Cambrian Presbytery is a part of Manitoba-Northwestern Ontario Conference in the United Church of Canada.
Consisting of 26 pastoral charges in Northwestern Ontario, Cambrian Presbytery encompasses an area from Red Lake, south to Rainy River, and east as far as Marathon (see the map for a visual representation of the area).
The music currently playing is Trentham by Robert Jackson, a 19th century English musician, composer and church organist in London and Oldham. The tune was composed for another now less well known hymn, but over the years has become the favoured tune for the popular hymn Breathe on me breath of God by another Englishman, Edwin Hatch (1835-1889). Hatch was ordained in 1859 and taught in religious schools in Toronto and Quebec City before returning to England to teach and later return to the pastorate.
This site is meant to function as a communication nexus for the United Church members, clergy and associates in NorthWestern Ontario. We welcome any visitors to our site, and hope that you find it an effective source of information about us!
Site Updated 09/04/13 |