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Richard Pepper's


The links below will take you to various posts marked with that particular "label" (usually with pictures or videos) in my blog. They will appear in reverse chronological order.

This will mean that, as I continue to post in 2024 and beyond, you will have to scroll down to find this year, or use the year/month navigation at the left.

Or simply click Highlights of 2023 only instead.

Below is a description of my life much as it had been in 2023:

My paid work this year included Crossing Guard, Standardized Patient at the Northern Ontario Medical School (c. once a month Sept. - May), Sexton (caretaker) for Gathering Table Anglican Church, Music Care at Pioneer Ridge Home each Friday morning. As well, I played guitar for the Pope John Paul II School Choir for some events (Masses).

I continue to sing as a volunteer at Pinewood Court and Pioneer Ridge, though not as often as before.

I am Past President of and a holder of a Distinguished Service Award with Cambrian Players, and my theatre involvement is described below.

I was able to participate in A Christmas Carol as Fezziwig and Oldest Dick, and was sound designer for it. Our improv group returned to our regular Sunday evenings, and held several public performances.

I also participated in the 10x10 Theatre Showcase, held in a tent this year, due to renovations at Magnus Theatre -- in the play "No Place to Hide" by Jordan Lehto.

Camp Gitchigomee resumed operation, and I participated in all three weeks.

Pioneer Camp Manitoba again ran a full summer season, and I returned there for two weeks on staff in August.

Despite all this, my activities have continued be in smaller social circles, and away from larger institutions: visits with my mother, the five "Vinyl Boys" (Record-Listening friends, c. once a month), the Cheer's Open Mic Gang (who now participate in the Thursday Night Open Mic at Lakehead Beer), and the P-W Family whom I visit most weekends. The Cambrian Improv group has also resumed some socializing.


"Family" this year for the most part meant visiting/shopping/appointments with my mother, including birthdays, and christmas.

See also car for another 2023 highlight.


I am employed there part-time as Sexton (i.e. caretaker), and participate as a Lay Reader, Lector, and Eucharistic Assistant. Occasionally I lead singing with my guitar.

Related labels:

gathering table


The "Music" link above will take you to various musical events. For my own gigs, click here.

My singing in senior homes continues, and like others of the Cheer's Open Mic Gang I sing at the weekly Lakehead Beer Open Mic. We also have had the occasional outdoor campfire. I continue to play guitar for the Pope John Paul II School choir, and occasionally for Gathering Table worship services.

Please subscribe to my music-only YouTube Channel, and SMASH those Like buttons!!!

I also continue to update a page of my gigs here going back to the early days, though I'm not sure why.

pjp2 (Pope John Paul 2 School)


This year I was Ass't Cook, Archery Teacher and led music during Senior Week 2023. For the first time in years I also led music at Junior Week 2023, and (as usual) led music & archery at Intermediate Week 2023.

Related labels:



I spent Aug. 6 - 19 at "Classic Boys Camp" at Manitoba Pioneer Camp. Before heading out on Aug. 5, I prayed that if something was wrong with my car, I'd find out sooner rather than later. I backed out of my drive behind the house, drove the bumpy alleyway, and as I passed my house, my exhaust pipe became detached (at the front making it very difficult to wire up).

I was able to park in front of my house, phone CAA and Midas Muffler. It was repaired by 1530h, but I decided I'd wait until the next day to drive to camp. All I missed was the pre-camp staff meeting, and I arrived with the campers, thus experiencing the Camp Welcome from their POV.

This year I did not get Covid. :)

Click "Mario Father and Son" for a blog post of pix and vids from my time there.

Playlist of all my MPC '23 clips (usually c. 30 sec each) in chrono order. For topical playlists, see the link above.

Index of all my Boys Camps at MPC


In 2023 Cambrian Players staged Little Women (for which I did sound design) and Momologues 2: Off to School (for which I did sound design), and A Christmas Carol (in which I acted, and did NOT do sound design).

Cambrian Improv continued to meet on Sunday evenings, and put on seven shows, as well as doing a set at the July 1 Celebrations.

Early in the year I took a series of improv classes ably and enjoyably led by Jenn McCallion at Magnus Theatre.

And in June I participated in the 10x10 Showcase, playing "Ken" in "No Place to Hide" by Michael Lehto, directed by Bryan MacLeod. In each performance I got to eat a Sally-Anne (or 1/2 of one in the Sat. matinee and evening show).

Related labels:

rp acting

Bike Rides

This year I didn't ride my bike as often as I did the last three summers, as my other activities had resumed. By the end of the summer I thought I had ridden all the "city" streets of Thunder Bay, but then I realized I missed Beaver Court (which has no sign, and looks like a parking lot), and a small section of Pearl St. With the warm weather in Dec. I was able to complete these during Christmas Break.

However, this does not mean I intend to stop riding. My goal next year will be to include more of the rural roads.

If you follow this link, you will find a map showing a combination of of my 2020 - 2023 rides.


A few more gatherings than last year: still hanging out c. once a month with the "Vinyl Guys", listening to vinyl LPs, birthday parties with the P-W Family, and the Cambrian Improv Gang has resumed socializing.

CBC Radio

A couple of pop-up remote broadcasts, and my own private Open House, since they still haven't had one since Covid arrived.

Related labels:



The revised version of the songbook I put together in 1993 of "Dorion songs" is still on-line here as a PDF.

Many of the songs can be found in this playlist:

Friends' Kids

Most weekends I would visit the P-W Family, sometimes to go swimming. Most visits included Hide 'n' Seek, "Bum-Drop" Practice on the Trampoline, and Cards Against Humanity (Family Edition!!).

I even succeeded in learning how to do a bum drop!


I do belong to a Tolkien Appreciation group, and we did have one in-person moot (to toast his birthday in January).



The only oldie I posted was a restored animated video a friend and I made in 1978 for a high school project. You can view it below, or click "oldies" above.

Related labels:

dbcoldies (Camp Dorion Oldies)

Various Other Labels Used in 2023:

rp acting
rp crafts
rp homes

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Latest Update Dec. 31, 2024 Lenovo 2

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