Rusty Brown is an award winning independent artist, musician, and graphic designer working in Niagara Falls, Ontario. His music is available on itunes and his videos can be viewed on youtube. To contact Rusty call 807-708-5441 or
Favourite Links
Art Review
Bomb Magazine
Canadian Art Magazine
Saturday Review
Studio 360
Democracy Now
The Sunday Edition
CBC Radio 3
Highway 11 Records

Social Sciences & Humanities Newsletters

Superior North Catholic District School Board Logo Design, Director's Report and Strategic Report

Office of Aboriginal Initiatives Open House and Guest Speaker Posters

North West Local Health Integration Network Regional Palliative Care Program Brochure

Lakehead University International Gate-fold Brochure

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education Logo Rebranding and Journal Design

Lightning Fried CD Package

Department of Education Newsletters

Wolfhead Coffee Labels

50th Anniversary Pull-up Banners

3D Illustrations of Residential Apartments

Lakehead University Advantage Brochure

Master of Education Brochure

Out of Context Book Design

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

Science Olympics Brochure

Toonscape Animated Video
In 2011 the animated short "Toonscape" won a Royal Reel award from the Canada International Film Festival. The five minute, twenty-two second film was completed in the summer of 2010 using Adobe Creative Suite software. Held each year in Vancouver, BC, the Canada International Film festival brings world cinema to Canada and has exhibited films from over 90 countries around the world.

Boreal Journeys Website Design

corner paintings
Red Corner, 2005, 61 X 122 X 122 cm
Corner paintings are designed to hang in the corner of the room. They have unique visual qualities in that the painting appears to change and distort depending on the proximity, position and height of the viewer.

Tiger, 2007, 95 X 59 X 61 cm