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Richard Pepper's
March 2010

Most of the following picture or text links take you to a Blog entry with more pictures.

Northwood Park Church of Christ

Sandwiches and Singing
Mar. 7

Sleeping Through the Sermon
Mar. 14

Coffee House
Mar. 14



Mini Board Games Night
Mar. 17

Word Vision Guest Speaker
Mar. 21


R 'n' R Sing on LU Radio: Mar. 27


Rick's Party for His 40th Birthday
Mar. 21

My Birthday

Tolkien Society

Annual Meeting
Mar. 26

F.N. Hockey League

Ruth and Shannon Play
Mar. 26

Ruth was already considering joining our Friday Night Hockey icetime that night, but (besides whatever other factors were on her mind), there would be the awkwardness of being the only woman there.

When I arrived at Chapter's for the Lord of the Rings mtg earlier that evening, I ran into Shannon, who had often voiced her intention to join us, but hadn't done so yet. I urged her to come that night as that way it would be easier for both of them.

It also made it easier for Bevans who picks the teams, since that way he could simply assign one woman per team and assume that they were roughly equal in skill. They both played well (as I knew they would), Ruth on an injured ankle! In the following weeks the guys would ask when they were coming back.

Someday soon, I hope.

It was also fun to travel to the rink and back in Ruth's big black truck, rather than my usual little black car.


The Good Lovelies: Mar. 18/10


Cambrian Players: Arms and the Man

I designed and operated the Sound.

Friends' Children

Solaar at Sunday Night Improv: Mar. 21

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