My Interests

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Camp Gitchigomee

Manitoba Pioneer Camp
Links to my times there every summer since 2004

Playlist of all my MPC videos thus far

Dorion Bible Camp & Conference Centre --owned & operated by CSSM Ministries (now One Hope Canada)- It was there at age 12 that I put my trust in Christ. I have been on summer staff since 1978 and in 1987 I joined the parent organization C.S.S.M. Ministries, as DBCCC's Programme Director. From 1998 until 2003 I also took on the Registrar duties. Autumn 2002 Prayer Letter (Pic links are dead.)

In 2003 I went on a Health LOA, and was declared fit to return. However, I was never returned to work & my job was given to someone else, without explanation. So I went on to other things. Those responsible for these decisions are no longer with DBC or One Hope Canada, and all is well.

Click on this mystery Dorion staff member's smile for more Camp Dorion pictures.

Then from Sept. '04 until Nov. '07 I served as Youth Ministry Facilitator for the Anglican Deanery of Thunder Bay and as Youth Co-ordinator for St. Thomas' Anglican Church of Thunder Bay from Sept. '05 until Oct. '07 at which point I was hired as Minister of The Northwood Park Church .

The Northwood Park Church of Christ - Since c. age 12 I have been involved at the Northwood Park Church. I was baptized at 16, and went on to be very involved with Sunday School, "Young Peoples", Vacation Bible School, Family Camps, Shelter House meal prep, preaching, song-leading, outreach events (such as coffeehouses) etc..

I then became the part-time Minister from October 2007 until August 2012. At the same time we wound up our operations, and sold our building (now a Dentistry Office).

In 2012 the NPCoC ceased operations, and now most of the time now I worship with Gathering Table Anglican (for whom I work part-time as Sexton).

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship - A source of much encouragement and spiritual instruction throughout my high-school and Lakehead University days. For years I continued to be involved as a sponsor at Churchill and Hammarskjold High and as the secretary of the Thunder Bay IV Area Committee.

My Music - "The Transparencies", my recordings, influences and interests. My recent gigs

Theatre mainly with The Cambrian Players of Thunder Bay. This including acting (scripted, improv and semi-scripted Murder Mysteries) as well as helping with sound and lights, and serving on the Cambrian Board, currently as Past-President. I am also very involved with the Cambrian Players Improv Club.

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Last Update: Mar. 16, 2020 Lenovo