Commodore Plus/4
What is it?
Shroom had won a Plus/4 two years in a row at the Chicago Commodore Expo.
A friend of mine also found one at a thrift shop - so all 3 I have were "given"
to me.
What do you have in your collection?
Both of Shroom's (American) Plus/4s live at my house now, as well as one Canadian
Plus/4. I didn't really notice it until MagerValp mentioned it, but there is
a Canadian "version" of the Plus/4 - apparently the only difference is the front
and back labels, so here's a picture of them for the curious:

Also, one of mine has been modded to PAL with lots of help from MagerValp.
What are you doing with it?
Apart from viewing some PAL demos, nothing much. I hope to work on
something with MagerValp for it someday.
Commodore Plus/4 World
NTSC Plus/4 page - looks
like an interesting site.
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Last Update: 2003.12.13
Robin Harbron -