61 Victoria Sessional Papers (No. 32) A.1898
Personal Notes (pgs 55-69)
Most of the following personal notes have been prepared by Mr. T.W. Casey of Napanee, Ont. They will doubtless be of much interest to the many descendants being widely scattered over this Province: and they will also be of some value to students of the early history of Ontario, since they give some information as to the origin of an important part of the first settlers of this Province:
The Allens Joseph Allen, whose name appears frequently in the early records, was a native of New Jersey, Monmouth County. He was a Quaker and a large mill-owner and dealer when the American Revolution began. He had a contract to supply flour and provisions to the British Army. This incensed the Americans, and they one day looted his premises. This so moved his spirit that he laid aside his Quaker peace principles, got a commission and raised a company of volunteers for the British service. In the end his property was all confiscated, and he had to come to Canada with the Refugees. He settled in Adolphustown and was granted large tracts of land, in consideration of his losses. He lived and died in the township. His sons, John and Jonathan, were boys of 12 and 14 when they came. Jonathan married a Miss Dougall of Picton, and was long a prominent resident, building the first brick house in the township. He died there. His son Parker Allen still lives there, and is now the oldest native resident. He several times represented the township in the Town and County Councils. One of the fourth generation is now in the Council. Five generations have lived in the same locality. There are numerous descendants. Parker Allen was Township Clerk sixty years ago.
The Allisons Joseph Allison, the first town constable named at the first town meeting, was of Scottish descent, but was a native of New York State and one of the Pioneer Refugees. He settled on the Bay Shore in the first concession. His wife was Mary Richmond. They had no children. He adopted his nephew Joseph B. Allison, and made him his heir. He was a farmer and died on his farm in 1840, aged 86 years; his wife died at 95 years. They were both buried in the U.E.L. burying ground at Adolphustown. Joseph B. Allsion, his nephew and adopted son , lived and died on the same farm, which is now owned and occupied by his son Henry and grandson. There are today three generations living in the same house. He was an active and influential man in Church and State. He became a Methodist local preacher in 1835, receiving his certificate from Rev. Wm. Ryerson, who was then the presiding elder. He was for years a township officer, elected at the Town meetings, and later on Reeve of the township and a member of the Counties Council for Frontenac, Lennox and Addington. He was also for years Superintendent of Schools for the township-in the sixties-and held other positions. His brother Cyrus became a leading Methodist minister, and died at Picton years ago. Joseph died and was buried in Adolphustown over thirty years ago. One son, David Wright Allison, has twice represented Lennox in the House of Commons, and was Warden of the County, and for years a member of the County and Township Councils. Another son, Cyrus Allison, is now a County Commissioner for the U.E.L. division in the County Council, and was Reeve of South Fredericksburg. Another, Joseph, is Clerk of the Court and a leading man in the church. There are a large number of descendants.
The Barkers were also of the well known early Quaker families, but moved from the Township into Prince Edward. They at one time owned the farm where John Stickney lived, but whether before or after is not now easy to ascertain. They also lived at the Point of third concession between Hay Bay and Bay of Quinte, and had a ferry there to Prince Edward. The place was long known as Barker's Point among the old settlers. Some of the descendants are now leading business men in Picton, and have been for many years.
Reuben Bedell, who was elected township clerk for the ensuing year at the first town meeting, was one of the pioneer Loyalists. He lived on Hay Bay shore, 3rd concession, near where the first Methodist church erected in Upper Canada stood (and the remains still stand). He was a farmer and opened a store in 1797, the first in the Township. This store was largely replenished from the stock of Benjamin Seymour, who kept a large store on the Bay near the present site of Sandhurst. He was several times Township Clerk; had a family but none of the descendants now remain in the township. Some are said to be living in Prince Edward. His sister Elizabeth married Philip Dorland. Not much can now be traced of the family.
Garret Benson, another constable, was also a U.E.L., a farmer living north of Hay Bay, in the fourth concession. There was quite a large family of sons, well-to-do farmers, but not one of the descendants now remain in the township or county so far as can be ascertained. Several of them reside in Prince Edward.
The Bogarts Two families of the Bogarts came with the pioneers, Gilbert and Abraham his son. They were from Tapaan on the Hudson River, and were of the Knickerbockers. They settled in the fourth concession north of Hay Bay. Gilbert must have been an old man at the time, and is said to have lived to be over a hundred years old. His son Abraham married a Lazier and she lived to be 102 years. They reared a large and respectable family, but none of the name now reside in the township. Lewis L. Bogart was chairman of the Centennial Celebration Committee in Adolphustown in 1884. Three sons, David, Abraham and Gilbert, became large lumbermen and important business men in Belleville. Gilbert Bogart, for forty years postmaster at Napanee, is a great grandson of Gilbert first. So is Dr. David P. Bogart, ex-Mayor of Whitby. So is the Rev. Dr. G. M. Meacham, now a well known Canadian Missionary in Japan. The sons of Abraham were all successful business men and the descendants are widely scattered over the Province. They were Methodists. One of the sons of Abraham was among the nine young people drowned near the old Methodist church in 1819.
The Campbells Archibald Campbell was one of the early township clerks and was elected to that office several years. He was of Scotch origin. One daughter married _____ Ridout, the elder, for years a leading citizen of Toronto and Upper Canada, and was the mother of Thomas Gibbs Ridout, an active officer during the war of 1812-14 and President of the Upper Canada Bank. He in turn was father of Lady Edgar, of Toronto, wife of Sir James Edgar, Speaker of the House of Commons. His son Alexander was also a prominent man in Adolphustown, and lived and died there. He had a large family. His son Archibald was the first elected representative of the Township in the District Council, over forty years ago, and lived and died in the township. Another son, Alexander, was for years a leading merchant in Napanee, and its second postmaster. He built the "Campbell House" yet a leading hostelry in the county. Two of the grandsons of Alexander Campbell the first, Archibald and Peter Davis, represented the township in the County Council at various times, and a great grandson, Nelson Davis, is now the Reeve of the Township, elected this year by acclamation. Not one of the Campbell name now resides in the Township.
The Canniffs James Canniff was for years a leading resident of Adolphustown; he owned a farm in the third concession on the Hay Bay Shore. He died there in 1851, aged 86 years. He was a native of Duchess County N.Y. He reared a large family, and thee are many of his descendants yet, occupying leading and respectable positions here and there but not one of the name now resides in the township. He had two sons, Jonas and John. The former became a large mill-owner a few miles up the river from Belleville. Dr. William Canniff, author of the "History of the U.E. Loyalists in U.C.," and later on City Physician of Toronto, was a son of Jonas. John also became a mill-owner and the founder of Cannifton, on the Moira River, Hastings County. The daughters married well known citizens, viz., Thomas Case, Ricketson Haight, and Samuel Hawley, all of Adolphustown; Samuel Miller of Fredericksburgh, John Singleton (for many years postmaster at Brighton), Cornelius Van Horn of Hillier, ___ Chamberlain, and Reuben Clapp, of Adolphustown.
Moses Carnahan was twice town clerk at an early day. The family then lived in the 2nd concession on the bay shore of what has ever since been known as "Carnahan's Bay." They moved from there, Moses going to Picton, where he died years ago, an eccentric old man. Several of the relatives are living about Picton and Prince Edward County, but little is known about them in Adolphustown.
The Caseys Willet Casy, one of the first officers elected, was a U.E.L., a native of Providence, Rhode Island. He and his brother William were both active in the American war, and left for Canada at its close. He first moved to the western border of Lake Champlain, supposing that he was in British territory, but finding he was not so when the international boundary was finally fixed, he left all there and moved on to Upper Canada, living and dying in Adolphustown. He died in 1848, aged 86 years. His brother William died in 1842, aged 81 years. They were strong and active men, and were officers of the township in some capacity for many years. Willet erected the first iron foundry in the district probably, near "Carnahan Bay," 2nd concession, and is said to have cast the first iron mould-board ploughs known to be made in the Province. William erected the first wool-carding mill, located at first at Lake-on-the Mountain, now Glenora, early in the century. Willet was elected to Parliament in about 1811, and sat for a few years. Later on, in about 1836, his son Samuel was elected to that position. In late years his grandson, Dr. Willet Casey Dorland, was elected for Prince Edward County. Willet Casey was a Quaker; his brother William a Methodist, a member of the first class formed and a trustee of the first church built. They both reared large families, and there are yet numerous descendants, but no one of the name now resides in the township.
The Clapps There were quite a number of members of the Clapp family, who, first and last, held public offices in the township. They came from Duchess County and were Quakers originally. One or two families lived in Fredericksburgh, near the Adolphustown boundary. They have been more or less intermarried with the Dorlands, both in the States and here. Benjamin Clapp was one of the principal ones in Adolphustown. One son, Paul Clapp, J.P., became a leading farmer and J.P. in Hillier, Prince Edward. Two of the daughters, Jemima and Phebe, married respectively John and Burger Huyck, living north of Hay Bay. The Huycks and their sons mostly lived and died there, and were elected to a number of township offices, first and last. But one of the name now resides in the township. Two others of Benjamin's daughters, Tabitha and Deborah married ___ Hagerman and Rudulph Purdy, leading farmers in Sydney, Hastings County. Several of the relatives have been prominent men in Prince Edwards; one, Robert, was warden and a candidate for the Legislature in the Conservative interest. Another, James, is now the Mayor of the Town of Picton. The family were characterized for energy and business shrewdness. John Clapp was a soldier in Burgoyne's army during the war. Reuben B. Clapp, one of the last of the town clerks, was a son of Joseph Clapp, and lived in the 3rd concession on the Hay Bay shore. He died in the township. He married a daughter of James Canniff and reared several children, but none live in the township now, or any of their children.
Daniel Cole was one of the pioneers and settled on the first lot (east side) in the township, on the Front. It is said that while the company were waiting in their canvas tents, in 1784, for the surveyors to finish their work, so the farms could be drawn by lot, that all agreed as Daniel Cole had the largest family he should be allowed at once to settle on the first lot. This was his wish, and all turned in and helped him chop away a small clearing and build a log house, which was covered with marsh hay or rushes. He also managed to raise a few potatoes that year from some seed he had with him. He and some of his descendants lived to a great age, from ninety to over a hundred years. There were large families but none of them, or of the name are now resident in the township. Some of them, to considerable numbers, are scattered elsewhere in the country. It was from the home of one of these sons, Barnard Cole, and from his boat that the great drowning took place in front of the Methodist Church, at Hay Bay in June, 1819. Four of the family were of the party at the time, and one was drowned.
Joseph Cornell, whose name appears among the early residents, lived in fourth concession, north of Hay Bay. It is said he was a mulatto, and his wife was suspected of witchery by some of the early Dutch settlers. It is said on one occasion a neighbor's child was sick and was supposed to be "bewitched" by Mrs. Cornell. The friends got her and threatened to burn her alive unless she would put her hands on the sic one and say "God bless the child" so as to break the spell. This she did, but was thought to have done so very reluctantly. The child is said to have got well. The Cornells long ago left the township, or dwindled out, and none of that name now remains.
The David Family Henry Davis was one of the early town clerks and occupied that office several years. He was of English origin. He was a sergeant of 29th regiment during the war. He settled on a farm in the second concession, where he lived and died. His son Henry lived and died on the same farm, and was for years an officer elected by the town meetings. Archibald Campbell Davis, a son of Henry, was for years a member of the town and county councils; so was Peter, another son. Now, Nelson Davis, a son of Archibald C., is the Reeve of the Township and has been its representative in the County Council. Other members of the family have also taken an active part in municipal and political affairs, both in Adolphustown and Frederickburg. The descendants are now quite numerous in the county. The family have been all Methodists and strongly Conservative in politics, and have been noted for activity and intelligence.
The Dorlands Philip Dorland, clerk of the first town meeting, was one of the pioneers who landed in 1784 at Adolphustown, and was one of the commissioners for supplying the inhabitants with the food furnished by the British Government. He located on a farm on the Bay of Quinte a mile or two west of where the village of Adolphustown now stands. Later on he moved to Wellington, Prince Edward Co., where he died. He was born at Beekman, N.Y., in 1755, and died at Wellington in 1814. There are a large number of descendants in Prince Edward and elsewhere. He was elected, as member of Legislature for Lennox and Prince Edward, to the first Upper Canada Parliament in 1792; being a Quaker he would not take an oath of any kind, such as was required then. His seat was declared vacant and Major Vanalstine elected in his stead. His property in New York State was confiscated because of his loyalty to the British Crown. He was a farmer. The first Quaker Society formed in Upper Canada was regularly organized at his house in Adolphustown in 1798, a committee of the New York yearly meeting and Nine Partners (N.Y.) quarterly meeting being present for that purpose. Thomas Dorland, whose name appears in some capacity in nearly every yearly town meeting for years, was a younger brother of Philip. He also was born in Beekman, Duchess Co., N.Y., in 1759, and appears to have taken an active part in the British ranks, came to Upper Canada with Philip in 1784, settled in Adolphustown, on a farm nearly opposite Glenora, on the Bay Shore, wher he lived and died in 1832. He was for years a captain of the Lennox Battalion of Militia, and took an active part near Kingston during the war of 1812-14. He was elected to Parliament at an early time, and the original copy of the Upper Canada statutes he had, printed in 1802, is still kept by his descendants. He was a Justice of the Peace, and held Magistrate's Court at an early time in Adolphustown. He was one of the few pioneers who brought negro slaves with him, some of whom were in the family as late as 1818, if not later. It is said he brought twenty. It is a tradition that some of his slaves refused to reveal his hiding place during the closing times of the Rebellion even when threatened with hanging. Col. Samuel Dorland was a son of his, and was colonel of the Lennox Regiment of Militia till the time of his death in the fifties. He too took an active part in the war of 1812-14, having charge of a company near Kingston. Samuel thought he was the first white male child born in the township. Major Peter Dorland was another son. Both lived and died in the township. Capt. Thos. Dorland was a Quaker, but joined the Church of England later in life, about 1826.There are a large number of descendants yet in the county. A great-grandson, Redford Dorland, is now township clerk (1899) and has been for years. A grandson, the late John P. Dorland, was Reeve for years. Two others of the grandsons were medical doctors at Belleville (Drs. Enoch G. and Peter V.) Paul Trumpour Dorland, the last of the town clerks in the old township record, was a son of Thomas I. Dorland and a grandson of John Dorland, the pioneer settler. His mother was a daughter of Joseph Trumpour, and his first wife a grand daughter of Thomas Dorland, a daughter of Peter V. Dorland. His second wife also a granddaughter of Thomas Dorland, a daughter of Col. Samuel Dorland. He lived and died in the township. Some of his children are resident there yet.
Thomas Douglass was for a time a well-known citizen. He was married to Miss Caroline Sharp, of Ernestown, Sept. 6th, 1802, and lived in Adolphustown village. He built a house for a tavern, just west of where the town hall now stands, but took sick and died shortly after. He left three daughters but no sons. They married David M. Lake of Stone Mills, _____ Nichols of Richmond, and Burdett. His widow married Orrin Ranney.
Jacob Dulmage was for a short time a resident of Adolphustown but moved at an early time in life to Marysburgh, where he lived and died. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Church, and probably a local preacher for years. He married Sarah Huff, a daughter of Solomon Huff, one of the Adolphustown pioneers. Another of the sisters married Henry Hoover, the father of Mrs. Joseph B. Allison. Another married Henry Vanduzen. Another married Capt. Abraham Maybee of Adolphustown. It is said that Mrs. Wright, mother of the Rev. David Wright, one of the early Methodist preachers, was sister of Jacob Dulmage. Rev. D. Wright was the father of Dr. H.H. Wright of Toronto. Dr. I.H. Cameron of Toronto, is a son-in-law of Dr. Wright. Mrs. Henry Hoover, sister to Mrs. Dulmage was 11 years old when the family came to this Province. She was married by a Justice of the Peace, in absence of a minister; lived to be nearly 90 years of age, and was buried in the U.E.L. burying ground. It is thought the Dulmages and Hoovers were of Palatine stock, relatives of Barbara Heck. Mrs. Gunsalos, nee Amy Allison, says when she was a child her grandmother Hoover, nee Huff, wanted to name her Barbara Heck, after their relative.
Area Fergusson whose name seldom appears, is said to have had a farm in Fredericksburg Additional, or the half of the very first lot in Adolphustown, first concession. He is said to have been a well educated and able man. It is supposed he drew up the deed for the first Methodist Church, which is certainly a very able bit of conveyancing, both as regards its composition and penmanship. Little else is known of him now. None of his name, or none connected with him, are know to reside in the township now.
Alexander Fisher was one of the prominent early settlers of Adolphustown, and the first Judge of the Midland district, which then comprised all the territory now in the cities of Kingston and Belleville, and the counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Prince Edward and Hastings. The Courts were then held quarterly, alternately at Adolphustown and Kingston. He was also a farmer, having 600 acres of fine farming land in the 3rd Concession, on Hay Bay, a mile or two east of the Methodist Church, now known as the Platt farm. He lived and died and was buried on that farm, where there is now a monument to his memory. He married Miss Henrietta McDowell, a daughter of Col. McDowell, a leading resident of Marysburg, Prince Edward, march 15th, 1802. They had two daughters, Helen, born May 31st, 1807, and Henrietta, born March 27th, 1811. The marriage and baptismal records are in Rev. Robert McDowell's record. There were no sons. Both daughters married the Kirkpatricks, lawyers in Kingston. One of them, Stafford, was County Judge of Lennox and Addington, forty years ago. The other, Thomas, was the father of Sir George E. Kirkpatrick, ex-Lieut. Governor of Ontario.
John Fitzgerald was of Irish origin, and is said to have been the only roman Catholic among the Adolphustown pioneers. He was unmarried. He drew a lot next east of Joseph Allison, and in 1801 gave Allsion power of attorney to secure his necessary titles, but it is said he died before they were properly made out. The old paper still exists bur is much mice eaten. That is about all that is known of him.
The Germans- Christopher German was next neighbor west of the Bogarts in the fourth concession, north of Hay Bay. He was a soldier of the Loyal Rangers during the war. He reared a large family, all of whom did well. He was a Methodist local preacher, and a trustee of the first Methodist church. Two of his sons, Mathew and Peter, were prominent and popular local preachers sixty years ago. The Rev. John W. German, of Berlin, now a superannuated Methodist minister, is a grandson. Rev. J.F. German, D.D., now of Elm St. church, Toronto, is one of his descendants. Others of them are numerous in Prince Edward County and elsewhere , but none of the name now remain in Adolphustown. He died and was buried where he first settled. He never too an active part in municipal or political affairs, but was the most prominent man in his locality in church matters. The old homestead remained in the hands of some member of the family until quite recently, and the farm was one of the best and most valuable in the township.
Lazarus Gilbert was a carpenter by trade. He was the builder of the Church of England in 1822-23, and , though a Methodist, was elected churchwarden at the town meeting held Jan. 6th, 1823.
Stephen Griffis was for three years township clerk. He lived at the village and kept a tavern there at an early time, when the District Courts were held. He was a son of William Griffith. They were new Jersey Loyalists, and he joined the New York party in 1783. There were several sons, Stephen, William, Gilbert, Philip, most of whom once lived in the township. There are now none of the name, but several descendants in Fredericksburg.
The Hagermans Nicholas Hagerman was one of the most prominent of the early pioneer settlers. He settled in the Bay shore on the lot where the Refugee party first landed and on which the U.E.L. buying ground is located. The house in which he lived was burned a few years ago. He is represented as being a man of not much education, but of much energy and shrewdness. He had one daughter and three sons; Christopher was a practising lawyer in Kingston, and once collector of Customs. He was elected to represent Kingston, and was Solicitor General of Upper Canada during the Mackenzie stirring times of the thirties, and was then appointed Chief Justice, which he held till his death. Daniel, another son., was elected
M.P. for the County, but died before taking his seat. He studied law and lived in Bath. Probably was not married. Joseph was also a law student at Bath, but died early and probably was never called to the bar or married. Jane the daughter was probably not married. Mrs. Robinson, wife of the late Hon. J. Beverly Robinson, Lieut.-Gov. of Ontario, was a daughter of Chief Justice Hagerman. Nicholas lies buried in the U.E.L. ground, in a grave now unmarked and unknown.
The Haights Simon Hoyt came from England and settled in Salem, Mass., in 1628. The great-great-great-grandson of this Simon Hoyt was Joseph Hoyt or Haight, who lived at Washington, Duchess Co., N.Y. Joseph and Margaret Haight had eight children Joseph, Jonathan, Obadiah, Rachel, Reuben, Amos, David and Daniel. The youngest child, Daniel, was born Jan. 14th, 1764, and died at Adolphustown Aug 19, 1830. He came to Canada at the end of the last century. The children of Daniel and Mary Haight numbered eleven. The eldest son. Philip, married Anna, daughter of Philip Dorland. The third child, John, married as his second wife Betsey, the daughter of Philip Dorland. The fourth child, Rhoda, married Daniel Ruttan, son of Wm. Ruttan. The sixth child, Ricketson, married Mary, fifth daughter of James Canniff. The seventh child, Reuben Amos, married Jane West, grand-daughter of Wm. Casey. The eleventh child, Samuel Dorland Haight, married the daughter of Samuel Dorland, son of Thomas Dorland. The eldest son of Ricketson Haight is Canniff Haight, who married Jane Casey Ingersoll, daughter of Isaac Ingersoll and grand-daughter of Willet Casey. Joel Haight, a nephew of Daniel Haight, married Bathsheba Dorland, second daughter of John Dorland.
Jacob Hoover, in addition to being a farmer, carried on the trace of waggon making.
The Huffs Solomon Huff first drew a lot on Hay Bay shore , near No. 1, but when that was made a part of Fredericksburg Additional he gave it up and accepted a lot in second concession distant from the Bay, which was then of much value, so as to be in the same township as the other Fourth Town Residents. Paul Huff, son of Solomon, was a leading and well known farmer on Hay Bay. It was in his house that the first Methodist Class was formed in the Province, by William Losee in 1791. It was on his farm that the first Methodist Church in Upper Canada was built. It was in his barn that the first Quarter Sessions in the Midland District was held, in the summer of 1794, the next being held in Kingston, and then the Methodist Church until a Court House was erected. There was a large family of well-to-do and quiet farmers, taking a prominent part in Methodist Church affairs, but not much in political concerns. None of the name now reside in the Township. Several are in Prince Edward. A sister married _____ Allison, the father of Joseph B., and another Jacob Dulmage, who moved to Marysburg, Prince Edward County. A number of the descendants still remain but are scattered.
Andrew Huffnail drew No. 11 in Fredericksburg Additional and built a saw-mill thereon, but after that took No. 14 as to be in Adolphustown. Later on he returned to his first lot.
George Hughes, a well educated Englishman, was one of the early teachers in the old school. Pupils were attracted to this school from a considerable distance. Sir John a. Macdonald was in early days a pupil in the old Adolphustown school.
John Huyck, the last on the list of the officers of the first town meeting, resided north of Hay Bay, where he lived and died, and where some of his descendants are still living. The family are active and well-to-do. Their father, Edward Huyck, was an officer in the Militia, and one of the early timber men who took rafts to Quebec in those early days. There were several members of the original family sons and daughters and the family has always been represented in the township, but only one or two of the family name are now there. His father, Edward Huyck, probably built the first stone house in Adolphustown, which is still standing , and is occupied.
Abraham Maybee was one of the pioneers and settled on a farm just east of the Allens, where Adolphustown village now stands. He was a Captain in the Militia and was popularly known as "Captain Maybee." He had a blacksmith shop and a sawmill just adjoining the village, but no vestiges of them are now left. He is mentioned in the original Government record as "Captain of Associated Loyalists." He lived and died on that farm, dying June 17th, 1832, at the advanced age of 96 years. Parker Allen now remembers helping his father carry the old man on a bed out of the house when it was on fire. He came from Duchess County, New York. He had two sons, Robert and Isaac. Isaac was in the war of 1812, and died while thus in the services. Robert was drowned off a raft in the St. Lawrence when on the way to Quebec. Both were unmarried. He had two daughters, Elizabeth married Noxon Harris, a former prominent resident. One of his daughters, Mrs. Garner, still lives in the township, and is now the oldest woman in it. Jane married Dr. Samuel Neilson, at Ernesttown, and was the mother of Judge Joseph Neilson, who presided at the celebrated Henry Ward Beecher trial in New York, some years ago. He lies buried beside his father and mother in the Morven Methodist Church burying ground in Ernesttown.
William Moore was one of the pioneers, and is put down in the Government list as a "foreman or overseer of Works, Engineer's Department." He had lived in the third concession. He was a carpenter, and is said to have finished the old Adolphustown Methodist Church and to have built the Methodist Church at Congers, near Picton; which is now the oldest of its kind in use in Ontario. It was built in 1809. He was class leader of the first class organized in Adolphustown in 1791, and was referred to by the old members as a "Father in Israel." A daughter married John Roblin, so much noted among the early residents the father of David Roblin, M.P., Rev. Philip Roblin, Mrs. George H. Detlor, of Napanee, and others. Wm. Moore does not appear to have had any sons, but there are numerous descendants through the daughter. He died at his farm, and was buried in the burying ground at the old Methodist Church on Hay Bay. He never appears to have taken much part in municipal or political affairs.
The Petersons There were two large families of the Petersons among the first settlers, Nicholas and Abraham, both of whom had done active service in the British cause. There was a large family of them, some of whom settled in the Eastern District and some in Prince Edward, besides those in Adolphustown. The latter were in the third concession, on Hay Bay shore, next to Judge Fisher, where some of the descendants yet live. They were good farmers, but never took a prominent part in public affairs. One of the descendants, Paul Peterson, represented Prince Edward County in Parliament sixty years ago. They were the loyalists of New York, and all had land grants. One of the descendants, Jacob Peterson, married a daughter of Rev. Darius Dunham and lived in Fredericksburg. Some of the children are still living. William Peterson, a son, lived on the homestead, and his son Nicholas now resides there. One daughter, Leah, married Nicholas Bogart, north of Hay Bay, and several of that family are living. The families of descendants are now in Prince Edward, Hastings and elsewhere. They never took a prominent position in township affairs. They were Methodists. Two or three leading families live in Ameliasburg.
Orrin Ranney was several times township clerk. He does not appear to be of the U.E.L.'s. He lived in Adolphustown village and had an iron foundry there, the first in the locality, but not the first in the township. He married the widow of Thomas Douglas in 1810. They had two sons, Thomas and James, but we have no record of them, and two daughters: Caroline who married John Gibbard, of Napanee, now the oldest business man in the town, and the mother of Thomas Gibbard, Esq., Manager of the Gibbard Mfg. Co.; Cynthia, the other, married Samuel Blackley now of near Belleville. None of the family name now reside in the township or county.
William Robins was town clerk at one time, and his records are among the most systematic and best written of any of the township. The Robins family, according to the Government record, appear to have been quite numerous, but none located at Adolphustown at first; some in Kingston, Ernesttown and the Eastern District. They were of the loyal Rangers during the war. He is said to have kept the first store in the township, on the bay shore front of the village, where the wharf is now located, and one lot east of Hagerman's. He does not appear to have remained long in the township, and none of the name have resided there for fifty years or more. Few remember the name at all now.
The Roblins John Roblin, whose name appears often in the town meeting record, lived in the third concession, near Hay Bay, where a number of the descendants still reside. He was a Methodist local preacher, one of the first converts of the labors of the Rev. Darius Dunham. He was elected to the Upper Canada Parliament but was declared ineligible and the seat declared vacant because he was a lay preacher. He was elected again, but died before the next session was held. His descendants have been numerous and influential. John P. Roblin, who represented Prince Edward County for many years in Parliament, was a grandson; he was appointed Registrar of that county by the Baldwin government, and died holding the office. David Roblin, who represented Lennox and Addington for years, was also a grandson. Marshal Bidwell Roblin, who was Registrar of Lennox and Addington for years, was a son of David. Mr. R.P. Roblin, of Winnipeg, who has for years been a prominent member of the Manitoba Legislature and was leader of one of the political parties, is a descendant son of James, of Sophiasburg. Owen Roblin, the founder of the Roblin Mills in Ameliasburg, and for fifty years post-master there, is a grandson now over 90 years of age. John Roblin first married a daughter of Wm. Moore, the first Methodist class leader.
The Ruttans William Ruttan, the original of the Adolphustown families, came from New York State with the Loyalists and settled on a farm on the Front, on Bay of Quinte shore. He was one of the early Methodists of the Township and a trustee of the first Methodist church. There was a numerous family and a number of the descendants are well-known residents now. Henry Ruttan, who represented Northumberland County in Parliament back in the thirties and was once Speaker of the House, was a son. He was till his death Sheriff of Northumberland and Durham. Rev. Mr. Thompson of Carlton West, President of the York Pioneers, is a grandson. The late Dr. Allan Ruttan, of Napanee, who became a man of considerable local note, was also a grandson. William Ruttan was spoken of as a man of great piety. His wife was a sister of Matthew Steel, who lived a short time in Adolphustown and then moved to Fifth Town (Marysburg) where he lived and died. Steel and his sister, Mrs. Ruttan had very powerful voices, and it is said they used to talk with each other across the Bay, there a mile and a quarter wide. She was a woman of much strength, and could rake and bind wheat and keep up to a cradler, which not many men could do. John C. Ruttan, who was born in Adolphustown, a schoolmate of Sir John A. Macdonald, died in Pittsburg township January 30, 1899, at the age of 84 years.
George Rutter was a hatter by trade and doubtless found some of his work in making "beavers" for the Quakers who were among the early settlers. His son John succeeded him at this occupation.
Nathaniel Solmes was one of the early residents, but did not remain long in the township. He moved to Sophiasburg, Prince Edward County, and there is but little remembrance of him in Adolphustown. Two of his sons became prominent and wealthy men in Sophiasburg, and there are a number of the descendants residing there now, among the leading citizens. David Barker Solmes, a grandson, is now one of the oldest residents of the township. He was, some years ago, Conservative candidate for the Ontario Legislature for that county, but was defeated by the late Gideon Striker. Another brother, Reuben, was a wealthy citizen there, and died in Belleville about ten years ago. Gilbert Solmes, one of the early settlers of Richmond township, in Lennox county, was a son of Nathaniel, and lived to be an old man. A number of his descendants are yet resident in the township. They appear to have been all energetic and successful business men, but were not long enough in Adolphustown to take a prominent part there. Capt. Solmes, of one of the Toronto and Niagara steamers, is one of the descendants.
John Stickney was for three years township clerk. He lived in the third concession and was a doctor. He married Rebecca Barker, a daughter of a U.E.L., in 1804, and some years later moved to Sixth town (Sophiasburg) where he lived and died. They reared a large family, most of whom were prosperous and influential men. They were Quakers. He does not appear to have been on the Government list as a U.E.L., nor does his name appear among the families who first landed in the township.
Peter Swade, whose name appears early in the records, lived in the first concession at the west of the village on one of the lots of the "town plot." Some stories now are told of his eccentricities, but beyond that nothing seems now known of him. The family appears to have left the township at an early time, and their names are now forgotten.
The Trumpours Paul Trumpour, the original of the family of that name, was one of the pioneer and settled in third concession on a farm now owned by a great grandson, and which has been always in the family. It is now the most numerous family in the township. He was an officer in Lieut. Delany's Brigade during the American Rebellion. His two sons, John and Joseph , married daughters of John Dorland, and raised large families. John had 13 children and Joseph 11. Several of both families are still living in the township. There were several daughters of Paul Trumpour. One married McCuaig, of Halliwell, and was mother of the late James McCuaig who represented Prince Edward County in Parliament for years. Another married Simeon Washburn, who became a member of the old Legislative Council, and was seventy years ago, one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens of that county; and one married James Cummings, also a prominent business man in Prince Edward. Thee are numerous descendants of all these families not only in Lennox and Prince Edward but throughout the Province. The Trumpours were Quakers.
The Valleaus Peter Valleau and his sons Hildebrand and Cornelius, aged 9 and 7, were among the first pioneer company. Peter appears to have settled somewhere south of Hay Bay, but no one now can tell just where. He and his son Hildebrand moved to Sixth Town (Sophiasburg) before 1800, and settled on the High Shore, a few miles east of Picton, where both lived and died. They lie buried in the old conger church burying ground. Mr. A.S. Valleau, now Collector of Customs as Deseronto, is a descendant of Hildebrand, and there are a large number of the family in Prince Edward. Peter was township treasurer of Sophiasburg in 1800. Cornelius Valleau the other son, drew land north of Hay Bay, second lot to the eastern boundary, where he lived and died. He reared a large family and there are now a large number of descendants, but none of the name are now in the township. Judge Cornelius Valleau Price, now of Kingston, is a grandson. A number of the family name reside in Richmond township and also a number in Ameliasburg, Prince Edward County, and in other sections of the Province. They were Methodists.
Major Vanalstine Peter Vanalstine was the Captain of the Fourth Town company and the Commissary for years. He does not appear to have had any military experience or position. He was a knickerbocker and native of New York. His title of Major appears to have been honorary. He lived on the bay Shore on the Front, next east of Philip and Thomas Dorland. He was elected to represent Lennox and Prince Edward in the first Parliament, after Philip Dorland's seat was declared vacant because of his refusal to take an oath. He is said to have built the first grist mill at Glenora then Lake on-the-Mountain, and probably it was the first in Prince Edward County. That was as early as 1791. He had a son Allan who lived for years at the Stone Mills, - Glenora and died there. Allan married a daughter of Jonathan Allen and there are a number of his descendants yet living in Prince Edward County. Major Vanalstine had no daughters. He had a brother, Cornelius Vanalstine, who was probably the first magistrate appointed in the township. Peter was born in 1747 and was therefore 37 years of age when he landed in Adolphustown. He died in 1811, aged 64 years, and was buried in the U.E.L. ground, but there is nothing now to distinguish his grave.
The Vanduzens There were two of the Vanduzen brothers among the first settlers, Conrad and Casper , both of whom appear to have taken a prominent part in the early affairs of the township. Conrad was most spoken of. He lived on the "front." On Bay of Quinte shore , east next farm to the Allisons. He first kept a tavern there, and it was in his house, it is said, that Rev. Wm. Losee, the first Methodist preacher, preached his first sermon in the township, in 1790. He was converted and at once went and chopped down his sign post. Playter in his history of Methodism, speaks of him as unlearned, and at his first attempt at family prayer could only think of "Now I lay me down to sleep." Casper married the widow of Jacob Hoover, the first of the pioneer party who died, having been killed by the falling of a limb of a tree, not many months after the landing. The brothers were put down in the original Government list as "Loyalists from New York." Rev. Conrad Vanduzen, one of the early Methodist Ministers, was a descendant of one of these families. He died at Whiby a quarter of a century ago. They intermarried with the Huffs, and the descendants are numerous, but none of the name reside in Adolphustown.
Peter Van Skyver was town clerk for two or three terms. His name appears among those who landed first, and he appears to have been located on the "Back Bay," fifth concession, but the oldest inhabitant now has no recollection about him, or any of that family. None of the name have resided in the township for the past seventy years or more.
The Watsons James Watson and his son, John Joseph, were town clerks. James was not one of the U.E. Loyalists. He was a native of Scotland, and held some position in the military service. He located in Adolphustown and married a daughter of Joseph Allen. Both lived and died there. It is said the kept one of the early taverns in the Township. John Joseph Watson was his only son. He lived and spent all his days in the Township, and died about ten years ago, one of its wealthiest and most prominent residents. He was several times Reeve of the township, and was Warden of Lennox and Addington. He was also President of the Lennox Conservative Association. He was two or three times Township Clerk in the old Town meeting days. He married a daughter of Jonathan Allen, his cousin. But one of their children is now living, Mrs. Minnie Watson Duffett, of Adolphustown, now the sole survivor of the family. She has children, but none of the Watson name are now resident in the township. Mr. J. J. Watson donated the land on which the U.E.L. Memorial Church (St. Albans) now stands. The family are all buried there.
The Quakers On the seventh day of ninth month, 1798, a "preparative" meeting was held in Philip Dorland's house, for the purpose of organizing a society. A committee was present from the Nine Partners (N.Y.) meeting, consisting of Fry Willes, Enoch Dorland, Gideon Lamore, Harvey Hill, and Reuben Haight. A meeting house was erected in 1799, and its ruin still stands. See Country Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago, by Canniff Haight. From this as a centre the Quakers spread into Prince Edward County, Frontenac and Leeds. Among the early Quakers of Adolphustown were the Dorlands, Trumpours, Haights and Clapps.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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