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Important Dates:

June 2nd, 2004 - Began Homestudy

August 7th, 2004 - Completed Homestudy

August 27th, 2004 - Got Ministry Approval

September 24th, 2004 - Dossier sent to China

October 12th, 2004 - Dossier logged in at the CCAA (China Centre for Adoption Affairs)

February 9th, 2005 - Chinese New Year

April 16th, 2005 - Pre Travel/Preparing for Baby Seminar (meet other couples in our travel group)

April 26th, 2005 - Got our referral picture and information about our little girl

June 8th, 2005 - We leave for China to get Mia

June 10th, 2005 - Land in Beijing

June 12th, 2005 - Get our Daughter

June 24th, 2005 - Arrive home in Thunder Bay