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Cabin 10, once a dreary looking rust color,
was given new life by youngsters from First Church United.

The pace was however set by Marathon,
who were the first to paint their cabin in psychedelic dress.

Despite some rather gawdy colors, the camp has seen less vandalism than in past, as kids begin to take a bit of pride in their work. After all that is what Camp Duncan is all about, kids growing up and learning to take responsibilities.

This picture shows the deck

built onto Wesley United’s Camp 9.

This is just one of the many improvements made

in the past few years at Camp Duncan.

This fireplace and wall was the work of true craftsmen
from St. Paul’s United Church in Thunder Bay.

Many of the churches have gone out of their way
to make Camp Duncan far more pleasureable
by constructing decks on cabins
and improving interiors and exteriors
since the Adopt A Cabin program began
under leadership of
Gerry Poling and Linda Hammond.
The camp board also constructed
the outdoor chapel,
which provides shelter from the elements.
Leveling the main lodge
and construction of a steel roof
replaced deteriorating shingling

Handicap access shower has been added.

The main lodge now looks its best.

Presbytery would like to have some younger people on the Camp Board.
If you would like to serve the Church in this way
please contact the Chair of The Christian Development Committee, Lori Van Santvoort-Jansekovich or by E-mail.

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