?? New
babies at Keetukka ??

FIVE babies arrived on Tuesday, November
Keetukka and Oakridglane Siberians are happy to annouce the
arrival of five babies!
The Dad The Mom

- Oakridgelane's Rock Of Ages
Ch Keetukka Cascabel at Falkdane S.D.
aka aka
"Caillou" "Cassie"
- A tired but proud mom and her new
- 2 boys: 1 white & 1 wolfgrey
- 3 girls: 1 white, 1 grey, & 1
and here they are at 4 weeks of age!
White Male Wolfgrey Male
Black & White Girl
White Girl
Grey Girl
- And
TWO beautiful babies
arrived right on schedule....Christmas Day
at Shunico Kennels!!!
The Mom
Ch. Shunico's Donder to Falkdane
TT Oakridgelane's
Rock Of Ages
aka aka

A male and a female, nicknamed "Dancer" and "Prancer" all
snuggled down right after their birth with their proud mom.
Prancer (L) and Dancer (R) 5 days old

Keetukka puppies at 4 weeks of age.....full, fat, contented....and asleep!