

Okay, this is the last entry at this old location, http://my.tbaytel.net/macbeth/blogger.html - please update your links etc. to http://www.psw.ca/blogger.php - I already have on my main page.

I paid extra when I moved to godaddy.com hosting so I could continue to have cgi support which my comments system requires. It turns out that Godaddy has really lousy cgi support - it's extremely restrictive, and after too much fiddling, I've given up trying to get my old blog system working.

I've still got all the old comments in a file, but the new php-based system I'm using has a different file format, and it means the old comments have to be changed over. I treasure your comments, every one of them, but it might just be too much trouble to convert them all. If I had time, I'd probably try to learn perl well enough to do it somewhat automatically. Anyone want to volunteer? :)

This new system is called "Poster Child", and it seems I couldn't get it running at tbaytel due to it's php-ness. So if you're reading this on tbaytel, please go over to psw.ca so you can leave a comment, and let me know it's working for you. That's where all the action will be from now on!



I'm switching hosts for psw.ca which is where my blog's commenting system lives, so the comments may act strange for a while. But once everything's settled, it should work much better, and get rid of that stalling problem that happens sometimes with my current you-get-what-you-pay-for-and-can't-complain host.

Both my real job and my top-secret-cool-job have been pretty busy lately, leaving little time and/or energy for the kind of blogging I like to do. But Carla's been picking up my blogging slack - she's the Disenfranchised Housewife linked to the right. I think I've been linked to the Right too.

Finally, it was uber-cool listening to my good friend Richard Pepper's "Free Stanley" song being played on As It Happens, a nationally broadcast radio show here in Canada. Rianna did a very interesting interpretive dance while the song played, and then the Harbrons cheered right along with the hosts of the show. "Well done, Mr. Pepper!"

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