Disappeared (U2), and my own
Salome, and
Tue., July 2, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Mike joins Graeme on "It Hasn't Hit Me Yet" (Blue Rodeo).
I sang The Hockey Song (Connors),
Free Stanley,
Nobody Talks, and
Bob From Nunavut. Then I sang
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
Hallelujah (Cohen), and
I'll Remember You (Dylan). I also joined in on guitar in
House of the Rising Sun and
Crazy, and on harmonica on
Stand By Me.
Review: "Nice set" - American guy.
Tue., June 25, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Caffeine,
You're In Love (With Your Smart Phone),
and Nobody Talks, then
Blowtorch Cat Blues,
Hurting Song,
May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose (Merritt),
and Underneath This Tree, then
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger), and
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn). I joined in the final
Country Roads (Denver) jam on harmonica.
Review: Fist bump from Marvin.
Tue., June 18, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
Due to pneumonia my voice is still very scratchy and so last night at Cheer's Open Mic I performed a medley on my harmonica, Beethoven's 9th on harmonica, and a gravelly Bird on a Wire (Cohen).
Tue., June 4, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I jammed with Dana & others on House of the Rising Sun, then I croaked through Rocky Raccoon (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), A (Relatively) True Song, and Nobody Talks.
Reviews: "You sound awful." - Dana. (I had a cold which later developed into pneumonia.)
Sat., May 25, 2019: Folk'n Sat. Afternoon at The Foundry�
Dana Swarbrick kindly invited me to start her second set with my song Nobody Talks. Then I handed her guitar back to her before anyone else could leave.
Sat., May 25, 2019: Alzheimer's Society Walk For Memories @ Marina Park�
As one of the buskers, I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Knocking on Heaven's Door (Dylan) (a bit grim perhaps),
The Big Bang Theory (BNL), Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney), and then I jammed (on harmonica) with Jim 'n' I*, and Larry Dustin.
* Not "Jim 'n' me" as it would be normally (as the object of the preposition "with"), because that is their group name.
Fri., May 24, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch�
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Knocking on Heaven's Door* (Dylan),
Tiny Montgomery (Dylan),
Do You Want to Know a Secret? (Lennon/McCartney),
The Big Bang Theory* (Bare Naked Ladies),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss),
40 (U2),
Can't Buy Me Love (Lennon/McCartney),
And I Love Her (Lennon/McCartney),
All-Star (Greg Camp),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
You're a Big Girl Now* (Dylan),
Tie a Yellow Ribbon (Levine/Brown),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen), and
Penny Lane (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
* with harmonica.
Review: "You sing nice." - guest (after I'd botched All-Star).
Tue., May 21, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I performed The Big Bang Theory (BNL), The Ballad of Ed Gooch, Nobody Talks, and Knocking on Heaven's Door (Dylan), then Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), Oh! Darling (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and '69 - '74.
Review: Good songs, buddy. - Sterling F.
Tue., May 14, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I performed Nobody Talks, Anglo Saxon, Caffeine, and Beethoven�s 9th on Hands-Free Harmonica.
Tue., May 7, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I performed my Sound Check Song, Ageing Stones bit (don�t die, Mick!), Don�t Think Twice (Dylan), Life Is Good, Nobody Talks, and Free Stanley, then Caffeine, Hurting Song, You�re In Love, and (by request) Bob From Nunavut.
Review: I love that song about Newfoundland!
I also jammed on 3 songs with Dana.
Tue., April 30, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Taxman (Harrison), Life is Good, and Nobody Talks, then Caffeine, Free Stanley, and Little One.
Review: "I love this song." (re. Nobody Talks) - someone who, I think, may not have been born yet when I wrote it.
Dana, Kelsey, Stu, and Chris doin' a little Country Roads.
Fri., April 26, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch�
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y)
(sung to a screaming baby),
Count on Me (Mars),
My Back Pages (Dylan),
Don't Think Twice (It's Alright) (Dylan),
We Can Work It Out (Lennon/McCartney),
I and I (Dylan), and
Something (Harrison).
Review: "Wow, it sure emptied out quick." - a guest.
Tue., April 23, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang my Sound Check Song, You're in Love With Your Smart Phone, Scooby Doo, Nobody Talks, What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele), then My Sound Check Song Again, The Blowtorch Cat Blues, my Saturday Night Parody medley, and St. James Infirmary (Trad.).
Tue., April 16, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
That's my shoulder at the bottom right.
I sang Caffeine, Bob From Nunavut, and Nobody Talks.
Then I joined in a group sing-a-long of The Weight (and added bad harmonica).
Lastly I sang Hurting Song, Cowboy Lament, and I'm (Obviously) Too Old For the NHL.
Review: Local comedian Ken Horton laughed at the right places (mostly).
Photo by Megan Geddert.
Fri., April 12, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Mellow Yellow (Donovan),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
Stand By Me (King/Leiber/Stoller),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Every Grain of Sand (Dylan),
All I Want Is You (U2),
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
Hurting Song (Pepper),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Penny Lane (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
P.S. I Love You (Lennon/McCartney),
All My Loving (Lennon/McCartney),
Michelle (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon).
Review: "Why are you wearing that Tampa Bay jersey?" - a client.
Tue., April 9, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang my Sound Check Song, Hurting Song, Free Stanley, and Nobody Talks.
Highlight: Hallelujah (Cohen) sung by Denise K-K and the Applauze choir!
Tue., April 2, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Blowtorch Cat Blues,
Nobody Talks, Country Gospel Song o' Death, Monsters in the Sky, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney), You're In Love, and Don't Be Afraid.
Tue., Mar. 27, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Nobody Talks, You're In Love... and Caffeine, and then 3 songs by Zimmy: I'll Remember You, Make You Feel My Love, and One More Cup of Coffee.
Fri., Mar. 22, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Do You Want to Know a Secret? (Lennon/McCartney),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Here, There and Everywhere (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Handle With Care (The Traveling Wilburys),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
What Do You Think of Me, Jesus? (Pepper),
Stand By Me (King/Leiber/Stoller),
Chimes of Freedom (Dylan),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
Count on Me (Mars),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da(Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Hallelujah (Cohen), and
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn).
Review: "I love Noel Coward songs: Hallelujah etc." - one of the kitchen helpers.
Tue., Mar. 19, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Nobody Talks, My Aging Stones Medley,
Cowboy Lament, and Calpurnia Dreaming.
And then '69 - '74, Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn), What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Theile), and Benediction.
Tue., Mar. 12, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Blowtorch Cat Blues, Nobody Talks, and my new Aging Stones Medley.
Then Cal(i)purnia Dreaming, Country Gospel Song (o' Death), Commercial Song, and You're in Love (With Your Smart Phone).
Then Chris, Graham, Megan, and I played Stand By Me and Three Little Birds/Rivers of Babylon.
Later I sang Caffeine, In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes, '69 - '74, Benediction, and my new A Minor Song.
Review: "Great songs -- but you gotta do something about that f---ing Leafs jersey." - Marvin
Fri., Mar. 8, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Windy (Friedman),
Stand By Me (King/Leiber/Stoller),
House of the Rising Sun (Trad.),
Dark Eyes (Dylan),
In the Garden (Dylan),
Hallelujah (Cohen), (during Lent!!)
I've Got a Feeling (Lennon/McCartney),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Those Were the Days (Raskin),
What Do You Think of Me, Jesus? (Pepper),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn), and
Forever Young (Dylan).
Review: "Thank you for the music." - some Swedish guy.
Tue., Mar. 5, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Sound Check Song, Free Stanley, and Nobody Talks, then Sound Check Waltz, Caffeine, Country Gospel Song (o' Death), and Don't Be Afraid.
Review: "Let's hear it for Richard and his music stand." - Dana
Tue., Feb. 26, 2019: Cheer's The Village Pub Open Mic
I sang Sound Check Song, You're in Love, The Blowtorch Cat Blues, Caffeine, then Cowboy Lament, Commercial Song, Bob From Nunavut.
Then all the musicians had a blues jam. Finally I sang Free Stanley and Monsters in the Sky.
Review: "Thanks for bringing the music stand." - Dana
Fri., Feb. 22, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
Love Me Tender (Darby/Poulton),
Where Is Your Heart? (Engvick/Auric),
Count on Me (Mars),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Do You Want to Know a Secret? (Lennon/McCartney),
Tie a Yellow Ribbon (Levine/Brown),
Windy (Friedman),
Here, There and Everywhere (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
I'm a Believer (Diamond) (for Peter Tork),
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaikovsky),
I and I (Dylan),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
Yummy Yummy Yummy (Resnick/Levine),
Michelle (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Mr. Tambourine Man (Dylan), and
Bird on a Wire (Cohen).
Review: "What I could hear sounded good." - Heather (who does play guitar FWIW).
Fri., Feb. 6, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Do You Want to Know a Secret? (Lennon/McCartney),
I and I (Dylan),
Integrity (Pepper),
Handle With Care (Traveling Wilburys),
Tower of Song (Cohen),
Here, There and Everywhere (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
All I Really Want to Do (Dylan),
Clean Cut Kid (Dylan),
Tie a Yellow Ribbon (Levine/Brown),
I've Got a Feeling (Lennon/McCartney),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
Stand By Me (King/Leiber/Stoller),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
Where Is Your Heart? (Engvick/Auric),
Love in Vain (Dylan),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Oh! Darling (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Review: "Here. Have a free head of lettuce."
Fri., Jan. 25, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Edelweiss (Rogers/Hammerstein),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
You Ain't Going Nowhere (Dylan),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
I've Got a Feeling (Lennon/McCartney),
Cat's in the Cradle (Chapin),
Count on Me (Mars),
Love Me Tender (Darby/Poulton),
Stand By Me (King/Leiber/Stoller),
Blowin' in the Wind (Dylan),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
Little Sister (Pomus/Shuman),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Where Is Your Heart? (Engvick/Auric),
Got to Get You Into My Life (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell), and
Four Strong Winds (Tyson).
Review: "Were you playing the blues?" (Yes) - Someone watching me noodle during announcements.
Fri., Jan. 11, 2019: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Some Kind of Wonderful (Ellison),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
Love Me Tender (Darby/Poulton),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Stand By Me (King/Leiber/Stoller),
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away(LENNON/McCartney),
All-Star (Greg Camp),
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Where Is Your Heart? (Engvick/Auric),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
I've Just Seen a Face (I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon), and
The House of the Rising Sun(Trad.).
Review: "...wonderful..." - Someone singing along with one of the first 3 songs.
Fri., Dec. 21, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Brooks/Redner),
O Christmas Tree,
Winter Wonderland (Bernard/Smith),
Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home)(Greenwich/Barry/Spector),
Snoopy's Christmas (The Royal Guardsmen),
Mele Kalikimaka (Anderson),
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,
Christmas at Ground Zero (Yankovic),
Deck the Halls,
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (Marks),
What Child Is This?
White Christmas (Berlin),
All I Want For Christmas (Gardner),
Ding Dong Merrily On High (Woodward/Arbeau),
Feliz Navidad (Feliciano),
The Angel Gabriel,
O Holy Night/Minuit Chretiens (Dwight/Roquemaure/Adam),
Old Toy Trains (Miller),
Here Comes Santa Claus (Autry/Haldeman),
The Christmas Song (Torme/Wells),
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane),
Silent Night/Stille Nacht (Mohr/Grueber),and
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Marks).
If no songwriter is listed, then it's by that fella named Trad.
Review: Guest: "Gracias por la m�sica. Vaya con Dios."
Fri., Dec. 7, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang Go Tell It on the Mountain,
Blue Christmas (Hayes/Johnson),
Angels We Have Heard on High,
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn),
Jingle Bells (Pierpont),
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen,
The Christmas Song (Torme/Wells),
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (Lennon/Ono),
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Longfellow/Marks),
Deck the Halls,
Mary's Boy Child (Hairston),
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Marks),
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Coots/Gillespie),
I'll Be Home For Christmas (Gannon/Kent/Ram),
Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Wesley/Mendelssohn),
Jolly Old St. Nicholas,
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Willson),
Joy to the World (Watts/Mason),
In the Bleak Midwinter (Rossetti/Holst),
Jingle Bell Rock (Lanning/Beal/Boothe),
A Holly Jolly Christmas (Marks),
Silent Night/Stille Nacht (Mohr/Grueber),
O Holy Night/Minuit Chretiens (Dwight/Roquemaure/Adam),
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane), and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
If no songwriter is listed, then it's by that fella named Trad.
Review: "Beautiful music." (Same review [or request] as last year)
Fri., Nov. 23, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Stand By Me (King/Leiber/Stoller),
Born To Be Wild (Mars Bonfire),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss),
Some Kind of Wonderful (Ellison),
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan),
All-Star (Greg Camp),
Count on Me (Mars),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
My Old Friend the Blues (Earle),
Got to Get You Into My Life (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Where Is Your Heart? (Engvick/Auric),
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Dylan),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
The House of the Rising Sun(Trad.),
Four Strong Winds (Tyson),
A Hard Day's Night (Lennon/McCartney),
Octopus's Garden (Starkey),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn), and
All I Want Is You (U2).
Review: There were no complaints.
Fri., Nov. 9, 2018: Remembrance Day Service at Pope John Paul II School
Sat., Oct. 13, 2018: 10x10 Play Festival Writing Workshop at Urban Abbey
As one of the exercises, I wrote and premiered The Blowtorch Cat Blues.
Fri., Oct. 12, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Edelweiss (Rodgers/Hammerstein),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam, McNaughton),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.)
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Don't Think Twice It's Alright (Dylan),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
At This Moment (Vera),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Where Is Your Heart? (Engvick/Auric),
Little Sister (Pomus/Shuman),
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
This Wheel's On Fire (Dylan),
I Shall Be Released (Dylan),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
You Ain't Going Nowhere (Dylan).
Review: "I like that one [I'm a Believer] by the Monkees." - a guest.
Sun. July 29, 2018: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
I sang What Do You Think of Me Jesus?.
Review: "When you play a chord and sing a note, it lands right on the chord." - Dan Whatley.
Mon. July 16, 2018: R.S.V.P at West Thunder Rec Centre
I sang my new(ish) songs The Biggest Toy and What Do You Think of Me Jesus?.
Review: "I really liked your sound check song." - Val Miller (professional musician).
Sat. May 26, 2018: The Alzheimer's Society Walk For Memories at Prince Arthur's Landing
During registration time I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss),
Edelweiss (Rodgers/Hammerstein),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
Mellow Yellow (Donovan),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Cowboy Lament (Pepper),
Bob From Nunavut (Pepper),
Caffeine (Parody of JJ Cale),
One More Cup of Coffee (Dylan),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
During the walk I busked by the path: Hallelujah (Cohen),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam, McNaughton),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap),
At This Moment (Vera),
Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss),
My Back Pages (Dylan), and
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
The order of songs is approximate.
Fri., May 18, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam, McNaughton),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
Mellow Yellow (Donovan),
Roads (Tolkien/Laws),
One More Cup of Coffee (Dylan),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Michelle (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Tie Me to the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
Can't Buy Me Love (Lennon/McCartney),
We Can Work It Out (Lennon/McCartney), and
Oh! Darling (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Review: "Thanks for the music." - Walter (who was out of the room the whole time).
Sat. May 5, 2018: Len & Diane Hartley's 50th Wedding Anniversary
I sang O Perfect Love (Gurney/Barnby), Come Share the Lord (Leech), Lamb of God, A Common Love (Brown), and Can't Help Falling in Love with You (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss).
Fri., Apr. 20, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Rivers of Babylon (Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton)
Those Were the Days (Raskin),
Tower of Song (Cohen),
Put a Little Love in Your Heart (Holiday/Myers/de Shannon),
Man of Peace (Dylan),
Every Grain of Sand (Dylan),
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (LENNON/McCartney),
Roads (Tolkien/Laws),
Tiny Montgomery (Dylan),
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Mercury),
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney),
Four Strong Winds (Tyson),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper), and
Annie's Song (Denver).
Review: "Sit down, and have something to eat!" - one of the regulars.
Fri., Apr. 6, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Girl (Lennon/McCartney),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
When I'm Sixty-Four (Lennon/McCartney),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Edelweiss (Rodgers/Hammerstein),
All I Want is You (U2),
My Back Pages (Dylan),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
A Hard Day's Night(Lennon/McCartney),
Little Sister (Pomus/Shuman), and
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "That was perfect!" - one of the guests.
(I guess I've arrived, and don't need to practise.)
Sun., Mar. 25, 2017: "Tolkien Reading Day" at Brodie Street Library
I sang That's What Bilbo Baggin Hates by JRR Tolkien and Maury Laws from the Rankin/Bass animated version of The Hobbit.
Photo by Lisa Klymenko
Sun., Mar. 25, 2018: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
Backed by Robin & Rianna Harbron for Lakehead Baptist's "special" music I sang a medley of two melodies: If You Cry and What Do You Want From Your Life?, songs I wrote in the early 80s.
Review: "I don't know if the old people liked that, but I did." - Dan Baxter.
"My daddy thought it was funny." - Dan's granddaughter.
Fri., Mar. 23, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Route 66 (Troup),
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Dylan),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
All My Loving (Lennon/McCartney),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Put Your Hand in the Hand (MacLellan),
Little Child (Lennon/McCartney),
Saving Grace (Dylan),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
King of the Road (Miller),
Man Gave Names to All the Animals (Dylan),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver),
El Shaddai (Thompson/Card),
A Hard Day's Night(Lennon/McCartney),
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
The Hockey Song (Connors).
Review: No one said anything bad.
Fri., Mar. 9, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
A Hard Day's Night(Lennon/McCartney),
I Need You (Harrison),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
Can't Help Falling in Love (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss),
You Ain't Going Nowhere (Dylan),
Revolution (LENNON/McCartney),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Blowing in the Wind (Dylan),
Threw It All Away (Dylan),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen), and
Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn).
(Break for Grilled Cheese)
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),and
Yesterday (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Review: "Good job. God bless you." - a client.
Fri., Feb. 9, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
Country Roads (Denver),
I Need You (Harrison),
A Hard Day's Night(Lennon/McCartney),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
All I Want Is You (U2),
Revolution (LENNON/McCartney),
Little Child (Lennon/McCartney),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon/Linda),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Cat's In the Cradle (Chapin),
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Penny Lane (Lennon/MCCARTNEY), and
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon).
Review: "Wonderful singing. Thank you. That was great." - a client, to me while my mouth was full.
Fri., Jan. 19, 2018: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
Feed the Birds (Sherman/Sherman),
Can't Help Falling in Love (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
All You Need Is Love (LENNON/McCartney),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
One More Cup of Coffee (Dylan),
When I'm Sixty Four (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Cat's In the Cradle (Chapin),
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Mercury),
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaikovsky),
Penny Lane (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
All I Want Is You (U2),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Follow Me (Denver),
Put Your Hand in the Hand (McLellan), and
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY).
Review: "Just beautiful." - Donna (re. "Hallelujah")
Sun., Dec. 24, 2017: St. Luke's Anglican 6PM Christmas Eve Service
I sang Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn) before the service, and various songs with the worship team during the service.
Fri., Dec. 22, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
Silver Bells (Livingston/Evans),
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Willson),
The Little Drummer Boy (Onorate/Simeone),
I'll Be Home For Christmas (Gannon/Kent/Ram),
Angels From the Realms of Glory (Montgomery),
O Christmas/O Tannenbaum (Anschuetz),
Deck the Halls (Trad.),
Do You Hear What I Hear? (Regney/Shayne),
Jingle Bell Rock (Lanning/Beal/Boothe),
White Christmas (Berlin),
Silent Night/Stille Nacht (Mohr/Grueber),
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane),
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (Lennon/Ono),
Christmas in Killarney (Weldon/Cavanaugh/Redmond),
Blue Christmas (Hayes/Johnson),
In the Bleak Midwinter (Rossetti/Holst),
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn),
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
Angels We Have Heard on High (Trad.),
Mele Kalikimaka (Anderson),
O Holy Night/Minuit Chretiens (Dwight/Roquemaure/Adam),
The Christmas Song (Torme/Wells),
The Coventry Carol (Trad.),
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Connor),
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Longfellow/Marks),
Go Tell It on the Mountain (Trad.),
Jingle Bells (Pierpont),
What Child is This? (Dix),
Mary's Boy Child (Hairston),
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Brooks/Redner),
Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Wesley/Mendelssohn), and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Trad.).
Review: "Do you know where I can buy a left-handed guitar?" - Patrick.
Sun., Dec. 10, 2017: Lakehead Baptist Church Christmas Pageant
I sang Bruce Cockburn's Cry of a Tiny Babe (even though it was pretty much a spoiler for the plot-line of the pageant).
Review: "I like your enunciation." - a congregant.
Fri., Dec. 8, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Put Your Hand in the Hand (MacLellan),
Cat's in the Cradle (Chapin),
One More Cup of Coffee (Dylan),
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Mercury),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn),
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (Trad.),
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmad (Martin/Blane),
Jingle Bell Rock (Lanning/Beal/Boothe),
The Little Drummer Boy (Onorate/Simeone),
Silent Night/Stille Nacht (Mohr/Grueber),
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
What Child is This? (Dix),
Snoopy's Christmas (The Royal Guardsmen),
White Christmas (Berlin),
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (Lennon/Ono),
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Longfellow/Marks),
Jingle Bells (Pierpont), and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Trad.).
Review: "Thanks for singing. It was good." - Volunteer wiping tables.
Mon. Nov. 20, 2017: Guest of "Country Rose" at the Walford Home
I sang If I Had a Hammer, and What a Fellowship/Power in the Blood.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The House of the Rising Sun (Trad.)*,
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Girl (LENNON/McCartney),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Saving Grace (Dylan),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
What a Wonderful World (Cooke),
King of the Road (Miller),
Little Sister (Pomus/Shuman),
Let It Be (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
The Unicorn Song (Silverstein),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaikovsky),
Country Roads (Denver),
Follow Me (Denver),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver)**, and
Van Diemen's Land (U2).
Review: "May I play your guitar?" - Brayden
* Yes, I did tack on a verse of Amazing Grace.
Fri., Nov. 3, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (LENNON/McCartney),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
Jambalaya (Williams),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Flee As a Bird (Dana),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
I'm Gonna Be (The Proclaimers),
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
At This Moment (Vera),
All My Loving (Lennon/McCartney),
I Threw It All Away (Dylan),
Oh! Darling (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Can't Help Falling in Love (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss)
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney),
Don�t Think Twice (It�s Alright) (Dylan),
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan), and
Amazing Grace (Newton).
Reviews: "Thank you for the music." - a volunteer.
(Now I have ABBA stuck in my head.)
Thu., Oct. 26, 2017: Brodie St. Library
As part of the Brodie St. Library's "Shetland Tea Murder Mystery" (written by Ann Cleeves), I (as young stoner "Andy Hay") sang Loch Lomond, In Heaven There'll Oonly Bae Bagpipes, and Cowboy Lament.
Fri., Oct. 20, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
You Ain't Going Nowhere (Dylan),
Wonderful World (Cooke),
St. James Infirmary (Trad.),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Every Grain of Sand(Dylan),
In the Early Morning Rain (Lightfoot),
Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
Little Sister (Pomus/Shuman),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Across the Universe (LENNON/McCartney),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
Van Diemen's Land (U2)
Can't Help Falling in Love (Peretti/Creatore/Weiss)
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaikovsky),
Anything Can Happen (Cockburn),
This Wheel's On Fire (Dylan/Danko), and
Forever Young (Dylan).
Reviews: "I enjoy your songs ... especially the Christian ones." (!!?) (One of the workers)
("Jai guru Deva. Om")
Fri., Oct. 6, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Wonderful World (Cooke),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
For What It's Worth (Stills),
I Will (Lennon/McCartney),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
Little Sister (Pomus/Shuman),
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
King of the Road (Miller),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaikovsky),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
Mr. Tambourine Man (Dylan),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen), and
Hallelujah (Cohen).
Reviews: "Thank you for the singing. It was very nice." (One of the clients)
Sun. Sept. 10, 2017: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
I sang the song I wrote in 1992 for camp: I Will Put My Faith in You.
Sat. July 8, 2017: Cambrian Players Improv Show at the Finlandia:
Before the show I sang some of my blues-type songs: Hurting Song,
You're In Love, and Cowboy Lament.
At intermission I sang Bob from Nunavut, and Calpurnia's Dreamn'.
Sun. May 28, 2017: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
I sang my setting (in English) of the Sanctus/Benedictus/Osanna.
Sat. May 27, 2017: Busker at Alzheimer's Society Walk for Memories
I sang:
Mainstage (as people registered):
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash), [sound check while train passed],
You're In Love (Pepper),
Cowboy Lament (Pepper),
Caffeine (my parody of JJ Cale's "Cocaine"),
Calpurnia Dreaming (my parody of Mamas & Papas' "California..."),
I'm Too Old for the NHL (Pepper),
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
Hurting Song (Pepper),
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes (Pepper),
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
Bob From Nunavut (Pepper),
Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),
I'll Remember You (Dylan), and
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper).
Busking During the Walk:
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney),
Jambalaya (Williams),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Blowing in the Wind (Dylan),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
All I Want Is You (U2), and
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "We have Richard Pepper AND some excellent musicians." The M.C.
Fri., May 19, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
St. James Infirmary/House of the Rising Son (Trad.),
Let There Be Peace on Earth (Miller/Jackson),
40/All I Want Is You (U2),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney),
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
Michelle (Lennon/McCartney), and
Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "Nice strumming." (One of the clients)
Sat., May 13, 2017: Blue Sky Healing Centre Open Mic
I sang:
My Sound Check Song,
Get Thee Behind Me (Pepper),
Cowboy Lament (Pepper),
Bob From Nunavut (Pepper), and
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney).
And then
Bob From Nunavut (again, by request),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
The Black Velvet Band (Trad.), and
You Won't See Me (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: I really liked the song that I thought was about a girl, but wasn't. (Thatcher Rose)
Mon., Apr. 24, 2017: Guest of "Country Rose" at Glacier Ridge Home
I sang:
It's a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele) and my own setting of Micah 6:8.
Review: "Louis Armstrong looking down would have liked that (Wonderful World)."
Fri., Apr. 21, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
The Black Velvet Band (Trad.),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
You Won't See Me (Lennon/McCartney),
All I Want is You (U2),
Blowing in the Wind (Dylan),
St. James Infirmary/House of the Rising Son (Trad.),
The Unicorn Song (Silverstein),
Wait (Lennon/McCartney),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Let There Be Peace on Earth (Miller/Jackson), and
Peace on Earth (U2).
Review: No one complained.
Sat., Apr. 15, 2017: Great Easter Vigil for St. Luke's Anglican Parish
I led the worship music, including my own setting of Lamb of God/Give Us Your Peace.
Mon., Mar. 27, 2017: Guest of "Country Rose" at Hilldale Gardens
I sang Monsters in the Sky and a medley of morning praise songs.
Sun., Mar. 25, 2017: "Tolkien Reading Day" at the Waverley Resource Library
I sang Roads by Maury Laws from the Rankin/Bass animated version of The Hobbit.
Photo by Lisa Klymenko
Fri., Mar. 24, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
I Shall Be Released (Dylan),
Michelle (Lennon/McCartney),
All I Really Want to Do (Dylan),
Love Rescue Me (U2),
Can't Buy Me Love (Lennon/McCartney),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney),
In My Life (Lennon/McCartney),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Country Roads (Denver),
Annie's Song (Denver),
Garment of Praise (Ingles),
I'm Gonna Be (The Proclaimers),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney), and
Bird on a Wire (Cohen).
Review: "Was that a Beatles song?"
Mon., Mar. 20, 2017: "RSVP" (formerly Christian Women's Club) in the Georgian Room of St. Joe's Heritage
I sang:
You're In Love (With Your Smart Phone),
The Gossip Song, and Benediction.
Fri., Mar. 10, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Less of Me (Campbell)/
Try a Little Kindness (Sapaugh/Austin),
I Shall Be Released (Dylan),
Tower of Song (Cohen),
Michelle (Lennon/McCartney),
Fixing a Hole (Lennon/McCartney),
Johnny B. Goode (Berry),
The House of the Rising Sun (Anon),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney), and
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney).
Sun. Mar. 5, 2017: Mae Mouland's 90th Birthday Party, hosted by Lakehead Baptist Church
I sang:
Happy Am I, The Dorion Bible Camp Song, I Just Keep Trusting My Lord, and Melody of Gladness.
Sun. Feb 26, 2017: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
I sang an acapella medley of songs I use for morning/evening devotions, which I learned at
Camp Dorion,
Camp Gitchigomee & Manitoba Pioneer Camp.
Thu., Feb. 23, 2017: "Busking For Alzheimer's [Research]" at Intercity Mall
I sang:
Caffeine (my parody of JJ Cale's "Cocaine"),
You're In Love (Pepper),
I'm Too Old (Pepper),
Commodores Are Dumb (Pepper),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
I'll Remember You (Dylan), and
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper).
Review: "Keep on improvising!" (William Roberts)
Fri., Feb. 10, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon/Linda),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
Don't Take Your Guns to Town (Cash),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
You're In Love (Pepper),
I'm Too Old (For the NHL) (Pepper),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
In My Life (Lennon/McCartney),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
I Threw It All Away (Dylan),
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan)
Garment of Praise (Ingles)
Love Rescue Me (U2/Dylan), and
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaichovsky).
Review: "I love that song!" - Donna (re. Wonderful World)
Sat., Jan. 28, 2017: CommuniTea Open Mic
I sang:
Tower of Song (Cohen), Integrity (Pepper), Little One (Pepper), Ob-La-Di (Lennon/McCartney), and '69-'74 (Pepper).
Fri., Jan. 27, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger),
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
All I Want Is You (U2),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Mr. Tambourine Man (Dyl>an),
When I'm Sixty Four (Lennon/McCartney),
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney),
Van Diemen's Land (U2), and
Every Grain of Sand (Dylan).
Review: Thank you. - one of the clients. (I had watched his stuff while he was out of the room.)
Sat., Jan. 21, 2017: Blue Sky Healing Centre Open Mic
I sang:
Integrity (Pepper),
Tower of Song (Cohen), and
Little One (Pepper).
It was great to see friends, Bedford Level Experiment, and Neil Burke perform as well.
Fri., Jan. 13, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Wings of an Eagle (Steve Bell),
Tower of Song (Cohen),
Can't Buy Me Love (Lennon/McCartney),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
We Can Work It Out (Lennon/McCartney),
When I'm Sixty Four (Lennon/McCartney),
Got to Get You Into My Life (Lennon/McCartney)*,
Country Roads (Denver),
Cry of a Tiny Babe (Cockburn),* and
The Hockey Song (Connor).
* slaughtered it, which is not the same as killed it.
Fri., Dec. 23, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
Angels We Have Heard on High,
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen,
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,
Silver Bells,
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Marks tune),
Deck the Halls,
Jingle Bell Rock,
O Holy Night/Cantique de Noel,
Silent Night/Stille Nacht,
So Many Years Ago (Pepper), and
Joy to the World.
Review: Scattered applause.
Fri., Dec. 9, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, Silver Bells,
What Child Is This?,
Jingle Bells,
Deck the Halls,
Angels We Have Heard on High,
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,
In the Bleak Midwinter,
Jingle Bell Rock,
O Little Town of Bethlehem,
Silent Night/Stille Nacht,
Do You Hear What I Hear?,
White Christmas,
Frosty the Snowman,
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and
Feliz Navidad.
Review: "Good singing, sir."
Fri., Nov. 25, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Wings of an Eagle (Steve Bell),
Tower of Song (Cohen),
Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),
Mr. Tambourine Man (Dylan),
Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
Girl (Lennon/McCartney),
Follow Me (Denver), and
Silent Night (Mohr/Grueber).
Review: "Very calming."
I sang:
You're In Love,
I'm Too Old (For the NHL),
Monsters in the Sky, and
I also played guitar for a young lady who sang House of the Rising Sun. Afterwards, I thought maybe I could be the House band.
As a guest of "Country Rose" I sang my songs: Psalm 92 and
With All My Heart.
Review: "Lovely" (One of the ladies).
I sang Psalm 92.
Review: "That will never be found in any hymn or chorus book." - Larry Mutcher, the Chairman that morning.
Link to the complete (41:41) album release concert of "Place Without a Computer" (written by Robin Harbron). I played bass.
Fri., Oct. 21, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
Van Diemen's Land (U2),
The House of the Rising Sun,
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
Country Roads (Denver),
Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport (Harris),
King of the Road (Miller),
El Shaddai (Thompson/Card),
Turn, Turn, Turn (Seeger),
Forever Young (Dylan),
Psalm 92 (Pepper),
Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),
All I Want Is You (U2).
Sat., Oct. 15, 2016: Blue Sky Healing Centre Open Mic
I sang:
My Sound Check Song,
I'm Too Old (For the NHL),
You're In Love,
I'll Remember You (by Nobel Prize Winner Bob Dylan),
Don't Be Afraid,
Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney),
Monsters in the Sky, and
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan).
Fri., Feb. 19, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney),
Get Thee Behind Me (Pepper),
All I Really Want to Do (Dylan),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Man Gave Names to All the Animals (Dylan),
Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney),
Take It Easy (Browne/Frey),
Try a Little Kindness (Sapaugh/Austin),
All My Loving (Lennon/McCartney), and
When First My Old, Old Love I Knew (Gilbert & Sullivan).
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney)
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver),
I Threw It All Away (Dylan),
At This Moment (Vera),
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (Lennon/McCartney), and
I'm Gonna Be (Proclaimers).
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
Blowing in the Wind (Dylan),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
Route 66 (Troup),
If I Had a Hammer (Hays/Seeger), and
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
(Break for Spaghetti and Meatballs)
All I Want Is You (U2),
For No One (Lennon/McCartney),
Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney),
Man Gave Names to All the Animals (Dylan),
Just a Closer Walk With Thee (Anon),
Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn), and
Bird on a Wire (Cohen).
Review: I don't know if toddler Katy liked it or not. She came up close to listen, but then took my pick & wouldn't give it back.
With Robin Harbron on ukulele bass, I sang:
Bird on a Wire, If It Be Your Will, and Dance Me to the End of Love
(all by Leonard Cohen), and then with ""Plan B & Friends" (the house band) I sang The Lion Sleeps Tonight, All I Want Is You (U2), Shelter From the Storm (Dylan) and The Hockey Song (Connors).
I sang Benediction.
Review: "That was too short." - "Aunt Vivian" (I'd rather hear that than the opposite.)
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Country Roads (Denver),
This Wheel's on Fire (Dylan/Danko),
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan),
Annie's Song (Denver/Tchaikovsky),
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Dylan),
Saving Grace (Dylan),
Take It Easy (Browne/Frey),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), and
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen).
I sang:
My Sound Check Song (& My Sound Check Waltz),
You're In Love,
Cal(i)purnia's Dreamin',
I'm Too Old (For the NHL),
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner), and
Commodores Are Dumb.
Both of my three fans attended.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Jambalaya (Williams),
Dance Me to the End of Love (Cohen),
If It Be Your Will (Cohen),
Like a Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Lennon/McCartney),
Drive My Car (Lennon/McCartney),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
El Shaddai (Thompson/Card).
Country Roads (Denver),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver).
(Break for Soup)
Forever Young (Dylan),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
Review: "Sing some John Denver!" - Donna
I sang So Many Years Ago. See below.
I sang:
Angels We Have Heard on High,
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,
Early on One Christmas Morn,
Silent Night (Stille Nacht),
A Holly Jolly Christmas,
What Child Is This?,
O Come, All Ye Faithful,
Go Tell It on the Mountain,
Jingle Bells,
White Christmas,
Jolly Old St. Nicholas,
The Twelve Days of Christmas,
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
Deck the Halls,
The Christmas Song (Chestnuts...),
Away in a Manger,
The Angel Gabriel,
In the Bleak Midwinter,
O Little Town of Bethlehem, and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
As a guest of "Country Rose", I sang So Many Years Ago and
The Man Who Died For You.
Review: "Come, join us for pizza!" (Country Rose)
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
I'm Gonna Be (The Proclaimers),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
The Hockey Song (Connors),
Jingle Bells (Pierpont), and
Silent Night/Stille Nacht (Mohr/Grueber).
(Break for Turkey a la King)
For Brian & Donna: El Shaddai (Thompson/Card).
Review: [tears] (Donna). (Was it that bad!?)
I sang You're In Love, Caffeine (Marley),
and Don't Be Afraid.
Review: "Sing another one!" - Someone in the crowd (after the 2nd song).
[Silence] - (after the 3rd song).
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
Country Roads (Denver),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver),
Each One Lost (Cockburn),
Try a Little Kindness (Sapaugh/Austin),
Forever Young (Dylan),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Drive My Car (Lennon/McCartney),
Jambalaya (Hank Williams Sr.),
Man Gave Names to All the Animals (Dylan).
(Break for soup)
Medley of Older Hymns: What a Fellowship, Power in the Blood, How Great Thou Art, Rock of Ages, and God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again.
I played bass with Bedford Level Experiment (Robin Harbron: guitar & vox; Rianna Harbron: keys & vox; Darren Foulds: drums & sox).
Songs performed:
Bored in My Room (Harbron),
Rogue (Harbron),
I Want a Turn (Harbron),
Love Is a Scalar (Harbron),
The Worst Super Power Ever (The Doubleclicks),
You're In Love (sung solo with guitar),
Commodores Are Dumb (sung with guitar, and the band)
Tie After Tie (Lauper/Hyman, Debs & Errol), and
History (I Adore My 64) (Harbron).
Review: "I love you, Robin!" -- Some passing geek.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Four Strong Winds (Tyson),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
Three Little Birds (Marley),
Johnny B. Goode (Berry),
Jambalaya (Hank Williams Sr.),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash)
(Break for soup & grilled cheese)
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
Puff the Magic Dragon (Stookey), and
Michelle (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: "Here. Have two grilled cheese sandwiches." -- Rev. Doug
I sang a song I wrote in the early 80s: You Can Hold Only What You Let Go".
You can hold only what you let go
Living my life in my own shoes,
Precious is fragile, not meant to hold.
Life is crucial; it brings some pain.
I played bass with Bedford Level Experiment
Songs performed:
Three Year-Old Angel (Lappala,Harbron),
64 (Cheezlekane),
Bored In My Room (Harbron),
Rogue (Harbron),
I Want A Turn (Harbron),
School Evacuation (Harbron), and
History (aka I Adore My Commodore 64) (Harbron),
I sang:
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
If I Had a Hammer (Seeger),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver),
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn), and
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2).
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Country Roads (Denver),
In the Early Morning Rain (Lightfoot),
Don't Think Twice It's Alright (Dylan),
Puff, the Magic Dragon (Stookey),
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper). and
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper).
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
Hey Good Looking (Williams),
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (Lennon/McCartney),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
Try a Little Kindness (Sapaugh/Austin),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
All I Want Is You (U2),
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
Country Roads (Denver), and
In the Early Morning Rain (Lightfoot).
(Break for soup)
At This Moment (Vera), and
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card).
Review: "The music was nice." -- one of the volunteers.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
Little Boxes (Reynolds),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
Try a Little Kindness (Sapaugh/Austin),
Route 66 (Troup),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
I've Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper),
At This Moment (Vera),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
I'm Gonna Be (The Proclaimers),
Can't Help Falling in Love (Peretti, Creatore, Weiss).
(Break for soup)
Every Grain of Sand (Dylan),
Integrity (Pepper),
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card),
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver),
Those Were the Days (Raskin), and
Country Roads (Denver).
Review: "Did you just sing 'when I get drunk'?" -- Rev. Doug
(This may not actually have happened.)
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
If I Had a Hammer (Seeger),
Country Roads (Denver),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney),
40/All I Want Is You (U2),
Unchained (Jude Johnstone),
Try a Little Kindness (Sapaugh/Austin),
Little Boxes (Reynolds),
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Puff, the Magic Dragon (Stookey),
Blowin' in the Wind (Dylan), and
Each One Lost (Cockburn).
I sang:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
If I Had a Hammer (Seeger),
For I Know - Jer. 29:11,
The Hockey Song (Connors),
All I Want Is You (U2),
Country Roads (Denver),
Unchained (Jude Johnstone),
Little Boxes (Reynolds),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
Try a Little Kindness (Sapaugh/Austin),
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
At This Moment (Vera),
Michelle (Lennon/McCartney),
Johnny B. Goode (Berry) (or McFly?), and
Hallelujah (Cohen).
Review: "Thank you for your music" -- Elderly Woman (during "Hallelujah")
"Thank you, Leonard." - RPepper
I sang:
Today at St. Thomas' Community Lunch I sang the following:
What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Solomon Linda),
Blue Skies (Berlin),
Let It Be (Beatles),
Michelle (Beatles),
Puff, the Magic Dragon (Stookey),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Route 66 (Troup),
Country Roads (Denver),
You've Got a Friend (King),
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card),
If I Had a Hammer (Seeger),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Gloria (Pepper),
I've Just Seen a Face (Beatles),
When I'm Sixty-Four (Beatles),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), and
Mystery (Cockburn).
Review: "Nice." (re. "Don't Be Afraid") -- Rusty?
Pre-Walk Background Music (filling in for Flipper Flanagan):
Caffeine (parody of Cale),
Laughter Heard Through the Wall (Pepper),
Eight Days a Week (Beatles),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Mystery (Cockburn), and
What a Wonderful World (Weiss, Thiele).
At my own spot while no one listened: I'm Too Old For the NHL (Pepper)
During the Walk:
Threw It All Away (Dylan),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Let It Be (Beatles),
Each One Lost (Cockburn),*
Don't Think Twice (Dylan),
Eight Days a Week (Beatles),
I've Just Seen a Face (Beatles),
For No One (Beatles),
Michelle (Beatles),
Oh! Darling (Beatles),
Yesterday (Beatles),
What a Wonderful World (Weiss,Thiele),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn). and
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan).
* At this point Jim Campbell joined me for the rest of the songs (whether he knew them or not), and we became "Jim 'n' I".
Review: "That was good." - An unidentified clown.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World,
Michelle (Beatles),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Four Strong Winds (Tyson),
Eight Days a Week (Beatles),
40/I Want You (U2)
(Break for pancakes & sausages)
Country Roads (Denver),
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card)
Leaving On a Jet Plane (Denver),
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper),
Forever Young (Dylan),
Lord, Protect My Child (Dylan),
If It Be Your Will (Cohen),
Those Were The Days (Raskin), and
Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn).
Original creations by members of a Facebook Group dedicated to recording cover songs. Huh?
These songs were supposed to involve the creative co-operation of a family member.
I got carried away & recorded several. Those which didn't really meet the criteria are tacked on at the end.
Here is a link to a playlist of video songs about Christmas(ish) I've done over the years, including this year's Christmashup. It's Beginning to Look a Lot
Like Easter, and Check the Malls.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World,
The Hockey Song (Connors),
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Teach Your Children Well (CSN&Y),
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper),
The Coventry Carol,
Little Drummer Boy,
Do You Hear What I Hear?,
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan),
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card),
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
In the Bleak Midwinter,
Let It Be (Beatles), and
Michelle (Beatles) (until I forgot how).
Then I joined in with Eric the Caroller again.
As a special guest with Country Rose, I sang:
So Many Years Ago (Pepper), and
The Coventry Carol.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World,
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card),
So Many Years Ago (Pepper),
The Coventry Carol,
Hey Good Looking (Williams),
Happy Xmas/War Is Over (Lennon/Ono),
Country Roads (Denver),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
Leaving On a Jet Plane (Denver), and
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper).
Happy Xmas/War Is Over was a request from the floor. I kinda butchered it.
But I like to think that I wasn't worse than Yoko.
After this, a man named Eric led us all in Christmas/Winter songs & (once I'd finished my lunch), I played along with him.
Review: "God bless you." (One of the guests)
I sang:
What a Wonderful World,
What a Fellowship/Power in the Blood,
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (Beatles),
Hey Good Looking (Williams),
Let It Be (Beatles),
The Coventry Carol,
Blowin' in the Wind (Dylan),
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper),
Don't Think Twice It's Alright (Dylan),
I've Just Seen a Face (Beatles), and
For No One (Beatles).
Because I was still fighting a cold, I tuned my guitar down half a step, and avoided songs with a wide range, such as When I'm Sixty-Four.
As a special guest with Country Rose, I sang:
Wonderful Words of Life, and
It Is No Secret.
I sang:
What a Wonderful World,
El Shaddai (Thompson, Card),
Don't Think Twice It's Alright (Dylan),
The Man Who Died For You (Pepper),
Eight Days a Week, and
Leaving on a Jet Plane (Denver).
Then I ate my soup & bannock. I had arrived late, because I had been teaching ukulele to homeschool kids. Plinky plinky plink.
I sang a song of mine, written in the 80's, The Man Who Died For You.
Review: "That was a real 70's-sounding chord progression." (Robin Harbron)
I sang:
What a Wonderful World,
Four Strong Winds,
Jamaica Farewell,
Blowin' in the Wind,
Make You Feel My Love,
Eight Days a Week,
Hallelujah (Cohen),
Country Roads,
When I'm Sixty-Four,
Folsom Prison Blues,
Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, and I've Just Seen a Face.
Review: "Would you like some soup?" (Rev. Doug McLure)
This time I sang Integrity, a song I wrote c. 1980, and of which I've never made a satisfactory recording.
As mentioned before, I sometimes sing background music at this event every second week. I had taken the summer off, but returned this time to sing the following: Leaving on a Jet Plane, Country Roads, Hey Good Looking, '69 - '74 (Pepper), When I'm Sixty-Four, Michelle, Don't Be Cruel, Eight Days a Week, I've Just Seen a Face, What a Wonderful World, Smile (Though Your Heart Is Breaking), You've Got to Hide Your Love Away, I Threw It All Away, Hallelujah (Cohen), and Goodnight (Beatles).
As part of the open mic portion of the launch of Douglas Livingston's poetry book Kata Hodos, I sang Caffeine, Cal(i)purnia's Dreaming, Monsters in the Sky and Don't Be Afraid.
The Prostate Network Canada held a free PSA testing day at the 55 Plus Centre on Sept. 28. Once again R & R Harbron accompanied me as we performed a medley of songs about hockey, Free Stanley, Nobody Talks, I'm Too Old (for the NHL), The Good Ol' DRE, Eight Days a Week, Caffeine, Laughter Heard Through the Wall, You're in Love and the debut of The Right Side of the Grass.
Here is a playlist of highlights:
Songs included What a Wonderful World, my Hockey Medley, Laughter Heard Through the Wall, Free Stanley, I'm Too Old For the NHL, Don't Be Afraid, Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn), Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), I Threw It All Away (Dylan), Eight Days a Week, Blowin' in the Wind, Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap), and Caffeine (my parody of JJ Cale's "Cocaine").
This time I sang I Believe, my adaptation of The Apostles Creed.
As part of the fundraiser for Douglas Livingston's poetry book Kata Hodos, held at the Lakehead Unitarian Fellowship Hall, I sang You're In Love, '69 - '74, and Benediction.
Songs included What a Wonderful World, What a Fellowship, , Power in the Blood,
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan), A Blessing in Disguise (Lost Dogs), It Is No Secret, Every Grain of Sand (Dylan), 40 & All I Want Is You (U2), Nobody Talks (Pepper), Don't Be Afraid (Pepper), Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), Eight Days a Week, and Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn)
I provided some background music for the meal which followed the ceremony. I don't recall what I sang, and I don't expect anyone else does either.
This time I entered my song You're In Love.
Again this link may not take you directly to the song, but just to my CBC page, where you will have to find it yourself.
Each of us covered songs by people we knew. I covered Underground by Ziklag Offramp, written by Robin Harbron, and a man named Tim Lappala.
The playlist includes some pretty cool songs, including my Peter Hart covered by Darren Foulds, apparently while wandering all over Lakehead University.
I provided background music for the Community Lunch in the St. Thomas' Anglican Parish Hall. I sang a mix of hymns,
Beatles, Dylan, U2, John Denver (requested) and whatever caught my fancy. I really enjoyed it (and it warmed up my voice for singing later at Pinewood Ct.).
They invited me to do this regularly (every 2nd Friday). Hey, it's a free lunch!
Playlist from our Feb. Album Writing Month group, based on Shakespeare's Sonnet 64.
My contribution was Lofty Towers.
I sang an old-timey-like Gospel song of mine: Get Thee Behind Me. Here is a video of the only recorded version there is of it:
And I can't recall the exact date, but on a previous Sunday, I sang a medley of my setting of the Shema (Hear O Israel) and my song Healer of Our Spirits.
Feb. 2, 2014: Walk For Memories
I sang I'll Remember You (Dylan), All I Want Is You (U2), What a Wonderful World*, Make You Feel My Love*, Eight Days a Week (Beatles), Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap), For No One (Beatles), Oh! Darling (Beatles), Let It Be (Beatles), I Threw It All Away (Dylan), Flee As a Bird (hymn), When the Ship Comes In (Dylan), I'm Too Old For the NHL (Pepper), and Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn).
* The hipster young lady opening up the shop behind me said she liked these 2 songs. She even knew that the 2nd was by Bob.
I also warmed up (with my Gr. 9 volunteer helper listening) with my Hockey Song Medley, Edelweiss, Caffeine*, Cal(i)purnia's Dreamin', This Wheel's on Fire (Dylan & the Band).
* My Gr. 9 volunteer helper recognized this as Cocaine, which he had recently been listening to.
A group of friends & I covered 1984's Do They Know It's Christmas? singing/playing in Thunder Bay, Saskatoon and on the Interwebs.
I entered my song 110% in CBC music's Song Quest, looking for an original song for the opening montage on "Hockey Night in Canada". I didn't win, but I hope you'll give it a listen anyway, and then return to this page. Hmm. This link might just take you to my page, and you'll have to choose the song yourself.
Here's the video:
Dec. 6, 2013: NOSM Students Holiday Concert (with Shawn Minor)
For this concert at St. Paul's Anglican, former Transparency Shawn Minor and I decided to reprise our Medley of Commercial Christmas Songs we had performed with The Transparencies for the Dorion Bible Camp staff party of 1997. We explained that, because time was short, we would have to sing some of the songs at the same time, whether it works or not.
1997 version
My Sound Check Song, Let It Be (Beatles), I Threw It All Away (Dylan), Don't Be Afraid, Drive My Car (Beatles), Monsters in the Sky, Little One, Caffeine (Cocaine parody), Nobody Talks, I'm Too Old (for the NHL), What a Wonderful World, and '69 - '74.
My Sound Check Song, Mothers of the Disappeared (U2), Caffeine (Cocaine parody), Nobody Talks, Don't Be Afraid, Cal(i)purnia's Dreamin' (California Dreamin' parody), All I Want is You (U2), Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), and my Hockey Medley.
I phoned in a medley of 2 songs for CBC Thunder Bay's 40th Anniversary, which they aired at c. 0720h on Sept. 25.
Here's a video version:
The Prostate Network Canada held a free PSA testing day at the 55 Plus Centre on Sept. 15. R & R Harbron accompanied me as we performed Nobody Talks, Free Stanley, I'm Too Old (for the NHL), Caffeine and a medley of songs about hockey (and a monkey). I closed with the debut of The Good Ol' DRE with which the Harbrons had no involvement!
Here is a playlist of highlights:
I sang My Soundcheck Song, Mothers of the Disappeared (U2), Integrity, and Salome.
I Trip Through Your Wires
Mothers of the Disappeared
Several friends co-operated via the Interwebs and created this parody of my song God Hates for my birthday.
For our album "Music to My Year", I was given September and a prescribed chord progression. Years ago I had written Softly Every Day which used the same progression; so I recorded that one for November. When no one chose March I dedicated to that month a song (Woot) I'd written previously.
Here's the entire playlist.
I was one of the buskers at this fund-raiser for The Alzheimer's Society. (The money I received went to them.)
I sang
I'll Remember You (Dylan), Lord, Protect My Child (Dylan), 40 (U2), Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
All I Want Is You (U2),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan), I Threw It All Away (Dylan),
Nobody Talks & Free Stanley (Pepper),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
For No One (Lennon/McCartney),
Oh! Darling (Lennon/McCartney),
At This Moment (Billy Vera),
Words (Neil Young),
Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney), and
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn).
Got to Get You Into My Life
Tomorrow Never Knows
I recorded this song originally in F# (playing in G tuned down half a step). When I performed it that way live (in G), I realized that the verses were too low and the chorus was too high. It seemed best to rerecord it in C, since that way the bass player (live) would just have to shift everything a string.
Yes, the "video" is pretty boring.
I sang my Sound Check Song, Caffeine, Free Stanley, Nobody Talks and Don't Be Afraid.
Robin accompanied me on bass as I sang several old hymns.
I converted my VHS performance from Aug. 26, 1999 to digital and uploaded it to youtube in Feb.
Backed by Ziklag Offramp (or The Usual Suspects) I sang Empty Places, It Will Be Wonderful, I Want Two of Everything and joined them on harmonica & bgvs for The Lost Dogs' Moses in the Desert.
I had just transferred my Dorion Drug Song Medley Black Gold from tape and so I linked to a whole page of my songs from that era.
I sang my Sound Check Song, Free Stanley, I'm Too Old for the NHL, Nobody Talks and Caffeine.
I sang Caffeine, Free Stanley, Integrity and
I sang Integrity, Free Stanley & Benediction. Later I sang hymns: Come Thou Fount, Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah, Jesus! What a Friend to Sinners and Abide With Me/Day Is Done.
Robin, Darren and I performed A Certain Love (Lost Dogs), Don't Take Your Guns to Town, Rusty Cage (Soundgarden/Cash), If I Had a Hammer (Seeger/Hays), 40 (U2), How Great is Your Love (Altrogge).
Pix and mp3s of studio versions
Accompanied by Robin and his eldest daughter, I sang a number of my goofy camp songs such as Mayfly Mush, The Pillow Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp and
I Will Put My Faith in You. I also led the worship team in the camp song (which they don't play often these days, but when they do, it's faster!!).
I sang Empty Places, Don't Be Afraid and
I sang Little One, Empty Places, & Get Thee Behind Me.
Robin, Darren and I sang A Certain Love (Lost Dogs),
Heart of Gold (Young), Built For Glory (Lost Dogs), Blessing in Disguise (Lost Dogs), 40 (U2), Reasonable Service (Lost Dogs) and How Great Is Your Love (Mark Altrogge).
Asta really enjoyed listening to Ruth and me as we sang at Pinewood Court. Her grandchildren knew me from Dorion and so they gave me the honour of singing Jesus Loves Me at Asta's funeral in Pass Lake.
Carla has Cystic Fybrosis and so a 30th birthday was not expected for her when she was born. She asked me to
lead the crowd in some
Dorion Bible Camp songs such as Happy Am I.
We sang What a Fellowship, Get Thee Behind Me (RP), one by Ruth's aunt Darlene, & one by Ruth (Through the Night, I believe), With All My Heart (RP), Power in the Blood and Cockburn's Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die. This was pretty much the last time I saw Ruth. I think she's roaming around the bush somewhere bashing at rocks with a hammer.
Most most frequent gig is actually singing either solo or with Ruth at Senior Homes: Pioneer Ridge twice a month,
Pinewood Court twice a month, and Grandview Lodge once a month.
Here is a pic from Pinewood Court, May 20/11.
I sang Caffeine, Cowboy Lament,
Empty Places and
Good Night(Beatles)/Good Night My Someone.
I sang a few hymns: Amazing Grace,
What a Friend We Have in Jesus and
The Old Rugged Cross.
I've been playing guitar for the school choir (masses, assemblies, visits to senior homes & elementary schools,
Grad at the FW Gardens, Remembrance Day etc.), but I don't take many photos.
I sang Caffeine, Nobody Talks, Don't Be Afraid and Time Tears Us Apart. Ruth joined me for
In the Garden and Wonderful Words of Life. Thank you, Ruth. It had been a late night for her, as she'd joined us at late-night hockey (and wowed all the guys -- with her skill -- on an injured ankle!), followed by schoolwork at home.
With Robin Harbron I sang Dylan's All I Really Want to Do. Later I sang a set of Songs in One Sharp: Heart of Gold (Neil Young), Handle With Care (Traveling Wilburys), In the Garden (with Ruth) and my own Time Tears Us Apart (for Ruth, because it does).
At that time Ruth was regularly adding her beautiful voice as we sang in Senior Homes once or twice a week. At the point of writing, we appear to be on hiatus & I continue on singing Ruthlessly. She lives a very full life (music, hunting, fishing & bf etc.), but I hope she will be able to return at some point.
Follow this link to see some of the hymn videos she and I recorded together at her place on Feb. 11/10. She had seen my "Dorion Bible Camp" song videos on my youtube page and contacted me about singing together, because (I gather) she grew up singing hymns, but most of her crowd at that time don't know them.
I sang my own Little One and Dylan's Lord, Protect My Child.
Review: See woman's face in picture.
The feature act for this evening was The Big Kids. Magician, Martin Wonderland, put in his third appearance.
I sang my own Little One, Dylan's Lord, Protect My Child,
Steve Earle's My Old Friend the Blues and my own Salome.
Review: (Re. "My Old Friend the Blues") "The Proclaimers' version is best!" - Janet H. on Facebook.
This time we had a amazing turnout and a good number of great acts!
So I was content just to sing a couple of Dylan songs in honour of his birthday: Dark Eyes,
Man of Peace.
I also closed the evening with Gene Haskin's "Those Were the Days".
Review: (Re. my closing song) "I hate that song!" - Joe
Due to sickness* and some guy name Oscar, this event became a rather intimate affair. For much of the evening
we sat in a circle around a table and shared songs, poems, blogs and a story with one another. This actually made for
a rather special evening.
I sang (along with audience participation) some love songs:
* Robin was going to perform a couple of songs along with Brian Dunn.
I sang hymns from my ragged old blue book, as I do in the Senior Homes.
Also Sept. 27/08*, Nov. 8/08* and also Feb.7/09.
* = along with my mother, Sheila Pepper.
She's a Woman [Not a Pheasant]
That was actually a secret message "She's a woman for no one fixing a hole while my guitar gently weeps: Eleanor Rigby."
Review: "I enjoyed your playing." - Wendy the alto angel
Songs performed:
Review: Well, they did give me a meal.
I performed my winning entry for the CBC Radio One show Bandwidth's
"Ginger Ale Jingle Contest" on stage with various Ontario musicians who had composed songs linked to the
five novels of the "Canada Reads Contest". The performance was aired Saturday, Feb. 23rd across Ontario.
My entry: version 2 (official)
Click the pic for Youtube vid of my performance and scenes of Ottawa.
In a reversal of their usual roles, Robin took over the job of the sexy, charismatic frontman/lead guitarist and Richard
played the sullen, brooding, less-desirable (almost repulsive) rhythm section.
Songs Performed: River Runs Red*
Arctic World* and
Sometimes*. Richard sang solo his
winning entry in the "Acadia Dry" jingle contest for CBC Radio One's
"Bandwidth" and also an acappella version of "Ps. 127/Paul's Testimony" from his never-to-be-produced musical "Philippi".
* by Australia's "Midnight Oil", one of Robin's favourite groups.
Review: "Nice singing, Robin, but get a haircut." -- Peter Garrett M.P. (& lead singer of "Midnight Oil").
In support of Ramesh Ferris's Cycle to Walk Campaign (re. Polio). The Transparencies had considered performing, but would have been drummerless, leaving only the musicians.
It turned out to be a different "quiet" little affair and so my (sort of) planned solo set turned out quite different, partly because of the presence of St. Michael's Junior Choir, their family and priest.
Not that I'd been planning on swearing; it's just that I decided to go in a completely Christmas/Winter direction, rather than Lost Dogs, U2, Dylan, Cohen direction.
FWIW my set lists (songs in approx. order as best I remember it).
Jingle Bells
Matty: "Maranda and friends need to sing now." (I accompanied them on a few Christmas songs.)
Then solo again:
Mary's Boy Child
Private Table Concert for Thomas & Daniel Abthorpe and friend, Riley:
Frosty the Snowman
Review: "The Leafs suck!" Thomas Abthorpe
Songs Performed (after leading songs of praise: The Lost Dogs'
Jesus on the Shore and Blessing in Disguise.
Songs Performed: The Other Half and
Don't Be Afraid
Songs Performed (solo on classical guitar): The Blower's Daughter (Damien Rice),
When That I Was a Little Tiny Boy (Wm Shakespeare),
Helter Skelter (Lennon/McCartney) and
Sigh No More, Ladies (Wm Shakespeare).
(With Robin Harbron on Bass): Forever Young/Saving Grace/I Shall Be Released
(Dylan), Make You Feel My Love/Threw It All Away (Dylan) and my parody of
Cockburn's "Wondering Where the Lions Are" about the Seven Wonders of Canada:
I Wonder What We Voted For.
Review: "Nice singing." -- Laura Anderson
I phoned this in to Talkback as a commentary on the bizarre results of CBC's "Seven Wonders of Canada" campaign:
We had a dream and now we're kinda sore,
And I wonder what we voted for.
This was a fundraiser for Cambrian Players' production of "Much Ado About Nothing" in which I, as Balthazar,
would sing each night "Sigh No More, Ladies" (or was that "Sigh. No More Ladies"?)
Songs Performed (solo on classical guitar):
When That I Was a Little Tiny Boy (Wm Shakespeare),
Calpurnia Dreaming,
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes,
Anglo Saxon,
Sigh No More, Ladies (Wm Shakespeare).
Review: "This tea is splendid." -- my Mum.
Richard Pepper on local CBC: May 15/07
Songs Performed (with Robin Harbron on Bass): U2 Medley (40/Still Haven't Found/I Want You),
, Beautiful Scandalous Night (Hindalong, Daugherty) and
Hallelujah (Cohen).
Second Set (after 3 St. Thomas' kids' performances: My Soundcheck Song,
I Know That My Redeemer Lives, Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn).
Review by Rick Smith:
I sang Beautiful Scandalous Night (Hindalong, Daugherty) and some verses of
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Mark Heard style).
On Easter Sunday I sang some more verses and He's Alive (Don Francisco).
As a solo "anthem" I sang my song Integrity.
Songs Performed (in approximately this order):
U2 Medley (40/Still Haven't Found/I Want You),
The Christian Beaver (Pepper) during George's skinning
'69 - '74 (Pepper),
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper),
Dylan-McCartney-Vera Sad Medley (I Threw It All Away/Yesteday/At This Moment/Oh! Darling),
Dylan Spiritual Medley (Forever Young/Saving Grace/I Shall Be Released),
Drive My Car (Lennon/McCartney), Every Grain of Sand (Dylan),
Watch Out Medley (Further On Up the Road [Medwich Veasy, Robey]/Helter Skelter [McCartney]/This Wheel's on Fire [Dylan/Danko]),
Hallelujah (Cohen), Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn).
Review: Re. the crowd's inattention to the skinning demo: "It's hard for you to compete with a dead animal." -- Dean Schaaf
Songs Performed (in approximately this order):
Don't Think Twice (It's Alright) (Dylan),
Free Stanley (Pepper),
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner) (Pepper),
Drive My Car (Lennon/McCartney),
Saturday (Pepper parody of Lennon/McCartney),
Anglo Saxon (Pepper),
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes (Pepper),
Caffeine (Pepper parody of J.J. Cale) and
Don't Be Afraid (Pepper)
Review: "That's a nice little repetoire you have there." -- One of my fellow Cursillistas.
Song Performed (in approximately this order):
Anglo Saxon (Pepper). No, wait. It was in this order:
Anglo Saxon (Pepper)
They aired my parody of Meredith Willson's "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Easter" which I had sung into the voice mail:
It's beginning to look a lot like Easter: rain falling from the sky.
The air will be hotter, our sons and our daughters
It's beginning to look a lot like Easter, not Christmas anymore.
Review: I think this was one of the times that Lisa the host called me their "old friend".
Songs Performed (in approximately this order):
I'll Remember You (Dylan),
Hallelujah (Cohen),
40/I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For/All I Want is You (U2),
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan),
Feed the Birds (from "Mary Poppins" by Sherman/Sherman),
Drive My Car (Lennon/McCartney),
Wheel's On Fire (Dylan/Danko),
Forever Young (Dylan),
Little One (Pepper),
Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney or more accurately McCartney/Martin),
At This Moment (Vera),
When the Ship Comes In (Dylan),
Bird on a Wire (Cohen),
These Thousand Hills (Atwell, Blackburn, Davison),
Love Rescue Me (U2),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn).
Review: "Thank you." -- one of the elderly ladies.
Songs Performed (along with Robin Harbron on bass):
I'll Remember You (Dylan) and a few worship songs.
Review: Silence, while thinking "Is that one of those girlfriend/God songs?" (No.) Just guessing here.
Songs Performed:
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner) with an extra verse:
Review (of every other act -- by the young female hosts): "That was awesome!"
Their review of me: "That was ... interesting. You ought to get a couple of laughs with that." (Six of nine
acts were chosen to go on to the finals. I was not chosen.)
Songs Performed:
Eric Bailey the FN Hockey Star,
Forever Young (Dylan) and
Time Tears Us Apart.
Review: I think Eric made a joke about his song, but I'm not sure.
Song Performed:
I Shall Be Released with Gord Ellis Jr.
Songs Performed: Soundcheck Song,
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner),
Free Stanley,
'69 - '74 and
Don't Be Afraid. I also joined in
the finale jam of You Are My Sunshine.
Review: "Very funny, man!" Angie, entering the bathroom, while I exitted.
Song Performed: "The Gossip Song"
Review: "Like, that awesome song totally rocks!" (Imaginary teenager)
Songs Performed: (With Paul & Dale Jansen and Jon James)
parodies of Bob Dylan songs in honour of Andy and solo
"Time Tears Us Apart" (which I reprised Sunday morning at Chestermere Christian Fellowship).
Review: Andy said some mushy stuff about my song-writing.
Songs Performed: (With the Transparencies) The Hockey Song
(Connors), Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap),
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die (Cockburn) and
with Gord Ellis Jr. I Shall Be Released (Dylan),
Love in Vain (Dylan), Forever Young
Review: "The Transparencies were one of tonight's loudest bands."
Song Performed:
"Love Makes Me Barf"
Review: "Like, that awesome song totally rocks!" (Imaginary teenager)
I sang background music and supplied puzzles and games to distract the guests from the background music.
Song Performed: "Judge Gomery" (parody of "O Christmas Tree"):
Review: I was wrong.
Song Performed: Free Stanley in
reply to Erica's (the boss) anti-FN Hockey song.
Review: I haven't had any more work at NSRA since then. Hmm.
Songs Performed: Hallelujah (Cohen),
Love Rescue Me (U2), 40 (U2),
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2),
All I Want is You (U2), I'll Remember
You (Dylan), Further On Up the Road,
Feed the Birds (from "Mary Poppins" by Sherman/Sherman),
Every Grain of Sand (Dylan) and the hymn
In the Garden.
Review: "I like the 'And-he walks with me; and-he talks with me' part." --
Ven. Andy Hoskin.
Songs Performed (with Robin Harbron on bass): Bob Dylan's
Every Grain of Sand and I'll Remember You and my own
Monsters in the Sky and Country Gospel
Song (of Death). Solo I sang The Other Half and
U2's Love Rescue Me.
Review: "That Grain of Sand song was beautiful! Did you write it yourself?"
-- (Someone must have said this.)
As part of my introduction as Youth Worker, I sang
Don't Be Afraid.
Review: "Be Afraid! Be very afraid!" -- The Voices.
Songs Performed: Free Stanley, U2's
All I Want is You (with Sylvia Griffiths), Bob Dylan's
I'll Remember You and Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
(with Sylvia).
Review: "Can we go play 'Star Wars Life' now?" -- Derek and Kolton.
Songs Performed:
"Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner)" and
A Peach.
Review: "That was peachy!" -- Nobody
Songs Performed: Soundcheck Song,
"Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner)",
Saturday Night/Saturday,
I'm Too Old for the NHL,
Free Stanley
and Bob Dylan's I'll Remember You. I also jammed with those
pictured above on songs such as This Little Light of Mine.
Review: "I like your first name." -- Richard Harvey
Songs Performed (with Robin Harbron on bass): Soundcheck Song,
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner),
Saturday Night/Saturday
(Bertuzzi version),
The Ballad of the Headless Kitchen Girl,
U2's 40 and
Free Stanley.
Review: "That
Headless Kitchen Girl song was beautiful! Did you write it yourself?"
-- EB
Fri., May 6, 2005: Goodbye Gig for David & Erin James at Lakehead Baptist
Robin Harbron and I performed
My Soundcheck Song,
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner),
Saturday Night/Saturday,
The True And Terrible Ballad of Evil Ed Gooch,
40-I-Still-Haven't-Found-All-I-Want(Which-Is-You) (U2), and
Free Stanley.
Songs Performed:
Free Stanley,
Saturday Night/Saturday Parodies,
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes and
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner).
Review: "We want Rick Three!" -- a voice in the crowd.
Songs Performed (to a bunch of people just standing around):
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner)
Review: "Well, it's not Weezer." -- "Timex"
Songs Performed (along with Robin Harbron on bass):
My parody of JJ Cale's "Cocaine"
Caffeine and a bunch of worship songs.
Review: "Yum. Good sausages." -- Me
Songs Performed:
Hockey Night in Canada Medley
(Bertuzzi version).
Songs Performed (with Robin Harbron on bass):
Hockey Night in Canada Medley
(Bertuzzi version), I'm Too Old For the NHL and
(With Syvia Griffiths): The Beatles' Let It Be,
Billy Vera's At This Moment, The Beatles'
Eight Days a Week and U2's
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For/All I Want is You.
Review: "The baking was great!" -- Peter Fergus-Moore
Songs Performed (along with Robin Harbron on guitar): Nobody Talks
(During Coach's Corner) and a bunch of worship songs.
Review: (Re. "Nobody Talks") "That 'silly song' was perfect." -- Pastor Dave Kimball
Songs Performed: Nobody Talks
(During Coach's Corner) and In the Garden
Song I Was Going to Perform:
The Seven Answers of Sunday School
Review: "Brilliant!" -- John Whitfield (re. "7 Answers" [hypothetically])
Songs Performed: Peter Hart and
Healer of Our Spirits.
Review: "Sounds good." -- Joel Kuper (re. the sound check)
Songs Performed: God Hates (Country Music) and
Time Tears Us Apart.
Review: (Re. "God Hates") "Amen, brother! Amen! Amen! Amen!" -- Troy Hodgson (of Calgary)
Songs Performed (along with Robin Harbron on guitar): (Another) Song of Myself and
Encore: Nobody Talks
(During Coach's Corner)
Review: (Re. "Nobody Talks") "Looks like you've got a sleeper hit with the youth there." -- Chris Minor
Songs Performed: Integrity/Agnus Dei and
Don't Be Afraid.
Review: "I liked 'Integrity'." -- Fr. Dave
Song Performed: Healer of Our Spirits
Review: Muttered amens and noises of approval
Songs Performed:
* = accompanied by Robin Harbron on guitar. Picture
Rehearsal in almost empty Brodie St. apt
Review: "Sorry I was late." (Rick arriving from Clown College)
As part of the open-mike segment of the evening:
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner) and
I'm Too Old for the NHL.
"I guess it would have been inappropriate for you to sing some Bare Naked Ladies." -- a Roman Catholic coffee drinker.
Songs Performed:
Songs Performed:
Songs Performed:
Songs Performed:
Songs Performed:
As part of this celebration of Spring and Shakespeare I sang my parody
Cal(i)purnia Dreamin' and
When That I Was And a Little Tiny Boy from
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (music by Joseph Vernon).
Note: I didn't sing
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner).
As part of the open-mike segment at the end of the evening:
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/Oh! Darling
and Taxman/Drive My Car.
Highlight: "Blackbird"
performed by somebody Lee and his father.
Lowlight: I missed the loud, possibly inebriated, young lady and
Shroom. (See below).
December 6 below for an explanation of this event.
Special Guest Hecklers: Darren "Shroom" Foulds, Tom Dreyer, Kent Hall,
David Wolframe.
Songs Performed:
Review: "...I like your original songs...." -- Darren "Shroom" Foulds
Highlight: Finishing off, assisted by Shroom, the leftover nachos from
the table behind us.
Lowlight: I missed the loud, possibly inebriated, young lady (see below).
Shroom just wasn't quite the same. (He wasn't as loud.)
Note: "Guest bgv's" not "bvd's".
Julie, who recruited
the Transparencies to help her support Juvenile Diabetes,
invited me to sing at her charming establishment "Dewar's Pub" on
McKellar St. as part of an Open Stage night. As I had planned, I sang
Nobody Talks (During Coach's
Corner), my CBC Contest
Hockey Night in Canada Medley,
I'm Too Old (For the NHL) and
'69 - '74. Then I was urged by a loud, possibly
inebriated, young lady to sing more. As I started the introduction to U2's
All I Want is You, Julie said "Play something
fast." Since she was supplying me with free Coke, I figured I'd better do
what she said and so I played
Laughter Heard Through
the Wall and then closed with
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes. Then I jammed with the next guy, Dave, on a bunch
of blues in D, which was fun, though embarrassing, because of my rusty lead
guitar skills. However, it was a very accepting audience, resulting in an
overall enjoyable evening (for me, at least).
Review: "You were rad. You were excellent" -- the loud, possibly
inebriated, young lady.
That's free Coca-Cola (reg'd trademark), by the way.
As part of the open-mike segment at the beginning of the evening:
CBC Contest
Hockey Night in Canada Medley and Make You
Feel My Love by Bob Dylan.
Again Tim & Miriam invited a few friends and relatives over for another evening
of Richard's music and
Tim's poetry.
First Set:
Second Set:
Review: "Listening to Richard's songs is painful." (or something like
that) -- Tim Lappala
Guess what! I sang
Nobody Talks!
And, oh yes, I helped Malia and Rachel sing "Attakattanoova" (although they
mispronounce it as "Attakattanooba". Imagine that!)
After a rambling introduction in which I tried to convey my grief at
the gaps Time creates, I sang Time Tears Us Apart
(because apparently it does).
"And we know that all that's worthwhile will make it through the fire.
I sang Monsters in the Sky dedicated to Head
Cabin Leader, Amy Rish, for whom I had written it years ago when she was just a
little girl. Unfortunately, that evening Amy was in her cabin sick.
As a guest of "Not Quite the Late Show" hosted by The Mike Formerly Associated
With Moronz, I sang
Nobody Talks. This performance
was more or less also the audition for the show. I guess I passed.
Gotta plug that website: I sang
Nobody Talks and
Sweet Caroline.
Oh yay.
As part of the open-mike segment at the very end of the evening:
Nobody Talks
and (dedicated to the older ladies who walked out just as I took the stage)
Don't Be Afraid.
Review: "How come you're not famous?" -- Gareth Evans (Don't
worry; he's not famous either).
Nobody Talks
was played as one of the entries in the "C Plus Talent
Search". I didn't catch the broadcast myself, but my friend who works
at "Bob's Woodburners" (purveyors of gas stoves) heard it and cranked it
up in the store. He tells me that the girls from the nearby "Centrefolds"
were dancing to the music in Bob's parking lot!
Review: "It has a good beat and you can dance to it!" -- Foxxy Vixen
Because it was (almost) the last day of the NHL season, Lisa Laco
(possibly greatly influenced by operator/newsreader James Evans) graciously
Nobody Talks
(During Coach's Corner).
Review: "Richard will be watching the game alone tonight." --
Lisa Laco (She was right).
Nobody Talks and
sing-a-long Sweet Caroline (Ba Ba Ba).
The latter was a big hit. Thanks, Neil (& Labatt's).
As part of the open-mike segment: Monsters in the Sky,
Oxen and Wheelbarrows,
Nobody Talks.
As "special music" for chapel:
Laughter Heard Through the Wall
/Agnus Dei.
Tim invited a few friends and relatives over for a classy (?) evening of music
and original literature. After Tim had read the first half of his short story
"The Song of Solomon Christian Strip Club and Coffee House", I sang
I'm Too Old for the NHL,
God Hates (Country Music),
Inspired by the previous act of (actually much appreciated) highland dancing,
I sang
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes.
'69 - '74 was accompanied by
spontaneous "aaaws" at (more or less) appropriate spots in the song.
Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes,
I'm Too Old for the NHL,
'69 - '74,
Little One and Time
Tears Us Apart (tear jerker since this was also a Reunion).
Dealing with Fear was our theme for the week. So I sang
Don't Be Afraid. D'uh!
Many thanks go to Don Shaver for propping up the drooping mike stand
'69 - '74 (the song, that is!) Also performed:
Time Tears Us Apart and
Dorion Bible Camp Song.
As part of the (pre-booked) open-mike segment at the end I sang
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes;
Agnus Dei and
A fund raiser for First Baptist short term missionaries. A relaxed evening
that featured other artists such as Brian Dunn, Doug Anderson,
Krista Hansen-and-Don Clarke and Sharon de Boer.
RP's songs: Before Dawn;
Don't Be Afraid;
The Seven Answers of Sunday School
(dedicated to Brian and featuring Shroom and Robin on bongos and bgv's).
This was part of "The Inkwell" 's set at a open-mike poetry night. In
addition to reading, I sang
'69 - '74.
For more information, see The Inkwell.
I have no record of what I sang.
With the Transparencies I sang Micah 6:8, Underneath This Tree, Integrity, and The Seven Answers of Sunday School.
Then solo I sang The Pillow-Fighting Champ, Ed Gooch, and
'69 - '74.
Then with the Transparencies, I sang
Laughter Heard Through the Wall, and Peter Hart.
As part of the (pre-booked) open-mike segment at the beginning I sang
Laughter Heard Through the Wall;
'69 - '74 and
"Jim 'n' I" and I led Christmas carols.
I don't recall what I sang.
I sang Don't Be Afraid.
I sang PBS Song. I have absolutely no recollection of this song.
I sang Don't Be Afraid.
First Set:
Peter Hart,
Anglo Saxon,
God Hates,
The Seven Answers of Sunday School, and
'69 - '74.
(Then Tim read stuff.)
Second Set:
A (Relatively) True Story,
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes,
Monsters in the Sky,
Little One,
The Other Half,
Don't Be Afraid, and
On Mon. Sept. 27 I sang my medley of Hit Songs of the 60's Rehashed for DBC in the 90's for Tim and Miriam. (See below.)
I performed my new bit: Hit Songs of the 60's Rehashed for DBC in the 90's.
I sang Lost and Found,
Mayfly Mush,
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp, and
The Gossip Song.
I sang '69 - '74.
I sang The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Love Makes Me Barf,
Mayfly Mush,
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly,
Anglo Saxon, and
Lost and Found.
With Mike and the Moronz I played guitar on Mike's parody of Slice (REM's "Losing My Religion"), Fields of Barney (Sting), Hockey Song (Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back to Me"), and Canadian Tire (Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire").
I'm not sure of the lineup, but in addition to me, it included Mike Hurlbert, (accordion & vocals), Robin Harbron (bass), and Lance Schibler.
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine).
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine).
I sang Integrity, (and led
Hey Lord (Unknown) and Happy Am I (Mickey Holiday).
I performed Drugs For Bugs,
Lost and Found,
Mayfly Mush,
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly, and
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp.
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine).
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine).
I sang Salome, Peter Hart, Anglo Saxon, Don't Be Afraid, Integrity, and Benediction.
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine).
On "plucked fiddle" and harmonica I accompanied Chris & Shawn Minor, and Lance Schibler.
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine), and my song '69 - '74.
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine).
We performed folk songs (such as Whiskey in the Jar), Beatles songs (such as
I Feel Fine), and my song Peter Hart.
I performed my songs from my parody of "The Music Man": You Sick Man.
I sang Don't Be Afraid.
Lance Schibler and I sang Beatles songs: Drive My Car,
I Feel Fine, and I Should Have Known Better.
Review: Whoo! (the crowd)
With Mike and the Moronz I played guitar on Mike's parody of The Way (Fastball),
Closing Time/Clothing Time (Semisonic) and Stereo/Oreo (The Watchmen).
Lineup: Mike Hurlbert (accordion & vocals), Lance Schibler (bass), Ben Seibel (drums), and Richard Pepper (guitar).
I was there for the Ontario CSSM Workers Conference.
I sang
Don't Be Afraid and Benediction.
I was there for "Spring Renewal", and a few of us got together after the evening session.
I sang
God Hates, The Bridal School Blues, and
'69 - '74.
I sang
Don't Be Afraid and (with Malcolm McMillan)Johnny B. Goode.
I sang
Don't Be Afraid and '69 - '74.
I sang
Don't Be Afraid.
Review: "F---ing gentle." - Someone.
I sang Don't Be Afraid.
Songs performed:
Review: "Man, those were some depressing songs!" (What someone should have said.)
Lisa Germaine and I led Christmas carols.
Before we began, I sang The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp.
I sang The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp.
I sang Little One.
Before we began, I sang The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp.
Before we began, I sang The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp.
I sang Love Makes Me Barf,
The Gossip Song,
Mayfly Mush,
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Lost and Found, and
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly.
I sang Softly Every Day,
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes,
Integrity, and
Time Tears Us Apart.
I sang my folk setting of the mass which I simply call Missa.
Sat. evening Talent Show: Guitar Jam with Lance Schibler.
I sang Kindness and In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes.
I sang Softly Every Day.
I sang Kindness and In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes.
Songs performed:
Songs performed:
see transparencies
I sang Salome, Little One and God Hates.
I sang Salome and Fast Forward.
I sang
I sang I'm Too Old For the NHL.
I sang
Little One, and
Before Dawn.
I led Christmas carols.
I sang Keep Christ Out of Christmas.
North & the Sea backed me on Underneath This Tree,
I'm Too Old For the NHL, and
I provided some sort of musical "entertainment".
I sang
The Other Half, and
'69 - '74.
I sang
The Other Half,
Before Dawn,
Monsters in the Sky,
Underneath This Tree,
'69 - '74, and Benediction.
I sang
'69 - '74,
The Other Half, and
Before Dawn.
I sang Before Dawn, You Can Hold Only What You Let Go,
Monsters in the Sky, and Another World.
I sang Psalm For Six Strings. and '69 - '74.
I sang The Other Half, '69 - '74, and
Little One.
I sang The Other Half.
Along with Mike Hurlbert & Darren Foulds, I sang the Camp Song (Robin & Carla version).
Along with Mike Hurlbert & Darren Foulds, I sang the Camp Song (Robin & Carla version).
I sang
Mayfly Mush,
Drugs for Bugs,
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly,
Lost and Found,
The Christian Beaver,
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp and
I Believe.
followed by Transparencies set
Sunday morning: I sang Time Tears Us Apart.
I sang Lost and Found.
I sang Drugs For Bugs (It Must Be Pic) and Lost and Found.
I sang I'm Too Old For the NHL,
The Other Half, and
The Seven Answers of Sunday School.
I sang Integrity (Fri. evening), and
The Seven Answers of Sunday School (Sat. evening).
I sang Lakehead Is the Place to Be,
Hockey Days,
The Seven Answers of Sunday School, and
The first two were taken from The Mini Musical of Steve and Ellie.
I played guitar for Malcolm McMillan & Heidi Gerber Battle Hymn of Love (by ?).
Then with Malcolm and Brian & Sylvia Griffiths-Williams we performed
The Mini Musical of Steve and Ellie.
Line-up: Mike Hurlbert (vocals & accordion), Robin Harbron (bass), Shawn Minor (snare).
We performed Mike's parodies: The Living Years and Fields of Barney.
I sang Little One and Benediction.
Line-up: Mike Hurlbert (vocals & accordion), Robin Harbron (bass), Shawn Minor? (snare).
We performed Mike's parodies: The Living Years (Mike & the Mechanics) and 993 (Weezer's "Buddy Holly").
I sang '69 - '74 and Benediction.
I led Christmas carols.
I sang The Gossip Song,
Lost and Found, and
Mayfly Mush.
I provided "entertainment" & I can't imagine what I sang!
I sang Helping God (Out)
I sang The Gossip Song, and
The Boring Testimony Blues.
I sang Breathe Deep (parody), and
The Gossip Song.
I sang Love Makes Me Barf (twice),
Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp, and
Drugs For Bugs (It Must Be Pic).
I sang Quiero Cantar (with Janice Schaaf).
I sang The Gossip Song,
Lost and Found,
Mayfly Mush,
Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
God Hates, and
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly.
I sang Lost and Found,
Golden Broom,
Cowboy Lament,
Monsters in the Sky,
Mayfly Mush, and
Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp.
I sang The Gossip Song (twice), and
Mayfly Mush (twice).
I sang Quiero Cantar (with Janice Schaaf).
I sang Cowboy Lament, and
God Hates.
I sang '69 - '74 and
I Believe.
Then I accompanied the children in This Little Light of Mine.
I sang '69 - '74,
I Believe.
I sang Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Mayfly Mush,
Lost and Found, and
Time Tears Us Apart.
I sang Time Tears Us Apart.
Shawn Minor and I led Christmas carols.
I sang Christmas/Winter songs as entertainment.
I sang
With All My Heart,
I Believe,
The Gossip Song,
The Bridal School Blues, and
'69 - '74.
I sang I Believe.
Songs performed included
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Lost and Found,
The Christian Beaver,
Mayfly Mush, and
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly.
Songs performed included
God Hates,
Love Makes Me Barf, and
The Christian Beaver.
Songs performed included
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Mayfly Mush,
God Hates,
Love Makes Me Barf, and
Lost and Found.
With Mike Hurlbert (accordion) and Robin Harbron (bass) I premiered Lost and Found.
I sang Mayfly Mush.
I have no record of what I sang, but it was likely similar to what I had sung on previous such occasions.
Songs performed included
Mayfly Mush and
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp.
I have no record of what I sang, but it was likely similar to what I had sung on previous such occasions.
I have no record of what I sang, but it was likely similar to what I had sung the day before.
I sang
'69 - '74,
Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Mayfly Mush,
Drugs For Bugs (It Must Be Pic),
One More Minute (Yankovic), and
Good Enough For Now (Yankovic).
I sang
I sang
What Happens If?,
Mayfly Mush,
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp, and
Drugs For Bugs (It Must Be Pic).
I sang
God Hates,
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Mayfly Mush,
The Christian Beaver,
Drugs For Bugs (It Must Be Pic),
Oxen & Wheelbarrows,
Love Makes Me Barf,
Fast Forward,
A (Relatively) True Story,
Spirit in the Sky (Greenbaum),
Good Enough For Now (Yankovic), and
I'll Fly Away (Brumley).
I sang
I Believe and '69 - '74.
I sang
The Gossip Song and One More Minute (Yankovic).
I sang hymns
The Man Who Died For You,
What Does His Name Mean to You?,
I Believe,
'69 - '74, and
With All My Heart.
I sang
Christian Fantasies and With All My Heart.
I performed The Entertainer (Instrumental) (Joplin),
Fast Forward,
Oxen & Wheelbarrows,
Helping God (Out),
When the Ship comes In (Dylan),
You Can Hold Only What You Let Go,
What Does His Name Mean to You?, and
Harmonica Medley.
I sang The Gossip Song and Monsters in the Sky.
I sang I Will Put My Faith in You and 2 Tim. 1:7.
I sang The Bridal School Blues.
I sang
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp and
I Will Put My Faith In You.
I led Christmas carols with "Flo and Greg", and then sang So Many Years Ago .
I sang with (the Bible Study group) "Rising Son" and then solo Psalm 92,
What Does His Name Mean to You?, and Time Tears Us Apart / So Many Years Ago .
I sang with (the Bible Study group) "Rising Son" and then solo I Will Put My Faith in You,
So Many Years Ago, Integrity and
With All My Heart.
I sang with (the Bible Study group) "Rising Son" and then solo Have Patience,
Have Patience (Candle), Spirit in the Sky (Greenbaum),
Oxen & Wheelbarrows,
The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
2 Tim. 1:7 (by ?),
Who's the King of the Jungle? (by ?),
Little One, and
The Man Who Died For You.
I sang The Christian Beaver.
I sang God Hates and The Bridal School Blues.
I sang I Witness Weather.
I sang One More Minute (Yankovic). Love Makes Me Barf (twice), font color="#ff0000">Hurtin' Song,
font color="#ff0000">The Pillow-Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp, font color="#ff0000">Oxen & Wheelbarrows, and font color="#ff0000">As I Was Walking Along.
I sang Time Tears Us Apart.
I sang Your Clothes They Need a-Changin', God Hates and The Bridal School Blues.
I sang something, but I don't know what.
I sang The Hippo Song (Flanders & Swann) with Dave Toews, and then solo Kindness and
Song of Patriotic Prejudice (Flanders & Swann).
I sang Folsom Prison Blues (Cash) and Kindness.
I sang Little One.
I sang something, but I don't know what.
"That was nice." - same guest, after Dylan song.
"How is the weather?"- another guest, singing along with "Happy Together".
** someone yelling from the bar.
Listen for the vibra-slaps.
"The lyrics to the 2nd song reminded me of David Wilcox [I think that's what he said]. - Marvin
"I love your music ... in the background." - another one.
Me: "Y tu tambien." (thinking "Oh no! He heard my attempt at Feliz Navidad!")
"You know they don't write their own songs, or play their own instruments!" - little girl.
"No! Nooooooo!" - young Marge Simpson.
"Beautiful music." (This may have been a request, not a review.)
Fri., Nov. 17, 2017: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
** Yes, I did sing "heaving" in the final chorus.
"You have a new guitar." (Brady, who used to go to Camp G)
(at Prince Arthur's Landing)
My Response: "He didn't write it." (I can be a jerk at times.)
"Commodores Are Dumb"
(recorded Feb. 2017)
Sat., Nov. 5, 2016: The CommuniTea Open Mic
Mon., Oct. 24, 2016: Isabella Long Term Care Home
Sun. Oct. 23, 2016: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
Sat. Oct. 22, 2016: Bedford Level Experiment at ThunderCon 2016
Tue. Feb. 9, 2016: St. Luke's Anglican Pancake Supper
Mystery (Cockburn),
Tie Me at the Crossroads (Cockburn), and
All I Want Is You (U2).
Jam Session:
Folsom Prison Blues (Cash),
Further On Up the Road, and
Three Little Birds (Marley).
Fri., Feb. 5, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Mon., Feb. 1, 2016: LU Radio Open Stage at the Study
Sun. Jan. 31, 2016: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
Fri., Jan. 22, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Mon., Jan. 11, 2016: LU Radio Open Stage at the Study
Fri., Jan. 8, 2016: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Sun. Dec. 27, 2015: "Special Music" (the Sequel) for Lakehead Baptist Church
Fri., Dec. 18, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Mon., Dec. 14, 2015: Glacier Ridge Home
Fri., Dec. 4, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Mon., Nov. 23, 2015: LU Radio Open Stage at The Study
Fri., Nov. 6, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Oct. 25, 2015: ThunderCon Cantina
Oct. 9, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Sun. Sept. 20, 2015: "Special Music" for Lakehead Baptist Church
And I can 't see and you don't know
If I shall reap and you shall sow
'Cause only God can see life's future mystery.
So many precious things I would choose,
But if I grasp them, I would lose.
I've got to let them go.
Fingerprints can tarnish the brightest gold.
You gotta take a risk, spend a night in the cold.
You've got to let them go.
Let it whisper to your heart in the summer rain.
He's given life. He asks it back again.
I've got to let it go.
Sept. 19, 2015: LU Radio Outdoor Music Yard Sale
July 2, 2015: Uploaded Vid for "Right Side of the Grass"
June 5, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch (Outdoor BBQ)
May 22, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
May 8, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Mar. 20, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Mar. 6, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Feb. 20, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Feb. 6, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Feb. 1, 2015: Alzheimer's Society Walk for Memories
Jan. 19, 2015: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Dec. 2014: Facebook Group Cover Album
Dec. 19, 2014: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Dec. 10, 2014: "The Coventry Carol" with Mum
Dec. 8, 2014: Glacier Ridge Home
Dec. 5, 2014: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Nov. 29, 2014: Family Feast Fundraiser in support of St. Thomas' Family Giving Centre
Nov. 24, 2014: Dawson Court
Nov. 21, 2014: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Nov. 16, 2014: Special Music for Lakehead Baptist Church
Nov. 7, 2014: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Nov. 2, 2014: "Special" Music for Lakehead Baptist Church
Oct. 24, 2014: St. Thomas' Anglican Community Lunch
Oct. 4, 2014: Book Launch at the Apollo
Sept. 28, 2014: Hockey Songs at the 55 Plus Centre (Again)
July 27, 2014: Valley Fresh Busker Fest
July 27, 2014: "Special" Music for Lakehead Baptist Church
July 19, 2014: Fundraiser for Poetry Book at LUF
June 21, 2014: Anglican BBQ at Shelter House
June 8/14: Dedication of St. Tom's Family Giving Centre
April 2014: CBC Songquest Contest
March 2014: My Contribution to Our Facegroup's March '14 Youtube Album
March 7, 2014: St. Thomas Anglican Community Lunch
Feb. 2014
Feb. 9, 2014: Lakehead Baptist Church "Special Music"
Dec. 19, 2013:
December 2013:
Nov. 13, 2013: Open Mic at The Study at Lakehead University
Sept. 25, 2013: Open Mic at The Study at Lakehead University
Sept. 25, 2013: Forty Years of CBC (in Thunder Bay)
Sept. 15, 2013: Hockey Songs at the 55 Plus Centre
June 16, 2013: Opening for Ziklag Offramp at Their CD Release
March 2013: Songs for Facebook Group's U2's "Joshua Tree" Cover Album
Mar. 25, 2013: Parody Song for my Birthday
Feb. 2013: Songs for Facebook Group's "Months" Album
Feb. 3/13: Walk For Memories
January 2013: Song for Facebook Group's Neil Young's "Harvest" Cover Album
December 2012: Songs for Facebook Group's Beatle's "Revolver" Cover Album
May 6, 2012: I Want Two of Everything (in C Major)
Mar. 13, 2012: Fundraiser for the LU Micro Finance Club at The Study
Feb. 11, 2012: "Saturday Night Life" at First Baptist
Feb. 5, 2012: Hit Songs of the 60s Rehashed for Dorion Bible Camp in the 90s
Dec. 11, 2011: The Usual Coffee House with The Usual Suspects (Northwood Park Church)
Dec. 6, 2011: New old Songs
Oct. 26, 2011: Open Mic at The Study at Lakehead University
Oct. 9, 2011: "It Will Be Wonderful" (New Song)
Sept. 28, 2011: All Candidates Night at The Study at Lakehead University
Sept. 25, 2011: Rock with the Man of Rock Coffee House (Northwood Park Church)
June 3, 2011: Video for "Empty Places"
May 14, 2011: With The Transparencies at the John Howard Society
April 2011: "Don't Take Your Guns to Town"
This was my entry in the Tribehouse Johnny Cash Cover Song Challenge.
April 29, 2011: Dorion Bible Camp Anniversary at Hope Christian Reformed Church
April 5, 2011: Marianne Jones's Poetry Reading at the Brodie Library
April 3, 2011: The Well-Done Coffee House (Northwood Park Church)
Mar. 12, 2011: With The Transparencies at the John Howard Society
Mar. 5, 2011: Asta Isaksen's Memorial Service in Pass Lake
Feb. 11, 2011: Carla Norman's 30th Birthday Party @ the Unitarian Hall
Jan. 24, 2011: Ruth and Richard Repeat on the Radio
Dec. 16, 2010: Singing at Pioneer Ridge
Dec. 5, 2010: New Improved-ed Coffee House (Northwood Park Church)
June 12, 2010: Talent Show at the Chartwell Home for the Aged
May 7, 2010: O Canada at the Circus with The Pope John Paul II Choir
Saturday, Mar. 27, 2010: LU Radio Radiothon perfomance with Ruth
Sunday, Mar. 14, 2010: Northwood Park Church "Open Mic/Mike Coffee House"
Video for my song: '69 - '74
Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 21,22, 2009: Christian Women's Club
Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009: Northwood Park Church "Kick-Off Koffee House"
Sunday, May 24, 2009: Northwood Park Church "Coffee House"
Sunday, February 22, 2009: Northwood Park Church "Coffee House: Accordions Aloud"
Michelle (Lennon/McCartney)
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da (Lennon/McCartney)
Honestly (Stryper)
I'm Gonna Be (The Proclaimers)
Saturday, June 28, 2008: "Saturday Night Life" at First Baptist
Sunday, April 27, 2008: Northwood Park Church "Coffee House du Cafe"
Bird on a Wire (Cohen)
Before Dawn (Pepper)
It Is Well With My Soul
Let It Rain (Clapton/Bramlett)
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Dylan)
Jesus on the Shore (Terry S. Taylor)
These Thousand Hills (Jacob's Trouble)
Be Thou My Vision
[I was also suddenly asked to sing "Acadia Dry".]
Beatles Songs:
For No One
Fixing a Hole
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Eleanor Rigby
Saturday, the Ides Of March, 2008: "Saturday Night Life" at First Baptist
Psalm 92, Integrity,
Healer of Our Spirits, The Man Who Died For You,
In the Garden, Amazing Grace
and Happy Birthday.
See The Transparencies page for info on our
March 8/08 appearance at "Saturday Night Life".
Monday, Feb. 18, 2008: "Canada Reads; Ontario Rocks" Concert - CBC Studio 40, Ottawa
Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008: Northwood Park Church Coffee House
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007: D.Y.U. Coffee House at St. Thomas' Anglican
Happy Xmas/War is Over
Jingle Bell Rock
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
White Christmas
Little Drummer Boy
All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth
The Christmas Song (Chestnuts....)
Go Tell It On the Mountain
The Coventry Carol
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
O Holy Night
See The Transparencies page for info on our
Nov. 25/07 Tribute Concert to the Lost Dogs
Friday, Nov. 16/07 Small Group at Brookses' House
Saturday, August 25, 2007: Northwood Park Church Family Camp Talent Show
Duncan Memorial Camp
Sunday, June 17, 2007: Northwood Park Church Coffee House
Monday, June 11, 2007: The Great Northwest CBC Radio One Thunder Bay
Sun's up ... over Thunder Bay.
I'm looking at the Giant and he's looking great today,
But I'm thinkin' 'bout the CBC.
Some kind a mystery's got a hold on me.
Just like the Senators, lookin' at the final score,
But our voting blew them all away.
Some kind a mystery's got a hold on me.
Wonder what we voted for.
I wonder what we voted for.
Wonder what we voted for.
I wonder what we voted for.
Wonder what we voted for.
I wonder what we voted for.
Saturday, May 26, 2007: "Much Ado About Muffins" (at Definitely Superior Art Gallery)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007:
(The Richard Pepper we never knew: the spiritually encouraging one!! Ron Desmoulins' piece on my singing hymns at
Senior Homes, my most frequent gig!)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007: Deanery Youth Unit Coffee House (at St. Thomas' Anglican)
"There is a lot of talent in the room." (General praise)
"I can tell that your bass player has played with you for a long time." (Praise of the guy right next to me).
Good Friday and Easter Sunday, April 6 an 8, 2007: Northwood Park Church
Youth Eucharist, March 24, 2007: St. John's Anglican
Saturday, March 17/07: Musical Marathon Fundraiser for Dorion Bible Fellowship's new building
Saturday, February 9/07: Men's Cursillo Weekend at
Dorion Bible Camp (actually the Conference Centre)
("Repetoire" from the French, meaning "Stuff one repeats over and over when he hasn't learned anything new.")
Saturday, January 27/07: LUCF Retreat at
Round Lake Bible Camp
Wednesday, Dec. 20/06 on
CBC Radio One's "The Great Northwest"
It's beginning to look a lot like Easter everywhere you go.
It's December the 24th and we're living in the North,
But we're playing in the slush instead of snow.
It's warm enough to walk, but we drive around the block,
And we wonder why.
Will wilt under the glow.
The icecaps'll shrink and we'll be in the drink
And we'll have to learn to row
And Doctor David Suzuki can say I told you so.
The final catastrophe that we might have to see,
Says Al Gore,
Is the rising of the sea, inconveniently,
Up to your front door.
Saturday, November 26, 2006:
St. Thomas' Anglican's Roast Beef Dinner
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006:
Lakehead Baptist's Men's Breakfast
Wednesday Nov. 1, 2006: Songwriter Contest at Flapper Jack's
Tie Domi still played when I wrote this song.
Don Cherry loved him, though he said his name wrong.
Tie used to play in the Town of the Hogs,
But now his career's over and he's gone to the dogs.
Saturday Oct. 28, 2006: Bailey Goodbye Party in Northwood Park Church Basement
Saturday May 20, 2006: Northwood Park Church 40th Anniversary Dinner
Friday, May 4, 2006: Open Mike Night at the Grann Art Gallery
Tuesday, April 11, 2006: St. Thomas Anglican
Youth Group
Sunday, March 17-19, 2006: Andy James' 60th Birthday Party @
Kanaskis Lodge, Alberta
Sunday, March 5, 2006: Northwood Park Church
Stained Coffee House
Tuesday, February 14, 2006: St. Thomas Anglican
Youth Group
Thursday, February 9, 2006: Deanery Youth Unit Coffeehouse @ St. Thomas Anglican (Haddon Hall) in support of Nu-Vision Rwanda
Sunday, December 18, 2005: Northwood Park Church of Christ's
Christmas Party
Judge Gomery. Judge Gomery.
They've told so many fibs to me.
Judge Gomery. Judge Gomery.
They spent our money -- liberally.
We want a change this election, but
We don't trust Harper's haircut.
So Gomery. Judge Gomery.
We'll re-elect them. Just wait and see.
Friday, December 16, 2005: Northern Schools Resource Alliance Christmas Luncheon
the Travelodge Airlane Hotel
Saturday, November 26, 2005:
St. Thomas' Anglican's Roast Beef Dinner
Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005: Northwood Park Church Coffee House
Sunday, September 18, 2005:
St. Thomas' Anglican 10:30 a.m. Service
Saturday, August 27, 2005: Northwood Park Church Family Camp Talent Show
Duncan Memorial Camp
Friday, July 22, 2005: Camp Gitchigomee
Senior Week Campfire
Saturday, June 18, 2005: Family Fun Day for St. Mary's Anglican Nipigon Marina
L-R: Jim on the Guitarjo, Richard Harvey, Richard's daughter, Richard Pepper
Sunday, May 15, 2005: Northwood Park Church Coffee House
Wednesday, April 27, 2005:
The Apollo: Open Mike Night
Friday, August 13, 2004:
Manitoba Pioneer Camp
Saturday, June 26, 2004:
Lakehead Baptist's Men's Breakfast
Saturday, April 3, 2004:
Twilight Culture
Sunday, March 21, 2004: Northwood Park Church Coffee House
Saturday, September 17, 2003: Lakehead Baptist's
Men's Breakfast
Saturday, September 20, 2003: Northwood Park Church of Christ Friendship
Saturday, September 6, 2003: Definitely Superior Open Mike Poetry Reading (outside on Park St.)
Saturday, August 30, 2003: Northwood Park Church Family Camp Talent Show
(or did I imagine that?)
Saturday, April 26, 2003: ISCF "Twilight Culture" @ Lakehead Baptist's
Church Building
(It's still sleeping.)
Friday, April 18, 2003: "Veronica's Veil" Good Friday Concert at St. Patrick's Cathedral
Friday, April 4, 2003: CSSM Workers Conference at Galilean Bible Camp
Saturday, March 29, 2003: House Concert with writer, Tim Lappala
at Rick and Nine Three's house
Set One:
Laughter Heard Through the Wall/Agnus Dei*, Integrity*,
Underneath This Tree*, (Another) Song of Myself*,
Healer of Our Spirits,
Don't Be Afraid.
Set Two:
Anglo Saxon,
The Other Half,
Before Dawn.
Set Three:
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner)*, Benediction.
Friday, February 28, 2003: St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Coffee House
(I think this was intended as a compliment, meaning that I could have, but possibly implying also
that I should have.)
Friday, February 7, 2003: "The Westfort Community Folk Cafe"
(or "Tunes for Two Toonies and a Loonie")
"Monsters in the Sky",
"In the Garden" (by C. Austin Miles) accompanied by "angels"
in the audience and
"Don't Be Afraid"
"Thanks, Dave." -- Jim Gillies (M.C.)
Saturday, November 2, 2002: Farewell to the Great Northwest Coffee Co.
@ future site of Tim Horton's (boo!)
My parody of JJ Cale's "Cocaine"
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner),
Big Yellow Donut Shop (parody of
the Joni Mitchell song of similar title),
Time Tears Us Apart and
Tim Lappala's "Shakespeare's Cafe"
accompanied by
Rick Three on upright bass and
Two versions of "Blackbird" by two
different duos.
"That's the best thing I've heard in a f---ing long time." -- James
"the Regular" (referring to Tim's poem).
|"The end is near."|
"The wages of Tim's."|
Hey! Wake up!|
Rick & Lorinna|
Saturday, October 9, 2002: Western Canada Christian Convention Banquet
@ Canadian Bible College, Regina, SK.
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner) and
Laughter Heard Through the Wall/Agnus Dei.
"I'm glad you sang in English." -- Ellis Krogsgaard
Variety Nights at
Dorion Bible Camp Summer 2002
Friday, June 28:
Hockey Night in Canada Medley,
Mayfly Mush,
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly and
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner)
Thu., July 4 (Testimony Time at Leaders Training):
The Boring Testimony Blues.
Thu., July 11: Neil Diamond's
Sweet Caroline
Thu., July 18:
Pillow Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Mayfly Mush and
The Day in the Life of a Mayfly.
Thu., Aug. 1 as "Bob Dorion":
(The Mayflies Are) Blowin' in the Wind,
Your Clothes They Need A-Changin',
All Along the Dining Hall,
Pillow Fighting Champ of Dorion Bible Camp,
Drugs For Bugs and
"Gospel" Harmonica Medley.
Thu. Aug. 15:
The True and Terrible (But Somewhat Modified) Ballad
of Evil Ed Gooch.
Thu. Aug. 22: Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire,
Nobody Talks (During Coach's Corner) and
harmonica medley of U2's "I Still Haven't Found
What I'm Looking For" and
Jacob's Trouble's "These Thousand Hills".
"Bob who?" -- most campers.
Saturday, June 15, 2002: ISCF "Twilight Culture" @ Lakehead Baptist's
Church Building
Hockey Night in Canada Medley and
Nobody Talks
(During Coach's Corner).
I also recited my "Cinna the Conspirator" lines from
"Julius Caesar".
"Thank you, Richard. And now for our next act." -- Mike the M.C.
Wednesday, May 1, 2002: The Writes of Spring @ The Cambrian Players Studio
Re. my singing: "You sure play that guitar!" -- Don Watson
Friday, January 11, 2002: Tunes for Toonies Beatles Coffeehouse @ Westfort
Community Centre
"I have nothing bad to say." -- Robin Harbron
"I don't regret going to see Shallow Hal instead." -- Darren "Shroom" Foulds
"Next time play your Coach's
Corner song." -- tall guy with a white beard.
Thursday, December 13, 2001: Open Corner of the Room Night @ Dewar's
My CBC Contest
Hockey Night in Canada Medley, Stomping Tom Connor's
The Hockey Song, then, as a tribute to the latest late
Beatle, George Harrison's Taxman, seguing into
Lennon/McCartney's Drive My Car. Heckler Herr
Dreyer urged me to play Something; so I played G.H.'s
While My Guitar Gently Weeps. As a further
tribute to George, I played Let It Rain by
Bonnie Bramlett and Eric Clapton (who stole George's wife, Patti). This
theme and the chord A Major led to a smooth segue into U2's
All I Want is You, with guest bgv's supplied
by one of the hecklers (at the wrong part of the song). I closed with the obligatory
Nobody Talks (During Coach's
Thursday, December 6, 2001: Open Corner of the Room Night @ Dewar's
Review of every other act: "You were rad. You were excellent" -- the loud, possibly
inebriated, young lady.
Friday, November 9, 2001: Tunes for Toonies Coffeehouse @ Westfort
Community Centre
Friday, September 14, 2001: Tim & Miriam Lappala's Place, Toronto, ON
Micah 6:8,
Little One,
Monsters in the Sky,
Nobody Talks.
I'm Too Old For the NHL,
Fast Forward,
Laughter Heard Through the Wall
/Agnus Dei,
The Other Half,
Time Tears Us Apart and
Saturday, August 25, 2001: Northwood Park Church Family Camp Talent Show
Thursday, August 23, 2001:
Camp Dorion Hi-Teens
And we know that those who trust Him will find their hearts desire.
But let's not waste the moments that He's given to us here.
Let's recognize real treasures whenever they appear."
Thursday, August 2, 2001: Camp Dorion Intermediate 1 Talent Show
Saturday, July 14, 2001: Thunder Bay Fringe Festival
Tues. June 3 & Thurs. July 12 & Aug. 16, 2001:
Camp Dorion Talent Shows
Friday June 8, 2001: Tunes for Toonies Coffeehouse @ Westfort
Community Centre
Friday, June 8, 2001: CJSD Rock 94 FM
Thursday, June 7, 2001: CBC Radio Northwestern Ont.
"The Great Northwest (with Lisa Laco)"
Saturday, June 2, 2001: ISCF "Twilight Culture" @ Elim Pentecostal
Church Building
Friday, April 13, 2001: Tunes for Toonies Coffeehouse @ Westfort
Community Centre
Friday, March 29, 2001: Ont. CSSM Conference @ Galilean Bible Camp,
Blind River, ON
Saturday, September 16, 2000: Tim & Miriam Lappala's basement, London, ON
Saturday, September 2, 2000: ISCF Leaders Camp at Manitoba Pioneer Camp
Saturday, August 19, 2000: Northwood Park Church Family Camp Talent Show
Thursday, August 17, 2000:
Camp Dorion "Hi-Teens" Talent Show
Saturday, July 7, 2000: Thunder Bay 2K Reunion Talent Show
Friday, June 2, 2000: Tunes for Toonies Coffeehouse
Saturday, May 28, 2000: First Baptist's All-Acoustic Coffeehouse
Tuesday, May 23, 2000: Poetry Harbor (Duluth, MN)
Sunday, May 21, 2000: "Cops For Cancer" at TB Police Station
Sunday, May 21, 2000: Lakehead Baptist Coffeehouse
Friday, May 12, 2000: Tunes for Toonies Coffeehouse
Sat., Dec, 25, 1999: Shelter House
Sun. Nov. 28, 1999: Model UN Coffee House at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Sat., Nov. 20, 1999: Tim Lappala's Reading at Chapter's
Mon., Oct. 18, 1999: "The Inkwell" at Rick's House(?)
Fri. Oct 15, 1999: At the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Sat., Sept. 25, 1999: House Concert at Tim & Miriam Lappala's place in Toronto
Thu. Aug. 26, 1999: Hi-Teens Variety Night at Dorion Bible Camp
Thu., July 27, 1999: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
Sat. July 24, 1999: Guest of "Mike and the Moronz" Fringe Show at the Croation Hall
Tue., July 6, 1999: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
Sat. June 26, 1999: Wedding of Krista (nee Walter) and Dan Hansen at the FW Country Club
Fri. May 21, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Fri. May 14, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Sun. May 9, 1999: Church Service for ISCF Weekend in Gull Bay
Sat. Mar. 27, 1999: "Follow-up Variety Night" for Dorion Bible Camp, Location unknown.
Sat. Mar. 20, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Fri. Feb. 26, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Thu., Feb. 25, 1999: "The Inkwell" at Chapters
Fri. Feb. 19, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Sun. Feb. 7, 1999: LUCF Church in the Pub at Lakehead University
Fri. Feb. 5, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Sat. Jan. 30, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Fri. Jan. 22, 1999: Busked with Lance Schibler at the Great Northwest Coffee Company
Hi-Teens Camp 1998 Variety Night at Dorion Bible Camp
May 30, 1998: ISCF Talent Show at Farrand St. Chapel
Sun., May 3, 1998: Calvary Chapel, Blind River
Sun., Apr. 11, 1998: The Home of the Coulters in Regina SK
Sun., Apr. 5, 1998: Goodbye Party for Claudette at the Whitfields' Senior
Thu., Feb. 5, 1998: The Home of Steve and Ellie Zavitiz
Sun., Feb. 1, 1998: Open Mic at Definitely Superior Art Gallery.
Sun., Jan. 15, 1998: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Jan. 17, 1998: First Baptist Coffeehouse
Salome, The Other Half, and Don't Be Afraid.
Thu., Dec, 25, 1997: Shelter House
Fri., Aug. 8, 1997: Dorion Bible Camp All-Camp Pillow Fight
Wed., July 25, 1997: Dorion Bible Camp
Thu., July 17, 1997: Dorion Bible Camp Primary Camp Christmas Banquet
Wed., July 9, 1997: Dorion Bible Camp All-Camp Pillow Fight
Thu., July 3, 1997: Dorion Bible Camp All-Camp Pillow Fight
Tue., July 1, 1997: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
Fri., Jun. 20, 1997: Coffee House at the Great Northwest Coffeehouse
Sun., Jun. 15, 1997: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Fri. - Sun., June 6 - 8, 1997: ISCF Camping Trip at Sleeping Giant Park
Sun. morning Worship Service: Led it with my own folk setting of the mass (Missa).
Sun., Mar. 18, 1997: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Sun., Mar. 25, 1997: "Art Gallery" (in diary: Definitely Superior?)
Sun., Mar. 18, 1997: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Wed., May 7, 1997: Concert at CSSM Workers National Conference at Northwest Baptist College, Burnaby BC
Fast Forward,
A (Relatively) Short Story,
The Bridal School Blues,
The Boring Testimony Blues,
The Christian Beaver,
God Hates,
In Heaven There'll Only Bae Bagpipes,
'69 - '74,
I Believe,
and Benediction.
Apr. 5, 1997: First Baptist Coffeehouse
Seven Answers of Sunday School, The Gossip Song, and '69 - '74.
Thu., Mar. 6, 1997: Book Launch for Marianne Jones at Cronos Cafe
Sun., Mar. 2, 1997: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Sun., Feb. 23, 1997: Open Mic at Definitely Superior Art Gallery.
Sun., Jan. 12, 1997: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Sun., Dec. 29, 1996: Open Mic at Definitely Superior Art Gallery.
Wed., Dec, 25, 1996: Shelter House
Sun., Dec, 8, 1996: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Sat., Nov. 10, 1996: Lakehead Baptist "No Coffeehouse" (Avila Centre)
Sat. Oct. 26, 1996: St. Luke's Anglican Church Little Helpers Party
Thu., Oct. 24, 1996: Open Mic at Definitely Superior Art Gallery.
Sat., Oct. 19, 1996: "The Inkwell" at the Great Northwest Coffee Co.
Sat., Oct. 19, 1996: "The Inkwell" at Intercity Mall
Sun., Oct. 13, 1996: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Sat., Oct. 5, 1996: Lakehead University Christian Fellowship Talent Show at Aurora Lutheran Camp
Sun., Sept. 15, 1996: "The Inkwell" at the home of Reg & Marianne Jones
Thu., Aug. 29, 1996: ISCF "Village" Celebration at Dorion Bible Camp
Sat., Aug. 24, 1996: Wedding Reception for Carla & Robin Harbron at the Finn Hall
Sat., Aug. 24, 1996: Wedding Reception for Carla & Robin Harbron at the Finn Hall
Sat., Aug. 17 & 18, 1996: 50th Anniversary Talent Show at Dorion Bible Camp
Tue., Aug. 6 1996: After supper at Dorion Bible Camp
Wed., July 10, 1996: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
June 9, 1996: Lakehead Baptist Coffeehouse (Avila Centre)
Fri., May 31 - June 1, 1996: ISCF Camping Trip at Sleeping Giant Park
Sat., May 18, 1996: Alan & Carmen Kemp's Wedding Friends' Reception in Redwood Park Alliance's basement
Sat., May 11, 1996: Steve & Ellie Zavitz Wedding Reception in Ottawa
Sat. May 5, 1996: With "Mike and the Moronz" at Redwood Park Alliance Talent Show
Fri. April 12, 1996: Morning Chapel at CSSM Ont. Workers Conference @ Galilean Bible Camp, Blind River
Tue. Apr. 2, 1996: With "Mike and the Moronz" at the LUCF Indoor Picnic at Redwood Park Alliance Talent Show
Mon. Jan. 15, 1996: The House of Glenn & Kathy Runnalls in Caronport SK
Mon. Dec. 25, 1995: Shelter House
Sat., Nov. 25, 1995: Hammarskjold ISCF Retreat at Camp Aurora
Sat. Oct. 28, 1995: St. Luke's Anglican Church Little Helpers Party
Fri., Oct. 27, 1995: ISCF at Hammarskjold High School
Fri., Sept. 15, 1995: ISCF Campout at Dorion Bible Camp
Fri., Sept. 1, 1995: ISCF "Village" at Dorion Bible Camp
Wed., Aug. 2, 1995: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
Mon., July 31, 1995: Dorion Bible Camp Missions Chapel
Thu., July 27, 1995: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
Wed., July 12, 1995: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
Tue., July 11, 1995: Dorion Bible Camp "Field Concert"
Mon., July 10, 1995: Dorion Bible Camp Missions Chapel
Thu., June 29, 1995: Dorion Bible Camp Staff Orientation Variety Night
Fri. April 9, 1995: Public Concert @ Galilean Bible Camp, Blind River
Fri. April 7, 1995: CSSM Ont. Workers Conference @ Galilean Bible Camp, Blind River
Jan. 16, 1995: Millie Pytyck's Apartment, Caronport SK
Wed. Dec. 28, 1994: Dorion Bible Camp Staff Party in Redwood Park Alliance's old building
Sun., Dec, 25, 1994: Shelter House
Wed. Dec. 16, 1994: Pinewood Court Senior Home Staff Drop-In
Fri. Sept. 23, 1994: The Home of Marla & Brian Dunn
Mon. Sept. 5, 1994: Chapel at Dorion Bible Camp Labour Day Weekend
Tue. Aug. 30, 1994: ISCF Leaders Camp at Dorion Bible Camp
Fri. Aug. 26, 1994: Dorion Bible Camp Staff Party at Centennial Park
Thu. Aug. 25, 1994: Field Concert at Dorion Bible Camp Hi-Teens Camp
Wed. Aug. 24, 1994: Variety Night at Dorion Bible Camp Hi-Teens Camp
Tue. Aug. 2, 1994: Camp Fire at Dorion Bible Camp Intermediate 2 Camp
Mon. Aug. 1, 1994: Field Concert at Dorion Bible Camp Intermediate 2 Camp
Thu. July 28, 1994: Field Concert at Dorion Bible Camp Intermediate 1 Camp
Wed. July 20, 1994: Field Concert at Dorion Bible Camp Junior Camp
Wed. July 13, 1994: Field Concert at Dorion Bible Camp Primary Camp
Tue. July 12, 1994: Private Concert at Dorion Bible Camp Primary Camp
Mon. July 4, 1994: Breakfast at Dorion Bible Camp Senior Camp
Fri. July 1, 1994: Camp Fire at Dorion Bible Camp Teens Camp
Thu., June 23, 1994: Staff Orientation Field Concert at Dorion Bible Camp
Wed., June 22, 1994: Staff Orientation Variety Night at Dorion Bible Camp
Mon., June 20, 1994: Staff Orientation at Dorion Bible Camp
Tue., June 14, 1994: Beacon Hill Lodge
Sun., May 29, 1994: Evangelical Youth Committee Retreat at Dorion Bible Camp
Sun., Apr. 24, 1994: Northwood Park Church Coffee House
Fri., Apr. 15, 1994: CSSM Ont. Works Conference at Galilean Bible Camp
Fri., Jan. 21, 1994: "Ecujam" St. Luke's Anglican
Tue., Jan. 18, 1994: The Home of Glenn & Kathy Runnalls Caronport SK
Mon., Jan. 17, 1994: Dorion Bible Camp Presentation at Briercrest Bible College, Caronport SK
Sat., Dec, 25, 1993: Shelter House
Wed. Dec. 8, 1993: Lakehead Trade Show at the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition Grounds
Mon. Dec. 6, 1993: Lakehead Trade Show at the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition Grounds
Sat. Dec. 4, 1993: Lakehead Trade Show at the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition Grounds
Sun. Nov. 28, 1993: After Supper at Steve & Rebecca McMillan's place in Regina
Fri. Nov. 26, 1993: After Supper at a Church of Christ Conference in Regina
Mon. Sept. 6, 1993:
Camp Dorion Family Camp Morning Chapel
Tue. July 27, 1993:
Camp Dorion Junior Week Field Concert
Fri. July 2, 1993:
Camp Dorion Teens 1 Campfire
Sun., April 17, 1993: After evening chapel at CSSM Workers Conference at Galilean Bible Camp
Sun., Mar. 14, 1993: Shelter House
Sun., Mar. 7, 1993: Northwood Church Talent Night at the Browns' house
Sat., Feb. 13, 1993: LUCF Variety Night at Camp Aurora
Sun., Feb. 7, 1993: LUCF "Church in the Study"
Tue., Jan. 26, 1993: Shelter House