A short story was read by Linda H. And a self round of intros were completed.
We had many new faces and old ones and a time of sharing and catching up on the past year and our own lives. Blake Carter from Central..Kakabeka joined us and said grace to bless our evening.
Meeting commenced at 8Pm.
Attendance: Bill Dickerson, Linda and Dave Hammond, Colleen Sadler, Jarvis and Marilyn Beyak, Carol Holmes, Don McConkey, Clara Butikofer, Ruth and Fred Alexander, Margaret Stadey, Lorne Sampson, Blake Carter, Gerry(bud) Reith, Kathleen Swalucynski, Gerry Poling (helper at large), Sharon Kozak,
Apologies: Jack Buckley, Art McDonald, Ester McCreary. Rev Dave Silliman Roberta Mills
All reports were presented and read. Will be attached briefly.
Property:All is well at camp..will look at new door locks in the spring and possibly a dock if grant comes through.
Bookings:4- Cancellations last year. we may have to look at this. this year, Sharon will send contracts out in feb with deposit deadlines by march 30th. Any cancellation the group will forfeit their deposit.There is still lots of room on the calender.so if interested get back to us soon, especially church groups.
Bookings are in for up to 2008!!
Financial Report: Discussion re a donation of $7,500.00 from a private donor that turned into a NSF cheque.
Will seek legal advice on this.Presbytery loan is paid. BUD also offered to remain as Treasurer for another year...THANK YOU!! Also we have at end of Dec. in the account: $12,400, with a bill of $4,160.00 still to pay for insurance.
ELECTIONS of OFFICERS: Request on the floor for nominations.
<<<<<< Same faces to remain for this year. All in favour of this and all members offered to help as needed when called upon This camp is a business and TOO MUCH for just a select few to maintain. All is expected to keep up on the camps business and make it their goal to help this camp florish as God would have intended.
All members are to promote the camp and bring in more directors and interested people to suppliment our group.
All members are to do their best to keep their church posted as to the camps activities and encourage their church to hold picnics and summer fun for all out there.>>>>>>>>
So will remain: Camp president: Linda Hammond: Vice President David Hammond: Treasurer Bud Reith: Bookings Sharon Kozak: Property Don McConkey: Emergency Gerry Poling, Colleen Sadler, and Jarvis Beyak. and Fred Alexander
Motion 01.04 All reports were approved under one motion.by Carol Holmes, seconded by David Hammond
New Business: 2003 annual report has been sent to all united churches for their report.
All churches have been sent a letter to their board to request that camp duncan be put on their annual budget and requested at least $500.00 from their church yearly to assist our cause.
All churches must have at least 2 reps from their church on our board. Part of the constitution
NEW BUSINESS: 1) We, the group recognized our presidents LINDA HAMMONDS.. CARING CANADIAN AWARD IN the fall of 2003..JOB WELL DONE!!!
2) Grant proposals have been submitted and will be followed up for the camp.
3)We have received $1400.00 so far from POPCANS for CHARITY..we have supplied a driver for them and so they assist us this way to support children and the camp. All churches are encouraged to promote this in their churches and expand on this project.
4)Rental Increase and deposit discussed.
Motion:02.04: Moved by Bill Dickerson to increase daily rate to $200.00/day up to 35 persons and $3.00/pp/day following. Security to be increased to $125.00 per booking also. seconded by Carol Holmes.
Discussion on givings: Last year churches gave: Wesley:$750.00: Ist church.$531.00: Shuniah.$663.00: Current River.$250.00: St.Pauls.$700.00.Terrace Bay.$100.00.
Old property still for sale.will put on norealty fees .com to save money.
Property: still need a gate at end of trail, biffies at the beach, and better ramp and steps.
Margaret Stadey spoke onan upcoming camp for presbytery in June this year Susan Estey will be in charge and keep us posted on progress. Part of the camp will be for training and other for a childrens camp
NEXT MEETING: April 20th at 7pm at Pinegrove united church
Clean-up at campXXXXXX...May 1st, 2004 stay safe and well..till next time..linda hammond