Parish Register of Kingston Upper Canada
Edited with Notes and Introduction
[Archibald Hope Young, 1863-1936]
of Trinity College, Toronto
For The Kingston Historical Society
Kingston, Ontario.
The British Whig Publishing Company Limited
Preface Pages
The First Rector
The First St. George's Church
The Benefactors
Notes on the Benefactors
Church Wardens
Vestry Men
Clerks and "Saxtons"
Pewholders 1794-1811
The First St. George's Church
Portraits of Dr. and Mrs. John Stuart
C.J Chief Justice
Ch Children
D Daughter
Knt Knight
L.C Lower Canada
M Married
Pd Paid
R.C.V. Royal Canadian Volunteers
Regt Regiment
S Son
Sp Sponsors
S.P.G Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
T.P.L Toronto Public Library
T.R.L Toronto Reference Libtary
U.C. Upper Canada
U.E Unity of the Empire
U.E.L United Empire Loyalist
U.S.A United States of America
Vet Veteran
W Witnesses
THIS edition of Dr. John Stuart's Parish Register is a
byproduct, so to speak, of studies for the Life of Bishop
Strachan, which is presently to appear. As Strachan called
Stuart "my spiritual father," it was necessary to learn as much
as possible about the latter. This the Reports, Journals, and
other publications and records of the Society for the
Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts rendered practicable.
Accordingly the best thanks of the Editor are due to the keeper
of the records, Mr. C. F. Pascoe, and to his assistant,
Miss Moore.
To Dr. O'Callaghan's Documentary History of the State of New York,
in Volume IV of which is to be found a memoir of Stuart,
the Editor is much indebted, as he is to the Duke de la
Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's Travels, which respectively he was
able to consult in the library of Trinity College and of
Victoria College, Toronto. O'Callaghan's memoir served evidently
as the basis of the accounts of Stuart given by Dr. Canniff in
his Settlement of Upper Canada. A transcript of the memoir, by
various hands, is in the possession of the Historical Society of
the Counties of Lennox and Addington.
Three other books which have been of very great service are the
late Canon Scadding's Toronto of Old, the late Mr. John Ross
Robertson's History of Freemasonry in Canada, and Mr. E. M.
Chadwick's Ontarian Families. To Mr. J. R. Roaf, K.C., the
Editor expresses his sense of obligation for the opportunity of
making use of the manuscript containing his grandfather the late
Bishop Richardson's reminiscences.
For the help extended to him by the staff of the Toronto
Reference Library, especially by Miss Staton, the Editor is most
grateful. The collection in that library which was of the
greatest value to him was that known as the D. W. Smith Papers.
Various treasures of the library of Queen's University and of
that at McGill were generously placed at the Editor's disposal.
Among the latter was Joseph Frobisher's Diary of my Dinners, in
manuscript; among the former a Letter Book of the Hon. Richard
Cartwright, M.L.C., and the fyle of the Kingston Gazette.
At the Court House in Kingston access was allowed to the
original records of the Sessions of the Peace for the Midland
District, which have been published in large part by Dr. Adam
Shortt, Chairman of the Commission of Public Documents of
Canada. To Dr. Shortt for his very great kindness in permitting
him to peruse several Letter Books of the Hon. Richard
Cartwright, the Editor is under deep obligation. To
Mr. J. P. Gildersleeve, Registrar of Deeds for Kingston,
he tenders his thanks for information in regard to early
registers of land in the city.
To various private persons the Editor is obliged for their
courtesy in giving several bits of valuable information. Due
acknowledgement will be found to have been made in the text or
in the notes; but special mention ought to be made of
Mrs. Evans, of Brockville, Mrs. Bennett, and Miss Macaulay, of
Kingston, Madame Beaubien, of Outremont, P.Q., Mr. Arthur C. Hardy,
of Brockville, Lieut.-Col. W. S. Buell, D.S.O., of Vancouver,
the Revd. A. Oldacre Cooke, of Barriefield, the Revd. Canon Fitzgerald,
of St. Paul's Church, Kingston, and Mr. George Todd, of Yonkers, N.Y.
The present and former keepers of the Archives of the Diocese of
Ontario (Canon Jones and Canon Grout), the late Chancellor of
the Diocese, the Dean of the Cathedral, and his recent
Priest-Vicar, the late and present Bishops of Ontario have all
been unvarying in their kindness. The Dean's little book "Old
St. George's" has been most helpful; and so has Miss Macbar's
"Old Kingston." Mrs. Edwin Loucks very kindly furnished a copy
of the manuscript of Dr. Stuart's only sermon that is known to
be extant.
Nd work of this kind can be adequately done without frequent
visits to the Provincial Archives in Toronto and to the Public
Archives of Canada at Ottawa. To Col. Alexander Fraser and Miss
McGillivray of the former, as to Mr. William Smith, I.S.O., and
Mr. H. R. Holmden of the latter the Editor is deeply grateful
for their help. The plans of the city and township of Kingston
were drawn by Mr. Holmden from the originals at Ottawa. Mr.
Pierre Georges Roy, till recently representative of the Archives
in the city of Quebec, was untiring in his efforts to give
effective help.
In conclusion, the Editor expresses his gratitude to
Dr. Edgar Smith, Ex-Provost of the University of Pennsylvania,
Dr. Stuart's alma mater, for material bearing upon the early part of
his career; to the Secretary of Columbia University; to the
President and the Librarian of Harvard University for notes on
Dr. Stuart's eldest son, George Okill Stuart; and to the
Librarian of the Massachusetts Historical Society for clearing
up certain points relating to this son's marriages.
The Editor is only too well aware of the fact that lack of
intimate local knowledge of the city of Kingston, and of the
parts of the Province immediately contiguous to it, has tended
to hamper him in his work, as have the demands of various kinds
of duties which have pressed upon him since he first promised to
edit the Register. Corrections and additional information he
will be glad to receive, for the beginnings of our settlement in
their various aspects possess the greatest possible interest for
him. Kingston, the aristocrat among our Ontario cities, if one
may so speak, must always make a strong appeal to anyone who
cares for the origins of society, government, commerce,
education, and organized religion in this Province.
Trinity College,
Toronto, February 4, 1921.
The Parish Register of Kingston
THE Parish Register of Kingston kept by the Revd. John Stuart,
the first missionary of the Church of England in
this Province, covers the years 1785 to 1811, the whole period
of his rectorship. Defective though it is in places, by reason
of the loss of two pages and the forgetfulness of the Rector in
the matter of transcribing entries from the note-books in which
he made them originally, the Register is still intensely
interesting. Not only was it the first such register to be kept
in Upper Canada, but it recorded in large numbers the names of
inhabitants of the Province other than those whose domicile was
in Kingston, the Rector, as a missionary and as Bishop's
Official, travelling up and down between Point au Bodet and the
Onondaga reserve on the Grand River, to preach and baptize, to
perform marriages and bury the dead.
Important though Kingston was from the time of the coming of the
Loyalists, and even before that, this its earliest Register has,
it can thus be seen, an interest which far transcends the limits
of the city. In the marriages can be traced, as perhaps in no
other Register, not excepting even those of Niagara, York, or
Ernesttown and Fredericksburg, the beginnings of the famous
"Family Compact."
Military men, Naval officers, judges, magistrates, members of
the Legislature, doctors, merchants, traders, farmers are all
found, whether they were Loyalists or French-Canadians,
immigrants from the British Isles or from the United States, or
loyal Mohawk Indians. Among the Loyalists appear German names in
abundance with a few which seem to be of Dutch origin. The
religious affiliations were probably as various as the
nationalities and as the countries whence the settlers came.
Chief among the personages mentioned in the Register are
Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Col. Samuel Smith, subsequently
an Administrator of the Province, Bishop Strachan, still
unordained and a schoolmaster at Kingston, Bishop Fuller, the
Hon. Ephraim Jones, the Hon. Charles Jones, and William Buell,
the Hon. William Allan of York, Michael Grass, the founder of
Kingston, so to speak, and Mrs. Mary Brant, "the elder sister of
the Mohawk nation," who regarded herself, not without reason,
apparently, as the relict of Sir William Johnson. Nor can
mention be omitted of the Forsyths, Herchmers, Marklands,
Macaulays, and Cartwrights, who did a vast deal toward laying
the foundations of the little community which was to have so
great an influence upon the history of the Province and of the
General Brock, who was often in Kingston in the discharge of his
civil and military duties, appears as godfather to Bishop Fuller,
son and grandson of military men. Col. Smith, as will be
presently shewn, was allied with the Clark family, from which
Dr. Gamble also got his wife.
Bishop Strachan, as has been already indicated, began his
Canadian career as the schoolmaster of Kingston. He was also
tutor to the children of the Hon. Richard Cartwright, becoming
godfather to Stephen. It was in Kingston that he trained two
future Chief Justices (James Stuart, of Lower Canada, and
John Beverley Robinson, of Upper Canada) together with the
Hon. Andrew Stuart, who at the time of his death, in 1840, was
Solicitor-General of Lower Canada. It was there too that
Strachan won the reputation which attracted pupils to his school
in Cornwall from the date of his ordination, in 1803, to the
time of his removal to York, in the summer of 1812.
With Kingston Strachan remained in close touch during his
Cornwall period and afterwards, very kindly references to the
city and its first Rector being found in the journal of his
first Episcopal visitation of the Diocese of Toronto in 1840. He
would have liked to succeed Dr. Stuart in the rectorship in
1811, but, on learning that Mrs. Stuart desired the appointment
of her son, George Okill Stuart, he begged his friends to cease
making any efforts in his behalf.
In the Kingston Gazette, to which, under the name of
"Reckoner," he was a contributor, there is an advertisement, in
the issue of November 19, 1811, of "books just received from
Montreal." Among these are an Arithmetic by Strachan; his
"Discourse on the Character of King George the Third. Addressed
to the Inhabitants of British America," and his Sermon on the
Revd. John Stuart, D.D.
To Dr. Stuart, Strachan looked up as his "spiritual father," as
he himself phrased it in "A letter to the Revd. Thomas Chalmers,
D.D. . . . . on the Life and Character of The Right Reverend
Dr. Hobart, Bishop of New York." With Stuart the young
schoolmaster, who had already attended some classes in the
Faculty of Divinity at St. Andrew's University, continued to
read theology; and by him he was prepared for ordination. Long
after Stuart's death Strachan used to call him the "Father of
the Church in Upper Canada," a title which he well deserved, not
only because of his own labours but also because of the fatherly
counsel and oversight which he bestowed upon his younger
brethren in the ministry.
Through Messrs. Cartwright and Hamilton, whose commercial,
social, and political connections extended from Quebec to
Detroit and beyond, Strachan's standing in the community was
assured from the moment of his arrival in Upper Canada. His
marriage, which was a very happy one, allied him to the
Loyalists and to the Hon. James McGill of Montreal,
Mrs. Strachan having been the widow of Mr. Andrew McGill (a partner
of his brother James) and a daughter of Dr. Wood of Cornwall.
This Loyalist connection was further strengthened by the
marriage of three of his children with members of the Jones
family of Brockville and of the Robinson family of Toronto.
These connections, added to his native abilities and boundless
energy, to say nothing of the devotion of his pupils in
Kingston, Cornwall, and York, and the signal service which he
rendered to the country during the war of 1812, gave him a
well deserved influence and authority in the community. This
authority and influence his political opponents of the Twenties
and Thirties felt to be irksome but they did not fully appreciate the
strength of the foundations upon which they rested or the
consummate skill with which they were exercised.
One of Strachan's faithful co-workers in matters pertaining to
education and the Church of England was Dr. Thomas Brock Fuller,
from 1875 to 1884, the first Bishop of Niagara. The older man
had known the younger's father and mother, Major and Mrs. Fuller,
before their marriage; and with the latter he had many a
time danced. He had also had the benefit of her good offices
when things were not going so smoothly as he could have wished
between him and a sister of hers, whom at the time he deeply admired.
In due course General Brock's godson was enrolled as a pupil at
the Grammar School of York after Strachan, through the General's
action, had become Rector of the school and of the parish. From
one preferment to another Fuller was advanced, both before and
after Strachan's elevation to the episcopate, till he was made
an archdeacon. In 1866 he was the favourite of the lay delegates
at the election of a coadjutor to Strachan. The clergy
supported just as strongly the Provost of Trinity College, the
Revd. George Whitaker, so that, after eight ballots had been
taken in vain, a compromise on Archdeacon Bethune was effected.
Kingston having always been an important military depot, it is
interesting to know what units were quartered there in the
period under survey. Those mentioned in the Register are the
5th, 41st, 60th, and 100th, together with the Queen's Rangers
and the Royal Canadian Volunteers, which were raised for
Provincial purposes only.
Among officers military and naval who were quartered or settled
in the Province after serving in the Seven Years' War, the
American Rebellion, or the War of 1812, were Major-General Sir
Isaac Brock; Cols. William Johnson and Samuel Smith; Commodores
David Betton and John Steel; Majors Thomas Richard Fuller,
Holt Mackenzie, and Robert Mackenzie; Capts. W. Atkinson,
James Baker, Beaubien, Belton [Betton], John Cummings [Cumming],
Hugh Earl, Poole England *, James Enright, Richard Frend,
Thomas Fuller, Holt McKenzie, Hector McLean, Neal O'Donnel,
R. T. Porter, James Richardson, Thomas Robison,
David Rome, Theophilus Samson, Shank, John Sinclair, and
John Steel; Lieuts. Elijah Bottom, Daniel Campbell, Patrick Campbell,
Peter L. Chambers, Patrick Corbet, Henry Hollsall (or Halsall),
David Hopkins, William Mackay, John McGill, Alexander Murray,
William Patten, Ormsby Smith, Thomas Stanton; Ensigns Thomas Chettle,
Matthew Gould, Christopher Robinson, Joseph Thomson;
and Sergeant Evans. In this list no distinction has been made
between the two services. Some of the naval officers entered the
merchants' service and some were employed in the Provincial Marine.
[*Declan Barron
has further information on Poole England.]
Of the medical men commemorated in the Register some were
undoubtedly in the Army before going to Kingston or the
vicinity. Among them were Drs. John Boyd, David Fleming,
John Gamble, David Kennelly, James Latham, Robert Richardson,
Anson Smith, and Aston Smith, the last two being in all probability
one and the same. Robert Macaulay and Thomas Sparham would
appear not to have followed their profession in Kingston. The
Revd. R. Q. Short, according to a letter from Dr. Stuart to the
S.P.G. bearing date August 31, 1797, was temporarily practising
medicine, having recently arrived in the Province with a wife
and seven children without obtaining employment in his own
calling. Subsequently he secured a parish in Lower Canada, but
an entry In the records of the Sessions of the Peace for the
Midland District, under date of April 26, 1797, shows that it
was ordered "that the sum of £11, 6, 3 be paid by the Treasurer
to Mr. R. Q. Short, being so much of his account allowed for his
attendance on Terence Dunn."
The First Rector
THE most interesting name in the Register is that of the
Revd. John Stuart, D.D., who was Bishop's Official, or
Commissary, from 1789 to 1811 under Dr. Charies Inglis, first
Bishop of Nova Scotia, and Dr. Jacob Mountain, first Bishop of
Quebec. From 1770, the year of his ordination by the Bishop of
London, who then had jurisdiction over all colonial clergy in
all parts of the world, down to 1777 he was actively engaged as
an Indian missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel in Foreign Parts at Fort Hunter in the Province of New York.
For ordination he had been recommended by the clergy of the
Province of Pennsylvania. The event had been delayed for several
years because he had not wished to go counter to the wishes of
his father, who was a Presbyterian of the Cameronian (or highest)
type. The father, seeing the perseverance of the son in
his desire to enter the ministry of the "Protestant Episcopal"
Church, gave his hearty consent, so far as can be judged from
the statement contained in Dr. Strachan's sermon, already mentioned.*
*A copy of this sermon is to be found in the library of Trinity
College, Toronto, having been presented by the late Canon
Scadding, first Rector of Holy Trinity church, Toronto. The
title page bears the imprint: "Kingston, Upper canada: Printed
by Charles Kendall. September 1811."
Andrew Stuart, the father, who claimed descent from the Royal
Stuarts, had emigrated from the neighbourhood of Omagh, in the
County of Tyrone in Ireland, in or about the year 1730,
accompanied, it is said, by one or two brothers, like himself,
it would appear, exiles for religion's sake. He settled at
Paxton, Pennsylvania, which, according to the account given by
Francis Parkman in "The Conspiracy of Pontiac," must have been
strongly Presbyterian in its complexion.
John, Andrew's eldest son, was born February 24, 1740 (old style)
and was educated at the College of Philadelphia, now the
University of Pennsylvania. He graduated with the degree of B.A.
in 1763, the year of the signing of the Treaty of Paris, which
brought Canada, his future home, under the dominion of Great
Britain. His M.A. he took in 1770, the year of his ordination,
the seven intervening years having been devoted to
schoolmastering in his native county of Laucaster, Pa.
There can be little doubt that it was through the influence of
Provost Wilbam Smith, who had himself taken Holy Orders in the
Episcopalian Church of Scotland, that Stuart made the change in
the form of his belief. The Provost took very seriously, it
appears, the duty of attending to the religious instruction of
the students of the College, for he is said, among other things,
to have assembled them in the College Hall on Sunday evenings for
the purpose of hearing lectures on the Bible and related subjects.
Among the friends whom Stuart made at this period was William White,
subsequently Rector of Philadelphia and first Bishop of Pennsylvania.
With White he corresponded for many years, as can
be seen by a reference to the memoir contained in Volume IV of
Dr. O'Callaghan's Documentary History of the State of New York
(pp.505 to 520).* To this intimacy apparently Stuart owed the
honorary degree of D.D., which his College or University
bestowed upon him in the year 1799.
*Mr. O'Callaghan, who was one of Papineau's adherents at the
outbreak of the Rebellion in Lower Canada, has to be read with
due care when he touches upon the Revolutionary war. He tries to
prove that the S.P.G. Report was in error in its statements in
regard to the treatment meted out to Stuart by the Republican
authorities, whereas these statements are based upon Stuart's
own letters. Though O'Callaghan was evidently in communication
with Stuart's sons, he made some minor mistakes, such as
alleging that George Okill Stuart, the Archdeacon of later days,
was educated at Cambridge, England, whereas he studied at and
received his degree from Harvard.
On becoming missionary to the Mohawks, Stuart was brought into
very close relations with Sir William Johnson and his son and
successor in the baronetcy, Sir John Johnson, whose name is
perpetuated in Johnson Street, Kingston. From Sir William he
received encouragement in the work of his mission and a fairly
liberal support. After taking up his residence in Canada, Stuart
found invaluable the patronage of Sir John, who secured for him
the chaplaincy of the 2nd Battalion of his Royal Regiment of New York.
Three other persons with whom Stuart was brought into contact at
Fort Hunter were Mary and Joseph Brant and Dr. Charles Inglis,
the future Bishop of Nova Scotia, who was from 1764 to 1777
Assistant Minister of Trinity Church, New York, and Rector from
1777 to 1783. Inglis and Dr. Auchmuty, his chief at Trinity
Church, interested themselves in the publication of the Mohawk
translations of the Prayer Book and portions of the Scriptures
which Stuart had made with the help of Joseph Brant. Owing to
the political disturbances, however, publication was deferred
till 1787, when a preface was furnished, as is generally understood,
by Dr. Inglis some months before his consecration as Bishop.
Inglis' correspondence with the S.P.G. shows that Stuart's
position between 1777 and 1781 was not by any means an enviable
one, he being under surveillance, if not actually in prison, at
Schenectady. Unable to draw his salary and driven from his farm,
he was not allowed to earn a living by teaching a Latin School,
which he himself stated he had asked leave to do.
At length he was permitted to depart for Canada in 1781 with his
wife and their three small sons, George, John, and James. The
understanding was that he should send in exchange "One prisoner
out of four nominated by the Governor, viz., one Colonel, two
Captains, and one Lieutenant, either of which will be accepted
in my stead. Or, if neither of the prisoners aforesaid can be
obtained, I am to return as a prisoner of war to Albany when
required." First of all he had to give security to the amount of £400.
In St. John's, where he tarried for a brief space, and at
Montreal he found many other Loyalists in as evil case as
himself. In the latter place, with which several of his
descendants are still connected, he, his family, and his
servants drew their Government rations like all the other
refugees, as the Haldimand Papers show. But not content to be
burdensome to anybody, he obtained from the Governor an
appointment as a schoolmaster. On this, small though the salary
was, and on his Chaplain's pay, together with his stipend from
the Society, which he was now able again to draw, he managed to
subsist in comfort.
For a short time he acted as "Evening Lecturer" in the parish of
Montreal, there being some dissatisfaction on the part of the
parishoners with their French-speaking Rector, the
Revd. D. C. deLisle, who, in spite of his being in every respect a
man of irreproachable character, could not be "understanded of the
people" because of his imperfect command of English in the
pulpit. The necessity for a change was presently emphasized by
the "Scotch" taking up a subscription for a minister and
securing the services of the Revd. John Bethune,* late Chaplain
to the 84th Regiment, or Royal Highland Emigrants.
*Mr. Bethune, who had up to the time of becoming pastor of the
"Scotch" Church attended the services of the church of England
in Montreal, removed after a few years to williamatown, in Upper
Canada, where he continued to minister to a large district, in
which was included Cornwall, down to the year of his death,
1815. His eldest son, John, was for many years Rector of Montreal
and in later life Dean. He was also ex officio Principal of McGill College,
residing at Burnside, which had been the Hon. James McGill's
country house before being bequesthed to the College. A younger
son, who, like the elder brother, was a pupil of Dr. Strachan at
Cornwall, not at Kingston, as Col. Clark asserts in his
Reminiscences, became Bishop of Toronto, as already stated.
Donald Bethune, if not others of Mr. Bethune's descendants,
appears to have been connected with Kingston a a later date.
Not minded to wait for a change in these arrangements in regard
to Church services at Montreal, which was effected only in 1789
on the occasion of the visitation of the Bishop of Nova Scotia,
Mr. Stuart, with the approval of the Venerable Society, set out
in June, 1784, on a prospecting tour in the western portion of
the Province of Quebec. He went as far as Fort Niagara (now in
the State of New York), where he found a considerable portion of
the band of Mohawks who had constituted his charge at Fort
Hunter. They already had a Church, which had been provided for
them by General Haldimand, and they urged him to take up his
abode with them again. To their entreaties were added the
solicitations of the white settlers, foremost among whom were
Col. Butler, famous on account of his Rangers, and the Hon.
Robert Hamilton, at one time the Hon. Richard Cartwright's partner.
All things considered, Stuart came to the decision to fix
himself at Kingston, which he visited on the way up and on the
way down, as everybody had preforce to do in those days when he
took a trip to the "Upper Country." Notwithstanding the date of the
first entry in the Register, Stuart did not remove from Montreal
till July-August, 1785, but he continued to teach his school in
the metropolis throughout the winter. This Government Warrant
Books prove, as well as affidavits among the records of St.
George's Cathedral, taken many years subsequently in the famous
affair of the dispute over the burying-ground.
He had looked over Sorell (sic), St. John's, and Chambly, the
Society having left him absolute freedom of choice of location
for a mission, but he had not seen in them the same promise for
the future as he saw at Cataraqui. In the last-mentioned he
found greater security and greater convenience for his family
than at Niagara.
"The situation of this settlement," he wrote to the Society on
his return to Montreal, on the 17th of July, 1784, "is very
beautiful, and as there are at present as many Loyalists at
Cataraqui, as will occupy the Coasts as far as the Indian boundaries,*
it is probable it will soon become a place of consequence."
*The first map of Upper Canada shows Indian lands separating
the East and West Ridings of York and covering approximately the territory
now comprised in the counties of Peel, Halton, and part of
Weutworth. In 1784 the "Indian boundaries" began at the eastern
limit of Northumberland.
Here he was, not "passing rich" on £50 a year, with an
increasing family to support, amid settlers who, like himself,
had lost nearly, if not quite, all of their possessions in the
recent rebellion. Till Government should come to his relief,
which it presently did by granting him a stipend of £100, the
Society increased its allowance to £70 a year. Besides, he
received pay as chaplain to the garrison, an office to which he
was appointed by General Haldimand, partly through the
intervention of the Venerable Society. In this position he
received the approbation of no less a personage than H.R.H.
Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, who, as Commanderln-Chief of the
Forces in British North America, at a subsequent date, ordered
that Stuart should be continued in that duty, although he was
leaving appointments of chaplains at other posts to the
discretion of Officers Commanding.
In addition to the military and the civilians in Cataraqui and
the neighbourhood Stuart had charge of the Indians at Tyendinaga,
whom he (and his son after him) visited more or less regularly.
Of their Church, schools, lay-readers, and schoolmasters
he makes frequent mention in his correspondence.
As early as 1785 these Mohawks, who were less worldly-wise than
their brethren on the Grand River, had begun to build a Church
at their own expense, whereas Joseph Brant had stipulated that
Governor Haldimand should bear the cost of erecting one for his
hand on their removal from the neighbourhood of Niagara. Yet it
was the 3rd of February, 1791, before Stuart could report that
the Tyendinaga Church was so far finished that he could hold
service in it. To hasten the completion of it, the Society made
a liberal contribution, which was expended under the supervision
of the Hon. Richard Cartwright. In 1798 the Church was rebuilt
and enlarged by Government, thanks to the liberality of General
Prescott. Then the King's Arms, the Creed, and the Commandments
formerly sent over from England were placed over the Communion Table.
The first schoolmaster among the Mohawks at Tyendinaga was one
Vincent, and the second Peter. Then came in succession John Norton,
a Mr. Benniger or Binniger, who seems to have had leanings
toward Methodism, Robert Tait, William Bell, and John,
the son of the principal Chief. John acted also as lay-reader
but apparently he died within a year of taking office.
The earliest mention of a lay-reader at the mission is that of
Thomas, who had been Stuart's clerk at Fort Hunter. In 1790 he
was holding a weekly service. In 1798 this duty was being
performed by a son of the principal chief, who was a godson of
Dr. Inglis, Bishop of Nova Scotia. Whether this was John already
mentioned, it is impossible to say. If it was, he was duly
succeeded by another John in 1809.
Fully sensible of his own inability to do for the Indians what
they needed, Stuart kept urging the Society, especially from
October, 1800, on, to make provision for a resident missionary.
Such a one, he pointed out, could also minister profitably to
numerous whites who had settled in the neighbourhood of the reserve.
Education of their children was one of the things which the
settlers throughout the Province most desired. Here and there in
different parts of the settlements schools appear to have been
erected, but how far they were used it is difficult to estimate. In
Kingston, through the paternal oversight of General Hope, who was
then Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec, a
school-house had been erected in 1786 and provision made for an
assistant master, Stuart himself, with the permission of the
Society, taking temporary charge of it.
The poor were taught gratuitonsly, a small fee being exacted of
the others. All told, there were thirty pupils enrolled,
according to Stuart's letter of the 26th of September, 1786.
On the 23rd of February, 1789, the school was said to be in a
flourishing condition and to be under the care of Mr. Donovan.
He had been engaged for four years, one of which had already
elapsed. In October of the same year the school was "on a
respectable footing," though it was dependent on the tuiton
money and on a small "annuity" given by Stuart himself.
At the head of these letters of 1789 and of those written in
1788, Kingston appears along with Cataraqui, which for long
enough was the name of Lake Ontario, the upper reach of the St.
Lawrence, and the tract of land stretching from the head of
the Bay of Quinte eastward. The establishment of Courts of
justice is noted in the earlier letter of 1789 already referred
to, hut no mention is made of the fact that Stuart himself had
been offered a judgeship* and had refused it.
*Quebec Privy council Book E, June 24, 1788.
The great event of the year 1789 was the trip to Quebec, in
company with the Revd. John Langhorn, of Fredericksburg, to
attend the visitation of the clergy of Canada, held in August by
the Right Revd. Charles Inglis, first Bishop of Nova Scotia, who
from 1787 to 1793 had ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the whole
of British North America. At that gathering Stuart had the honour
of preaching at least once before the Bishop and his
fellow-clergy. From the visitation he returned to Kingston as
Bishop's Commissary, a title which some years later was changed
to Bishop's Official because Lieutenant-Govenor Simcoe did not
think the former, by reason of its military connotation,
sufficiently dignified for the Bishop's representative.
"The Western Settlements, which will hereafter require the
Society's attention," wrote the Bishop to the Archbishop of
Canterbury, on the 27th of August, "are at so prodigious a distance
from Quebec, that a Commissary at Quebec could be of little
service there. I therefore appointed Mr. Stuart my Commissary
there, who is a very sensible man, of respectable character and
exemplary morals. Lord Dorchester was greatly pleased with this
Diligently the Commissary set about the performance of his new
duties, in the first place inspecting the Letters of Orders of
Mr. Bryan of Cornwall, who had excused himself from attending
the visitation. Though a self-ordained clergyman, Mr. Bryan had
endeared himself to the people of that district and he had so
far ingratiated himself with Lord Dorchester as to lead the
latter to allow him £50 a year from the public chest.
Trying to procure clergymen for Augusta and Niagara was another
piece of work which Stuart undertook, but in that he met with no
more success than the Bishop of Nova Scotia himself had done. It
seemed impossible to induce ordained men to migrate from England
and most of the men in the United States were debarred. The
Statute of the Imperial Parliament of 1786 made it illegal for
clergymen ordained by Bishops not British subjects to serve in
any part of the British Empire.
Speaking of Augusta, it is claimed that the original Blue Church
in that township and parish was as old as, if not older than,
the first St. George's. For St. Paul's, Fredericksburg, the
Revd. John Langhorn claimed, in 1791, the honour of being the
first Anglican Church, apart from the Mohawk Churches, erected and
used for public worship in the upper portion of the Province of Quebec.
In sundry letters it appears that Mr. Laughorn created
difficulties for the Official. He made songs on the Methodists,
which the Official, though he had no love for the latter or for
their ways, regarded as bad form. Langhorn also got into
controversy "with one McDowd [the Revd. Robert McDowall], a
Presbyterian teacher, on Episcopalian ordination." This caused
the Official to lose his patience and to describe his next
neighbour as "untaught, unteachable, incorrigable." Yet the
comfortable looking old Englishman did good work according to his
lights in the Bay of Quinte district; and, in spite of having
to pay £32 a year for his board out of his modest stipend of £150,
he was able to send home to his people regular remittances, as the
books of the Society and of the Hon. Richard Cartwright show. When
he was leaving the country in 1813, he had books to give to the
Kingston library. Happily it is possible to state that he
escaped the watery grave to which so many writers have consigned him,
living on till May 15, 1817, at Natland Beck, near Kendal, and
finding sepulture in Heversham Churchyard, Westmoreland.
Of the progress of various denominations Mr. Stuart gives
information from time to time. On October 4, 1790, he
intimates-contrary to the commonly accepted idea concerning the
religious affiliations of the Loyalists-"that a very great
majority of the Inhabitants of all the Settlements is composed
of Presbyterians, Anabaptists, and other Dissenters." In
February, 1792, he writes that they are favourably inclined
toward the Church, that they would welcome a minister, and that
they would conform. At the first confirmation held in Kingston
on or about August 18, 1794,-by Dr. Jacob Mountain, first Bishop
of Quebec-sundry members of the Church of Scotland were among
the candidates, fifty-five in number.
The same letter states "that there does not exist in the whole
Parish any Party or Faction against the Church, a few Papists
excepted, who are very quiet and peaceable." On the 19th of
September, 1808, they were said to be fairly numerous and to
have laid the foundation of a stone Chapel, "being assisted by
their brethren of Montreal." *Lots 214, 237, 245, 246, and 224
had been set aside by the Executive Council of the Province on
petition of the Revd. Alexander Macdonell, of Charlottenburgh,
who subsequently became the first Bishop of Kingston and a
member of Council, with a salary provided by Government. On the
same day, March 25, 1806, lots 247 and 248 were granted to the
Reverend gentleman and to Donald Macdonell, John Cumming, and
Pierre Fortier "in Trust for a Roman Catholic Chapel to be built
thereon." On April 2, following lots 180, 207, and 243 were
added, on petition, in order to make up an acre. The
Church, so far as can be judged from an advertisement of town
lots which H. Earl had for sale, in the Kingston Gazette of
October 10, 1815, was called the "French Church."
*U.C Land Book G., pp. 37, 38, 39, 41.
On October 12, 1795, a letter to the Society had announced that
there was no other place of worship in the town and no
probability of one being erected soon, "as the Methodists meet
there with no encouragement." Two years later they had quitted
the town entirely, "after having repeatedly attempted to introduce
their doctrines." In 1799 they had a "meeting-house," but it had
been for some time unoccupied and it was likely so to remain.
To protect his flock from what he considered pernicious
doctrine, Stuart redoubled his efforts in town and country. In
the former he catechised the children regularly on Sunday
afternoons. In the latter he made extensive preaching tours down
the river and up the bay, visiting also the district of Nassau,
the town of Niagara, and later the capital, York, which was
without a missionary from the time of Mr. Raddish's departure in
July, 1797, down to the early part of 1800, when George Okill
Stuart was settled there.
In February, 1792, when the going on the ice was good, Dr.
Stuart went through the whole of the districts of Luneburg and
Mecklenburg. He held service at Stephen Gilbert's in Sydney,
commending him as "a zealous Churchman" and appointing him to
read prayers and a sermon in his own house. In Adolphustown he
used George Hagerman's house instead of a Church and in
Marysburg Archibald Macdonald's. He found the "dissenters"
prejudiced against the clergy of the Church of England as
"readers." This was due, he stated, to "the simplicity or
ill-timed honesty of one of our Order, who said that he had
brought a full stock of manuscripts from England." On this tour
and others Stuart therefore delivered his sermons extemporaneously.
Basing his advice on these itinerant experiences, he strongly
urged the Society as early as July 5, 1791, to appoint young men
as travelling missionaries. If this fundamental characteristic
of the Methodists had been adopted at that time, the moan about
the loss to the Church of England caused by these indefatigable
men would not have been so often heard in subsequent years.
On an early expedition Stuart had found Captain Everett
gathering his neighbours together to hear the Church service and
a sermon. Presently he himself held a service in Everett's
house-five miles from Kingston-on the first Friday of every
month. As early as September, 1786, he had noted that Captain
Hawley was still reading prayers to his fellow-settlers and that
the schoolhouse in Township No.3 (Fredericksburg) was to serve
as a temporary Church.
A Mr. Boutellier had established himself at Niagara, as Stuart
found when he went thither for four weeks as Chaplain to the
Legislative Council in October, 1792. He turned out also to
be an impostor, representing himself at first as an
Episcopalian. There he stayed till a few days before Stuart's
return in 1793, holding service and preaching in spite of the
Official's inhibition, Mr. Addison's arrival to take the duty of
the mission, and the Lieutenant-Governor's presence.
Rather strangely, the installation of Simcoe in office, which
took place in the new Church at Kingston on July 8,1792, is not
mentioned by Stuart in his letters to the Society. In that of
October 12, 1792, he reported that "The Governor seems
determined to put the Church of England on as respectable a
footing as possible . . . from whose countenance much may be
expected." That did not come to much after all, owing to the
cares of State which His Excellency carried and to his leaning
on the very broken reed, Jacob, "by Divine permission Lord
Bishop of Quebec," not to forget the difficulty in any case of
obtaining missionaries from England.
Regarding the provision for "a Protestant Clergy" made in the
Constitutional Act of 1791, Stuart thus expressed himself:
"The mode proposed will prove ineffectual at least for half a
century to come." He held, from his knowledge of land, gained as
a member of the Land Board of Mecklenburg from its inception,
that "£10 per annum from any certain Fund would be more eligible
provision for any individual clergyman than the probable share
of any Revenue that can be raised from all the waste Lands of
the Crown in that District for 25 years by this Act. The Scheme
is plausible on Paper to those who do not know that the
Lands to be granted are distant and of no value if given to the
Church: for while every Man can obtain a Grant of 200 Acres of
Land in Fee-simple, it is not probable that Tenants will be found
to improve the Church Lands and pay Rent for them."
Compared with this utterance, that of the Hon. Richard Cartwright
concerning the same Act is decidedly interesting. In a letter*
of October 21, 1792, which he wrote about the Marriage Act to
Isaac Todd, Esq., of Montreal, at one time a partner of
the Hon. James McGill, he said: "Indeed the Caution with which
everything relative to the Church or Dissenters is guarded in
the Act of Parliament which estabhshes our Constitution; and the
Zeal and Tenaciousness of the Executive Government In this
Country on this Head, has always astonished me. Where a
particular System has been long adopted and acted upon, Some
evil may perhaps result from a Change, although in its
Principles it may be neither liberal nor just, and, at all
events there is the Bugbear Innovation to guard the Abuse; but
to make this Abuse an essential Principle, and when a new
Government is to be formed, as in the present Case, among a
People composed of every religious Denomination, and 19-20 of
whom are of Persuasions different from the Church of England, to
attempt to give to that Church the same Exclusive, political
Advantages that it possesses in Great Britain, and which are
even there the Cause of so much Clamour appears to me to be as
impolitic as it is unjust. In the Present Times one would expect
better Things from Ministers."
*Letter Book of the Hon. Richard cartwright, P.29 A.-Library of
Queen's University, Kingston.
How correct Mr. Cartwright's views were and now mistaken Mr.
Stuart's, later developments were to show. The dust of the
clamour raised over the Clergy Reserves in the late Twenties,
the Thirties, Forties, and the early Fifties of the nineteenth
century has obscured many things, in particular the fact that,
in order to make good the lack of an income from the Reserves,
the British Government for many a year paid the salaries of the
clergy of Upper Canada and of Lower Canada as well.
This very action of Government operated to the disadvantage of
Mr. Stuart at Kingston, not to speak of any other clergyman.
Time and again he told the Society that, notwithstanding
promises that had been made to him, he had never received one
penny from his people. They thought, in spite of the Society's
rules to the contrary, that it was unnecessary for them to do
anything for their missionary, whom nevertheless they thoroughly
respected, seeing that he was in receipt of an allowance from
the Society and from Government.
Fortunately Mr. Stuart was a good manager, as can be gathered
from the Duke de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's account of him in
his "Travels in the United States of America." He farmed and
leased farms. These he had acquired as a Loyalist and as the
former Chaplain of the 2nd Battalion of Sir John Johnson's Royal
Regiment of New York, not forgetting the "family lands," to
which as a family man he was entitled.
Sometimes it is amusing, and it is always interesting, to follow
out in the records of the Council of Quebec or of Upper Canada
Mr. Stuart's applications for land. This is especially the case
in reference to the claims as a Chaplain. Strictly speaking, he
appears, according to the proclamations, not to have been
entitled to make any such claim; and the Council at Quebec
decided accordingly.
In returning to the attack, he was doing only what many other
reduced officers were doing. They found themselves in a
situation less favourable than that of the late officers of the
84th, or Royal Highland Emigrants', Regiment, to whom very
special privileges had been granted on their enrolment. These
becoming more generally known on the disbanding of the Regiment,
the officers of all the other Corps, quite naturally, demanded
like treatment. Ultimately they received it, the Chaplains included.
Being a provident father, Mr. Stuart saw to it that his children
applied for all the land to which they were entitled, and that
they applied betimes. His daughters received 200 acres each on
their marriage or on attaining their majority, as did all other
Loyalists' daughters. His merchant sons, John and Charles, who
later on became Sheriffs (of the Johnstown and the Midland
Distuct respectively), obtained 600 acres each, "as became young
men of their condition," to use the customary phrase of the Council
Chamber. His sons, George Okill, James, and Andrew,
who entered professions, were granted 1,200 acres each in
accordance with the custom of the time.
The settlement of Stuartville, now comprised largely within the
grounds of Queen's University and the confines of the little
streets called Arch, Deacon, George, Okill (not O'Kill), and
Stuart, was built up on Mr. Stuart's farm, which lay to the
westward of Captain Michael Grass' grant. His house, according
to Bishop Richardson's recollections, was situated near the site
of the Murney Tower.
From no single house in Upper Canada probably, unless it were
Bishop Strachan's "Palace" in York, or his parsonage in
Cornwall, did influences proceed more varied and more potent
than those which proceeded from Dr. Stuart's house near
Kingston. There liberal hospitality was dispensed and there two
Chief Justices and a Solicitor-General of Lower Canada were
trained. The two Chief Justices also became baronets-Sir James
Stuart and Sir John Beverley Robinson, whom Stuart called his
sixth son and for whose education he had become responsible on
the death of the young boy's father, Christopher Robinson.
Of Dr. Stuart's family there is only one representative left in
Kingston, Mrs. Bennett, a descendant of his youngest daughter
Ann. The branches represented by George Okill and Charles became
extinct many years ago; and Jane never married. Sir James'
youngest son died without issue in June, 1915. John is
represented mainly by the Keppel family, his granddaughter, Miss
Macnab, of Hamilton, having married the Viscount Bury, who
subsequently became the Earl of Albemarle. The Stuart name is
kept alive, however, in Hamilton. The Hon. Andrew's descendants
are found mainly in Ottawa, Quebec, and Montreal. His elder son
Sir Andrew Stuart's last surviving son, Mr. Gustavus Stuart,
K.C., died in 1918, leaving no children, but several of the
latter's sisters, who for the most part married husbands of
their mother's people, the French-Canadians, have children and
grandchildren. They bear the well-known names, Audette,
Beaubien, Le Mesurier, and McLennan. Sir Campbell Stuart,
managing director of the London Times, is a grandson of Henry Stuart,
K.C., the Hon. Andrew's second son. Of the daughter Mary, who
married the Hon. Charles Jones of Brockville, there are many
representatives in Brockville and elsewhere.
Mrs. John Stuart, whose maiden name was Okill, and whose
parentage was English, though she was born in Philadelphia and
was living there at the time of her marriage, survived her
husband by almost ten years. She died in Kingston on the 10th of
June, 1821, and was buried in the family plot in St. Paul's Churchyard.
The First St. George's
ACCORDING to the Duke de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, the little
church erected in the year 1792 was not beautiful; in fact he
says that it "resembled a barn ruore than a Church." Yet it had
the signal honour conferred upon it of being made the scene of
the inauguration of the new government of Upper Canada. In Land
and State Book A, preserved in the Public Archives of Canada,
the first entry is :-'His Excellency John Graves Simcoe, Esq.,
Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, Colonel
Commanding the Forces in the said Province, &c., &c., &c.,
having appointed the Protestant Church [of Kingston] as a
suitable place for the Reading, and publishing of His Majesty's
commissions. He accordingly repaired thither attended by
The Hon. William Osgoode, Chief Justice,
The Hon. James Baby,
The Hon. Peter Russell,
together with the Magistrates, and principal Inhabitants."
In spite of the representatives of the Kingstonians, the
Governor persisted in his preconceived idea that London was the
proper place in which to fix his capital, so their good town had
to wait for that dignity till 1841, when the Act of Union was
put into operation.
The Church could hardly have been out of the builder's hands on
the day of the Governor's swearing in, July 8, 1792. A
subscription list had been opened in the village as early as
December 4, 1789, because it had been felt that the room in the
garrison, which had been used since 1785, was neither worthy
enough for divine service nor large enough to contain the
congregation of civilians and military. The sum total expected
from this subscription list was £120, but on July 5, 1791,
Stuart had to report to the Society that only £80 had been
collected. To make up at least the full £200 required, if not
something more, recourse was had to the Governor in Chief at
Quebec, a petition* for nothing less than a grant of the King's
Mills at Kingston being presented.
*This petition is found in the Public Archives of Canada in two
places-Series Q., Vol.51, Part 1., p.297 and the Quebec Privy
Council Book 1., p.58.
The petition, which bore date December 9, 1789, was sent at the
suggestion of Lord Dorchester himself, so Stuart informed the
Society, on February 23, 1792. Nevertheless the prayer of it was
not granted, the committee of Council, at Quebec, to which it
had been referred, taking till March, 1791, to deliver this
adverse decision.
The "Church Wardens, Vestrymen, and principal Inhabitants of
Kingston, Members of the Church of England" who associated
themselves with the "Minister" in thus making request for the
grant of Kingston Mills-and of 500 acres adjoining them-were:-
Matthew Donovan Richd. Cartwright, Senr.
Robert Macaulay Thomas Markland
Jos. Forsyth Church Wardens
Nathaniel Lines Joseph Anderson
Jost Herkimer Michael Grass
Lawce Herkimer Vestrymen
William Mackay Richd. Cartwright, Junr.
Alexr. Aitken Neil McLean
William Atkinson Allan McLean
Thos. Sparham David Betton
Thrown back on their own resources, for no help was forthcoming
from the Society or from Government, the little congregation set
about devising plans of their own for getting on with building
operations. The Vestry held a meeting on October 25, 1791,
and "Resolved unanimously that the money subscribed for the
Purpose of erecting a Church shall be immediately applied to that use.*
*Vestry Minute, of St. George's Cathedral, Kingston, in the
Diocesan Archives.
"In consequence of this Resolution, a Carpenter is to be employed
to erect a Frame Building of 49 by 32 Feet in the Clear, to
Weather Board, shingle and Floor it, also to ceil & sash it."
On January 9, 1792, occurs the following entry -"Resolved to
employ Archibald Thompson [Thomson]-and when Mr. Thompson
furnishes a Bill of Skantling and his Proposals in writing, a
Bargain is to be concluded." In a letter to the Society the
missionary gives the additional information that the building
was to be twelve feet high and was to cost £108, the contract to
be completed by August 1 next.
The site of the Church was approximately that of the office of
the "British Whig." The site of the second and the present St.
George's was apparently intended originally for a parsonage
house. On the plan it stands in Dr. Stuart's name.
On October 12, 1792, another of the Rector's letters announced
that the Church was glazed and plastered. On March 19, 1793,
"The New Church is a decent Commodious Edifice, was plastered
last of all & a temporary Pulpit & reading Desk erected
in it. The whole expense of which was £172 Currency, but
£28 remains to be raised by subscription."
In the autumn of 1794 a Pulpit, Desk, Communion Table, Pews,
Cupola, and Bell had been added. Then for the first time was it
intimated that "the Church is called St. George's." "But the
Congregation having increased much," the Rector continues, "it
appears to be too small & therefore they design to enlarge it by
building a Chancel at the end of it, as soon as materials and
workmen can be procured."
The chancel was not built at this time, however, to judge from
the letter of October 28, 1802, and from a petition** bearing date
January 3, 1805, which was presented to Lieutenant-General
Peter Hunter, then Lieutenant-Governor of the Province. Instead, a
gallery, "principally for the Troops in Garrison," was put in
during the summer of 1795, the contractors for it being
Francis Wykott and Emmanuel Ellerbeck. Bills for the amount of their
contract were to be drawn on Mr. Peter Smith and were to be
repaid out of the pew rents.
**The original of this petition is in the Archives of the
Province of Ontario, packet 122, No. 2480 1/2 of the Russell
Papers. It was signed by Richard Robison and Jermyn Patrick,
Church Wardens, and was promoted by the Hon. Richard Cartwright.
Pew rents were made for many a year to help pay for improvements
to the Church structure and to the burying ground, as well as
for the Clerk's salary. According to the Vestry records and the
petition just referred to, there were "thirty-seven Pews large
enough to contain three to four Persons each, including two of a
larger Size for the Family of the Minister, and the accommodation
of the Officers of the Garrison and such other Public
Characters as might or might not be permanent Residents." The
rents from the pews on the ground floor were £34 per annum.
These rents were in the nature of ground rents, for in the first
instance the pews had been sold, as was done subsequently in
other places, thus creating difficulties in the way of turning
parish churches into cathedrals. The proceeds of these sales had
enabled the Wardens to defray the additional expense (£28) on
the initial contract.
Seventeen more pews were provided by an addition of twenty feet
made to the Church throughout its whole width in the year 1802.
At the same date was added another gallery "for the Accommodation
of such Persons as were not in Circumstances to purchase Pews."
"The Expence of this Addition," the petition continues,
"amounted to one hundred and ninety-eight Pounds, seventeen
Shillings, which by the Sale of the Pews was immediately reduced
to one hundred and sixty-six Pounds, fourteen Shillings and
three Pence, and it seems necessary for the Church to take up
this Money on Interest* to pay off the Tradesmen, and it is at
present still indebted to the Extent of about one hundred and
twenty Pounds. . . . "To enable them to discharge this Debt, to
paint the Inside of the Church to procure the appropriate
Ornaments, furniture for the pulpit & Communion Table, Your
Memorialists humbly solicit the Aid of Your Excellency."
*In the parish accounts for 1802 it appears that the makers of the
note were Dr. Stuart, James Robins, and John Kirby.
This petition was successful, thanks partly to its being managed
by the Hon. Richard Cartwright and partly to the fact that the
Imperial Parliament had, out of its generosity, voted a
considerable sum in aid of Church building in the Province.
Between 1795 and 1802 various improvements had been noted in
the missionary's correspondence. On October 11, 1798, Painting
had been done within and without. In September, 1799, the Church
had been furnished with a set of books.
On October 11, 1800, a stone wall had been erected round about
the grave-yard at a cost of £90 or thereabouts, "the whole of
which will be paid off next Easter"-from the pew rents. From a
later letter without a date, but presumably written in 1803, it
is learned that this source of revenue was mortgaged for this
purpose for three years. In 1808, however, the sum total
expended on this account appears as £200.
On October 12, 1804, "they are making great progress in Church
Music," one of the end galleries being reserved for the
singers-evidently the one which was originally set aside for the
people who "were not in Circumstances to purchase Pews." It is
again expressly stated that the other gallery-which could
contain a hundred persons-"is appropriated to the use of the
Soldiers in the Garrison."
What the accompaniment for the singers was at this time does not
appear, but in all probability it was supplied by the military.
One Nash was paid 15 shillings for Church Music on June 9, 1806.
On January 2, 1811, it was recorded in the Rector's letter that
"as the Church debts are all paid, and some money remaining in
hand, they have agreed to send to England for a small organ." At
a still later date, 1818, an organ was obtained by means of a
grant from the surplus funds of the Loyal and Patriotic Society,
which had been founded for providing comforts for men on active
service, in 1812, the relief of wounded soldiers, and the
assistance of soldiers' dependents.
Only in September, 1808, did the Rector note in his correspondence
the purchase of "a cup and patten," which the accounts
show to have been obtained from Charles Smyth at a cost of £15.
As early as 1791 had appeared 1s. 8d. for a Basin for Baptisms
and 3s. 6d. for two plates.
Wine for Holy Communion cost regularly 10s. a gallon, but on
Christmas Eve, 1800, there was an exceptional charge of 3s. 9d.
for a quart. A Table Cloth, furnished by Hamilton and
Cartwright on November 26, 1789, cost 14s. 6d. and a Napkin 6s.
3d. On April 9, 1790, 13 yards of Linen for "Surplus" were
bought at 3s, totalling £1, 19; 1 oz. of thread with which to
sew it cost 1s. 9d.; 5s. were paid for the making, 4s. for
altering it. Washing the surplice was done for many a year at a
shilling a time, the operation being performed four times a year.
The price rose to 2s. 6d. in 1805-1806; and in 1811 washing and
mending the surplice twice cost together 7s. 6d., though the double
service had been performed for 6s. 6d. in 1810.
On April 24, 1800, Mr. Cartwright furnished a Pall at £2. Some
unnamed person was paid 2s. in 1791 for burying Thomson and in
1790 "a Man" was paid 4s. for burying John Wright "last Summer."
On August 13, 1792, there stands an Item "To Cash payed
J. McDonell for 5 yds. Linen for Sheet for Jo. Paine Deceased."
Making the Sheet cost 1s., Digging the Grave 5s., and making the
Coffin 5s. In February, 1799, Pember received £1 for a coffin;
and 1-2 Gallon of Spirits was in the same month supplied by the
Church for the funeral of Mrs. Freeman at an expenditure of
7s. 6d., only $1.50.
A Mrs. Arsgill figures very largely in the accounts for
1798-1799, she, Mrs. Hyslop, and Mrs. Whitney giving the parish
an opportunity to remember the poor. The first mentioned boarded
successively with Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Whiteman, the former
receiving, for a month apparently, the sum of £1, 19 and the
latter £1, 11 for thirty-one days. Removing her from the one
house to the other cost 3 shillings.
For her benefit were procured a bedstead, from Ockford, at
7s. 6d., 3 1/2 yards of Coating for 17s. 6d., 1 pair of blankets for
19s., and sheeting for a straw bed for 14s. 7 1/2d. On the same
date somebody (for it is not clear that it was Mrs. Arsgill)
enjoyed a gallon of white wine costing 4s., at the expense of the
Church. A week later, on February 7, a bottle of the same is
charged at 2s., and a pound of candles at 1s. 6d.
Making the Church Stove and Pipes in 1791 cost 14s. 4d., Harley
doing the work. For refitting it there was presently a charge of
10d. Ten sheets of Iron, weighing 27 1-2 lbs., at 9d. had cost
£1, 0, 7 1-2. New pipes were needed in December, 1792, and the
Blacksmith supplied them for 7s. 6d. Taking down the Stove and
Pipes cost 3s. 6d. in 1799. Lampblack and Painting Brushes cost
respectively 15s. and 12s. 6d., having been "omitted last year."
Again in 1800 Stove Pipes were required; and this time Cassidy
furnished them for 17s. 6d. In April Darley was paid 5s. 6d. for
putting up the stove and Humphry 2s. 6d. for mending the Stove
pan. "By alms money and Stove Pipes £3, 18, 4" is the rather
incongruous combination presented in an entry of 1805-1806. In
June, 1806, Powell received 5s. for work done to Stove Pipe,
George Oliver in April, 1809, 5s. for the same service, and
Powell again 15s. for work done to Stove Pipe & Gutter 15s.
A blank book, presumably for the Vestry minutes, cost, in
1789, 2s. 6d.; a pane of glass and glazing it, in 1791, 10d.,
and a lock for the Grave Yard 2s., a Latch "Ketch" for the Church
door, in March, 1793, 5s.; in 1795-6 a pound of nails is. 3d.,
150 feet of Plank 10s. Sd., 200 ditto 15s., 96 feet of timber at
2d., 16s., Denison supplying the last mentioned order; 20 bushels
of lime £1; 2 pairs of HL hinges, and a Stocklock, in July,
1800, 6s. 3d. and 3s. 9d. each; 99 Toises dry Wall round the
Burying Ground at 11s. 8d., in 1801, £57, 15; in 1804, a Padlock
for the Burying Ground, 1s. 8d.; a Bell Rope, in 1805, 2s.;
balance due for 148, 2/3. Toises Stone wall around the Burying
Ground £7, 2, 2 1-2, in January 1810; and in the same year a new
Bell Rope 4s 9d., and 1 Pane Glass and Putty 10d.
Before a sexton was employed, a Drummer of the 5th Regiment had
been detailed to sweep the Church, that is, the room in the
Garrison already referred to. In 1790 he received eight
shillings and in 1791 seven. On the 25th of April, 1791, a
regular sexton was engaged, whose duty it was "to make fires and
sweep the Church regularly, for which he is to receive one
Shilling per Week during the Season that it is necessary to have fire-
and Sixpence per Week when no fire is necessary-he is likewise to
furnish water for Christenings." In accordance with these
resolutions John Cannon was paid £1, 11, 6, in 1792, "for making
Fire and Sweeping the Church." On March 31, 1796, his wages were
advanced to £10 a year, but in return for this amount he was to
act as Clerk, Sexton, Bell Ringer, etc., etc., "and attend the
Stove properly during cold weather."
So late as August 4, 1801, there is an entry "Cleaning the
Church for Christmas Day" 7s. 6d., with a like charge for the
following Easter. In 1804 it cost £1 to clean the Church twice.
On the same date, April 4, was paid the sum of 3s. 9d. "for
clearing Snow from Church Door." In September, 1808, John Roge
was paid 7s. 6d. "for clearing the Burying Ground of Brush and Weeds."
Cartage was cheap in 1801. To take five loads of boards to the
Burying Ground cost only five shillings.
The Church had casual revenues of peculiar kinds. "To so much
received by them [Markland & Macaulay] from the Jurors £1, 10,"
appears in the account of subscriptions for the building fund on
October 9, 1790. This is followed somewhat closely by "To Fine
left by Capt. Bunbury 5th Regiment £5." On April 27, 1793, the
Vestry minutes record the receipt "of five dollars, being money
presented by the Special Jury at Kingston, for the Benefit of
the Church £1, 5." On the same date is acknowledged "also three
shills and nine Pences, being a Fine imposed on Wm. Bowden and
gien (sic) by Judge Cartwright 3s. 9d."
Notwithstanding its various sources of revenue and the devoted
services rendered by the "little" gentleman, as the tall Rector
was called, the congregation, as has been already said, never
contributed to his support. It was content, in spite of the
increasing wealth of several of its members, to let Government
and the Society do everything for him. He had even to provide
his own "parsonage house," although, through the instrumentality
of Mr. Cartwright, a lot upon which to build one had been procured from
the Crown in 1803, if not at a yet earlier date. In spite of
these disappointments, Dr. Stuart went on unweariedly
ministering to his fellow Loyalists and those who followed them
to make homes in Upper Canada.
Rev Mr. Jo. Stuart £10--- Mr. David Brass 1-3-4
Richd Cartwright, Junr, Mr Jo. Everett 1-3-4
Esqr. 10--- Mr. Mattw Donoon 1-3-4
Commador David Bettan 10--- Mr Jo. Ferguson 1-3-4
Mr Jo. Comming 1-3-4
Neel McLean, Esqr 6--- Mr. Duncn Cameron* 1-3-4
Mr. Rob Macaulay 5--- Mr Titis Simons* 1-15-
Mr. Jams Richardson 5--- Mr Thos Cook* 1----
Mr. Jos Hirkimer 5--- Mr Phillip Pember 1----
Mr. Michl Grass 2--- Mr Mahlon Knight 1----
Mr. Jo. Forsyth 2--- Mr Jo. Symington 1----
Mr. Jams Robinson 2--- Mr Bryen Crawford 1----
Mr. Dond McDonell 2--- Mr Jo. Detler* 1----
Mr. Georg Farley 2--- Mr George Johnson* 1----
Mr. Thos Markland 2--- Mrs Marry Brand 1----
Mr. Wilm Atkinson 2--- Mr Thos Bonett* 1-5--
Mr. Wilm McDonell* 2--- Mr. Just. Meeler* 1----
Mr. Arch Thomson 2--- Mr Michl Dererich --15-
Mr. Ellerbeck 2--- Mr Thos Beazley --12-
Doctor Jams Latham 2-6-8 Mr Sep McLean* -11-8
Mr. Jams Russell 2-6-8 Mr Wilm Stoughton* -11-8
Mr. Peter Smith 2-6-8 Mr Saml Merrell* -1O--
Mr. Amos Aensley 2-5-- Mr Jo. Roushorn -10--
Mr. Jo. Duncan 1-10- Mr Bart. Day -10--
Mr. Chrisr Georgen 1-10- Mr George Harpel* -10--
Mr. Allex Aitken 1-3-4 Mr George Buck* -10--
Mr. Nathl Lines 1-3-4 Mr Jacob Cowly* --7-6
Richd Cartwright, Sr., Mr Jo. Wetzel* --5--
Esq. 1-3-4
TOTALS 86-15-0 24-14-6
Notes on the Benefactors
RICHARD Cartwright, Jr., appears also as the Hon.
Richard Cartwright and as Judge Cartwright. He was
the son of Richard Cartwright, Sr., and Johanna Beasley N.Y.,
where he was born on February 2, 1759. He died on July 27,
1815, in Montreal, where he was buried. According to Dr.
Strachan's funeral sermon, preached in Kingston some days
later, he had had thoughts of becoming a clergyman, but, the
Revolutionary War breaking out, the course of his life was
changed. In 1777, after the disaster which overtook the British
arms, he came to Canada by way of St. John's, P.Q. He appears
to have heen for a short time secretary to Col. Butler,
Commanding Officer of the Rangers called by his name.
At some time between 1777 and 1788 Cartwright came into close
contact with the Hon. James McGill, one of the great merchants
of Montreal and the founder of the University which bears his
name. Like McGill, he became a trader and a merchant,
establishing himself first at Carleton Island, in partnership
with the Hon. Robert Hamilton, and subsequently at Cataraqui.
The business relations and the friendship which he formed with
these two men endured till the death of the latter of them in
1809 and of the former in 1813.
From a petition for land which he presented to the Executive
Council of Upper Canada, on June 20, 1794, it appears that from
1787 to 1792 he was a Justice of the Peace and a member of the
Land Board of the District of Mecklenburg.* Of this body be
seems to have been perhaps the most active member, for
in many of the reports made to the Governor in Chief and the
Council at Quebec his hand is clearly visible.
*The first Land Board for the District consisted of the Revd.
Mr. John Stuart, Neil McLean, James Clark, Richard Cartwright,
Junr., and the Officer commanding for the time being. On June
8, 1791, all the Land Boards were continued from and after
May 1, 1791. Mr. Clark's name does not appear in the Order in
council of that date, but the other three do, together with
those of James McDonnel and Hector McLean. To these were added
on Decemher 24, 1791, Richard Cartwright, Seur., and William
Atkinson. These Seven men, with the Officer Commanding for the
time being at Fort Frontenac, composed the Board for the Midland
District and later for the County of Frontenac till its
dissolution on November 6, 1794, by Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe.
On Mr. Stuart's declining to accept appointment as a Judge of
the Court of Common Pleas in 1788, Mr. Cartwright's name was
substituted for his in the commission.*
*The other Judges who were appointed for the District in 1789
were James clark and Neil McLean.
In 1795 Mr. Cartwright was appointed, with his fellow
magistrates, Messrs. Atkinson and Markland, to contract for and
superintend the building of a gaol and court house agreeably to
a plan approved by the magistrates. In 1797 and subsequent years
he sat as a member of the Land Claims Board for the Midland
District, to decide the ownership of parcels of land which had
changed hands or which had been inadequately or improperly
described when being allotted to Loyalists.
For some time previous to 1792 he had been in occupation of the
King's Mills at Kingston, already referred to. He also held at
one time those at the Apanee River. These mills had been erected
by Government with a view to providing the settlers with
facilities for procuring timber and for getting their grain
ground. In 1798 he represented to tbe Executive Council of the
Province that, as the mills had served their original purpose,
those at Kingston might be granted as an endowment for the
Grammar School at that place. U. C. State Book B. pp. 184-5.
From a Letter Book, the property of the Library of Queen's
University, it is clear that he was deeply interested in
education, which he sought to promote in both his public and his
private capacity. Through Mr. Hamilton and the latter's brother,
he was instrumental in bringing Mr. Strachan to this country.
For Strachan he, with the co-operation of the Hon. James McGill,
procured, at the public expense, a set of physical instruments,
and this in spite of the dead-weight of the opposition of the
Commons' House of Assembly. Dr. Scadding is authority for the
statement that these instruments ultimately became the property
of Upper Canada College, Mr. Strachan being merely the custodian
for Government *
*Scadding (and Dent) Toronto Past and Present. Memorial Volume
1834-1884. PP. 41-42.
From the same Letter Book can also be seen how serious were the
views which Mr. Cartwright entertained of his duties as a member
of the Legislative Council of the Province, in which he had a
seat from 1792 to 1815. This is noticeable particularly in
respect of the Marriage Act, for he was liberal enough to wish
to see ministers of all communions empowered to solemnize
matrimony. His impatience at the illiberality of the
interpretation put upon the clause of the Constitutional Act
touching the provision for a "Protestant Clergy," has been
already noted. At any waste of public funds he was righteously
indignant, as, for instance, at the voting, in a thin House at
the close of the session, aid to certain congregations for
building Churches, when the original proposal had been only to
purchase a pew in the Church at York for the accommodation of
the members of the Legislative Council and of the House of Assembly.
Of successive Lieutenant-Governors and Administrators he was the
trusted, if unofficial, adviser, for he was never called to the
Executive Council. He was also a Commissioner of Roads for the
Province and a representative of it in negotiations with the
Province of Lower Canada in regard to financial matters.
HDw early he settled in Kingston, is not quite certain, but,
from an entry in Land Book G, p.42, it is clear that he had been
in possession of Lot 263, 2-5 of an acre, since 1789 and that a
house had been erected upon the lot. On April 16, 1793, he was
given permission by the Honourable Council "to build a store
upon the Water Lot opposite his Town Lot at Kingston; and
likewise to include in the Grant the beach marked A up to the
bank B" (Land and State Book A, p.69). On June 21, 1794, he was
refused some islands for which he petitioned, all islands being
reserved for the uses of the Crown, but he was allowed 3,000
acres on the mainland, "His Excellency and the Council being
apprized of the Advantages derived in various Instances from the
Public Spirit and exertions of the Petitioner both as a
Magistrate and in his private Capacity." Accordingly they
thought themselves "fully justified in supporting his Claim upon
the most Equitable Principles" (Land and State Book A, p. 172).
His name appears in other connections in succeeding Land Books,
among others for a town lot each for his wife and himself in York.
Mrs. Cartwright and four children were granted 1,200 acres each,
in accordance with the custom of the time, the intention of the
framers of the Constitutional Act being to create a landed aristocracy.
Like other traders and merchants, Mr. Cartwright was often
forced to take land in satisfaction of debts owing to him.
Therefore he was very directly interested in the law regarding
the transfer and the registration of land, also in the
application to lands alienated by the original grantees of the
Orders in Council relating to the issue of patents without payment of fees.
In 1799 he petitioned for passports for the Marquis de Beaupoil
and Mr. Coster de St. Victoire (sic), who wished to return to
France after their exile in Great Britain and Canada. For them
and for others of these émigrés settlers, notably Mr. Quetton
St. George, he had acted as agent.
As Lieutenant of his County Mr. Cartwright had the nomination of
the officers of militia; and as such he had something also to do
with making preparations for the defence of the Province in
1812. Among his papers is preserved an address to the militia,
of which he was a Colonel. About the same time he was writing in
a highly patriotic strain in the Kingston Gazette, under the
name of "Falkland."
Worn out by the anxieties and the labours of the war, deeply
depressed by the death of four of his children within three
years of one another, he died in Montreal, whither he had gone
on business of his own and of the McGill estate, of which he was
an executor. He left four children under the guardianship of Dr.
Strachan, Mary Magdalen (Mrs. Dobbs), Thomas Robison, John
Solomon, and Robert David. Mrs. Cartwright, who, before her
marriage, had been Miss Magdalen Secord, of Niagara, survived
her husband almost twelve and a half years, dying on the 4th of
January, 1827, eighteen months after the decease of her son,
Thomas Robison.
Commodore Betton. In the Supplement to the Quebec Gazette dated
September 29, 1790, it was announced that the King had been
pleased to reward the services of certain officers who
had been employed in armed vessels on the Lakes in Canada during
the late War by granting half-pay to such of them as were
unemployed, back pay to be dated from June 30, 1786. Under the
heading of "Masters and Commanders that acted as Commodores,"
who were to receive 5 shillings a day, appear Alexander Grant,
David Betton, and Hypolite Laforce. As has been already pointed
out, Betton was one of those who signed the petition to Lord
Dorchester for the Kingston Mills. From the D. W. Smith Papers
(Vol. B 5. p. 33), he appears to have been granted Lot 152 in
Newark. He was granted 500 acres of land in June, 1794 (Q.282,
2, pp.390-1). The funeral of "Captain Belton" recorded in the
Register on October 13, 1794, was in all probability his. In
1797 Mr. Cartwright writes to a Mrs. Sarah Betton in reference
to her claims against Mr. Neil McLean's estate.
Neil McLean. He was a J.P., and a member of the Land Board of
Mecklenburg (and the Midland District) from its inception and of
that of the County of Frontenac down to the time of its
abolition. He was also made a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas
with Dr. Stuart and Mr. James Clark, on June 14, 1788.
Apparently he had been an officer of the 84th Regt. and had been
Acting Commissary General, which was the reason for his daughter
Harriet receiving 3,000 acres of land "as the Devisee of her
late Father," on the 18th of November, 1797.
For this same quantity of land he had himself applied to His
Excellency in Council on October 17, 1792 (Q Series, Public
Archives of Canada, Vol.282,I, pp.263-4), alleging that he had
served His Majesty for thirty-four years and that he had been
reduced in 1783 from 20 shillings per day to seven and sixpence.
He represented also that he had been long resident in the
Province. "Resolved," reads the entry, "That the honourable
Executive Council would feel themselves extremely happy, could
they comply with the prayer of the petition. But they are
pleased to order that he shall have a Grant of Twelve Hundred
Acres and in Consideration of his having been a faithful Servant
of Government, they are pleased to Order that Mrs. Mary McLean
have a Grant also of Eight Hundred Acres." This was on July 10,
1793. (Ibid., pp. 324-5).
He owned Lot 2 in the town of Kingston and he made
representations to Council, on July 24, 1793, that "Occupyance
of the Beach in the front of the same by any other Person would
greatly lessen the Value of his Property." Accordingly it was
"Ordered that, if any application be made for the same [it is]
to be refused to Mr. McLean's Memorial" (Land and State Book A, p.126).
Robert Macaulay. According to Upper Canada Land Book B,
May 7,1797, he was a Militia Captain at Carleton Island during the
American War of 1776-1783. Therefore he was granted sufficient
land to make up a total of 1,200 acres. Six years before (on
March 31, 1791), he had represented to the Executive Council at
Quebec that in Lot 17, Township I near Kingston, he had drawn a
swamp unfit for cultivation. Accordingly he begged for leave to
give it up and to be granted 500 acres at the head of the Bay of
Quinte as soon as townships should have been laid out there.
Leave was given to him, Thomas Markland, and "Donell" McDonell
"to build a Wharf upon the Beach in the Front of His Town Lot,
extending an equal number of Feet in the said Lot, and to erect
Stores on the said Wharf, but not to erect Stores or any other
Building on the Main Land" (Land and State Book A, p.23, entry
of October 6, 1792). Eleven days later John "Dilton" was refused
leave "to build a House, Stores, etc., at Kingston upon the
Ground opposite Mr. McAuley's-as the Land prayed for is reserved
to the Use of His Majesty" (Ibid., pp.30-31).
Apparently Mr. Macaulay owned lands in common with Mr. Thomas
Markland, his partner in business. Joint claims were prosecuted
by them in 1797 before the Land Claims Board for lands in town
as well as in the Townships of Fredericksburg, Camden, Thurlow,
Ameliasburgh, Leeds, and the west side of the river Cataraqui.
Some of these claims were successfully pressed by Mr. Macaulay's
brother-in-law, the Hon. John Kirby, who with Mrs. Macaulay and
the Hon. Richard Cartwright, was an executor of his will. Mr.
Macaulay, who died on September 2, 1800, was buried in what is
now St. Paul's churchyard.
Mrs. Macaulay, whose maiden name was Ann Kirby, was a daughter
of John Kirby (U. C. Land Book E, p.227). She was
married to Mr. Macaulay at Crown Point, N.Y., February 13, 1791.
They had three sons-John, William, and Robert, the two latter of
whom are duly noticed in the baptismal section of the Register.
John Macaulay, who was known in later life as the Hon. John
Macaulay, was born on October 17, 1792, although his name does
not appear in the Register, as it probably ought to do. It was
he, in all likelihood, who attended Mr. Strachan's school in
Kingston between January, 1800, and May, 1803, and not Mr. Chief
Justice Macaulay, as stated by the late Col. Clark in his
Recollections. At one time Mr. Macaulay was Postmaster of
Kingston and a J.P., in addition to being a member of
Parliament. As a J.P. he took the deposition, recorded under
date of 1826, in the Vestry Minutes of St. George's, in regard
to the famous dispute over the burying ground.
John Macaulay was twice married, 1st to Helen, daughter of David
and Naomi (Grant) Macpherson and sister of Sir David L. Macpherson,
2nd to Sarah Phillis, daughter of Col. Plomer Young.
By his first wife he had, besides other children, a son, John
Kirby, who died in 1884, and a daughter, Frances Jane, the first
wife of the Hon. Sir. George A. Kirkpatrick, sometime
Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario.* The only child of the second
Macaulay marriage was Miss Charlotte Macaulay, who still lives
in Kingston and who very kindly supplied some of the information
used in this and other notes.
*Sir George Kirkpatrick's second wife, who survives and lives in
London, England, was a cousin of his first wife-Isabel, daughter
of Sir David L. Macpherson.
The firm of Macaulay and Markland acted as collectors of the
subscriptions for the first Church building in Kingston between
1789 and 1792. It seems to have been dissolved prior to
Mr. Robert Macaulay's death, for Mrs. Macaulay, according to the
Hon. Richard Cartwright's Letter Book, in the possession of
Dr. Adam Shortt, carried on the business in partnership with her
brother, already mentioned as co-executor with her and Mr. Cartwright.
On April 4, 1809, Mr. Cartwright's Letter Book just referred to
shows that he protested to Lieutenant-Governor Gore against
the action of certain lumbermen, who were sub-contractors for
timber for the Navy. As a result of legal action taken in the
matter, these men were fined and had it made clear to them that
they had no right of entry on private property even to procure
sticks of timber for the use of the King.
Captain James Richardson. Capt. Richardson was the father of
his better known son, James, a veteran of the War of 1812 and
later on a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. That Church
the Captain himself joined, apparently after his removal from
Kingston to Presqu'isle (Brighton). He was a Lincolnshire man by
birth, coming from the neighbourhood of Horncastle. He took
naturally to the sea, and he entered the Royal Navy. He was on
the ship Ramilies, 74 guns, which formed part of Lord Rodney's
West Indian command, when she foundered at sea in September,
1782, on her way home, convoying merchantmen and French prizes.**
"He, with others, was rescued by a merchant brig which outrode
the gale, but in a few days was captured by an American frigate,
and he was carried to France a prisoner of War to close
confinement till return of Peace in 1783." In or about 1785 he
received a commission as Lieutenant in the Provincial Marine,
doing duty on the lakes, with headquarters at Carleton Island
and later at Kingston.
**For the quotation immediately following and for others the
Editor is indebted to the Recollections (in manuscript) of
Bishop Richardson, in the possesaion of his grandson, Mr. J. R. Roaf, K.C.,
of Toronto, who has very kindly placed them at his disposal.
In petitioning for a vacant water lot (No.45) in Kingston, on
August 3, 1795, on which to build a wharf and storehouse, the
Captain stated that he had built and navigated the Kingston
Pacquet, of which he described himself as Master. Like his son,
he took part in the War of 1812.
The Captain's first wife was Sarah Ashmore, of Kingsnorton,
near Birmingham. She was the widow of a Mr. Bryant, who had also
been an officer in the Provincial Marine. Before her first
marriage she had lived at Fort Schlosser, N.Y., in the family of
Mr. Stedman, to whom Goat Island at one time belonged. On
marrying, she removed to West Niagara, near Fort George, she
being the only white woman living there. On the reduction,
Lyons' Creek, in the Township of Crowland, became her home, but,
on marrying Capt. Richardson, she took up her residence in Kingston.
In Kingston their son James was born, January 29, 1791. Like
John Macaulay, he was in all probability baptized by Dr. Stuart,
but the record was lost. James saw service on the Lake on the
Black Snake, the Wolfe, and the St. Lawrence, losing an arm in
the discharge of his duty. He married Rebecca, daughter of John
Dennis, Master Ship Builder at Kingston and York. Their son,
Dr. James H. Richardson, was for many years the well known professor
in the Medical Faculty of the University of Toronto.
The Bishop, in spite of the change in his own religious belief,
greatly revered the memory of Dr. Stuart. "Next to Mr. Grass,"
he says, "was the park lot and residence of the Revd. John Stuart.
-No man in his place and day was more respected by all who had
the pleasure of his acquaintance. Stately and graceful in his
person, dignified yet affable in manner, circumspect in his
deportment, impressive and diligent in his ministerial duties,
he maintained to the last the position of Patriarch, counsellor,
and instructor to the settlers in their times of privations and hardship.
A few years ago I paid a passing visit to my own dear native
town and strolled about lonely and pensive, calling to memory
bygone days-I came to Stuart's Point and, observing the remnants
of the foundations of the once venerated parsonage, which stood
so many years among the lofty pines, I did homage to its memory
as the home of its former venerated inmate. 'The memory of the
just is blessed'."
Of the "hungry year," 1794, the Bishop says: "All the crops had
failed. Scanty and dear supplies were obtained from the interior
of the State of New York. As an illustration, the following
incident may serve. My father, who sailed Lake Ontario, was
fortunate enough, when at the Niagara River, to obtain 5 barrels
of flour, which he brought to Kingston, but could get only about
1-2 barrel home to his family. The people hearing of what he
had, beset him in the street and insisted on having the barrels
opened, and, under the supervision of a magistrate, the flour
was dealt out in small portions to the clamorous customers, who
paid for their respective portions."
"So late as the year 1795," the narrative continues, "or at the
time that the forts on the Western frontier of New York State
were surrendered to the United States according to the
provisions of Jay's Treaty, the American troops at Fort Oswego
had to look to Canada for flour; and my father contracted to
furnish a supply in the fall of the year, just previous to the
setting in of winter. He took in his load, purchased from the
farmers in the Bay of Quinte, and proceeded; but at the mouth of
the river encountered adverse winds, which baffled all attempts
to make harbour,-no steam power for navigation purposes in those
days. Being driven into the lake and a furious storm ensuing, it
was wrecked at the mouth of Sandy Creek, between 20 and 30
[miles] east of Oswego. He and one seaman swam to the shore, but
there was nothing but snow and woods, no settlements short of
Oswego to the west, and a reported commencement of one called
Rotterdam about 15 miles through dense woods and swamps to the
southward. They first tried the woods, but sinking above the
knees in the snow and mire, they had to abandon that route and
take the course of the lake to Oswego, intersected as it was by
several streams, and without food or fire. Providence, however,
was kind, for, on arriving at the mouth of the Salmon River, 12
or 13 miles east of Oswego, they discerned a boat on the
opposite side with her crew stormbound in the creek.
"The call being made, the boat was brought over and they were
rescued. My father proceeded with the boat to Oswego, reported
the loss of the vessel and cargo, and then, the winter setting
in, the navigation closed, he had no way to return home but by
way of Schenectady or Albany and thence by Lake Champlain.
"His home was reached by the middle of winter; my mother in the
meantime at Kingston heard nothing of him further than his
getting wrecked and getting to Salmon River and thence leaving
for Oswego. Judge of her anxiety with her little family during
those dreary winter months till father made his appearance
suddenly in the month of February."
Mrs. Richardson died, apparently, in May, 1809, and the Captain
married again in August of the same year, his second wife being
Mary Louisa McDonnell.
Like other men whose names are recorded in the Kingston
Register, Captain Richardson was granted land in York when it
was laid out. According to the late Mr. John Ross Robertson's
History of Freemasonry in Canada, he became a member of Lodge
No.6 A.F. and A.M., in Kingston.
Jos. Hirkimer. The surname ought certainly to be Herchmer, but
what the Christian name was is a matter of doubt. Probably it
was Hanzoost. If so, he had been a Captain in the American
Revolutionary War and he received grants of land accordingly in
and near Kingston. He was the father of Mrs. Markland and
Mrs. Anderson, who, with their brothers, Jacob and Lawrence,
inherited his real estate. The family was very prominent in
Kingston in early days and was connected with several others, as
may be seen by a study of the various records in the Registers.
One member of it was, in more recent times, an assistant at the
Cathedral and another was the late Col. Herchmer of the
R.N.W.M.P. and of the South African Expeditionary Force. The
clergyman, in his day, is said to have made a good sale of the
family lands to the west of the city to the British Government
for military purposes.*
*For this piece of information and others relating to the church
site, etc., the Editor is under obligation to Mr. J. P. Gildersleeve,
Registrar of Deeds for Kingston.
Michael Grass. He was a Captain in the New York Militia, the
members of which were ranked as Associated Loyalists. As such he
was declared by the Executive Council at Quebec, on August 15, 1791,
to be entitled to 1,750 acres of land. In Bishop Richardson's Recollections,
already quoted from, he is credited with having been a prisoner of
war at Fort Frontenac before it was taken from the French and with
having been able therefore to give Sir Guy Carleton information as
to the suitability of Upper Canada as a place of settlement for the
Loyalists leaving New York in 1783. The Bishop derived his information,
he said, from Capt. Grass' son, John, who was a fellow-Methodist,
living in the Township of Kingston, near Collins' Bay.
Mr. Grass was a native of Germany and had, like many of his
compatriots, emigrated to the Province of New York. On the
outbreak of the rebellion, he was living on a farm about thirty
miles from the city of New York. Though offered a Captain's
commission by the rebel general, he remained firm in his
allegiance to King George III.
Acceding to Sir Guy Carleton's request, he went with the
Loyalists as their guide to Upper Canada. They wintered at Sorel
and proceeded on their journey in the spring, arriving duly at
Fort Frontenac and pitching their tents "on Indian Point, where
the marine docks at Kingston now stand." "Here they awaited the
survey of the townships, which was not accomplished so as to
have the lots ready for location before July."
To Capt. Grass the Governor, who is said to have been present at
the allotment, allowed the first choice for his company. He took
the township of Kingston, Sir John Johnson Ernesttown, Col.
Rogers, Fredericksburg, Major Vanalstine Adolphustown, and Col.
McDonell Marysburg for theirs respectively. Capt. Grass
desiring turnip seed, as that would yield a crop though sown so
late, it was supplied to him. "Each man, taking a handful,
cleared a spot of ground about the centre of what is now the
town of Kingston, sowed the seed, and raised a fine crop of
turnips, which partly served for their need during the ensuing winter."
The Captain's own piece of land was a triangle adjoining the
town on the southwest. It extended in a northwesterly direction
from Murney's Point, "then called and known for many years as
Grass' Point." By students of the old plan of Kingston it will
be recognized as Macdonald Park.
"He was respected by all who knew him for the honesty and
integrity of his character. He was somewhat hasty and irritable
in temper, but was always to be relied upon as a friend and
neighbour. In his old age he, like most aged people, loved to
recite in minute detail the adventures of his youth. He lived to
a very advanced age and died a victim of cancer." His
story-telling was not always appreciated by the younger
generation, especially when there was statute labour to be done,
as witness the Kingston Garette of December 17, 1811.
Grass St., as Wellington St. was named on the plan of the
original city, commemorated the founder of Kingston, as he may
with reason be called. It is regrettable that remembrance of him
was at a later time blotted out, for every community does well
to remember the pioneers.
Joseph Forsyth. He is believed to have been a brother of George
Forsyth, merchant, of Niagara, and of John and Thomas Forsyth,
who belongs to the wealthy, influential firm of Forsyth,
Richardson & Co., East India and North-West merchants, of
Montreal. Of that firm Joseph may himself have been a partner.
He appears, like Mr. Cartwright, to have had close associations
with, if not an interest in, the Nor' West Company. In the Story
of Old Kingston, p.109, Miss Machar states that the news of the
declaration of war by the United States in 1812 first reached
Kingston in a private letter to Mr. Forsyth from a correspondent
in the States. His name appears in Mr. Cartwright's list of
merchants of Kingston for 1800 and 1801, as given in the Letter
Book in the library of Queen's University.
Mr. Joseph Frobisher, one of the most prominent members of the
Nor' West Company, records, in his Diary of my Dinners,* having
dined with Mr. Forsyth in Kingston on Monday, July 13, 1807, on
his way to Niagara and York.
*This very interesting manuscript which affords a most delightful
glimpse into the social life of Montreal, is preserved in the
library of McGill University.
On August 4, 1795, Mr. Forsyth prayed for "such Grant of Land as
Your Excellency may think proper" and he received 1,200 acres
(U.C. Land and State Book A, p 295). In the D. W. Smith Papers
his name is frequently found in connection with supplies
furnished to surveyors and with drafts cashed for them. In the
same Papers he appears as filing claims for lands in the
Townships of Pittsburgh, Ameliasburgh, Sidney, Camden,
Richmond, and Kingston, together with town Lot C, Kingston, "on
which stand (1799) the Kingston Brewery and Dwelling House;"
also the Water Lots adjoining Lots 34 and 35, originally drawn
by Archibald Thomson (Vols. A 6, B 4, 10, 11, 13, 14). What is
said to be his house is still to be seen in the gore between
Clarence and Brock Streets.
Joseph Forsyth, with his brothers John and Thomas, signed, on
November 24, 1784, a petition for the repeal of the Quebec Act
of 1774 (Q Series, Public Archives of Canada, Vol.24, I, pp. 1-16).
On the 29th of November, 1799, he was a passenger on the
Schooner York from Niagara to Kingston when she ran aground
on the south shore of the lake, about sixty miles from Niagara.
To reach home he had to proceed to Montreal! In the same year
and the ollowing he was concerned, as one of the owners of the
Simcoe, in finding a master for her to take the place of
Capt. Murney. He and Mr. Cartwright, in whose Letter Book (in the
Shortt collection) the information is contained, chose
Capt. Sampson, or Samson, who had been mate on the Toronto.
Near the north wall of St. Paul's Church stands a monument with
the following inscription, kindly copied by the Rector, the
Revd. Canon Fitzgerald -"In Memory of Joseph Forsyth, Esq., Who
was born in Huntley, Aberdeenshire, North Britain, June 24th, 1764,
and Died at Kingston, Upper Canada, September 29th, 1813.
Blessed by nature with a kind and liberal disposition, he was
courteous and engaging in his manners. His ear was ever
attentive to the call of distress and his hand always open to
the poor and needy. His memory, endeared to all who knew him,
will be cherished as long as any survive of that society of
which he was one of the brightest ornaments."
James Robins. From Mr. Cartwright's lists of merchants for 1800
and 1801 already referred to, it appears that Mr. Robins was one
of their number. Shipping for himself and his son, he in the
former year sent down to Montreal a considerable quantity of
flour, potash, and pork. In 1794 he prayed for Lot No.2, nearest
the property he already had, for a wharf and store.
On July 12, 1796, Sarah Robins, presumably his wife, was
recommended for 200 acres, "if not granted before" (U.C. Land
Book B, p.90). James Robins, Sr., was refused, on December 19, 1809,
the point of land opposite the Kingston Brewery, it being
described "as not grantable" ( U. C. Land Book B, p. 90). This,
presumably, is the brewery mentioned as "Robbin's Brewery" in
Robertson's History of Freemasonry in Canada, p.576.
James Robins, Jr., of the Town of Kingston, Gentleman, was
granted a Town Lot in Kingston on June 18, 1811 (U.C. Land Book T, p. 89).
Donald McDonell. There is little doubt that this is the same man
as "Donell" McDonell, mentioned in connection with Mr. Robert
Macaulay and Mr. Thomas Markiand as having been granted leave to
build a wharf and a storehouse. On August 18, 1795, he prayed
for 1,200 acres of land as "long resident," setting forth that
he had purchased an officer's rights.
On his own account Mr. McDonell shipped out flour and potash in
1800 as well as on Simon McNabb's and Seymour and Beagle's.* In
1801 he made shipments also for E. Washburn, who in the previous
year had sent his flour and potash down on a raft.
*Other shippers mentioned in Mr. cartwright's list, besides
these are W. Robins, John Kirby & Co., Lawrence Herchmer,
S. Barton, and E. Smith. pp. 196 and 202-203.
In 1800 Mr. McDonell was the lessee of the saw-mill in
Ernesttown at a rental of £15.
George Fancy. According to Col. John Clark, of Port Dalhousie,
whose memory sometimes played him false, as has been already
pointed out, Mr. Farley was a Captain in the 60th Regiment and a
son-in-law of Sir William Johnson and Mrs. Mary Brant. If such
was the case, it lends all the more point to his having been
recommended to Lord Dorchester by Sir John Johnson, his
brother-in-law, for appointment to a seat in the Legislative
Council of Upper Canada. Notwithstanding His Excellency's
approval, the recommedation** was not carried into effect; nor
was the one made by Lord Dorchester himself that Sir John should
be made Lieutenant-Governor of the new Province (Q Series,
Public Archives of Canada, Vol.44, I, p. 133). The reason can be
found in a letter, also in the Q Series, from Capt. Alexander
Fraser, under date of October 31, 1789.
**The names sent on with Mr. Farley's, at Sir John's suggestion,
were William Dummer Powell, Richard Duncan, William Robertson,
Robert Hamilton, Richard Cartwright, Junr., John Munro, and
Nathaniel Petit. Letter of Lord Dorchester to Mr. Greneille of
March 16, 1790, in the Q Series.
Thomas Markland. He has been already mentioned in connection
with Mr. Macaulay, Mr. McDonell, and Capt. Hanzoost Herchmer. On
May 27, 1794, he was granted 600 acres of land near the Kingston
Mills, adjoining Capt. H. "Harkimer" to the northward ( U. C. Land
and State Book A, p. 139). As previously stated, he appears in the
D. W. Smith Papers as a land claimant.
He was a J.P. and, according to the records of the Quarter
Sessions of the Peace for the Midland District, he, with
Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Cartwright, Sr., constituted the Court of
Requests for Kingston and Pittsburgh in the year 1794. At the
January Sessions in 1796 he was appointed Treasurer of the District,
A. McLean, Esq., having removed from the District and so vacated the office.
Mr. Markland was the father of the Hon. George H. Markland,
M.L.C., and a merchant. Mention is made of him in Mr. Cartwright's
lists of exporters of flour and pork. As already
stated, he was for some time in partnership with Mr. Robert
Macaulay and with him was responsible for the collection of the
subscriptions toward the original building fund of the Church.
He made an affidavit in the dispute over the burying ground
already alluded to, setting forth, among other things, that Sir
John Johnson's Second Battalion of the Royal Yorkers was in
garrison at Fort Frontenac in the year 1783; that it was
disbanded there in 1784; that Mr. Stuart made his first visit to
the place in the latter year and moved up his family to it in
1785; that the town was laid out by Mr. Kotté, a Government
surveyor in 1784; that the burying ground was under the care of
the Revd. Dr. Stuart and his wardens; and that no other
clergyman but Dr. Stuart ever officiated there, certainly not
the Revd. Mr. Bethune, chaplain of the 84th, at Carleton Island.
On February 17, 1816, Mr. Markland was appointed one of the
trustees of "a Triangular piece marked F in the Plan of
Kingston for the purpose of erecting thereon a Lancasterian
School." In U.C. Land Book I, p. 324, his co-trustees appear to
have been The Revd. G. O. Stuart, Mr. "Allen" McLean,
Mr. Lawrence Herchmer, and Mr. William Mitchell.
On August 28, 1818, Messrs. Markland, McLean, and Mitchell were
granted the market-place in trust. It was stipulated that the
muncipality should neither ask nor receive any compensation if
the land should be wanted by Government for fortifications
( U. C. Land Book J, p. 386).
"To assist in supporting the Hospital," the Revd. G. O. Stuart,
Mr. McLean, and Mr. Markland were made trustees of "a triangular
piece of land of six acres near Kingston vacant and grantable."
Apparently they had applied for Lots 436, 437, 438, and 439,
North St., "if said street opposite these Lots be included in
the Grant, they will afford sufficient space for an Hospital and
spacious Gardens in an high and airy Situation." But North St.
was already shut up by the grant for the burial ground
( U. C. Land Book J, p.418).
William Atkinson. He had been resident in Canada since 1784. On
December 24, 1791, a little less than seven months before the
Government of Upper Canada was organized, the Executive Council
of the old Province of Quebec made additions to the Land Boards,
Col. Simcoe, as he then was, being already in the Province.
Among those who then became members of the Board for the
District of Mecklenburg, were Mr. Richard Cartwright, Sr., and
Capt. Atkinson. They were continued as members of the Land Board
for the County of Frontenac at the reorganization by Simcoe on
the 20th of October, 1792. Capt. Atkinson was made a member also
of the Land Claims Board of 1797-1798 for the Midland District,
sitting with the Chief Justice (Elmsley), the Hon. Richard Cartwright,
Joshua Booth, Alexander Fisher, and Archibald McDonell.
A claim of his own-to the East 1-2 of Lot 3, Township
of Kingston-was seemingly decided in his favour. Through an
error in transcription, as appears from a letter* of the
Secretary of the Board (Mr. Allan McLean), which was written on
December 12, 1798, effect had not been given to the decision. As
early as August 15, 1791, he had been ordered, as a Captain of
Associated Loyalists, 1,250 additional acres of land "to put him
on a footing with officers of equal Rank of the late 84th Regt."
(Quebec Land Book, Upper Canada) p.300). On July 8, 1794, when
he prayed with Neil and Hector McLean, Richard Porter, and
Richard Cartwright, Sr., for waste lands of the Crown, it was
ordered that a letter be written to find out what lands the
petitioners had received (Q 282, 2, p. 426).
*D. W. Smith Papers.
Archibald Thomson. He was the contractor for building the
Church in 1792. His account, which appears as the Carpenter's,
was £113, 7, 3; Joseph Forsyth's £9, 6, 4; the Plasterer's
£7, 18, 9; the Glazier's £2, 14; Cumming & Smith's £1; Raushorn's
(for lime) 16s.; Richard Cartwright's £30, 12, 9; and that for
lath £3. On June 28, 1794, Thomson was granted "a water lot
parallel with Town Lot 34 for the purpose of building a Wharf
and Store thereon-on the same terms im posed on other Inhabitants"
(U.C. Land and State Book A, p. 179). The Quebec Gazette of
August 2, 1781, chronicled his marriage to Miss McKay, of Quebec.
Emmanuel Ellerbeck. The name appears frequently as Elderbeck.
The owner of it was, on resolution of the Vestry, employed on
June 13, 1795, with Francis Wykott, to erect and finish a
gallery in the Church. This, as has been already shewn, was to
hold a hundred soldiers and the expense was to he met out of the
pew rents, which then amounted to £34 a year. What the
contractors received is not stated, though John Bryant got three
shillings for altering the seats, J. Richardson 10s. for 150
feet of plank, Fairfield 15s. for 200 feet, Thomas Burnet £1 for
20 bushels of lime, and Denison 1s. for 96 feet of timber at 2d. per foot.
Dr. James Latham. He was a Surgeon's Mate and an Army Surgeon
from 1756 to 1777 and he prayed for a grant of land proportioned
to his rank and services. He was granted 2.000 acres according
to the entry on page 295 of U.C. Land and State Book A.
Possibly he was the same man who, according to the Quebec Gazette,
made a campaign in favour of inoculation against the smallpox in
Quebec and Montreal in the years 1769 and 1786. If so, he had
been attached to the 8th Regiment of Foot.
Peter Smith. As early as January, 1786, he appears in
Mr. Cartwright's Letter Book (Shortt Collection). Then he is advised
to extend his trade in the wake of the survey recently made
toward Lake Huron from Toronto and the Bay of "Kenti"; also to
buy as much maple sugar as possible from the Indians. For the
sugar Mr. Cartwright offered to give him 6d. Halifax Currency
per pound, a quantity to be delivered before the end of
the ensuing June.
In July of the same year he was urged to take William Dickson*
into partnership, a suggestion which he did not relish. In
August, 1789, he and a cousin of Mr. Cartwright, Richard Beasley,*
who seems to have been then his partner, were granted
200 acres each at Toronto and Pemiscutiauk, "a place on the
north of Lake Ontario, if in the Gift of the Crown and not
interfering with any general or public arrangement" (Q Series,
Vol.43, II, p.567). From this grant seems to have come the old
name of Port Hope, Smith's Creek. Pemiscutiauk appears in
Smith's Gazetteer of Upper Canada as Pemetescoutiang (p.124).
*This Mr. Dickson was presumably the future member of the
Legislative Council who lived at Niagara. Mr. Beasley settled at
the Head of the Lake, was Speaker of the Assembly, and a
colonel of Militia as well as a J.P.
On July 20, 1792, while the newly sworn Executive Council of the
Province was still sitting at Kingston, Mr. Smith was granted
leave, "under certain Reservations, Limitations, & Restrictions,
to build a Wharf 36 feet from the Beach outwards and 132 feet
wide; also a Store House 80 feet long by 15 broad-in consequence
of the Shallowness of the Water" (U.C. Land and State Book A, pp.17-18.).
On his applying, in May, 1794, for 1,200 acres at the east end
of the peninsula in front of the Township of Murray, it was
ordered that "Enquiry be made to know what Lands he holds in the
Province" (Q Series, Vol.282, II, p. 364).
For some time after settling in Kingston, Mr. Smith was
evidently in partnership with Mr. John Cumming. In Mr. Cartwright's
list for 1800, however, their shipments of flour, potash, and
pork are given separately.
Together Mr. Smith and Mr. Cumming preferred a claim for half of
Lot 13, Concession 5, Township of Kingston, which was declared
to be the East Half (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, p. 183).
Bills for payment of the accounts for erecting the gallery in
the Church in 1795 were to be drawn on Mr. Smith, as has been
before mentioned, he to be reimbursed out of the pew rents.
Amos Ansley. The name is variously spelled Ainsley or Aensley.
On the 24th of May, 1793, Mr. Ansley was refused permission for
an Iron Bloomery, minerals being reserved to the use of the
Crown (U.C. Land and State Book A, p.82). His claim to the East
1-2 of Lot 29 on the north side of black (sic) River, Township
of Maryshorough, originally drawn by Corporal Dick, was allowed
by the Land Claims Board (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol B 10, p.272).
In return for a perpetual lease of the King's Mills at Kingston,
he offered "to build a Grist Mill, and Saw Mill. . . , Grist
Mill with two run of Stones, and furnish all materials for the
Sum of Six hundred Pounds Halifax Currency." This offer the
Executive Council rejected on January 27, 1807 (U. C. Land Book
D, pp.326-7). He fared no better on May 12, 1808, when he again
asked for a lease, though not in perpetuity ( U. C. Land Book E,
p.75). Other proposals in regard to this public franchise will
be found under the name of David Brass.
Christopher Georgen. In 1791 he was a Warden and in 1792 a
Vestryman. On the debit side of the accounts for 1791 appears:
"To Christopher Georgen's Subscription 15s.; on the credit side,
offsetting this: "Cash paid for refitting the Stove 8d.; a pane
of Glass & putting it into the Window 10d.; Altering the Surplus
(sic) 4s.; Cash paid the Drummer 7s; A Lock for the Grave Yard 2s.
a total of 15s.
His applications to the Executive Council were quite unsuccessful.
"Inadmissible" is the curt comment, on October 17, 1792, upon
his petition for leave "to build a Shop near the Hospital at Kingston"
(U.C. Land and State Book A, p.34). Still earlier, on
December 24, 1791, the Council at Quebec had refused
him Lot 93 in town, "as he is already in possession of one Lot,
on which a House is built, where he actually resides, and seeing
the Board consider his application is made with the intention to
monopolize which by the rules and regulations is to be guarded
against" (Quebec Land Book for Upper Canada, pp. 373-4). Guarded
against it was in Lord Dorchester's time and in that of
Sir Alured Clarke, when he was Lieutenant-Governor of the undivided
Province of Quebec. Later on, however, particularly
under the "weak administration" of Mr. President Russell, there
was a very carnival of land-grabbing on the part of those who
came within the favoured circle.
Alexander Aitken. He was the Deputy Surveyor for the District of
Mecklenburg and as such he had much to do with placing settlers
on their land. He reported that sixty-five persons had entered
the District between October, 1789, and October, 1790. On March
12, 1791, his report on the Mill Seat at Kingston is quoted in
the entry in the Council Book recording the refusal of the prayer of
the petition of the Minister and Church Wardens for that property.
Nathaniel Lines. He prayed for a grant of Isle Forˆt on June 19,
1789, describing himself as an Interpreter of the "Messessaga"
language and alleging that he had drawn 800 acres of barren land
in Pittsburgh (Q Series, Vol.43,11, p. 557). The petition was
rejected because the island was claimed by the Mississaugas.
As Interpreter, his salary is given as £85, 3, 4, the rate of
pay being 4s, 8d per diem.
On October 19,1792, he is reported to have petitioned as an
Indian Interpreter "for a Piece of Ground opposite His Town Lot
at Kingston." The application was dismissed because it was
deemed inexpedient to grant that parcel of land (U.C. Land and
State Book A, p.30, and Q Series, Vol.282, I, p. 2). However, on
May 7, 1797, he was voted 1,200 acres as a reduced subaltern
(U.C. Land Book B, p. 240).
Richard Cartwright, Sr. According to the family monument in St.
Paul's Churchyard, he was born in London, England, on the
18th of November, 1720. Thence he migrated to Albany, N.Y., which he
left in 1778 to come to Canada. He is supposed to have been
enrolled in the militia of the Province of New York during the
"French War" of 1756-1763 or the American Revolutionary War, or
both, and to have been awarded for his services a military
pension on the basis of a subaltern's pay. This he enjoyed down
to 1783, judging from a petition for land which the
Hon. Richard Cartwrigbt, as his son and heir, presented to Council.
This Petition was read on August 12, 1795, the Council granting
the prayer of it to the extent of 500 acres.
On the formation of the settlement at Cataraqui in 1784,
Mr. Cartwright, Sr., repaired thither, as he stated in a petition
for land, which he himself presented in company with Neil McLean,
Richard Porter, and William Atkinson ( U. C. Land and
State Book A, July 8, 1794, p.198). He was early appointed a
Justice of the Peace and, as before stated, he became a member
of the Land Board of Mecklenburg just on the eve of the
proclamation of the Constitutional Act by Sir Alured Clarke, on
December 24, 1791. Of the Board for the County of Frontenac he
continued to be a member practically down to the time of its
abolition in 1794. In Q Series, Vol.51,1, pp.372-3, he is
described as "a very worthy and deserving Loyalist."
He had been assigned Lot 20, on which he had built a house, and
he had the ferry across the river. As his lot, Neil McLean's,
and Archibald McDonell's were supposed to be needed for military
and naval purposes, he agreed to exchange his holding for 200
acres "not a great distance from the former Lot." Mr. McDonell
demurring, all three were left in undisturbed possession, as "in
the opinion of the Board, Government will have occasion for
neither, as Timber and firewood for the use of the Garrison
[at Point Frederick] may at all times be purchased for less money
than the cutting it down would cost to supply fuel and wood for
building" (Quebec Land Book for Upper Canda, pp. 370-2).
In 1745 he had married Johanna Beasley, a native of Albany, who
was born September 6, 1726, and was buried in Kingston,
September 6, 1795. Mr. Cartwright had predeceased her by rather
less than a year, having been buried on October 23, 1794.
So far as is known, Mr. Cartwright, Sr., and Mr. Markland were
the first Churchwardens of the parish.
David Brass. He had served in Butler's Rangers. Having already
received 950 acres, he petitioned for 1050 in the Township of
Hope, in order to make up his full tale of 2,000 acres. This
township having been granted at an early date after the
division of the provinces to associates who were to colonize it,
the petition had to be rejected.
In 1794 and 1795 the records of the Quarter Sessions of the
Peace show him to have been Road Master between Kingston and
Kingston Mills.
In 1797 he applied for lands in Elizabethtown (U.C. Land Book C,
p. 255) and was "recommended for the Lots prayed for, if they are
vacant, and the quantity in them does not exceed his military
On November 17, 1807, he prayed for a lease of the seat of the
Kingston Mills for twenty-one years at the rate of £15 per
annum. Two years before both grist and saw mills had been
burned, therefore Capt. Brass represented that it would tend to
the settlement of Pittsburgh and of the remote parts of the
Township of Kingston and to the comfort of the inhabitants, if
they were rebuilt. This he undertook to do in eighteen months,
provided the materials from the old mills were delivered to him;
and he promised, after occupying and using the premises, to give
them up in good repair, "regard being had to the decay that time
must necessarily occasion."
He proposed to erect a substantial frame building 30 x 40 ft.,
of two stories, upon a stone foundation, "with the appendages
for grinding and boulting." His agent in the business was
Mr. Allan McLean and the sureties whom he offered were
Mr. John Cumming and Mr. James Robins (UC. State Book D, pp.410-3).
Also on November 17, 1807, it is interesting to observe, an Order in
Council, which had been passed on April 28, in favour of a lease
of the Mill Seat to Jacob Fraser, Issac Fraser, and Daniel Fraser,
at a rental of £30, was revised and rescinded (Ibid, p. 410).
On March 6, 1811, David Brass, Jr., and Peter Brass, both
described as Gentlemen, were granted town lots in Kingston
(UC. Land Book I, p.54), a new survey of lots of one chain in breadth
by two chains in length having been made some time before.
John Everett. In the Report on the Minutes of the Land Board of
Mecklenburg from March 23 to June 29,1791, which was considered
by the Executive Council at Quebec on December 24, 1791,
John Everett claimed land as a Captain of Associated Loyalists
under the Orders in Council of October 28, 1788, and
July 21, 1790 (Quebec Land Book for Upper Canada, p.373). In
1797 he preferred before the Land Claims Board of the Midland
District a claim to the East side of Lot 7, Concession I,
Township of Kingston (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, p.207).
At various times in 1792 and 1793 Dr. Stuart made mention of
Capt. Everett in writing to the Secretary of the Society for the
Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. As a typical
instance the following quotation from the letter of February 23, 1792,
will serve: "On the first Friday in every Month, he
preaches at a Captain Everett's, 5 miles from Kingston, by which
means a Number of poor people of the neighbouring Township of
Ernest have the benefit of it, and it counteracts the views of
the Methodists, who were gaining a footing in that retired
corner" (S. P. G. Journals, Vol.26, pp.22-199).
Matthew Donovan. He appears as a signatory of the petition of
the Minister, Churchwardens, Vestrymen, and Principal
inhabitants of Kingston for the Kingston Mills. He was in
charge of the school from 1788 to 1792, being spoken of by
Dr. Stuart, in his letter of February 23, 1789, as "an Irishman, an
excellent Latin Scholar, and of long experience in his profession"
(S. P. G. Journals, Vol.25, p.32). Who took charge of the school
between 1792 and 1795, the year in which George Okill Stuart
took it over, it is difficult to say. From entries of 1794 and
1795 in the D. W. Smith Papers (Vol. B, pp.33 and 39) it would
appear as though Mr. Donovan was by the earlier year at least
settled in Newark (Niagara), for he had been entered as the
grantee of Lot 239 in that town.
John Ferguson. In the Kingston Gazette of July 21, 1812,
Mr. Ferguson and Alexander McDonell advertised for sale "that
pleasantly situated and commodious house, near the town of
Kingston, lately the property of Sir John Johnson." This may
perhaps be taken to a certain extent as corroboration of
Col. Clark's statement that Mr. Ferguson was a son-in-law of
Sir William Johnson and Mrs. Molly Brant, though in another place he
speaks of him in the same connection as "Farquharson." The third entry
in Dr. Stuart's Register of Marriages is that of John Ferguson
and Helen Johnson, in 1791.
Whatever may be the truth of the matter just mentioned, there is
no doubt that Mr. Ferguson was a man of some importance in the
community. According to Dr. Adam Shortt (Early Records of
Ontario, p.43) and the late Dr. W. Wilfred Campbell (A List of
Members of the House of Assembly, p.173), he represented
Frontenac in the second Parliament of Upper Canada from 1800 to
1804, the records of the Quarter Sessions containing references
to the assessment of the amount of his "wages" as member. Other
activities are set out by Mr. W. S. Herrington, K.C., in Vol. IX
of Papers and Records of the Lennox and Addington Historical Society, p. 7.
Representations were made to the Executive Council at York by
Mr. Ferguson and his fellow-commissioners of roads, on November
17, 1807, expressing their willingness "to relinquish their share
of £1,000 because the bridge over the Nen (Rouge) is down"
(U.C. State Book D, p.76). These fellow-commissioners were
Richard Cartwright, Hazelton Spencer, Alexander Fisher, John Cumming,
Joseph Forsyth, and James Fulton.
On May 11, 1795, Mr. Ferguson was said to have been entered for
Lot 156 on the old plan of Newark (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 5, p.38).
In 1797 he laid claim to certain lots in the Township of
Sidney and "the Lot next adjoining the North end of the Town of
Kingston" (Ibid, Vol. B 10, p.169).
According to the Council Minutes of April 16, 1793, (Q Series,
Vol, 282, I, p.295) he, like many other men, was in the
colonizing business. On the date in question he, with Robert Kerr,
William Johnson, James Vanhorne, and other Associated
Loyalists, was granted "a Township to the Southward of the
River Trent, and in the Rear of the Township of Murray or Cramahé."
John Cumming. A variant "Cummings" is found for this name in
the Register and "Cummin" in the D. W. Smith Papers. As has been
already stated, Mr. Cumming was a merchant, in partnership with
Mr. Peter Smith, with whom he, in 1799, made
claim to the East Half of Lot 13, Concession 5, in the Township
of Kingston (Ibid, Vol. B 10, p. 255). In 1798 John Cumming & Co.,
were agents for the ship York, according to Mr. Cartwright's
Letter Book, which also is the authority for the amount of his
shipments of flour and potash to Montreal in 1800 for himself
and E. Washburn.
Mr. Cumming was a J.P. As before mentioned, he was one of the
sureties offered by David Brass in the matter of the proposed
lease of the Kingston Mills, in 1807. In the same year too he
was a Commissioner of Roads.
As early as July 10, 1793, he appears to have been the holder of
a town lot in the newly founded town of York, which from the
outset was much in the eye of speculators in land,
notwithstanding the orders against monopolizing.
(Q Series, Vol.283, I, p. 326).
On March 25, 1806, he was associated with the Revd. A. McDonell,
Donald McDonell, and Pierre Fortier as a trustee for lots 247
and 248 in Kingston "in Trust for a Roman Catholic Chapel to be
built thereon under the regulations acted upon the 6th of July, 1804"
(U.C. Land Book G, p.39). In the petition for these lots
the Revd. A. McDonell, who became the first Roman Catholic
Bishop of Kingston, describes himself as a Missionary of the
Catholic Church, resident in the Township of Charlottenburgh.
Philip Pember. On October 17, 1792, according to the entry in
Land and State Book A, p. 32, he petitioned for 132 ft. x 66 ft.
near Mr. Markland's lot, the name being spelled by the writer of
the entry Pimber. The petition was referred to the Land Board for a report.
In 1796 he received from the magistrates in their Sessions, as
was necessary, a certificate of fitness for obtaining a liquor license.
On May 7, 1797, he was recommended for 400 acres as a Corporal
and 300 acres as family lands, including former grants" (U. C.
Land Book C, p.256). In the same year he claimed Lots 25 and 59
in town, the West Half of Lot 20, Concession I, Township of
Kingston, and Lot 7, Concession 6, in Loughborough
(D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, pp. 185, 211, 225). On the
showing of Mr. Allan McLean, Clerk to the Commissioners, he
ought to have been reported for Lot 25 in the Township, not in
town (Ibid. p.257).
In 1790 he was sworn in as a constable for the town, so the
Sessions records show.
Mahion Knight. In D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, p. 200) he is
in 1801 described as a yeoman. At that time he was allowed the
South Half of Lot 12, Concession 3, in the Township of Kingston,
which had originally been drawn by himself and William Bowen. On
his claim to the West Half of Lot 12, Concession 2, in the
Township of Kingston the note is, "William Atkinson willing to
convey, but, if the Patent not advanced, the Party would rather
have it in his own name" (Ibid. p.217). In 1797 he had laid
claim to two other parcels of land in the Township of Kingston,
the East Half of 11, 3, and the East Half of 11, 2, and also to
Lots 36, 37, 38, Concession 1, in the Township of Sidney. The
last mentioned were really in Concession 4 (Ibid. pp. 183 and 229).
John Symington. He may have been a member of the firm of Douglas
& Symington who had, to all appearance, carried on business at
Niagara, but had been obliged to make an assignment, in
November, 1785, to R. Ellice & Co., McKenny & Co., and Pollard &
Mason (Quebec Gazette, November 10, 1785). A letter from the
Hon. Richard Cartwright, dated May 5, 1786, shows that this firm
had enjoyed the privilege of relading liquor to the garrison
(Cartwright Letter Book, Shortt Collection).
Bryan Crawford. In the Upper Canada Gazette of July 10, 1794, he
is mentioned as a Captain of Militia in the County of Lenox
(Q Series, 280,1, p.246). In the records of the Sessions of the
Peace for the Midland District for January 14, 1794, his name
appears as one of the Justices sitting at the Quarter Sessions
at Adolphus Town. It continues to appear in the same connection
down to 1816. On the 10th of April in the former year he,
Mr. Spencer, and Mr. T. Thomson made up the Court of Requests for
the Townships of Fredericksburgh and Richmond. He seems to have
been a brother of Redford Crawford and to have leased the
Napanee Mills from the Hon. Richard Cartwright in 1799 and 1800.
In the latter year he made way for Mr. Thomas Beasley, Mr. Cartwright's
cousin. In August, 1800, he had paid an instalment on a note to
Mr. Stuart, but for what consideration the note was given is not
explained. (Cartwright Letter Book, Shortt Collection, for 1799 and 1800).
Mrs. Mary Brant. The accepted spelling of the name is Brant,
though both Brand and Brandt are found. Miss Molly, as she seems
to have been respectfully called, was held in high estimation by
Whites and Indians alike, being known as "the elder sister of
the Mohawk Nation." A letter* from Col. Daniel Claus to Sir
Frederick Haldimand, Governor in Chief of Canada, tells of her
influence over the Five Nations and of her success in keeping as
adherents to the British cause, after 1777, some of those who
were wavering in their allegiance. She well deserved the pension
of £93, 6, 8, which she received annually from the Imperial
military chest (Q Series, Vol. 57, II, p. 432) and the grant of
land which, because of her loyalty, she received for herself
individually, as also did her brother Joseph, and Captains John,
Isaac, and "Aron" (U. C. Land and State Book A, pp. 64-5).
*This letter, which was dated at Montreal on the 30th of August 1779,
is quoted in Annals of Niagara, by william Kirby, F.R.S.C., at PP. 59-60.
By the Indians, Col. Claus avers in the letter already cited,
Miss Molly was regarded as the relict of Sir William Johnson,
Bart., the Indian Superintendent in the old Colony days, who, by
the aid of his Indians from the Mohawk Valley, took Niagara in
1759. "Whose memory," he continues, "she never mentioned without tears."
Capt. Farley, of the 60th Regiment, Lient. Lemoine, of the 24th,
John Ferguson (or Farquharson), Esq., of the Indian Stores,
Capt. Earle, of the Royal Navy, and Doctor Kerr, "an eminent
Surgeon," are enumerated by Col. Clark as the sons-in-law of
Sir William and Miss Molly. The Colonel's lapses of memory have to
be borne in mind, as already stated in the notes on Mr. Macaulay
and Capt. Farley. Mrs. Kerr was a niece, not a daughter, of the
estimable woman.
For a time Miss Molly, like her brother Joseph and the members
of his band, appears to have lived at Niagara. In that town
she was granted Lot 21, as indicated in a letter of May 11, 1795,
from Mr. Secretary Small to Mr. Surveyor-General Smith
(D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B. 5, p. 35). Some of her land was in
Fredericksburgh and Kingston, her holding in the former having
been the West Half of Lot 20, Concession 6 (Ibid., Vol. B 10, p. 202).
From a "Return of Lands Granted by the Honourable Council,
July 24, 1793," it can be learned that on the 6th of October, 1792,
she prayed "for leave to enclose part of the Common or Waste
Land at Cataraqui and to give an equivalent quantity of an
Enclosure in lieu of it." The leave asked for was apparently granted.
Her death, which the Register shews to have occurred in April, 1796,
is placed by Col. Clark in 1805! She was buried in what is
now St. Paul's Churchyard, as were most of her contemporaries.
Michael Dederick. This, notwithstanding the form given in the
list of benefactors, is presumably the correct spelling of the
surname. Thus it is written in the D. W. Smith Papers (Vol. B
10, p.220), in the record of the confirmation to him of Lot 19,
Concession 1, in the Township of Kingston. This he had purchased
from Charles Grass. At the Quarter Sessions held at Kingston on the
25th of April, 1797, he was sworn as a constable to attend the Grand Jury.
Thomas Beasley. His father and Mrs. Cartwright being brother and
sister, he was a cousin of the Hon. Richard Cartwright, with
whom both he and his brother Richard had business dealings.
Thomas did not fill so large a place in the life of the Province
as did Richard, whose career has been slightly sketched in
connection with Mr. Peter Smith.
In 1799 Thomas and his cousin Cartwright were in treaty as to
the former's taking the management, if not a lease, of the
latter's mills at Napanee, where he stayed till at east 1801
(Cartwright Letter Book, Shortt Collection).
The relations subsisting between the cousins were not entirely
of a commercial nature, for Mr. Cartwright writes: "In the
latter [the large Box] is a Hat, Coat, and Waistcoat for Tom;
and you will give him coarse Cloth and Trimmings for a Pr.
Trousers at my Expence." Later on he intimates that he is sendmg
Mr. Beasley a present of the first six volumes of Gibbon's
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. He lends
him Hume's History of England in six volumes, adding that, when
they are returned, the loan of Smollet's (sic) Continuation
shall be forthcoming, "which I wish first to read myself."
John Roushorn. His name has been already found in connection
with the supplying of lime for the Church. In 1795 he was a Road Master.
In 1797 he claimed the South Half of Lot 15, Concession 2, in
the Township of Kingston. As a "U.E.," he was allowed Lot 17,
Concession 2 (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, pp.212 and 275).
The use of the letters U.E.L. appears to be a modern
invention, the original order issued having been that those who
had adhered to the unity of the British Empire should be
entitled to place after their names the letters U.E.
Barnabas Day. Barnabas, not Bart, appears to have been the name
of Mr. Day. The former is found in the D. W. Smith Papers and
in the records of the Masonic Lodge, as quoted in the History of
Freemasonry in Canada. The Papers (Vol. B 10, pp. 170 and 222)
show that he laid claim, in 1797, to Lot 53 in town and that he
was allowed the West Half of Lot 14 in the 2nd Concession of the
Township of Kingston. In the latter he is credited (at p.572)
with having presented to the Lodge "a painted Floor cloth" and a
Bible. According to the records of the Sessions of the Peace, he
was a constable for the Township of Kingston in 1795 and a Road
Master in 1796.
Of William McDonell, John Duncan, Duncan Cameron, Titis Simons,
Thomas Cook, John Detler, George Johnston, Thomas Bonett,
Just Meeler, Sep McLean, Wilm Stoughton, Saml. Merrell, George Harpel,
George Buck, Jacob Cowley, and John Wetzel, it has been
impossible to obtain any information other than that
contained in the Register itself, although there is some
reason to believe that there are descendants of some of them
still living within the limits of the old Mecklenburg or Midland
District. Even the Register is silent concerning Simons,
Detler, Meeler, McLean, Harpel, Cowley, and Wetzel.
McDonell and Johnson appear as sponsors; Duncan as a pewholder;
and Cameron as a sponsor and as a Vestryman in the years
1798 and 1799. From letters written by Mr. Cartwright in 1799 he
may have been a partner of Mr. Herchmer. It is not improbable
that Bonett ought to be Burnett, in which case Thomas Burnett
will be found among the pewholders and sponsors. Mr. Stoughton,
whose son became a clergyman, appears as a father, a sponsor,
a pewholder, and a Warden for the year 1797. Mr. Merrill, who
was a vestryman in 1802, was married in Kingston and his children
were baptized there. His son also became a clergyman. The only
record of Mr. Buck is in the character of father. Meeler may have
been the same as Ensign Jos. Meeler of the King's Rangers, mentioned
in a list of reduced officers at page 300 of the Quebec Land Book.
Church Wardens
THERE is no record of Wardens having been elected earlier
than 1789. The Bishop of Nova Scotia enjoined upon the
clergy gathered at Quebec in that year the desirability of
having such. "Church and Town Warden," which appears after
Capt. Richardson's name in 1795, not to speak of later years, is
an evidence of the operation of the Act of the Provincial Parliament,
passed in the year 1793*-"to provide for the Nomination and
Appointment of Parish and Town Officers within this Province."
*W. P. M. Kennedy Documents of the Canadian Constitution.
1759-1915, PP. 229-232.
This attempt to perpetuate in Upper Canada the American
institution, the Town Meeting, which is still in full vigour in
the United States, was repugnant to Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe.
Therefore he did his best to see that this Statute should be
made as innocuous as possible. Yet seven years before his advent
in the Province, Mr. Stuart had written to the Society-on
October 1, 1785,-announcing that the inhabitants of New
Oswegatchie (Cornwall) had "formally, at a public Town Meeting"
elected Mr. Bryan to be their "Pastor."
The formal record of the names of Wardens begins only with the
year 1791. Mr. Cartwright, Sr., and Mr. Markland had signed as
such the petition for the King's Mills at Kingston, as has been
already indicated, in 1789. For 1790 Mr. Anderson's and
Capt. Richardson's names have been recovered respectively from the
accounts for Oser's salary as Clerk, on April 21, 1791, and for
the payment to Charles Swanne for 3 Benches, on March 20, 1790.
The name of Alexander Thomson is given in the undated, Minutes
of the Easter Vestry of 1792. In those of August 13, 1792, he is
called Archibald, which would appear to be correct.
There is some confusion in the names of the Wardens for 1798.
In the Church accounts and the Vestry Minutes dated April 9,
Mr. Cumming is set down as Town and Church Warden. In the Vestry
Minutes dated on the preceding day Capt. William Anderson is so
described. In the Minutes of 1807 Mr. Cumming's name is spelled
Cummings, a kind of mistake which is not uncommon even at the
present time in some parts of the Province.
1789: Richard Cartwright, Sr.
Thomas Markland
1790: J. Anderson
James Richardson
1791: Christopher Georgen
Capn. James Richardson
1792: Capn. William Atkinson
Alexander Thompson
1793: Capn. Robert Macaulay
Mr. Peter Smith
1794: James Robins
William Atkinson
1795: Capn. James Richardson (Church & Town Warden)
Mr. James Russell
1796: Capn. James Richardson
Joseph Anderson, Esqre.
1797: Joseph Forsyth
William Stoughton
1798: John Cumming (Town & Church Warden)
Mr. John Ferguson
1799: Willm. Atkinson
John Ferguson
1800: Mr. Laurence Herkimer (Herchmer)-Church Warden, chosen
by the Minister.
Capn. David Brass (Town & Church Warden, ch. by the Parish)
1801: Mr. Thomas Sparham (chosen by the Minister)
Capn. James Richardson (Town & Church Warden)
1802: Jas. Robins
John Kerby (or Kirby)
1803: Thomas Markland, Esqr.
Joseph Forsyth, Esqr.
1804: Mr. Richard Robinson (Robison?)
Mr. Jermyn Patrick
1805: By the Minister-The Honble. Richard Cartwright, Esqr.
By the Parishioners-Thomas Markland, Esqre.
1806: Joseph Anderson, Esqr.-By the Minister.
Peter Smith, Esqr.-By the Parishioners.
1807: William Crawford, Esqr.-by the Minister
John Cumming, Esqr.-by the Parishioners
1808: Major William Crawford
William Robins
1809: William Crawford, Esq.-chosen by the Minister
Dr. Ashton Smith-by the Parishioners
1810: Mr. Lawrance Herckmer (Herchmer)-chosen by the Minister
Mr. John Kerby (Kirby)-by the Parishioners
1811: Mr. John Cumming-chosen by the Minister
Mr. Robert Walker-by the parishioners
What was said about the lateness in beginning to record the
names of the Wardens applies equally to those of the Vestry-men.
It has been impossible to recover the names of the men
who held that office in 1790. It was only through their being
at the end of the petition for the King's Mills that
Capt. Anderson's and Capt. Grass' were found for 1789.
It has not been possible as yet to learn who were the Vestrymen
from 1803 to 1811.
1789 Joseph Anderson
Michael Grass
1791 Archibald Thomson
Capn. William Atkinson, Esqre.
1792 Christopher Georgen
Ichabod Hawley
1793 Lieut. James Robins
Mr. James Russell
1794 Joseph Forsyth
John Everett
1795 Mr. Archibald Thomson
Mr. Nathaniel Lynes
1796 Thomas Markland, Esqre.
Mr. William Stoughton
1797 Nathaniel Taylor
John Ferguson
1798 Laurence Herkimer (Herchmer)
Duncan Cameron
1799 Laurence Herkimer (Herchmer)
Duncan Cameron
1800 Allan McLean, Esqr.
Mr. Thomas Sparham, Junr.
1801 Mr. James Russell
Mr. Christopher Fornyea
1802 Mr. Samuel Merril(l)
Mr. P. Grass
In the beginning the two offices were apparently separate,
Gilbert Oser and William Emory (or Emery) holding the former in
1789-1790 and in 1790-1792 respectively. In 1792 John Cannon,
who had, in the year preceding, been appointed "Saxton," was
made Clerk also. He so continued down to 1801, when he was
succeeded in the sextonship by John Darley. Darley, apparently,
was a Vestryman in 1802, but he resigned on becoming Clerk and
P. Grass took his place in the former office.
Oser's receipts as Clerk were £4, 10, on March 20 1790, and £2,
on April 21, 1791, "per Order of J. Anderson." His term of
office came to an end on October 5, 1790.
There was some difficulty, in 1792, about raising the amount of
Emory's salary of £12, for the undated Minutes of the Easter
Vestry of that year contain a resolution "that a Subscription be
made for the Payment of the Clerk William Emery." This was done
to April 8,1792.
On August 13, 1792, it was "Resolved that Jno Cannon shall be
paid two shills & six Pences for each Sunday that he officiates
as Clerk, commencing May 27,1792." In April, 1795, his "Sellary"
was two years in arrear-£23, 11, 7. He was then entitled also to
£3, 13, 3 for collecting Pew money, for sale and rent, £140, 10
at 2 1/2 per cent.
On March 31, 1796, he was to receive £10 currency for the
ensuing year, "for which Sum he agrees to discharge the duties
of Clerk, Sexton, and Bell Ringer, &c., &c., and attend the
Stove properly, during cold weather." On April 6, 1801, the
consideration was made £11.
The reason for Cannon's going out of office does not appear. On
September 6, 1801, "it was resolved that Mr. Darley shall act as
Clerk & Sexton for the present year, with the same
Allowance as his Predecessor, that his Salary is to commence on
June 16 past, and that he is to be paid for every Grave at the
Rate of one Dollar each, for ringing the Bell 2/6d, for the use
of the Pall 2/6d and, when the Sexton invites to a Funeral, the
Fee to be 2/6d."
On April 29, 1802, he was continued "as Clark at Eleven Pounds a
year, for which he is to act as clark & Sexton, to Ring the Bell
on Sundays and Holy Days and to Keep the Fire in the Stove in
the winter Season." On April 18, 1803, there is a receipt in
full for the last year's salary. In 1807 this was raised to
£15, at which rate, as the Church accounts show, he continued to
serve till Easter, 1811, at least, although there is no mention
of him in the Vestry Minutes between 1807 and 1811.
On page 463 of the History of Freemasonry in Canada it is stated
that Darley was born in London, England, that he kept the
Freemasons' Tavern, at which Lodge No.6 used to meet till he
became manager of the Kingston Brewery in 1797. Thereafter the
meetings were held in his house, in Rideau St., near Robins'
Brewery. Mrs. Darley was presented with a new hat by the
brethren in consideration of the trouble to which she had been
put in preparing for the meetings (P.577).
In the Lodge he frequently held office, having been its first
treasurer. He had acted as D.G.W. pro tem at the constitution
of the Lodge on the 7th of August, 1794. On his death he was
buried with Masonic honours on the 3rd of June, 1821.
As early as August, 1805, he had been Deputy Sheriff and in 1803
High Constable for the County.
At a meeting of the congregation belonging to St. George's at
Kingston, the following pews where (sic) sold at Vandue to the
different parsons (sic) whose Names are as follows, viz
No.1. The Reverent (sic) Mr. Stewart
2. Mr. Peter Smith £3-5-0
3. Mr. John Bain 3-0-0
4. Wm. Coffin, Esqr 2-15-0
5. Alen McLean, Esqr 4-0-0
6. Robert Macaulay, Esqr 3-15-0
7. Neail McLean, Esqr. 4-5-0
8. Ditto 4-5-0
9. Goveners
10. James Richardson 2-5-0
11. William Atkinson, Esqr 2-5-0
12. Mr. Robert Graham 2-5-0
13. Mr. William Stoughton 1-12-6
14. Mr. Charles Heslop 2-0-0
15. Mr. Christifer Georgen 2-0-0
16. Mr. John Hanney 2-0-0
17. Mr. - Grant 1-17-6
18 & 19 The Honurable Richd. Cartwright 9-15-0
20. Mr. Phillip Pember 4-10-0
21. Mr. Jonathan Goram 3-10-0
22. Mr. James Robins 3-10-0
23. Mr. James Russell 5-5-0
24. Mr. Jonathan Goram 6-5-0
25. Mr. Joseph Forsyth 6-0-0
26. Mr. Thomas Markland 4-15-0
27. Mr. Alexr. Atkins 5-0-0
28. Mr. Emanuel Elderbeck 4-8-6
29. Mr. Francis Costa, Esqr. 4-0-0
30. Mr. Galloway 3-5-0
31. Mr. John Duncan 2-5-0
JUNE YE 2 th, 1795.
At a meeting of the Congregation belonging to St. George's
Church at Kingston, the following pewes where (sic) sold at
Vandue to the persons whose Names are undermentioned, viz.:
No.32 Mr. John Cannon £1-11-0 paid
33 James Richardson 1-11-0 paid
34 Mr. James Robison 1-11-0 paid
35 Mr. George Loyd 1-11-0 paid
36 Mr. Michel Grass 1-11-0 paid
37 Mr. Christefor Furney 1-11-0 paid
In the list of rents for 1798, the rental for Nos. 1 to 31 is
set down at 20 shillings a year. Nos. 32 and 33 were rented to
James Richardson for 35 shillings. The rental for Nos. 34 to 37
was 17/6 each.
The holders had changed somewhat,:
No.7 being assigned to Joseph Anderson;
No.8 to "Widow"' Herchmer;
No.10 to John Everett;
No.12 to Thos. Cook & R. Graham;
No.14 to "Widow" Heslip;
No. 15 to J. Darley, J. Ferris;
No. 16 to J. Fleming & Wm. Ashley;
No. 17 to John Grant;
No.21 to J. Ferguson;
No. 24 to D. Brass;
No.27 to Natl. Lines;
No.28 to E. Ellerbeck & J. Burnett;
No.29 to Thos. Sparham;
No.30 to J. Stauber;
No.31 to E. Burley & Wm. Taylor;
Nos. 32 & 33 to Jas. Richardson;
No.34 to J. Robins & J. Ainsley;
No.35 vacant.
APL 19th, 1802.
Sales of Pews in St. George's Church 6t day of december 1802 say
16 pews:
1 No. 39 William Ross, Esqr. £3-is-
2 42 Robert Walker, pd 2-7-
3 43 Francis Wykott, paid 2-5-
4 44 Capn. Henry Murney, paid 2-10-
5 45 Captain Henry Murney, paid 3-0-
6 49 Captain Poole England * 3-15-
7 50 Captn Theoplus Sampson 2-15-
8 51 Jermyn Patrick, pd 2-7-6
9 52 Patrick Smyth 2-2-6
10 53 Jeremiah Worden 2-2-6
11 1 Capt. Thomas Paxton, paid 2-15-
12 2 Peter Smyth, Esqr., paid by J. Russell 3-0-
13 3 Jas. Russell, Junior, Pd 4-0-0
14 6 Thomas Humphry, pd 2-2-6
15 7 Edward Walker 2-2-6
16 8 Emanuel Ellerbeck, pd 2-12-6
17 54 John Ferguson (10/- paid in part) £43-12-6
Subject to a Rent of 10/- per year 44-12-6
[*Declan Barron
has further information on Poole England.]
"Conditions on which the pews in St George's Church were sold,
upon 6th day of December, 1802, viz.:
"That each owner of a pew shall be subject to pay a rent of One
pound currency Annually commencing on Easter Monday in Each
year, until further regulations be made by the proprietors, but
they are only holden for that proportion of a year between this
and Easter Monday next, at which period they will commence yearly.
"It is also understood that Purchasers will Make payment on
demand. And that should any Proprietor or Proprietors neglect
or refuse payments of their Pew Rent or Rents when due, it shall
be lawful for the then Church Wardens, or their Successors, to
dispose of the Pews of such delinquent or delinquents at Publick
Sale to pay such Rent or Rents as may be due, giving fifteen
days' previous notice by Publick Advertisement.
John Kirby Church Wardens."
James Robins
APRIL 11th, 1803.
"Pew rents at the stated prices amounted yearly to £50, 5, 0."
The following, of the same date, is the last list of pewholders given
in Dr. Stuart's time. Pews 1 to 31 and 39 to 53
brought in 20/ per annum; pews 32 to 37, 17/6; 54, in the
Gallery, 10/. Nos 9 and 38 paid no rent, being reserved for the
Governor and Rector respectively.
1 Captain Thomas Paxton 28 Thomas Burnett
2 James Russell, Junior 29 Thomas Sparham
30 John Stauber
31 William Brayley
3,4Peter Smith, Esqr. Joseph Prichard
5 Allan McLean, Esqr
6 Thomas Humphry
7 Edward Walker 32,33 Captn. James Richardson
8 Emmanuel Ellerbeck 34 James Robinson
9 Governors Samuel Ansley
10 John Everitte 35 Henry Cassidy
11 William Atkinson, Esqr. 36 Michael Grass
12 Thomas Cook, Senr. 37 Christopher Fornyea
13 William Stoughton 38 Revd. Doctor Stuart
14 John Cannon 39 William Ross, Esqr.
15 John Darley ) 40 John Bayne
John Ferris 41 John Cumming, Esqr.
42 Robert Watker
16 John Horning 43 Francis Wycott
William Ashley
44 Henry Murney
17 John Grant 45 Doctor Gamboll
18 Richard Cartwright, Esqr.
19 " " 46 Mrs. Herchmer
47 Captn. Jos. Anderson
20 Philip Pember 48 Mrs. Macaulay
21 John Ferguson 49 Captn. Poole England *
22 James Robins 50 Captn. Theo. Sampson
23 James Russell, Snr 51 Jermyn Patrick
24 David Brass 52 Patrick Smyth
25 Joseph Forsyth, Esqr. 53 Jeremiah Worden
26 Thomas Markland, Esqr. Pews in the Gallery, viz.
27 Nathaniel Lines 54 John Ferguson, Esqr.
[*Declan Barron
has further information on Poole England.]
A list of rentals received in 1809 contains the following new
names without the numbers of the pews for which the money was paid-
Mrs. Robison, Mr. Kirby, Mr. Moses Rogers, Mrs. C. Trump, Lt. Smith,
Boatsn Shaw ("or Burrys Pew"), H. Baker, S. Pouset (or Ponset), J. Size,
Mr. Stober (Stauber), Duglas, Bartlot, Wm. Patrick, Thos. Deacon,
Anthy Dernil, Andw Denike, Mrs. Humphries. In this list Messrs. Everett,
David Brass, and Murney are also given the title Capt.
APRIL 15th, 1805.
"Pews from 32 to 37 inclusive to pay 15/ yearly in future."
Record of Baptisms of St. George's
Baptisms solemnized by the Revd. Dr. John Stuart of Kingston and
Extracted from a private register in order that a record of the
same may not be lost.
Minister of Kingston.
Decr. 31, 1812.
1784-173 Baptisms, in Montreal and elsewhere.
Stuart, Jane*-D. of Revd. J. Stuart and Jane, his Wife; Baptized Octr. 28th.
*In the face of the facts already adduced from Stuart's own
letters and Mr. Markland's testimony, this entry and the next
following cannot he taken as cvidence that the parish had its
beginning at a date earlier than July, 1785. Like her sisters
Mary and Ann, Jane Stuart was ordered 400 acres of land when she
should marry or come of age. (U. C. Land Book, C. and D.) She
died unmarried at Kingston on the 15th of March, 1815, and was
buried in the family plot in St. Paul's Churchyard.
1785-51 Baptisms to October 1.
Cartwright, James*-S. of Richd. Cartwright, Esqre., and
Magdalen, his wife; Sp.-Rev. J. Stuart and Jane Stuart; Jany. 9th.
*In the Revd. John Langhorn's handwriting, under date of October
10, 1811, occurs the entry: "James Cartwright, of Kingston, was
interred." The two entries are a corrective to the family
monument in St. Paul's Churchyard, which gives May 23, 1786, and
November 8, 1811, as the dates respectively of his birth and of his death.
He was educated by Mr. Strachan and studied Law in Quebec.
Refusing Government employment, he was called to the Bar of
Upper Canada on the 6th of July, 1808. The year before there had
been published "The Christian Religion, recommended in a Letter
to his Pupils," By the Rev. John Strahan, A.M., Minister of
Cornwall, Upper Canada. It contained a Dedication, "To Mr.
Andrew Stuart and Mr. James Cartwright, Students at Law, the
following Letter is inscribed as a mark of esteem, By their
sincere Friend, John Strachan." Public Archives of Canada.
He was handsomely remembered in the will of the Hon. James McGill,
of Montreal, after whom, probably, he was called. If he
had lived long enough to accept the bequest, he would have had
to assume the name and the arms of McGill in order to enjoy it.
The will, which hears date January 8, 1811, became effective
only in 1813. The Hon. Richard Cartwright, who was one of the
executors, was not able to reach Montreal to appear with the
other executors when the will was being proved, on December 30,
but he made a separate appearance on February 2, 1812. Bursar's
Office, McGill University, and The Arhives, City Hall, Montreal.
Stuart, Andrew*-S. of Rev d. John Stuart and Jane Stuart;
Sp.-Richard Cartwright, Esqre., and Helena Cartwright; Dec. 7th.
*Andrew Stuart was the youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. Stuart. He
and his brothers, except the eldest, were educated by Mr. Strachan,
by whom he and James Cartwright were taken to Quebec
when thay were about to begin the study of Law. (Scadding
Collection, B. 116, Toronto Reference Library.)
On November 5, 1807, he was called to the Bar of Lower Canada,
whero he made his name. In 1810 he defended the Hon. Mr. Justice Bedard.
In 1815 he was elected to represent the Lower Town of Quebec
in the House of Assembly. This and the Upper Town
in turn he represented almost continuously till 1838, when he
became Solicitor-General. This office he held till the date of
his death, which took place at Quebec on the 21st of February, 1840.
From 1824 to 1826 he travelled extensively in Europe. In 1830 he
published, at Quebec, a pamphlet on "The United States Boundary,"
which was published also in Montreal in 1832. Also in
1832 he brought out "A Review of the Proceedings of the
Legislature in the Session of 1831." In 1834 be was Chairman of
the Constitutional Association and in 1838 a delegate to England
to urge the reunion of Upper and Lower Canada. For the Literary
and Historical Society of Quebec he wrote "Notes on the Saguenay
Country," "Ancient Etruscans," and "Detached Thoughts upon the
History of Civilisation." Morgan: Sketches of Celebrated
Canadians; Appleton: Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Vol.6;
and Public Archives of Canada.
On September 1, 1797, he was ordered 400 acres of land when he
should come of age. UC. Land Book C. PP. 214-5; UC. Land Book
D. P. 119; and D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. A 6, P. 218.
In his will (holograph, 1838), he mentioned two sons, whom he
made his heirs and, with his friend Henry Black, his executors.
The elder of these sons was known subsequently as Sir Andrew Stuart,
Chief Justice of Quebec, and the younger as Henry Stuart, Q.C.,
of Montreal. Among the descendants of Sir Andrew are
the Hon. Senator Beaubien, of Montreal, and Madame Audette, of
Ottawa; among those of Mr. Henry Stuart, Lt. Col. Hugh Stewart,
C.I. E. and Sir Campbell Stuart, K.B.E. Archives of Montreal and
Researches of Mr. Pierre-Georges Roy of Quebec.
In the book already referred to Mr. Morgan states that a
proposal was made at a pubic meeting held in Quebec, in 1840, to
erect a memorial to the Hon. Andrew Stuart, who was much beloved
and highly respected.
1786-78 Baptisms to September 26.
Robins, Sarah-D. of James & Margaret Rohins; Sp.-Danl. McGuin &
Eliz. Oneil; 15th July.
1787-55 Baptisms to August 14.
Stuart, Mary*-D. of Rev. J. Stuart and Jane Stuart, his Wife;
Sp.-Thos. & Catharine Markland; May 28th.
*"Interred Octr. 27th, 1812, Mrs. Mary Jones, Wife of
Charles Jones, Esqre, of Brockville, and second daughter of the late
Revd. Dr. John Stuart, of Kingston.
"Beloved by her Relations and endeared to her acquaintances,
they arrive to mourn her Death, whose loss they feel with deep
regret; but, sorrowing not as those who have no hope, they
submit to the will of God. In humble trust that her fortitude,
Patience, Resignation during a long, lingering Illness preceded
by the Life of a Christian had prepared her Soul for admission
into the presence of her God and Redeemer; she is taken from a
state of imperfect happiness to a world of perfect and endless
Bliss. G.O.S." Kingston Parish Register.
For further particulars regarding Mary Stuart see the note on
Jane Stuart ante and the one on Charles Jones in the Marriages
section of this Register. Her granddaughter, Mrs. Evans, of
Brockville, is the possessor of some very beautiful letters
written to and by her sister Jane.
1788-171 Baptisms.
Booth, Mary and Sarah-D's. of David and Mary Booth; July 3rd.
Hartney, Michael-S. of Patrick and Ann Hartney; Sp.-Thos. Platt,
Alexr. Ferguson; July 12.
Wortman, Margaret-D. of Peter and Eve Wortman;* Sp.-Michael Grass
& his Wife; July 13.
*This ought probably to be Wartman, for a yeoman of that name
made claim successfully, in 1797, to the West 1/2 of Lot 17,
Concession 6, in the Township of Kingston. (D. W. Smith Papers,
Vol. B 10, P 209). Peter Wartman was a Grand Juror in 1810.
(Records of the Sessions).
McGuire, Ann-D. of Daniel McGuire;* Sp. do. do.; July 13.
*This name may possibly have been McGuin, for in 1788 Michael McGuin
was appointed Coroner for the District of Mecklenburg. In
Mr. Cartwright's correspondence appears the name of Lieut. McGin.
Kryderman, Jacob Wright-S. of Michl. and Mary Kryderman;
Sp.-Jno. Greensmith & Wife; 18 July.
Rosseau, Elizabeth-D. of Jno. Bapt. Rosseau* & Margaret Clytre
(or Clyne?); July 29.
*Through Mr. H. R. Holmden, keeper of the maps in the Public
Archives of Canada, Rousseau (the correct form of the name) has
been identified as St. John, who lived at the mouth of the
Humber and who is mentioned at length by Miss K. M. Lizars in
her Valley of the Humber. He was a merchant and
trader, who was ready, according to Mr. D. W. Smith's account
books, to cash drafts presented to him by district surveyors.
Merchants were the bankers of those days.
On July 12, 1796, his application for an addition to the 500
acres granted him "as Indian Interpreter" during the late war
had been referred to His Ex. cellency by the Land Committee of
Council (U. C. Land Book B. P.90). From Q 282, 2, PP 404-405,
it appears that it was between the years 1775 and 1786 that he
had acted as interpreter. He asked for 500 acres between York
and Lake Simeoe with another thousand elsewhere, so as to make
up 2000, but the request was refused. In an entry of October 4, 1796,
(Q 285, P 241) there is mention of "Mr. St. John's old house
at the Humber" in connection with 20 acres which were to be
leased to Mr. John Dennis.
Merkill, Abraham-S. of John & Hannah Merkill; August 1.
Fairman, Henry-S. of John and Elizabeth Fairman; August 16.
1789-60 Baptisms.
Robins, James-S. of James & Margaret Robins; Sp.-Richd. Cartwright, Senr.
& William Robins,-Sarah Richardson; 3 May.
Tindel, Mary-D. of Robert and Sarah Tindel; Sp.-Francis Hunter,
Jane Gray & Hanah (sic) Campbell; Decr. 6th.
1790-144 Baptisms.
Osser, Samuel-S. of Gilbert and Sarah Osser; Sp.-Christopher
and Phoebe Georgen; Feby. 23d.
Breakenridge, James-S. of James & Ann Breakenridge; March 13th.
Powers, Edward-S. of Edward and Margaret Powers; Sp.-Richd. Campbell
& Margaret Cook; May 3d.
Stuart, Ann*-D. of Revd. J. Stuart and Jane, his Wife; June 25th.
*See the notes on Jane and Mary Stuart; also the entry of Ann's
own marriage and the note upon it.
1791-203 Baptisms in the second six months.
McIntosh, William-S. of Donald and Margaret McIntosh ;*
Sp.-Philip Pember and Hannah Campbell; May 3d.
*According to a letter written by the Hon. R. Cartwright to
the firm of McTavish, Frobisher & Co., of Montreal, there was on
September 4, 1801, a Mr. McIntosh representing them in Kingston.
Whether he was identical with this man is another question.
(Cartwright Letter Book. Shortt Collection).
Arkland,* Dederick Richard-S. of Dederick and Ann Arkland;
Sp.-Captn. Richard Porter, Charles Athiss; May 29th.
*The variants of this name appear to be Ackland and Alkland.
Claus,* Deborah, Susan Elizabeth-Ch. of Jas. Gasper Claus and
Deborah Claus; Sp.-Jno. Gaspar Claus & Henry Rimmerman; June 15th.
*This German name, like Brand, Brandt, or Brant, appears often
in connection with the family of Sir William Johnson. See Note on
Mrs. Mary Brand.
Lewis, Thomas-S. of William & Elizabeth Lewis;
Sp.-Susan Elizabeth Classerhold, Thomas and Margaret Cook; June 15th.
Stinson, William Johnson-S. of William & Eleanor Stinson;*
Sp.-John Ferguson & Susan Johnson; July 21t.
*If one were guessing, it would seem from the name of the child
and from those of the sponsors that there was here a close
connection between the Stinsons and the Johnson-Brant family.
Keaton, Archibald-S. of John & Mary Keaton (or Kayton);
Sp.-John O'Brian & Jane Gray; Octr. 23d.
Connor, James-S. of James & Elizabeth Connor (private Baptism); Novr. 9.
Birch, James-S. of Thomas & Isabella Birch; Sp.-George MacLarren
& Mary McCulloch; Novr. 27th.
Cannore, Sarah, James David, Martha, John, & Mary-Ch. of John
and Sarah Cannore;* Decr. 12th.
*This name, from the uncertainty of the writing, may be
Cannon. On April 25, 1809, John and Sarah Cannon appeared before
the magistrates at the Quarter Sessions, as was then the custom,
to bar her dower, on transferring Lots 120 and 135 in Kingston
to Charles Stuart (Record of the Sessions). On May 7, 1797, he
had been granted Lots 182 and 205 in town (U.C. Land Book B, P. 240).
From the Sessions Records it is clear that be was the
Gaoler in 1794 and High Constable in 1798 and 1800, the salary
attached to the former office being £10 per annum. It will be
remembered that he was Clerk, Sexton, and Bell Ringer between 1792 and 1801.
1792-113 Baptisms.
Robins, Henry-S. of James & Margaret Robins; Sp.-Willm. Atkinson,
Peter Smith, Margaret Johnson; 16 April.
Russel, Marianne-D. of Robt. & Mary Russel[l] ; Sp.-Jos. Howard,
& Edwd. Callaghan, Eliz. Howard, Ann Callaghan; Kingston, Sepr. 2d.
Miniker,* John-S. of Fredk. & Margaret Miniker; Sp.-Eve Cholette,
Margt. Miniger (sic); do. Sepr. 2d.
*In this entry and in the next but two are found three ways
of spelling this name.
Sherife, William-S. of Wm. & Margaret Sherife (Sheriff).
Sp.-Wm. White, & Geo. Johnson, Mary Jacobs; do. Sepr. 2d.
Bongard, Anne Margaret-D. of John & Mary Bongard;
Sp.-Fredk., Ann, & Margaret Mineker (sic); do. Novr. 4th.
1793-192 Baptisms.
Horsfall, Sarah-D. of Joseph & Margaret Horsfall; Sp.-Wm. White,
& Dorothy Benson; do. Feby. 3.
Pember, Eleanor-D. of Philip & Martha Pember; Sp.-Emanuel &
Sarah Elderbeck; do. Feby. 3.
Cartwright, Hannah*-D. of Richard & Magdalen Cartwright;
Sp.-Thos. and Catharine Markland; do. Feby. 3.
*According to the family monument in St. Paul's Churchyard, she
was born December 25, 1792 and died December 21, 1812. She appears in
Mr. Strachan's list of pupils at his school in Kingston. (Strachan Papers).
Ellerbeck ??- ?? of Emanuel & Sarah Ellerbek;
Sp.-Thos. & Margaret Burnett; do. Feby. 3.
Wortman, Catharine-D. of Peter & Eva Wortman (Wartman);
Sp.-Jno. & Catharine Horning; do. Feby. 10th.
Henry, ??- ?? of Danl. & Mary Henry; Sp.-Edwd. Callaghan, Ann Callaghan;
do. March 3d.
Russell, Abigail-D. of James & Mary Russell; private Bapm.; do. Feby. 2Oth.
Ainsley,* Daniel-S. of Amos & Christina Ainsley; Sp.-Christr. Georgen,
Geo. Young, Christina Ainsley; do. March 3d.
*As before noted, this name appears likewise as Aensley and Ansley.
Dawson, Elizabeth-D. of James* and Leah Dawson; Sp.-James Behman**
& Dorothy Stover; do. April 7th.
*Mr. J. Ross Robertson gives him as joining Lodge No.6 A.F. & A.M.
in 1795 (History of Freemasonry in Canada).
**This name has apparently the following variants-Bayman,
Baymans, Beeman, Bemans.
Costar,* Eleanora-D. of Francis & Sarah Costar; Sp.-Richd. Cartwright, Senr.,
Hanna (sic) Cartwright. Senr.; do. Apl. 7th.
*This name ought evidently to be Costa. Francis Costa prayed
for, and was granted, 1200 acres of land on July 8, 1794
(D. W. Smith Papers Vol. B. II, P. 55, and Q Series 282, 2, P. 419)
In Vol 57, 2, of the Q Series it appears, at pages 479-482, that
Mr. Costa had gone home to lay his case before the authorities
there. From his Statement and that of Major-General Simcoe, of
November 24, 1796, as contained in Vol. 282, 2, of the Q Series
(P. 587) it is clear that he was one of the innocent sufferers
from the disagreements which arose between the Major-General and
Lord Dorchester, not forgetting the complications caused by Sir
John Johnson and his disappointment at not being made
Lieutenant-Governor of the Province. Mr. Costa, who had
performed various services during the Siege of Minorca in 1781,
received, on the 31st of December, 1791 a patent of appointment
as Clerk to the Naval, or Navy, Board of Upper Canada at a
salary of £100 per annum. On his arrival in the Province,
however, he found, as he said in his petition, that there was
already a person attending to the duties of his office, this
person holding his appointment from Sir John Johnson, who, prior
to the division of the Province of Quebec, had been Inspector of
the Inland Navigation. Judging from the Estimates for the
Civil Government of Upper Canada, Set out on page 519 of Q 283,
2 he received his salary so late as 1796; but, without the fees
of the office, or an increase in the amount of the salary, he
found it impossible to live and to support his family. His wife
pressed his claims after his death.
Denike, Catharine-D. of Andw. & Catharine Denike; Sp.-Wm. and
Ann Curtis; Kingston, Apl. 14.
Edgar, Jennett-D. of Jno. & Jane Edgar; do. Apl. 21.
Hollingsworth, Margaret-D. of Jno. & Margaret Hollingsworth;
Sp.-Ann Callaghan, Hannah Cartwright; do. May 5th.
Merrils, William*-S. of Saml. & Mary Merrils (Merrill)
Sp.William Stoughton & Ann Gray; do. June 9th.
*See the note on John Stoughton. The two were pupils of the
Revd. Mr. Winterlaw, a Minister of the Established Church of Scotland.
MacLean, Harriet-D. of Allan* & Harriet MacLean;
Sp.-Neal & Mary MacLean; Sepr. 1.
*Allan McLean was one of the Barristers admitted by the Law
Society of Upper Canada under the authority of a Statute of the
Legislature, he being enrolled on the 7th of July, 1794,
together with Messrs. D. W. Smith, Richard Barnes Tickell, Angus McDonell,
and James Clark, Jr. (Roll of the U.C. Law Society, Osgoode Hall, and
Q 280, I, p. 245). As a Barrister, he was granted 1200 acres of land,
that being the quantity regularly granted to barristers and to clergymen
as well, whether they were Anglicans, Roman Catholics, or Presbyterians.
He acted for the Stuart children in the prosecution of their
petition for land before the Executive Council. In Vol. B 10 of
the D. W. Smith Papers, P. 294, be is represented as having his
claim for Lot 10, Concession 2, and for the East 1/2
of Lot 30, Concession I, in the Township of Pittsburgh, allowed.
The former had been drawn originally by Phoebe Georgen and the
latter by John Duncan. In this same volume of the Smith Papers
he appears as Secretary of the Land Claims Board of the Midland
District, which sat in the closing years of the 18th century and
in the early years of the 19th. He was Clerk of the Sessions,
according to the Records.
In the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Parliaments of the Province
he sat as Member for Frontenac, from 1804 to 1824. In the sixth
and seventh he was Speaker of the House; and as such he, in
1812, signed the address on the war issued to the inhabitants of
the Province (Kingston Gasette).
In the note on Mr. Markland it has been pointed out that Mr. McLean
was a trustee for the Lancasterian School, the market, and the hospital.
Mrs. McLean, as the wife of a Barrister, received 600 acres of
land; and this is no isolated instance of such a grant
(U. C. Land Book B, P. 238 Entry for March 7, 1797). "As Devisee of her
late Father," Niel (sic) McLean, Assistant Commissary General,
she was recommended, on November 18, 1797, for 3000 acres
inclusive" (U. C. Land Book C, p. 287).
Ashley, William*-S. of William & Margaret Ashley;
Sp.-Geo. & Catharint Galloway; 16th March.
*From Q 282, I, PP 263 and 331, it appears that he had been a
soldier in the 34th Regt. and had been discharged at Quebec.
Upon a recommendation from Mr. Collins, he had taken up land
near his father-in-law. He had lived on it for six years,
building a house and clearing 20 acres, but had not received a
certificate of occupation in 1792 and 1793. His prayer for a
grant of this land was referred to the Land Board in the former
year and to the Acting Surveyor-General in the latter. In 1797
he was a Constable to attend the Grand Jury at the April Sessions.
Lamoine,* Edward William-S. of Henry and Susan Lamoine;
Sp.-Edwd. Frazer, Ann Johnson; do. March 3Oth.
*See note on Mrs. Mary Brand.
Loyd, Elizabeth-D. of Jno. & Ann Loyd; Sp.-Francis & Elizabeth Pawley;
Kingston, 3Oth March.
Higgins, Sarah-D. of Jno. & Sarah Higgins; Sp.-Jno. Darley,
Jno. Grewer; April 13th.
Here is entered Marriage No. 354, in 1819:-Omitted in its proper place."
Russell, Margaret-D. of James and Lucy Russell; Sp.-Francis Costar,
Elizabeth Thompson, Maria Costar; Kingston, May 25.
Dawson, William-S. of James* & Leah Dawson; Sp.-Robert and
Hannah Graham; do. June 1st.
*James Dawson served as a town constable in 1797-8, Records
of the Sessions.
Stoughton, John*-S. of William & Ann Stoughton; Sp.-James &
Jane Beeman; do. 15 June.
*Between 1816 and 1819 the S.P.G., on the recommendation of
the Right Revd. Jacob Mountain, and previously of Dr. Strachan,
made yearly grants of £50 to young Canadians to enable them to
study for the ministry, they being placed under the care and
guidance of some clergyman, with whom they, generally speaking,
lived. Of these men thus aided the earliest were John Stoughton,
William Macaulay, Romaine Rolph, and William Merrill. The first
and the last were under the care of Mr. George Okill Stuart,
till Stoughton succeeded Macaulay in Dr. Strachan's
household at York and Merrill interrupted his studies by going
to teach school at Sandwich. They were all ready for ordination
in 1819, Stoughton being recommended by Strachan for Ernesttown,
which had been served temporarily, and not too frequently, by
the Revd. John Wilson, of Kingston. Stoughton earned from
Strachan the following commendation: He is a most excellent
young man, whose attainments will give great satisfaction, and
from whose lahours I promise myself much comfort." Writing
again to the Bishop two months later, Strachan said of the young
ordinand: "Mr. Stoughton is an uncommonly fine young man & will
I promise myself, acquit himself to Your Lordship's satisfaction."
(Scadding Collection B 116, T.P.L.) On June 13, 1821, being then
Incumbent of Bath, he married Maria Hagerman, the record of the
marriage being No. 424 in Archdeacon Stuart's Register.
Hollingsworth, Ann-D. of John & Margaret Hollingsworth;
Sp.-Willm. Jackson, Cath. Jackson, Mary Henry; do. 22 [June].
Lenoy,* George-S. of John & Susan Lenoy; Sp.-Jno. McDonald,
Hannah Buck; do. 22 [June]
*Lenoy. This name seems to have many variants, the Rector
not possessing that familiarity with the French language which
two of his sons and many of their descendants possessed. Among
these variants in the Register are found Leney, Lenay, Lenier,
Lenois, Liney, Launoy, Lounier (if not also Lomier), Loney,
Lonoy, Lunois.
Canon, Abraham-S. of Jno. & Sarah Canon (Cannon); Sp.-Chris. Georgen
& Mary Haslip; do. Sepr. 8th.
Muir, Elizabeth-D. of William and Mary Muir; Sp.-Alexr. MacDonald,
Mary Haslip; do. Sepr. 8.
Kayton, Sarah-D. of John & Sarah Kayton (Keaton);
Sp.-Jno. & Dorothy Stover; do. Novr. 10th.
Beeman, Catharine-D. of James* & Jane Beeman (also Bayman or
Beyman) Sp.-Christina Gray, Wm. & Ann Stoughton; do. Decr. 22d.
*He appears in tho Hisiory of Freemasonry In Canada as a
member of Lodge No. 6 in 1794.
1794-58 Baptisms.
Burnett, Matthew-S. of Jno. & Eliz. Burnett; Sp.-Thos. Burnet,
Eman. Ellerbeck, Sarah do.; March 9th.
Warner, Phoebe-D. of Jno. & Rachel Warner; Sp.-Richard Mooney,
Mary Murrel; 9th March.
Galloway, Rachel-D. of Geo.* and Catharine Galloway;
Sp.-William & Margaret Ashley; 16th March.
*George Galloway petitioned for land as a former officer, under
Orders in Council of October 28, 1788 and July 21, 1790.
"Ordered that Petition be granted, if he can shew a Commission as
Captain of Associated Loyalists."(Quebec Land Book, Upper Canada, P 373).
Jones, Mary-D. of Henry & Margaret Jones; Sp.-Wm. Norfolk,
Elizabeth Proudfoot; do. 29 [June].
Adkin, Susannah-D. of Danl. Allen Adkin & Elizabeth Adkin;
Alexr. McDonnel, Jane Howland; do. 29 [June].
McCracken, Hugh-S. of Archibald & Isabella McCracken;
Sp.-William Eaken, Eleanor Steel; do. July 6th.
Macaulay, William*-S. of Robert & Ann Macaulay; Sp.-Revd. Jno. Stuart,
Richd. Cartwright, Jnr., Magdalene Cartwright; do. Sepr. 7th.
*William Macaulay was born on August 9, 1794 and was educated at
Dr. Strachan's school at Cornwall, and at Oxford. As already
noted in speaking of Stoughton, he received a grant from the
S.P.G. and was under the care of Dr. Strachan at York in the
intervening period. On his ordination in 1819 he was appointed
to the mission of Hamilton Township, the original of the parish
of Cobourg. (Scadding Collection, B 116, T.P.L.) From 1823 to
1870 he was Rector of Picton (S.P.G. and Synod Reports.) He
married, first, August 24, 1829, Ann Catharine, daughter of
Dr. Geddes, who left no children. Annie, a daughter by his second
wife, married in 1876 James Stafford Kirkpatrick.
(Chadwick, Ontarian Families.)
Milton, Catharine-D. of Thomas* & Mehitahel Milton; Sp.-Joseph &
Margaret Horsfall; do. 14th [Sepr].
Milton, Mary-D. of John* & Jane Milton; Sp.-John Arthur
& Mary Milton; do. 14 [Sepr].
*John and Thomas Milton were two brothers who came from London,
England. Thomas, who was greatgrandfather to Mr. Milton who
lives next to St. Mark's Church, Barriefield, had been a
Sergeant in the British army. His soldier's grant of land was
that now occupied by his grandson, Mr. David Milton, on the
Gananoque Road. He and members of his family are buried in the
Milton Cemetery, in the front of this farm, opposite Milton
Island. He was a Mason and a member of Lodge No. 6 in 1803
(Letter of the Rvd. A. Oldacre Cooke of Barrifield and History
ol Freemasonry In Canada). John was a Constable for Pittsburgh
in 1797 (Records of the Sessions).
Porter, Richard ThomaS*-S. of [Captn] and Dorothy Porter;
Sp.-James Latham, Catherine MCDonell; Kingston, Octr. 12.
*This baptism is entered twice-firstly, in its proper
chronological order by Dr. Stuart and, secondly, on an earlier
page by George Okill Stuart, copying from the private register.
The earlier entry prefixes "Captn" to the father's name and
substitutes "his wife" for "Dorothy Porter."
In this same year, 1794, the Surveyor-General was ordered to
locate for Capt. Porter 1200 acres in the Township of
Ameliasburg, if vacant (Q 282, 2, PP 393-4). On the same day,
June 14, he was refused 1 acre square adjoining a point known as
Annesley's Point, in the Town of Kingston, which had hitherto
been reserved for erecting a work of defence (U.C. Land and
State Book A, P 165).
He was a J.P., as appears from the records of the Sessions, and
an officer of the 60 Regt. (Cartwright Letter Book, Shortt
Collection). On July 7, 1791, Mr. Cartwright, acting in the
capacity of agent for the merchants in the trade on the Lake,
wrote to him a letter of protest against an order from
Col. Gordon to prevent any private vessel from sailing from Kingston
except under orders and convoy of one of H.M. armed vessels.
Col. Gordon's message had been carried, apparently, by Capt. Porter
to Capt. David Betton, Senior Naval Officer on Lake Ontario.
On August 7, 1794, he was installed as W.M. of Lodge No.6 A.F. & A.M.
McDonell, Elizabeth-D. of Angus McDonell & Margaret Fox;*
Sp.-Christopher Georgen, Lucretia Morden; do. do.
*The Rector was not uniform in his method of making entries,
not infrequently giving only the maiden name of the wife and
mother. This, apparently, is what he did in this case.
Merrill, Charles-S. of Samuel & Mary Merrill; Sp.-Peter Grass,
Lucretia Morden; [Octr] 19th.
Durlett, Mary-D. of William & Mary Durlett; Sp.-William* &
Elvira Norfolk; do., do.
*William Norfolk, whose surname appears at times as Norfork, was
accepted as a member of Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. in 1794 (History
of Freemasonry in Canada).
Wilson, Mathew Salsbury-S. of George & Mary Wilson; Sp.-Luke Tully
& Margt. Miniker; do., do.
Wortman, Elizabeth-D. of Peter & Eve Wortman (Wartman);
Sp.-William & Hannah Good; do. Novr. 9th.
Burley, Emmerson-S. of Emmerson & Aimable Burley*; Sp.-James &
Jane Robinson; do. Decr. 7th.
*At the Sessions held at Kingston on April 23, 1811, Amable Burley
was a complainant against Edward Walker on the ground of
his keeping a disorderly house and allowing Minor Children to
play cards and tipple therein, but the magistrates acquitted the accused.
Georgen, James-S. of Christopher & Phoebe Georgen; Sp.-Cornelius Peck
& Lucretia Morden; do. [Decr.] 14th.
1795.-27 Baptisms.
Ballond, Jude-S. of Jeanson Ballond & Elizabeth do.; Sp.-John &
Jane Henderson; do. Jany 11th.
Spinks, Mary-D. of James & Elizabeth Spinks; Sp.-Thomas & Ann Giles,
Hannah Arkland; [Jany 11th].
Grooms, Hannah, D's. & S. of Elijah & Rebecca Grooms;
Richard, Zepponiah, Sp.-Terrence Dunn, Rebecca Perkins;
Margaret, do.
Here have been inserted by George Okill Stuart "Marriages in 1818,"
being Nos. 319-323 of his own Register.
Winterbottom, Pamela-D. of Samuel & Sarah Winterbottom; Sp.-John Mortimer,
Alex. Wortman (Wartman), Ann Bailey; St. George's, Kingston, Jany. 18.
Coteur, Mary-D. of Steph(e)n Coteur & Mary Coteur; Sp.-Chareles (Sic) Marand,
Eliz La Mothe; do. Jany. [18].
Ranseer, Andrew-S. of William & Elizabeth Ranseer; Sp.-Geo. &
Catharine Galloway; do. do. 25th.
Herkimer, Hanzoost-S. of Nicholas & Charlotte Herkimer (Herchmer);
Sp.-Hanzoost & Mary Herkimer; do. Feb. 1.
Denike, Mary-D. of Andrew & Catharin Denike; Sp.-John O'Brian,
Martha Bird; do. do.
Knight, Mahlon-S. of Mahlon & Rachel Knight; Sp.-Chrisr Georgen,
Peter Wortman (Wartman), Catharine Denike; do. do.
Dawson, Rachel-D. of James & Leah Dawson; Sp.-Allen & Eliza Adkin; do. do.
Buck, Elizabeth-D. of Geo. & Hannah Buck; Sp.-Fredk. Buck, Cath Snook; do. do.
Ferris, Mary-D. of *John & Christina Ferris; Sp.-**Wm. Mackay,
Christina Ainsley (Ansley); do. 15 Feby.
*John Ferris was a Road Master for the years 1794 and 1795.
Records of the Sessions.
**There are somewhat extended references to Lieut. Mackay in the
late Mr. John Ross Robertson's History of Freemasonry in Canada,
at pages 544 and 573. He was installed as S.W. on August 7,
1794, on the establishment of Lodge No. 6 and in 1797 he was
D.G.S. At his funeral, which was held from the Court House, an
oration was delivered by Bro. Patrick. The date of that event as
given by Mr. Robertson differs from that which appears in the
Parish Regisier. In the latter it may be either the 13th or
the 18th of March, 1801 in the History it is the 19th.
Apparently his personal affairs were in some confusion, for
three of the brethren were appointed to look into them. On May
9, 1800, the Hon. R. Cartwright had written to the Hon. R. Hamilton
in regard to the mortgage from Mackay to "our late firm" and,
as a preliminary to putting it into the form of a
legal lien upon the property therein specified, he had requested
Mr. Hamilton to make a formal assignment to himself (Cartwright
Letter Book, Shortt Collection). On May 27, 1794, a petition had
been presented in Council on his behalf for "a Piece of Land
about the usual Size of a Town Lot, situated on the West side of
a Lot lately laid out for the Kingston Brewery, to be bounded on
the North by the said Brewery on the East by a small run of
Water, on the South by the Common, & on the West by the top Bank"
(U.C. Land and State Book A, P. 140).
Evans, John-S. of Thos. & Sarah Evans; Sp.-John Beard, Hanna Rivins; 15 Feby.
Walker, Jane-D. of Edward* & Christina Walker; Sp.-John Stover,
Dorothy Do.; [Feby 15th].
*In 1797 Edward Walker was granted Lot 118 in town. He
appears with, Major Fuller and Mr. Gavin M. Hamilton as one of
the managers of the first Kingston Assembly, advertized in the
Gazette to be held on Tuesday, December 31, 1811.-"Dancing to
commence at 7 O'clock." Walker's Tavern is said to have been the
original of the British American Hotel. See the note on Amable Burley.
Tindal, Robert-S. of Robert and Sarah Tindal; Sp.-David Whiteman
& Elizabeth Do.; do.
Here occurs the entry of three baptisms and of three marriages
in 1818, belonging to George Okill Stuart's Register.
Franklin, Juliette-D. of Joseph & Margaret Franklin; Sp.-Thos. Sparham, Junr.,
Ann Sparham; March 8th.
Henry, Ann-D. of Dominick and Mary Henry; Sp.-Edward and Christy Walker;
do. April 12.
Pirkiss, Ann-D. of William & Rebecca Pirkiss; Sp.-John & Ann Muirhead;
do. do. 19th.
Baptisms, 1795.
Wood, Elizabeth-D. of Samuel Wood, Françoise Wood; Sp.-John &
Isabella Armitage; [April] 26.
Steel, George Thomas-S. of Thomas & Agnes Steel; Sp.-Wm. Burrell,*
Isabella Burch; do. May 10.
*William Burrell was installed as Junior Warden of Lodge No. 6
A.F. & A.M. on August 7, 1794 (History of Freemasonry in Canada).
Henderson, Arthur-S. of John & Jane Henderson; Sp.-Peter Lenois,
Mary Cook; do. do. 24.
Fairfield, Sebarah Ann-D. of Archibald* & Mary Fairfield; Sp.-Dougall Gray,
Sebarah Fairfield, Jane Howland; do. do. June 7th.
*A yeoman from the State of New York, he was allowed his claim
for the West 1/2 of Lot 6, Concession 1 in Ernesttown in 1797
(D. W. Smith Papers, Vol B 10). Mr. Robertson gives in the work so
often quoted a picture of the Fairfield homestead. He possibly
is the man referred to in the Cartwright Lettor Book, Shortt
Collection) in correspondence with the Hon. John McGill,
Commissary-General, and with the firm of J. & A. McGill of Montreal,
in 1799 and 1801. though in the latter year there is also a letter
to Messrs. B. Fairfield & Co., who did business in Ernesttown.
On the 14th of August, 1795, a man of the same name, if not he
himself, petitioned for a water lot at Kingston. This having
been previously granted to Messrs. Seymour & Hunter, merchants,
the petition was referred to the Surveyor-General for report
(U. C. Land and State Book A. P. 305).
Higgins, John-S. of John & Isabel Higgins; Sp.-John Harbet,
Richd. Harford, Ellen Sangster; do. do. [June] 21.
Cannon, Ann-D. of John & Sarah Cannon; Sp.-Joseph Sebara,
Martha Bird; do. July 19.
Ansley, Samuel-S. of Amos & Christine Ansley; Sp.-James Beman,
Christian Ferris; do. Augt. 16.
Grooms, Rebeckah-An adult; W.-T. Pember, Sarah Richardson; do. Sep 13.
Pember, Sarah-D. of Th. Pember, Martha Pember; Sp.- R. MaCaulay
& Sarah Margaret Robins Richardson; [Sep.13].
Good, Mary Ann-D. of William* & Hannah Good; Sp.-Thomas &
Margaret Burnet; Oct. 4th.
*Wil]iam Good was a constable for the town in 1796, his
appointment being recorded in the Minutes of the Sessions on April 14.
Russell, Ann-D. of James & Lucy Russell; Sp.-James & Jane Beeman; Oct. 11th.
Burnett, Hannah-D. of Jno. & Elizabeth Burnett; Sp.-William &
Hannah Good; do. do.
Hervey, Edward-S. of Alexander & Charlotte Hervey; Sp.-John Walter,
Jas. McCulloch, Ann Spindler; Novr. 8th.
Goreham, William Henry-S. of Jonathan* & Sophia Goreham;
Sp.-Willm. Coffin & Henry Lamoine; Novr. 15.
*Jonathan Gorham joined Lodge No. 6 in 1795 (History of Freemasonry
in Canada). The name is spelled variously Goram, Gorham, Goreham.
Henry, Susanna-D. of Valentine & Mary Henry; Sp.-Mattw Mitchell,
Catha[ri]ne McLelland; do.
Arkland, Charles-S. of De[de]rick and Ann Arkland; Sp.-Bemsley Paton,
Margaret McGrath; Decr 13th.
1793.-38 Baptisms.
Merril[l], Mary-D. of Samuel & Mary Merril; Sp.-Thos Plummer,
Mary Oniel, Alida Robins; Jany 10th.
Crysler, Levina-D. of Frederick & Paphia (or, possibly, Sophia) Crysler;
Sp.-George Sawyer, Levina Howe; Jany 17th.
Sibly, Joseph-S. of Gilbert & Sarah Sibly; Sp.-John Mozier, Robt Brown,
Eliz Brown; 31st Jany.
Grant, James-S. of John* & Frances Grant; Sp.-Robt MaCaulay,
Jonathan Goram, Sarah Wilkins; Feby. 14th.
*To identify John Grant has been very difficult, even though
the name appears on the plan of the town and of the township.
Some men of the same name who were granted land in the immediate
vicinity of Kingston had been officers in tbe 114th (Royal
Highland Emigrants) Regt.
A John Grant claimed in 1797 Lots 19 and 20 on the East side of
the Grand River Cataraqui, which were decided to be in
Pittsburgh (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, PP 167 and 222).
In all probability, the John Grant mentioned in this baptismal
entry appears rather frequently in Mr. Cartwright's Letter Book
(Shortt Collection). From the letters written to him Messrs.
J. & A. McGill. and Messrs. McTavish, Frobisher & Co., it appears
he was in the trading and shipping business at least in the
years 1797 to 1801. In the letter of August 12, 1799,
Mr. Cartwright refuses to let him have flour at $3 1/2 when he can get
$4 for it; and he complains of the way in which the stoves had
been sent. In July, 1801, Grant is to deliver to the McGills 30
bbls of flour "in Town without having any Thing to demand of you
for them." Frequently it would appear as though such consignments
were delivered only at Lachine or, at farthest, at the
"Water Gate," Montreal.
McKay, Flora-D. of Daniel & Sarak (Sic) McKay; Sp.-Alexr & Jane McDonell;
Feby 28th.
Stoughton, James-S. of William & Ann Stoughton; Sp.-John Bailey,
Ann Bailey; March 20th.
Here appear 3 Roblins entries for 1786, 1789, and 1792, which see
Russell, Jennet-D. of James & Lucy Russell; Sp.-Michael & Margt. Grass; Apr 3.
Stagg, George-S. of Parker & Jane Stagg; Sp.-Thomas Steel, Ann Spenloe;
[April] 10th.
Burley, Lydia-D. of Emmerson & Aimable Burley; Sp.-Francis &
Mary Wykoff (or Wykott); 17th [April].
Burley, William-S. of Emmerson & Aimable Burley; Sp.-Henry &
Elizabeth Cassady; 17th [April].
MacDonnel, Flora-D. of Alexander & Jennet McDonel; Sp.-James &
Jane Beeman, & Mary Cook; 24th [April].
Cartwright, Mary*-D. of Richard & Magdalene Cartwright;
Sp.-George Forsyth,** Mary MacLean; do.
*On the family monument in St. Paul's Churchyard she is given
the additional name of Magdalen. She was born on the 26th of
February. On the 17th of February, 1814, she married at
Kingston, Commander A. T. Dobbs, grandfather of the venerable
Archdeacon Dobbs. She died January 4, 1839.
**He was a merchant, first of all in Newark (Niagara), and,
later, in York (Toronto). He was granted 1200 acres on August
14, 1795 (D. W. Smith Papers) Vol. B. 11, 100), and a Town lot
in Newark (Ibid B. 5, 35). His name appears in B. 13 as paying
and making drafts for and on members of the Surveyor-General's
staff. Apparently he was a brother of Joseph Forsyth.
Brass, William-S. of David & Mary Magdalene Brass; Sp.-William Atkinson,
Mary Atkinson; May 8.
McClelland, Anne-D. of Archd. McClelland, Catharine Do.; Sp.John Hughes,
Ann Hughes; 24 July.
Smith, David John-S. of Peter & Ann Smith; Sp.-John Cumming,
Margaret Cook; 21st Augt.
Alberson, Rebekah-D. of William & Elizabeth Alberson; Sp.-Wm. &
El. Alberson, Cathn Tenyke; 28 Augt.
McCaulay (Macaulay), Robert*-S. of Robert & Ann McCaulay (Macaulay);
Sp.-James Latham, Duncan Cameron, Ann McCaulay (Macaulay); 18th Sepr.
*He became a barrister and died February 7, 1823.
Howel, William-S. of John & Mary Ann Howel; Sp.-John Thorn (or Thom),
Elizabeth Shennet; 9th Octr.
Lundy, Mary Ann-D. of John & Susanna Lundy; Sp.-Edward Walker &
Mary Oneil; 16th [Octr].
Wortman, John-S. of Peter & Eva Wortman (Wartman); Sp.-Saml. Ainsley (Ansley);
Hannah Graham; 23rd [Octr.].
Wykoff, Richard-S. of Francis Wykoff (or Wykott), Mary Do.;
Sp.-Thos. Plummer, Lucretia Do.; Novr. 27.
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Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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