More Pictures of Cassidy

Cassidy Head Circle Clean

Best Puppy in Group Number 3
10 Months Old
Judge: Irene Madjer Bader Handler: Maureen Marttunen
Wheat City Kennel Club, Brandon Manitoba
November 2006

"New Champion"
Best of Winners - 4 points / Best of Opposite Sex
10 Months Old
Judge: Irene Madjer Bader Handler: Bettijane Flanagan
Wheat City Kennel Club, Brandon Manitoba
November 2006

Winners Male - 3 points / Best Of Opposite Sex
Best Puppy in Group Number 2
8 months old
Judge: Mark Mc Millan Handler: Melanie Parker
Thunder Bay Kennel and Training Club
September 2006

 Cassidy BPIG
Winners Male - 3 Points / Best of Opposite Sex
Best Puppy in Group Number 1
6 Months old
Judge: John Rowden Handler: Melanie Parker/Maureen Marttunen (pictured)
Lakehead Kennel Club
September 2006

Cassidy's Baby Album

Cassidy July 2006_2
6 months

Cassidy 5 months
5 months

Tri Boy 5 wks_2
5 weeks

All in my arms 5 wks
Family Portrait at 5 wks
Flair/top, Coby/right Cassidy/middle
3 Champion Litter
© 2007 - 2009 Dalgarnoch Shelties