Happy Memories of Dorion Bible Camp
CSSM Ministries
by Richard Pepper

[Eighties] [Nineties] ['00/'01] ['02] [Misc.]
To "Am I Stuck in the Past?"
To "Life After Camp"
To Camp Comments Explanation.

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The Seventies

The Birch Family '71 Mrs. Plunkett '72 Richard Pepper '72 RP in Tumble Inn '72

To further memories of Dorion Bible Camp, CSSM Ministries
[Eighties] [Nineties] ['00/'01] ['02] [Misc.]
To "Am I Stuck in the Past?"
To "Life After Camp"
[ Top]

I still love Dorion Bible Camp and still consider it "my camp" (their new slogan) but other options to consider are Camp Gitchigomee and Manitoba Pioneer Camp (my other camps).
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Last Update: Dec. 28, 2005

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