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Energy Changes and Rates of Reaction

Lesson 5: Bond Energies

Primary Learning Goal

I can use average bond energies to estimate the enthalpy change for a chemical reaction.


1. Read section 5.3.

!!! STOP reading at the bottom of page 308. Use the example calculations presented in the video lesson and summary as a guide, NOT the examples given on pages 309 to 312.

2. Watch the video lesson (27 min) and take notes. You can find a table of average bond energies in your information package.

3. Check out this summary and example calculation.

4. Do questions 1ab, 2a, 3 on page 313 (Note: HCN has a triple bond between C and N).

5. Check your solutions and review as necessary.

6. Go to Edsby and complete Energy and Rates Lesson-5 Quiz.


5.3 Bond Energies

Information Package

Periodic Table