Isabella McInnes was a forward thinker - somewhat unusual for a 90 plus year old who has been attending Presbytery for almost 50 years as a delegate; and for several years afer as a visitor. She attended two General Councils and all but one meetings of Conference. Isabella's smile and bright colours made her easy to find in a crowd.

A member of Knox United, Rainy River, she saw many changes in the Church. From a strong Presbyterian family, she grew up in Portage La Prairie, where she also attended the Methodist Church a great deal, since it was closer. So when Church union came in 1925, while still in her teens, she really didn't see much difference. A guest speaker at Presbytery once described her as reversing her age - "a 91 year old who is still 19 inside."

When asked today if she thought the Church had a future, she replied with confidence "Oh sure!" We cannot all expect to live into our nineties, but in the years that we have we will be better Christians, better Presbyters, and better all round persons if we catch some of Isabella's good humour and positive thinking.

On March 23, 2007, Isabella passed away peacefully, at the Rainy River Health Centre, at the age of 97.

Cambrian Vignettes #3
March 2001

Dave McMaster & His Hat Bernie Lee - The Legend

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