
My Lame Cartoon Idea

Just because Rich and Shroom have been sharing their kinda joke / cartoon ideas:

While walking back to my truck in the Canada Games Complex parking lot, I was about to walk by a fairly distinguished looking fellow, probably in his 50s, who was heading towards the building. For the last several years I've deliberately tried to make eye contact with strangers I pass by, and at least give a friendly smile or nod or "hello" if given the chance. Well, he went right on by without giving me any notice, and then I was surprised to hear him start talking, presumably to himself. I turned around to look, in case there was someone else in the area I didn't notice, but nope, no one. Then I caught myself almost talking to myself about it :)

So, the cartoon of this event would be one of those 3 frame things - first would be the picture of the two guys approaching each other, making it clear no one was around. The second would be of them having passed each other, and the stranger mumbling something to himself that obviously had nothing to do with their "encounter" (boy, even that word has become corrupt!). And the third would be the character we're familiar with, saying (obviously to himself, not the audience) - "Weird, that guy talks to himself!".

Feel free to rate it compared to other cartoons. "That's about as funny as Marmaduke" or "I'd rather just read the same Garfield strip over and over again every day for the rest of my life than read anything else by you."

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