Parish Register of Kingston Upper Canada
Return to PART 1
1797-27 Baptisms for six months.
Baker, Joseph-S. of William & Elizeth. Baker; Sp.-Joseph Forsighth (sic),
John Ferguson, Magline Ferguson; Jany. 22.
D'Nighe, Mary-D. of Andrew & Catharine D'Nighe (Denike?);
Sp.-Saml Ansley; Elizth M'Calpine; Jany 22.
Rochleau, Charlotte-D. of François Rochleau* & Lisette Do.;
Sp.-Louis Meville, Lisette Branamoul; Feby 5.
*Francis Zavier Rochleau claimed in 1797 Lot 98 in Kingston
(D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B. 10, P 184). According to the church
accounts, he had the contract for the stone wall around the
Church yard and the burying ground in 1800 and 1808-9. In the first
mentioned year he received four several payments on account between
June 16 and December 10, £6, £8, £1, 7, 1, and £2, 10. The second of these
has after it "Alm Money." On April 6, 1801, the account seems to
have been closed by the payment of £15, 11, 8. Two days before
is the entry "By 99 Toises dry Wall round the Burying Ground @
11/8, £57, 15." On September 5, 1808, he was paid £14, 0, 11 3/4;
on June 23, 1809, £24, 9, 3 3/4 and at a later date in the
same year £14, 1, 6 1/2,; and on January 6, 1810, "the balce for
148 2/3 Toises Stone wall around the Burying Ground £7, 2, 2 1/2."
In the Records of the Sessions for April 28, 1803, his
tender for a stone wall about the Court House was accepted by
the magistrates at the rate of 22/6, 2/5 of an acre to be
enclosed. The wall was to be two feet thick, three feet below
the surface of the ground, and ten feet above. He served as a
constable in 1802.
Everett, Mary, Jenny, Sarah Ann-D's. of John Everett & Mercy Everet(t);
Sp.-Wm. & Mary Atkinson; 12th Feby.
Evans, John James-S. of Andrew & Elizabeth Evans; Sp.-James &
Sarah Richardson, & Thomas Cook; do.
McLaughlin, Mary-D. and S. of John McLaughlin,**
Do. William-Elizabeth Do.; W. James Rankin, Mary Wilkins;
26th do.; Adults.
*John McLaughlin, "Son and Heir to John McLaughlin," claimed in
1797 Lot 14 East side of the Grand River Cataraqui, "now Pittsburgh,"
together with a Lot 1, Concession 2, Pittshurgh, and Lot 6, Concession 6,
Kingston (D. W. Smith Papers Vol B 10, PP 168 and 217).
Cassady, Elizabeth-D. of Henry* & Elizabeth Cassady
(Cassidy?); Sp.-James Rankin, Margaret Johnson, Mary Wilkins; do.
*In 1801 the Claims Board allowed Henry Cassidy, of the Town of
Kingston, Blacksmith, Lot 95, Kingston, originally drawn by
Richard Campbell (D. W, Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, P 809). Ellerbeck had
purchased under Campbell, the original nominee (Ibid P. 321).
Cassidy is mentioned in the Church accounts as receiving 17/6 on
April 24, 1800, for making Stove pipes. On December 23, 1792, it
was only "the Blacksmith" who received 7/6 for making the pip
(Sic) for the Church Stove.
Franklin, Elizabeth-D. of Joseph & Margaret Franklin; Sp.-David
& Mary Magdalen Brass; 12th, March.
Faries, John-S. of John & Charlotte Faries; Sp.-Joseph & Ann Forsyth,
Alexr Atkin (Aitken?); 19th do.
McLean, John Jenkins-S. of Hector McLean,* & ?? McLean;
Sp.-Dr. James Latham, Hector & ?? McLean; May 8th.
*In a List of Reduced Officers of Provincial Corps entitled to
additional Grants of the waste Lands of the Crown under His
Excellency Lord Dorchester's Orders in Council of the 22nd of
October, 1788, and of the 21st of July, 1790, to put them on a
footing with Officers of equal Rank of the late 84th Regt.
stands second Hector McLean's name. He had already received 1200
acres and was entitled, according to the entry, to 800 more
(Quebec Land Book for Upper Canada, P 300). This was confirmed
on August 15, 1791 (Ibid, PP 303-4).
On the continuation of the Land Boards to June 1, 1793, Hector McLean
was by Order in Council of June 28, 1791, a member of that of
Mecklenburg (Ibid, P 286). He was subsequently a member of the
one for the County of Frontenac (U.C. Land and State Book, A, P 40).
McMullan, Mary-D. of Neil McMullan, Eliz McMuIlan; Sp.-Dr. James Latham;
Hector & ?? McLean; do. 11th.
Loyd, Catharine-D. of John & Mary Loyd; Sp.-Do., James Latham,
Hector & ?? McLean; do.
Walker, Joseph-S. of Edward & Christiana Walker; Sp.-Robert Walker,*
Peter Lenier, Jane Bell; July 2d.
*Robert Walker was one of the proprietors of Walker's Tavern,
which was known latterly as The British American Hotel. In the
Kingston qazette of June 9 1812, appeared an account of a King's
Birthday dinner which was held there. "And the day was spent in
those effusions of loyalty which our situation and the numerous
benefits which have been conferred upon us by his Majesty's
government, naturally inspire."
Bailley, Elizabeth-D. of John Bailley, Ann Bailley; Sp.-Wm. Stoughton,
Ann Stoughton; [July] 9th.
Good, Elizabeth-D. of William & Hannah Good;* Sp.-Jno. Darley,
Elizh. Burnett, Barbara McDougall; [July] 16th.
*Hannah Goode of the Town of Kingston claimed Lot No. 9. in 1801
(D. W. Smith Papers, Vol B 10, P 304). The Lot was allowed to
Hanah Darly, she having married John Darly (Ibid, P 321). Darley
himself claimed, in 1797, lands in Loughborough, Pittsburgh, and
the East side of the Grand River Cataraqui, said to be
Pittsburgh. The lots in Loughborough he had bought from
Charles Holmes and Christian Fanfan, who had left the Province
(Ibid, PP 167, 168, 177, 217, 221, 222).
Elizabeth and Mary Ann Goode were allowed Lot 13, Concession 1,
Loughborough, which had been drawn by William Goode and
Alexander Morton (ibid, P 305).
Spencer, William Taylor-S. of Hazleton Spencer,* Margaret Spencer;
S.-Nathani[e]l Taylor, Wm. Coffin, Ann Smith; Augt. 27th.
*On the 20th of October, 1792, His Excellency John Graves Simcoe,
Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, appointed Major Hazelton Spencer
a member of the new Land Board for the Counties of Lenox,
Addington, Hastings, and Prince Edward, his fellow members being
Peter Van Alstine, Alexander Fisher. Archibald McDonell, and
Joshua Booth (U.C. Land and State Book A, P. 41).
He was a member of the Commons' House of Assembly in the first
Parliament of Upper Canada, 1792-1796, representing Lenox,
Hastings, and Northumberland (W. Wilfred Campbell's List, P 170).
He was also a J.P., a Colonel of Militia, and Lieutenant
of the County of Lenox. His fellow magistrates were lenient with
him on January 28, 1808, when he was tried by them, for they
fined him only a penny, at their Sessions held at Adolphustown.
In 1798 and 1799 he sat with the Chief Justice, the
Hon. Richard Cartwright, Messrs. Joshua Booth, Alexander Fisher,
William Atkinson, and Archibald McDonell on the Land Claims Board of the
Midland District. Before this Board some of his own claims were
prosecuted (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B 10, PP 167 and 218).
They were apparently based upon purchases in Fredericksburg.
The one vendor wasa5 soldier and had left the Province the other
had not been a permanent settler.
On July 8, 1795, he had been granted 600 acres in the Township
of Flamborough, in the Midland District, adjoining lands
belonging to Owen Richards, in the 2nd Concession East of the
East Lake in the said Township (Ibid. Vol II, P 55). Two years
previously (on July 23, 1793) he had been granted 1000 acres on
La Tranche highway, in a Township behind Burlington Bay (Q 282, I, P 345).
As early as November 24, 1784, he had signed the petition for
the repeal of the Quebec Act, "late Lient 2nd Bn. K. R. Regt., New York"
being appended to the signature. On December 14 of the
same year he petitioned, with Oliver Church and John Dusenbury,
also former officers, for leave to go to the United States to
settle their affairs (Q 24, I, PP 1-16 and 262).
Hesse, John-S. of John & Margaret Hesse; Sp.-John Stover,
Jennet McDonell; 17th Sepr.
Baker, Margaret Harriet-D. of John & Mary Baker; Sp.-Maurice Brisson,
Margaret Do.; do.
Bartell, William John, Peter-S's of Justus & Hannah Bartell;
Sp.-John Darley, Peter Grass, Barbara McDougall; do.
Beyman, William-S. of James & Jane Beyman (Beman or Bayman);
Sp.-John & Xtiana Gray; 17th Decr.
Ferris, Jenny-D. of John & Christian Ferris; 24th Decr.
McLean, Ca[t]harine Magdalen-D. of Allan & Harriet McLean;
Sp.-Richd. Cartwright, Magdalen Do.; Catharine Grant; do.
Burnet[t], Catharine-D. of John* & Elizabeth Burnet[t];
Sp.-John Grass, Phoebe Rankin; 31 Decr.
*John Burnett, when applying in 1801 for Lot 9, Concession 2,
Township of Kingston, was described as "of the Township of Kingston."
The Lot, drawn originally by George Galloway, was adjudged to
Thomas Burnett, of Kingston, yeoman, under a family
arrangement (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol B 10, PP 308 and 321).
1798-32 Baptisms for Six Months.
Grant, Jane-D. of John & Frances Grant; Sp.-Wm. & Lisette McDonell; 14th Jany.
Milton, Ann Johnson-D. of John & Jane Milton; Sp.-John & Helena Ferguson;
14th Jany.
Paxton, James-S. of Thomas* & Jane Paxton; Sp.-Hugh Earl,**
Jno. Frederick Dame; Angelike Fortier; 21st [Jany.].
*This was Capt Thomas Paxton, Master of the Government ship
Speedy, which foundered on the night of October 7-8, 1804, with
the loss of all on board, off Presqu'isle, when conveying
Mr. Justice Cochrane, Mr. Solicitor-General Gray, and some twenty
other persons from York to Newcastle for the Assizes of the
Newcastle District (Col. John Clark: Recollections; and
Dr. Canniff: Settlement of Upper Canada, PP 151-2).
"She had reached her (destination) so near, the evening previous
to her disappearance, as to be seen in the offing but a few
miles distant. A gale springing up suddenly from the North,
which continued through the night and the next day, she was
driven off and, like the ill fated Ontario, was never seen or
heard of afterward. - - - - The widow of Capt Paxton was left
with a large dependent family at Kingston. - - - - The widow
drew a small pension of $100 per annum during her life, which
continued till within a few years since. She died at Sandwich
while residing with her son Henry, who is since deceased."
(Bishop Richardson: Reminiscences.)
Further accounts of the wreck of the Speedy can be read in
Canon Scadding's Toronto of Old, PP 291-2 and 528-9, and
State Papers, Upper Canada Q. 299, P. 172.
Capt Paxton's name appeared for Lot 102 on the Old Plan of
Newark ou May 11, 1795 (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol B, P 37). In
1797 he was "Recommended for a back Lot in the Town of York,
to be appropriated for 12 months on condition of improving
within that time." U. C. Land Book C., p 60. Some of his
lands seem to have passed into the hands of Mr. Thomas Ridout
and ultimately into those of the first Rector of York,
the Revd. Thomas Raddish, M.A. (Oxon).
Mrs. Paxton was the daughter of Michael Lavetré, "an old
Servant of the King," who served His Majesty faithfully
"In quality of Master Carpenter on Lake Ontario".
For that reason she was, on October 3, 1796, ordered 200 acres, with
other 200 to enable her to educate her four children (Q 285, P 255).
**Lieut Earl was in the Provincial Marine. On March 31, 1797,
he was granted 1200 acres of land, including former grants
(U. C. Land Book B, P 290). Earl St. appears to have been so called
because of him. See also the note on Mrs. Mary Brand.
Forsyth, William Alexander-S. of Joseph & Ann Forsyth;
Sp.-Alexander Aitken, Magdalen Cartwright; 28 [Jany.].
Ackland, Charlotte Cook-D. of Derick and Ann Ackland;
Sp.-Peter Renier, Charlotte Peters; Feby. 11th.
Dawson, Jane-D of James Dawson, Leah Dawson; Sp.-William Ashley,
Jane Taylor; March 18th.
Smith, Margaret Frederica-D. of Peter and Ann Smith;
Sp.-John Cameron, Frederica Ferguson; [March] 25th.
Stoughton, Mary-D. of William & Ann Stoughton; Sp.-Saml. Merrill,
Jane Beeman; April 1st.
Cassady, Henry-S. of Henry & Elizabeth Cassady (Cassidy);
Sp.-John Culberson, Mary McLaughlan (McLaughlin),
John Kerby (Kirby); [April] 15th.
Ashley, Thomas-S. of William & Margaret Ashley; Sp.-Richd. Horning,
Mary Buck; Apl. 29.
Sheeler, Mary-D. of John & Mary Sheeler; Sp.-John* & Dorothy Stover; do.
*John Stauber, whose surname is variously spelled Stauver,
Stover, Stouber, Stober, joined Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. in
1798. On March 10, 1805, according to Mr. J. Ross Robertson, but
on March 6, according to the Parish Register, Bro. Stauber was
buried, with Masonic honours. On July 4 of the same year there
is mention of Mrs. Stauber in connection with the presentation
of "a pair of elegant candlesticks" (History of Freemasonry in Canada).
Peters, Charles Jeffries*-Bapd at the Same Time, 29th.
*Apparently, though not certainly, this was an adult. A man of
the same came was admitted as a Barrister by the Law Society of
Upper Canada on June 4. 1798 (Roll of the Law Society). On
October 8, 1796, he was ordered 1200 acres of land, presumably
on the strength of his being a Barrister, and a Town Lot in
Kingston (Q 285, P 283, and U. C. Land Book B. P. 168). In 1797
he claimed Lot 8, Concession 3, and Lot 16, Concession 6,
Township of Kingston, Lot II., Concession 6, Township 8, Sidney,
and Lots 128, 129, 132, and 133 in the Town of Kingston
(D. W. Smith Papers, Vol B. 10 P 171).
Merril(l), Sarah-D. of Samuel & Mary Merril(l) ; Sp.-James Robinson,
Lucretia Plummer; 20th May.
Anderson, William-S. of Alexander* & Elizabeth Anderson;
Sp.-John & Hannah Darley; do.
*In 1797 Alexander Anderson claimed the East 1/2 of Lot 15,
Concession 1, Township of Kingston (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol B. 10, P 178).
Gates, Joseph-S. of Abel* & Mary Gates; Sp.-William Baker,**
William McDonnell, Elizabeth Peters;*** July 1st.
*The History of Freemasonry in Canada notes that Abel Gates
joined Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. in 1794.
**William Baker made very early application for lands in York,
his Petition being read in Council on June 15, 1793. The note
upon it reads "To stand over till arrangements are completed"
(Q 282, I, P 309).
***Elizabeth Peters was apparently the wife of Charles J. Peters.
A woman of that name was said by Mr. Secretary Small, in writing
to Mr. Surveyor-General Smith on April 30, 1801, to have removed
to St. John, N.B., with her husband. (D. W. Smith Papers,
Vol. A 7, P 199.) Mr. Secretary Jarvis' wife was a Misa Peters
before her marriage, and so was Mrs. Buell of Brockville.
Mrs. Jarvis had a brother in Newark and, later apparently,
in York, who is mentioned in the records of the Executive Council,
W. Birdseye Peters.
Rosbeck, Nicholas-S. of Peter & Margaret Rosbeck; Sp.-Neil &
Elizabeth McMullan; July 15th.
Bissonette, Joseph-S. of Lewis & Jane Bissonette; Sp.-Stephen Bissonette,
Mary Loyd; July 22
McKay, Donald-S. of Daniel & Sarak (sic) McKay; Sp.-Edward Gahagan,
James Valleron, Agnes Taylor; [July] 29th.
Brayley, John Edward-S. of Willm & Elizabeth Brayley; Sp.-John Laughton,
Jno Cameron, Eliz Brayley; [July] 29th.
Sillick, Charles Edward-S, of Charles* and Elizabeth Silleck;
Sp.-John Darley, John Grewer, Hannah Darley; Augt 5th.
*In Mr. Cartwright'a Letter Book (Shortt Collection), this
name occurs at least three times in 1797 and 1798 as that of the
Captain of the ship Betaey. There it is spelled Seleck and Selleck.
Badgley, Mary-D. of Matthias & Rachel Badgley; Sp.-William &
Mary Atkinson; [Augt] 12th.
Pourrier, Maria Josepha-D. of Antoine Pourrier, Mary Pourrier;
Sp.-Joseph Potts, Mary Do.; [Aug 12th].
Lomier, Christy-D. of François Lomier, Maria Lomier;
Sp.-Christy Shockansy, Joseph Tibout; [Augt] 19th.
Robinson, Esther*-.D of Christan (?) Robinson, Esther Robinson;
Sp.-Thomas & Catharine Markland; [Sepr 23?]
Robinson, Benjamin William*-S. of Christan (?) Robinson, Esther
Robinson; Sp.-Robert MaCauley (MaCaulay), Ann Macaulay; Sepr 23.
*These are evidently the two youngest children of Christopher Robinson,
some time Ensign in the Queen's Rangers (First American Regiment),
commanded by Lt-Col John Graves Simeoe, who later became the
first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada. As such, he applied
for military lands on October 17, 1792. (U. C. Land and State Book A, P 30),
alleging that he had received only 55 acres as yet
(Q 282, I, P 261). On September 2, 1791, he was granted 600
acres in Ameliasburgh "near the Carrying Place," and 1200 acres
for his wife and four children on August 14, 1795. In 1795 and 1796
there are entries of Town Lots for him in York (U. C. Land Books B,
P 140, and C. PP 64 and 89; also Q 282 I, P 352 and Q 285, P 25).
Mr. Robinson was horn in 1763 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia,
the son of William Robinson, and he was educated at William and
Mary College. After the Revolutionary War he went to New Brunswick,
where he married, in 1784, Esther, daughter of the
Revd. John Sayer. In 1788, being on half-pay, he removed to
Lower Canada, where several of his children were born, among
them John Beverley, the future Chief Justice and Baronet, who
was brought up in part by Dr. Stuart. From 1792 to 1798
Mr. Robinson Ilved in Kingston, acting as Deputy Ranger of H.M.
Woods and Forests in Upper Canada and also practisiog Law. He
was a Bencher of the Law Society and he represented Lenox and
Addington in the Second Parliament of Upper Canada. In October,
1798, he removed to York, where he died three weeks later, on
November 2, leaving six children in all.
Mrs. Robinson married Mr. Beman on September 5, 1802. He, Dr. Stuart,
and Mr. Strachan seem to have all been anxious to play
the part of father to John Beverley. (Major-General C. W. Robinson, C.B.:
Life of Sir John Beverley, Robinson, Bart., PP 4-22).
Esther Robinson, whose baptism is here recorded, died unmarried
in 1811 Op. cit, P 449.
Benjamin William is called by his nephew (Op cit) William Benjamin.
His birth took place on December 22, 1197. He represented Simcoe in
the House of Assembly for twenty-five years and held the offices
of Inspector-General and Executive Councillor. From 1846 to 1847 he
was Chief Commissioner for Public Works; in 1850 Commissioner for
making a treaty with the Indians on the north shores of Lakes Huron
and Superior; and a Commissioner of the Canada Company. He married
Eliza Anne, daughter of Col William Jarvis, the earliest Secretary of the
Province; and he died at Toronto, without offspring, in 1873.
Campbell, Elizabeth-D. of Hugh & Mary Campbell; Sp.-Angus McIntosh,
Sarah Chaddick; 21st, Octr.
1799-91 Baptisms to Sept. 7.
Ansley, Elizabeth-D. of Amos & Christian Ansley; Sp.-Isaac Knight,
Catharine Denike; 3d. Feby.
Burley, John-S. of Emmerson Burley, Anna Burley; Sp.-Louis Meville,
Louisa Bradamore; 12 March.
Cartwright, Thomas Robinson*-S. of Richd Cartwright, Magdalen Cartwright;
Sp.-Robert Macaulay, Ann Macaulay; do.
*The family monument in St. Paul's Church Yard gives the name
correctly. Thomas Robison Cartwright, and records the date of
his birth as January 13, 1799. He died, without offspring, on
June 2, 1826, having married on January 29, 1821, according to
George Okill Stuart's Register Anne Fisher of Adolphustown. On
his father's death, in 1815, he and his twin brothers were
left under the guardianship of the Revd. Dr. Strachan, by whom
the following "Instructions" were given to him on September 11, 1815.
"You will write your Mother often. You must never do anything
that you are convinced your excellent Father would have disapproved.
"You will study French-Take lessons In Dancing & Horsemanship
when opportunity serves. You will always bear in mind that you
are to spend your Life in Canada, where it is expected that you
will support the reputation of Your Family.
"You will likewise remember that you return to apply yourself to
Business, which is necessary as well to give you a proper place
in Society as to supply the means of living comfortably, to
which your private inheritance is not adequate.
"I say nothing about writing to me-in this & many other things
your heart will direct you-Your Father's most intimate Friend
will look Forward with anxiety to your Progress in virtue &
happiness & will rejoice to see You imitating the Honourable
Example of your Beloved Father,"
Writing to Capt, Dobbs on May 2 following, he says, according to
the notes of a letter which have been preserved: "Thomas to
learn riding, dancing, & fencing-do not wish him to study much-a
taste for reading necessary in this country." Strachan: Letter Book I.
Emmens, John Bartley-S. of Eli Emmens, Eliz. Emmens; Sp.-Jno. Burnet,
Eliz. Emmen[s] ; 22d [March].
Launoy, Nancy-D. of John & Susan Launoy; Sp.-George & Sarah Barnes;
31 [March].
Taylor, Eiza-D. of Nathaniel Taylor, Eliza Taylor; Sp.-John Taylor,
Eleanor Wilkinson, Ann McDonnel; 5th May.
Baker, Charles-S. of William Baker, Elizabeth Baker;
Sp.-Charles J. Peters, Elizabeth J. Peters; 5th May.
Peters, Eliza-D. of Charles J. Peters, Elizabeth Peters;
Sp.-Charles J. Peters, Elizabeth Baker; 5th May.
Darley, Ann-D. of John & Hanna(h) Darley; Sp.-John Stauver,
Ann Bailey, Francis (Frances?) Grant; 12th May.
Two pages of the Register, Nos. 19 and 20, are lacking here.
1800-38 Baptisms "since his last."
Grant, Hannah-D. of John & Frances Grant; Sp.-John Bayley,
Ann Bayley; Jany 12th.
Hesse, Jonathan-S. of John & Margaret Hesse; Sp.-Jonathan Sawyer,*
Mary Sawyer; Jan 19th.
*Possibly this is the same name as Jonathan Sayers, given in the
History of Freemasonry in Canada. Sayers joined Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M.
in 1799.
Beasley, Agnes-D. of Thos Beasley, Eliza Taylor; Sp.-Donal an(d)
Sarah McKay; Jan 19th?
Arkland, John Murdoch-S. of Dedrich & Ann Arkland;
Sp.-John Walker, Margaret Gerard Jan 19th?
Pearson, William-S. of Silas & Elizabeth Pearson;
Sp.-Theophilus* Samson, Peter & Mary Grass; Feby 9th.
*Capt. Theophilus Samson (or Sampson) had been an officer in
the Navy. Like other officers, he took to sailing vessels on the
Lake, being in command of the Simcoe in both 1801 and 1807. In
the former year Mr. Cartwright tells of her being damaged on her
upward trip, some goods having been carried on the deck and in
the cabin because of a promise of half charges on these goods.
For this overloading Mr. Forsyth had given his consent,
according to a letter written to the Hon Robert Hamilton on
July 31 (Shortt Collection). In Diary of my Dinners, Mr. Frobisher
tells of travelling on the Simcoe with Capt. Sampson on June 13, 1807.
On June 10, 1797, the Captain had been entered for a lot
on the south side of King St., York, at the point where the
modern Yonge St intersects it (D. W. Smith Papers). He had
become a member of Lodge No. 6 in 1794 (History of Freemasonry
in Canada).
Murnay, Henry James-S. of Henry James Murnay [Murney],*
Christina Shockensy; Sp.-James & Sarah Bennett; do.
*Capt. Murney, whose name has been perpetuated in the Murney Tower
and in Murney Point (formerly Grass's Point), is described
in his application for 1200 acres of land and a Town Lot in
Kingston on July 3, 1795, as "Master of the Merchant vessel."
He received 200 acres; and, according to Bishop Richardson's
Reminiscences, he purchased the Point from Capt Grass.
(U.C. Land and State Book A, P 242). According to Col John Clark's
Memoirs, he married a Miss "Smith" of Kingston. The note on the
Smyth family shews who she was. The same gentleman is authority
for the statement that the Hon. Edward Murney, M.P.P., was a son
of the Captain. About 1800 or 1801 the latter built, in the
County of Prince Edward, "a Schooner of Red Cedar. which vessel
was named the Prince Edevard. - - - - In the year 1812, this
Schooner was in good condition and was employed as a Government
Armed Vessel on Lake Ontario." - - -"He was a noble Captain of a
Staunch good Ship." As early as December 1, 1801, he is mentioned by
Mr. Cartwright as Master of the Prince Edward when the former was writing
to Messrs. John and James McGreggor (Letter Book, Shortt Collection).
Everett, Mercy-D. of John & Mercy Everett; Sp.-James and Lucy Russel(l); do.
Frymout, John Adams-S. of John Adam(s) & Esther Frymout;
Sp.-Donald & Sarah McKay; do.
Butcher, Margaret Elizabeth-D. of Thos. & Charlotte Butcher;
Sp.-John Kary, & Margaret Sanderson; do.
Gates, John-S. of Abraham & Mary Gates; Sp.-John Grant &
Elizabeth Baker; do.
Grass, Margaret-D. of John & Catharine Grass; Sp.-Michael &
Margaret Grass; [Feby.] 23rd.
Wykott, Thomas-S. of Francis & Mary Wykott; Sp.-Thos. Cook & Rachel Badgley;
March 23.
Wykott, James-S. of Francis & Mary Wykott; Sp.-Emanuel & Sarah Ellerbeck; do.
Spencer, Margaret-D. of Hazleton & Margaret Spencer; Sp.-Peter & Ann Smith; do.
Bayley, Grace-D. of John Bayley & ?? ;Sp.-the same, John Grant &
Frances Grant; 22d April.
Milton, Elizabeth-D. of John & Jane Milton; Sp.-Laughlin McIntosh,
Mary Ann Milton; 22d, April.
Patrick, Mary-D. of Augustine Patrick, Margaret Patrick;
Sp.-Mary Vools; 12th May.
Walker, Robert-S. of Edward Walker, Christie Walker; Sp.-James Murray,
Ann Stoughton, [12th May?].
Smith, Jennet-D. of Peter Smith, Ann Smith; Sp.-Hazelton Spencer,
Margaret Spencer; June 29th.
Davis, William-S.of Richard & Susan Davis; Sp.-Thos. & Bridget Ockford;
July 6th.
Brayly, Elizabeth-D. of William & Elizabeth Brayly;
Sp.-Charels (sic) McDonald, Gertrude Fricker; July 6th.
Bush, Mary-D. of Frederick* & Phebe (sic) Bush; Sp.-Thomas Plummer,
Margaret Hoogh; July 13th.
*Frederick Bush joined Lodge No.6 A.F. & A.M. in 1800 (History
of Freemasonry in Canada). He was a constable for the town in 1809.
Fleming, Anna Maria-D. of David & Mary Fleming; Sp.-John* & Mary McGill;
7th Septr.
*This in all probability was the Hon. John McGill (1752-1834),
who had served under Major-General Simcoe in the Queen's Rangers
and who, after a few years spent in New Brunswick, had followed
him to Upper Canada on his appointment to the Lieutenant-Governorship
of the Province. On July 10, 1793, Mr. McGill, like other officers,
was granted 1000 acres of his military lands on the Burlington-La Tranche
highway, the original Dundas St (U.C. Land and State Book A. P 124).
On July 27, 1795, to make up the remainder of what he was entitled
to, he applied for land on the west side of "Young" St, in the
Township of Whitby, or Darlington, "or any other Township on the
north side of Lake Ontario" (Ibid P 276). On July 5, 1796, he
was granted half of a Front Block in York; and on October 4 in
the same year Mrs. McGill received 1200 acres of land in the
same way as Mrs. Alexander Grant, Mrs. AEneas Shaw, Mrs. D. W. Smith,
Mrs. John Small, and Mrs. William Jarvis (Ibid, P 276, and
Land Book B, PP 18, 19, 32).
Just before the Lieutenant-Governor returned to England on
leave of absence, in 1796, Mr. McGill was summoned to the
Executive Council of the Province and a year later to the
Legislative Council. Still later he was made Inspector-General
of Accounts. On his arrival in the Province he had been
appointed Commissary of Stores, with headquarters at Newark; and
as such he had correspondence with the Hon Richard Cartwright,
who had contracts for army supplies. From Newark Mr. McGill,
with the other Government officials, removed to York after
Parliament began to meet there, in 1797. The ground surrounding
the Metropolitan Church in Toronto was a part of his park lot.
Fleming, Thomas-S. of David & Mary Fleming; Sp.-Thomas Sparham &
Frederica Ferguson; [7th Septr.].
Cuming, Mary-D. of John & Mary Cuming [Cumming?]; Sp.-*Robert Richardson,
Helen McDonell; [7th Septr.]
*Robert Richardson is probably identical with the doctor of
that name, whose son William was baptized on February 8, 1801. A
Robert Richardson was ordered a Town Lot in Newark on October 8,
1796 (Q 285, P 269). Another, apparently of the next generation,
was recommended to Col (afterwards General) AEneas Shaw by the
Hon Richard Cartwright for an Ensign's commission on July 25, 1810,
and was described as "a very steady & deserving young man."
(Cartwright Letter Book, Shortt Collection.)
Jackson, William-S. of John Jackson,* Rachel Jackson; Sp.-John Gruer,**
Wm. Graham, Mary Gibbon; 19th Ocr.
*John L. Jackson joined Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. in 1811
(History of Freemasonry in Canada).
**John Grewer was probably the same as John "Gruer," who, in
1797, claimed Half of Lot 8, Concession 12. Township of Camden. In
1799 he was allowed Lot 18, Concession 1, and Lot 25, Concession 1,
Township of Loughborough (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B. 10, PP. 170 and 284).
Bayman, Mary Ann-D. of James Bayman, Jane Bayman; Sp.-Samuel Merril(l),
Mary Merril(l) ; Nov. 2d.
Sillick, Mary-D. of Charles & Elizabeth Sillick; Sp..-John Waters,
Margaret Burnet, Hannah Darley; Novr. 30th.
Grooms, Mary-D. of Elijah Grooms & Rebecca Grooms; Sp.-Anthy Godar,
Mary Godar; 21st Decr.
Grooms, Anthony-S. of Elijah [and] Rebecca Grooms; Sp.-Peter Prato,
Betsy Proctor; do.
Venton, John-S. of John & Mary Ann Venton; Sp.-Fredk & Phebe (sic) Bush;
25th [Decr.].
1801-44 Baptisms for the Year. Letter of October 11.
Cassady, Robert Charles-S. of Henry [and] Elizabeth Cassady [Cassidy];
Sp.-W Stoughton, Jas Robinson; 4 Jany.
Turkois, Mary-D. of Antoine & Marie Turkois;; Sp.-Laurent Buliet (?),
Marie Barbe; 11th [Jany].
Kerr, Mary Charlotte-D. of Robert Kerr, Nelly Woods; Sp.-Francis LaBorde,
Josette Cotway; 25th [Jany].
Ansley, Amos*-S. of Amos Ansley, Christian Ansley; Sp.-Robt Graham,
Catharine Boss; do.
*This entry stands out of place between those of May 10 and May 31.
Richardson, William-S. of Dr. Robert & Magdalene Richardson;
Sp.-Coll Samuel* & Jane Smith, Lieut John McGill; Feby 8th.
*This evidently was the future administrator of the Province (1817-1819
and 1820). He was born at Hempstead, N.Y., on the 27th of December, 1756.
Like Capts Jarvis, McGill, Shaw, Lieut Allan Macnab, and Ensign Robinson,
he had served under Simcoe in the Queen's Rangers. He too had settled
first in New Brunswick and had come to Upper Canada on Simcoe's appointment
as Lieutenant-Governor. On July 23, 1793, he received a military grant
of 1000 acres on the Burlington-La Tranche highway (Dundas St) and later
on a considerable tract in the Township of Etobicoke. He rose to
Colonel's rank and became a member of the Executive Council on
October 14, 1815, at the same time as Dr. Strachan. According to
Dr. Scadding, his town house was in Richmond St, York. He
married, on October 22, 1799, Jane Isabella, daughter of
Dr. Clark, and, therefore, sister to Dr. Gamble's wife. By his wife
he had two sons, James Alexander and Samuel Boies, the latter of
whom is said to have left a legacy, in 1852, to the Church of
the Ascension, Toronto. Mrs. Smith died on the 20th of
September, 1826, and the Colonel one month later, October 20.
His funeral sermon was preached by the Revd. Dr. Phillips,
Principal of the Blue School at York, who in 1829 became
Vice-Principal of Upper Canada College and still later Rector of
Weston. (U. C. Land and State Book A, P. 124; Chadwick:
Ontarian Families; Scadding: Toronto of Old; Dene: Canadian Portraits;
Read: The Lieutenant-Governors of Upper Canada and Ontario, 1792-1899.)
Patrick, Mary-D. of Jermyn Patrick, Sarah Patrick; Sp.-James Murray,
Jane Taylor; [15th Feby].
Patrick, Aldham*-S. of Jermyn Patrick, Sarah Patrick;
Sp.-William Atkinson, John Stauber, Dorothy Stauber; 15th Feby.
*This ought to be Oldham, Patrick. He died at the age of 14
(Letter of George Todd, Esq., of December 29, 1917). His father
joined Lodge No. 6 A.F. and A.M. in 1800.
Cartwright, Stephen Henry*-S. of Richard Cartwright, Magdalen Cartwright;
Sp.-John Strachan, Mary Secord; March 1st.
*Stephen Cartwright was born on January 24, 1801, according to
the family monument in St. Paul's Churchyard, and his death
occurred on the 20th of June, 1814. The latter called forth a
letter of condolence from his godfather, who speaks of him as
"my promising & amiable Godson" (Strachan: Letter Book I).
Stoughton, Jane-D. of William Stoughton, Ann Stoughton;
Sp.-James Bayman, Mary Merril[l] ; 22d [March]
Cumming Isabel-D. of John Cumming, Mary Cumming; Sp.-James Cumming,
Marcella McDonell; May 10.
Herchmer, George-S. of Laurence Herchmer,* Elizabeth Herchmer;
Sp.-Joseph Anderson**, John Kirby***, Jane Anderson; 31 May.
*Lawrence Herchmer was a merchant in Kingston, as his brother
Jacob, who perished on the Speedy, was in York. They, with their
brother Nicholas, a "yeoman," and their Sisters, Catharine (Mrs. Markland)
and Jane (Mrs. Anderson), applied for confirmation to them of
lands in the Township of Kingston, in the eastern addition of
the Township, and On the west side of the Grand River Cataraqui
(D. W. Smith Papers Vol. B PP 183, 299, 301, 302). Mrs. Markland and
Jacob Herchmer, on applying for land as Loyalists, were granted
600 acres each as "the Son and the Daughter of a Captain"
(U. C. Land Book C. P 61). Lawrence was also one of the trustees of
the triangular piece of land marked F, which was granted for
school purposes in 1816 (U. C. Land Book I, P 324).
**Joseph Anderson, who has been already seen in the character of a
Warden for 1790, claimed, in 1797, Lot 3, east side of the Grand
River Cataraqui, which, like other such, was returned as being
in Pittsburgh (D. W. Smith Papers Vol B. 10, PP 178, 183). On
April 25, 1797, he was recommended as a proper person to be a Coroner.
***John Kirby, who has been before noticed in Connection with the
Macaulay family, was recommended for a Town Lot in Kingston on
July 21, 1807 (U. C. Land Book G, PP 378-9).
Sheriff, John-S. of Wm. Sheriff, Margt. Sheriff; Sp.-Stephen Elliot,
Charlte Pendergrass, Jno Culbertson; 18th July.
Molesworth, Mary*-D. of Wm. & Elizabeth Molesworth; Sp.-Lucs Charles Bayley,
Jno Thompson, Eliz Fitzpatrick, Nany McGregor July 26th.
*This entry and the next one are found between those of January
24 and February 28, 1802.
Nash, Hiram-S. of Zenas* & Mary Nash; Sp.-Hiram Kendrick,
Mary Oneil; [July 26th].
*The records of the Sessions for April 25, 1809, state that
John Poncet was appointed by the magistrates to he Clerk of the
Market in place of Zenas Nash; also that every day should be a
market day except Sunday, Christmas Day, and Good Friday. When
Nash took office does not appear. Tke History of Freemasonry
in Canada gives him as joining Lodge No.6 A.F. & A.M. in 1802.
Adems, Ann*-D. of James & Elizabeth Adems; Sp.-Thomas Giles,
Ann Giles; Augt. 2d.
*This and the next entry stand in the Register immediately
after Purkiss, William.
Purkiss, William-S. of William & Rebekah Purkiss; Sp.-Tho. Humphreys,
Isabella Humphreys; do.
Denike, Sarah-D. of Andrew & Catharine Denike; Sp.-Park Allyn,
Christina Ainsley [Ansley]; 6th Sepr.
Burley, Samuel*-S. of Emerson & Aimable Burley; Sp.-Matthias Badgley,
Mary Oneil; 11th Sepr.
*It is a question whether this and the nine entries
following belong to 1801 or to 1802. The position which they
occupy in the Register seems to point to the former, as those
for August and October belong undoubtedly to 1801.
Pearson, Nathaniel-S. of Silas* & Elizabeth Pearson;
Sp.-Capn W. Atkinson, Mary Atkinson, Nathaneel (sic) Lynes; 7th Sepr.
*Silas Pearson is described by Mr. Cartwright in letters of
October 31, 1801, to the McGills of Montreal and Robert Hamilton
of Queenston, as late master carpenter in the King's yard. He was
then doing repairs on the Simeoe, furnishing labour, plank, timber,
etc., and was finding himself and workmen in provisions. £33O was the
consideration, the owners finding pitch, oakum. iron, and other stores.
"He will probably make Money by the Jobb; but the Owners will also
benefit from its being done in this way. For such a Business
undertaken by Days Work where a Number of People must be
employed in getting Timber, sawing Plank &c. without any Person
acquainted with the Business & interested in seeing that they
did their Duty would soon swell an Account to a much larger Sum"
(Letter Book, Shortt Collection).
Darley, Charlotte-D. of John & Hannah Darley; Sp.-John & Dorothy Stauber;
[27th Sepr.].
Tipper, Mary-D. of John & Gertrude Tipper; Sp.-George Glassup,
Ann Taylor, Hannah Darley; Octr 4th.
Lenoy, Magdalen-D. of John & Susanna Lenoy (Lonoy?); Sp.-Anthony Demill,
Catharine Demill; Oct. 4.
Tipper, Mary-D. of John & Gertrude Tipper; Sp.-George Glassup,
Ann Taylor, Hannah Darley; Octr 4th.*
*This entry occurs twice, being placed, with the Lindsay entry
at the end of 1801.
Lindsey, Thomas & Jane-C. of James & Hannah Lindsay; Sp.-David Scot,
Bryan Gready; do.
Milton, John-S. of Thomas & Mehitabel Milton; Sp.-John Darley,
James Sterling (Stirling?), Mary Ann Milton; Octr 11th.
Ashley, Joseph-S. of William & Margaret Ashley; Sp.-Thomas &
Lucretia Plummer; 25th [Octr].
Merril, Hannah-D. of Saml. & Mary Merril[l]; Sp.-John Beane,
Mary Oneil; 8th Novr.
Franklin, Jane-D. of Joseph & Margaret Franklin; Sp.-John & Mary
McLaughlin; 15th [Novr].
McKay, Zachariah-S. of Donald McKay, Sarah McKay; Thomas Price,
David Taylor, Flora McDonald; 22d [Novr].
1802-78 Baptisms for 12 months to October 28.
Russel, James-S. of James & Lucy Russel(l); Sp.-Thomas Paxton,
James Richardson, Jennette Paxton; Jany 24th.
Stecker, Nathan-S. of Conrad Stecker, & Cornelia Stecker;
Sp.-Frederick Buck, Dorothy Snook; do,
Labord, Mary Margaret-D. of François Labord, Mary Josette Labord;
Sp.-Charles Noelle; Margaret Gerard; Feby 28th.
Smith, Botyie-S. of Samuel & Mary Smith; Sp.-Moses Smith, Hannah Smith; do.
Milton, Sarah-D. of Thomas & Mehitabel Milton; Sp.-John Tipper,
Margaret Anne Milton; do.
Varorden, Abraham-S. of Isaiah & Ann Varorden [Vanorden];*
Sp.-Jno & Elizab(e)th Burnet(t); Feby 7th.
*A Vanorden was a Road Master for the years 1800 and 1801
(Records of the Sessions of the Peace).
Burnett, Elizabeth-D. of Jno & Elizabeth Burnett; Sp.-Isaiah &
Ann Vanorden; do.
Bush, Elizabeth-D. of Frederick & Phoebe Bush; Sp.-Phil Pember &
Wm. Ashley & his wife; [Feby] 21st.
McDonnel[l], Kitty-D. of Angus McDonnel[l], Mary Do.;
Sp.-Jno Hughes, Gertrude Tipper; 28th [Feby].
Cannon, Mariah-D. of James* & Sarah Cannon; Sp.-George & Sarah Barnes
& Mary Adams; Apl 4th.
*On April 23, 1799, James Cannon, "a bound apprentice to
Emmerson Busby, a hatter of the town of Kingston," prayed the
magistrates that he be discharged from his indenture "for want
of sufficient food and that be is employed as a servant and not
at the trade of a hatter." Having proved his charge on the
followipg day, be received the desired order from the Court,
Messrs. Cartwright, Atkinson, Markland, and Thomas appending
their names to the document. (Shortt: Early Records of Ontario, PP 37-8.)
Cumming, Mary Catharine-D. of John & Mary Cumming;
Sp.-Thos & Catharine Markland, Ann McDonnel[l] 11th [Apl].
Smith, Ann*-D. of Peter Smith, Ann Smith; Sp.-James Smith,
Jane Anderson; 13th Apl.
*This entry stands between those of May 9 and May 26 in the Register.
Spencer, Hazleton-S. of Hazleton & Margaret Spencer; Sp.-Lieut Daniel Campbell
& George Ermantinger & Elizabeth Church [Apl] 25th.
McLean, Joseph Allan-S. of Allan & Harriet McLean;
Sp.-Joseph & Alice Forsyth; [May] 9th.
Deacon, Robert-S. of Thomas & Isabella Deacon; Sp.-Nathaniel Lynes
& Thos. Sparham, junr., Elizabeth Walker; [May 9?].
Galloway, Clarissa-D. of George & Catharine Galloway; Sp.-Joseph Valeeri
& Leah Dawson; May 9th.
Everett, Charlotte-D. of John & Mercy Everett; Sp.-Dr. David Fleming,
Mary Fleming; Jane Paxton; 23 May.
Here are entered "Marriages in 1819," Nos. 324 to 328 inclusive,
belonging to George Okill Stuart's Register.
Bayley, George-S. of John & Ann Bayley; Sp.-John Darley, Ann Grant; 25th July.
Wykot, Sarah-D. of Francis Wykot(t), Mary Wykot(t); Sp.-Wm. Stoughton,
Alice Oneil; 8th Augt.
Gerard, Joseph-S. of Joseph B. & Margaret Gerard; Sp.-John Bapt. Gerard,
Jane Humphreys; 7th Novr.
O'Connor, Charles-S. of David 0'Connor, Mary 0'Connor; Sp.-John Thomson,
Robert Walker, Elizabeth Walker; 14th [Novr].
Earl, Mary-D. of Capn Hugh Earl, Ann Earl; Sp..-John Ferguson,
Mary Johnson; 21st [Novr].
Sampson, James Henry-S. of Theophilus Sampson, Mary Sampson;
Sp.-Pat Smith [Smyth?], Pet Grass, Ann Sparham; do.
Beaupré, Sophia-D. of Francis Beaupré, Josette Beaupré;
Sp.-Guiliaume Valade, Patt Cannor; 21 Novr.
McGregor, Mary-D. of Andw McGregor, Ann McGregor; Sp.-Richd Kelly,
Eleanor Molesworth; do.
Glassup, Thomas-S. of George & Ann Glassup; Sp.-James Kain,
Gertrude Tipper; 28th Novr.
Shea, Nancy-D. of Wm. Shea, Cecilia Shea; Sp.-Holt McKenzie,
Rosetta Bouchette; 5th December.
Grady, Thomas-S. of Bryan Grady, Bridget Grady; Sp.-Wm. Coffin,
Ann Rhodes, James Wordley; 19th do.
1803-62 Baptisms "since his last."
Gates, Abel*-S. of Abel Gates, Mary Gates; Sp.-Donald McKay,
Sarah McKay; 27th Feby.
*This entry and the three next following are dated as of 1802,
but their position in the Register, together with the names and
the sequence of the months, seems to indicate that they belong to 1803.
Gates, Jane-D. of Abel Gates., Mary Gates; Sp.-Wm. Kilburne,
Jane Baker; Feby 27th.
Franklin, Charles-S. of Joseph Franklin, Margt Franklin;
Sp.-Wm. McLaughlan (McLaughlin?), Mary Oneil; March 6 do.
Maville, Rachel-D. of Louis Maville, Louisa Maville; Sp.-John Stauber,
Dorothy Stauber; March 6th.
Lonoy, Anna-D. of John Lonoy Susanna Lonoy (Lenoy?); Sp.-Lewis Maville,
Lisette Maville; April 8th.
Fleming, Jane Eliza-D. of David Fleming, Mary Fleming:
Sp.-Luit (Sic) Ormsby Smith, Sarah Robins; do.
Tordevine, Sophia-D. of Peter Tordevine & Elizabeth Do;
Sp.-Richard Jesse Roynon, Mary Cameron; May 1.
Leney, Eleanor-D. of Peter Leney, Eleanor Leney (Lenoy?);
Sp.-Joseph & Mary Valiere; [May] 10th.
Grant, Fanny-D. of John Grant, Frances Grant; Sp.-Donal(d) McKay,
Sarah McKay; 22d [May].
Burley, Joseph-S. of Emmerson Burley, Aimable Burley; Sp.-John Darley,
Anna Darley; 26th June.
Malbeuf, Elizabeth-D. of François Malbeauf, Mary Malbeauf;
Sp.-John Lunois (Lenoy?) & Josette Beaupré; 17th July.
McIntire, John-S. of Loughlin* McIntire, Margaret McIntire;
Sp.-Donald McKay, Sarah McKay; 7th Augt.
*This name is spelled variously Laughlin and Lauchlin. The
owner of it became a member of Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. in 1806.
(History of Freemasonry in Canada).
Walker, Dorothy-D. of Edwd Walker, Christina Walker; Sp.-James Russell,
Dorothy Stauber, Eliz Walker; Augt. 7.
Herkimer, Ann Mary-D. of Laurence (Lawrence) Herkimer (Herchmer),
Eliz Herkimer (Herchmer); Sp.-Jacob Herkimer (Herchmer),
Ann Macaulay; 4th Sepr.
Tipper, John-S. of John Tipper, Gertrude Tipper;; Sp. Wm. Woodworth,
Mary Woodworth; 4th [Sepr].
Bayman, Christian-S(?) of James Bayman (Beman?), Jane Bayman;
Sp.-Edwd Walker, Christiana Walker; 4th do.
Richards, Penelope Ann-D. of William Richards, Harriet Richards;
Sp-Zenas Nash, Mary Nash; Sepr 11th.
Richards, George-S. of Wm Richards, Harriet Richards; Sp.-John Darley,
Hanna Darley; Sepr 11th.
Toby, John-S. of William Toby (or Soby?), Catharine Toby (Soby?);
Sp.-George Emmerson, Rebekah Heny (or Hony?); [Sepr] 18th.
Gamble, Rachel Cruckshank-D. of John Gamble,* Isabella Gamble;
Sp.-John Sinclair, Hannah Gamble, Rachel Cruickshank; [Sepr] 25.
*John Gamble, or, as his name is written in the list of
pewholders for 1803, Gamboll, described himself as a "hospital
mate in the last war." when he was petitioning the Executive
council on August 3, 1795, for the quantity of land "usually
granted to officers of his Rank." The petition was granted. An
interesting entry for him is found in the council Minutes for
October 8, 1796, in connection with an application for the grant
of Lot No. 12 on the east side of the Don (Q 285, P 268). He
had settled in the Province of New York in 1779 and, after the
Revolutionary War, he had removed to New Brunswick. In 1793 he
was at Newark as Surgeon to the Queen's Rangers and subsequently at
York. On the disbanding of the corps, in 1802, he removed to Kingston,
whence the family returned to York in 1820. He was born in 1756,
married in 1784 Isabella Elizabeth Clarke (or Clark), a sister, as
already pointed out, of Mrs. Samuel Smith of York and Etobicoke, and he
died in 1811. Descendants, of his own and other names, are
still living in Toronto and other parts of Canada.
Rachel Cruickshank Gamble became Lady Macaulay, wife of
Sir James Buchanan Maculay. Older sisters of Lady Macaulay were
Isabella Leah, wife of Robert Charles Home, Assistant Surgeon of
the Glengarry Light Infantry; Mary Ann Alleyne, wife of
Col John Sinclair, R.A.; Sarah Hannah Boies, wife of Dr. James Geddes;
Leah Tyrer, wife of Col the Hon William Allan, whose marriage is
recorded in this Register on July 24, 1809; Catharine, who died
unmarried; and Jane Smith, wife of Benjamin Whitney, There were
two younger sisters, Magdalen Catharine (q.v.) and Mary Ann Sinclair,
who died unmarried. Chadwick: Ontarian Families.
Gahan, Margaritte Bouchette-D. of Edwd. Gahan, Mary Gahan;
Sp.-Henry Cassady (Cassidy), Elizabeth Brayley; Octr 16.
Darley, William John-S. of John Darley, Hannah Darley; Sp.-John Burnet(t),
Thos Plummer, Lucretia Plummer; 23d Octr.
Delany, Catharine-D. of Thomas Delany, Hannah Delany; Sp.-John Bean,
Isabella Deacon; 30th [Octr].
Nash, Laura-D. of Zenas Nash, Mary Nash; Sp.-Anson Smith, Maria Vilo; 13th Nov.
Murney, Charles Smith-S. of Henry Murney, Catharine Murney;
Sp.-Peter Smith, Patk Smith [Smyth], Ann Smith [Smyth?] ; 20th [Novr].
Ashley, Lucretia-D. of Wm Ashley, Margt Ashley; Sp.-Robert Plummer,
Lucretia Plummer; 27th [Novr].
Cannon, John William-S. of James Cannon, Sarah Cannon;
Sp.-Thomas Pember, Wm Harrison, Mary Melburn [Milburn?] ; Decr. 11th.
Collins, Wm Alexander-S. of John Collins, Eliza Collins;
Sp.-John Darley, Eliz Walker; do 11.
Wade, Edward-S. of Francis Wade, Margt Wade; Sp.-Thomas Cole,
John Tipper, Ann Cole; do. 18.
Paxton, Henry-S. of Thos Paxton, Jane Paxton; Sp.-Thos. Sparham,
Catharine Grass; do 18.
Reynolds, Lewis James-S. of James Reynolds, Mary Reynolds;
Sp.-Bernard Dubois, Catharine Cheneu; 25th Decr.
1804-52 Baptisms "since his last."
Bush, Hannah-D. of Frederick Bush, Ph(o)ebe Bush; Sp.-James Cannon,
Sarah Cannon; Jany 1.
Smith, Elizabeth-D. of Samuel Smith, Mary Smith; Sp.-Adam Buck,
Margaret Huffman; Jany 1 do.
Reynolds, Laurence-S. of James Reynolds, Mary Reynolds;
Sp.-Laurence Boulsch; Mary Cluseman; 8th do.
Ross, Eleanor-D. of Wm Ross, Sarah Ross; Sp.-John A. Blow,
Ann Blow; Ann McNabb; do. 29th.
Valiere, Ann Josette-D. of Joseph Valiere, Mary Valiere; Sp.-John Gun,
Jane Humphreys; do.
Burnet(t), Mary-D. of John & Elizabeth Burnet(t);
Sp.-Christopher Fornyea, Mary Fornyea; 5th Feby.
Burnet(t), Martha-D. of Do., Do.; Sp.-John Darley, Catharine Millar; do.
Lonier, Anthony-S. of Charles Lonier, Susanna Lonier;
Sp.-Anthony Demill,* Catharine Demill; do.
*Anthony Demill served as a constable for the town of Kingston in 1801.
Gallow[a]y, James.-S. of George Gallow[a]y, Catharine Gallow[a]y;
Sp.-Mattw Howe, Margt Gallow[a]y; 5 Feby.
Forsyth, James Bell-S. of Joseph Forsyth, Alice Forsyth;
Sp.-James Robins, William Robins, Sarah Robins; 12th [Feby].
Gates, William-S. of Abel Gates, Mary Gates; Sp.-John Bayley,
Mary Gates; 19th [Feby].
Kilburn, William Henry-S. of Wm. Kilburn,* Margt Kilburn;
Sp.-David Taylor, Mary Gates; do.
*One Kilburne, whose baptismal name is not given, is said to
have joined Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. in 1804.
Robinson, Richd Cartwright-S. of Richd Robinson (Robison),*
Mary Robinson (Robison); Sp.-Richd Cartwright Senr,
Magdalene Cartwright; March 11th.:
*ln the record of the marriage of Thomas Robinson and Mary Secord,
which bears date February 17, 1803, the name is spelled Robison.
This spelling is found in the name of Thomas Robison Cartwright.
Not only was Mr. Robison Mrs. Cartwright's brother-in-law, but
also Mr. Cartwright's man of business.
Labord, John Baptiste-S. of Francis Labord,* Mary Labord;
Sp.-John B Gerard, Mary Cotour; do.
*A Variant Laborde is found in the Register.
McKay, Flora-D. of Donald McKay, Sarah McKay; Sp.-John Grant,
Frances Grant; [March] 18th.
Kelly, Margaret-D. of Barnet Kelly, Margaret Kelly; Sp.-Francis Wade,
Mary Wade, Gertrude Tipper; Apl 29th.
Cumming, Jennet Jane-D. of John Cumming, Mary Cumming; Sp.-Angus McDonnell,
James Cumming; Jane Stuart; [May 6th]..
Robins, Lewis James-S. of Willm Robins, Mary Robins; Sp.-Wm Crawford,*
J Forsyth, Cath Grant; May 6th.
*Wil1iam Crawford was a member of the Grand Jury in 1784
(Records of the Sessions of the Peace). In the Upper Canada
Gazette of July 10, 1794, he appears as Major of the Lenox
Militia (Q 280, I, P 246).
Gerard, John-S. of Joseph Gerard, Margaret Gerard; Sp.-Comdr John Steel,
Angelica Fortier; [May] 20th.
Beaupré,* Edward-S. of François Baupré,*, Josette Beaupré;
Sp.-Francis Gauvrié, Aimable** Burley; 10th June.
*In writing to Messrs. James & Andrew McGill on February 2, 1802,
Mr. Cartwright said, "I have given Beaupré his Bottle of Rum; but he
prefers receiving his Money at Montreal" (Letter Book, Shortt Collection).
**In other places in the Register this name is spelled Amable.
Baker, John-S. of Henry Baker, Elizetta Baker; Sp.-Anthony Demille,*
Catharine Demille; July 1st.
*This name appears on this page and elsewhere as Demill.
Walker, Elizabeth-D. of Edward Walker, Christiana Walker;
Sp.-Robert Walker, Elizabeth Walker; July 1st.
Wilson, Wm. Henry-S. of Wm. Wilson, Sarah Wilson; Sp.-Abram Grenny,
Zachariah McDonell; 22d do.
Fusman, Elizabeth-D. of John Fusman, Mary Fusman; Sp.-George Smith,
Margt Gerard; 29th do.
Elliot, Elizabeth-D. of Francis Elliot, Margt Elliot; Sp.-Barnet McInnis,
Hannah Homes, Bridget Lightfoot; 29th July.
McInt[i]re, Donald-S. of Laughlin McIntire, Margt. McIntire;
Sp.-David Taylor, William Ross, Sarah Ross; 5th Augt.
Cook, Margaret Ann-D. of Thomas Cook, Alice Cook; Sp.-Thos Cook, Senr,
Mary Cook; 2 Sepr.
Smith, Ann-D. of Peter Smith, Ann Smith; Sp.-Joseph Anderson,
Jane Anderson; 30th [Sepr].
Badgley, Josep(sic)-S. of Matthias Badgley, Rachel Badgley;
Sp.-Thomas Plummet, Lucretia Plummet; [30th Sept].
Badgley, Alice-D. of Do Do ; Sp.-Samuel Merril(l), Ann Stoughton,
Ruth Brown; [30th Sepr].
Burley, Mary-D. of Emmerson Burley, Aimable Burley; Thos Plummet,
Lucretia Plummet; Octr 14th.
Alkland, David-S. of Dederick Alkland, Anna Alkland; Sp.-David Taylor,
Elizabeth Proudfoot; Octr 14th.
Jones, William-S. of Henry Jones, Margaret Jones; Sp.-John Ward,
Stephen Malaly, Sarah Malaly; [Octr] 28th.
Says, Anthony-S. of John Says,* Elizabeth Says; Sp.-Anthony Demill,
Catharine Demill; Novr 4.
*Variants of this name are Siz and Size. John Say, joined
Lodge No. 6. A.F. & A.M. in 1799 (History of Freemasonry in Canada).
Cartwright, John Solomon*-S. of Richard Cartwright, Magdalen Cartwright;
Sp.-Joseph Forsyth, Alice Forsyth; do.
Cartwright, Robert David*-S. of Richard Cartwright, Magdalen Cartwright;
Sp.-Richd Robinson (Robison) for Thomas Robinson (Robison),
Mary Robinson (Robison) for Elizabeth Robinson (Robison); do.
*These were twin sons of the Hon. Richard Cartwright. Like
their elder brother Thomas Robison, they were wards of Dr. Strachan.
Their birth occurred on the 17th of September, 1804;
and only through them the family name was continued.
John Solomon married on January 11, 1830, Sarah Hayter Macaulay,
who was born March 3, 1809, and died August 24, 1866. They had
issue Richard, James Strachan (late of Osgoode Hall),
John Robison (late Deputy Attorney-General for Ontario),
Elizabeth Rachel, who died in infancy, Anne Macaulay (Mrs. Van Straubenzie),
Mary Magdalen (the late Mrs. John D'Arcy Cayley, of Toronto),
and Sarah Stuart (the late Mrs. Thomas Bedford Jones, of Brockville).
Those names are to be found in connection with the recent war and
with the work of the Church and of education of the present day.
(Chadwick: Ontarian Families.)
John Solomon was educated at Oxford and was called to the
English Bar, with a view, apparently, of practising in the Old
Country if by any chance Canada should become a part of the
United States of America. He is said not to have believed in
responsible government and to have refused cabinet office
accordingly. He sat in Parliament for Lennox and Addington from
1836 to 1841 and he became a judge, having been called to the Bar
of Upper Canada on April 27, 1837. (Family tradition and
Herrington: History of Lennox and Addington.)
The Revd. Robert David Cartwright was also educated at Oxford
and from 1831 to 1843 he was Assistant Minister of St. George's,
Kingston. From time to time he rescued from oblivion baptismal
and other entries made by Archdeacon George Okill Stuart, after
the manner of his father, in private notebooks, He is said to
have been unremitting in his labours during the visitation of
the cholera in 1832-4. He was also a chaplain to the Forces.
(Chadwick: Op. Cit; Starr: Old St. George's.)
He married Harriet, daughter of Conway Edward Dobbs, of Dublin,
Ireland, who died in 1887. They had issue Conway Richard, who
died in infancy, (Sir) Richard John, Minister of Finance in the
Mackenzie administration and Minister of Trade and Commerce in
Sir Wilfrid Laurier's cabinet; Conway Edward, Clerk in Holy
Orders and late Chaplain to the Penitentiary; Robert Dobbs, who
died without issue.
The Revd. Conway Edward Cartwright published a selection of his
grandfather's letters together with Dr. Strachan's eulogy taken
from the Funeral Sermon already referred to. The Letter Book
from which Mr. Cartwright made his extracts is in the library
of Queen's University, Kingston.
A plan of a part of Montreal, preserved in the Public Archives
of Canada shews plots laid Out in building lots by Sir Dominick Daly
and John Solomon Cartwright. The latter of these points to
the holding of land by the Hon Richard Cartwright in that city
as well as in York and Kingson.
Samson, Mary Margaret-D. of Theophilus Samson (Sampson),
Mary Samson (Sampson); Sp.-Richd. Robinson (Robison?),
Mary Robinson (Robison?); do.
Adems, Mary Ann-D. of James Adems, Elizabeth Adems; Sp.-John Austin,
Rebekah Austin; Decemr 9th.
McDonald, James Hacket-S. of Donald McDonald, Mary Hacket McDonald
Sp.-Francis Rochleau, Thomas Dayton, Mary Lewis Rochleau; [Dec] 23d.
Kilburn, Catharine McLean-D. of Wm. Kilburn; Margaret Kilburn;
Sp.-Zenas Nash, Elizabeth Walker; Jan 6.
Kilburn, Lydia Livingston-D. of Do; Sp.-John Darley, Eliz Walker; [Jan 6].
Woodworth, Ann-D. of William, Mary Woodworth; Sp.-John Ward,
Margaret Jones, Jane Lettyn; 10th Feby.
Smith, Miraba-D. of Thomas Smith, Hannah Smith; Sp.-James Grooms,
Phoebe Shank; Feby 17th.
Cassady, Sarah Ann-D. of Henry Cassady (Cassidy), Elizabeth Cassady (Cassidy);
Sp.-James Richardson; Margt Franklin; do.
Tindall, Hannah-D. of Robert Tindall, Sarah Tindall; Sp.-Robert Tindall,
Sarah Tindal(l); March 20th.
Turner, John Arthur-S. of Richd Turner, Margt Turner; Sp.-David Paris,
Jane Milton; 14th April.
Hess, Frederick Joseph-S. of John Hess,* Margaret Hess;
Sp.-Joseph Riandeau, Pho(o)ebe Ridely; do. 28.
*Compare the spelling in the entry of the Bouche children.
Davidson, Jemima-D. of James Davidson, Mary Davidson; Sp.-Joseph Forsyth,
Angelica Foster (Fortier ?), Cathanne Grant; May 12th.
Grant, John Forsyth-S. of Peter Grant,* Mary Grant; Sp.-John Grant, Senr,
Joseph Forsyth, Esqr, Rosamond Smyth; May 19th do.
*Mr. Cartwright, for Hamilton and Cartwright, who had sold
flour for him to the Commissary-General, complains to him about
the quality of it in a letter of April 4, 1786 (Letter Book,
Shortt Collection).
Magra, Sarah-D. of James Magra, Helen Magra; Sp.-Nathanl Weeks,
Mary Brosey; May 26th do.
Glassup, Hariet-D. of George Glassup, Ann Glassup; Sp.-John Grant, Junr,
Mary Grant; June 2th.
Nuckle, John Conrad-S. of Thomas Nuckle, Catharine Nuckle;
Sp.-John Conrad, John Holland, Elizabeth Nuckle; do do.
Rood, Hannah-D. of Harvey Rood, Catharine Rood; Sp.-John Darley,
Hannah Darley; 16th June.
Bouche, Mary Margaret, Harriet-Ch. of Peter Bouche, Mary Catharine Bouche;
Sp.-Avré Messier, Mary Margt Hesse; 23d [June].
Rogers, Elizabeth Alice-D. of Moses Rogers, Mary Rogers;
Sp.-Thos Cook, Alice Cook; 30th [June].
Monk, George-S. of Lewis Monk (Mouk?), Mary Monk (Mouk?);
Sp.-Thos Markland, Catharine Markland; 30th [June].
Smith, Jane Isabella-D. of Coll Samuel Smith, Isabella Smith;
Sp.-John Gamble, Isabella Gamble; Leah Gamble; 21st July.
Davis, James Samuel-S. of Richd Davis, Susan Davis; Sp.-James Russel(l),
Mary Pember; 21st July.
Melbeth, Paul Edward-S. of Francis Melbeth, Mary Melbeth;
Sp.-Oliver Thibidoe, John Young, Elizabeth Thibidoe,* 21st July.
*Compare the spelling in the entry of Robert Grenny.
Ryder, Mary Magdalen-D. of Samuel Ryder, Elizabeth Ryder;
Sp.-David Brass, Magdalen Brass; 28th [July].
Bush, John William-S. of Frederick Bush, Ph[o]ebe Bush;
Sp.-John Siz, Elizabeth Siz; Augt 4th.
Grant, Peter-S. of John Grant, Frances Grant; Sp.-Thomas Deacon,
Jane Murray; 11th [Augt]..
Grenny, Robert-S. of Abraham Grenny, Mary Grenny; Sp.-James Cumming,
Oliver Tippideau, Angelica Fortier; do.
Ashley, Henry Frederick-S. of William Ashley, Margaret Ashley;
Sp.-Frederick Bush, Ph[o]ebe Bush; 10 Sepr.
Reef (?), Archibald-S. of Archibald Reef (Rees?), Martha Reef (Rees?);
Sp.-John Ward, Sarah Ward, Sarah Malany; do.
Richards, Caroline Amelia-D. of William Richards, Harriet Richards;
Sp.-William Stanton, Nancy Hunter; do.
Darley, Mary, Ann, Elizabeth-Ch. of John Darley, Hannah Darley;
Sp.-Robert Talbot, Mary Pember, Maria Vilou;* do.
*Vilou is a variant for Vilo and Vilau.
Bayman, Sarah Jane-D. of James Bayman, Jane Bayman;
Sp.-Wm. Stoughton, Sarah Richardson; do.
Keena, William-S. of Richard Keena, Mary Keena;
Sp.-John Grewer, Jane Watts; Sepr 15th.
Mournay, Emily Rosamond-D. of Henry Mournay (Murney);
Catharine Mournay (Murney); Sp.-Samuel Hatt,* Eliza Smith; Oct 20th.
*Hatt is a name belonging to the "Head of the Lake" (Hamilton).
It appears in Miss Jane Stuart's correspondence.
Smith Sally*-D. of Samuel Smith, Mary Smith; Sp.-John Siz, Elizabeth Siz; do.
*Sarah Smith, presumably the same, married on the 5th of November, 1828,
Donald Bethune, M.P.P., Barrister, the Revd. A. N. Bethune, subsequently
Bishop of Toronto, officiating (Archdeacon George Okill Stuart's
Marriage Register, entry No.709).
Stoughton, Samuel & Alexander-Ch. of Wm. Stoughton, Ann Stoughton;
Sp.-Matthias Badgley, Rachel Badgley, James Robinson,
for Alexander Do, Maria Vilau; do.
Valliere, Angelica-D. of Joseph Valliere, Mary Valliere;
Sp.-James Betson, Sarah Betson; Novr 3d.
Tosdevine,* William Andrew Ladley-S. of Peter Tosdevine,
Elizabeth Tosdevine; Sp.-William Shaw, Hannah Bennett; [Novr] 15th.
*Tosdevine appears also as Tordevine.
Cumming, Hellen Stuart-D. of John Cumming, Mary Cumming;
Sp.-Peter Smith, Esqr, Ann Smith, Mary Stuart; [Novr] 22d.
Nelson, John-S. of Robert Nelson, Mary Nelson; Sp.-Joseph Chadwick,
John Bryan, Ann Mountain; 22 Decr.
1806-39 Baptisms "in the year."
Robinson, Elizabeth Ann-D. of Richard Robinson (Robison?),
Mary Robinson (Robison?); Sp.-Richard Cartwright, Junr,
Elizabeth Robinson (Robison?), Mary Robinson (Robison?); Jany 12th.
Bailey, Ann-D. of John Bailey, Ann Bailey; Sp.-Frederick Bush,
Phoebe Bush; [Jany] 26.
Deacon, Richard William-S. of Thomas Deacon, Isabel Deacon;
Sp.-Richard Robison, Mary Robison; do.
McGregor, Mary Ann-D. of Andrew McGregor, Ann McGregor;
Sp.-William Wilks, Elizabeth Proudfoot; 2 Feby.
Forsyth, Margaret Jane-D. of Joseph Forsyth, Alice Forsyth;
Sp.-Lieut Patrick Campbell, Mary Robins; 16th do.
Collins, John-S. of John Collins,* Eliza Collins; Sp.-Peter Liney (Lenoy?),
Eleanor Liney (Lenoy?); 9th March.
*This probably was the Deputy Surveyor for the District. He
surveyed a good deal of the land in it and had to do with the
allotment to the settlers. He had an eye to good locations for
himself and was found to have entered his own name for a parcel
applied for, and apparently afterwards granted to, Dr. Stuart.
Possibly Collins' Bay took its name from him.
Cook, Ann-D. of Thomas Cook, Alice Cook; Sp.-William Jarvie;
Margaret Johnson; 16th do.
Merrils, Nancy-D. of Samuel Merrils [Merrill], Ruth Merrills [Merrill];
Sp.-Matthias Badgley, Rachel Badgley; 30th do.
Stuart, Jane Isabella-D. of Charles Stuart,* Mary Stuart;
Sp.-Andrew Stuart, Jane Stuart Senr; 25th April.
*Charles Smart was the fourth son of Dr. Stuart, having been
born in Montreal, March 31, 1782. He died in Kingston and was
buried there on December 26, 1816. He married Mary Rose, "of
Lower Canada," who was buried in Kingston on June 27, 1815.
Besides Jane Isabella they had four other children, only one of
whom appears to have survived. He was Charles, the Registrar of
Kington from 1840 to 1850. (Headstones in the Stuart plot, St.
Paul's Churchyard, Kingston; Archdeacon George Okill Stuart's
Registrar; and Letter of Mr. J. P. Gildersleeve).
Charles Stuart, Sr, like his brothers, was ordered, on September 1, 1797,
400 acres "when of age" (U. C. Land Book C, PP 214-5). On June 2, 1798,
he and John were ordered 600 acres when they should set up
in business for themselves (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. A 6, P 2011,
and U.C. Land Book D, P. 119).
In 1801, as appears from a letter written by Mr. Cartwright to
Messrs. J. and A. McGill, on July 27, in reference to the
purchase of a farm near Oswegatchie, John and Charles had
recently been burned out at that place (Shortt Collection).
Apparently they were then in partnership, though subsequently,
as it would seem, Charles was in business alone at Adolphustown.
According to the record of the Sessions held at that place in
January, 1807, a Charles Stuart was bound in the sum of £50 to
appear at the next Assizes, but on January 26, 1808, there is an
order of the magistrates for the payment of 14/ to Sheriff Stuart.
In the Kingston Gazette of March. 5, 1811, he as Sheriff makes
demand on lessees of Crown and Clergy Reserves for payment of
moneys due. He held the office down to the date of his death.
McKay, Jennet-D. of Donald McKay, Sarah McKay; Sp.-John Bayley,
Ann Bayley; June 1st.
Russel(l), James-S. of James Russel(l), Margaret Russel(l)
Sp.-William Jarvie, Mary Atkinson; 22 do.
Deguise, Mary Harriet-D. of Joseph Deguise, Charlotte Deguise;
Sp.-Bazile De Point, Lucy Debonne; [June] 22d.
Cannon, Sarah Ann-D. of James Cannon, Sarah Cannon; Sp.-John Darley,
Hannah Darley; [June] 30th.
Lonoy, Susanna-D. of John Lonoy [Lenoy], Susanna Lonoy [Lenoy];
Sp.-John Picket, Sarah Cannon; July 13.
McLean, Robert Charles Archibald-S. of Allan McLean, Harriet McLean;
Sp.-Thomas Sparham, Senr, Ann Sparham; do.
McLean, Eliza, Isabella Louisa-Ch. of Allan McLean, Harriet McLean;
Sp.-James Davidson, Mary Davidson; do.
Nash, Mary-D. of Zenas Nash, Mary Nash; Sp.-David Taylor, Mary Pember,
Mary Talbot; [July] 20th.
Herchmer, Joseph Kirby-S. of Laurence Herchmer, Elizabeth Herchmer;
Sp.-Thomas Markland, Catharine Markland; August 17th.
Robins, Redford Crawford-S. of Wm Robins, Mary Robins;
Sp.-Redford Crawford, Alice Forsyth; August 17th.
Cassady, John Francis-S. of Henry Cassady (Cassidy),
Elizabeth Cassady (Cassidy); Sp.-Francis Rochleau, Louisa Maville,
Alexr Stuart; 24th Augt.
Samson, Cumming-S. of Theophilus Samson (Sampson), Mary Samson (Sampson);
Sp.-James Cumming, Harriet Smyth; do.
McIntire, Mary-D. of Lauchlin McIntire, Margaret McIntire;
Sp.-James Russel(l), Junr, Jennet McDonnel(l), Anne Harlowe; 31st [Aug].
Walker, Catharine-D. of Edwd Walker, Lucretia Walker; Sp.-Robert Wise,*
Jennet McDonell, Louisa Meville; 7th Sepr.
*Variations in spelling are abundant on this page, for instance
Wise and Wyse, Meville for Maville, Lewit and Louis. Variants
for L'Point are to be found elsewhere.
Evans, Matilda-D. of David Evans, Nancy Crawford; Sp. Richard Price,
Dinah Schuyler; 14th [Sepr].
Richards, Elizabeth-D. of Wm. Richards, Harriet Richards;
Sp.-Lewis Meville, Louisa Meville; 21st [Sepr].
Wyse, Mary-D. of Robert Wyse, Bridget Wyse; Sp.-Edwd Walker,
Lucretia Walker, Mary Trower; do.
Rogers, Stephen-S. of Moses Rogers, Mary Rogers; Sp.-Thos Cook, Junr,
Margaret Johnson; Octr 19.
Smith, William-S. of Peter Smith, Ann Smith Sp.-Thos. Cook, Senr,
Margaret Cook; Novr 23.
Grant, Margaret Caroline-D. of Peter Grant, Mary Grant Sp.-John Ferguson,
Magdalen Ferguson; do.
Crooks, Mary-D. of John Crooks, Mary Crooks Sp.-John Bone, Bridget Bone; do.
L'Point, Edward-S. of Basil L'Point, Mary L'Point Sp.-Alexander Myadore,
Mary Jolie L'Point 30th Novr.
Tremaire, Elisabeth-D. of Alexander Tremaire, Margaret Tremaire;
Sp.- David Taylor, Jane Humphreys, 21 Decr.
1807-37 Baptisms "since his last."
Sparham, Adolphus-S. of Thos Sparham, junr, Rosamond Sparham;
Sp.-Thos Sparham, senr,* Anna Sparham Jany 4th.
*Thomas Sparham described himself as "a Hospital Mate on the
Staff in Canada during the late war" (the American Rebellion),
in his petition for land which was considered in Council on
July 15, 1795. He had also served, he stated, through the Seven
Years War. He was granted 1500 acres in addition to 500
previously given to him at the reduction on the making of peace
(U. C. Land and State Book A. P 270). In the Quebec Land Book
(Upper Canada) he is referred to, on July 29, 1791, as Barrack
Master as well at Hospital Mate, in a Report on the Minutes of
the Land Board of Mecklenburg. Land being more difficult to
obtain before the division of the Province of Quebec than it
afterwards was, he was declared "not entitled under these Orders
in Council to be placed on a parity with subalterns of the 84th
Regiment"-the Royal Highland Emigrants.
Govion, Sarah Ann-D. of Peter Covion, Barbara Govion:
Sp.-Toussain(t) Létange, Julie Le Point; Feb 22d.
Jones, Elizabeth-D. of Edward Jones, Ann Jones; Sp.-Capn John Steel,
Mary Anderson; 15th March.
Baker, Elizabeth-D. of Henry Baker, Elizabeth Baker
Sp.-James Adams, Rebekah Austin; do.
Adems, Henry-S. of James Adems, Elizabeth Adems; Sp.-Henry Baker,
Elizabeth Baker; do.
Burley, Nancy-D. of Emerson Burley, Emily Burley; Sp.-John Siz,
Elizabeth Siz; 19th April.
Brayley, William Lewis-S. of John Brayley, Margaret Brayley;
Sp.-Edward Walker, Joseph Chadwick, Ann Warburton; 3 May.
Fagan, Wm Henry-S. of Thomas Fagan, Ann Fagan; Sp.-William Brayley,
Harriet Brayley; 14 June.
Smith, Philip Myer-S. of Richard Smith, Maria Smith; Sp.-Zenas Nash,
Mary Nash; 28th June.
Oliver, Sarah & Charies-Ch. of George Oliver, Mary Oliver;
Sp.-John Darley, Catharine Powell; Augt. 2d.
Badgley, James Edward-S. of Matthias Badgley, Rachel Badgley;
Sp.-Wm Stoughton, Maria Vilo; 30th Augt.
Morney, Henry Chambers-S. of Henry Morney (Murney), Catharine Morney (Murney);
Sp.-Peter LaTouche Chambers, Ann Chambers, John Kirby, Sepr 6th.
[see this link for further information on Peter Latouche Chambers]
Ashley, Adam-S. of Wm Ashley, Margaret Ashley; Sp.-Thos Pember,
Jennet Murray; [Sepr] 6th.
Hardy, Margaret-D. of Joseph Hardy, Ann Hardy; Sp.-Samuel Jay,
Ann Wilkes; [Sepr] 13.
Grenier, Mary Ann-D. of Abraham Grenier,* Mary Grenier; Sp.-Thos Cook, junr,
Jennet McDonnel(l); do.
*Abraham Grenier appears elsewhere as Abram and as Grenny.
Deacon, Mary Isabella-D. of Thos Deacon, Isabella Deacon;
Sp.-Lieut Henry Halsall, Jane Halsall, Sarah Campbell; Oct 11th.
Flock, Wm Henry-S. of Richard Flock, Mary Flock; Sp.-Bernard Deveaux,
John Greely, Agat(h)e Ryan; Oct 18th.
Smyth, John Stuart*-S. of Patrick Smyth, Ann Smyth; Sp.-Peter Grant,
Ann Stuart; 18th Octr.
*John Stuart Smyth, whose daughter Mrs. Bennett, still living
in Kingston, is the only descendant of Dr. Stuart residing there,
was for many years prior to his death, on April 12, 1885, employed in
H.M. Customs. He is buried in Cataraqui cemetery. He was thrice
married (1) to Caroline Hart, (2) to Sarah Eliza Brown,
(3) to Leah Jenkins, who survived him. By his nrst wife he had three
children-Patrick George, Caroline, and Rosamond; and by his
second wife two sons-James Okill and Charles Edward.
For Patrick Smyth, his father, see the latter's marriage entry.
Lenois, Charles Peter-S. of Peter Lenois (Lenoy), Eleanor Lenois (Lenoy);
Sp.-Baptist Young, Yevry Banimore; 1st Novr.
Darly, Martha Maria-D. of John Darly (Darley), Hannah Darly (Darley);
Sp.-George Douglass, Mary Talbot; 22d [Novr].
Bush, John Henry-S. of Frederick Bush, Phoebe Bush; Sp.-John Darly (Darley),
Hannah Darly (Darley); 22d [Novr].
Stuart, Mary Ross-D. of Charles- Stuart, Mary Stuart;
Sp.-Patrick Smyth, Jane Stuart, Ann Smyth; 28th [Novr].
Mountain, Ann-D. of Matthew Mountain, Ann Mountain;
Sp.-Robert Arraby, Bridget Wyse, Bridget Anderson; Decr 20th.
Mercy, Harriet-D. of John Mercy, Angelica Mercy; Sp.-François Michel;
Margaret Timmel; 27th [Decr].
1808-57 Baptisms "in the course of the year."
Gamble, William*-S. of John Gamble, Isabella Gamble;
Sp.-John Cumming, James Geddes, Mrs. Macaulay; Jany 3.
*There was an elder brother by the name of John William, who was
born in 1798 and died in 1873. william, here recorded, married
Elizabeth Brenchley and died March 20, 1881 (Chadwick: Ontarian
Families Vol. I, P 74). See note on Dr. John Gamble.
Gamble, Catharine Magdalen*-D. of John Gamble, Isabella Gamble;
Sp.-Andrew Stuart, Jane Stuart; Jany 3d.
*Magdalen Catharine Gamble, as Mr. Chadwick calls her, married
Thomas William Birchall (Op Cit).
Kennelly, Margaret Catharine-D. of Dr. David Kennelly,
Margaret Kennelly; Sp.-Majr Robt McKenzie, Ann Smith;
Jane Anderson; Jany 3.
Geddes, Charles*-S. of James Geddes, Sarah Hannah Geddes;
Sp.-John Gamble, Charles Geddes, Leah Gamble; [Jany] 10th.
*Charles Geddes, who lived in Montreal, married Harriet Smith
and had issue two daughters and four sons, one of whom,
Capt J. Gamble Geddes, was at one time A.D.C. to the Lieutenant-Governor
of Ontario. The Captain's wife was, before her marriage,
Miss Mary Jones, a daughter of Edward Jones, of Toronto, and a
granddaughter of the Hon. Mr. Justice Jones (Chadwick: Op Cit).
Patrick, Sarah Ann*-D. of Jermyn Patrick, Sarah Patrick; Sp.-James Robison,
David Short, Jane Robison; Sarah Patrick; [Jan] 10th.
*Sarah Ann Patrick married William Wilson, father of
Col Frederick Wilson, of the Canadian Permanent Militia. She left
a statement in which she says "I have erected a memorial window
to my parents and other members of my family in St. Paul's
churchyard, Kingston." Letter of George Todd, Esq., December 29, 1917.
Before the beginning of the present incumbent's tenure of
the cure of St Paul's one section of the window had been
damaged and replaced by a pane of plain glass. (Letter of the
Reed Canon Fitzgerald, the present rector.)
Of Jermyn Patrick's death there is no mention in the Register,
but Mr. J. Ross Robertson records in The History of Freemasonry
in Canada that Lodge No. 6 assembled on June 23, 1810, to attend
his funeral. He had attained to the dignity of Grand Secretary
of the Grand Lodge.
Smith, Becky-S. of Thomas Smith, Hannah Smith; Sp.-Richard Grooms;
Elizabeth Lonay (Lenoy); [Jany] 17th.
Smith, Mary-D. of Thomas Smith, Hannah Smith; Sp. George Ashley,
Elizabeth Burley; [Jany] 17th.
Shaw, James Peter-S. of Benjamin Shaw, Sarah Shaw;
Sp.-Baptist Young, Louisa Maville; [Jany] 17th.
Freymout, Esther-D. of Adam Freymout, Esther Freymout;
Sp.-N. Lynes, Elizabeth Lynes; do.
Reynolds, Jenny-D. of James Reynolds, Mary Reynolds;
Sp.-François Vincent, Angélique Rousseau; [Jany] 31.
McGregor, Catharine-D. of Andw McGregor, Ann McGregor;
Sp.-John Watson, Saml. Geal, Albray Watson; do.
Hesse, Elizabeth Ann-D of John Hesse, Margt. Hesse;
Sp.-Laurence Bolrice (?), Charlotte Bolrice (?); do.
McLaughlin, Elizabeth-D. of John McLaughlin, Mary McLaughlin;
Sp.-Henry Cassady (Cassidy), Elizabeth Rochleau; do.
Valière, John-S. of Joseph Valière, Mary Valière;
Sp.-Alexr Mayadou (Mayadore?), Rebekah Humphreys; Feby 7th.
Milton, John Laughlin Motte-S. of John Milton, Jennet Milton;
Sp.-Laughlin McIntosh, Gershom Motte, Jane Milton; [Feby 14th].
Samson, Theophilus-S. of Theophilus Samson (Sampson), Mary Samson;
Sp.-Michael Grass, Nathaniel Lynes, Margaret Grass; [Feby] 30th.(sic)
Halsall, Thomas-S. of Lieut. Henry Halsall, Jane Halsall;
Sp.-Major Holt McKenzie, Commodore John Steel, Margaret McKenzie;
March 6th.
Geddes, Eliza Lylyas*-D. of James Geddes, Hannah Geddes;
Sp.-Capn John Sinclair, Isabella Gamble, Marianne Sinclair; [Mar] 13th.
Geddes, Ann Catharine*-D. of James Geddes, Hannah Geddes;
Sp.-Dr. John Boyd, Isabella Gamble, Ann Gamble; [March] 13th.
*Eliza Lylyas Geddes married, June 23, 1827, the Reyd. John Grier, M.A.
(T.C.D.), for many years rector of Belleville. Among their children
are Miss Rose Grier, formerly Principal of the Bishop Strachan School,
Toronto; the Mother Foundress of St John's convent, Toronto, deceased;
Mrs. Charles Mockridge, recently deceased, widow of the late
Revd. Dr. Mockridge; and Mrs. Jellett, widow of the late Judge Jellett.
Ann Catharine Geddes married the Revd. William Macaulay. M.A..
of Picton (q.v.) but left no children. (Chadwick: Ontarian Families)
Merrils, Jeremiah-S. of Samuel Merrils (Merrill), Ruth Merrils;
Sp.-John Size, Elizabeth Size; March 20th.
Rogers, James-S. of Moses Rogers, Mary Rogers; Sp.-Thos Cook, Junr,
Alice Cook; March 20th.
Burnett, John Nelson-S. of John Burnett, Elizabeth Burnett;
Sp.-John Size, Elizabeth Size; March 20th.
Griffin, Abel-S. of Joseph Griffin, Eunice Griffin; Sp.-John Watson,
Orphy Watson; March 27th.
Russell, William Hardy-S. of James Russell, Margaret Russell;
Sp.-Thomas Hardy, Ann Russell; April 10th.
Carrier, Joseph Oliver-S. of Lewis Carrier, Margaret Carrier;
Sp.-Alexr Mayador, Judith La Point; April 10th.
Story, Deidamia-D. of Soloman Story, Mary Story;
Sp.-Wm. Richards, Harriet Richards; April 24th.
Story, Moses-S. of Do; Sp.-Barnard Devaut, Julia Vandemour; April 24th do.
Story, Mary Angelica-D. of Do; Sp.-John Darley, Lucretia Walker,
Margaret Timière; do.
Melbeth, Benjamin-S. of Francis Melbeth, Mary Melbeth; Sp.-John Mussen (?);
Elizabeth Rochleau; do.
Nelson, George-S. of Robert Nelson, Mary Nelson; Sp.-Edward Ambrook,
Lewis Amberest, Mary Crooks; 8th May.
Everett, John-S. of Charles Everett, Sarah Everett; Sp.-Capn John Steel,
Jane Everett; June 12th.
Robison, Martha Smith*-D. of Richard Robison, Mary Robison;
Sp.-Dr. Aston Smith, Martha Smith, Ann Secord; June 12th.
*On October 6. 1825, Martha Smith Robison was married to James G. Chewett,
of York. Archdeacon George Okill Stuart's Register: Entry between Nos. 66
and 67.
Loyd, Jenny-D. of John Loyd, Mary Loyd; Sp.-Fredk Bush, Phebe Bush; 30 May.
Davis, David Frederick-S. of Richd Davis, Susanna Davis; Sp.-Do; June 11th.
Bartlett, William Russell-S. of Smith Bartlett,* Ann Bartlett;
Sp.-George Douglas, Amelia Russell; July 3d.
*Smith Bartlett joined Lodge No. 6 in 1808, according to The
History of Freemasonry in Canada.
Bartlett, John Russell-S. of Do. Do; Sp.-Henry Rattan, Maria Vilow; do.
Bartlett, Smith-S. of Do. Do; Sp.-Benjn Alcott, Harriet Alcott; do.
Size, Ann Maria-D. of John Size, Elizabeth Size;
Sp.-Dusaint (Toussaint) Estage, Juliet Mangou; do.
Grant, Willm Edward-S. of John Grant, Frances Grant; Sp.-John McLaughlin,
Mary McLaughlin; July 3.
Bayman, Eliza-D. of James Bayman, Jane Bayman; Sp.-Frderick Bush;
Phebe Bush; 31 July.
Cooley, Sarah-D. of Joseph Cooley, Mary Ann Cooley; Sp.-John Wilson,
Jane Lawe, Agat(h)e Ryan; 31 July.
Douglass, Ann-D. of George Douglass (Douglas?), Mary Douglass;
Sp.-Robert Talbot, Dorothy Stauber; 28th Augt.
Bailey, John Peter-S. of John Bailey, Ann Bailey; Sp.-Donald McKay,
Sarah McKay; Sepr 11th.
Charbonea, Bernard Dubois-S. of Paul Charbonea, Mary Charbonea;
Sp.-Bernard Dubois, Julia Bradmore; [Sepr] 18.
Wyse, Margaret-D. of Robert Wyse, Bridget Wyse; Sp.-John Baxter,
Isabella Purcell, Christy Walker; [Sepr] 18.
Grant, James Patrick-S. of Peter Grant, Mary Grant;
Sp.-Henry Morney (Murney), Elizabeth Grant; Sepr 18.
Cassady, William Grace-S. of Henry Cassady (Cassidy),
Elizabeth Cassady (Cassidy); Sp.-Oliver Grace, Eliza Rochleau; 9th Oct.
Beury, Philip-S. of John Beury, Elizabeth Beury; Sp.-George Oliver,
Maryann Milton; 9th October.
Beury, Martha-D. of Do; Sp.-Do; 9th October.
Beury, Mary-D. of Do; Sp.-Do; 9th October.
Beury, John-S. of Do; Sp.-Do; 9th October.
Beury, Jane-D. of Do; Sp Do; 9th October.
Beury, Richard-S. of Do; Sp.-Do; 9th October.
Cook, Thomas-S. of Thomas Cook, Alice Cook; Sp.-Thomas Cook, Senr,
Ann Smith; 11th December.
1809-No record given for the year.
Cumming, Ann Elizabeth-D. of John Cumming; Mary Cumming;
Sp.-Donald McDonnel, Isabella Gamble, Elizabeth Grant; 8th Jany.
McLaughlin, John-S. of Wm. McLaughlin, Catharine McLaughlin;
Sp.-John McLaughlin, Henry Cassady [Cassidy], Mary McLaughlin; 15 [Jan].
Jones, Stuart*-S. of Charles Jones, Mary Jones; Sp.-Revd. John Stuart,
Jane Stuart, senr, Charles Stuart; Jany 22d.
*Stuart Jones, from whom there are one or two interesting
letters in Mrs. Evans' collection, appears to have been born on
the 11th of April, 1808. He was called to the Bar of Upper
Canada on November 9, 1832, according to the Rolls of the Law
Society. He seems to have practised In London in partnership
with his (double) cousin John Stuart, son of Mr. Sheriff Stuart,
of Brockville. In 1834, so far as can be learned, he married
Maria, daughter of Dr. Donnelly, R.N., whom he left a widow,
without issue, in 1839. By a second marriage Mrs. Jones became
Mrs. Moss.
LaPoint, Harriet-D. of Basil LaPoint, Mary La Point;
Sp.-Bernard Debois (Dubois?), Juliet Bradimore; [Jany] 29th.
Smith, Mary Ann-D. of Samuel Smith, Mary Smith; Sp.-James Bennet(t),
Mary Bennet(t); [Jany] 29th.
Gamble, Joseph Clarke*-S. of John Gamble, Isabella Gamble;
Sp.-John Whitelaw(?), James Geddes for Joseph Clarke,
Elizabeth Herchmer; 12th Feby.
*Clarke Gamble. Q.C., as he was generally called, was for many
years a well known personage in Toronto. His name commemorates
his maternal grandfather, to whom reference has been already
made. At one time he lived in Holland House, a Boulton residence
in Wellington St W. not far distant from the Queen's Hotel,
which subsequently passed into the possession of the late
Mr. Alexander Manning and which still later became the Reform club.
Another home of clarke Gamble's in Toronto was at 107 Simcoe St,
as shown by several entries of his sons in The Roll of Pupils of
Upper Canada College, 1829 to 1916. Both of his wives were
Boultons, the first having been Mary Sayre, daughter of
D'Arcy Boulton. and the second Harriet Ehza, daughter of the
Hon. H. J. Boulton. Chadwick: Ontarian Families.
Adams, Eleanor-D. of James Adams, Elizabeth Adams:
Sp.-John Grewer, Eleanor Taylor; 19th [Feby].
Wykot, Mary Ann-D. of Francis Wykot(t), Mary Wykot(t);
Sp.-John Darly (Darley), Hannah Darly (Darley), Maria Vilow; Mar 5th.
Wykot, Francis Robert-S. of Do; Sp.-Robert Walker. Elizabeth Walker; Mar 5th.
Grass, Robert E.-S. of Peter Grass, Esther Grass; Sp.-John Everett,
Mercy Everett; do.
Bewell, Sabina, Phoebe, Martha, Timothy, Andrew Norton, Joseph Pickle-
Ch. of William & Martha Bewell (Buell),* at Oswegatchie; March 9th.
*This Buell entry and the four succeeding it were evidently
copied from the first rector's note-book by his son. The former
had gone down to Brockville to baptize his grandson, John Stuart,
and, while there, he had baptized also the children of
the four other families. There being no church at Brockville
(Elizabethtown), the baptisms were performed at Oswegatchie
(Prescott), probably in the Blue church in the township of
Augusta. The original Blue church is supposed to have been built
in or about 1790, according to papers still extant. The
Prescott Journal, November 2, 1916.
William Buell, for such is the proper spelling of the same.
counts as one of the founders of Brockville and the Hon Charles Jones
as the other. They each wanted to call the town by his own
name. Accordingly maps bearing the names Williamstown and
Charlestown respectively were issued in 1811 and 1812. In the
latter year, after General Brock's capture of Detroit, both of
these names gave place to Brockville.
William Buell's earliest American ancestor, also William Buell,
came from the neighbourhood of Chesterton, Huntingdonshire,
England. The founder of Brockville was born in Hebron, Conn., on
the 5th of October, 1711***, the son of Timothy Buell and
Mercy Peters, sister of the Revd, Samuel Peters, D.D., who was
recommended for the proposed bishopric of Upper Canada by
Col John Graves Simcoe before he left England to assume office as
Lieutenant-Governor of the province. Thus Mr. Buell was a first
cousin of Hannah Peters, wife of William Jarvis, the first
Secretary of the province.
[*** This October 5th, 1711 date is incorrect, with the following
information supplied by an interested Peters researcher.
Timothy Buell and Mercy Peters married on January 23, 1750 at Hebron as per
the Barbour Records at the Douglas Library, Hebron, Conn. Timothy was b.
November 20, 1732, son of Timothy Buell and Hannah Bradford and Mercy Peters
was b. March 26, 1730, daughter of John Peters and Mary Marks.]
In a company Order Book of the King's Royal Borderers, in the
possession of Lient-Col W. S. Buell, D.S.O., of Vancouver, from
whom much of the information here set out has been obtained,
William Buell appears as a Lieutenant of that corps in
1781-1782. He was a despatch-bearer and was present at the
surrender of General Burgoyne, becoming a prisoner. Settling in
Upper canada in 1785, he is understood to have built the first
house in Brockville. He became a Lieut-colonel of Militia, as
did his son, his grandson, and his great-grandson in their turn.
He gave sites for the court-house and for the Presbyterian,
Baptist, Methodist, and Roman catholic churches in Brockville.
In the second Parliament of Upper Canada he sat as member for Leeds.
On March 10, 1782, he married at St. John's, P.Q., Martha Norton,
U.E.L., from Farmington, Conn. As his second wife he married
Mrs. Margaret Bernard, by whom he had one daughter,
Mrs. Robert Findlay. He died on the 8th of August, 1832.
By his first wife he had, besides the children mentioned in the
text, one son, William Buell, and one daughter, Charlotte.
Charlotte married the late John McLennan of Montreal and
Lancaster, Ontario.
William Buell, Jr, served in the War of 1812 (Medal) and was
severely wounded at Chrysler's Farm. He sat in the 10th and
11th Parliaments of Upper Canada as member for Leeds and Grenville,
1828 to 1834. He founded the Brockville Recorder and owned it from
1821 to 1840.
William Buell, Jr, married (1) Mary Angelica Shorey,
(2) Mrs. Deborah Catherine Clark, née Beverley. By the former he had
issue Martha Mary, who married Stephen Washburn of Potsdam, N.Y.;
Elisha; and William Oscar, late ot Perth, Ontario, barrister.
By the latter he had Angelica, who married Alexander Stuart,
of Belleville, Ontario; Catherine Thomson, who married
Alexander Mills of New York; Jacob Dockstader, who married
Margaret Senkler, daughter of the Revd E. J. Senkler and
sister of the late Judge Senkler of Perth and the late
Judge Senkler of St. catharines; Josephine Deborah, who
married John Chislett, of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Andrew Norton Buell, second son of William and Martha Buell, was
by profession a lawyer, Treasurer of the United Counties of
Leeds and Grenville, Registrar, Accountant, and Master of the
Court of Chancery, and Clerk of the Crown in the Court of Common
Pleas. He married Calcina ??. Their eldest child, Medora Calcina,
married Alexander Cameron, Q.C., of Toronto, father of
Mr. Alfred Buell Cameron, of Toronto, barrister.
Joseph Peters, which it appears the name ought to be, instead of
Joseph Pickles, married Elizabeth Hewitt. Two of their children
still live in Brockville, Charles H. Buell, retired
manufacturer, and Helen, Mrs. Robert Kinney.
Phoebe Buell, daughter of William and Martha Buell, married
Stephen Richards. Their eldest son became chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of Canada and was knighted. The second, Stephen,
was a barrister, Treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada,
and some time Provincial Secretary and Commissioner of Crown
Lands for the Province of Ontario. A son, Albert Elswood Richards,
was at the time of his death, in 1917, a Justice of
the Manitoba Court of Appeal. His eldest son, Stephen Elswood,
by his wife, Edith Henderson, of Kingston, is a K.C. in Winnipeg.
The third son of Stephen and Phoebe Richards, the Hon. Albert
Norton Richards was at various times M.P.P. for South Leeds, M.P.,
Solicitor-General for Canada West (1863-1864),
Attorney-General for Manitoba, and Lieutenant-Governor of
British Columbia. Emily, a daughter of the Hon. Albert Norton
Richards, married the late Henry J. Morgan, LL.D., author of
Canadian Men and Women. etc. Another daughter, Margaret
Hargrave, married J. H. Senkler, K.C., son of the late Judge
Senkler of St. Catharines, Ontario.
In addition to these three sons, Stephen and Phoebe Richards had
a daughter Sarah, who married J.J. Sippel, one of the engineers
of The Victoria Bridge, Montreal.
Martha Buell, daughter of William and Martha Buell (mentioned in
the text), married Andrew Mair. A daughter of theirs married the
late John McLennan of Montreal and Lancaster, Ontario.
Sabina and Timothy Buell, fifth and seventh children
respectively of William and Martha Buell, died unmarried.
Sherwood, Julia and Maria-Ch of Adiel Sherwood* and Polly Sherwood; March 9th.
*Adiel Sherwood, according to a memorandum signed by J. Small,
Clerk of the Executive Council of Upper Canada, was granted 400
acres of land on June 30, 1797, and was the son of Thomas Sherwood, Esq.,
of Elizabeth Town, a U.E. D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. A 7. P 167).
Three men of the name have distinguished themselves-the late
Justus Sherwood, who had much to do with settling the Loyalists
and is commemorated by a tablet in St. John's Church, Prescott: the late
Mr. Justice Sherwood, of Toronto; and Col Sir Percy Sherwood, of Ottawa.
Stuart, John*-S. of John and Sophia Stuart; Sp.-Revd J Stuart,
Ephraim Jones, Esq; March 10th.
*As already noted, John Stuart practised Law in London. U.C..
with his cousin, Stuart Jones, removing later to Toronto. He was
called to the Bar on February 8, 1832 (Roll of tho Law Society).
He married June 11, 1834, Elizabeth Van Rensellaer, fourth
daughter of Dr. Grant Powell and granddaughter of the
Hon William Dummer Powell, U.E., some time Chief Justice of Upper Canada.
She bore him one son and three daughters (Chadwick: Ontarian Families).
One of the daughters is Mrs. Wyndham, of Okotoks, Alberta, and the
other survivor Mrs. Kingscote, of Bristol, England.
The Hon. Ephraim Jones, M.L.C., known also as Mr. Commissary Jones,
was the ninth son of Col. Elisha Jones (1710-1775), M.L.A., J.P.,
a Loyalist, and a great-grandson of Lewis Jones (1600?-1684),
who migrated from Berkshire, England to Watertown, Mass., in 1620.
Ephraim Jones (b. April 27, 1750. d. January 21, 1812) had lived
in the Mohawk Valley in the province of New York, and had served
in the Seven Years War, apparently, for which he received a pension.
He was one of the earliest settlers in Elizabeth Town and one of
the earliest merchants in Brockville. He was a J.P., a Member of
the Land Board for Grenville and Leeds, of the first Parliament of
Upper Canada (1792-6), representing Grenville, and of the Land Claims'
Board (1800-1). He was twice married, having issue by the first wife
only. His first wife was Charlotte Coursolles ("obiit 28th September, 1803,
Aet. 50"), a daughter of Michel Coursolles (or Coursol?), of Verchères.
His second wife was Margaret S. Beek (or on the tombstone "Beke"),
who died "January 9, 1852, aged 84 years," The most distinguished
of his six sons were the Hon. Charles, who married Mary Stuart, q.v.,
and the Hon. Jonas, who became a Justice and the father, among others,
of Mrs. John McCaul, Mrs. John Strachan, Jr, Mr. Clarkson Jones,
and the Revd. Professor Jones, of Trinity College, all deceased.
Fulford, Abel,* Thankful and Nathanael-Ch. of Jonathan and Nancy Fulford;
at Oswegatchie; 11th March.
*Abel Fulford was the greatgrandfather of Mrs. Arthur C. Hardy,
of Brockville, whose father was the late Senator Fulford.
Thankful Fulford's married name was Muchmore. Letter of
Mr. Arthur C. Hardy, of January 24yh, 1916.
Bottom, Elijah, Molly Theresa, Harriet, Sarah Louisa-Ch. of Lt Botom;* Mar 12th.
*There are several references to Lieut. Bottom in the
History of Freemasonry in Canada, from which it appears that
subsequently to the date of this entry he had become a Captain.
He is given as treasurer of Lodge No. 7 at New Oswegatchie. He
is thus described at page 293: "Capt Elijah Bottom, a large &
portly person, having at his side a formidable basket-hilted
claymore, then addressed them in brief military phrase, and gave
one of the old war slogans." This was at the welcome given to
Col and Mrs Simcoe in 1792. Lt. or Capt. Bottom occupied Lot 27,
Concession I, in the Township of Augusta.
Stoughton, Maria-D. of William Stoughton, Ann Stoughton;
Sp.-Moses Rogers, Ruth Merrill; 19th March.
Franklin, Mary-D. of Joseph Franklin, Margaret Franklin;
Sp.-Nathaniel Lynes, Mary Lynes; 26th [March].
Robison, Ann Lynn-D. of JameS Robison, Jane Robison; Sp.-James Fraser,
Ann Russell, Maria Vilow; April 30th.
Forsyth, Mary Uretta-D. of Joseph Forsyth, Alice Forsyth;
Sp.-Alexr Roxburgh, Eliza Grant; May 7th.
Galloway, Catharine-D. of Henry Galloway, Phoebe Galloway;
Sp.-Wm Clark, Catharine Galloway; [May] 21st.
McIzer, Mary-D. of Thomas McIzer, Angelica McIzer;
Sp-Joseph Cooley, Bridget Wyse; June 4th.
Murney, Richard Frend-S. of Henry Murney, Catharine Murney;
Sp.-Wm Frend, Capn John Cummings (Cumming?); Mary Cumming; 11th June.
Robins, Mitchel-S. of Wm. Robins, Mary Robins; Sp-Wm. Mitchel(l),
James Robins, Mary Cumming; 25th [June].
Rogers, Robert-S. of Moses Rogers, Mary Rogers; Sp.-Alexander Robins;
Margaret Johnson; 9th July.
Suffield, Thomas Joseph-S. of Robert Suffield, Mary Suffield;
Sp.-Joseph Forsyth, Alice Forsyth, Robt Suffield; 16th [July].
Ashley, Margaret-D. of Wm. Ashley, Margaret Ashley; Sp.-Richd Groom,
Elizabeth Loney; 16 [July].
Bennet, Wm Henry-S. of James Bennet(t), Mary Bennet(t);
Sp.-Henry Wiley, Jane Humphrey; 16 [July].
Loney, John, Maria-Ch. of John Loney, Susanna Loney; Sp.-Peter Tordett,
Eleanor Lenay, Alexr Mydore, Lucretia Walker; 23d [July].
Alcot, Eliza-D. of Benjamin Alcot,* (Olcot?) Harriet Alcot;
Sp.-George Douglas, Maria Douglas; 20th Augt.
*A Benjamin Olcort, presumably the same man, considering the
peculiarities of spelling found in the Register, is mentioned by
Mr. Ross Robertson, in History of Freemasonry in Canada, as having joined
Lodge No. 6 in 1803.
Alcot, Leanora-D. of Benjamin Alcot, Harriet Alcot; Sp.-Francis Pember,
Maria Vilow; do.
Alcot, James-S. of Benjamin Alcot, Harriet Alcot; Sp.-Robert Talbot,
Mary Pember; do.
Burley, Robert-S. of Emmerson Burley, Aimable Burley;
Sp.-Bernard DeVoe, Lydia Burley; do.
Geddes, Leah Allen*-D. of Doctor James Geddes, Sarah Hannah Geddes;
Sp.-Wm Allan, Leah Allan; 10th Sepr.
*Leah Allan Geddes, as the name ought to be, married Walter Henry, M.D.,
who became Inspector-General of Hospitals.
There were eight other daughters :-Isabella, born August 24, 1812,
Married Stephen Charles Sewell; Mary Ann, b. May 26, 1816,
M. September 25. 1850, Christopher Armstrong, Judge of the County of Carleton;
Sarah Hannah Boies, b. June 28, 1819; M. July 25, 1839, William Hallowell, M.D.;
Eleanor Felicia Askin, b. November 26, 1820, M. Major-General Charles E. Gold;
Jane Whitney, d. in infancy; Georgina Sinclair, b. August 6, 1823,
M. February, 1852, 3. W. Leaycraft, of Quebec; Caroline Boyd, b. May 18, 1825,
M. September 26, 1848, Lt Col (later General) Gother Mann, R.E.;
Caroline Roberta, who died in infancy.
Clemere, Isabella-D. of Alexander Clemere, Margaret Clemere;
Sp.-John Darley, Isabella Humphreys; 17th [Sepr].
Sheppard, Hannah-D. of Solomon Sheppard, Hannah Sheppard;
Sp.-John Campbell, Esther Smith, Novr 5th.
DeGroot, Orphy-D. of Peter DeGroot, Phoebe DeGroot;
Sp.-Joseph Woolly, Orphy Watson; do.
Asher, Mary-D. of John Asher, Lydia Asher; Sp.-Thomas O Regan,
Elizabeth Myles, Eleanor Jackson; 19th Novr.
Myadore, Alexander-S. of Alexander Myadore, Julia Myadore;
Sp.-Basil La Point, Mary Vallière; do.
Jones, John Grant-S. of Edward Jones, Ann Jones; Sp.-James Robison,
Jane Robison; Decr. 3.
Merril(l), John-S. of Samuel Merril(l), Ruth Merrill; Sp.-John Ferris,
Christina Ferris; [Decr] 10th.
Grooms, Joanna-D. of James Grooms, Elizabeth Grooms;
Sp.-Augustus Burney, Rebekah Grooms; do.
Baker, Anna-D. of Henry Baker, Elizabeth Baker; Sp.-John Millar,
Elizabeth Millar; do.
Buck, Martin-S. of George Buck, Hannah Buck; Sp.-Wm Ashley,
Elizabeth Ashley; [Decr] 17th.
Kennely, Isabella Grant-D. of David Kennely (Kennelly),
Margaret Kennely (Kennelly); Sp.-Capn Richd Frend,
Magdalen Cartwright, Alice Forsyth; 24th Decr.
Earl, Margaret Ann-D. of Hugh Earl, Ann Earl; Sp.-John Ferguson,
Magdalen Ferguson; 24th Decr.
Coley, Robert-S. of Joseph Coley (Cooley ?), Mary Coley (Cooley?);
Sp.-Robt Walker, Elizabeth Walker, William Parks, 24th Decr.
Darley, John Elias-S. of John Darley, Hannah Darley; Sp.-Wm Cotter,
Dorothy Stauber; 24th Decr.
Smith, Maria-D. of Richd Srnith, Mary Smith; Sp.-Benjn Alcot (Olcot),
Harriet Alcot (Olcot); 30th Decr.
Smith, Benjn Walker-S. of Do.; Sp.-Smith Bartlet, Ann. Bartlet,
Anna Atkinson; 30th Decr.
Smith, John-S. of Do; Sp.-John Darley, Hannah Darley, Anna Atkinson; 30th Decr.
1810-Baptisms 69.
Slight, Mary Hellen-D. of Richd Slight, Ann Slight; Sp.-John Paterson,
Mary Fraser, Sarah Simmins; 7th Jany.
Smith, Mary Graham-D. of Peter Smith, Ann Smith; Sp.-James Smith,
Mary Kirby, 14 Jany.
Shaw, Ann-D. of Benjamin Shaw,* Sarah Shaw; Sp.-John Darley, Hannah Darley; do.
*Benjamin Shaw, of Richmond, Cooper, was, on February 21, 1811,
recommended for a Town Lot in Kingston. U.C. Land Book I.
Smith, Elizabeth Ann-D. of Thomas Smith, Hannah Smith; Sp.-John Sager,
Elizabeth Groom; 11th Feby.
Ashley, Rebekah Frances-D. of George Ashley, Margaret Loyd;
Sp.-John Watson, Rebekah Grooms; 18th [Feby].
Bush, Christina-D. of Frederick Bush, Phoebe Bush; Sp.-James Bayman,
Jane Bayman; 25 [Feby].
Stanton, Mary Ann McDonell-D. of Lieut Thomas Stanton, Mary Ann Stanton;
Sp.-William Taylor, Jane Murray, Eliza McDonnell; March 4th.
Samson, George-S. of Theophilus Samson (Sampson), Mary Samson (Sampson);
Sp.-Thomas Graham, Catharine Graham; March 4th.
Greely, Abraham-S. of Abraham Greely (Gruly?), Mary Greely (Gruly?);
Sp.-Laughlin McIntire, Margaret McIntire, Margaret Cameron; March 4th.
Smyth, Kirby*-S. of Patrick Smyth, Ann Smyth; Sp.-John Kirby,
Revd John Stuart, Jane Stuart senr; March 18.
*Kirby Smyth was buried in Kingston on March 10, 1813.
Peters, Eliza-D. of John Peters, Eliza Peters; Sp.-Baker Cassel,
Jane Frazer, Isabel Smith; [Mar] 18th.
Semeno, Mary Ann-D. of Joseph Semeno, Sarah Semeno Sp.-Joseph Jellis,
Margaret Jellis (Jellie?); [March] 25th.
Herkimer, Catharine Markland-D. of Laurence Herkimer (Herchmer),
Elizabeth Herkimer (Herchmer); Sp.-Geo Markland,*
Catharine Markland; May 6.
*This was probably George Herchmer Markland, whose name appears
in an "Alphabetical List of 'young Gentlemen' now (i.e. 26th November, 1827)
living, who have been educated by the Honourable and Right Reverend
(sic) John Strachan, D.D., Archdeacon of York (now Toronto) in Upper Canada,"
given as Appendix no I in the late Mr. Fennings Taylor's
The last three Bishops appointed by the Crown for the Anglican
Church of Canada. In a letter of 1810, written by Dr. Stuart to
Mr Strachan, in Cornwall, and quoted by Bishop Bethune on page 16 of
his Memoir of Bishop Strachan he is described as "a good, indeed an
excellent young man," who wished to study for the ministry. This he did
not do, but he became a member eventually of the Legislative Council of
the Province. He was also a member and secretary of the
Provincial Board of Education, of which, from 1823 to 1832,
Dr. Strachan was Chairman. He had likewise to do with the affairs of
Upper Canada College and of King's College. In the "Roll of
Pupils" of the former he appears as the guardian, in 1837, of
George Macnider, his nephew. For some years he was Inspector-General
of the Province.
Grass, Michael Henry-S. of Peter Grass, Esther Grass; Sp.-Daniel Everett,
Jane Everett; [May] 6.
Grant, Henry Clark-S. of Peter Grant, Mary Grant; Sp.-Alexr Roxburgh,*
William Mitchel(l), Mary Clark; May 27.
*Judging from a letter written by the Hon Richard Cartwright to
the Hon Robert Hamilton on August 4, 1800, Mr Roxburgh was a clerk
in the employ of Mr Forsyth.
Jones, Okill*-S. of Charles Jones, Mary Jones; Sp.-The Revd G. Okill Stuart**,
Thos Markland, Catharine Markland; June 24th.
*Okill Jones died unmarried, January 15, 1845, and was buried
in St. Peter's Church Graveyard, Brockville, three days later.
Brockville Register.
**George Okill Stuart, Dr Stuart's eldest son and his successor in
the cure of Kingston, was born at Fort Hunter, N.Y., June 29, 1776.
He received from Harvard the B.A. in 1801, the M.A. in 1815, and
S.T.D. (honoris causa) in 1848. King's College, Windsor, N.S., had
bestowed the honorary D.C.L. in 1827. He taught school in Quebec,
in Kingston from 1795 till 1798 or 1799, and in York from 1800 to 1812.
In June, 1800, he was made deacon by the first Bishop of Quebec and
priest in 1801. From 1800 to 1812 he was Rector of York (Toronto)
and from 1812 to 1862 Rector of Kingston. From 1812 to 1821 he was
Bishop's Official for Upper Canada, the title being changed to
Archdeacon in the latter year. In 1827 the archdeaconry of Upper Canada
(or York) was subdivided, Stuart taking the title of Archdeacon of Kingston,
which he held down to the erection of the Diocese of Ontario, in
1862. Then the Bishop (Lewis) made him Dean of Ontario. On the
5th of October, 1862, he died. He had been twice married: (1) to
Lucy, daughter of the Hon John Brooks, formerly Governor of
Massachusetts; (2) to Ann Ellice Robinson (or Robison ), who
died on the 28th November, 1856. By his first wife he had five
children, only one of whom grew to maturity and survived him.
This was George Okill Stuart, Jr, Sometime Mayor of Quebec,
M.P.P., and Judge in Admiralty.
The Archdeacon's original house, a frame one, still stands in
King St. To it he returned, on account of his second wife's
ill-health, from the large stone house, which is now the home of
the Principal and of two of the professors of Queen's University.
Tradition asserts that it was while building this
house that he allowed to be erected on his property the small
dwellings to the east of the University. The "Archdeacon's
folly," in the east end of the city, which was not finished by
him, belongs to a later date. He was the cause of the dispute
over the burying ground already noted. Some of his activities
as a public trustee have been referred to in the note on
Mr Markland and others of the early subscribers to the building
fund of St. George's.
Eyre, Robert Henry-S. of Thomas Eyre, Ann Eyre; Sp.-John Darley,
Ann Eyre; do.
Graham, Mary Margaret-D. of Thos Graham, Catharine Graham;
Sp.-Theoph. Sampson, Mary Sampson; [June] 24th.
Stuart, George Ross*-S. of Charles & Mary Stuart; Sp.-John Cumming,
Myles McDonnel**, Mary Cumming; July 1st.
*Of George Ross Stuart nothing more is known than is here set
down in the Register. It is supposed that neither he, his two
sisters, nor his brother Charles, the elder of the two who bore
that name, grew up. Their mother, who, according to the stone in
the family plot in St. Paul's Churchyard, died in 1815, was born
in Lower Canada.
**Miles McDonell appears in Miss Jane Stuart's letters. Possibly
he was the same man who was associated with Lord Selkirk's
settlement in the Red River country. Time and again Alexander McDonell
made petition to the Executive Council of the Province as Selkirk's
agent in connection with lands in Essex, Kent, and the Onondaga Reserve
on the Grand River.
Corbet, Eleanor Isabella-D. of Lieut Patrick Corbet, Mary Corbet;
Sp.-Thos Deacon, Isabella Deacon; do.
Craig, William-S. of William Craig, Elizabeth Craig; Sp.-William Patten,
David Hopkins, Mary Patten; July 8th.
Bartlett, Martha Russel-D. of Smith Bartlett, Ann Bartlett;
Sp.-Hugh Thompson, Ann Russel; [July] 8th.
Allan, William George*-S. of Wm. Allan, Leah Allan; Sp.-James Geddes,
George Cruickshank, Sarah Hannah Geddes; [July] 22.
*This man is not to be confused with a much younger brother, the
late Hon George William Allan, Speaker of the Senate,
Commissioner of the Canada Company, Chancellor of Trinity College,
Toronto, and a benefactor of the Royal Canadian Institute and
of the city of Toronto, of which he was also at one time Mayor.
William George took a commission in the Army and, at the age of
nineteen, was drowned on his way to India.
Jones, Mary-D. of Richd Jones, Mary Jones; Sp.-Thos Bakehouse,
Elizabeth Brownhill, Mary Sutherland; [July] 22.
Richards, John George-S. of Jonathan Richards, Mary Richards;
Sp.-Anthony Sullivan, Cornelius O'Brian, Abigail O'Brian; [July] 22.
McLaughlin, Mary-D. of John McLaughlin, Mary McLaughlin;
Sp.-Moses Rogers, Mary Rogers; [July] 22.
Siz, Margaret-D. of John Siz, Elizabeth Siz; Sp.-Henry Baker,
Elizabeth Baker [July] 22.
Ascott, Henry Skew-S. of Thomas Ascott, Catharine Ascott;
Sp.-Joseph Jackson, John Kerns, Jane Frazer; [July] 29th.
Fuller, Thomas Brock*-S. of Thos Richd Fuller, Mary Fuller;
Sp.-Poole England,** Genl Isaac Brock,*** Patrick Corbett,
Charlotte England; 18th Augt.
*Thomas Brock Fuller was from 1875 to 1884 the first Bishop of
Niagara, albeit the title Bishop of Niagara had, from January 25
to November 1, 1867, been borne by Dr. Bethune, as coadjutor to
Dr Strachan. Of Strachan Fuller had been a pupil after the
latter's removal to York. He lost his parents at an early age
and was brought up by his maternal aunt, Mrs Leeming, wife of
the Rector of Chippawa. By her first marriage she had been the
second wife of Major-General AEneas Shaw, Adjutant-General of
Militia for Upper Canada.
Fuller married Cynthia, daughter of the late Hon Samuel Street,
of Clark Hill, Niagara Falls, and aunt of the present Provost of
Trinity College, Toronto. He is said by Mr. Dent, in Canadian
Portraits, and by Dr, Mockridge, in Bishops of Canada and
Newfoundland, to have been descended from "worthy Master Fuller."
In 1813 he was ordained deacon and in 1835 priest by the second
Bishop of Quebec, the Right Revd and Hon Charles James Stewart.
He served first of all in Montreal, under Dr. Atkinson, living
through some trying experiences during the visitation of
cholera, and labouring in the mission which has grown into St
George's parish. He removed to Adolphustown and thence to
Chatham, where he was a travelling missionary. From 1840 to 1861
he was in charge of Thorold and the Welland Canal; and from
1861 to 1875 he was Rector of St. George's Church. Toronto.
In 1867 he was made an Archdeacon, devoting himself largely
to the furtherance of the educational interests of the Church
and to the increase of the stipends of the clergy.
In the works already cited Mr. Dent and Dr. Mockridge credit him
with the publication of three important brochures.
**Whether Poole England here mentioned was Mrs. Fuller's father
or her brother, it is not easy to determine. The former,
apparently, after serving with the 24th Regiment, at Detroit,
according to a return of August 7, 1795, (Q 74. I, P 68a) and,
as President of the Land Board for Essex and Kent for two years
previously, had settled in Kingston, although he bad been granted
2000 acres of land in Townships 5, 6, and 7 on the River Thames
( U. C. Land and State Book A, Entry of June 20, 1795). He had
served during the whole of the American War and had since then
resided in Upper Canada (D. W. Smith Papers, Vol. B, P 100).
He it must have heen who, as Clerk of the Peace, received, on
April 25, 1797, the balance of account due to him by the Sessions,
amounting to £20, 3.
[Declan Barron
has further information on Poole England.]
***General Brock, who administered the government of the
Province from October, 1811, to the date of his death, in the
following year, was frequently in Kingston in the discharge of
both his civil and his military duties. To the inhabitants of
the City and of the Province he endeared himself, not only by
his general behaviour but by his energetic measures for the
suppression of disloyalty and the defence of the country, by the
capture of Detroit and his death at Queenston Heights while
repelling the invasion of the Americans. In the Kingston Gazette
for Saturday, August 29, 1812 (to be found in the library of
Queen's University) there is a most cordial letter of
congratulation on "Your Expedition to the Westward" signed
"Falkland," the penname, as before noted, of the Hon Richard Cartwright.
In a later number of the same paper is to he found a description
of the distinguished General's funeral at Fort George.
He is said to have been engaged to Miss Sophia Shaw, second
daughter of Major-General AEneas Shaw, A.G. She was born May 31, 1792,
and died unmarried December, 1872.
McDonill, Joseph-S. of Francis McDonill (or McDonell?),
Margaret McDonill (McDonell?); Sp.-John Lane, Laughlin Kennedy,
Mary Day; 26th [Augt].
McKay, Ann-D. of Donald McKay, Sarah McKay; Sp.-Matthias Badgley,
Mary Grant; Augt 26.
Clute, Magdalen Johnson-D. of John Clute, Jane Clute; Sp.- John Ferguson,
Magdalen Ferguson; Sepr 15;
Smyth, George Ramsay-S. of Charles Smyth,* Margaret Smyth;
Sp.-Henry Murney, Bayard Smyth, Ann McLean; [Sepr] 25th.
*Charles Smyth was a brother of Patrick Smyth, who married
Dr. Stuart's youngest daughter Ann. He was a merchant in Kingston
and in 1810 he petitioned unsuccessfully for a water lot at the
north-east corner of the market square. His agent in the matter
was James Cartwright, but the Sessions refused to countenance
the petition "lest some inconvenience might result from the
precedent." On the other hand the petitioner had alleged that
"a Water Lot cannot be purchased in the said Town without paying a
most exorbitant price-nor a Wharf or store be hired for any
Consideration, the Proprietors of the Water Lots suffering them
to remain unimproved." (U.C Land Book H, P 384.)
Carles, Henry-S. of Peter Carles, Dorothy Carles; Sp.-Henry Baker,
Elizabeth Baker; Sep 2d.
Richards, Harriet-D. of William Richards, Harriet Richards;
Sp.-William Higgins, Dorcas Brayley; [Sep] 2d.
Abel, Abigail; Adult-D. of William Abel, Loise Abel; W. John Darley,
Mary Ann Milton; [Sep] 9th.
Lockyer, William-S. of John Lockyer, Susanna Lockyer;
Sp.-William Saxon, Saml Davenport, Margaret Odier; [Sep] 23d.
Bryan, William McLean-S. of George Bryan, Sarah Bryan;
Sp.-Saml Richardson, Senr, Mary Louisa Richardson; [Sep] 23.
Walbridge, Mary Ann-D. of William Wal(l)bridge, Mary Wal(l)bridge;
Sp.-Peter Grass, Esther Grass; Sepr 30.
Forsyth, Thomas-S. of Joseph Forsyth, Alice Forsyth; Sp.-William Crawford,
William Mitchel(l), Catharine Forsyth; Octr 14th.
Wilson, William-S. of John Wilson, Eleanor Wilson; Sp.-John Claig,
Wm Parks, Orphy Watson; Novr 25.
Coe, Catharine-D. of Andrew Coe, Eleanor Coe; Sp.-John Asher,
Lydia Asher, Hanna Slash; Decr 16.
Thomson, Jane Maxwell-D. of Joseph Thomson, Ensign, Jane Thomson;
Sp.-Wm. Patten, Lieut, Ann Blanch Taylor, Jane Murray; 27th Decr.
McLaughlin, Elizabeth-D. of Wm. McLaughlin, Catharine McLaughlin;
Sp.-Nathaniel Lynes, Mary Lynes, Margaret Franklin; [Decr] 30th.
1811-No account sent to the Society.
Smith, Florella,* Adult-D. of Ezra Smith, Elizabeth Smith; W. Anson Smith,
Martha Smith; 13th Jany.
*Apparently this was the lady who became the second wife of the
Hon Charles Jones, M.L.C., of Brockville. If so she was born
November 8, 1793, and died January 1, 1877, in Brockville,
where she is buried. (Brockville Register and monumont) Of the
union were born the following sons and daughters -Frederick,
Georgina Florella, Charles Edward, Anson, Henrietta (Mrs. John Martin).
Brass, David-S. of Henry Brass, Bathsheba Brass; Sp.-David Brass,
Magdalen Brass; Jany 20.
Robinson, Thomas Weeks-S. of Richd Robinson (Robison?),
Mary Robinson (Robison?); Sp.-Lemuel Weeks, Richd Cartwright,
Eliza Weeks; do.
Jackson, Richard Joseph-S. of Joseph Jackson, Eleanor Jackson;
Sp.-Capn Neal ODonnell, Elizabeth Myles; Feby 17th.
Stoughton, Ann Levina-D. of Wm. Stoughton, Ann Stoughton;
Sp.-Wm. Merrill, Catharine Bayman; do.
Smith, Thomas-S. of Samuel Smith, Mary Smith; Sp.-Thomas Smith,
Bartzi Smith; 24th Feby.
Baily, Laurence Thomas Ferguson-S. of John Baily, Ann Baily;
Sp.-John Ferguson, Magdalen Ferguson; Feb. 24th.
Atkinson, Robert Walker-S. of Robert Atkinson, Anna Atkinson;
Sp.-Thomas Smith, Elizabeth Walker; March 3.
Thomson, Elizabeth-D. of Robert Thomson, Magdalen Thomson;
Sp.-Jean Baptist, Mary Spock; 3 do.
Morris, Abigail-D. of John Morris, Mary Morris; Sp.-Wm. Tinlon,
Abigail O'Brien, Ann McCullock; March 3.
Connor, Catharine-D. of Robert Connor, Bridget Connor;
Sp.-Michael Foley, Angelike Jargo; do.
Galloway, Mary Elizabeth-D. of Henry Galloway, Catharine Galloway;
Sp.-Chester Nicholson, Catharine Galloway, & Phoebe Galloway; Mar 10th.
McKenzie, Willm Charles Trump-S. of Capn Holt McKenzie & Mary Boudette;
Sp.-Charles Trump, Charlotte Trump; 31 March.
Boncour, Melinda, Eliza-Ch. of Joseph Boncour, Abigail Abel;
Sp.-William Cooper, Mary Cooper; 7th April.
Vanderdyker, John-S. of John Vanderdyker, Eleanor Vanderdyker;
Sp.-John Peters, Eliza Peters; 14th Apl.
Robins, George-S. of Wm Robins, Mary Robins; Sp.-James Robins,
Geo Markland, Ann McLean; Apl 21.
Enright, Frances, Eliza, Sydney-Ch. of Capn James Enright, Martha Enright;
Sp.-Joseph Wyse, Eliza McDonell; do.
Adems, Anna Maria-D. of James Adems, Elizabeth Adems; Sp.-Henry Baker,
Elizh Baker; do.
Geddes, John Gamble*-S. of Docr James Geddes, Hannah Geddes;
Sp.-Dr. John Gamble, Saml Smith, Jane Smith; [Apl] 28.
*For many years preceding his death, which occurred November 16, 1888,
John Gamble Geddes, M.A., D.C.L., was Rector of Hamilton, Ontario, and
Dean of Niagara. He married Susan Davidson, daughter of the
Hon John Stewart, and had two sons and one daughter. Besides
Charles Geddes already mentioned, the Dean had three brothers-
James Coffin, born September 1, 1814, died August 3, 1891, married
successively Marianne Lee Wyatt, Emma Smith, and Isabella Grant;
William Allan, born April 26, 1818, died July 10, 1843, married
Jane Anerson Sadleir; Forbes, born December 24, 1826, married
Elizabeth Begue. Dr. and Mrs. James Geddes had an exceptionally
large family of sixteen children. Chadwick: Ontarian Families.
McLean, George-S. of Capn Hector McLean, Maria Mc-Lean;
Sp.-Majr Thos Richd Fuller, Joseph Forsyth, Mary Fuller; [ApI] 28.
Fleck, Margaret-D. of Thos Fleck, Ann Fleck; Sp.-Geo Pickle,
Elizabeth Loney; [ApI] 28.
Haig, Esther-D. of Steven Haig, Sarah Haig; Sp.-Steven Haig,
Eliza Asselstine; June 30.
Dunn, Henrietta-D. of John Dunn, Mary Ramsey; Sp. Christopher Syms,
Elizabeth Vanderhyden; do.
Munsell, Henry-S. of Muns Munsell, Angelica Munsell; Sp.-Francis Briteman,
Amelia Powley; do.
Bennet, James-S. of Angel Bennet(t?), Mary Bennet(t); Sp.-Eli Buchey,
Charlotte Rogie; July 7th.
Bennet, Harriet-D. of Do; Sp.-James Bennet(t), Ann Rogie; July 7th.
Gould, Thomas-S. of Ensign Matthew Gould, Margaret Gould;
Sp.-Capn David Rome, Jane Thomson, Lieut Alexr Murray; July 14th.
Gould, Mary Ann-D. of of Do; Sp.-Lieut David Hopkins, Mary Hopkins; do.
Lyons, Sarah Ann-D. of James Lyons,* Sarah Ann Lyons; Sp.-James Richardson,
Mary Louisa Richardson; 28 July.
*This would seem to be a Presqu'Isle, or Brighton, name.
Thither Capt Richardson had removed, as already stated in the
note on him. There was settled a family of Lyons, to whom he was
related, as appears in his son's biography by the Revd. Dr. Webster.
It was through them, apparently, that the influence of the Methodist
preachers played upon the Captain and his son, the Bishop.
Powell, James-S. of Wm Powell, Catharine Powell; Sp.-George Oliver,
Jno Darley, Mary Oliver; July 28.
Burns, William-S. of James Burns, Dorothy Burns; Sp.-Baker Castel,
Bridget Connor; 28th do.
THERE are in the Register two series of entries of marriages
performed by Dr. John Stuart. The one covers the years 1794 to 1799
and runs from 1 to 7. It stands immediately after the Baptisms for 1812,
performed by John Langhorn, John Strachan, and George Okill Stuart.
Between these marriages and the Funerals, which appear on pages
154 to 164 of this book, are entered an "8" and "9" in the hand-writing of
John Strachan in June 1812. After the Funerals is a "Marriage in 1811,"
solemnized by George Okill Stuart. Then follow more
marriages in more or less regular sequence from 1 to 126, for
the years 1789 to 1811. The variations are evident, for the
original numbering has been retained although the entries have
been rearranged in proper chronological order. If any witness
was unable to write, it did not seem necessary at this date to
draw attention to the fact.
"Marriages solemnized by the late Revd. Dr. John Stuart, and
extracted from a private register in order that the record of
the same may not be lost.
George Okill Stuart,
Minister of Kingston.
1. Yerrex-Youmans; Married William Yerrex** and
Jemina Youmans; Novr 29th, 1789.
2. Babcock-Howe; David Babcock and Elizabeth Howe; Decr. 15th, 1789.
3. Ferguson-Johnson; John Ferguson & Helena Johnson,
McMan-Napping; John McMan & Sarah Napping, 1791.
4. Beeham-Gray; James Beeham & Jane Gray, Octr. 25th, 1791.
5. Stevens-Roblin; Seth Stevens & Elizabeth Roblin, Novr. 1791.
6. Anderson-Vanhorne; Alexander Anderson & Elizabeth Vanhorne.
7. Baillie-Parlow; John Baillie & Ann Parlow, Decr. 4th.
8. Nelson-Donovan; Jonathan Nelson & Elizabeth Donovan.
9. Merrick-Phillips; Samuel Merrick & ?? Phillips.
*On October 1, 1785, Mr, Stuart reported that he had performed
four marriages; on September 26, 1786, eight; on August 14, 1787,
seven; on February 23, 1789, five; on October 7, 1789, five;
on January 5, 1790, three; on February 3, 1791, three;
on February 23, 1792, six; on October 12, 1792, eleven;
on March 19, 1793, nine; on October 10, 1793, Sixteen (five of which
were for Indians); in an undated letter of either 1793 or 1794, seven;
on March 15, 1794, five; on April 10, 1795, twelve; on October 12, 1795, nine;
on July 27, 1796, four; on November 4, 1796, four; on August 3, 1797, four;
on October 11, 1798, seven; on September 7, 1799, nine;
on October 12, 1800, nine; on October 11, 1801, nine;
on October 28, 1802, fourteen;.
**One William Yourex (presumably the same man) claimed in 1797
the west 1/2 of Lot 10, Concession 3, Township of Kingston, and
1/4 of Lot 8, Concession 5.
1794-24 marriages.
1. Merchant-Madden: May 25, 1794. After the Publication of Banns
in St. George's Church at Kingston, this Day were lawfully
married in the said Church James Merchant & Esther Madden, by
John Stuart. Witness present: Peter River, John Cannon
2. McCarty-Cushing: June 29, 1794. After the Publication of Banns
for three several Sundays, in St. George's Church at Kingston,
this Day were lawfully married Timothy McCarty & Eleanor Cushing
by John Stuart. Witness present: Robert Brown, Francis Thirde.
1795-9 marriages.
3. Seabry-Devoe: August 30, 1795. After Publication of Banns, for
three several Sundays in St George's Church at Kingston, this
Day were lawfully married in said Church Joseph Seabry & Mary Devoe,
by John Stuart. Witness: John Cannon.
4. Burke-Phillips: Sepr. 26, 1795. Married in Church Joseph Burke &
Charlotte Phillips, after Banns regularly published, by me,
John Stuart.
1797-4 marriages.
5. Sheppard-Cook: Octr 8th, 1797. Married in Church Samuel Sheppard and
Mariana Cook by License from the *Administrator of the Province,
by me, John Stuart.
*The Administrator here referred to was the Hon Peter Russell,
Receiver-General of the Province and a member of the Executive Council
from 1792 to 1825. He was sworn into office on the same day as Simcoe,
by whom he was designated at midsummer, 1796, to administer the Government
during his absence in England. This absence continuing till 1799, Russell
profited by it down to the spring of that year, when Lieutenant-General
Peter Hunter became Lieutenant-Governor. On the death of the latter,
who had pretty accurately summed up the character of the Administrator,
Russell was greatly disappointed at not being again called to administer
the Government. This time the honour and the emolument fell to Commodore
the Hon. Alexander Grant, whose name stood first on the list of
Councillors in the Royal commission. So anxious had Russell been
to give away the lands of the crown that Hunter said, in writing
about him, that he would have been willing to make grants even
to the devil himself. Russell St and Russell Hill Road, Toronto,
which were laid out by different members of the Baldwin family,
who inherited his property, commemorate his name. Russell Creek,
which used to flow through the old Parliament House grounds in
Front St, and Russell Square, the original name of the grounds
of old Upper Canada College, between King, John, Adelaide, and
Simcoe Streets, were also called after him.
1798-7 marriages.
10. Taylor-Wilkinson: Nathanael Taylor, Esqr. & Eliza Wilkinson,
March 5th, 1798, by License.
6. Gerard-Morrison: April 15th, 1798. Married in Church Joseph Gerard
and Margaret Morrison, by Banns published, by me, John Stuart.
1799-18 marriages.
7. Grass-Snook: March 19th, 1799. Married John Grass & Catharine Snook.
*In 1793 twenty-five marriages were reported to the Society; in
1796, 8; in 1800, 9; in 1801, 9.
11. Vallere-Cook; John Vallere & Emma Cook (By Banns), Novr. 27th.
1803-13 reported, October 19.
12. Murney-Smyth;* Henry Murney & Catharine Smyth (Licence) Jany. 5th.
*Catharine Smyth was a sister of Patrick Smyth, Jr., Dr. Stuart's
son-in-law. Their father, Patrick Smyth, J.P., served
as a Captain of Militia under General Burgoyne. He was made a
prisoner but escaped to New York, where he stayed till it was
evacuated in 1783. He enjoyed the Military allowance of a
Captain till his death and he received in 1787 an order for a
Captain's grant of 700 acres for himself (the quantity allowed
under the old regulations) and 400 acres for big family. These
lands, about which there was a dispute, owing to malfeasance in
office on the part of at least one Government Surveyor, were
situated on the Grand (or Ottawa) River and were selected by
Mr. Smyth's hrother-in-law, Mr. McNiff, an Assistant Surveyor.
Mr. Smyth having died at William Henry (Sorel), his name was in 1810
placed on the U.E.L. List and his claim for land was allowed to
his widow and children, then living in Upper Canada. Besides
Catharine, there were three other Sisters who received 200 acres
each as daughters of a Loyalist. They were Mary, wife of Peter
Grant; Eliza Montague, a spinster; and another whose name is not
mentioned in Upper Canada Land Book H, with the other members of
the family. However, she may have been Mrs. Kirby.
13. Bull-Worden; Bryan Bull & Sarah Worden (Banns) Jany. 5th.
14. Vasau-Jelle; Joseph Vasan & Josette Jelle (Banns) Jany 6th.
15. Stuart*-Jones; John Stuart, Junr. & Sophia Jones (by Licence) Jan 21st.
*John Stuart. Jr, was the second son of Dr. and Mrs. Stuart.
He was born at Fort Hunter, N.Y., August 23, 1777, and died at
Brockville, "aged 52, May 23, 1829," as recorded on his
tombstone in the Blue Church Yard, in the township of Augusta.
His wife was the eldest surviving daughter of the Hon. Ephraim Jones
and a sister of the Hon. Charles Jones. Of the union were
horn nine children-Charlotte, John, Mary, Andrew, Sophia,
Henry Boulton, James, William Jones, and Eliza. Mary married
Sir Allan Macnab and Sophia his brother, David. From Sir Allan and
Lady Macnab is descended the present Earl of Albemarle. John settled
ultimately in London and Toronto and married Miss Powell. Andrew
settled in Hamilton and married Mary Jean Hamilton. It is
interesting to note the fact of the Roman Catholic strain
brought into the Stuart family through their ancestress,
Sophia Jones, whose mother Miss Coursolles, of Montreal, was a
French-Canadian Roman Catholic. This strain is noticeable
particularly in the descendeuts of the women members of the
family. The marriage of three of Mrs. Stuart's sisters, also the
Misses Jones, with members of the Sherwood, Boulton, and Leavitt
families shews to some extent how the so called "Family Compact"
came into existence. An interesting incident in which
Messrs. Stuart, Boulton, and Sherwood were concerned (the sale
of a parcel of land in the immediate neighbourhood of what is now
Ottawa) is mentioned by Mr. Hamnett p. Hill on page 55 of his
interesting brochure "Robert Randall and The Le Breton Flats."
16. Vallier-Humphreys; Joseph Vallier & Mary Humphreys
(Licence) Jany. 25th. Do.
17. Robison-Secord; Richard Robison & Mary Secord (Licence) Feby. 27th. Do.
18. Wood-Merritt; Samuel Wood & Mary Merritt (Banns), Feby. 27th. Do.
19. Austin-Perkiss; John Austin & Elizabeth Perkiss (Banns), June 25th. Do.
20. Malboeuf-Adems; François Malboeuf & Mary Adams (Banns), June 30th. Do.
21. Cook-O'Neil; Thomas Cook, Jun. & Alice O'Neil (Licence) Sep 11th. Do.
Marriages solemnized by the late Revd. Dr. John Stuart and extracted
from a private Register in order that the record of the same may not be lost.
George Okill Stuart,
Minister of Kingston.
Decr. 24th, 1812.
22. Olcott-Momelia; Benjamin Olcott & Nan A. Momelia (Banns) Septr. 21st.
23. Rogers-O'Neil; Moses Rogers & Mary O'Neil (Licence) Octr. 26th. Do.
1804-11 reported, October 12.
24. Turner-Milton; Richard Turner & Margaret Milton (Banns) May 25th, 1804.
25. Worden-Brewer; Jarvis Worden & Margaret Brewer (Licence) June 1st. Do.
26. McMullin-Hill; Emos McMullin & Catharine Hill (Banns) June 3d. Do.
27. Grenny-Cameron; Abraham Grenny & Mary Cameron (Licence) June 28th. Do.
28. Campbell-Robins; Lt. Patrick Campbell & Sarah Robins
(Licence) Septr. 1st. Do.
29. Rood-Millar; Henry Rood & Catharine Miller (Banns) Septr. 2d. Do.
30. Merrill-Wood; Samuel Merrill & Ruth Wood (By Licence) Sepr. 7th.
31. Govereau-Beaupré; Francis Govereau & Mary Ann Beaupré; Decr. 3d.
32. Jell-Gerard; Joseph Jell & Margaret Gerard (Licence) Feby. 23d.
33. Paris-Abel; David Paris & Lindey Abel (By Banns) Feby. 25th. Do.
45. Grant-Davis; Robert Grant & Eliza Davies (By Licence) March 2d.
34. Sansouci-Labord; Jermaine Sansouci & May Labord, (Bann) April 8th. Do.
35. Coyle-Ogden; Michael Coyle & Rachel Ogden (By Licence) May 9th. Do.
36. Milk-McLean; Jonathan Milk & Catharine McLean (Banns) Novr. 20th.
37. Sparham-Smyth;* Thomas Sparham, Junr. & Rosamond Smyth
(By Licence) Novr. 25. Do.
*Rosamond Smyth was apparently a member of the family already
mentioned and a relative of Patrick Smyth. Dr. Stuart's son-in-law.
59. Tremare-Humphreys; Alexr. Tremare & Margaret Humphreys, Decr. 30th.
1806-9 reported October 14.
61. Hall-Fortier; George B. Hall & Angelica Fortier, Feby. 1st.
60. Jones-Grant; Edward Jones & Ann Grant, Feby. 10th.
38. Smyth*-Stuart; Patrick Smyth & Ann Stuart (By Licence) June 16th. 1806.
*Patrick Smyth was the eldest son of Patrick Smyth, J.P.
As such he received 1000 acres in right of his father's
claim. In 1804 he was refused a water lot in front of
Mr. Herchmer's, but in 1810 he was granted a town lot in Kingston,
(U. C. Land Books F. and H). In June, 1817, a letter from him
to Sir Rohert Hall was read in Council, "offering to build a
bridge from the Scow Place in this Town to Point Frederick,
(according to the Model left at your office) with an allowance
from Government for passage of Stores. Tolls to be regulated hy
proper authority; the bridge to be ready by April if he had an
answer by June." He was to be allowed to take timber from Grande Isle
and to quarry stone on Point Frederick or Point Henry.
U. C. Land Book J., P 208.
As late as September 3, 1829, a claim to land to which he had
become entitled as Lieutenant in is Flank Company in the War of
1812 was allotted to his only son and devisee, John Stuart Smyth.
He was in business in Kingston and he is said to have heen a
founder and the first president of the Commercial Bank of Upper Canada.
39. Fuller-England; Capn. Thomas Richard Fuller (41st Regt.)
& Mary O'Brian England (By Licence) July 26th.
40. Orser-Earles (Earl?) Gabriel Orser & Ann Earles (Licence) August 5th.
51. Hollsall-Baker; Lt. Henry Hollsall & Jane Baker (By Licence) Sepr. 5th.
41. Flock-Liemes; Richard Flock & Mary Liemes (By Banns).
42. Wilkes-Glassup; William Wilkes & Ann Glassup (By Banns).
43. McLaughlin-Simmons; John McLaughlin & Mary Simmons
(By Licence) December 24th.
1807-13 reported September 29.
52. Smith-Robison; Dr. Anson Smith & Martha Robison (By Licence) Jan 19th.
44. Shelton-Ridley; Edward Shelton & Phoebe Ridley
by Licence Jany. 30th, 1807.
46. Lannie-Paris; Alanis Lannie & Landy Paris (By Licence) April 29th.
47. Jones*-Stuart; Charles Jones, Esqr., and Mary Stuart
(By Licence) June 8th.
*Charles Jones was the second son of the Hon. Ephraim Jones,
and, like him, he was one of the first merchants of Brockville.
That town was laid out in part by him, a Site in it being
devoted to St. Peter's Church and another to a school. He and
all of his brothers are said by the late Mr. Leavitt (Histoy of
Leeds and Grenville, P.98.) to have been educated at Mr. Strachan's
school at Cornwall. For a time he was in business in
Brockville with his brother-in-law, John Stuart, prior to the
latter's appointment as Sheriff of the Johnstown District. He
built and operated mills in the Township of Yonge. He was
contractor for building the Court House and a member of the
Committee for collecting funds to pay for it in 1808; he was
also treasurer of the district From 1821 to 1828 he sat in the
8th and 9th Parliaments as a member of the House of Assembly for
Leeds. From 1829 to 1840 he sat in the Legislative Council. In
1832 he was interested in the formation of the Emigrant Society
and a member of the Brockville Board of Police, of which he
became president in 1837. In 1820 he had married as his second
wife Florella Smith (b. November 8, 1793, d. January 1, 1877),
who bore him three sons and two daughters. The former were
Frederick, Charles Edward, and Anson; the latter, Georgiana Florella,
and Henrietta.
The following tribute to his first wife was inscribed in a
Prayer Book which is still in the possession of his
granddaughter, Mrs.Evans:-"Mary C. Jones my dear and ever to he
lamented Wife departed this life at Kingston, in her Mother's
House, on the 25th October, 1812, at half past four o'clock in
the morning. Mary Posses't a soft, tender, most complying
sweetness-in her her little children have lost a tender &
affectionate mother, & I have lost an obedient and affectionate
companion. More than five years passed with this amiable woman
& I pronounce it the most happy part of my life."
48. Johnston*-Murray; Coll. William Johnston & Isabella Murray
(By Licence) July 1st.
*Though by no means certain, this ought in all probability to
be Johnson. It is possible that the bridegroom was a kin to
Sir John Johnson, who was, as has been already seen, closely
connected with Kingston.
49. Knapp-Knight; John Knapp & Mary Knight (Licence) July 15th.
50. Babice-Nockels (or Vockels); Laurence Babice
& Charlotte Nockels (or Vockels), (Licence) July 25th.
53. Chambers-Warburton; Lt. Peter L. Chambers & Ann Warburton,
August 1st (by Licence).
[see this link for further information on Peter Latouche Chambers]
54. MacKenzie-Davies; Holt MacKenzie, Esq., Major 41st Regt.
& Margaret Davies (By Licence) July 9th.
55. Robison-Hardy; James Robison and Jane Hardy
(By Licence) Septr. 15th, 1807.
56. Brewer-Warner; John Brewer & Ann Warner (By Licence) Septr. 20th.
57. McLaughlin-Mariner; Wm. McLaughlin & Catharine Mariner
(By Licence) 7th Octr.
58. Davis-Hinchley; Thos. Davis & Mary Hinchley (Banns) Novr.
64. Douglass-Talbot; George Douglass & Mary Talbot (Licence) Decr. 15th.
1808-None reported.
62. Grass-Everett; Peter Grass & Esther Everett: Feby. 9th
63. Galloway-Clarke; Henry Galloway & Phoebe Clarke, March 9th.
65. Walbridge-Everett; Wm. H. Wal(l)bridge & Mary Everett, 20th March.
66. Hagadoorn-Galloway; Charles Hagadoorn & Hannah Galloway
(Banns) 24th May.
67. Madore-LePoint; Alexr. Madore & Mary J. LePoint, June 25th.
68. Spafford-Brewer; William Spafford to Sarah Brewer, August 7th.
69. McKisar-Dejunette; Thos. McKisar & Angela Dejunette, August 8th.
Marriages solemnized by the late Revd. Dr. John Stuart, Minister
of Kingston, and extracted from a private Register in order that
the record of the same may not be lost.
George Okill Stuart, December 31st, 1812.
Minister of Kingston.
70. Howe-Denike; Samuel Howe & Jane Denike, August 30th.
71. Bennett-Ashley; James Bennett & Mary Ashley.
72. Babecock-Smith; David Babecock & Mercy Smith, Sepr. 29th.
73. Steckel-Atkinson: Nicholas I. Steckel & Mary Atkinson
(By Licence) Novr. 21st.
80. Lines-McLaughlin; Nathaniel Lines & Mary McLaughlin
(Licence) Novr. 23d.
1809-None reported.
75. Caverly-Purdy: Jos. R. Caverly & Mary Purdy (Licence) Jany. 4th, 1809.
74. Hill-Warner; Angell Hill & Mary Warner, (By Licence) Jany. 10th.
76. Knight-Knapp: John Knight & Mary Knapp, (Licence) Feby. 22d.
77. Gerolomy-Bangart; Augustus Gerolomy & Christeen Bangart, Feby. 27th.
78. Brass-Ryder; Henry Brass & Bethsheba Ryder (Licence) March 21st.
82. Bryant (or Bayant)-MacLean; George Bryant (or Bayant)
& Sarah MacLean (Licence) April 29th.
81. Polmentier-Starts; John Polmentier Junr. & Catharine Starts
(By Licence) May 2d.
79. Buck-Spafford; Elijah Buck & Sophronia Spafford, (Licence) June 1st.
83. Graham-Grass; Thomas Graham & Catharine Grass (Licence) June 22d.
86. Fornea-Brown; Augustin Fornea & Mary Brown (Banns) July 16th.
85. Ackman-Dunham; Jacob Ackman & Phoebe Dunham, July 17th.
84. Allan*-Gamble; William Allan & Leah Gamble, July 24th.
*He was, for many years prior to his death, known as Col. Allan,
of Moss Park, Toronto. From the year 1788 he had been with Mr. George Forsyth
in the capacity of clerk, first at Niagara and subsequently at York.
During the administration of the Hon. Peter Russell he was, on petition,
granted 400 acres of land, in addition to the 200 previously allotted to him,
"to put Petitioner on a footing with other Gentlemen of his description."
(U. C. Land Book B., P. 245). His name occurs frequently in connection
with the lighthouse on Toronto Island. He was a merchant, the first
Postmaster at York, and Collector of Customs. He signed the capitulation
of York, when it was taken by the Americans in the end of April, 1813.
In 1817, he was, with others awarded a water lot "in Front of Frederick St.,
York, being desirous of building a wharf for Public Accommodation."
(U.C. Land Book J., P 69). He was one of the founders of the Bank of
Upper Canada, the first office of which was in a building owned by him
at the southeast corner of Frederick and King Streets, York. He became
a member of the Executive and the Legislative Council, and he supported
Bishop Strachan in the foundation of Trinity College, 1850-1852. A
daughter died in April, 1850. He himself died in 1853, leaving
one son, George william, Commissioner of the Canada Company,
Speaker of the Senate of the Dominion, Chancellor of Trinity
College, a founder and benefactor of the Royal Canadian Institute,
and the donor to the City of Toronto of the
Horticultural (or Allan) Gardens. Mr. G. W. Allan. M.P. for
South winnipeg, his eldest son, keeps up the traditions of public service.
Mrs. William Allan appears in Mr. Chadwick's "Ontarian Families"
to have had a second name, Tyrer. Miss Jane Stuart, writing from
York, gave an account of Miss Lesh and herself walking together
after Church one Sunday morning, and of "young" Allan asking
leave to join them. Mrs. Evans' collection.
93. Morin-Brandamore; John Morin & Mary Julia Brandamore, July 26th.
85. Richardson-McDonnell; Capn. James Richardson
& Mary Louisa McDonnell (Licence) August 14th.
86. McLean-Anderson; Jos. McLean & Mary Anderson (Licence) August 19th.
87. Wagner-Connor; John Wagner & Bridget Connor (Banns) Sepr. 12th.
88. Howe-Connor; Peter Howe & Catharine Connor (Banns) Sepr. 12th.
89. Lockgers (or Lockyer)-Laffield; John Lockgers (or Lockyer) &
Susan Laffield (Banns) Octr. 1st.
90. Vingtemt-Mercier; François Vingtemt & Angelic Merceir, Oct. 7th.
126. Shaw-Herchmer; Colonel AEneas Shaw & Margaret H. Herchmer,
October 11th, 1809, by Licence.
91. Semino-Wilson; Jos. Semino & Sarah Wilson (Licence) Decr 4th.
92. Bennett-Rogie; Angel Bennett & Mary Ann Rogie (Banns) 19th Decr.
1810-No letter. See 1811.
94. Fevon-Anderson; Pierre Fevon & Mary Anderson (by Licence) Feby. 8th.
95. McLean-Roberts; Captn. H. McLean & Maria Roberts, April 19th.
96. Rice-Galloway; Elisha Rice & Elizabeth Galloway, April 23d.
97. McDonnell-McDonnell; Alexander McDonnell & Janet McDonnell
(By Licence) April 21st.
98. Park (or Pack)-Glassup; William Park (or Pack) and
Mary Ann Glassup, April 22d.
99. Beasley-Loyd; Maurice Beasley and Margaret Loyd, (by Licence)
June 24th.
100. Weeks-Robison; Lemuel Weeks and Eliza Robison (by Licence) July 1st.
101. Richardson-Deacon; Robert Richardson & Margaret Deacon, July 14th.
102. Chettle-Baker; Ensign Thos. Chettle & Amelia Baker (Licence) July 25th.
103. Lovette-Ransier; Daniel Lovette & Nancy Ransier (Licence) July 29th.
104. Slote (or Stote)-Finch; Michael Slote (or Stote) and
Marlow Finch, August 19th.
105. Smith-Lewis; William Smith and Juliana Lewis (by Licence) August 23d.
106. Lyons-Richardson; James Lyons & Sarah Ann Richardson,
(By Licence) Septr. 8th.
107. Smith-Thompson; William Smith & Eleanor Thompson, (Licence) Octr. 1st.
108. Lestage-Johnston; Tousaint Lestage & Hannah Johnston, Novr. 23d.
109. Demill-Russell; Anthony Demill & Mary Russell, Decr. 1.
Marriages solemnized by the late Revd. Dr. John Stuart of
Kingston and extracted from a private Register in order that a
record of the same may not be lost.
George Okill Stuart,
Minister of Kingston.
127. Forsyth-Robins; Joseph Forsyth & Alice Robins (by Licence).
110. Lamarche-Laporte; Jean Baptiste Lamarche & Mary Josette LaPorte,
Decr. 15th.
111. Sedgerson-Cameron; John Sedgerson & Margaret Cameron,
Decr. 3d, 1811 (or 1810?).
1811-31 reported January 2.
112. Harrison-Orser; Abel B. Harrison & Elizabeth Orser, Jany. 15th.
113. Smith-Babecock; Samuel Smith & Margaret Babecock, Jany. 20.
114. Debarr-Timmons; Bernard Debarr & Mary Timmons, Jany 27.
115. Hadley-Orser; Wm. Hadley & Hannah Orser (Licence) Feby. 5th.
116. Thompson-Spek; Robt. Thompson & Magdalen Spek, Feby. 17th.
117. Stramgrain-Bailey; ?? Stramgrain & Margaret Bailey, Feby. 28th.
118. Denis-Roberts; Heman Denis & Mary Roberts, Feby. 21st.
119. Cooper-Klyne; Wm. Cooper & Mary Klyne (Banns) March 1st.
120. McDonnell-Stone; Charles McDonnell & Mary Stone (Licence) March 5th.
121. Powers-Asselstine; David Powers & Betsy Asselstine (by Banns) May 8th.
122. Moody-Loney; William Moody and Elizabeth Loney (Banns) May 8th.
125. Walker-McLean; Edw. Walker & Harriet McLean (Licence) May 20th.
124. Tonny-Denike; Elijah Tonny & Elizabeth Denike, June.
125. Nicholson-Galloway; Chester Nicholson & Catharine Galloway, July 23d.
(127) Cook-Peters;
I do hereby certify that Thomas Cook and Ann Peters have
been lawfully married (by Licence) according to the Rites &
Ceremonies of the Church of England at Kingston, this third
Day of August, 1811.
John Stuart,
(Official, &c.)
At this point occurs the heading :-"Register of Funerals or
Burials in St. George's Burial Ground," followed by three
unnumbered entries for 1811. The latter will be found under that
year between funerals 325 and 326.
Funerals at Kingston.
*From the Church accounts and from Dr. Stuart's letters to
the Society it is clear that there were many funerals which were
not recorded in the Register. On October 1, 1781, he reported "buried 6
Corpses"; on September 26, 1786, "buried four, only one of which
died a natural death"; on August 14, 1787, "Buried three";
October 7, 1789, "Burials four"; January 5, 1790, "Burials two";
February 3. 1791, "buried five Corpses"; February 23, 1792, ten;
October 12, 1792, thirteen; March 19, 1793, thirteen; October 10, 1793,
"twenty-one whites and four indians"; no date, fourteen.
In the Church accounts for March 20, 1789, occurs the entry
"By cash Pd a Man for burying John Wright last summer 4s."
On February 15, 1791, is found "By paid for burying Thomson last
fall 2s." Under date of August 13, 1792, the Vestry Minutes
contain the following entry, "Agreed also that the expenses of a
Coffin, Sheet. & Digging the Grave for John Paine deceased be
paid out of the Collections received in Church." The five yards
of linen for the sheet cost 12/6; the making 1s; digging the
grave 5s; making the Coffin 8s.
1. Feby. 21, 1791: A Sailor.
2. April 29th, Do.: A Sailor.
3. May 31, Do.: James Harley.
4. Augt. 26, Do.: A Sailor.
5. Sepr. 6, Do.: A Sailor.
6. 18, Do.: A Sailor.
7. 20th, Do.: Mary Lawson.
8. Octr. 1, Do.: A Sailor.
9. 12, Do.: Abigail Russel.
10. Jany. 5, 1792: John & Mary Stevens.
11. Do. Ann Thompson.
12. Jany. 8th, Do.: ?? MacMann.
13. Feby. 6th: A Sailor.
14. April 29th: Joseph Merrit.
15. May 11th: A Sailor.
16. July 21: ?? Muir, a child.
17. Do. 25: Elizabeth Cartwright.
18. Augt. 4: De Purbeck's child.
19. Sepr. 6: Mrs. Buchette.
20. Do. her child.
21. Novr. 6: Philip P. Lansingh.
22. Jany. 3d, 1793: Mrs. Muirhead.
23. 15 Peter Clark.
24. *Jany. 17th, 1793: Mrs. McDonald.
*The numbers are all on the right side from this point down to
115 inclusive.
25. March 8th a child of James Russels.
26. Apl. 9th: a child of Chris. Georgen's.
27. 25: A Sailor St. Thomas.
28. A Soldier-Queen's Range(r)s.
29. Augt. 9th: A " of - Hollingsworth.
30. Sept. 17: Mrs. McCarty.
31. Octr. 9th: A child of Sergeant Evans.
32. 19: A child of ? Steel.
33. Oct. 17th: The Revd. Mr. Meyer.*
*Thus far it has been impossible to identify Mr. Meyer. He may
have been a Lutheran Pastor, that communion having been very
early represented in the Province both below Kingston and above.
A Clergyman of the same name received a licence from the
magistrates of the Midland District to exercise his functions.
34. Do. An Indian.
35. Novr. 19: Mrs. Grindstone.
36. Decr. 23: The wife of St. John the Cooper.
1794-Burials 8, reported March 15, 1794.
37. Jany. 3, 1794: A Child of D. McDonnell.
38. Feby. 15: Alexander McDonnell.
39. March 20th: James Georgen.
40. May 31: Mr. Lynes's Servant.*
*This entry, together with Nos. 48, 126, 193, and 237, seems to
point to the remnants of slave-holding. The Rector himself
brought black servants with him to Canada.
41. June 29: Corporal Askey.
42. 30: A Soldier, 5th Regt.
43. July 20th: A Daughter of Elisha Grooms.
44. 24: A Soldier 60th.
45. Augt. 9: A Soldier 60th.
46. 17: Old Mr. & Mrs. Grant.
47. Sepr. 19th: McLaughlin.
48. Sepr. 20th: A Black Boy.
49. 29: Betsy Robinson.
50. Oct. 13: Captain Belton (Probably Betton).
51. 23: Richd. Cartwright, Senr.
52. 24: A Soldier, 5th Regt.
53. 27: Edwd. Wm. Lamoine.
54. Novr. 17: Patrick Rice, 60th.
55. 20: John Robins.
56. Decr. 14: A child of Geo. Galloway.
1795-9 reported April 10,1795; 18, October 12.
57. Jany. 8, 1795: John Kayton.
58. Feby. 26: A Soldier, ?? Green, 60th.
59. April 11th: John Miniger.
60. May 27: Judah Haywood
61. 28. Inde, a negro woman.
62. June 8: Soldr.-of the 60th.
63. July 5: John Philips.
64. 20: William Wilson.
65. Augt. 16: William Ripp.
66. 17: Hanzoost Herchmer.
67. 17: Child of Margaret Fox.
68. 22: John Page-a Seaman.
69. Sepr. 1: Neil McLean, Esqre.
70. 6: Mrs. Hannah Cartwright.
71. 9th: Charles McCulloch.
72. 19: Hazoost Herchmer, a child.
73. 29: William Young.
74. 27: A child of Andrew Deniks.
75. 30: Ann Rankins.
76. Oct.24: Josiah Barrice.
77. Novr. 13: Tavernier, - a french Sailor.
78. 26: Mary Brown.
79. Do. Richard Brown.
80. Decr. 29. Mrs. Susan Lamoine.
1796 (?)-11 reported November 14, 1796.
81. Jany. 27: Grindyelle, a french Sailor.
82. Feb. 2: William Johnson, a child.
83. March 2d.: Mary Davenport.
84. April 16, 1796: Mary Brant.
85. 20: Perkins (a child).
86. 23: Elizabeth Milton.
87. May 24: James Jones, Boatswain.
88. Joseph Burke.
89. Augt. 1: ? Clancey.
90. Augt. 14: ? Bush.
91. Sepr. 9th: La Rose, a french woman.
92. Sepr. 23: Mrs. Secord.
93. Octr. 18: Joseph Howell.
94. Novr. 11th, 1796: Julia Ballan (Ballond?).
1797-7 reported August 3, 1797.
95. Feby. 10th, 1797: William Good.
96. March 20th: ? Renny, a child.
97. 27: Terrence Dunn.
98. April 24th: Michael Coxe.
99. July 11th: Elizabeth Cassady (Cassidy).
100. Augt. 14th: Benjamin Canon.
101. Sepr. 6th: Eliza Wood.
102. Octr. 19: Daniel Stretch.
1798 6 reported October 11, 1798.
103. March 20th, 1798: William Badgley.
104. April 16 Do. pd. Nicholas Stoney.
105. Octr. 4 Do. Bemsley Peters.
106. Novr. 21 Do. Edward Hayward.
107. Decr. 4 Do. Ann Hocks.
1799-11 reported September 7, 1799
108. June 30th, 1799. Do. James Latham.
109. Feby. 11 Mrs. Freeman.*
*Feby. 11.1799. To paid delivered by Cannon 1/2 Gallon spirits
for funeral of Mrs. Freeman. Feb.13 To Paid Pember for a Coffin
of do. Church accounts
110. 18 Do. John Perkins.
111. 26 Decareau.
112. May 5: Mary Heslup.
113. June 5: William Beeman.
114. July 26: George Forsyth.
115: Augt. 1: Ann Forsyth.
116. *Augt. 8th Do. Catharine McDonnell.
*The numbers are at the left band from here on.
117. 30: Solomon Skrimmer
118. Octr. 11: Do. *J. D. (?) McKay.
*Lieut. Wm. (?) has been written first and the other written over it.
119. 25: Ann Darley.
120. *Novr. 17th: James, son of James Bayman.
*The numbers stand to the right again.
1800-12 reported October 12, 1800.
121. Jany. 1, 1800: Alexander Atkins (Aitken ?).
122. April 1: John McLeod.
123. 11: Capn. James Baker.
124. 13: Capn. Baubien.
125. May 24th: Joseph Hicks.
126. June 27: Sophia a black woman belonging to Mr. Robins.
127. Sepr. 2: Robert Macaulay.
128. Nov. 6: Elizabeth Sellers.
129. 17: William Fackery.
1801-13 reported October 11, 1801.
130. Jany. 12, 1801: Peter Kantz.
131. Feby. 8: William Taylor.
132. March 9th: Elias Lake.
133. 13(?) or 18: Lieut. William Mackay.
134. 28: John Cassady (Cassidy).
135. Augt. 26, 1801: John Fleming, 41 Regt.
136. Octr. 3: Mary Askey.
137. [Octr.] 16: James Workman.
138. 24: Margaret Gerard.
139. Novr. 15: William Perkins.
140. Decr. 14: Negro Child.
141. 23: John McMullen.
1802-35 reported October 28,1802.
142. 1802.-Jan. 5: Mary Cumming.
143. 6th. Do. Thomas Gyles.
144. March 20th: Margaret Johnson.
May, 1802.
145. 9th: Francis Cain.
146. 30: Thomas Hashforth, R.C.V.*
*Tbe Royal Canadiao Volunteers, a French-Canadian unit, in
Provincial service only.
147. July 3: John McDonnel(l).
148. 12: Margaret Hough.
149. Augt. 7th: A child of Joseph Forsyth, Esqr.
150. 8: Sarah Pember.
151. 10: Joseph Pritchard.
152. 12: James Tipper.
153. 14: James Adems.
154. 19: Abigail Tindall.
155. 20: Joseph Ashley.
156. 23: Francis Laplant,-sailor.
157. 23: Sarah Adems.
158. 26: Jarvise Worden.
159. 26: Samuel Burley.
160. 27: Anthony Grooms.
161. 30: Sarah Tindal.
162. Sepr. 2: Mary Ann Goode.
163. 12: Margaret Grooms.
164. 13: William Aiken.
165. 21: ?? Carter.
At the turning of the page No.166 is missing.
Funerals Continued.
167. Sepr. 25th: Elizabeth Goode.
168. Octr. 13: Mrs. Howland.
169. 17: Mrs. Robinson.
170. Novr. 5: John Tully.
1803-25 and 31 reported.
171. Jany. 9th: John McDonnell.
172. Feby. 18: Allan Cameron.
173. Apl. 4: William Dale, 41st. Regt.
174. 9th: Ann Smith.
175. 23: Jane Barns.
176. May 2: Benjamin Rocheleau.
177. 5: Jonathan Taylor.
178. June 8: George Calp.
179. July 11th: Mary Merrils.
180. Augt. 4: John Baptist Digneau
181. 177:(?) ?? Mackentire,-a child.
182. Sepr. 16: Mary Ann Sheppard.
183. Sep. 12: Frederick Waggoner.
184. Oct. 21: John Barnes.
185. Novr. 29: Thomas Humphreys.
186. Decr. 28: Margaret Robins.
Funerals Continued-1804-23 reported October 12, 1804.
187. Jany. 1st: Jane Horning.
188. March 5: George Henderson.
189. 27: pd. Thomas Pattison.
190. Apl. 13: John Carey.
191. May 6: Sarah Badgley.
192. June 17: Thomas Powell.
193. 28: Gin, a Blackwoman.
194. July 14: John Ridley.
195. Augt. 5: John Parker.
196. 8: Elizabeth Brayley.
197. Do. Mary Cassady (Cassidy).
198. 10: ?? Boiton, a female child.
199. 26: James Whitlock.
200. 30: John Wilson.
201. 31: Eugenia Pointon.
202. Octr. 11: Thomas Richardson.
203. Decr. 14: William Coffin, Esqr.
1805-21 reported October 8, 1805.
204. Jany. 1l: William Anderson.
205. Feby. 12: Daniel Fisher.
206. 17: Thomas Plummer.
207. 24: Sarah Merrils.
208. 26: John Belfleur.
Funerals Continued-1805.
209 March 6th: John Stauber.
210. Apl. 10: Wm. Atkinson, Esqr.
211. 12: Elizabeth McDonell.
212 May 3d: Ann Blackwood.
213. Augt. 8: Mary Herchmer.
214. 14: Jacob Herchmer.
215. 25: Gertrude Tipper.
216. 25: Sarah Campbell.
217. 28: Margaret Morrison.
218. Sepr. 13: William Henry.
219. 19: Mary Cameron.
220. 28: Donald McDonell.
221. Octr. 7th: Joseph Pinkney.
222. 15: Adam Beard.
223. 20: John McGuire.
224. 28: Robert Betson.
225. Novr. 26: Thomas Philip S.
226. Decr. 2: William Johnson.
227. 27: James Cannon.
1806-21 reported October 14, 1806.
228. Jany. 6, 1806: Miss J. M. Forbes.
229. 6: Peter Leney.
230. March 11: John Culberson.
231. 11: Lucy Russel(l).
232. 29: Capn. Thomas Robison.
233. April 30th: William Richard Deacon.
234. May 14th: Jane Roggie.
235 is missing.
236. 16 James Roggie.
237. Do. Prince, a black man.
238. 29. William McDonnell.
239. June 2: Joseph R. Rock.
240. Augt. 4: Margaret Cook.
241. 8: Eliza Rogers.
242. 13: Catharine Magdalen Gamble.
243. Novr. 13: Mary Harriet Flemma.
244. 29: Mary Jelley.
1807-19 reported September 29, 1807.
245. Jany 1st: Robert McKay.
246. 29th: James Clarke.
247. March 9th: Frederick Charles Holbrook.
248. 23: Catharine Olkot.
249. May 17th: Thomas Milton.
250. Augt. 1st: George Glassup.
251. Octr. 22: Nicholas James.
252. 23: Thomas Cooley.
253. Decr. 9th: Alexr. McDonnel(l).* ]
254. 16: Mary Isabella Deacon.* ]
*Rubbed out opposite the bracket: "Decr 21, Jane Wilson."
255. Decr. 21: Jane Wilson.
1808-7 reported September 19, 1808.
256. Jany. 17th: John Grafts.
Feb.15: Elizabeth Tosdwine (or Tosdevine)
257 March 1st: Margaret Lynes.
258. 18: Charles Carera.
259. 23: John Fugma.
260. April 17th: Thomas Horne.
261. April 29th: John Snarls-or Snarts?-(a Soldier
of the 41st. Regt.).
262. May 9: ?? Tippido (a child).
263. 11: William Wilson.
264. 12: Mrs. McLaughlin.
265. June 1st: Lucas Watson.
266. July 1st: Mrs. Lines.
277. paid. 20: Christian Smith.
288. 28: Henry Mercy.
289. Augt. 18: Mrs. A. Fortier.
290. 21: Philip Pember.
291. 22: Adam Freymouth.
292. Sept. 8: John Herchmer.
293. 26: John Cassady (Cassidy).
294. 27: ?? Sharpham (a child).
1809-None reported.
295. March 4: Peter Thehmar.
296. 27: Charles Chambers Morney (Murney).
297. April, 10th, 1809: Martha Maria Darley.
298. 18: Dennis OReiley.
299. May 7th: Mary Cook.
300. 9: Thomas Price.
301. 13: Sarah Richardson.
302. 14: Ann Arkland.
303. June 8: David McWilliams.
304. Augt. 8: Elizabeth Hirschfeldt.
305. 8: Titus Fitch
306. 8: John McQuin (100 Regt.).
307. Sepr. 1: Ann Frazer.
308. 26: Emanuel Ellerbeck.
309. Oct.10: John Davis (Veteran).
310. Nov. 7th: John Camp Brooks.
311. Sepr. 11: Jaize Underushin.
312. Oct. 11: Bridget Curtis.
313. Decr. 1: Enos Scopila.
314. 12: Sarah Cooley.
315. 15: Isabella Douglas.
316. 19: Robert Thompson.
317. 26: Robert Williams.
318. Jany. 1, 1810: Thomas Philips (veteran).
319. 4: Joseph Emanuel.
320. Feby. 15: John Sheriden.
321. 26: Maxwel Thompson (vet. child).
322. May 13: Mary Ann Staunton.
A child of James Baymans.
323. May 22: George Blain (Sailor).
324. Apl. 1: Mary Valière.
325. 18: Ann England.
1810-No letter. See 1811.
Register of Funerals or Burials in St. George's Burial Ground.
1811-27 reported January, 1811.
326. Interred Apr. 21, 1811 George Smyth.
28 John Bateman
August 17th The Revd. Dr. John Stuart.
326 The Revd. Dr. John Stuart, the first Church of England
Minister of Kingston, was interred August 17th, 1811.
[This entry is in the Revd. John Langhorn's handwriting.]
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Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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