Peter Edward Judson

Peter Edward Judson Harbron - born April 1, 2001 at 10:04 p.m. His birth weight was a massive 11 pounds, 14 ounces (5.4 kg) !!

Peter, hanging out at his mom's birthday party:

Here's Peter at his 2nd birthday party, enjoying the many great gifts he received:

Peter after his first hair cut (Mommy did it!)

Happy 1st Birthday, Peter!

On May 1st, 2001, Peter turned one month old, and as is the family tradition, he also got his first professional pictures taken that day. Here's the results:

The following 4 pictures were taken when Peter was just hours short of being one week old:

The following pictures are from when Peter was just 1 day old:

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Last Update: 2004.04.05
Robin Harbron -