This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 27, Published in Toronto in 1931
Pages 77-192.

Return to my main index.




When the Reverend Robert Addison arrived at Niagara as the missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in July, 1792, he found that the white population of the district of Nassau to which he was assigned, consisted of about eight hundred families, scattered along the shore of Lake Ontario from the mouth of the Forty Mile Creek to Niagara, along the west bank of the Niagara river to Fort Erie, and thence along the shore of Lake Erie as far west as Sugar Loaf Hill, a distance of more than one hundred miles. Settlements had been made on the Chippawa Creek and other streams, navigable by canoes or boats, flowing into Niagara river or Lake Ontario. The Fifth Regiment of Foot, numbering less than five hundred of all ranks, garrisoned Fort Niagara and its dependencies. These outposts were at the lower landing, soon afterwards named Queenston, the upper landing at Chippawa, and Fort Erie, among which a company and a half of soldiers were distributed, who were employed during the season of navigation in the transport of supplies and merchandise. The only clusters of buildings deserving the name of villages were near Navy Hall at Niagara, and these small military stations.

On August 23, Mr. Addison married Henry Warren, a son of the commissary at Fort Erie, to Catherine Aglor. This was the first marriage recorded by him. Until then, as Richard Cartwright stated, "the practice in such cases was to go before the Officer Commanding the Post who publickly read to the Parties the Matrimonial Service in the Book of Common Prayer, using the Ring and observing the other forms there prescribed, or if he declined it, as was some times the case, it was done by the Adjutant of the Regiment." [Simcoe Papers, I, p. 234.] After the appointment of magistrates this ceremony was generally performed by them. On the following day, Mr. Addison recorded the marriage of Captain James Hamilton, of the Fifth Regiment, to Louisa, his wife, with the comment "they had been married by some commanding officer or magistrate and thought it more decent to have the office repeated." He was almost immediately appointed chaplain to the garrison, but does not seem to have visited Fort Erie until about 12 April, 1793, when he records the baptism of sixteen persons there, among them being Mary the daughter of Henry and Catherine Warren. His register contains no subsequent evidence of a visit to that place until 27 July, 1804, when it records the baptism of Alexander Douglas, whose younger son, Dr. William Douglas, is still living there. The next entry of baptisms at Fort Erie is dated on 11 September, 1806, when four children were christened. On 20 April, 1810, he registers the marriage of Mahlon Burwell, Esq., and Sarah Haun, "from near Fort Erie," who had probably come to Niagara to be married. Burwell soon after removed to the London District, where he became distinguished as a land surveyor, a magistrate, a militia officer, and a member of the legislative assembly for twenty years. Two baptisms are recorded at Fort Erie on 18 January, 1811, and then occurs another long interval of eight years until 14 January, 1819, when the marriage of James Gray McLean of Montreal and Mary Douglas of Bertie is recorded, and on that day and the next the baptism of thirteen children in Bertie and Fort Erie.

On the conclusion of peace the ferry below the Fort Erie rapids to the village of Black Rock on the opposite bank of the river had been reestablished and several stores, taverns, and other buildings were erected near the ferry-wharf and the mills at the rapids, forming a small straggling village, which became a place of considerable trade and about 1816 received the name of Waterloo. The most notable resident then was Lieut. Colonel John Warren, who besides being commandant of the local regiment of militia, was a Justice of the Peace, a Judge of the Court of Requests for the trial of small civil causes, and had succeeded his father as collector of customs and lessee of the ferry. Tradition relates that, as a magistrate, he had officiated at many marriages, of which the record has been lost. In consideration of his public services he had received the maximum grant of crown lands and had obtained a licence of occupation of the glebe of four hundred acres in the township of Bertie. Other persons of consequence were Benjamin Hardison, a magistrate and owner of a considerable tract of land, who had been a member of the assembly, William Stanton, deputy assistant commissary general, and Alexander Douglas, a prosperous merchant.

In 1820 the "chapelry of Chippawa" was established in the townships of Stamford and Willoughby. The Reverend William Leeming, who became the first minister made frequent entries of baptisms, marriages and burials at Fort Erie, Bertie, and Waterloo. Among the burials thus recorded in 1823 are Benjamin Hardison, aged about seventy on July 28, and Mrs. Warren, the widow of Commissary John Warren, aged eighty-three, on September 22. Between 12 August, 1821, and 27 March, 1825, fifty-six baptisms are registered as having taken place in Bertie, or at Fort Erie or Waterloo, several of them being residents of the township of Humberstone. Among the marriages recorded are Captain Donald Charles McLean and Ann Warren, 23 August, 1820; Colonel John Warren and Charlotte Stanton, 1 May, 1822; and James Hamilton, Esq., of Southwold, third son of Hon. Robert Hamilton of Queenston, and Catherine Jane Warren, 1 November, 1824. It is stated on credible authority, that divine service was held at the Fort Erie mills and in the house of Benjamin Hardison. On 23 April, 1821, a deed of a plot of land fronting on the river road of a width of eighty-seven feet by two hundred feet in depth, was executed by William Smith, merchant, conveying it at a price of two hundred pounds sterling, to John Warren, Esquire, Benjamin Hardison, Benjamin Hardison, the younger, Andrew Miller, David Berger, Cyrenius Hall, William Powell, Henry Trout, Samuel McAfee, Peter Plato, and Edward Kerr, yeomen, as trustees, to be used as a site for a church and graveyard and for no other purpose whatsoever. It would appear that a temporary building was soon erected, for Mr. Leeming records baptisms at Waterloo church on 3 August, 1823, and again on 4 July, 1824. However this may be, on 15 June, 1824, Colonel James Kerby, who had lately removed from Queenston to Fort Erie and taken charge of the mills, wrote in the following terms to Major Hillier, secretary to Sir Peregrine Maitland.

"A number of respectable persons residing a short distance from this, on the Niagara river, are very desirous of building a small chapel to Answer the purpose of a church & School house And wishing to have it underpin[n]ed with Some good Stone-that are to be found about the Garrison-would it be perfectly Agreeable to His Excellency the Governor to allow them permission to carry Away A Sufficient quantity to Answer their purpose, which I dont think will exceed 4 or 5 Cords."

This request was probably granted, and this building of wood was used as a church until 1874 when it was replaced by a larger stone structure. The burial of Matthias Haun in Bertie, 4 February, 1825, and the baptism of Mary Jane Miller in Waterloo church in 31 August, 1828, are the only entries in the Chippawa register during those years, which seem to relate to this missionary station. Some time in 1828, the Reverend John Anderson took charge as resident missionary. In the course of the same year Colonel Kerby addressed this memorial to Sir John Colborne, who succeeded Maitland as Lieutenant Governor.

"The Memorial of James Kerby in behalf of the congregation of the Episcopal Church at Waterloo, near Fort Erie, in the District of Niagara-

Humbly Sheweth that your Memorialist As one of the Church Wardens was lately instructed to purchase A Suitable Organ for Said Church, at Buffalo in the United States-for One hundred pounds to be delivered on the first day of November Next-the purchase having been made Agreeable to their Wishes, your Memorialist was next instructed to Ask your Excellency's leave to be permitted to bring over said Organ free of duty-And if your Excellency Saw fit to cause the Collector at that port, to be instructed not to exact the duty thereon."

This application was also successful. In 1834 Colonel Kerby presented the church with the solid silver communion service, which is still in use. Kerby was then, and until his death, twenty years later, the most distinguished and faithful adherent of the church. After winning notable distinction as an officer of militia in the war with the United States, he had taken an active part in public affairs as town warden, justice of the peace, Judge of the Court of Requests, commandant of a militia regiment and member of the pensions board. He had become the proprietor of the Fort Erie mills, where ship loads of wheat, brought down from the London and Western districts, were converted into flour and exported to Montreal. In 1831 he was appointed a member of the legislative Council, and in 1834, collector of customs at Fort Erie.

John Warren, the elder, William Stanton, and Benjamin Hardison all had large families, who intermarried and formed a sort of local aristocracy. Kerby's eldest daughter married a Warren and her sister married a Hardison. As elsewhere in many parts of Upper Canada, several retired officers of the British army and Royal Navy had settled in the neighbourhood, who lived with considerable dignity. Among these may be named Lieut. Colonel Arthur Jones, C.B., his sons Lieut. Arthur Jones and Lieut. Charles Jones, R.N., Major Benamin Rooth, Captain Francis Keogh, and Lieut. James Jackson, R.N.

When Mr. Anderson took charge of the mission he was twenty-four years of age, unmarried, and had been recently ordained. He occupied it for eight years as a missionary priest. The register for this period, as his note states, was destroyed, when his house burned. He had then married Helen Yule, a sister of Mrs. Alexander Douglas.

Late in 1835, Sir John Colborne determined to bring into effect the thirty eighth section of the Canada Act, which authorised the Lieutenant Governor "from time to time with the advice of the Executive Council. . . . to contitute and erect within every township or parish" in the province one or more Parsonage or Rectory, or Parsonages or Rectories, according to the Establishent of the Church of England," and to endow each of such rectories with lands reserved for that purpose within the townships in which they were situated. This section had remained in abeyance for forty four years. Forty-four rectories were then established. By letters patent, dated 16th January, 1836, "a Parsonage or Rectory at Waterloo within the Township of Bertie was erected and constituted to be thereafter known and designated as the first Parsonage or Rectory within the said Township," and lots numbers six and seven in the fifth concession from Niagara river and six and seven in the sixth concession containing in all four hundred acres were set apart as an endowment or glebe for such rectory. By letters patent bearing the same date the Reverend John Anderson was presented to the Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Quebec for confirmation as rector. Although it will be observed that he made his first entry in the register as rector on March 26, he was not formally admitted until the ninth of May following by a commission from Archdeacon John Strachan, the Bishop's Commissary.

The township of Bertie in which the rectory was situated contained about thirty-six thousand acres, divided into three concessions, parallel with Lake Erie, each consisting of thirty-five lots of one hundred acres, besides an irregular broken front on the lake shore, and sixteen concessions, numbering from the Niagara river, the first four consisting of ten lots each and the remainder of sixteen each, also of one hundred acres. The ground was gently undulating and heavily wooded with a great variety of trees. Much of the low land was swampy and required drainage. Water-power for mills was found at the Fort Erie rapids and on two small streams, Black Creek and Frenchman's Creek flowing into Niagara river, which also were navigable for some distance inland by canoes and row-boats, and on the Six Mile Creek flowing into Lake Erie. A notable rocky ridge extending from near the mouth of Miller's Creek on the Niagara to the anchorage east of Point Abino on Lake Erie, formed a natural highway, bisecting the township transversely.

After a survey was made, it was parcelled out among the officers and other ranks of Butler's Rangers and the military departments at Niagara on disbandment, in the proportion authorised according to their rank, as the royal instructions directed that the officers should receive lands near those allotted to their men to favour their immediate organization as militia. Captain George Dame of Butler's Rangers was assigned thirty lots, forming a solid block of three thousand acres, in the north-western corner of the township, yet he obtained permission to reside at Three Rivers and never occupied these lands. Captain John Powell of the Indian department was allotted an equal quantity, but it was distributed throughout the township in nearly every concession. Commissary John Warren received 1400 acres and Hon. Robert Hamilton a thousand acres in blocks, the latter adjoining the lands of Captain Dame at the rear of the township and distant from any navigable water, which probably made them least desirable. Parshall Terry, who was a member of the first provincial parliament and resided in the adjacent township of Willoughby, obtained a grant of five hundred acres, also in a block. The private soldiers and non commissioned officers received grants of from two to five hundred acres, for the location of which they seem to have drawn lots. Their surnames show that they were nearly all of German Origin, for example, Anger, Anguish, Benner, Berger, Creger, House, Huffman, Lutes, Maybee, Putman, Sypes, Windecker, and Wintermute. Intermingled with them were some discharged soldiers of the army, of British nativity, who had decided to become settlers. Ten years later Simcoe's proclamation attracted a steady influx of immigrants from the United States, some being termed "late loyalists," from having taken no active part in resisting the revolution, or were Quakers or Mennonites. The Quakers were nearly all of English origin and bore such surnames as Burwell, Cutler, Dennis, Havens, Hill, Pound, Schooley, Webster and Wilson. The Mennonites were of German descent as appears by the names of Barnhart, Climenhaga, Danner, Fretz, Hahn, Hershey, Jansen, Kraemer, Misener, Morgentern (Morningstar), Near, Neff, Sherk, Shisler, Troup, Wilhelm, Winger, and Zavitz. They spoke and some of them wrote the German dialect known as Pennsylvanian Dutch. They came in parties to select lands that suited them, and having found them, returned to fetch their families and movable property. Some of them secured crown lands; others preferred to purchase farms already partly cleared. Many of the earlier settlers sold their lands to these immigrants and moved further inland. Both Mennonites and Quakers travelled overland in covered waggons from Pennsylvania or New Jersey, bringing with them cattle and horses, agricultural implements and household furniture. They entered the province by the ferry from Black Rock and settled in the back parts of Bertie and in the adjacent townships of Sugar Loaf East and Sugar Loaf West, afterwards named Humberstone and Wainfleet. When the rectory of Waterloo was established many of these families had resided in their new homes for more than thirty years. They did not attend the church but the younger generation came to Mr. Anderson to be married and occasionally brought their children to him for baptism. The surnames of Adair, Campbell, Craig, Maxwell, McCrae, McFarlane, McIntosh, McIntyre, Mackenzie, Nairn, Reid, and Scott indicate a considerable immigration from Scotland, of persons who were generally merchants or clerks. The negro and coloured population of the frontier had grown so large that it was found easy to enlist a "coloured corps" of two hundred men for military service in 1838. In rather more than forty years the inhabitants of the district had increased ten fold, from about three thousand to thirty thousand. The ravages of war which had laid waste a great part of it had been repaired and most of the log houses replaced by better ones. But only about one third of the land had been cleared for cultivation. After 1830 the transportation of merchandise to and from the west was gradually diverted from Niagara river to the Welland Canal. The harbour and wharf at old Fort Erie was seldom used except for unloading a cargo of wheat for the mill, the warehouses were empty. The fort had not been rebuilt and the small garrison was withdrawn from the barracks. The neighbouring houses were occupied only by a few families of fishermen or smugglers. A project for a canal from the lake to the river below the rapids failed to find sufficient financial support, owing perhaps to political disturbances, which began soon after a survey was made.

The mill and the ferry made Waterloo a place of considerable commercial activity. There was no other grist-mill nearer than Chippawa and no other ferry above Niagara Falls. It was a rambling village of fifty or sixty houses, the sandy flat between the high bank and the water and extending along the river for a mile. Of these houses an unusual proportion were shops, stores, or taverns. There were two resident physicians, Drs. Benjamin Prescott Hall and Cyrenius Hall. A post office had been established for a time in charge of Colonel Kerby. Three parallel roads, half a mile apart, named the Garrison, Bertie, and Gilmore roads, ran directly westward. In wet weather, these were scarcely passable by any kind of wheeled carriage. The river road, leading to Chippawa, was probably the route of the greatest travel, on which a number of coaches or sleighs daily passed to and from Chippawa, Queenston, and Niagara. Another road, a little farther inland led directly from Waterloo ferry to the Beaver Dams crossing Chippawa Creek about three miles from its mouth. In the season of navigation a small steamer, towing a freight boat made a voyage from Chippawa to Waterloo every other day. Some time later a larger steamship commenced running from Chippawa to Schlosser, thence to Waterloo, and then to Buffalo, returning by the same route.

The recent years had been prosperous, bringing good crops and good prices. According to the assessment rolls, which probably understated the facts, the population of the Niagara District had increased from 20,916 in 1830 to 30,522 in 1838.

It would appear that the rectory of Waterloo was understood to include not only the entire township of Bertie, but the adjacent township of Humberstone on the west, and some portion of the township of Willoughby adjoining its northern boundary. The population of Bertie, returned at 1,982 in 1830 had grown to 2,315 in 1838, while that of Humberstone increased from 724 in 1830 to 1,174 in 1838. Outside of Waterloo and the still smaller village of Gravelly Bay, or Port Colborne, at the southern entrance of the Welland Canal, nearly everybody gained their living in some way from the land.

The register now published begins on 20 March, 1836, and ends on 14 October, 1844. It contains 548 entries, of which 288 are baptisms, 124 marriages, and 136 burials. Of the men who were married, sixty-nine were residents of Bertie, twenty-three of Humberstone, nine of Willoughby, four of Wainfleet and nineteen of other places. Eighteen persons signed the register in German script and sixty-two others by affixing their mark, of whom a majority were women. Of those buried not less than forty four, or almost one third, were children under the age of two years, and thirteen others were between the ages of two and ten. Several accidental deaths are recorded; one of a man found dead on Strawberry Island, another of a young man accidentally drowned at Port Colborne, a third of a soldier of the Third Battalion of Incorporated Militia, drowned at Fort Erie, and a fourth of another soldier of the same regiment, who died according to the verdict of a coroner's jury "by the visitation of God."

Despite the hardships, privations, and toil of their lives, a notable number of these early settlers lived many years. Thus Hannah Haun died at the age of seventy two, William Smith at seventy-five, Andrew Miller at seventy-seven, Jacob Huffman at seventy-eight, John Lount and Benjamin Wintermute at eight-one, John House and John Laur at eighty-three, John Near at eighty-four, Magaret Benner at eighty-five, Peter Wintermute at eighty-seven, James Burns was upwards of ninety and David Baxter nearly one hundred. Several unusual names will be noted, such as Brokenbough, Jerety, and Jomelaton.

These were troubled years, and as in other church registers, some slight reflection of these troubles is found recorded in its pages. The agitation for the secularization of the clergy reserves had gained great strength, but in the hard-fought general election of 1836 a majority of the conservative candidates had triumphed. A long and bitter wrangle in parliament and in the press culminated in an armed insurrection which was quickly overcome by the loyal militia. From December, 1837 to July, 1838, the deserted and dilapidated barracks at Fort Erie and other hastily improvised quarters at Waterloo were occupied by the "Queen's Niagara Fencibles," recruited and commanded by Colonel Kerby, in constant apprehension of an invasion from the opposite shore. After its disbandment, detachments of the sedentary militia were called out for the defence of the frontier. These were relieved by the 10th Provisional Battalion, also recruited and commanded by Colonel Kerby, which garrisoned Fort Erie and Waterloo from November, 1838, until May, 1839. During these periods the Reverend John Anderson performed the duties of chaplain. The following certificate to that effect has survived.

Head Quarters
Fort Erie, 17th Jany. 1838.

"I Certify upon honor that there are stationed and in Garrison, upwards of Six hundred Men, including a Company of [the] 24th Regiment-Incorporated Militia and the Second Lincoln, &c., &c., who voluntarily receive the services of the Rev'd John Anderson Clergyman of the Parish, and for whom Accomodation is provided in St. Paul's Church on Sundays & Holidays and duties performed under my direction as Colonel Commanding by the said Reverend John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie and request the usual Allowance.

James Kerby
Colonel Com'g at
Fort Erie Garrison.

On its disbandment the 10th Provisional Battalion was replaced by small detachments of the 1st and 3rd Incorporated Militia, who continued on duty until the midsummer of 1840. Births, marriages, and deaths in all these regiments are duly recorded.

The cessation of internal and foreign conspiracies to overthrow the government was succeeded by an epidemic of smuggling from the United States, which Colonel Kerby's energetic exertions as collector of customs did not always succeed in checking, and on at least one occasion required the support of a detachment of soldiers to enforce a seizure. Popular sympathy was largely on the side of the smugglers, who often crossed Lake Erie on the ice.

It will be noted that several entries were never fully completed, this being probably deferred for further information and then overlooked. The registers of the church for the later period, 1844 to 1864, have disappeared.

My best acknowledgements are due to Reverend William Burt, the present rector of Fort Erie, for permission to transcribe this register and to J. H. Ingersoll, K.C., of St. Catharines, Chancellor of the Diocese of Niagara, for helpful information respecting the establishment of the rectory.

The following documents show the procedure followed in the establishment of the rectory of Waterloo and the induction of the rector.



William the FOURTH by -the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defending the Faith


Know YE that amongst the Rolls and Records in the Secretary and Registers Office on the 30th day of January 1836 in Lib. C.O. folio 9, it is thus contained:-


WILLIAM THE FOURTH by the GRACE OF GOD of the United Kingdom of


WHEREAS His late Majesty King George the Third, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Great Britain, bearing date the Twenty eighth day of June, in the Thirty third year of His said late Majesty's reign, did erect, form, ordain, make and constitute the Province of Lower Canada and Upper Canada, and their Dependencies, to be a Bishops See, according to the establishment of the Church of England, to be called from thenceforth the Bisbopric of Quebec.

AND WHEREAS, by a certain Act or Statute of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed in the Thirty-first year of the reign of His said late Majesty, entitled, "An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the year of His Majesty's reign, entitled, "An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North America, and to make further provision for the Government of the said Province, "sundry provisions were made respecting the allotment and appropriation of Land for the support and maintenance of a Protestant Clergy within the said Provinces respectively, and it was among other things more especially enacted, that it might and should be lawful for His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, to authorise the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the Government of each of the Provinces respectively, with the advice and consent of His Majesty's Executive Council within the same, from time to time to constitute and erect in every Township or Parish which then was, or thereafter might be formed, constituted or erected within such Province, one or more Parsonage or Rectory, or Parsonages or Rectories, according to the Establishment of the Church of England.

AND WHEREAS, We having due regard to the spiritual welfare of all our loving Subjects resident within the Township of Bertie in the District of Niagara and being desirous of making a permanent provision for their instruction, according to the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England, and also for the support of a Protestant Clergyman duly ordained according to rites of the said Church, have, pursuant to the provisions of the said recited Act, and by and with the consent and advice of our Executive Council of our said Province of Upper Canada, determined to erect and constitute, and by these presents, by and with the advice and consent aforesaid, do erect and constitute a Parsonage or Rectory at Waterloo within the said Township, according to the Establishment ofthe said Church of England, to be hereafter known, styled and designated, as the First Parsonage or Rectory within the said Township of Bertie.

AND by virtue of the same authority, and by and with the advice and consent of our said Executive Council, We do hereby command, that there shall be from henceforth and forever set apart from and out of the Lands which we now hold in our said Province by virtue of our Royal Prerogative, certain parcel or parcels of Land, situated in the said Township, composed of Lot Numbers Six and Seven in the Sixth Concession of the said township of Bertie containing by admeasurement Four hundred acres as a Glebe and endowment to be held appurtenant with the said Parsonage or Rectory, We intending and willing, by virtue of our Royal Prerogative, forthwith to present an Incumbent or Minister of the said Established Church of England to the said Parsonage so hereby erected and constituted as aforesaid, with its appurtenances; saving, nevertheless, to ourself the right of hereafter erecting and constituting one or more Parsonages or Rectories within the said Township.

GIVEN under the Great Seal of our Province of Upper Canada: WITNESS our trusty and well-beloved Sir John Colborne, K.C.B. Lieutenant Governor of said Province this Sixteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six and in the sixth year of our Reign.

By Command of His Excellency in Council, D. Cameron Sr. all which we caused to be exemplified.

In testimony whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent the Great Seal of our said Province to be hereunto affixed.

Witness our trusty and most Beloved Sir Francis Bond Head K.C.B. etc. etc. etc. Lieutenant Governor of our said Province the twenty-ninth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six and in the Sixth year of our Reign.

Robert T. Jameson Recorded 30th January 1836.
Attorney General.

O.C. 15 Jany. 1836,
Admr. Sir John Colborne
K.C.B. etc.
By Commission of His Excellency
D. Cameron Sr. F. B. H.


400 Acres Township of Bertie, District of Niagara

Bertie Church Endowment Recorded 9th January 1857 Lib. G. folio 282 D. Cameron Reg.

Lots 6 & 7 in 5th Con. and 6 & 7 in 6th Con. of Bertie


I, John Strachan, Doctor of Divinity, Rector of Toronto, in the Province of Upper Canada, Archdeacon of York in the Diocese of Quebec, and Commissary for this purpose generally appointed by the Right Reverend Father in God Charles James, by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Quebec

To my well beloved in Christ: John Anderson, Clerk,

By virtue of the authority aforesaid, I admit you to the Rectory or Parsonage at the Parish or Township of Waterloo Bertie in the County of Lincoln and District of Niagara to which you are presented by His Excellency Sir John Colborne K.C.B. the Lieutenant Governor of the said Province, for and on behalf of our Sovereign Lord King William the Fourth the true and undoubted Patron thereof. And I do duly and Canonically institute you to the said Rectory Parsonage, and invest you with all and singular the rights Members and appurtenances thereunto belonging you having first before me inscribed the Articles and taken the Oaths which are in this case by law required to be subscribed and taken.

And I do by these presents commit unto you the cure and the governnent of the inhabitants Members of the Church of England within the limits of the said Rectory or Parsonage, saving always to the said Lord Bishop and his successors Bishops of Quebec the Episcopal rights.

In testimony whereof the Episcopal Seal of the said Bishop is hereunto affixed, and I have subscribed the same.

Dated this ninth day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty six.

Archdeacon of York, Commissioner.


The register, containing the Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials from the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine to the present year, was unfortunately destroyed at the time of the fire of the Revd John Anderson's house.

March 1836.
John Anderson
Rector of Waterloo
Township of Bertie.

Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials of St. Paul's Church, Erie, Township of Bertie, District of Niagara, Province of Canada from 1836 to 1844.

John Anderson


March 20th      John Borlase Warren of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor,
		and Mary Margaret Clarke Kerby of the same place, Spinster,
Warren          were married, by license on the twentieth day of March in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
Kerby           by me John Anderson
		Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Wm Smith and Wm Anderson C

[John Borlase Warren was a son of Lieut. Colonel John Warren,
member of the Legislative Assembly for Haldimand who died in
1832. Miss Mary Margaret Clarke Kerby was the eldest daughter
of Colonel James Kerby, born in 1814 and named after Mrs Thomas
Clarke, who was a daughter of Dr Robert Kerr and a granddaughter
of Sir William Johnson.]

March 20th      ?? daughter of David Clow aged  ?? died at Fort Erie on
		the nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord
Clow            one thousand eight hundred and thirty six and was buried on
buried          the following day

March 27th      On the twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, I baptized
Philipps        Emily Lucretia daughter of Henry Philipps and of Mary his
baptized        wife born on the fourth of the same month

March 27th      On the twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty six I baptized
Hartes          John Jacob Son of John Hartes and of Mary his wife born on
baptized        the first day of February of the preceding year

April 2d.       Robert Graham, aged upwards of fifty years died on
		the thirtieth day of March in the year of our Lord
Graham          one thousand eight hundred and thirty six and was
buried          buried on the second day of April following

April 6th       John Near of the Township of Humberston aged eighty four
		years died on the fourth day of April in the year of our
Near            Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six and was buried
buried          on the sixth following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

April 7th       William Anderson of Buffalo in the State of New York,
		Bachelor, and Ellen Maria Smith of the Township of Bertie,
Anderson        Spinster, were married by licence, on the seventh day of
married to      April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Smith           and thirty six by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of David Wm Smith, Kenneth Reid

[Daughter of Wm Smith J P, of Waterloo near Fort Erie.]

April 10th      On this tenth day of April in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, I baptized
Lewis           Thomas, Son of John Westley Lewis and of Catherine his wife,
baptized        born on the sixth day of December of the preceding year
		John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

May 17th        Uriah Sherk of the Township of Bertie Bachelor, and
		Mary Kennedy of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Sherk           banns being duly published, on the seventeenth day of
married to      May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Kennedy         thirty six by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of James Kennedy, Johannes Sherk

May 17th        On this seventeenth day of May in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six. I baptized
Moorhead        Jane, daughter of John Moorhead* and of Ann his wife born
Baptized        on the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty three

*[Probably should be Muirhead, John B. Muirhead married Anne Dockstadder
14 May 1824.]

June 12th       On the twelfth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty six I baptized
Cregor          Philip Leardas, Son of John Cregor and of Catharine his
Baptized        wife, born on the fourth day of May in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six

July 3d         Charles Stanton* of Fort Erie, in the Township of Bertie,
		County of Lincoln and District of Niagara, Bachelor and
Stanton         Eliza Odlum of the same place, Spinster, were married by
married to      licence on the third day of July in the year of our Lord
Odlum           one thousand eight hundred and thirty six by me

		In the presence of Geo Hardison & Horatio N Warren.

*[Son of Wm. Stanton, a merchant and deputy collector of Customs.]

July 10th       Elisha Atwood of Hamburgh in the State of New York,
		Bachelor, and Julia Ann Little of the Township of Bertie,
Atwood          Spinster, were married by licence on the tenth day of July
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Little          thirty six by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Lyman Little & Abijah Gray Jr.

Sept 17th       On the seventeenth day of September in the year of
		our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six I
Plato           baptized Cornelius, Son Christian Plato and Mary
baptized        his wife, born on the sixteenth day of January of this
		same year   John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Sept 27th       Kenneth Reid* of Fort Erie in the Township of Bertie,
		County of Lincoln, District of Niagara, Bachelor, and
Reid            Mary Jane Hardison** of the same place, Spinster, were
married to      married by licence on the twenty seventh day of September
Hardison        in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty six by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Horatio N. Warren & Geo. Hardison***

*[Afterwards an ensign in the Queen's Niagara Fencibles.]
**[Daughter of Benjamin Hardison, a member of the
	Legislative Assembly 1796-18O8.]
***[For some time Collector of Customs.]

Oct. 9th        Ann Rainsford residing at Waterloo, aged forty two years
		died on the seventh day of October in the year of our Lord
Rainsford       one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, and was buried
buried          on the ninth following by me John Anderson

Oct. 9th        On this ninth day of October in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, I baptized
Near            Eliza Ann, daughter of Henry Near and of Lydia his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty fifth day of March of this same year

Oct. 14th       James Robertson Stanton of the City of Toronto Bachelor and
		Martha Ann Hardison of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Stanton         married, by licence, on the fourteenth day of October in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
Hardison        by me John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Geo Hardison & Samuel Stanton

Oct. 27th       Christian Sherk of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor,
		and Catherine Sherk of the same place, Spinster, were
Sherk           married, the banns being duly published, on the twenty
married to      seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
Sherk           eight hundred and thirty six by me John Anderson

		In the presence of George Sherk & Abraham Sherk

Nov. 6th        On this sixth day of November in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty six, I baptized John,
Nix             Son of Jacob Nix of the Township of Bertie and of Mary
baptized        his wife, born on the eleventh day of April of this same year

Nov. 10th       Jacob Benner Junr. of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and
		Sophia Carter of the same place, spinster, were married the
Benner          banns being duly published, on the tenth day of November in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
		In the presence of Thomas E. FitzGerald & John Cregor

Nov. 13th       On this thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty six I baptized
Anger           Susan Jane daughter of John Anger and of Susan his wife
baptized        born on the eighth day of March preceeding.

Nov. 13th       On this thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty six I baptized Mary
Carter          Catherine, daughter of William Carter and of Christiana his
baptized        wife, born on the twenty eighth day of July preceding

Nov. 17th       Lieut. Colonel Jones,* C.B. late of His Majesty's 71st Regt.
		of foot, aged fifty seven years died at his residence
Jones           Vallore Mount, Fort Erie on the fifteenth day of November
buried          in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty six and was buried on the seventeenth following

		Witnesses to the Interment James Kerby
*[Arthur Jones, see Carnochan-"Inscriptions and Graves in the
	Niagara Peninsula," Niagara Hist. Society, Publication No. 19, p. 49.]

Nov. 20th       On this twentieth day of November in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six I baptized
Jansen          Willson Edmund, Son of Jacob Jansen and of Margaret his wife,
baptized        born on the eleventh day of July of the preceding year

Nov. 20th       On this twentieth day of November in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six I baptized
Jansen          Jacob, Son of John Jansen and of Eliza his wife,
baptized        born on the thirteenth day of September preceding

Nov. 22d.       Barnard Warner of the Township of Clinton, bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Sherk of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Warner          married, the banns being duly published, on the
married to      twenty second day of November in the year of our Lord
Sherk           one thousand eight hundred and thirty six by me
		John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Dilman Furry & Daniel Fretz.

Nov. 27th       Silas Parke of the Township of Bertie Bachelor and Eve Wingher
		of the same place Spinster, were married, the banns being
Parke           duly published, on the twenty seventh day of November in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
		In the presence of Thomas Campbell

Dec. 10th       John, Son of Jacob Nix, of the Township of Bertie, aged eight
		months, died on the ninth day of December in the year of our
Nix             Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six and was buried
buried          on the following day by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Dec. 16th       George Cotts, aged forty five years, late Surgeon in the Royal
		Navy, died at Fort Erie on the fourteenth day of December in
Cotts           the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
buried          and was buried on the Sixteenth following

		Witnesses to the interment A. Douglas* & Wm. Smith
*[A merchant, the second of that name at Port Erie.]

Dec. 20th       Martin Neff of the township of Humberstone, bachelor and
		Esther Fretz of township of Bertie, Spinster, were married,
Neff            the banns being duly published, on the twentieth day of
married to      December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Fretz           and thirty six, by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Jesse Minor & Solomon Fretz

Dec. 27th       Holley Foster of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Patience Cummings of the same place, spinster, were married
Foster          the banns being duly published, on the twenty seventh day of
married to      December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Cummings        and thirty six, by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of William Anger & William Edsall


Jany 1st        Zacharias Teal aged thirty eight years, died on the
		thirtieth day of December in the year of our Lord one
Teal            thousand eight hundred and thirty six, and was buried on
buried          the first day of January of the following year

		Witnesses to the Interment Henry Teal

Jany 1st.       Elizabeth Oliver aged ? years died at Fort Erie on the
		twenty ninth day of December in the year of our Lord
Oliver          one thousand eight bundred and thirty six and was buried on
buried          the first day of January of the following year.

Jany 2d.        On this second day of January in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Teal            Zacharias, son of Zacharias Teal, lately deceased, and
baptized        of Elizabeth his wife, born on the twenty second day of
		March in the year one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty two. John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

Jany 2d.        On this second day of January in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Teal            William, son of Zacharias Teal, lately deceased, and
baptized        of Elizabeth his wife, born on the third of October of
		the preceeding year. John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

Jany 3d.        Amos Bartlett* of the township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Cynthia Osgoode* of the same place, Spinster, were married
Bartlett        by licence, on the third day of January in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven by me
Osgoode         John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Peter Street* & William Pinner.

*[These were all coloured persons.]

Jany 13th       William Woolever aged nearly two years died on the eleventh
		day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Woolever        hundred and thirty Seven and was buried on the thirteenth
buried          following

Jany 15th       On the fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Haun            Adolphus Walter, Son of Isaac Haun* and of Eliza Jane
baptized        his wife, born on the sixth day of December in the
		preceeding year.  John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

*[A Justice of the Peace and township clerk in 1835.]

Jany 22d.       Margaret daughter of Alfred Hawkins (Colored man) aged
		nearly one month, died on the twenty first day of January in
Hawkins         the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven was
buried          buried on the following day

Jany 31st       Solomon Fretz of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Wingher of the same place, spinster, were married
Fretz           the banns being duly published, on the thirty first day of
married to      January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Wingher         and thirty seven

		In the presence of Martin Neff & Jacob Sherk

Feby 2d         Abraham Sherk of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor and
		Catharine Hershy of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Sherk           married to by Licence, on the second day of February in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
		In the presence of Benjamin Hershey & Lewis Palmer

Feby 10th       Almira Saphira, aged twenty one months, daughter of Henry
		Bowen of the Township of Bertie, died on the seventeenth
Bowen           day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight
buried          hundred and thirty seven and was buried on the nineteenth
		following by me - John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Feby 19th       On the nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven, I baptized
Bowen           Almeda Siphronia, daughter of Henry Bowen and Barbara his
baptized        wife, born on the eighteenth day of May in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five.

Feby 21st.
Buried          (Blank)

Feby 26th       On this twenty sixth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Powell          Emma Rebecca Powell, an adopted child of William Powell*
baptized        Esquire of the Township of Bertie, born on the thirteenth
		day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty. John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

*[Justice of the Peace and Town Warden in 1817 and 1822 District
Councillor in 1842.  Lieut Colonel in the Militia.]

Feby 26th.      On this twenty sixth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Anger           Jacob, Son of Daniel Anger and of Catherine his wife born on
baptized        the twenty third day of February in the preceding year

Feby. 27th      Almeda Sophronia, aged twenty one months, daughter of Henry
		Bowen, of the Township of Bertie, died on the twenty sixth
Bowen           day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
baptized        hundred and thirty seven and was buried on the following day

Feby 28th.      John Weaver of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Barbara Neff of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Weaver          the banns being duly published, on the twenty eighth
married to      day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Neff            hundred and thirty seven by me John Anderson

		In the presence of Samuel Weaver & Jacob Stoner

March 7th       John Byer of the Township of Willoughby, Bachelor and Lydia
		Neff of the Township of Humberston, Spinster, were married,
Byer            by Licence, on the seventh day of March in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty Seven
		In the presence of Jacob Shoup & Owen Pares.

March 10th      Abraham Bryan* of the City of Buffalo in the State of New York,
		and Margaret Hislop* of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Bryan           by licence, on the tenth day of March in the year of our Lord
married to      one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
		In the presence of Charles Smith* & Amos Bartlett
*[These were probably coloured people.]

March 12th      On this twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized Elizabeth,
Rainsford       daughter of William Rainsford and of Eliza his wife born on
baptized        the Seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty five - John Anderson

March 12th      On this twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized Ann
MacIntosh       daughter of John McIntosh and of Mary Ann his wife born on
baptized        fourth day of November of the preceding year

March 12th      On this twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Anderson        John, Son of the Reverend John Anderson Rector of Waterloo
baptized        Fort Erie, and of Helen his wife, born on the nineteenth day
		of November of the preceding year John Anderson
						  Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were James Kerby*
				  Benjamin Rooth**
				  Letitia Yule***

*[Major Rooth.  **Colonel Kerby. ***A sister of Mrs. Anderson.]

March 12th      On this twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Stevenson's     David and Samuel, twin children of Robert Stevenson and of
baptized        Jane his wife born on the sixth day of September of the
		preceding year John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were  David Scott
				   Sarah Adair
				   Jane Adair
				   Agnes Scott

March 16th      Henry Laur of the Township of Bertie Bachelor, and Isabella
		Graham of the same place, Spinster, were married, by licence
Laur            on the sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one
married to      thousand eight hundred and thirty seven by me John Anderson
		In the presence of Robert Grahame & Edward Miller

March 24th      Jacob Huffman* aged about seventy eight years, died on the
		twenty second of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
Huffman         eight hundred and thirty seven, and was buried on the
buried          fourth following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		Witnesses to the Interment Henry Teal
*[A loyalist who registered a patent for 300 acres in Bertie in 1798.]

April 16th
Hewson          (Blank)

April 16th      Thomas Campbell* of the Township of Bertie and Jane Mullen*
		of the same place Spinster were married the banns being
Campbell        duly published, on the sixteenth day of April in the year
married to      of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
		In the presence of Helen Anderson
*[These persons were Roman Catholics.]

April 16th      On this sixteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized William
Campbell        Son of Thomas Campbell and of Jane his wife born on the ??

April 23rd      On the twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized John son
Gardner         of Henry Gardner and of Mary his wife born on the ninth day of
baptized        June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty five.

April 23d       On this twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Maxwell         John son of John Maxwell and of Catherine Malvina his wife,
baptized        born on the eighth day of March preceding.  John Anderson

		The Sponsors were John Maxwell
				  Jacob Duncklee
				  Mary Duncklee

April 25th      Henry, Son of Lieut Charles Jones H.P. in the Royal Navy,
		aged two years and nine months, died on the twenty fourth day
Jones           of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and thirty seven and was buried on the following day by me
		John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

May 2d          Charles M. Gorham of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and
		Mary Shirk of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Gorham          by licence, on the second day of May in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven by me
Shirk           John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of William P. Laur & Joseph Shirk

May 2d          Horatio Nelson Warren* of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor,
		and Mary Clark Stanton of the same place, Spinster, were
Warren          married by licence, on the second day of May in the year
married to      of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
Stanton         by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of K. L. Warren & W. Shore Junr.
*[Son of Henry Warren, born in Trafalgar year.]

May 8th         Joseph Ward of the City of Buffalo, State of New York
		Bachelor, and Mary Spedding of the Township of Bertie,
Ward            in the District of Niagara, Spinster, were married,
married to      by licence, on the eighth day of May in the year of
Spedding        our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven by me
		John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Peter Miller & Thomas Spedding

May 8th         On this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Spedding        Deborah daughter of Thomas Spedding of the Township
baptized        of Bertie and of Magdalen his wife, born on the nineteenth
		day of March preceding John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were Deborah Miller
				  Peter Miller
				  Magdalen Spedding

May 20th        Charles Brookbanks aged about sixty years died on the
		nineteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
Brookbanks      eight hundred and thirty seven and was buried on the twentieth
buried          following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

	Witnesses to the Interment John Hardison

May 23rd        Jacob Stoner of the Township of Humberston Bachelor and
		Lavinia Schooley of the same place, Spinster, were married by
Stoner          licence, on the twenty third day of May in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven by me
		In the presence of      T. H. Wilde
					Jacob Zavitz
					John Schooley
					Benjamin Schooley
					Jesse Winger
					Leah Wilde
					Samuel Augustine.

May 30th        Magdalen, wife of Thomas Spedding aged thirty three
		years died on the twenty eighth day of May in the year of our
Spedding        Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven and was
buried          buried on the thirtieth following by me John Anderson

June 1st        John Steele* of the Township of Humberston and Lydia Main,
		widow of the late Hugh McCuller, of the same place, were
Steele          married, the banns being duly published, on the first day of
married to      June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
McCuller        thirty seven by me John Anderson  Rector of Waterloo
		In the presence of Emmanuel Hasrall

*[John Steele registered a patent for 2 acres in Humberstone in 1797.]

June 4th        On this fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized Letticia Ann
Jones           daughter of Charles Jones (R) Lieutenant on the Royal Navy and
baptized        of Jane his wife born on the twenty second day of december
		in the preceding year John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The sponsors were  Ann Jones
				   Charles Jones
				   Isabella Oliver

June 8th
buried          (Blank.)
		Witnesses to the interment John Hardison & C. Hall

July 2d         On this second day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Johnson         Lansing Yates, son of John Johnson and of Catherine his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty third day of February of the preceding year

July 2d         On this second day of July in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Buck            Almeda daughter of William Buck of the Township of Bertie
baptized        and of Sarah his wife, born on the eighth day of January
		of this same year. John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were  Elizabeth Hibbard
				   Charles Hibbard
				   Sarah Buck

July 13th       William Anthony Esquire*, of the Township of Bertie, aged
		forty seven years died on the eleventh day of July in the
Anthony         year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
buried          and was buried on the thirteenth following by me
		John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

*[A Justice of the Peace and Town Warden in 1833.  When a resident of
Grand River he married Sarah Wintermute of Bertie in Bertie 22 February, 1823.]

July 16th       On this sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized Peter
Anthony         Wintermute*, Son of William Anthony, Esq. (lately deceased)
baptized        and of Sarah his wife born on the eighteenth day of July
		in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty
		nine.  John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

*[Afterwards a merchant in Ridgeway and Reeve of Bertie in 1895-6.]

July 16th       On this sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized John
Anthony         Alexander, Son of William Anthony, Esq. (lately deceased)
baptized        and of Sarah his wife born on the ninth day of March
		in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
		three.  John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

July 28th       On this twenty eighth day of July in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Somerville      George, Son of John Somerville and of Mary his wife, born on
baptized        the tenth day of June preceding.  John Anderson

July 30th       On this thirtieth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized William
House           Powell, Son of Frederich House of the Township of Willoughby,
baptized        and of Julia Ann his wife, born on the seventeenth day of March
		of the preceding year.  John Anderson  Rector of Waterloo.

August 31st     Margaret, daughter of John Bullion of the Township of Bertie
		aged about three months, died on the twenty ninth day of
Bullion         August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
buried          thirty seven and was buried on the thirty first following.

Sept 17th       On this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized Robert
Stanton         Lee, son of James Stanton* and of Martha his wife, born on the
baptized        twentyeth of August preceding.

		The Sponsors were Robert Stanton
				William Lee
				Martha Stanton

Sept. 17th      On this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
Stanton         Margaret Eliza, daughter of Charles Stanton* and of Eliza his
baptized        wife born on the twenty sixth day of June preceding

*[A son of William Stanton, D.A. Commissary General, see Irving, Officers of
British Forces in Canada in 1812-15, p. 33. James R. Stanton was Clerk of
the Court and Charles Stanton was deputy collector of customs. ]

Sept. 17th      On this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized William
Reid            son of Kenneth Reid and of Mary his wife, born on the fifteenth
baptized        day of July preceding   John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Sept. 19th      George Sherk of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Hershy of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Sherk           married, the banns being duly published, on the nineteenth
married to      day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Hershy          hundred and thirty seven by me, John Anderson

		In the presence of Benjamin Hershey & Adam Woolever*

*[A captain in the Militia.]

Sept. 20th      Daniel Sherk of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Fanny Graybiel of the Township of Wainfleet, Spinster, were
Sherk           married, the banns being duly published, on the twentieth day
married to      of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Graybiel        hundred and thirty seven by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Benjn Graybiel & Michael Sherk

Sept. 24th      On this twenty fourth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized George,
Thomson         Son of Jannatt H. Thomson Esq. A.C.G. and of Margaret A.
baptized        his wife, born on the fourteenth day of August preceding

		The Sponsors    Edgworth Ussher
				John Ussher
				Harriet Ussher proxy for Harriet Mitchell

Oct. 3d         Isaac Neff of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Margaret Miller of the Township of Willoughby, Spinster, were
Neff            married, the banns being duly published, on the third day of
married to      October in the year of the Lord one thousand eight hundred
Miller          and thirty seven by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Emmanuel Hoover & John Byer

Oct. 26th       Edward Lee* of the Township of Wainfleet, Widower, and
		Margaret Hershey of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Lee             married, by Licence, on the twenty sixth day of October in
married to      the year of eight hundred and thirty seven
		In the presence of Samuel McAfee & Michael Graybiel Jr.

*[A merchant in Marshville, Reeve of Wainfleet 1883-82, Warden of the County
of Welland in 1865-6-7 and 1875.]

Nov. 6          Mary Magdalen Anger aged sixty five years, died on the
		fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand
Anger           eight hundred and thirty seven and was buried on the following
buried          day by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Nov. 25th       William Carter* aged about forty years was found dead on
		Strawberry Island on Thursday the twenty third day of
Carter          November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and thirty seven, and was buried on the twenty fifth following
		by me John Anderson

		Witnesses to the Interrnent C. Hall

*Probably a son of Silas Carter of Bertie.  A rocky point on Lake Erie, nearly
half between Fort Erie and Point Abino, marked by a Stone windmill, was long
known as Carters Point and was a military station in the winter of 1812-13.

Nov. 30th       George David Nettle of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Mary Wintermute of the same place, Spinster, were married, by
Nettle          licence, the thirtieth day of November in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven by me
Wintermute      John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of William Raymond & Alexander Wintermute.

Dec. 10th       On this tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized John
Lewis           son of John Westley Lewis*, and of Catherine his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty fourth day of October preceeding

*Inn keeper and part owner of the ferry.

Dec. 12th       Jacob Danaman of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and Mary
		Hershey of the same place, Spinster, were married, by licence,
Danaman         on the twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord one
married to      thousand eight hundred and thirty seven by me John Anderson
		In the presence of John A. Hershey and Alexander Swayze.

Dec. 19th       Henry Van Jaisel, of the Township of Bertie, Widower, and
		Catharine Davis of the same place, Widow, were married, the
Van Jaisal      banns being duly published, on the nineteenth day of December
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Davis           thirty seven by me John Anderson

		In the presence of William Worgen & Margaret Anger


Jany 2d.        William Laur of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and
		Catherine Teal of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Laur            banns being duly published, on the second day of January in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight
		In the presence of Jacob Jansen and John Spedding.


Dec. 24th       On this twenty fourth day of December in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven I baptized
McFarlane       Catherine daughter of John McFarlane Esquire and of Catherine
baptized        Jordan his wife born on the third day of July preceding


Feby 13th       Samuel Cawthard* of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Woolever of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Cawthard        by licence, on the thirteenth day of February in the year of
married to      our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight by me
Woolever        John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In presence of Philip Woolever & Adam Shipple
*For many years an inn keeper near the ferry.

Feby 14th       John Westley Wheaton, aged forty two years, of the Township
		of Bertie, died on the thirteenth day of February in the year
Wheaton         of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and
buried          was buried on the following day by me John Anderson

Feby 18th       On this eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized Peter
Miller          Edward*, son of Peter Miller** and of Deborah his wife,
baptized        born on the twelfth day of July in the preceding year

The Sponsors were  Edward Miller, Edward Miller Junr. & Eliza Miller
*Deputy Reeve of Bertie in 1868-9.
**Peter Miller married Deborah Spedding, 18 March, 1822.

Feby 18th       On this eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized Henry,
Wheaton         Son of John Westley Wheaton (lately deceased), and of
baptized        Hannah his wife, born on the second day of April in the
		preceding year John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Feby 25th       On this twenty fifth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized William,
Adair           Son of John Adair and of Margaret his wife, born on the ninth
baptized        day of October of the preceding year John Anderson

Feby 25th.      On this twenty fifth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized Agnes
Rooth           daughter of Benjamin Rooth Esq., H.P. 76th Regt. of Foot and
baptized        Catherine Jane Hedley, his wife, born on the fifteenth day of
		June of the preceeding year.  John Anderson

March 4th       On this fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized William
Benner          Henry*, son of Jacob Benner and of Sophia his wife, born on
baptized        the thirty first day of January of this same year.

*Afterwards a well known blacksmith on the Garrison Road.

March 4th.      On this fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized Emeline
Anger           daughter of Daniel Anger and of Catherine his wife, born on
baptized        the fourteenth day of November of the preceeding year.

March 6th.      Henry Hale of the Township of Cayuga, Bachelor and Elizabeth
		Tate of the same place, spinster, were married by license on
Hale            the sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand
married to      eight hundred and thirty eight by me John Anderson.
		In the presence of John Topp and John McKay.

March 9th       On this ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Nathanial,
Scott           son of David Scott of the Township of Bertie and of Agnes his
baptized        wife, born on the second day of May of the preceeding year.

March 12th      On this twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized Jane
McKenzie        McIntyre, daughter of Kenneth McKenzie* and Jane his wife
baptized        (lately deceased), born on the third day of this same month.

*A merchant, and later part owner of the ferry.

March 13th      Jane, wife of Kenneth McKenzie age ?? years died on the
		eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
Mckenzie        eight hundred and thirty eight, and was buried on the
buried          thirteenth following by me, John Anderson.

		Witness to the interment - Wm Sutherland*

*A physician and medical officer of the Queen's Niagara Fencibles
and the 10th Provisional Battalion, both commanded by Colonel James Kerby
in 1838 and 1839.

March 13th      George Cline of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor and
		Deborah Steele of the same place, Spinster were married
Cline           the banns being duly published, on the thirteenth day of
married to      March in the year our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Steele          thirty eight by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Benjamin Bearss & Jacob Willson

March 14th      John Barnhart of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and
		Susan Buck of the same place, Spinster, were married by
Barnhart        license on the fourteenth day of March in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight
		In the presence of Benj. House & Abraham Penrod

March 18th      On this eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized George
Warren          Frederick, son of Horatio Nelson Warren and of Mary Clark
baptized        his wife; born on the twenty first day of February preceding

		The Sponsors    Rev. R. Rolph
				George Stanton
				Ann Stanton

March 19th      Jane McIntyre, daughter of Kenneth McKenzie, aged about
		two weeks, died on the eighteenth day of March in the year
McKenzie        of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and
buried          was buried on the following day by me John Anderson

March 21st      John Schooley of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Harriet Haun of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were married,
Schooley        the banns being duly published, on the twenty first day of
married to      March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Haun            thirty eight by me John Anderson

		In the presence of Benjamin Schooley & Jesse Minor.

March 27th      Stephen Snider of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Rice of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Snider          banns being duly published, on the twenty seventh day of March
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
Rice            eight by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of William Barnum and Adam Snider Senr.

March 28th      On this twenty eighth day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized Thomas,
Maradith        Son of Samuel Maradith private in the Queens Niagara Fencibles,
baptized        and of Margaret his wife, born on the fifteenth day of October
		in the preceding year John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

April 12th      Horace, Son of Abraham Hershey Junr. aged ten months, died
		on the eleventh day of April in the year of our Lord one
Hershey         thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and was buried on the
buried          following day by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

April 15th      Robert Meins aged about thirty years died on the fourteenth
		day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Meins           hundred and thirty eight and was buried on the following day

April 17th      Cyrenius Near of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor and
		Margaret Alward of the same place, Spinster, were married,
		the banns being duly published, on the seventeenth day of
		April in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty eight by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Joseph Near & Casper Snider.

April 22d       On this twenty second day of April in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized
Lewis           George Dennis, Son of John Lewis, private in the Queens
baptized        Niagara Fencibles, and of Amelia his wife, born on the ninth
		day of November in the preceding year

April 24th      Henry Lambert, aged about twenty eight years, late private in
		the Queens Niagara Fencibles, died on the twenty second day
Lambert         of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and thirty eight, and was buried on the twenty fourth following

April 28th      John, Son of John Cregor, aged eight days, died on the twenty
		sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand
Cregor          eight hundred and thirty eight, and was buried on the twenty
buried          eighth following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

April 29th      On this twenty ninth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized Eliza Ann
Clear           daughter of Francis Clear, private in the Queens Niagara
baptized        Fencibles, and of Sophia his wife, born on the twenty seventh
		day of April one thousand eight hundred and thirty six

May 1st         Jacob Sherk of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Barbara Wingher of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Sherk           the banns being duly published, on the first day of May in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
Wingher         eight by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of John Barnhart & Benjamin Sherk

May 6th         On this sixth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight I baptized John
Llewellyn       Matthew, Son Charles Llewellyn, Serjeant in the Queens
baptized        Niagara Fencibles and of Iris his wife, born on the twenty
		ninth day of March preceding -John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

May 12th        On this twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Ann Rhody
Leopard         daughter of Samuel Leopard and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        fifth day of February preceding

May 17th        John Fellows, aged fifty seven years, died on the fifteenth
		day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Fellows         and thirty eight and was buried on the seventeenth following
		Witnesses to the interment John W. Lewis & Wm. Sutherland

May 24th        William Slingland, private in the Queens Niagara Fencibles,
		died on the twenty second day of May in the year of our
Slingland       Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and was
buried          buried on the twenty fourth following by me

June 3d         On this third day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized John Ussher,
Baird           Son of James Baird, private in the Queens Niagara Fencibles,
baptized        and of Alice his wife, born on the twenty third day of May
		preceding, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were  John Chance
				   William Hewson
				   Eliza Chance

June 3d         On this third day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Nichol          Thomas, Son of John Nichol and of Elizabeth his wife, born
baptized        on the twenty sixth of March preceding John Anderson

June 19th       On this nineteenth day of June in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Jansen          Samuel, Son of Peter Jansen and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        eighteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty six -John Anderson

June 19th       Delila Catherine, aged four years, daughter of Peter
		Jansen, died on the seventeenth day of June in the year of our
Jansen          Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, and was
buried          buried on the nineteenth following by me John Anderson

June 24th       On this twenty fourth day of June in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Ussher          George Beauchamp, Son of John Ussher, Captain in the Queens
baptized        Niagara Fencibles, and of Sarah his wife, born on the sixth
		day of January of the same year John Anderson

		The Sponsors George Welsh proxy for John Ussher
				Beauchamp Colclough
				Harriet Ussher

June 24th       On this twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Spedding        John Robert, Son of John Spedding and of Elizabeth his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty fourth day of September in the preceding
		year-John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

June 30th       Gilbert, Son of Joseph Johnson aged nearly three years died
		on the twenty eighth day of June in the year of our Lord
Johnson         one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and was buried
buried          on the thirtieth following by me John Anderson

July 1st        On this first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Sarah Catherine,
Johnson         daughter of Joseph Johnson and of Ann his wife, born on the
baptized        third day of June preceding - John Anderson Rector of Waterloo.

July 3d         Samuel, aged twenty one months, Son of Peter Jansen, died on
		the first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
Jansen          eight hundred and thirty eight and was buried on the third
buried          following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

July 8th        On this eight day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Richard
Webb            Ponsonby, Son of Richard Ponsonby Webb*, Major in the Queens
baptized        Niagara Fencibles, and of Dorothea his wife, born on the
		second day of June preceding  John Anderson

*Formerly an officer in the 43rd Light Infantry and later a captain in the
6th Gore Militia.

July 8th        On this eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Jane, daughter of
Adair           John Adair and of Margaret his wife, born on the ninth day of
baptized        April in this same year John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

July 13th       On this thirteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Robert
Abraham         Frederick, son of Robert Abraham and of Charlotte his wife,
baptized        born on the third day of this same month

		The Sponsors were Robert Abraham
				  John Chance
				  Dorothea Webb

July 15th       On this fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Margaret,
Laur            daughter of Henry Laur, and of Isabella his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty second day of September in the preceding year

		The Sponsors Edward Miller
				Margaret Buck
				Ann Thompson

July 15th       On this fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Alfred
Jansen          Irvine Son of Jacob Jansen and of Margaret his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty fifth day of October in the preceding year

		The Sponsors were Peter Jansen
				  Jacob Jansen
				  Mary Jansen

July 22d        Richard Ponsonby Webb, aged nearly two months, Son of
		Richard Ponsonby Webb, Major in the Queens Niagara Fencibles,
Webb            died on the twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord
buried          one thousand eight hundred and thirty  eight, and was buried
		on the following day by me John Anderson

July 23d        On this twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized John
Rogers          Jarves, Son of James Rogers of Black Rock, State of New York
baptized        and of Sarah Jane his wife, born on the seventeenth day of
		March of this same year

August 13th     On this thirteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Rebecca,
Darrow          daughter of James Darrow and of Sarah his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty second day of August in the preceding year

August 19th     On this nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Francis
Haun            Burwell, Son of Isaac Haun and of Eliza Jane his wife, born on
baptized        the twentieth day of May preceding, John Anderson

August 19th     On this nineteenth day of August in the Year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized George
Nairn           Duff, Son of Donald Nairn and of Justina his wife,
baptized        born on the eighteenth day of May preceding John Anderson

		The Sponsors William Duff
				Donald Nairn
				Angel Duff

August 26th     On this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Adelina,
Palmer          daughter of Lewis Palmer*, and of Catherine his wife, born on
baptized        the thirtieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and twenty one - John Anderson

*Served in the Provincial Dragoons in 1812-14; taken prisoner at
Lundy's Lane, afterwards a captain in the Lincoln Militia.

August 26th     On this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Ellen,
Palmer          daughter of Lewis Palmer and of Catherine his wife, born on
baptized        the eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and twenty four - John Anderson

August 26th     On this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Palmer          Mary Ann, daughter of Lewis Palmer and of Catherine his
baptized        wife, born on the twenty fourth day of June in the year of
		our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven

August 26th     On this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Catherine,
Palmer          daughter of Lewis Palmer and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        thirty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty one. John Anderson  Rector of Waterloo

August 26th     On this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized John Lewis,
Palmer          Son of Lewis Palmer and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty six.   John Anderson

August 26th     On this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Adam Lyman*
Woolever        Son of Adam Woolever and of Eugenia his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty eighth day of May in the preceding year

*Became a noted local violinist.

August 27th     On this twenty seventh day of August in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Boughner        Iram Boughner, adopted child of Frederick and Elizabeth Sagar*,
baptized        born on the twelfth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty one

*Frederick Seager registered a patent for 172 acres in Bertie in 1797.

Sept. 16th      William, Son of Kenneth Reid, aged fourteen months, died on
		the fourteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one
Reid            thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, and was buried
buried          on the sixteenth following by me John Anderson

		Witnesses to the Interment John W. Lewis

Sept. 16th      On this sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Abraham         Margaret Charlotte, Illegitimate, child of James Abraham,
baptized        born on the fourth day of April in the preceding year

Sept. 16th      On this sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Sarah Ann,
Adair           daughter of Joseph Adair and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        second day of July preceding - John Anderson

Sept. 28th      Margaret Douglas* aged fifty five years, died on the
		twenty fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one
Douglas         thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, and was buried on
buried          the twenty eighth day following by me John Anderson

		Witnesses to the interment Edmd. Riselay & Benj. P. Hall.

*Probably Margaret De Mille who was married to Alexander Douglas
22 Feby., 1800.

Oct. 5th        Robert Lee, Son of James Stanton Esq., aged thirteen months,
		died on the third day of October in the year of our Lord one
Stanton         thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, and was buried
buried          on the fifth following by me John Anderson

		Witnesses to the interment Benj. P. Hall
					   John W. Lewis

Oct. 8th        John, Son of Samuel Coulter, aged eighteen months, died on
		the seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one
Coulter         thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, and was buried on
buried          the following day by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Oct. 18th       Arthur Armstrong of the Township of Crowland, Bachelor, and
		Susaunah Everitt of the Township of Willoughby, Spinster,
Armstrong       were married, the banns being duly published, on the
married to      eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
Everitt         eight hundred and thirty eight by me John Anderson

		In the presence of M. Bunner & Joseph House.

Oct. 25th       Daniel Morningstar of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Barbara Near of the same place, Spinster, were married,banns
Morningstar     being duly published, on the twenty fifth day of October
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
Near            eight by me John Anderson

		In the presence of Robert Atkinson & Jonas Morningstar.

Nov. 4th        On the fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Margaret
Warren          Douglas, daughter of Duncan Warren Esquire of the Township
baptized        of Howard in the Western District, and of Susan his wife, born
		on the twenty seventh day of January in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty six

		The Sponsors were -John Douglas
				   Duncan Warren
				   Helen Anderson

Nov. 15th       William Hamilton Hughes aged sixty two years, died at Buffalo
		in the State of New York on the fourteenth day of November
Hughes          in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
buried          thirty eight and was buried at Fort Erie on the following
		day by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Nov. 16th       William Brace,* aged seven years, died on the fourteenth day
		of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Brace           and thirty eight, and was buried on the sixteenth following


Nov. 17th       On this seventeenth day of November in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptised
O'Neil          John, Son of John O'Neil, Private in the Incorporated
baptized        Militia, and of Agnes his wife, born on the tenth day of April
		in the preceeding year - John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were  John O'Neil
				   John Lobb
				   Elizabeth Lobb

Nov. 17th       On this seventeenth day of November in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
O'Neil          William, Son of John O'Neil and of Agnes his wife, born on
baptized        the first day of August preceding- John Anderson

		The Sponsors were  John O'Neil
				   John Lobb
				   Elizabeth Lobb

Nov. 17th       On this seventeenth day of November in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Ellen,
Mitchell        daughter of John Mitchell, Private in the Incorporated
baptized        Militia, and Nancy his wife, born on the eighteenth day of
		August preceding- John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors Robert Campbell
				Nancy Mitchell

Nov. 17th       On this seventeenth day of November in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized
Dancey          Eliza, daughter of Pockeridge Dancey, Private in the
baptized        Inoorporated Militia, and of Sarah, his wife, born on the
		fifth day of July preceeding- John Anderson

		The Sponsors John Sides
				Sarah Dancey

Nov. 22d        Julius Chadwick of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor,
		and Maria Ann Sellers of the same place, Widow, were married,
Chadwick        the banns being duly published, on the twenty second day of
married to      November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Sellers         and thirty eight by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Alexander Douglas & Henry Coape

Dec. 3d         Peter Wintermute,* aged eighty seven years, died on the first
		day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Wintermute      hundred and thirty eight, and was buried on the third
buried          following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		Witnesses to the Interment Benj. P. Hall
					   John W. Lewis

*Formerly a corporal in Butler's Rangers; he came with several brothers
from the Valley of Wyoming in Pennsylvania where a fortified house belonging
to his family was known as 'Wintermoot's Fort'.

Dec. 5th        Pollodore Richardson* of the Township of Bertie, bachelor, and
		Julian Denny* of the same place, Widow, were married, the banns
Richarson       being duly published, on the fifth day of December in the year
married to      of the Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight by me
		In the presence of Henry Coape & Reuben Brooks.

*Probably coloured persons.

Dec. 11th       Sophia Miller,* aged thirty eight years, wife of Jacob Miner
		of the Township of Bertie, died on the ninth day of December
Miller          in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
buried          thirty eight and was buried on the eleventh following

		Witnesses to the Interment Edmd. Riselay
					   Benj. P. Hall

*Sophia Riselay married to Jacob Miller 20 November, 1823.

Dec. 12th       On this twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Henry
Roberts         Webster, son of William Brewer Roberts, late Lieut. in
baptized        the Queens Niagara Fencibles and of Frances his wife, born on
		the twenty seventh day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty four.

		Sponsors were Frances Roberts & Frances Amy Roberts.

Dec. 12th       On this twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized Mary
Roberts         Lowell, daughter of William Brewer Roberts, late Lieut. in the
baptized        Queens Niagara Fencibles, and of Frances his wife, born on the
		nineteenth day of July in the preceding year

		The Sponsors were Frances Roberts & Frances Amy Roberts.

Dec. 16th       On this sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I baptized William
Buck            Wallace, Son of William Buck and of Sarah his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty fourth day of October preceding

Dec. 25th       Michael Barnhart of the Township of Willoughby, and
		Fanny Morningstar of the same place, spinster, were married,
Barnhart        the banns being duly published, on the twenty fifth day of
married to      December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Morningstar     and thirty eight by me John Anderson

		In the presence of Benj. House & George House.


Jany 21st       William Thompson of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Penelope Ann Willson of the same place, spinster, were married,
Thompson        by licence, on the twenty first day of January in the year of
married to      our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine by me
Willson         John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presenoe of Arthur Johnston & John Thompson.

Jany 29th       Charles Jones* Esquire, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, died on
		the twenty seventh day of January in the year of our Lord
Jones           one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, and was buried on
buried          the twenty ninth following by me John Anderson

		Witnesses to the Interment Edmd. Riselay & Wm Sutherland.
*Son of Lieut. Colonel Arthur Jones.

Jany 29th       Alexander Umpherston, aged twenty eight years, private in the
		10th. Provisional Battalion, died on the twenty seventh day
Umpherston      of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
buried          hundred and and thirty-nine and was buried on the twenty ninth
		following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		Witnesses to the Interment Edmd. Riselay & Wm Sutherland.

Feby 10th       On this tenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Amelia,
Saunders        daughter of William Saunders (Private in the 10th Provisional
baptized        Battalion) and of Amelia his wife, born on the eleventh of
		November 1836-James Clarke Rector of St. Catharines

Feby 12th       Francis Burwell, aged eight months and twenty days, son of
		Isaac Haun of the Township of Bertie, died on the tenth day
Haun            of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
buried          hundred and thirty nine and was buried on the twelfth following
		by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		Witnesses to the interment C. Hall* & John W. Lewis.

*Cyrenius Hall a medical practitioner and coroner for the Niagara District;
town warden for Bertie in 1832, assessor in 1833. He was at one time surgeon
in the Queen's Niagara Fencibles.

Feby 28th       On this twenty eighth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Robert,
Cook            Son of Thomas Cook and of Sarah Ann his wife, born on the
baptized        nineteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty Seven.

March 1st       Alexander, Son of Thomas Ccok of the Township of Bertie aged
		two months, died on the twenty eighth day of February in the
Cook            year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine,
buried          and was buried on the following day by me - John Anderson

March 7th       On this seventh day cf March in the year cf our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Sarah
Duff            Theresa, daughter of William Duff Esq. Captain in the 10th
baptized        Provisional Battalion and of Angel his wife, born on the
		thirty first day of January preceding

		The Sponsors were William Duff
				  Angel Duff
				  Helen Anderson

March 14th      Sarah Theresa Duff,* daughter of William Duff Esq. Captain in
		the 10th Provisional Battalion, aged nearly six weeks, died on
Duff            the twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
buried          eight hundred and thirty nine and was buried on the fourteenth
		following by me John Anderson

		Witness to the Interment Wm. Sutherland**

*See A. C. Casselman's introduction to Richardson's War of 1812, p. XLIX.
**Probably Dr. Sutherland, medical officer of that battalion.

March 22d       John Herry Smith, aged thirty one years, Late of Devonshire
		England, died at Fort Erie on the twentieth day of March in
Smith           the yero of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
buried          nine, and was buried on the twenty second following

		Witnesses to the interment Edmd Riselay & Wm Sutherland.

March 24th      On this twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Taylor          Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of John Taylor, Corporal in the
baptized        10th Provisional Battalion, and of Harriet his wife, born on
		the tenth day of this same month

March 29th      On this twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Elizabeth,
Dempsey         daughter of Daniel Dempsey, private in the 6th Provisional
baptized        Battalion, and of Jane his wife, born on the twenty eighth
		day of the preceding month John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

March 3Oth      (Blank)

*Mrs. James Kerby died on 27th March, 1839, and this space was probably
left for the purpose of recording her burial.

March 31st      Daniel McGarey, aged fifty five years, Private in the 10th
		Provisional Battalion, died on the twenty ninth day of March
McGarey         in the year of our Lord one thcusand eight hundred and
buried          thirty nine and was buried on the thirty first following

March 31st      Henry Allison, aged forty five years, formerly of Nova Scotia,
		died in the Township of Bertie, on the twenty eighth day
Allison         of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and thirty nine and was buried on the thirty first following

April 10th      Elizabeth, daughter cf Edward Lee of the Township of Wainfleet,
		aged seven months and nineteen days, died on the eighth
Lee             day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
buried          hundred and thirty nine and was buried on the tenth following

April 11th      Cyrenius Minor of the Township of Wainfleet, Yeoman, and
		Margaret Furry of the Township of Sherbrooke, Spinster, were
Minor           married, by Licence, on the eleventh day of April in the year
married to      of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
		In the presence of Jesse Minor & John Morgan

April 16th      John Dennison, Serjeant in the 10th Provisional Battalion and
		Martha Umpherson, Widow, both of the Township of Bertie,
Dennison        were married, by Licence, on the sixteenth day of April in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
		In the presence of Tristram Coates & Orange Schryer.

April 21st      On this twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptised Anna Maria,
Warren          daughter of John Borlase Warren, Lieutenant in the 10th Prov.
baptized        Batt. and Mary Margaret Clarke his wife, born on the
		twenty ninth day of Jany. preceding

April 21st      On this twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized George
Reid            McPherson, son of Kenneth Reid and of Mary his wife, born
baptized        on the twelfth day of March. preceding

April 21st      On this twenty first day of April in the year of the Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized John, son
Chance          of John Chance, private in the 10th Provisional Battalion, and
baptized        of Eliza his wife, born on the twenty fourth day of March
		preceding - John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

April 26th      Frederick Anger aged forty five years, private in the 10th
		Provisional Battalion, died on the twenty fifth day of April
Anger           in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
buried          thirty nine and was buried on the following day

April 3Oth      Edward Williams aged fifty one years, private in the 10th
		Provisional Battalion, died on the twenty ninth day of April
Williams        in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
buried          nine and was buried on the following day

April 3Oth      On this thirtieth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Mary Ann,
Truax           daughter of Ralph Truax, Serjeant in the 10th Provisional
baptized        Battalion, and of Ellen his wife, born on the eleventh day
		of February preceding

May 9th         William B. Hall Esqr. of Sparta in the State of Tennessee,
		Surgeon, and Asenath Fellows of the Township of Bertie,
Hall            District of Niagara, Spinster, were married, by Licence, on
married to      the ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
Fellows         eight hundred and thirty nine by me John Anderson

		In the presence of John W. Lewis & C. Hall

May 16th        Kenneth Mackenzie of the Township of Bertie, Merchant and
		Charlotte Warren of the same place, Widow,* were married, by
Mackenzie       licence, on the sixteenth day of May in the year of our Lord
married to      one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
		In the presence of Nelson Warren & Geo Hardison.

*Charlotte Stanton a daughter of William Stanton, was married 1st May 1822,
to Lieut. Colonel John Warren who died in 1832.

June 3d         Mary Jane, daughter of Thomas Atkinson, (late private in the
		10th Provisional Batt.) aged ten months, died on the second
Atkinson        day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and thirty nine and was buried on the following day

June 7th        On this seventh day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized privately
Cawthard        Thomas, Son of Samuel Cawthard and of Elizabeth his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty fifth day of the preceding month

		The Sponsors were Thomas Cawthard
				  Samuel Cawthard
				  Ann Thompson

June 9th        On this ninth day of June in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
McIntosh        Baptized John, son of John McIntosh and of Mary Anne his
baptized        wife, born on the twentieth day of December in the
		preceeding year.  John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

June 16th       On this sixteenth day of June in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I
Dixon           baptized William, son of William Dixon and of Jane
baptized        his wife, born on the third day of November in the
		year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
		four.  John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

		The sponsors were William Dixon, Matthias Haun and
		Margaret Buck.

June 16th       On this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Mary,
Dixon           daughter of William Dixon and of Jane his wife, born on the
baptized        fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty six, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were  Matthias Haun
				   Margaret Buck
				   Mary Cairns

June 16th       On this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Thomas
Dixon           son of William Dixon and of Jane his wife, born on the twenty
baptized        second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty seven, John Anderson.

		The Sponsors were William Dixon
				  Matthias Haun
				  Mary Cairns

June 16th       On this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Ann
Dixon           daughter of William Dixon and of Jane his wife, born on the
baptized        third day of February of this same year.  John Anderson

		The Sponsors were William Dixon
				  Jane Dixon
				  Mary Cairns.

June 16th       On this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Cregor          Jacob Edmund, Son of John Cregor and of Catherine his wife,
baptized        born on the sixteenth day of April preceding.

				  Jacob Benner
		The Sponsors were John Cregor
				  Sophia Benner

June 16th       On this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized John, Son
Plato           of Christian and of Mary his wife,* born on the nineteenth
baptized        day of October in the preceding year

*Christian Plato and Mary Benner were married 16 March, 1823.

June 23d        On this twenty third day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Frances
		Emma, daughter of Charles Stanton and of Eliza, his wife,
		born on the seventeenth day of April preceding
		John Anderson Rector of Waterioo

				  James Stanton
		The Sponsors were Martha Stanton
				  Eliza Stanton (Mother)

July 7th        (Blank.)


July 7th        (Blank.)


July 7th        On this seventh day of July in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Miller          Benjamin Palmer, Son of Benjamin Miller and of Ann his wife
baptized        (deceased) born on the eleventh day of August in the year
		of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one

					Benjamin Miller
		The Sponsors were       Henry Laur
					Isabella Laur

July 7th        On this seventh day of July in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Laur            William Henry, Son of Henry Laur and of Isabella his wife,
baptized        born on the seventeenth day of December in the preceding year

					Isaac Haun
		The Sponsors were       Benjamin Miller
					Eliza Jane Haun

July 11th       William Barnham of the Township of Willoughby, Bachelor, and
		Ann Margaret Carter of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Barnham         married, the banns being duly published, on the eleventh day
married to      of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Carter          and thirty nine by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Thomas E FitzGerald
				   John Anger

July 11th       William Carter of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Christiana House of the Township of Willoughby, spinster,
Carter          were married, by Licence, on the eleventh day of July in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
House           nine by me

		In the presence of John House & William Barnum.

July 14th       On this fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Henry           Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Henry and of Sarah his wife,
baptized        born on the thirty first day of May preceding.

		Sponsors were Tristram Coates, Elizabeth Doran &
				Marianne Cutter

July 14th       Thomas Livers of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor,
		and Charlotte Travers of the same place Spinster, were married,
Livers          the banns being duly published, on the fourteenth day of July
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
Travers         nine by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of  Alexander Douglas & Peter Street.

July 23d        Eliza., wife of Thomas McCutcheon, private in the
		3d Incorp. Batt. Militia, aged twenty nine years,
McCutcheon      died on the twenty first day of July in the year of our
buried          Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and was
		buried on the twenty third following by me John Anderson

July 28th       On this twenty eight day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Mary Jane,
		daughter of James Rusk, Sergeant in the 3d Incorp. B.M. and
		of Marianne his wife, born on the fourth day of July of this
		same month   John Anderson

					Matthew Halloran
		The Sponsors were       William Shields
					Ann Shields

August 4th      On this fourth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized John son
Kingston        of John Kingston and of Sarah his wife, born on the thirty
baptized        first day of May in the preceding year John Anderson

August 14th     Abraham Beam of the Township of Willoughby, Widower, and
		Catherine Benner of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Beam            married, by licence, on the fourteenth day of August in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
		In the presence of Jacob Benner & Jeremiah Trail.

August 18th     On this eighteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Samuel,
Coulter         Son of Samuel Coulter and of Jane his wife, born on the
baptized        nineteenth day of June preceding  John Anderson

August 25th     On this twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Warren          Mary Victoria, daughter of Horatio Nelson Warren Esqr.
baptized        (Quarter Master in the Coloured Corps) and of Mary Clark
		his wife, born on the twenty third day of the preceding month

		The sponsors were Henry B. Warren
				  Sophia Hardison
				  Archange Forsyth

August 25th     On this twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Warren          Benjamin Macklem, son of Henry B. Warren Esqr. and of Julia
baptized        his wife, born on the twenty second day of October in the
		preceding year.

		The sponsors were Thomas Macklem
				  Horatio Nelson Warren
				  Archange Forsyth*
*Wife of Nelson Forsyth.

Sept. 3d        John Borlase Warren, aged twenty five years died on the first
		day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Warren          thirty nine and was buried on the third following
		Witnesses to the Interment Benj. P. Hall & Kenneth Reid.

Sept. 8th.      On this eighth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Rogers          Ann Eliza, daughter of James Rogers residing at Black Rock,
baptized        State of New York, and of Sarah Jane his wife, born on the
		seventeenth day of August preceding John Anderson

				    Robert Fossett*
		The Sponsors were   Jane Dillon
				    Sarah Jane Rogers

*Should probably read Fawcett.

Sept. 17th      Charlotte Green aged seventeen months died on the
		fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord
Green           one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and was
buried          buried on the seventeenth following by me John Anderson

Sept. 17th      On this seventeenth day of September in the year of
		our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine,
McIntyre        I baptized Susan, daughter of James Mclntyre (Private
baptized        in the 3d Incorp. B. Militia) and of Margaret Jane his wife,
		born on the thirteenth day of the same month  John Anderson

Sept. 26th      William Hepburne,* of Chippawa in the District of Niagara
		Esquire, Widower, and Anna Senior of the Township of Bertie
Hepburne        in the said District of Niagara, Spinster, were married by
married to      licence, on the twenty sixth day of September in the year of
Senior          our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine

		In the presence of Lorenzo D. Raymond** & Oliver T. Macklem.

*Captain in 2d Lincoin Militia, at one tirne Collector of Customs.
**Afterwards Crown Attorney for the County of Welland.

Sept. 27th      Alfred Irvine, son of Jacob Jansen, aged nearly two years,
		died on the twenty sixth day of September in the year of our
Jansen          Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, and was
buried          buried on the following day by me John Anderson

Oct. 3d         Matthias Haun of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Eliza Miller of the same place, Spinster, were married, by
Haun            licence, on the third day of October in the year of our Lord
married to      one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.
		In the presence of Edward Miller & Peter Miller.

Oct. 5th        James Windeat* Esquire, of the Township of Bertie,
		Bachelor, and Louisa Wethey Smith of the same place,
Windeat         Widow, were married by licence, on the fifth day of
married to      October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Smith           and thirty nine by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Samuel McAfee** & William Windeat.

*A merchant at Waterloo Ferry.
**A noted politician who is said to have aided W. L. MacKenzie to escape to
the United States in December, 1837. He resided on Niagara River about
four miles below Waterloo ferry near McAfee's Church and graveyard.

Oct. 6th        On this sixth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Henrietta
Rainsford       daughter of William Rainsford and of Eliza his wife born on
baptized        the twenty ninth day of July preceding John Anderson

		The Sponsors were   William Rainsford
				    Eliza Rainsford
				    Margaret Rainsford

Oct. 20th       On this twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Abigail,
Near            daughter of Jacob Near and of Abigail his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty first day of December in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty seven  John Anderson

Oct. 23d        On this twenty third day of October in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Riselay         Charles Roderick, Son of Edmund Riselay* Esquire, and of
baptized        Elizabeth Sophia his wife, born on the twenty third day of
		March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty six John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were Edmund Risely
				  Frederick A. Myers
				  Eugenia Myers

*A Justice of the Peace, captain in the militia and District
Councillor in 1842.

Oct. 27th       On this twenty seventh day of October in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Stanton         James Robertson, Son of James Robertson Stanton Esq. and of
baptized        Martha his wife, born on the sixteenth day of September
		preceding -John Anderson

		The Sponsors were Charles Stanton
				  James Stanton proxy for George Stanton
				  Eliza Stanton

Nov 7th         Thomas Spedding of the Township of Bertie, Widower, and
		Christiana Cregor of the same place, spinster were married,
Spedding        by Licence on the seventh day of November in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.
		In the presence of Harrison Chremes [?] & John Cregar.

Nov. 12th       Henry Stone of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Susannah Zavits of the Township of Wainfleet, Spinster,
Stone           were married, the banns being duly published, on the
married to      twelfth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand
Zavitz          eight hundred and thirty nine by me John Anderson.

		In the presence of Jesse Minor & Jacob Zavitz.

Novr. 14th      Thomas Davison of the Township of Bertie, Esquire, Bachelor,
		and Sophronia Forsyth of the same place, Spinster, were
Davison         married, by Licence, on the fourteenth day of November in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
Forsyth         nine by me John Anderson Rector of Waterioo

		In the presence of N. Forsyth & C. Forsyth.

Nov. 17th       On this seventeenth day of November in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized
Nix             Benjamin Franklin, Son of Jacob Nix and of Mary his wife,
baptized        born on the tenth day of September in the preceding year

Nov. 19th       George Whiteman of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor,
		and Elizabeth Smith of the same place, spinster, were married,
Whiteman        the banns being duly published, on the nineteenth day of
married to      November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Smith           and thirty nine by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of John Weaver & Richard Weidemann.

Nov. 20th       Lucy Ann Grilby, daughter of Eliza Jane Grilby, aged
		nearly two years died on the eighteenth day of November in
Grilby          the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
buried          nine, and was buried on the twentieth hy me John Anderson

Dec. 2d         George Somerville, Son of John Somerville, aged nearly two
		years and a half, died on the first day of December in the
Somerville      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
buried          and was buried on the following day by me John Anderson

Dec. 25th       On the twenty fifth day of December in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I baptized Helen,
Anderson        daughter of the Reverend John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo
baptized        Fort Erie, and of Helen his wife, born on the twenty first
		day of October preceding, John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		The Sponsors were Alexander Douglas proxy for
						Horatio S. Anderson
				  Agnes Douglas* proxy for Eliza Yule*
				  Helen Anderson proxy for
						Margaret Catherine Yule*

*Sisters of Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. Alex. Douglas.


Jany 12th       On this twelfth day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized George Frederick,
Anger           Son of John Anger and of Susan his wife, born on the second
baptized        day of November in the preceding year John Anderson

Jany 12th       On this twelfth day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Benjamin, Son
Anger           of Daniel Anger and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        fourth day of September in the preceding year, John Anderson

Jany 13th       John William, Son of William Washington (coloured man) aged
		four years died on the twelfth day of January in the year of
Washington      our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty and was buried
buried          on the following day by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Jany 13th       On this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Martha Ann,
Lewis           daughter of John Lewis of Port Colborne, and of Jane his wife,
baptized        born on the fourteenth day of November in the preceding year.

					Benjamin Chip
		The Sponsors were       Mary Ann Constable
					Jane Matthews

Jany 14th       Michel Sour of the Township of Willoughby, Bachelor, and
		Margaret Hexmer, of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Sour            married the banns being duly published on the fourteenth day
married to      of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Hexmer          hundred and forty by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Martin Wilhelm & Heinrich Sauer.

Jany 26th       On this twenty sixth day of January in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Thomas, Son
Craig           of Archibald Craig of the Township of Humberston, and of
baptized        Mary his wife, born on the twenty seventh day of December in
		the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
		eight John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie

Feby 3d         George Watson, aged eleven years died on the second day of
		February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Watson          and forty, and was buried on the following day.

Feby 9th        On this ninth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and fofty, I baptized Emma daughter of
Edmel           William Edmel of the Township of Bertie and of Ann his wife,
baptized        born on the eighth day of July in the preceding year

		The Sponsors were Andrew Johnson & Ann Edmel.

Feby 18th       Matthew Scott of the Township of Bertie Bachelor and
		Christina Scott Wightman of the same place, Spinster, were
Scott           married, by Licence, on the eighteenth day of February in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
		In the presence of Robert Stevenson & James Wightman.

Feby 19th       Jacob Raymer of the Township of Markham, Bachelor, and
		Magdalen Fretz of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Raymer          married, by Licence, on the nineteenth day of February in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
		In the presence of John Fretz & Benjamin Brownspurger.

Feby 23d        On this twenty third day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Agnes
Bartlett        daughter of Amos Bartlett and of Cynthia his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty fourth day of December in the preceding year

					Thomas Mason
		The Sponsors were       Nancy Creighton
					Maria Creighton

Feby 25th       George House of the Township of Bertie Bachelor and
		Mary Morningstar of the Township of Willoughby spinster, were
House           married, the banns being duly published on the twenty fifth day
married to      of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Morningstar     and forty by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of   Joseph House & Benj. House.

March 2d        William Bowen, private in the 3d Incorp. B. Militia,
		stationed in the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
Bowen           Christiana Bailey of the same place, Widow, were married, the
married to      banns being duly published, on the second day of March in the
Bailey          year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.

		In the presence of Teunis Vanderveer
				   William Burd

March 8th       On this eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Eliza Sophia,
Givens          daughter of George Givens, Private in the 1st Incorp. B.
baptized        Militia, and of Maria his wife, born on the eleventh day of
		February preceding John Anderson Rector of Waterloo Fort Erie

					Leah Murphy
		The Sponsors were       Ann Murphy
					Jane Murphy

March 1Oth      Arthur Hamilton Darby of the Township of Crowland, Bachelor,
		and Julia Ann Beam of the Township of Bertie, spinster, were
Darby           married, by Licence on the tenth day of March in the year of
married to      our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
		In the presence of John A. L. Palmer & Barbara Bowen.

March 11th      On this eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Julia Ann
Benner          Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Benner and of Sophia his wife
baptized        born on the twenty eighth day of January preceding.

March 11th      On this eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Elizabeth Ann
Two Platos      and Sarah Ann twin daughters of Christian Plato and of Mary
baptized        his wife, born on the thirty first day of January preceding

March 15th      On this fifteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Charles Arthur,
Jones           Son of Charles Jones Esqr. and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        thirtieth day of November of the preceding year

					James Kerby Proxy for
						Stephen Charles Sewell
		The Sponsors were       Charles Jones Proxy for
						Edward Quincy Sewell
					Jane Jones

March 22d       On this twenty second day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Susan Maria,
Maxwell         daughter of John Maxwell and of Catherine Malvina his wife,
baptized        born on the second day of September in the preceding year

					James Edgecombe
		The Sponsors were       Jane Duncan
					Mary Gardner

March 22d       On the twenty second day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Matthew, Son of
Scott           David Scott and of Agnes his wife, born on the eighteenth day
baptized        of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
		and thirty eight John Anderson Rector of Waterloo Fort Erie

March 31st      On this thirty first day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Mary Ann daughter
Fowler          of James Fowler and of ? his wife born on the twenty ninth day
baptized        of this same month.  John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

April 5th       On this fifth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty, I baptized Margaret daughter of
Turnbull        Thomas Turnbull, private in the 1st Batt. Incorp. Militia and
baptized        of Aurora his wife born on the eighth of August in the
		preceding year John Anderson Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie

					 William Squib
					 Mary Moore
		The Sponsors were        Aurora Turnbull

April 12th      Caroline Jane Hedley,* aged forty years, died on the ninth of
		April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Rooth           and forty and was buried on the twelfth following by me
buried          William Leeming, Rector of Chippawa

		Wittness to the Interment John Anderson
*Wife of Major Benjamin Rooth.

April 14th      Phillip Benner of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Sarah Anger of the same place, spinster, were married, the
Benner          banns being duly published on the fourteenth day of April in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty by
Anger           me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

		In the presence of William Anger & John Anger.

April 14th      On this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Esther Ann,
Anger           daughter of William Anger and of Margaret his wife, born on
baptized        the nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty three  John Anderson

April 14th      On this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Willson, Son of
Anger           William Anger and of Margaret his wife, born on the twenty
baptized        fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty five.

April 14th      On this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized William, Son of
Anger           William Anger and of Margaret his wife, born on the twenty
baptized        fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty eight.

April 15th      Nicholas Mickle, aged sixty five years, died in the Township
		of Humberston, on the thirteenth day of April in the year of
Mickle          our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty and was buried
buried          on the fifteenth following by me   John Anderson

April 20th      Robert White, of the Township of Humberston, Innkeeper, died
		on the eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
White           thousand eight hundred and forty, and was buried on the
buried          twentieth following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Apr 26th        Catherine Steffens aged nearly seventy years, died on
		the twenty fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one
Steffens        thousand eight hundred and forty and was buried on the twenty
buried          sixth following by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Apr. 30th       William Jomelaton of the Township of Bertie, bachelor (late
		serjeant in the 1st Incorp. B.M.) and Louisa Burges of the
Jomelaton       same place, spinster, were married, the banns being duly
married to      published on the thirtieth day of April in the year of our
Burges          Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.

		In the presence of Charles Ducen & Jesse Cook.

May 25th        Isabella V. Clayton aged nearly two years died on the
		twenty fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
Clayton         eight hundred and forty and was buried on the following day.

May 31st        On this thirty first day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized George*, Son
Lewis           of John Westley Lewis and of Catherine his wife born on
baptized        the fifteenth day of March preceeding. John Anderson.

*Afterwards a merchant, postmaster, church warden and municipal
clerk of Fort Erie.

May 31st        On this thirty first day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Henry Charles,
Haun            Son of Isaac Haun Esqr. and of Eliza Jane his wife,
baptized        born on the first day of February preceding.

					Henry Charles
		The Sponsors were       Sarah Lee proxy for Clara Charles
					Eliza Jane Haun

May 31st        Godfrey White of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Catherine Near of the same place, Spinster, were married,
White           the banns being duly published, on the thirty first day
married to      of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Near            and forty by me John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

		In the presence of Joseph Near & James Remey

May 31st        On this thirty first day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Mary Catherine,
Spedding        daughter of John Spedding and of Elizabeth his wife born on
baptized        the twenty eighth day of February Preceding, John Anderson.

		The Sponsors were       Henry Teal
					Anna Catherine Teal
					Deborah Miller

June 1st        James Glennon aged about twenty five years, private in
		the 3d Incorp. B. Militia was drowned on the thirtieth day
Glennon         of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
buried          forty and was buried on the first day of June following.

July 12th       Jacob Stotler of the State of New York, Bachelor, and
		Mary Winger of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were
Stotler         married, the banns being duly published, on the twelfth day
married to      of July in the year of our Lord one hundred and forty.
		In the presence of      Uriah Barnhart
					Peter Barnhart

		Married by Mr. Leeming (Written with a pencil.)

July 6th        Letticia A. Jones, widow of the late Lieut. Col. Arthur Jones
		C.B. aged fifty eight years died on the fourth day of July in
Jones           the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
buried          and was buried on the sixth following by me

		Buried by Mr. Leeming     (In pencil.) Rector of Chippawa

		Witnesses to the  Interment Benj. P. Hall
					    Edmd Riselay

Aug. 2d         George Barnhart aged fifteen months died at Fort Erie
		on the first day of August in the year of our Lord one
Barnhart        thousand eight hundred and forty and was buried on the
buried          following day by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo

Aug. 9th        On this ninth day of August in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Ann daughter
Adair           of James Adair and of Margaret his wife born on the nineteenth
baptized        day of December in the preceding year

Aug. 9th        On this ninth day of August in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized John, Son of
Campbell        Thomas Campbell and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        fourteenth day of May preceding.  John Anderson

Aug. 22d        Thomas Shotwell of the Township of Bertie, Widower, and
		Jane Scarlett of the same place Spinster, were married, by
Shotwell        Licence on the twenty second day of August in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
		In the presence of Samuel Scarlet and Sarah Cregar.

Augt. 23d       John Starke, coloured man, aged about twenty two years, died
		on the twenty second day of August in the year of our Lord
Starke          one thousand eight hundred and forty and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson

Aug. 27th       Patrick Doyle aged eleven months died on the twenty sixth day
		of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Doyle           and forty and was buried on the following day.

Aug. 30th       John Coleman Corporal in the coloured Corps, stationed at
		Fort Erie and Lucretia Barnhart of the same place, were
Coleman         married, the banns being duly published, on the thirtieth day
married to      of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Barnhart        and forty by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of David Brown and James Adair.

Sept. 1st       Henry Singleton* aged forty five years died on the thirty first
		day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Singleton       hundred and forty and was buried on the following day.
		Witness to the Interment Kenneth Reid.

*An innkeeper at the ferry.

Sept. 6th       Frederick Anger, aged about six weeks, died on the fifth day
		of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Anger           hundred and forty and was buried on the following day.

Sept. 14th      William Stewart aged forty two years died at Fort Erie on the
		twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
Stewart         eight hundred and fort and was buried on the fourteenth
buried          following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

Sept. 15th      Abraham Hershey of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Ellen Spillane of the same place, Spinster, were married by
Hershey         licence on the fifteenth day of September in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
		In the presence of     Jer'h Spillane
					  Abrahain Shirk [?]

Sept. 18th      William Hamilton Slate, Son of Hirain Slate Esqr. of
		Port Colborne, aged nearly three years, died on the seventeenth
Slate           day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
buried          hundred and forty and was buried on the following day.

Sept. 23d       John B. Hershey* of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor,
		and Salome Zavitz of the same place, spinster, were
Hershey         married, the banns being duly published, on the twenty second
married to      day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Zavitz          hundred and forty by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

		In the presence of Joseph Zavitz & Elizabeth Shippel.

*Afterwards known as Doctor Hershey who obtained a wide reputation
for his treatment of cancer.

Sept. 24th      ?? Starke, daughter of Samuel Starke aged about six weeks,
		died on the twenty second day of September in the year
Starke          of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty and was
buried          buried on the twenty fourth following by me, John Anderson.

Sept. 27th      On this twenty seventh day of September in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized
Nix             Christiana daughter of Jacob Nix and of Mary his wife, born
baptized        on the twelfth day of this same month.

Sept. 27th      On this twenty seventh day of September in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Sarah,
Spedding        daughter of Thomas Spedding and of Christiana his wife, born
baptized        on the twenty fifth day of the preceding month.

Oct. 3d         On this third day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized William Henry,
Evans           Son of William Evans, Serjeant in the 3d Incorp. B. Militia,
baptized        and of Mary his wife, born on the nineteenth day of the
		preceding month, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

					John McMannus
		The Sponsors were       Sidney White
					Mart Evans

Oct. 3d         On this third day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized David, Son of
Murdock         David Murdock a Corporal in the 3d Incorp. B. Militia and of
baptized        Mary his wife, born on the twentieth day of the preceding
		month, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

Oct. 3d         On this third day of October in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty, I baptized Susan daughter
Dancy           of Pockeridge Dancy, Private in the 3d Incorp. B. Militia, and
baptized        of Sarah his wife, born on the seventh day of July preceding.

Oct. 5th        David, Son of David Murdock Corporal in the 3d Incorp. B.
		Militia, aged about two weeks, died on the fourth day
Murdock         of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and forty and was buried on the following day.

Oct. 6th        William Henry, Son of William Evans, Serjeant in the 3d Incorp.
		B. Militia, aged about two weeks, died on the fifth day
Evans           of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and forty and was buried on the following day.

Nov. 19th       John A. L. Palmer of the Township of Willoughby, Bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Glover of the same place, Spinster; were married on
Palmer          the nineteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one
married to      thousand eight hundred and forty.
		In the presence of Lewis Palmer & James Clark.

Nov. 25th       Silas Metcalf aged nearly seventy years died on the twenty
		third day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand
Metcalf         eight hundred and forty, and was buried on the twenty fifth
buried          following by me   (Unsigned.)

		Buried by Mr. Leeming, Rector of Chippawa.

Dec. 15th       Coonrod Staly of Grand Island in the State of New York,
		Widower, and Hannah Wheaton of the Township of Bertie, District
Staly           of Niagara, Widow, were married, the banns being duly published
married to      on the fifteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one
Wheaton         thousand eight hundred and forty by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence of Abrahham Johnson
				   John Johnson


Jany 1Oth       Catherine Burn aged seventeen years died at Fort Erie on the
		ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand
Burn            eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the following
buried          day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

Jany 12th       James Fairman Senr.* aged sixty seven years, died at Fort Erie
		on the ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one
Fairman         thousand eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the
buried          twelfth following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

		Witness to the interment Kenneth Reid.

*James Fairman Jr. kept an inn at the ferry.

Jany 14th       Hannah Haun, Widow of the late Matthias Haun, aged seventy
		two years, died on the eleventh day of January in the year of
Haun            our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, and was
buried          buried on the fourteenth following.

		Witnesses to the interment Benj. P. Hall & Kenneth Reid.

Jany 17th       Benjamin House of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and
		Precilla Taylor of the same place, Spinster, were married,
House           by licence, on the seventeenth day of January in the year
married to      of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one by me.
		In the presence of Peter House

Jany 22d        Hannah Edsal, widow of the late James Edsal*, Sr., aged fifty
		seven years died on the twentieth day of January in the year
Edsal           of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one and was
buried          buried on the twenty second following by John Anderson.

*James Edsall registered a patent for 200 acres in Bertie in 1797.

Feby. 2d        John Beach of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Eve Michel of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Beach           banns being duly published, on the second day of February in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one.
		In the presence of Joseph Near and William Michel.

Feby 7th        On this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
Wintermute      Mary Arabella, daughter of William Wintermute of the Township
baptized        of Humberston, and of Nancy his wife, born on the thirteenth
		day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and twenty five, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

Feby 7th        On this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized William
Wintermute      Alexander Cooper, son of William Wintermute of the Township
baptized        of Humberston, and of Nancy his wife, born on the tenth
		day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and twenty six, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

Feby 7th        On this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Peter Henry,
Wintermute      Son of William Wintermute of the Township of Humberston and
baptized        of Nancy his wife, born on the first day of February in the
		year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty.

Feby 7th        On this seventh day of February in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
Wintermute      Samuel Jacob, Son of Wm. Wintermute, of the Township of
baptized        Humberston and of Nancy his wife, born on the third day of
		June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty two, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

Feby 7th        On this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
Wintermute      Philip James Webster, Son of William Wintermute of the Township
baptized        of Humberston, and of Nancy his wife, born on the thirteenth day
		of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
		thirty four, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

Feby 7th        On this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
Wintermute      Elizabeth Eve, daughter of William Wintermute of the Township
baptized        of Humberston and of Nancy his wife, born on the twelfth day of
		December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
		and thirty five, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

Feby 7th        On this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
Wintermute      George Arthur, Son of William Wintermute of the Township of
baptized        Humberston and of Nancy his wife, born on the twenty eighth
		day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty eight, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

Feby 9th        Hugh M. Jones of the Township of Bertie, M.D. and Susan Hoyt
		of the same place, Spinster, were married, by licence, on
Jones           the ninth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand
married to      eight hundred and forty one by me, John Anderson.
		In the presence of Lewis Palmer & Powell Willson.

Feby 21st       Michel Nise of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and Sarah Ann
		Morningstar of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Nise            banns being duly published on the twenty first day of February
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
Morningstar     one by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Samuel Wingher & Mary Near.

Feby 23d        Joseph P. House of the Township of Willoughby, Bachelor and
		Prescilla Zavitz of the Township of Bertie, Spinster were
House           married by Licence on the twenty third day of February in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one
		In the presence of Joseph I. Zavitz and Reuben Beam.

Feby 28th       On this twenty eighth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Margaret,
Adair           daughter of John Adair and of Margaret his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty seventh day of March in the preceding year

Feby 28th       On this twenty eighth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Hamilton,
Scott           Son of David Scott and of Agnes his wife, born on the twenty
baptized        eighth day of December in the preceding year John Anderson

		The Sponsors were Robert Stevenson
				  Christiana Scott
				  David Scott

March 1st       William Stewart aged twenty three years died, at Black Rock,
		State of New York, on the twenty eighth day of February in the
Stewart         year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, and
buried          was buried at Fort Erie on the first day of March following.

March 2d        William Forsyth* Senr. aged sixty years, died on the
		twenty seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one
Forsyth         thousand eight hundred and forty one, and was buried on the
buried          second day of March foflowing by me John Anderson

		Witnesses to the Interment Kenneth Reid & Benj. P. Hall

*Noted for his controversy with Sir John Colborne over the title
to property at Niagara Falls.

March 7th       Isaac Thompson Senr. aged nearly seventy years, died on the
		fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Thompson        hundred and forty one and was buried on the seventh following

March 16th      John Everett of the Township of Willoughby Bachelor, and
		Margaret Ashley of the same place, spinster, were married by
Everett         licence, on the sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord
married to      one thousand eight hundred and forty one
		In the presence of Henry B. Hershey and Nancy Harper.

March 21st      Hamilton, Son of David Scott, aged nearly three months, died
		on the twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord one
Scott           thousand eight hundred and forty one, and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

March 21st      On the twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one I baptized George Henry,
Cregor          Son of John Cregor and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        nineteenth day of September in the preceding year.

March 24th      On the twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one I privately baptized
Henry           Matilda, daughter of John Henry, and of Sarah his wife, born
baptized        on the twenty eighth day of November in the preceding year

		Received into the church on the fourth day of July 1841
		by Rev. Thos. Crean, Rector of Niagara.

March 3Oth      Jonas Jerety of the Township of Bertie Bachelor, and
		Margaret Wingher of the same place, spinster, were married the
Jerety          banns being duly published, on the thirtieth day of March
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
Wingher         one by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo Fort Erie

		In the presence of (Illegible) & Eve Shoup.

April 5th       On this fifth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Charlotte, daughter of
Magwood         David Magwood (private in the 1st Incorp. Batt. Militia) and of
baptized        Ann his wife born on the thirteenth day of February preceding

April 8th       Charlotte, daughter of David Magwood private in the 1st
		Incorp. Batt. Militia, aged nearly two months, died on the
Magwood         seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand
buried          eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the following
		day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

April 15th      Milly Bright (coloured woman) aged nearly sixty years, died
		on the twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord one
Bright          thousand eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo

April 25th      On this twenty fifth day of April in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
Stanton         William Henry, Son of Charles Stanton Esqr and of Eliza his
baptized        wife, born on the twenty fifth day of February preceding
		William Shelton, Rector of St Pauls Ch., Buffalo.

		The Sponsors were Francis Gore Stanton
				  Charles Stanton
				  Eliza Stanton

April 29th      William J. Lancashire* of the township of Bertie, Bachelor,
		and Susan Hardison of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Lancashire      by Licence, on the twenty ninth day of April in the year of
married to      our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one.
		In the presence of David Hardison & Kenneth Reid.

*Deputy Collector of Customs under Colonel Kerby.

May 1st         Ann Woolever, aged twelve years, died on the twenty ninth day
		of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Woolever        and forty one and was buried on the first day of May following

May 4th         On this fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Robert Frederick, son
Nairn           of Donald Nairn and of Justena his wife, born on the fifth day
baptized        of October in the preceding year John Anderson.

May 16th        On this sixteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized John* son of
Douglas         Alexander Douglas** Esqr and of Agnes*** his wife, born on the
baptized        eighteenth day of January preceding.

		The Sponsors were Letitia Yule
				  William Yule
				  John Douglas

*Afterwards a lawyer in New York.
**An active magistrate and prosperous merchant at Waterloo where he and his
father, Alexander Douglas, had been in business for more than thirty years.
***A sister of Mrs. John Anderson.

May 16th        On this sixteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Helen
Warren          Catherine, daughter of Henry Warren and of Julia his wife,
baptized        born on the fifteenth day of October in the preceding year

		The Sponsors werr Julia Warren
				  Henry Warren
				  Ann Wintermute

May 17th        On this seventeenth day of May in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized William
Crow            Henry Harrison* son of William Crow, of Black Rock, State of
baptized        New York, and of Sarah Ann, his wife, born on the twenty
		second day of January preceding, John Anderson.

*William Henry Harrison had been installed as President of the
United States on 4 March, 1841, and died a month later.

June 21st       James Burns, aged upwards of ninety years, died on the
		twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
Burns           eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the following
buried          day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

June 22d        Samuel Wingher of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and
		Mary Near of the same place, Spinster, were married on the
Wingher         twenty second day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
married to      eight hundred and forty one by me, John Anderson.
		In the presence of John Bowen & James Baxter.

July 1st        Henry Sprague, Corporal in the 1st Incorporated Militia,
		stationed at Fort Erie, Bachelor, and Elizabeth Cottar of
Sprague         the same place, Spinster, were married by Licence, on the
married to      first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Cotter          hundred and forty one by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence of Robert Abraham & Donald Nairn.

July 4th        On this fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Mary Ann, daughter of
Joiner          Philip Joiner and of Elizabeth his wife, born on the twenty
baptised        third day of March preceding.

July 15th       On this fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and fofty one, I baptized Sarah Ann,
Crow            daughter of William Crow, of Black Rock, State of New York,
baptised        and of Sarah his wife born on the sixteenth day of January in
		the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine

Aug. 8th        (Blank)

Aug. 15th       (Blank)

Aug. 15th       (Blank)

Aug. 19th       On this nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Margaret Ann,
Abraham         daughter of Robert Abraham and of Charlotte his wife, born on
baptized        the sixteenth day of May in the preceding year

Aug. 24th       William Mathias Bird of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and
		Abigail Anger of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Bird            banns being duly published, on the twenty fourth day of August
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one
		In the presence of Cornehus Hagney & Levi Learn.

August 24th  (Blank.)

Aug 27th        Hugh M. Jones Esqr. M.D. aged nearly twenty four years died
		on the twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord
Jones           one thousand eight hundred and forty one and was buried on
buried          the twenty seventh following by me, John Anderson.

Augt. 29th      On this twenty ninth day of August in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
McKenzie        Margaret Ann, daughter of Kenneth McKenzie and of Charlotte
baptized        his wife born on the thirty first day of July preceding

		The Sponsors Kenneth McKenzie
				Charlotte McKenzie
				Eliza Stanton

Augt. 29th      On this twenty ninth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized James, Son of
Green           William Green and of Ann his wife, born on the sixteenth day
baptized        April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty five.

Augt. 29th      Margaret Jane Sloan of Point Abino, aged nearly eleven years
		died on the twenty eighth day of August in the year of our
Sloan           Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, and was buried
buried          on the following day by me, John Anderson.

		Witnesses to the Interment Sarah Willson

Sept. 1st       John Buck of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and Jane Johnston
		of the same place, Spinster, were married by Licence on the
Buck            first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
married to      eight hundred and forty one by me, John Anderson.
		In the presence of Jacob Danner and Ralph Johnston.

Sept. 5th       On this fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Helen
Stanton         daughter of James Stanton Esqr and of Martha Ann his wife born
baptized        on the first day of June preceding, John Anderson.

		The Sponsors    Henry Warren
				Mary Reid
				Martha Ann Stanton

Sept. 5th       On this fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Eleanor,
Benner          daughter of Philip Benner and of Sarah his wife born on the
baptized        first day of May preceding.  John Anderson.

Sept. 12th      On this twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Julia Ann,
McCrae          daughter of John McCrae and of Ann his wife, born on the
baptized        eleventh day of August preceding.  John Anderson.

Sept. 12th      On this twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Sarah
Carter          Elizabeth, daughter of William Carter and of Christiana his
baptized        wife, born on the second day of October in the preceding year.

Sept. 13th      Peter Haun* aged sixty three years died on the eleventh day
		of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Haun            hundred and forty one and was buried on the thirteenth
buried          following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

*Town Warden in 1834.

Sept. 16th      Het‚ Henderson (coloured woman) aged about forty five years,
		died on the fourteenth day of September in the year of our
Henderson       Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one and was
buried          buried on the sixteenth following by me, John Anderson.

Sept. 17th      Thomas Fitzgerald aged eighteen months died on the sixteenth
		day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Fitzgerald      hundred and forty one and was buried on the following day.

Sept. 19th      On this nineteenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized
Warren          Margaret Eliza, daughter of Horatio Nelson Warren Esqr and of
baptized        Mary Clark his wife, born on the thirty first day of July

Sept. 19th      On this nineteenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Edith
Woods           Uretta, daughter of William Woods and of Charlotte his wife,
baptized        born on the fourth day of April in the preceding year.

Sept. 23d       Benjamin Wintermute* aged eighty one years, died on the twenty
		second day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
Wintermute      eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the following
buried          day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

		Witness to the interment Jacob Willson.

*He had served in Butler's Rangers and registered a patent
for 100 acres in Bertie in 1801.

Oct. 4th        John McCarty, aged eleven years, died on the second day of
		October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
McCarty         forty one and was buried on the fourth following.

Oct. 17th       On this seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Jane Hannah,
Champion        daughter of Thomas Champion and of Mary Deborah his wife,
baptized        born on the seventeenth day of September preceding.

		The Sponsors were Henry James Grasett, A.M.
				  Helen Anderson
				  Jane Champion

Oct. 22d        Elizabeth Miller, aged sixty nine years, died on the twentieth
		day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Miller          hundred and forty one, and was buried on the twenty second
buried          following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

Oct. 31st       On this thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Fanny,
Barnes          daughter of  Barnes of Black Rock State of New York, and
baptized        of Elizabeth his wife born on the twenty seventh day of August
		preceding, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

		 The Sponsors were Robert Fawcett
				   Mary Ann Barnes
				   Elizabeth Barnes

Oct. 31st       On this thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Hannah
Cawthard        Elizabeth daughter of Samuel Cawthard and of Elizabeth his
baptized        wife born ???       [rest of line not included- bmartin]

Oct. 31st       On this thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Alexander,
McMaster        son of William McMaster, private in the 1st Incorp. Militia,
baptized        and of Jane his wife born on the tenth day of the same month.

Oct. 31st       On this thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Prudence Ann,
Jomelaton       daughter of William Jomelaton and of Louisa his wife born on
baptized        the eleventh day of the preceding month, John Anderson.

Oct. 31st       On this thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Sarah,
Scott           daughter of Matthew Scott, and of Christiana his wife, born on
baptized        the third day of February preceding, John Anderson.

		The Sponsors were Patrick Geddes
				  Eliza Jane Wightman
				  Mary Stevenson

Nov. 4th        Susan Maria Maxwell, aged two years and two months, died on
		the second day of November in the year of our Lord one
Maxwell         thousand eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the
buried          fourth following, by me, John Anderson.

Nov. 4th        Jacob Miller of the Township of Bertie, Widower, and
		Sarah Haun of the same place, Spinster, were married by licence
Miller          on the fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one
married to      thousand eight hundred and forty one.
		In the presence of Matthew Haun
				   Edward Miller

Nov. 9th        William Michel of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor and
		Elizabeth Beach of the same place, Spinster, were married on
Michel          the ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one
married to      thousand eight hundred and forty one.
		In the presence of John Near & John G. Beach.

Nov. 12th       David Baxter,* aged nearly one hundred years, died on the
		eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord one
Baxter          thousand eight hundred and forty one and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson.

*He patented 200 acres of land in Bertie in 1798.

Dec. 20th       (Blank.)

		Witnesses to the Interment Jacob Willson.

Dec. 26th       On this twenty sixth day of December in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one, I baptized Mary
Anderson        Theresa Archange, daughter of William Anderson and of Helen
baptized        his wife, born on the tenth day of November preceding.

		The sponsors were  J. F. Smith
				   Elizabeth Smith
				   Archange Forsyth


Jany. 9th       On the ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Philip Edmund,
Benner          son of Jacob Benner and of Sophia his wife, born on the
baptized        fourteenth day of September in the preceding year

Feby. 20th      Kenneth Maxwell of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Maria Hudson of the Township of Willoughby, Spinster, were
Maxwell         married by Licence, on the twentieth day of February in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two
		In the presence of  Charles Fell
				    Henry Hudson

Feby 27th       Angus McPhee residing in the Township of Willoughby, Tailor
		aged about sixty five years, died on the twenty fifth day of
McPhee          February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and forty two and was buried on the twenty seventh following.

March 1st       Elijah Macowl residing in the Township of Wainfleet, Bachelor,
		and Hannah Weaver of the Township of Humberston, Spinster,
Macaul          were married, the banns being duly published, on the first day
married to      of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Weaver          and forty two by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

		In the presence of Samuel Weaver
				   George Zavitz

March 20th      On this twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized William,
Lewis           Son of John Wesley Lewis, and of Catherine his wife, born
baptized        on the thirtieth day of December in the preceding year.

March 29th      On this twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two I baptized James Robert,
Haun            Son of Isaac S. Haun and of Eliza Jane his wife, born on the
baptized        seventh day of December in the preceding year.

		The Sponsors were Isaac Haun
				  David Hardison
				  Eliza Hardison

March 28th      On this twenty eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized James David,
Windeat         Son of James Windeat and of Louisa his wife, born on the twenty
baptized        sixth day of August in the preceding year.

		The Sponsors     George Crowther,
					proxy for George Rodney Richard Crowther
				 William Windeat
				 Louisa Windeat
					proxy for Emma Webb

April 5th       (Blank.)

Buried          Wife to John Scarlett        (Note in pencil.)

April 7th       (Blank.)


April 12th      Christian Cider of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Barbara Sherk of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Cider           banns being duly published, on the twelfth day of April in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two

		In the presence of Andrew Sherk & Daniel Fretz.

May 1st         On this frst day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Mary Elizabeth,
Bowen           daughter of Henry Bowen and of Barbara his wife, born on the
baptized        seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty seven, John Anderson, Rector of Wateloo.

May 1st         On this frst day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two, I baptized John George Lambton,*
Bowen           Son of Henry Bowen and of Barbara his wife, born on the ninth
baptized        day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
		and thirty nine, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

*He became a saddler and harness maker in Ridgeway.

May 1st         On this first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Ellen Jane, daughter of
Bowen           Henry Bowen and of Barbara his wife, born on the second day
baptized        of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
		and forty one, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo, Fort Erie.

May 1st         On this first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Clarissa Maria
Maxwell         daughter of John Maxwell, and of Catherine Malvina his wife,
baptized        born on the fifth day of March preceding, John Anderson.

		The Sponsors were Kenneth Maxwell,
				  Clarissa Maria Maxwell
				  Mary Gardner

May 8th         On this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Melissa, daughter of
Jansen          John Jansen and of Eliza his wife, born on the twenty fourth
baptized        day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty eight, John Anderson.

		The sponsors were       Jacob Duncklee*
					Mary Duncklee
					Eliza Jansen

*Assessor in 1834 and 1836.

May 8th         On this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two, I baptized William Henry, Son of
Jansen          John Jansen and of Eliza his wife, born on the twenty second
baptized        day of November in the preceding year

					Ann Catherine Teal
		The Sponsors were       Henry Teal
					John Jansen

May 10th        On this tenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Mary Arabella
Edwards         daughter of William Edwards and of Ann his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty one

		Sponsors were   David Chisler & Mary Arabel Wintermute.

May 17th        Abraham High, Junr. of the Township of Louth in the District
		of Niagara Bachelor and Nancy Troup of the Township of
High            Bertie in the said District Spinster, were married by Licence
married to      on the seventeenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
Troup           thousand eight hundred and forty two by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence of Jacob High & Robert Haines.

May 20th        John Foster, private in the 3d Incorp. B. Militia, stationed
		at Fort Erie about twenty six years, died as per the verdict
Foster          of the Jury, "By the visitation of God", on the 19th day of
buried          May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
		forty two and was buried on the following day.

May 25th        David William Smith* Esqr. Barrister aged forty one years,
		died at St. Catharines on the twenty third day of May in the
Smith           year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two, and
buried          buried at Fort Erie on the twenty fifth following.

*Son of William Smith, J.P. He married Harriet Secord 23 Novr., 1824.

June 6th        Eliza Atwood, daughter of J. S. Atwood, aged two years, died
		on the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
Atwood          eight hundred and forty two and was buried on the sixth
buried          following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Waterloo.

June 14th       James Wightman aged twenty five years, was accidentally
		drowned at Port Colborne on the twelfth day of June in the year
Wightman        of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two,
buried          and was buried on fourteenth following by me, John Anderson.

June 30th       On the thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Susannah,
Everitt         wife of Jacob Everitt of the Township of Willoughby, born on
baptized        the twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand seven hundred and seventy nine.

July 1st        Rodney Forsyth, aged fourteen years died on the twenty ninth
		day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Forsyth         hundred and forty two and was buried on the first of July
buried          following by me, John Anderson.

July 5th        Abraham Neff of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Mary Bergher of the Township of Bertie, Spinster, were married,
Neff            the banns being duly published, on the fifth day of July in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two.
		In the presence of John Byer & John Burger.

July 19th       William Anthony Rooth* of the Township of Bertie, District of
		Niagara, Bachelor, and Ann Eliza Hepburne of the Township of
Rooth           Stamford in the said District, spinster, were married at the
married to      Cathedral Church of St. James Toronto, by licence, on the
Hepburne        nineteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty two by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence of (Unsigned.)

*Son of Major Benjamin Rooth.  He had been ensign in the Queen's Niagara
Fencibles.  He was afterwards Collector of Customs at Port Colborne.

Aug. 2d         Jacob Wingher of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Benner of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Wingher         the banns being duly published, on the second day of August
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
Benner          two by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence of David Winger & Jacob Benner.

August 7th      On this seventh day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty-two, I baptized Caroline
Anderson        Josepha, daughter of the Reverend John Anderson, Rector
baptized        Fort Erie, and of Helen his wife, born on the twenty-eighth
		day of April preceding, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		The Sponsors were Alexander Douglas proxy for George H. Parke
				  Agnes Douglas proxy for Amelia Ann Yule
				  Margaret D. Rooth

Aug. 14th       On this fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Christopher,
Tierney         Son of ?? Tierney and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        thirteenth day of the preceding month, John Anderson.

Aug 23d         Daniel Liver of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Susan Raisin of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Liver           the banns being duly published, on the twenty third day of
married to      August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Raisin          forty two.

		In the presence of John Liver.

Aug 25th        John Troup of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Elizabeth Sherk of the Township of Humberston, Spinster, were
Troup           married, the banns being duly published, on the twenty fifth
married to      day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Sherk           hundred and forty two by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence of Samuel Sherk & Peter Sherk.

Aug 25th        Catherine Tierney, daughter of Christopher Woolever,
		aged thirty two years died on the twenty fourth day
Tierney         of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
buried          hundred and forty two and was buried on the following day.

Aug 28th        On this twenty eighth day of August in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized
Warren          Thomas Talbot, Son of John Warren, Esqr and of Ellen his wife,
baptized        born on the third day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.

		The Sponsors    John Warren
				Henry Warren
				Mary Wintermute

Aug. 28th       On this twenty eighth day of August in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Margaret
Warren          Catherine, daughter of John Warren Esqr. and of Ellen his
baptized        wife, born on the twenty fourth day of April in the year of
		our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.

		The Sponsors    Henry Warren
				Julia Warren
				Mary Wintermute

Sept. 2d        Christopher, Son of ?? Tierney aged six months, died on
		the first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
Tierney         eight hundred and forty two, and was buried on the following
buried          day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Sept 4th        On this fourth day Of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred aod forty two, I baptized William
Palmer          Nelson, son of Lewis Palmer and of Catherine his wife, born on
baptized        the fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty nine, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Sept. 4th       On this fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Leah Letitia,
Palmer          daughter of Lewis Palmer and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        fourteenth day of August in the preceding year.

Sept. 11th      On this eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Rose Anne
Smyth           Wheaton, daughter of William Smyth and of Mary his wife, born
baptized        on the fourth day of May in the preceding year.

		The sponsors were William Smyth
				  Mary Smyth
				  Ann Smyth

Sept 11th       On this eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized David, Son of
Magwood         David Magwood and of Anne his wife, born on the seventeenth
baptized        day of January preceding, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		The Sponsors were David Magwood
				  John Magwood
				  Elizabeth Allen

Sept. 21st      William Mussell of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Julia Ann Anger of the same place, Spinster were married, the
Mussell         banns being duly publisbed, on the twenty first day of
married to      September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Anger           and forty two by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of      Philip Buck & Alexander Haun.

Sept. 26th      On this twenty sixth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Elizabeth,
Abraham         daughter of Robert Abraham and of Charlotte his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty fourth day of August preceding.

		The Sponsors were George Allen
				  Marrianne Bunis
				  Hannah Spillane

Sept. 26th      William Smyth aged twenty five years died on the twenty fourth
		day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Smyth           hundred and forty two, and was buried on the twenty sixth
buried          following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Sept 3Oth       John Linton aged seventeen months died on the twenty eighth
		day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Linton          hundred and forty two, and was buried on the thirtieth
buried          following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Oct. 3d         On this third day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Thomas,
Campbell        Son of Thomas Campbell and of Jane his wife, born on the
baptized        fourteenth day of the preceding month.

Oct 7th         On this seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Charlotte,
Henry           daughter of John Henry and of Sarah his wife born on the
baptized        eighteenth day of July preceding.

Oct 8th (Blank.)


Oct 11th        On this eleventh day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized
Warren          Susan Catherine, daughter of Duncan Warren Esqr. of the
baptized        Township of Howard, in the Western District, and of Susan his
		wife, born on the twenty third day of November in the preceding
		year, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		The Sponsors were Alexander Douglas
				  Agnes Douglas
				  Susan Warren

Oct 13th        Joseph Danner of the Township of Willoughby, Widower, and
		Rebecca Penrod of the Township of Bertie, Widow, were married
Danner          on the thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one
married to      thousand eight hundred and forty two by licence.
		In the presence of Eli Danner & Mary Danner.

Oct 16th        On this sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Anderson
Jansen          Irvine, Son of Jacob Jansen and of Margaret his wife, born on
baptized        the first day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two.

		The Sponsors were Jacob Jansen
				  Peter Jansen
				  Mary Jansen

Oct 18th        George Wederick of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Susannah Cider of the same place, Spinster, were married, the
Wederick        banns being duly published, on the eighteenth day of October
married to      in the year of  our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Cider           forty two by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence John Troup & Martin Wederick.

Oct 23d         On this twenty third day of October in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized David
Scott           Lamont, Son of David Scott and of Agnes his wife, born on the
baptized        twentieth day of April preceding.

Oct 3Oth        On this thirtieth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Alexandra
Cregor          Merritt, daughter of John Cregor and of Catherine his wife,
baptized        born on the seventh day of May preceding.

Nov. 1st        On this first day of November in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Margaret,
Allen           daughter of William Allen and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        seventeenth day of December in the preceding year.

Nov. 6th        On this sixth day of November in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty two, I baptized Mary,
Spedding        daughter of Thomas Spedding and of Christiana his wife, born
baptized        on the twenty fifth day of September preceding.

Feby 1st        Andrew Miller* aged seventy nine years died on the thirtieth
		day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Miller          hundred and forty three and was buried on the first of February
buried          following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

*He patented 188 acres in Bertie in 1801, town warden of Bertie in 1818,
1819, 1820 and 1827.

Feby 7th        Jacob Benner of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Nancy Huffman of the Township of Humberston, Spinster, were
Benner          married, the banns being duly published, on the seventh day of
married to      February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Huffman         and forty three by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Frederick g. Carter & William Michel.

Feby 7th        George Benner of the Township of Malahide, District of London,
		Bachelor, and Elizabeth Huffman of the Township of Bertie,
Benner          Spinster, were married, the banns being duly published, on the
married to      seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand
Huffman         eight hundred and forty three by me, John Anderson.

		In the presence of Jacob Jansen & Frederick Carter.

Feby 11th       John Lount,* aged eighty one years died on the ninth day of
		February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Lount           and forty three and was buried on the eleventh following.

*Probably father of Samuel Lount executed for high treason in 1838.

Feby 12th       On this twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Robert,
Woods           Son of William Woods and of Charlotte his wife, born on the
baptized        seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty one.

Feby 18th       On this eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Melinda
Clayton         Louisa, daughter of Nancy Clayton, born on the second day of
baptized        May in the preceding year.

Feby 22d        Melinda Louisa Clayton, aged upwards of nine months, died on
		the twenty first day of February in the year of our Lord one
Clayton         thousand eight hundred and forty three and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Feby 27th       David Augustine of the Township of Wainfleet, Bachelor, and
		Catherine Craymer of the same place, spinster, were married,
Augustine       the banns being duly published, on the twenty seventh day of
married to      February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Craymer         and forty three by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Katarina Kraemer & Johannes Kraemer.

Feby 27th       James, Son of Thomas Mills, aged five weeks, died on
		the twenty fifth day of February in the year of our Lord one
Mills           thousand eight hundred and forty three, and was buried on the
buried          twenty seventh following by me, John Anderson.

Feby 28th       On this twenty eighth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Thomas
Mills           Henry, Son of Thomas Mills and of Elizabeth his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.

Feby 28th       On the twenty eighth day February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized
Mills           George William, Son of Thomas Mills and of Elizabeth his
baptized        wife, born on the twelfth day of April in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, John Anderson.

March 4th       On this fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Mary,
Johnston        daughter of Robert Johnston and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        nineteenth day of November in the preceding year.

March 5th       On this fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Sophia Caroline,
Plato           daughter of Christian Plato and of Mary his wife, born on
baptized        the thirtieth day of January in the preceeding year.

March 8th       On this eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized William
Putnam          Henry, Son of William Cyrenius Putman,* and of Lavina his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty fifth day of December in the year of our
		Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.

*A small water course north of the church was known as Putman's Creek.
Henry Putman patented 416 acres in Bertie in 1798.

March 8th       On this eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Helen, daughter of
Putnam          William Cyrenius Putman and of Lavina his wife, born on the
baptized        sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty one, John Anderson.

March 8th       On this eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred an4 forty three, I baptized
Leonard         William Leonard, Son of Samuel Leopard and of Mary his wife,
baptized        born on the fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty.

March 12th      On this twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Alfred, Son
Butter          of Peter Butter and of Jane his wife, born on the twenty first
baptized        day of January preceding.

March 21st      Simon Zavitz of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and Rachel
		Pound of the Township of Humberston, Spinster, were married,
Zavitz          the banns being duly published, on the twenty first day of
married to      March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Pound           forty three by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Andrew Sherk
				   Ellena Bird

March 26th      On this twenty sixth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized William,
Benner          Son of Philip Benner, and of Sarah his wife, born on the
baptized        tenth day of September in the preceding year.

March 27th      On this twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one
		Forsyth thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized
Forsyth         William Henry, Son of Nelson Forsyth* and of Archange his
baptized        wife, born on the second of the same month.

*Justice of the Peace and Reeve of Fort Erie in 1863-65, 1875-77 and 1883-4.

March 28th      On this twenty eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Susan,
Hardison        daughter of Smith Hardison and of Mary Ann his wife, born on
baptized        the third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty.

March 28th      On this twenty eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Mary
Hardison        Elizabeth, daughter of Smith Hardison and of Mary Ann his wife,
baptized        born on the fifth day of November in the preceding year.

March 28th      William Henry, Son of Nelson Forsyth, aged nearly one month,
		died on the twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord
Forsyth         one thousand eight hundred and forty three, and was buried on
buried          the following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

April 11th      John Bowen of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and Lydia
		Teal of the same place, Spinster, were married, the banns being
Bowen           duly published, were married on the eleventh day of April in
married to      the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three.
		In the presence of William Bowen & Jacob Jansen.

April 20th      (Blank)
Mrs. Edsal      (Pencil note.)
near Mr. Haun's

May 5th         Thomas Somerville, aged about twenty three years, died on the
		third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Somerville      hundred and forty three and was buried on the fifth following.

May 7th         On this seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Catherine, wife of
Lewis           John Westley Lewis, born on the twenty eighth day of September
baptized        in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten.

May 7th         On this seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Sophronia, wife of
Davison         the late Thomas Davison, born on the eleventh day of January in
baptized        the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen.

May 7th         On this seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Susan, wife of the
Jones           Hugh Jones, M. D. and daughter of Timothy S. Hoyt, born on the
baptized        eleventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and twenty three.

May 7th         On this seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Sarah Ann Eliza,
Hoyt            daughter of Timothy S. Hoyt and of Leah his wife, born on the
baptized        second day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
		hundred and twenty nine.

May 11th        On this eleventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Mary Emma, daughter
Smyth           of the late William Smyth and of Mary his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty seventh day of April preceding.

May 14th        On this fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Leah,
Hoyt            daughter of Timothy S. Hoyt and of Leah his wife, born on
baptized        the seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty four.

May 14th        On this fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized William
Davison         Forsyth Thomas, Son of Thomas Davison (deceased) and of
baptized        Sophronia his wife born on the twenty third day of September
		in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty.

May 14th        On this fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Agnes,
Stanton         daughter of Charles Stanton and of Eliza his wife, born
baptized        on the eighth day of January preceding.

May 14th        On the fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Alexander,
Reid            son of Kenneth Reid and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty fifth day of April in the preceding year.

May 16th        Mary Theresa Archange Anderson aged nearly eighteen months
		died on the fifteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
Anderson        thousand eight hundred and forty three and was buried on
buried          the following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

May 24th        Jacob Willson* aged ?? died on the twenty  second day of May
		in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
Willson         three and was buried on the twenty fourth following.

*He patented 200 acres in Bertie in 1806, was collector of taxes
in 1827, 1836-9.

June 6th        John Sherk of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor, and
		Sarah Troup of the Township of Bertie, spinster, were married,
Sherk           the banns being duly published, on the sixth day of June in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three.
		In the presence of  Joseph I. Zavitz & David Winger.

June 18th       On this eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Martha,
Stanton         daughter of James R. Stanton, Esqr. and of Martha his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty third day of February preceding.

June 18th       On this eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Amelia,
Warren          daughter of Henry B. Warren and of Julia his wife born the
baptized        twenty ninth of November in the preceding year.

		The Sponsors were Helen Jane Kerby
				  Henry B. Warren
				  Julia Warren

June 25th       On this twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized George,
Green           Son of Samuel Green and of Mary his wife, born on the ninth
baptized        day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty four, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

June 25th       On this twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Elizabeth,
Green           daughter of Samuel Green and of Mary his wife, born on the
baptized        sixth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred
		and thirty six.

June 25th       On this twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Charlotte
Green           Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Green and of Mary his wife, born
baptized        on the twenty seventh day of May in the year one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty eight.

June 25th       On this twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight handred and forty three, I baptized Caroline
Green           Crowder, daughter of Samuel Green and of Mary his wife, born
baptized        on the seventeenth day of October in the year one thousand
		eight hundred and forty.

June 25th       On this twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Benjamin
Green           Lewis, Son of Samuel Green and of Mary Green his wife,
baptized        born on the eighteenth day of December in the preceding year

July 9th        On this ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Sarah Elizabeth,
House           daughter of Robert House and of Sarah his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty second day of the preceding month.

July 9th        On this ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Robert House,
House           born on the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one
baptized        thousand eight hundred and twenty.

July 14th       Elijah Bordwell aged fifty nine years died on the thirteenth
		day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Bordwell        hundred and forty three and was buried on the following day.

July 23d        On this twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Charlotte,
Adair           daughter of Jun Adair and of Margaret his wife, born on the
baptized        fourteenth day of March preceding.

July 23d        On this twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized John Richard,
Wurmington      Son of Robert Wurmington of Black Rock State of New York and of
baptized        Margaret his wife, born on the twentieth day of May preceding.

July 25th       John Benner of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and Sally
		Ann Anger of the same place, Spinster, were married, the banns
Benner          being duly published, on the twenty fifth day of July in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three.
		In the presence of William Burd & Philip Benner.

July 25th       On this twenty fifth day of July in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Isabella
Windeat         Mary, daughter of James Windeat Esqr. and of Louisa his wife,
baptized        born on the seventh day of May preceding.

		The sponsors were Francis Gethings Keogh
				  William Windeat
				  Lydia Keogh
				  Helen Kerby

July 26th       Catherine, daughter of John McFarlane* aged about eight years,
		died at Port Colborne on the twenty fifth day of July in the
McFarlane       year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three
buried          and was buried at Fort Erie on the following day.

*A merchant and deputy collector of Customs under Colonel Kerby.

July 26th       Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Robert House, aged about five
		weeks, died on the twenty fifth day of July in the year of our
House           Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three and was buried
buried          on the following day.

August 3d       On this third day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Peter Frederick Grant,
Nairn           Son of Donald Nairn and of Christina his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty fifth day of April in the preceding year.

August 6th      On this sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized John Edwin,
Laur            Son of Henry Laur and of Isabella his wife, born on the
baptized        fifteenth day of November in the preceding year.

		The Sponsors    Henry Laur
				Peter Miller
				Deborah Miller

August 9th      Edward, Son of Dr. Ferguson, aged upwards of six months, died
		on the eighth day of August in the year of our Lord one
Ferguson        thousand eight hundred and forty three, and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Aug 20th        On this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Ann Eliza,
Miller          daughter of Andrew Miller and of Eleanor his wife, born on the
baptized        eleventh day of Feby in the year one thousand eight hundred and
		thirty two.

Aug. 20th       On this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized William
Miller          Lewis, Son of Andrew Miller and of Eleanor his wife, born on
baptized        the eighteenth day of August in the year one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty four.

Augt. 20th      On this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Mary
Miller          Melinda, daughter of Andrew Miller and of Eleanor his wife,
baptized        born on the thirtieth March in the year one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty eight.

Augt. 20th      On this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Mary Jane,
Palmer          daughter of John A. L. Palmer and of Elizabeth his wife, born
baptized        on the ninth day of September in the year one thousand eight
		hundred and forty one.

Augt. 20th      On this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Sally Ann,
Palmer          daughter of John A. L. Palmer and of Elizabeth his wife, born
baptized        on the first day of Jany preceding.

Sept. 8th       Mary Somerville, aged forty four years, died on the sixth day
		of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Somerville      and forty three and was buried on the eighth following.

Sept. 17th      On this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized
Haun            Edgar, Son of John Haun and of Nancy his wife, born on
baptized        the twenty fourth day of April in the year one thousand eight
		hundred and thirty seven.

Sept 17th       On this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized John
Haun            Colborne, Son of John Haun, and of Nancy his wife, born on the
baptized        fourteenth day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred
		and thirty nine.

Sept 17th       On this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Charles,
Haun            Son of John Haun and of Nancy his wife, born on the thirtieth
baptized        day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty
		one.  John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Sept. 26th      Abraham Sherk of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor,
		and Rebecca Laur of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Sherk           by Licence, on the twenty sixth day of September in the
married to      year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three.
		In the presence of Willson Elsworth & Elias Sherk.

Oct. 1Oth       William Smith* Esqr. aged seventy five years died on the eighth
		day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Smith           hundred and forty three and was buried on the tenth following.

*At one time a merchant, postmaster at Fort Erie 1829, 1830 and 1831, and
an active magistrate from whom the site for the church had been purchased.
He served as a warden of Bertie in 1840.

Oct 15th        On this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Hannah
Everett         Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Everett and of Maria his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty fourth day of December in the year one
		thousand eight hundred and thirty five.

Oct. 15th       On this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized William
Everett         Henry, Son of Jacob Everett and of Maria his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and thirty seven.

Oct. 15th       On this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Sarah
Everett         Theresa, daughter of Jacob Everett and of Maria his wife, born
baptized        on the twentieth day of October in the year one thousand eight
		hundred and forty one.

Oct. 24th       George William Mills aged three years and six months died on
		the twenty third day of October in the year of our Lord one
Mills           thousand eight hundred and forty three and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Novr. 8th       George Green aged nine years and ten months died on the sixth
		of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Green           and forty three and was buried on the eighth following.

Nov, 12th       On this twelfth day of November in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty three, I baptized Catherine
Warren          Nile Amelia, daughter of Horatio Nelson Warren and of
baptized        Mary C. his wife, born on the second day of August preceding.

		The Sponsors were Robert L. Warren
				  Amelia Jackson
				  Elizabeth Smith

Nov. 23d        Henry K. Thomas of the City of Buffalo, State of New York,
		Bachelor, and Maria Clayton of the Township of Bertie, Niagara
Thomas          District, Province of Canada, Spinster, were married by Licence,
married to      on the twenty third day of November in the year of our Lord one
Clayton         thousand eight hundred and forty three.

		In the presence of George Weir Jr. & A. S. Brokenbough.

Dec 6th         David Hardison of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor and Helen
		Jane Kerby* of the same place, Spinster, were married, by
Hardison        Licence, on the sixth day of December in the year of our
married to      Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three.
		In the presence of F.G. Keogh & Charles D Hall.

*Younger daughter of Colonel the Honorable James Kerby.


Jany 7th        On this seventh day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Mary Jane,
Bartlett        daughter of Amos Bartlett and of Lucinda his wife, born on the
baptized        first day of November in the preceding year.

		The Sponsors were Charles Brace
				  Sarah Brace
				  Lucinda Bartlett

Jany 19th       On this nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Frederick
Benner          George, Son of Jacob Benner and of Sophia his wife, born on the
baptized        fourteenth day of August in the preceding year.

Jany 28th       Helen, daughter of James R. Stanton, Esqr. aged two years and
		eight months, died on the twenty sixth day of January in the
Stanton         year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four and
buried          was buried on the twenty eighth following.

Jany 3Oth       Martha, daughter of James R. Stanton, Esqr., aged eleven months,
		died on the twenty eighth day of January in the year of our Lord
Stanton         one thousand eight hundred and forty four, and was buried
buried          on the thirtieth following.

Feby 3d         James Robertson, Son of James R. Stanton, Esqr. aged four
		years, four months and a half, died on the first day
Stanton         of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
buried          and forty four and was buried on the third following.

Feby 4th        On this fourth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized William,
Scott           Son of Matthew Scott and of Christian his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty third of April in the preceeding year.

Feby 14th       Mary, daughter of Robert Johnston, aged fifteen months, died
		on the thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
Johnston        thousand eight hundred and forty four and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Feby 15th       On this fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized David
Church          Augustus, Son of David Church, and of Jane his wife, born on
baptized        the eighteenth day of April in the preceding year.

Feby 18th       On this eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Maria
Haun            Louisa, daughter of Isaac Haun, Esqr. and of Eliza Jane his
baptized        wife, born on the sixteenth day of August in the preceding
		year, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Feby 25th       On this twenty fifth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Henry,
Jester          Son of Henry Jester and of Emily Rebecca his wife, born on
baptized        the thirtieth day of January preceding.

		The Sponsors were Henry Jester
				  Peter Butter
				  Jane Butter

Feby 26th       On this twenty sixth day of February in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Margaret,
Adair           daughter of James Adair, and of Margaret his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty third day of March in the preceding year.

Feby 27th       Henry Rathvon of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and Martha
		Casey of the Township of Humberston, Spinster, were married,
Rathvon         the banns being duly published, on the twenty seventh day of
married to      February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Casey           and forty four by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of William Near & Abagail Rathvon.

March 3d        Margaret Ann, daughter of Kenneth McKenzie, aged two years
		and seven months, died on the second day of March in the year
McKenzie        of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four and was
buried          buried on the following day.

March 19th.     Andrew Sherk of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Catherine Brnner of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Sherk           the banns being duly published, on the nineteenth day of March
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
Bruner          four by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Jacob Barton & Jacob Sherk.

March 24th      On this twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Isabella,
McCrae          daughter of John McCrae* and of Ann his wife, born on the
baptized        twenty second day of November in the preceding year.

*A merchant near the lower ferry.

March 25th      Peter Haun aged about twenty three years, died on the twenty
		third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
Haun            eight hundred and forty four and was buried on the twenty
buried          fifth following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Port Erie.

April 11th      (Blank.)
John Riselay's child (Pencil note)

April 20th      Malvina, wife of John Maxwell, aged twenty nine years, died on
		the eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
Maxwell         thousand eight hundred and forty four and was buried on the
buried          twentieth following.

April 21st      Mary, wife of   Edsall aged twenty four years, died on
		the nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one
Edsal           thousand eight hundred and forty four, and was buried on the
buried          twenty first following.

April 21st      Eliza, wife of John Jansen, aged twenty eight years, died on
		the twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord one
Jansen          thousand eight hundred and forty four, and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

April 25th      Eliza Ann Hardison, daughter of Dr. B. P. Hall*, aged thirty one
		years, died on the twenty third day of  April in the year of
Hardison        our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four, and was
buried          buried on the twenty fifth following.

*Beniarnin Prescott Hall practised medicine and surgery in
Willoughby and Bertie for more than thirty years. He served
as a warden of Bertie in 1849.

April 28th      On this twenty eighth day of April in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized John Charles,
Anderson        Son of William Anderson and of Ellen Maria his wife, born on
baptized        the sixth day of January preceding.

May 6th         On this sixth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Charles Hall, Son of
Hardison        Benjamin Hardison, and of Eliza Ann his wife, (deceased), born
baptized        on the thirteenth day of April preceding.

		The Sponsors were Dr. B. P. Hall proxy for Dr. Cyrenus Hall
				  Charles Darwin Hall
				  Catherine Lewis

May 12th        On this twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized James, Son of
Mills           James Mills and of Elizabeth his wife born the fifteenth day
baptized        of the preceding month.

May 19th        On this nineteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Mary Pindar,
Cawthard        daughter of Samuel Cawthard and of Elizabeth his wife, born on
baptized        the sixth day of November in the preceding year.

May 29th        William Near of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor,
		and Abigail Grove, of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Near            the banns being duly published, on the twenty eighth day of
married to      May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Grove           forty four by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Joseph Grow & Solomon Grow.

May 28th        Abraham Morningstar of the Township of Humberston, Bachelor,
		and Mary Sherk of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Morningstar     the banns being duly published, on the twenty eighth day of
married to      May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Sherk           forty four by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Andrew Sherk & Joseph I. Zavitz.

May 29th        (Blank.)

June 9th        On this ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Mary Anna Catherine,
Jansen          daughter of John Jansen, and of Eliza his wife (deceased) born
baptized        on the second day of April preceding.

		The Sponsors were John Jansen
				  Catherine Teal
				  Mary Duncklee

June 9th        On this ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Christiana Elizabeth,
Cregor          Daughter of John Cregor and of Catherine his wife, born on the
baptized        fourth day of February preceding.

		The Sponsors were Philip Benner
				  Elizabeth Benner
				  Catherine Cregor

June 9th        On this ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized William Henry, Son
Bowen           of John Bowen and of Lydia, his wife, born on the twenty eighth
baptized        day of January preceding

June 9th        On this ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Thomas, Son of
Bowen           Thomas Spedding and of Christiana his wife, born on the sixth
baptized        day April preceding.

June 9th        On this ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized William Leonard, Son
Spedding        of John Spedding and of Elizabeth his wife, born on the
baptized        sixteenth day of November in the preceding year.

June 10th       On this tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
		eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Walter, Son of
Warren          John Warren Esqr. and of Ellen his wife, born on the first
baptized        day of January preceding.

July 21st       (Blank.)
Old Mr. Teal (Pencil note.)

Aug. 8th        William Warren of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and Sarah
		Ann Eliza Hoyt of the same place, Spinster, were married, by
Warren          licence, on the eighth day of August in the year of our Lord
married to      one thousand eight hundred and forty four.
		In the presence of Charles Stanton & Kenneth MacKenzie.

Aug 12th        Charles Hall, Son of Benjamin Hardison, aged four months, died
		on the eleventh day of August in the year of our Lord one
Hardison        thousand eight hundred and forty four and was buried on the
buried          following day by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

Aug 13th        Nathan Beach of the Township of Humberston Bachelor, and
		Fanny Ellen Croup of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Beach           the banns being duly published, on the thirteenth day of August
married to      in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
Croup           four by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Michel Blubbman & John P. Beach.

Aug 15th        Powell Liter of the Township of Bertie Bachelor, and Margaret
		Near of the same place, Spinster, were married the banns being
Liter           duly published, on the fifteenth day of August in the year of
married to      our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four.
		In the presence of Isaac Sherk & Joseph P. Zavitz.

Aug 25th        On this twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Julia
Haun            Elizabeth, daughter of Matthias Haun and of Eliza his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty eighth day of August in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty one.

Aug 25th        On this twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Benjamin
Haun            Francis, Son of Matthias Haun and of Eliza his wife, born on
baptized        the eighteenth day of October in the preceding year.

Aug 31st        George Cawthard, aged sixty five years died on the twenty ninth
		day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Cawthard        and forty four and was buried on the thirty first following.

Sept 1st        On this first day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Rebecca
Bowen           Clarissa, daughter of Henry Bowen and of Barbara his wife, born
baptized        on the twenty seventh day of September in the preceding year.

		The Sponsors were Edmund Riselay
				  Elizabeth Sophis Riselay
				  Barbara Bowen

Sept. 9th       Charles Hibbard,* aged sixty seven, died on the seventh day of
		September in the year of the Lord one thousand eight hunderd
Hibbard         and forty four and was buried on the ninth following.

*Township Clerk in 1816 and 1817.

Sept. 15th      On this fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one
		thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Susan
Plato           Catherine, daughter of Christian Plato and of Mary his wife,
baptized        born on the twenty third day of August preceding.

Sept 15th       Patsee Andrews, aged forty four years, died on the fourteenth
		day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
Andrews         hundred and forty four, and was buried on the following day.

Sept 16th       Joseph I. Zavitz of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and
		Margaret Sherk of the same place, Spinster, were married,
Zavitz          the banns being duly published, on the sixteenth day of
married to      September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Sherk           and forty four by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.

		In the presence of Elias Sherk & Jonathan Sherk.

Sept 22d        On this twenty second day of September in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty four, I baptized Francis
Hardison        Keogh, Son of David Hardison and of Helen Jane, his wife,
baptized        born on the eleventh day of August preceding.

		The Sponsors Francis Gethings Keogh*
				George Hardison
				Lydia Keogh

*Captain Keogh, a half pay officer; Lydia Keogh was his wife.

Sept. 28th      John Laur*, aged eighty three years died on the twenty sixth day
		of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
Laur            and forty four and was buried on the twenty eighth following.

*He had patented 200 acres in Bertie in 1802.

Oct 3d          John Schooley*, of the Township of Humberston, Widower, and
		Jane Greeson of the same place, Spinster, were married, by
Schooley        Licence, were married on the third day of October in the year of
married to      our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four.
		In the presence of Henry Mitchell & Amos Kinsey.

*Probably a son of Asa Schooley, a Quaker who patented
lands in Bertie in 1798. See Journal of Jacob Lindley in Publications
of Buffalo Historical Society VI., pp. 173-6. Other Quakers named by
Lindlay who lived in Bertie in 1797 were Jolin Cutler, John Harritt,
Daniel Pound and Joseph Marsh.

Oct 7th         On this seventh day of October in the year of our Lord
		one thousand eight hundred and forty four I baptized
Johnson         Samuel,* Son of Robert Johnson and of Mary his wife, born the
baptized        preceding day.

*He became a noted and accomplished smuggler.

Oct 14th        William, Son of Robert Abraham, aged eleven years, died at
		Port Colborne, Township of Humberston, on the twelfth
Abraham         day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
buried          hundred and forty four and was buried on the fourteenth
		following by me, John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie.