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Most of the following picture or text links take you to a Blog entry with more pictures.
New Sunday School Class
Kids Party For Shelter House
"Accordions aloud"
Northwood Park Church of Christ
Feb. 1
Feb. 1
Feb. 22nd
Feb. 22nd
Due to sickness* and some guy name Oscar, this event became a rather intimate affair. For much of the evening
we sat in a circle around a table and shared songs, poems, blogs and a story with one another. This actually made for
a rather special evening.
I sang (along with audience participation) some love songs:
* Robin was going to perform a couple of songs along with Brian Dunn. |
Annual General Meeting "Parte Une"
Feb. 17th
St. Luke's Anglican Parish Hall
PDF version of the Fall '08 newsletter, p. 1
PDF version of the Fall '08 newsletter, p. 2
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Some MP3s of my (& the Transparencies') music
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