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Richard Pepper's
June, July, Aug. 2006

Thunder Bay Anglican Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Facilitator

Camp Gitchigomee

Camp Promotion at St. James Anglican
June 18

Click my visit with Santa for Junior Week pix.
(I was Recreation Director and a Cabin Leader.)

My hat from my secret pal

Secret Pal gifts

Click the Twin Co-Directors for Senior Week pix.
(I co-directed with Karol MacLean and led games, music and archery.)

Another set of twins

Secret Pal gifts

Click the Hunted Staff for Intermediate Week pix.
I helped with music and taught archery.

Secret Pal gifts

New steps

Youth Synod
(at Camp Manitou) Aug. 4 - 9

on the way
Waiting at the landing The boatride
to camp
Trust circle Another trust circle Run the gauntlet
Jake runs
the gauntlet.
Chris hurts Leanne. Chris hurts
Leanne more.
Chris hurts
Chris totally defeats Jake. Doing dishes
Coming back
from Shark's Jaw
Water mattress race My session
(wearing antlers?)
Water balloon
Cooks Garden of Eden
Enter Serpent The Red Sea parts. Group shot
My cabin My bunk (bottom) My cabin on
the last night
The Bishop
in the
"I've got your back, Bishop."
(says RP).
Bishop's POV
(says Harry
Rocks & Trees
(and Water!!)
Rev. Munroe Scott (on right) Proper use of

* I say "proper use" because their fajitas are probably not really famous; they are just quoting someone (themselves) who calls them "famous". The resulting message to me is "Our fajitas are not really famous, but we think they should be. Try them and see." Fair enough.

This is in contrast to use by such institutions as Lakehead University ("No parking") who, I suppose, want to use quotation marks to convey emphasis, but to me, instead convey a sense of irony.

More important note re. Youth Synod: I was assigned to Cabin 9 with youth delegates, but not as the adult leader, because, when the decision was made, someone had told them that I was Cory Pepper's younger brother. The last night of Youth Synod I moved to Cabin 7 alone, because I would be driving to the Sault and then Thunder Bay the next day (and the next to MPC near Kenora). Rev. Munroe Scott hosted me in the Sault.

St. Thomas

Parish Picnic
Chippewa Park
June 11


Matt Hoskin Speaks to Sunday School
June 25


Pri./Jr. Youth Group
June 25


Senior Youth Pizza and PGIF Circle
June 27


(for Nu-Vision Rwanda)
June 30

No pix

Note: My work at Camp Gitchigomee and at Youth Synod were also conducted in my capacity as youthworker for St. Thomas, as well as in my Deanery Youth Ministry Facilitator role.

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship

John Pendergrast's parents, Bill and Nina, were both IVCF staff with whom I volunteered and he was involved in Inter-School Christian Fellowship in high school. One Friday night after hockey, I spotted him across the street promoting his new job at a Bordercats Game. He now works for Nerds on Site in Manitoba.

See my ISCF 80's History Page for pix of Pendergrasts. I can't link right to the pix and so you could just search for "Pendergrast".

Leadership Camp: Fort William Historical Park
July 3 - 7

Click the pic of me driving a team of horses for a few more pix of this camp.
(Only a few, as I'm not allowed to post any pix of the campers.)
When you get to my blog page, scroll down for the pix.

Manitoba Pioneer Camp
End of Classic Boys One
and All of
Classic Boys Two
Aug. 10-26

Skip past long MPC entry (& read it later).

Index of all my Boys Camps at MPC

Collage of Thunder Bay Area &/or Lakehead U. people serving at MPC in '06:
Matt, Noah, Ruth,
Erin, Kara, RP, Christine (who was an LU student last year).
Click the above pic for a larger, less distorted version.
(My cowshorts will not look any better.)

Thu. Aug. 10:
Left Thunder Bay c. half past noon. Gassed up in Dryden.

Arrived at Manitoba Pioneer Camp in time for Banquet Supper (turkey etc.) for Boys 1 (French racecar driver theme). Did you know that "racecar" is a palindrome? | Flamboyant Timex | Outrageous Ragu |

Klik likes his duck. See 2005 version.

Moved into Cabin 6 alone for the night. Awards outside Bill Mason Place, followed by snack and Candlelight sharing time. Thought I was going to bed at 2330h, which felt very late. I had forgotten the time change.

Fri. Aug. 11:
Up at 0800h (I thought) for breakfast. Thus I was actually up in time for the 0715 staff mtg.

| L.I.T. Dining Hall Camp-Out | L.I.T. sign |

After Breakfast (cinnamon toast & cereal) I jammed by the waterfront with Timex, as we awaited camper departure.

After Lunch (subs and soup), I moved into my cabin (the Kuskisew) and then helped clean the biffies.
| Kuskisew Exterior | Kuskisew Interior | | My Room |

Debrief time with the Boys 1 staff (featuring nachos), followed by a snooze.

Supper: Pasta salad & perogies.

Evening: Balanced my chequebook and then jammed with Dr. Stewart Wakeman and Noah Cain. Stewart's project for his time there was a mural on the side of Bill Mason Place.

Staff campfire on beach: I ended up as the only guitarist and suffered from some of my insecurities, due to not knowing some of their songs (or knowing them differently) or having to find the key in which they had spontaneously begun to sing (or choose one from among the several being sung). So I just relaxed and went with it.

Bed: c. Midnight (CDST). Storm overnight.

Sat. Aug. 12:
Up at 0845h.
Breakfast: Cereal, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns. After breakfast I finished Tom Sawyer, (which I did not enjoy).

1100h Worship Time led by Toga and Raoul. We held worship on Saturday (WWJD?), because many of the women were leaving later that day for their session on Cash Island.

Lunch: Taco salad

Slack afternoon of reading, writing my diary and balancing my chequebook.
Then I met with Boys Camp Director, Thaddeus, and Mike "Toga" Labun (Boys 1 Ass�t Director).

Supper: Spaghetti and leftovers, fruit salad. | Timex's mohawk |

After supper a number of staff took the Pioneer III over to Shoal Lake First Nation in order to attend the Pow Wow. The Grand Entry was delayed by rain until 2100h. Due to its ceremonial nature event, I didn't take pictures of the actual event.
| Timex easts a bannock burger | Back to MPC.
Bed: 2330h.

Sun. Aug. 13:
Up 0845h.
Breakfast: Cereal and hard-boiled eggs.
I sat with visitor, Bob Piper Heinrichs, who was my Hi-Teens cabin leader at Dorion Bible Camp in 1976. He is now a lawyer in Brandon. His son, Bucko, was Intermediate Section Director for Boys 2. | Bob at Shoal Lake Landing Sept. 2/80 |

Met again with Thaddeus re. cabin arrangements. Break. Met again re. my role.

Lunch: Pizza buns

More reading.
(Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels, which I did not enjoy, though I did find the later section re. "Self-Leadership" more helpful. The earlier sections on running a church struck me as simply sprinkled occasionally with grasping-at-straws Bible verses. I think it would be better if Hybels simply said, "These are methods and thoughts re. leadership which I have found to work in my situation." And by "work" he would mean that they have achieved the results he wanted, which he trusts coincide with what God wants. Later on, my reading also included Timex's film class textbook, stored in the Kuskisew.)

Walked the cabin line and had a tour of the "Gem's Retreat" cabin (the Stuga).

Supper: Baked Potato Bar.

Evening: Boys Classic Camp Two Program Staff Meeting. Shared first installment of "Things Peps Likes About Pioneer": "Controlled Rowdiness" and "Decent Bedtimes and Rest Hour".

Jammed in Bill Mason Place with Stewart, Dr. Randy, Inuksuk, Hydro and Bucko. Hand drum lesson from Bucko.
Bed: 2330h.

Boys Classic Camp Two 2006
Motto: "I'm irresponsible! I don't know what's goin' on!"
(That's what horses say when they're playing or paddling a kayak.)

My role was ABCD for the session (Assistant Boys Camp Director).

The General Director of MPC is Jeff Friesen, who sits in the middle of a wheel of spokes co-ordinating the other leaders who lead their teams, especially in terms of helping Program and Operations function well together. He also takes the lead in vision and promotion.

Boys Camp and Girls Camp have their own Directors (as do other specialty camps) to whom the staff and campers primarily relate for support, guidance, discipline etc..

As Jeremy's assistant, I functioned as an extra set of eyes and legs (etc.) to assist the staff in fulfilling their roles (and intervening with campers when necessary), freeing him up (for example) to take a camper canoeing.

Mon. Aug. 14: Day One

Up at 0800h.
Breakfast: Cereal and hard-boiled eggs. (Most days "cereal" means both hot and cold.)
After breakfast we had a program staff meeting and then cleaned up the camp. It was my job during that time to pair the staff for table supervision and put their names on the tables.

Camp Arrival: Superhero theme. I was Peps the Jokerman: "I slay you with my humour."
| M7 the Ninja | Iceman & Wolveragu |

Lunch: Sub sandwiches and soup. Nerdie Ragu learns to scrape.
A senior camper who had really gotten mad at me last year came up and gave me a shoulder rub and said hi. (He had had a really good session, I�m told, this year at Boys One.)

Afternoon:Walked the cabin line. Chatted with the other Richard (on Operations) as he was refitting Cabin 9.

Swam my �200�s� with a couple of cabin groups in order to qualify for PFD-free-swimming in the deep end (indicated by a 200's bracelet). Our turn was interrupted by the arrival of a large snapping turtle. (I saw its head. It was indeed big.)

After 200's I hung out on the sundeck with Thad and his son Sam, as Thad photographed each group in turn.
| Sassy dresses up for the occasion. |

Supper: Pizza and salad.
As ABCD I "hosted" supper, meaning I would give any special instructions about the food, lead giving thanks and start off the announcements afterwards, turning them over to Ragu. As well, I would man the "Hobart" window and ensure that people didn't try and sneak unscraped plates into the Hobart dishwasher. | Royal Roll skit |

After supper I visited cabins with my guitar.

Evening Program (�EP�): Royal Roll. I didn�t play but just walked around and observed the action.

Snack: Taco chips followed by Lights-Out Cabin Patrol (which was never very difficult).
Bed: c. 2315h.

Tue. Aug. 15: Day Two

Up at 0630h for Staff Mtg 0715h: As part of my series "What Peps Likes About MPC", I shared my appreciation of MPC's "Debriefing/storytelling" approach to results and a �Healthier Approach to Gender Roles�.

Breakfast: Cereal, pancakes and bacon.

Servants of Servants (SOS) Mtg: (Directors, Section Directors and Program Director) in the Kuskisew.
Skills 1 Time: I prepped music for the time to follow (a Hallelujah theme).
Bible Discovery: I led the music for Intermediates: "Hallalala", "Clap Your Hands (etc.)", and "AlleluJAH/Praise Ye the Lord". After Bucko�s skit and talk on the Good Samaritan I led "Jesus Loves Me (Na na na na)" and "God is a Good God".
Skills 2: Read in the Kuskisew.

Lunch: Hot dogs and fries. We �sang� �The Horse Went Around With His Foot on the Ground�.

"Tracks": I helped Cabin 2 prep to leave on their canoe trip, but missed their departure, as I was called on to help a sad camper who didn�t want to go to his track. (I let him stay in his cabin and so he decided to go after all.)
Free Swim: Jammed with Inuksuk. Hung out with Sam (pictured above) and then took him to his Thad-Dad in a canoe trip prep mtg. There Hydro was demonstrating wrestling moves on his friend Haaze.
Clubs: Chatted with Bucko in the Kuskisew.

Supper: Spaghetti

Boats Out: Checked my email and got one after years from Dustin Vieira who was twice my Assistant Programme Director at Dorion Bible Camp. It was great to hear from him.
Sectional Evening: Took a cruise on the Pioneer III with the Intermediates. Jumped off the bow.
| Tirian jumps. | Bucko in the tube. |
Rice krispies squares on board the PIII.
Cabin Patrol, then hung out a bit in the breezeway with Thad, Ragu, Bucko and Armo.
Bed: 2330h.

Wed. Aug. 16: Day Three

Up at 0630h for Staff Mtg 0715h: I shared my appreciation of Tradition including MPC's flexible, playful, non-secretive approach to camp names.
(If I were starting a camp from scratch, I don't think I'd use camp names, but I like how MPC Boys Camp does it.)

Breakfast: Cereal and hard-boiled eggs

Skills 1: Posted my MPC activities to my blog and prepped music.
Bible Discovery: Led "Hallalala", "God is a Good God", "Jesus Loves Me", "Jump Shout Sing" and "The Lord Loves Me" for Bucko�s Woman at the Well discussion.
Skills 2: Talked with Pete Dearborn about the last few years of Dorion Bible Camp and Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in Thunder Bay.

Lunch: Sandwiches followed by singing �Threw It Out the Window�.

Rest Hour: Saw cabins 3 and 4 off on their canoe trips.
Tracks: Caught up my diary and studied my "Mr. Beaver" lines for our after-breakfast Narnia skits.
Free swim: Helped unload lumber from the PIII and carried Sam to his dad who was lifeguarding.
Clubs: Rounded up straying campers. Visited some clubs. Chatted with Ragu about Lakehead University Christian Fellowship's plans for this upcoming year (and how they differ from what I'd heard indirectly).

Supper: Sloppy Joes. Thunderstorm. | Singing in the rain |

Boats Out: Visited Cabin 15 and showed my Israel pix to Juke.
EP: Star Wars Smugglers (inside Bill Mason Place, hosted by Emperor Ragu, pictured above).
Songs and Stories: I led "Clap Your Hands" and "Jump Shout Sing" before Ragu led a couple more worship songs and Thad told the story of the Greedy Fisherman�s Wife.
Snack: Pretzels
Bed: a bit early (feeling a little bit sick) c. 2230h.

Thu. Aug. 17: Day Four
Up at0645h: (feeling better) for Staff Mtg 0715h: I shared my appreciation of MPC's allowance of diversity re. the wearing of hats (inside, during prayer etc.).

Breakfast: Cold cereal, scrambled eggs, bacon, English muffins.

Skills 1: Visited some classes. Helped a camper with his timeout on the BMP deck.
Bible Discovery: Led "Jump Shout Sing", "Hallalala", "I Wanna Go Up" before Bucko's discussion of the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, followed "Lord I Lift Your Name on High", "Jesus Loves Me (Nanananana)" and "The Lord Loves Me".
Skills 2: Chatted with Thad and Ragu in the Kuskisew.

Lunch: �Lazy Man�s Perogies� (in a pot) followed by the �The Dead Woodpecker Song�.

Rest Hour: Met with Pete Dearborn and talked about Acts 2:23 (God's will accomplished by people's deceitful actions). Even though the godless men were accomplishing God�s set plan, they were accountable for their wrong actions and motives. As well, their plan was to kill Christ FOREVER, but nothing they could do could stop God�s plan to raise Him from the dead. By God�s Grace there will be a resurrection for me as well.

Tracks: Visited Archery and Arts and Crafts (aka "Bats and Crafts").
Free swim: Worked on my Beaver costume and helped kids find clubs.
Clubs: Visited football. Played guitar by beach.

Supper: Yummy stir fry, garlic toast and brownies!! This was a really great meal. Supper is at 1800h, but I could smell it cooking even at 1700h (which still felt like 1800h to me). "Good food at Pioneer!!"

Boats Out: Kept an eye on kids playing in the bush.
EP: Cross-Border Shopping.
Brief chat with Raoul and Mr. Penner re. the ways in which various camps are organized and how MPC has their office in Winnipeg where most of their campers are.
Snack: Watermelon, followed by Cabin Patrol (urging frog-hunters to carry on their way to toothbrushing).
Bed: 2245h.

Fri. Aug. 18: Day Five

Bucko is healed from his "phobia".

Up at 0700h: I forgot to set my alarm. I heard Ragu�s go off in the next room and got up. He says he didn�t hear his alarm, but my getting up woke him up.
Staff Mtg 0715h: Once many of the cabins were off on trip, I didn't do my "What Peps Likes About MPC" for the remaining cabin leaders, though I think I did mention the Half-Days system at this meeting.

Breakfast: Cereal, hard-boiled eggs and biscuits.

Skills 1: Walked the line; made tail for Mrs. Beaver�s tail and studied my script.
Bible Discovery: Led "I Wanna Go Up", "Clap Your Hands" and "God is a Good God", "Lord I Lift Your Name on High", "Jesus Loves Me (Nanananana)" and "Awesome God" for Bucko's discussion of the Prodigal Son. (Most of the time this means that Bucko had campers act out the story while he read it. This was followed by discussions in cabin groups with questions provided by Bucko.)
Skills 2: Updated my blog and checked email.

Lunch: Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches followed by �Sons of the Sea� and �Little Red Wagon�.

Rest Hour: Prepped archery and dealt with restless cabins.
Tracks: Filled in teaching archery for a staffmember off on trip.
(Please, excuse the camper's dropped-hand-on-release. I pointed it out to him and he corrected it.)
Free swim: Prepped for clubs.
Clubs: Helped Tesla with his �Songs with Peps Club� including �Nobody Talks� and �Free Stanley� plus worship songs. Only one staffmember and one camper signed up, plus two refugees from the �Pick Up Trash with Thad� club.

Supper: Chicken Enchilada Pie plus amazing gooey dessert.

Boats Out: Played guitar by beach.
EP: �Phobia� (Campers have to find and bring staff to �doctor�. Staff have misc. phobias, such as fear of short people, which the campers must find a way to overcome. I wandered around fearlessly in order to troubleshoot.)
| Bucko stands fearlessly in a canoe. |
Snack: Cookies
Songs and Stories: Subbed for Ragu by leading "Jesus Loves Me (Nananana)", "Hey Lord", "Blessed Be Your Name" and "The Lord Loves Me".
Thad told the story of a wall around a settlement through which one person escaped (inspiration for M. Night Shyamalan?).
Thad did Cabin Patrol.
Bed: c. 2215.

Sat. Aug. 19: Day Six

Up at 0630h (before alarm) for Staff Mtg 0715h.

Breakfast: Cereal, scrambled eggs and hash browns. After breakfast each day, staff would perform a scene from "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" (the movie). This morning I played Mr. Beaver. After each scene Thad would give a brief Table Talk.

Scenes From Various Mornings

Lucy envies Susan's dress. Lucy meets a topless
man on tiptoe.
"I'll give you Turkish Delight
for a bigger wheelbarrow."
A little shakey on
beaver anatomy
Gratuitous violence Reverse angle
(& more violence)
"Hey, don't bug me, kids.
I just got up."
Not a tame Sassy. Pink is the new white.
Not a stone table. Not a live lion. Not a dead lion.

Skills 1: Updated my blog and checked email.
Bible Discovery: Led "Jesus Loves Me (Nananana)", "Hey Lord", "1 Tim. 1:7" and "I Wanna Go Up". Zacchaeus skit and discussion.
Skills2: I forget what I did during this time: something important, no doubt.

Lunch: Sandwiches, followed by �Glory Glory How Peculiar�, �Little Cabin� and �Swing Low�.

Rest Hour: Visited Cabin 15.
Afternoon Game: "Voyageurs" followed by Free Swim. I supervised the game explanation and then blogged and read. Then I assisted Thad with a troubled camper.

Supper: Perogies, sausages and broccoli. I took food to the troubled camper and relieved Thad of his supervision.
(During supper I wore one of my two pairs of cowshorts for the first time in a long while.)

Boats Out: Wrote up a report re. the troubled camper.
EP: "Markers" followed by a snack which I've forgotten.
Songs and Stories: Led "I Wanna Go Up" and "Halalala", followed by two others led by Ragu. Thad told the �Bone Button Soup� story.
Cabin Patrol with Ragu.
Bed: c. 2330.

Sun. Aug. 20: Day Seven

Up at 0645h: (Sunday is a sleep-in day.)
Staff Mtg: (0745h) | Ragu was not feeling pumped that day. |

Breakfast: Cereal and hard-boiled eggs. | Goodbye Ragu |
After breakfast greeted returning Senior canoe trips.

SOS Mtg: After this Ragu left (to go on a canoe trip for LU outdoor rec).
Chapel (1100h): Led many songs. Narnia skit and Thad told the Five Orphans story.

Lunch: Taco salad, followed by the �Tinkerboxer� song.

This was my �Half-Day [off]�. After lunch I did email, walked the island trail, visited the pigs near the lagoon and then had a snooze.

Supper: Spaghetti. Sat with Friesens and the doctor for the 2nd week, Dr. Pam "Spruce" Poulter-Friesen. We realized that we had been friends in 1981 | 1982 | 1983 |.

Knighty-Night Skit: | "Kiss the duck." | "Hurry up and die!" |

Lots of rain after supper.
During Boats Out and EP (a Goblins version of the Star Wars Smugglers game in BMP), I read and snoozed. This was the first time in my life that I realized I can read better without my glasses (bifocals time?!!). Got up for snack.
Bed: c. 2130!!.

Mon. Aug. 21: Day Eight
Up at 0800: (privilege of my �Half-Day�)

Breakfast: Cereal, French toast and sausages. Reprised my role as Mr. Beaver in the Narnia skit (Father Christmas scene).

Skills1: Blog and email. Tidied the ACR ("Abbreviated Counsellors' Room" aka "Accumulated Crap Room").
Bible Discovery: Helped Cabin 8 pack for their trip.
Skills2: Talked with Pam. Sat in on Timex�s musical tripping skills presentation for Armo�s class. Visited Teak�s latrine building lesson.

Lunch: Pizza buns and �Down By the Bay�. Gave announcements in Ragu�s absence, but without his flare.

Rest Hour: Helped #8 find stuff. Saw off Cabin 14 for their trip.
Tracks: Subbed for Timex (on Halfday) in �Paddlecraft� (aka sanding paddles and playing guitar). Sang "Nobody Talks", "Free Stanley" and "Smoke on the Water" (all 3 verses). Showed a camper how to play the riff in G, but he insisted on learning the low E string perversion. BTW "Nobody Talks" doesn't get the same enthusiastic response as it once did, even by first-time hearers. I suspect that Don is slipping in the polls.

(BTW the usual reaction when I would play guitar for campers was "Timex is awesome!!")

Free Swim: Googled (unsuccessfully) a worship song requested by a camper.
Clubs: Read.

Supper: Chicken, rice, vegetables (and leftover perogies & enchiladas).
Boats Out: Walked the line.
EP: Seniors only. Bucketball and Ultimate. I took the dropouts to the Fireside Room for cards, guitar ("Timex is awesome!!"), Connect-Four, Simon and my Horseshoes Puzzle.

Before bucketball we watched a deer graze in the field. | Blurry deer 1 | Blurry deer 2 |

After Evening Dip and Snack, I said goodnight to the Senior Cabins, and participated in Roses and Thorns in #3. My "rose" was the deer and my "thorn" was plunging a toilet.

Cabin 15 had returned early from their trip. Thad hung out with them and taught them how to play LOTR Risk (the basics).

Chatted with General Director Raoul as he fixed �Hobart� (the dishwasher).
Bed: 2300h.

Tue. Aug. 22: Day Nine

(Almost) All-Senior Camp. All Junior & Intermediate cabins gone
(Except for Cabin 15's Surpise Early Return)

Up at 0630h for Staff Mtg 0715h.

Breakfast: Cereal and biscuits. I hosted. (After Ragu left, I hosted breakfast and supper and did announcements at lunch, while Thad played the complementary roles at each meal.)
| After breakfast, Inuksuk was in the skithouse. |

Skills1: Blog & email. Saw off #15 (again).
Bible Discovery: Sat in with Timex�s and Baryshnakov�s cabin (4).
Skills2: Helped Oldman Epp get ready for archery.

Lunch: Sandwiches & leftover pizza buns. Teak led us in �Allouette�.

Rest Hour: Met with Raoul to discuss camp organizational structures and Child Protection policies and procedures.
Tracks: Welcomed back #8. Walked the line.
Free Swim: Read.
s Clubs: Visited each.

Supper: Lasagna

Boats Out: Emailed Camp Arnes for the song for a camper. Guitar by beach.
EP: Royal Roll. Hung out with Thad and Bucko at BMP and discussed the future of camping. Watched Teak begin and end his run of the Island Trail.
Snack: Pretzels
Songs and Stories: Led "Awesome God", "God of Wonders (Extended Version", "Here I Am to Worship" and "These Thousand Hills" (which Inuksuk really liked). Thad read �The Ragman� by Walter Wangerin, Jr..
Bed: 2245h.

Wed. Aug. 23: Day Ten

"Hey, what's "CCCP" stand for? ... Oh. What's "USSR"?"

Up at 0630h for Staff Mtg 0715h. Inuksuk left for a father/son canoe trip.

Breakfast: Yummy fluffy pancakes and cereal.

Skills1, Bible, Skills2: Welcomed back #14 & #15 and helped them unload. Researched my banquet character on wikipedia.

Lunch: Burgers and fries. Due to not enough place settings, I sat with the Operations staff. �Old King Cole� and �Silvery Moon�.

Rest Hour: Welcomed back #13. Took arrows (back from Cash Island) to archery.
Tracks: Read.
Free Swim: Walked the line and replaced paper in the fancy new composting biffy.
Trip Report Planning: Walked the line.

Supper: Pizza and leftover enchiladas.

Boats Out: Camper shoe repair and assisted injured camper.
Trip Report Skits in BMP including "The Tripinator" and "Cosmonauts meet Robbie the Robot".
| Hydro meets the Tripinator. | Cabin 2 campers did actually act in their skit, too! |
Snack: Peaches and Pears. Talked with Oldman Epp re. Pioneer�s less-chapel-oriented approach to spiritual matters (contrasted with what we had grown up with). Patrolled, then cleaned up after snack.
Bed: 2315.

Thu. Aug. 24: Day Eleven

"A kingdom for my horse! That is the question."

Up at 0630h for Staff Mtg 0715h.

Breakfast: Cereal and muffins.

SOS Mtg: Only Thad and I, as the others were prepping for Level Completion.
Level Completion Day: During the morning I prepped Bible Discovery, which I would cover for Bucko since he was busy all day with Canoeing.
Bible Discovery: Led "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High", "These Thousand Hills" and the skit of the Crucifixion of Christ, which they discussed in cabin groups.

Lunch: Pasta with meat &/or cheese sauces. Timex led "The Meatball Song". Participated as Mr. Beaver again in the Narnian Coronation Scene.

Rest Hour: Had my one-on-one debrief with Thad.
Afternoon: Conducted one-on-ones with various Program staff. Prepped my Banquet costume.

Supper: Turkey, potatoes etc. The theme was "People of History" (i.e. anyone who has existed or has been imagined to have existed). I was King Richard III, bloodied and in search of a horse.
| My emblem | William Wallace | Greek philosophers | Paul Bunyan and Babe |

I should have photographed the most important man in history, who announced during the meal that this was in fact our Last Supper together. Usually, he liked to be called "Real G.", but for that meal "sus" was added to his name.

Awards: (outside BMP)
Snack: Each cabin received a different snack according to their ranking in Cabin Cleanup. Cabin 2 (Sassy and Teak) were the winners.
Candlelights: Inside BMP. I think I called this "Candlelight" last year, but it seems to have acquired an "s". This was an opportunity for any of us to light one of the tea lights in a cross-shaped pattern and speak about our time at camp.
Cabin Patrol (during which I had a Q&A session with a camper re. what Christ would look like if He had been blown apart or kidnapped by aliens before being resurrected).
Bed: 2300h.

Fri. Aug. 25: Day Twelve
Up at 0630h for Staff Mtg 0715h. included head nodding and shaking experiments (attempts to feel our brains move).

Breakfast: Cereal, hard-boiled eggs, bacon and hash browns.
I was cast last minute as the White Stag for the final Narnia skit. I improvised a line for myself, "Not a tame stag. Not a tame stag", as I bounded across the stage.
| Post-breakfast Operations Staff Devotions | (Note that in this pic the staff are being screened.)

Morning: While the campers brought their stuff to the dock and I jammed with Timex in the Fireside Room where campers came and went.

Lunch: Pasta salad, bunwiches and leftover pizza.

Afternoon: Campers departed. So did Thad, as he was attending his sister's wedding that weekend. So I was left in charge.
After a half hour break, the program staff cleaned up the buildings while Timex and I cooked the nachos for our debrief meeting.
Debrief and nachos led by yours truly, although the staff already know Thad's three questions: What made you laugh? How did you see campers change/grow? How did you change/grow?

Supper: (staff joined by Sailing Camp from Cash Island) Chili, corn on the cob and potatoes.
Evening: Packed.
Paddle-In Theatre: "Paddle to the Sea" and "The Incredibles" (in B/W due to some technical glitch).
| The screen | The audience | Erin's bright shirt |
Bed: Midnight.

Sat. Aug. 26:

Breakfast alone: Cereal and leftover cake
Morning: I was driven across the lake to my car by Exec. Director Jeff Friesen, along with Bucko's friend, Carl.

Drove home (with gas stops) and then out to Church of Christ Family Camp at Duncan Memorial Camp at Loon Lake.

Northwood Park Church of Christ

Eric watches FIFA
June 25

Click here for pic.

Small Group Potluck
June 29

Click here for pix.

Family Camp
Aug. 25-27

Click the pic of Kristian "helping" his mother play cards
to see more pix of this event.


Doug Sr.'s Birthday
(Celebrated June 24)

Pix at my Blog

BBQ with "The Georgia Gang"
(the part of my sister, Geri's family who live in the USA)
July 9
at the Melos'

Pic at Church Blog


Cambrian Players

The play ran between June 8 and 17th. I played "Solanio" whose purpose in our production was, along with "Salerio" (Paul Ruebsam, pictured), to describe off-stage events, to speak while eating a banana without choking or dropping it and to hold back burly hotheads wishing to kill Shylock -- such as "Salerio" (Paul Ruebsam, pictured).

My Merchant photos


Harbron Hullabaloo
(at Harbrons')
July 29

Guest of honour (at right): Erin James (nee Harbron)



Goodbye to Ruth Forever Again Party
at Travis and Sylvia's
July 30

Friends' Babies

John Micah, June 26, Pic 1

Kristian Leif at Small Group Potluck
June 29


My Completed 3D Puzzle
Neuesschwanstein Castle

| 1 |         | 2 |

Okay, so I guess Blogspot doesn't like the direct links to pix at their site.
here's a link to the post containing the pix.

Now go back and at least skim my MPC section (please).

Some MP3s of my (& the Transparencies') music

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