Copyright 2000 "LL1120"
All rights reserved


Field Staff --- More than 900 on full time staff to assist members in negotiations, organizing,
adjusting grievances with their employer, etc. Two-Thirds of IAM staff are elected local or
district representativesl. The remainder are appointed international representatives.

All IAM Reps are pro's at their job and all come from the rank and file of our membership.

Professional Staff

Legal Department -- Staff attourneys at headquarters with law firms on retainer in major
cities. They protect legal rights of union members, represent union in court, before Labour Board,
other agencies and  in arbitration cases.

Research Department -- Staff of 10. Research Director, economist, statistician, contract analysts,
libarians. They assist in wage negotiations, prepare special studies on members' problems such as
time study, job evaluation, foreign competition; advise on pension plans, insurance, health and
welfare, dental and eye care programs.

Organizing Department -- Assists districts and locals to organize non-union plants and help those
workers to win the advantages of union membership.

Community Services Department -- Co-ordinates programmes to help IAM members and their
families to obtain personal services and benefits over and above those provided in their union
contract and to assist union members during emergencies.

Health & Safety Department -- Top notch expertise is available to protect members from hazards
on the job.

Education Department -- Staff of two assisted by seven education represtentatives in the field.
Prepare educational materials. Conduct week long leadership training and membership education
programs. Direct seminars and summer schools for members at major universities. Administer
IAM scholarship program.

Publications and Public Relations Department -- Publishes a bilingual monthly newspaper -- The
Machinist, special newsletters, pamphlets, and brochures to keep IAM members informed on latest
developments on jobs, wages, legislation and consumer and health fields. Works with provincial
councils and district and local unions to help them tell labour's story more effectively.

Legislative Department -- IAM members get the best representation and service on the job but the
union's task does not end here. We maintain constant vigil and contacts in the "Corridors of Power"
in Ottawa and provincial capitals to make sure that we have gained in collective bargaining in not
diluted or taken away by legislators.

International Affairs Department -- Our union works around the globe to protect our members'
livelihoods and the rights of all working people. We are members of the Interational Metalworkers'
Federation, the Interational Transport Workers Federation and, as part of the Canadian House of
Labour, the International Confereration of Free Trade Unions.

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