Benjamin Wesley Darren

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Benjamin Wesley Darren - born November 1, 2002 at 8:38 p.m. His birth weight was a respectable 11 pounds, 5 ounces - a little less than his big brother Peter. Wesley was Carla's father's name, and Darren is the name of one of Robin's best friends who happened to be celebrating his 30th birthday *and* getting engaged the same evening Ben was born!

Ben on his mom's 28th birthday:

Just a few weeks after his 1st birthday, Ben (completely of his own free will) wandered up to the $15 drum kit his dad had bought for the older kids to play with, picked up a drum stick in each hand, and proceeded to play a drum solo - dad was very surprised, but managed to take quite a few photos to attempt to prove that it wasn't just a set-up "photo-op".

Benjamin's big brother Peter turned 2 on April 1st, 2003, and visiting family members took the opportunity to pose with Ben - here's great-grandma Harbron (aka Meme):

And great-aunt Janet:

Ben's first adventures in his "exer-saucer", at 4 months.

Pictures of Ben at 2 months, 1 week old, and already 16.5 pounds heavy!

The traditional one-month-old pictures:

Benjamin at 9 days:

Ben's game of Hyper Invaders 3000 appears to have taken a turn for the worse...

Here's some pictures of Benjamin shortly after arriving at home for the first time, November 3rd, 2002:

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Last Update: 2004.04.05
Robin Harbron -