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                  Silver Medal winner 2016 Mom's Choice Awards.  
           Second edition placed third on the Gittle List of 2015s best indie picture books.  
             First edition was voted second best children's book in 2014 on Preditors and Editors.  

  Book trailer

The Amida Tree is this generation's tree. It will appeal to parents interested in a sustainable environment, healthy emotional bonds, and a balanced life. Suitable for all ages.

Listen to the author read the book

Gordon Korman on The Amida Tree “…This piece works so well… There’s beauty in the simplicity of its telling, and the communication between the woman and the tree is hauntingly believable.”

5.0 out of 5 starsThe Author’s Answer to "The Giving Tree" By Shel Silverstein
By Aviva Gittle Publishing 

"The Amida Tree" written and illustrated by Bonnie Ferrante is the author’s answer to "The Giving Tree." Ms. Ferrante explains it best in a comment she wrote about the famous and beloved book by Shel Silverstein: “As a teacher, seeing other teachers espouse The Giving Tree as a story of love, I was appalled. Love doesn’t enable the other person to remain emotionally stunted and environmentally destructive. When I retired, I wrote an alternate story called 'The Amida Tree.' (Amida is the symbol of Infinite Compassion and Eternal Wisdom.) To live a happy, fulfilled life, both wisdom and compassion are needed in balance. The boy didn’t live a happy life.”

I had never read "The Giving Tree" so I bought a copy. "The Amida Tree" stands on its own as an important and captivating children’s book. But, reading it in the context of the author’s comments, and in contrast to Shel Silverstein’s book, made the experience deeper.


5.0 out of 5 starsLoved the book

By Jeanne Buesser 
What a beautiful story!!!. It makes us realize that sometimes we don't see the forest because of the trees. It tells the reader to see the tinest details and appreciate all that we have every day.
To breathe and just be. It impowers all of us to stop and see what is around in the world, including knowing we can all make a difference. Loved the illustrations too.

4.0 out of 5 starscute story with meaning and beautiful drawings

By Andy B

I really enjoyed this story. It teaches children to be creative and resourceful with nature, bringing a different approach I had not seen before in other children's books. Great job also with the pretty drawings illustrating the book. Well done!


5.0 out of 5 starsTouching

By Rob Closson 
This story is beautifully told and touches your soul. We all should learn a deeper respect for nature and what it provides for us. What better way than through the dreams and hopes of a child. i look forward to reading this with my two young daughters.


5.0 out of 5 starsA wise and lovely book!

A lovely and wise story about the earth's resources all around us, which give life to ALL the living. A tree is life-giving, and this beautiful story shows us that our ecosystem is vital and sustains us. A thoughtful book to be read to children by their parents, and then discussed so that children will begin to see the beauty and life that surrounds them.
Judith Addington, Author, The Big Little Book on Destiny

4.0 out of 5 starsAmida-- The Buddha of Infinite Compassion & Eternal Wisdom
By Shiela 
This is a sweetly written book about a life-long relationship between a child and a tree. Author, Bonnie Ferrante, says she wrote it in response to the Shel Silverstein book, "The Giving Tree," which Ferrante says has it all wrong about love. Ferrante says love does not enable the other person to remain emotionally stunted and environmentally destructive-- this a reference to the Silverstein book which has the tree sacrificing itself for love of the boy who first neglects it and then takes everything the tree has to give until the tree is nothing but a stump. I did not know until I read her bio that Bonnie Ferrante is a Shin Buddhist lay leader whose ideas about "infinite compassion and eternal wisdom" don't necessarily sync with the Western tradition of self-sacrificing love described by Shel Silverstein.


Sample pictures from The Amida Tree