February 23-26, 2012 |
led by the Rev. Scott Gale, Chair. The concurrent Youth Event drew 31 young people, with the theme of “The S Words - Sexuality and Spirituality in the United Church.” Presbyters and Youth joined with other Thunder Bay United Churches for Sunday morning worship at Trinity. The Service was live-streamed on the Internet, with a Skype connection to Pinegrove United Church, where the Scriptures were read. Cambrian Youth Minister, Sarah Bruer, in her message, using Luke 2: 22-38, asked, “What treasures, wisdom, skills, resources do you have to pass along to future generations?” |
Adult theme speaker, Sheila Noyes, spoke passionately on Dying with Dignity. Her mother and sister experienced painful deaths. Assisted Dying is defined as providing a fatal prescription which the person takes themselves. Voluntary Euthanasia is the giving of a lethal injection to an individual at their request. Canadian law is far behind that of other countries, even the States of Washington, Montana and Oregon. While suicide is legal in Canada, assisted dying and euthanasia are not.
Accessibility requirements for public buildings in Ontario are challenges for the future of our buildings. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) will be implemented over the years leading up to 2025. Many simple changes can be made to make buildings more accessible. Check for suggestions online at www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/accessibility/
KAIROS (Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives) continues this year with work on human rights, focussing on making the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples a road map to a better future. Inequities still exist. First Nations Reserve schools receive $2,000 less per student than non-Indigenous schools. Only 41% of Reserve students graduate, compared to 77% in the rest of Canada. Such inequities contribute to terrifying suicide rates. More information and worship resources are available at www.kairoscanada.ca. The KAIROS Regional web site
Joan Jarvis, Conference staff minister for Cambrian, drew attention to available print resources, including the Curriculum Guide, which reflects United Church theology, and the current issue of Mandate. Some Minutes for Mission are available in video format from the website. Conference will set up a temporary office for support staff, with the same phone number, located at Churchill Park United Church until the move to the new permanent office. In the meantime Conference program staff will work from home in April. The new location will be at St. Mary’s Road and River Road, attached to the 7-11. Regrets came from Conference President Bev Simpson, whose mother, Muriel Cross, had passed away. Muriel and her husband Rev. Bill Cross served in Cambrian at Wesley United in the 80s and 90s.
After experiencing some technical difficulties with the Presbytery website since the September Presbytery, the site is now up and running again. A brand new website is in the process of being built by web designer, Lincoln Dunn. The new site will be more extensive and interactive. Presbyters and pastoral charges will be notified with the new site is online.
MOTIONS passed:
was led by Nova Cook and Alice Bloomfield, and stretch breaks by Christina Stricker. |
Cambrian Youth Minister, Sarah Bruer, reported that she had visited all 30 congregations in 60 days in the Fall, talking with 235 people, and had attended other youth gatherings. A Skyped Christmas worship service involving 78 youth from Marathon, Emo, Sioux Lookout, Kenora, Thunder Bay and Winnipeg was a great success. Youth are keeping in touch through Facebook between other events. Youth Alumni are also involved.
Remit 6: The Court voted that the 1940 Statement of Faith, the New Creed and A Song of Faith are cherished, honoured, or living statements of our faith to be included in the Basis of Union, and the results of the vote be forwarded to General Council.
Cambrian Commissioners to General Council 41 are: Clergy - Rev. Scott Gale, with Warner Bloomfield as alternate; Lay - Nova Cook, with Jim Jackson as alternate. Youth to GC will be Gabby Tomlinson, alt. Abigail Bloomfield. Youth Forum: Christina Eady.
Four pastoral charges were visited in 2011. A notice of motion was presented (for the September meeting) that Presbytery will begin the process of disbanding the Ear Falls United Church due to lack of viability in all areas.
Pastoral Relations:
Education and Students:
The My Neighbour, Our Community project was introduced by Rev. Ed Prinselaar. It is a DVD made by videographer, Jim Hyder, depicting the social, and economic hardships in Thunder Bay. The DVD includes five vignettes of individuals. It was a joint project of Westminster United’s Questers group and the Lakehead Social Planning Council. It is available free by contacting Westminster United Church or the Lakehead Social Planning Council.
Mission & Service: Thanks were given to Eileen Rice for her many years of work for M & S.
On Saturday evening, Dave McMaster’s Hat raised $631.08 for the M & S Fund.
Finance: General Fund expenditures in 2011 were $144,609, ending the year with a net balance of $27,393. Budget for 2012 is $137,300. At the end of 2011 the Extension Fund stood at $142,532. There are outstanding loans of $38,090. Paul McAlister has now finished his term as Treasurer.
Vacancies exist for 2 UCW reps, a Y.A.A.Y. (Youth Adults And Youth) rep, Camp Duncan Convenor, and M&S Convenor.
Theological Reflector, the Rev. Barb Miller, calling on Presbyters to trust in the spirit and take a moment with God, to feel the Holy Presence, led us through the spirit-filled moments and decisions of our time together.
See you at Conference in Winnipeg, May 31- June 3!