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Supreme government   body is the Grand Lodge Convention which meets every four years. Delegates
to this body are rank and file members elected at the local level.

Basic Law of the IAM is embodied in a written constitution voted by elected delicates at the Grand
Lodge Convention.

Execuative Council is made up of International President, General Secretary Treasurer and nine
General Vice Presidents. These are full time officers who govern between convection actions and the

These officers must be members in good standing of the union. They are elected by referendum
vote for four-year terms. They are subject to recall by the membership under provisions of the IAM

Also elected is a five-member Committee On Law which oversees the presentation of constitutional
amendments to the International Convention. At the same time, election takes place of delegates
to the Canadian Labour Congress and the AFL/CIO. None of the above positions are full time.

The basic strength is the IAM comes from the local unions which operate under democratic rules.
Two or more locals often get together to form a District, usually based on geography or single
employer or industry

Local Union By-Laws are written and voted on at membership meetings. They must be consistent
with IAM Contitution.

Local Union Officers are elected at membership meetings.

Contracts with employers are negotiated by trained representatives and local negotiating
committees backed by all resources of the International Union.

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