The links below will take you to various posts marked with that particular "label" (usually with pictures or videos) in my blog. They will appear in reverse chronological order.
This will mean that, as I continue to post in 2024 and beyond, you will have to scroll down to find this year, or use the year/month navigation at the left.
Below is a description of my life much as it had been in 2024:
My paid work this year included Crossing Guard, Standardized Patient at the Northern Ontario Medical School (c. once a month Sept. - May), Sexton (caretaker) for Gathering Table Anglican Church, Music Care at Pioneer Ridge Home each Friday morning. As well, I played guitar for the Pope John Paul II School Choir for some events.
I continue to sing as a volunteer at Pinewood Court and Pioneer Ridge.
I no longer on the board, but I am a holder of a Distinguished Service Award with Cambrian Players, and my theatre involvement is now primarily through the Cambrian Improv Group.
I participated in all three weeks of Camp Gitchigomee, and I was staff for two weeks in August at Manitoba Pioneer Camp. I also attended their Spring Celebration in March in St. Pierre and Winnipeg.
My activities have continued be in smaller social circles, and away from larger institutions: visits with my mother, the "Vinyl Boys" (Record-Listening friends), the Cheer's Open Mic Gang (who now participate in the Thursday Night Open Mic at Lakehead Beer), and the P-W Family whom I visit most weekends. I have also begun participating in an Open Mic at the Foundry every second Monday.
On Sept. 11 the pews of Grace Free Church were filled for the funeral of Nora Ellis, a founder/leader of my home church until its close in 2012. I found myself quite overwhelmed, and in need of hugs from the family. It was something of a reunion, with guests from our church travelling in from the Soo, St. Catharine's, and the Maritimes.
Until December I was employed by Gathering Table (Anglican) as Sexton (i.e. caretaker), but decided I needed the time and peace of mind more than I needed the money and stress.
Occasionally I lead singing with my guitar, or read Scripture. I am no longer licensed as a Lay Reader or Eucharistic Assistant because it turns out I was supposed to be an actual Anglican, and I'm not. The church appealed to the Bishop that I be allowed to continue to a substitute sermonizer from time to time. I've heard indirectly that this has been approved, pending approval the GT Advisory Council, but I've heard nothing more directly. I expect that maybe they might call on me in a pinch, but not regularly.
The "Music" link above will take you to various musical events. For my own gigs, click here.
My singing in senior homes continues, and like others of the Cheer's Open Mic Gang I sing at the weekly Lakehead Beer Open Mic (and also every second Monday at the Foundry Open Mic). In January I was background entertainment for a whole evening at Nortenos Cantina. I continue to play guitar for the Pope John Paul II School choir,
and occasionally for Gathering Table worship services.
Most of my theatre involvement in 2024 was with Cambrian Improv who continue to meet on Sunday evenings, and put on six shows*, as well as doing a set in BuskerFest (pictured above). * including the Improvathon.
We also did guest performances or workshops for Justices of the Peace, Insurance Brokers, ThunderCon, Crossing Guards, and a Scout Troop.
This year I didn't take many long bike rides, since my other activities have resumed, and also for a while my front brakes were broken. Eventually I repaired them.
If you follow this link, you will find a map showing a combination of of my 2020 - 2024 rides.
I do belong to a Tolkien Appreciation group, and we did have at least one in-person moot (to toast his birthday in January). I did also catch the end of a Reading Day (March 25th) event, but took no pictures.