To Menu of Richard's activities.
I began my work as Youth Ministry Facilitator for the Anglican Deanery of Thunder Bay on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004.
Note that some activities/events are not mentioned because I didn't take any pictures of them.
Official Thunder Bay DYU Site.
At this event we unveiled the $13 Foosball table (just needs legs) which I had bought at Value Village. Click the "big kids" hogging it for a few more pix of the event. (We did let the kids play with it too.) |
Due to forest fires our Cleanup Long Weekend was postponed. Fire fighers were renting our facilities!! |
Spring Newsletter
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Staff Training
Click the Cheerleading Pastor for more pix.
Camp Cleanup
Click the cool grass cutter for more pix.
June 2007
June 6
at St. Luke's
June 30 - July 1
Due to forest fires our Cleanup Long Weekend was postponed. Fire fighters were staying there to fight the nearby fire. Not only did they pay us rent and keep the place safe, but they painted & repaired picnic tables, chopped firewood, pumped out the biffies and left cases and cases of bottled water and canned goods and snacks. |
Click the pic of my receiving my log for Junior Week pix.
Click the Speed Stacker for Senior Week pix.
Click Dean Barker receiving his logs for Intermediate Week pix.
Click the messy eaters for pix of the Teens Retreat in August.
Youth Synod
I was a chaperone, cabin leader and clown.
July 2007
(I was Recreation Director and led some of the music.)
(I co-directed with Karol MacLean and led games, music and archery.)
I helped with music and taught archery.
(I wasn't actually at that weekend, however, but I did help promote and recruit for it.)
August 2007
(at Camp Manitou)
Aug. 3 - 8
Rev. Peter's Love Heart (or Apple?)
Camp Clean Up Day: Sept. 29
Camp Gitchigomee Fall 2007 Newsletter
Surprise Visit by the Blackmores (and the Stoneborough)
"Trick or Canned Gooding"
September 2007
at the
All-Ages Welcome Service
St. Michael's
Sept. 3
October 2007
from Sault Ste. Marie
Lunch at the Hoito
Oct. 8
near St. Michael's
for the Dew Drop Inn
Oct. 27
November 15 was my last day as Deanery Youth Ministry Facilitator. I resigned in order to take on the half-time position as Minister at Northwood Park Church, my home congregation since c. age twelve. I am grateful to the Anglicans of Thunder Bay Deanery for the privilege of serving as YMF and, in fact, I am happy to continue on many of the relationships I began in that capacity.
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Latest Update May 20, 2008