Hoofers Haven is a sanctuary for pigs, primarily potbellied pigs. We
also help exotic and small wildlife that are injured or homeless. Its is
currently the only sanctuary of its kind in Canada.
Hoofer's Haven will take in animals that have been abused, abandoned or neglected as well as animals whose owners cannot, for various reasons keep them any longer.
The sanctuary spays and neuters all pigs and seeks appropriate adoptive homes for many of the residents. Hoofer's Haven is a "no kill" sanctuary. Policy mandates that only terminally ill or fatally injured animals will undergo euthanasia. All others have permanent refuge at Hoofer's Haven until suitable placement is found. If placement is the goal.
Here is Dan Cunningham and son Daniel working on the
inside and making two stalls for the piggers. Now they will be able to eat
inside instead of outside
This is Ellis on
the scaffolding. He is busy putting the bird aviary together. This will be home
to the wild birds that have need to recuperate or just learn how to