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Siberian Huskies are working dogs.  Keetukka Kennels prides itself in that all our dogs can perform the same work today as the breed was originally developed to do.

***Click on small photos to enlarge them***





Team Oakridgelane at Eaton-Rugby Race, Dryden, Ontario winter 2007. 
All these dogs are direct descendants of Annie (Ch. Kee-tuk-ka's Kyana).



Training Run

Right Wheel: Ch. Keetukka's Kaministiquia S.D.

Left Wheel: Keetukka's Lycera S.D.

Right Lead: Ch. Keetukka's Terra S.D.

Left Lead: Ch. Keetukka's Bacchus S.D., T.T

Driver: Terry Young




Shebandowan Race

Right Wheel: Ch. Wolfseye's Electra of Keetukka

Left Wheel: Ch. Keetukka's Bacchus S.D., T.T.

Right Lead: Ch. Wolfseye's Syxbe of Keetukka

Left Lead: Ch. Keetukka's Terra S.D.

Driver: Terry Young




Shebandowan Race

Right Wheel: Ch. Keetukka's Blue Mistique S.D.

Left Wheel: Keetukka's Blue Phantom S.D.

Right Lead: Keetukka's Lycera S.D.

Left Lead: Ch. Keetukka's Kaministiquia S.D.

Driver: Henry Csabak


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