Marriages Performed by-
Raynard Quackenbush and Martha Parliament, both of Ameliasburgh,
17 April 1833. Witnessed by James H. Parliament, John H. Fox.
Thomas Williams, of Sophiasburgh, and Phebe Ann French, of
Hallowell, 8 May 1833. Witnessed by William Williams, Mary Williams.
Russel Ford and Celinda Webster, both of Hallowell, 8 Sept 1833.
Witnessed by Daniel Webster, Harriet R. Demorest.
Peter Seayea and Sophia Groves, both of Sophiasburgh, 31 Dec 1833.
Witnessed by Henry Simons, John Fairman.
William Foster and Jane Cole, both of Sophiasburgh, 2 March 1834.
Witnessed by Stephen W. Randal, Mary Ann Randal.
Reuben B. Way and Phebe Goslin, both of Sophiasburgh, 23 Apr 1834.
Witnessed by Abraham Goslin, John Goslin.
Marriages Performed by-
James Welsh and Phebe McConnell, both of Hallowell, 4 Aug 1833.
Witnessed by George Welsh, John Emerson.
Jeremiah Herrington and Amy Walt, both of Ameliasburgh, 5th Aug 1833.
Witnessed by Dr. Thomas Moore, Thomas Fleming.
John Walker and Mary Hughes, both of Darlington, 18 Aug 1833.
Witnessed by Robert Fairbairn Esq., Alexander Fletcher Esq.
Isaac Hutchinson and Susan Blair, both of Hillier, 23 Sept 1833.
Witnessed by Eliakim Cory, Abner Cory.
Moses C. Walters and Julianna Leavins, both of Hallowell, 22 Oct 1833.
Witnessed by Eliphalet Leavins, Jesse Walins.
Robert Gibson and Eliza Armstrong, both of Hallowell. 29 Oct 1833.
Witnessed by John Gibson, John Armstrong.
John Bigham and Eleanor Love, both of Hallowell, 5 Nov 1833.
Witnessed by John Ballentine, George I. Sallans.
William Ely and Charlotte Knott, both of Sophiasburgh, 18 Aug 1833.
Witnessed by Daniel Rowland, John Lomson.
William Vader and Elizabeth Black, both of Sophiasburgh, 15 Jan 1834.
Witnessed by John Black, Jacob Howell Esq.
William Seeds and Elizabeth Wilder, both of Hillier, 27 Jan 1834.
Witnessed by John Arthur, Jacob Howell Esq.
William E. I. Eadus, of Cape Breton, and Mary Williams, of Sophiasburgh,
9 Feb 1834. Witnessed by John Howell, William M. Thompson
James Carpenter, of Demorestville, and Sarah McDowall, of Fredericksburgh,
13 Feb 1834. Witnessed by Rev. Robt. McDowall, Daniel Adams.
Samuel Gosline and Rebecca Martin, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Feb 1834.
Witnessed by Dr. Moore, Elijah Buck.
William H. Fox and Jane Van Blaricomb, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Feb 1834.
Witnessed by Dr. Moore, Elijah Buck.
Reuben R. Burlingham and Anne Branscombe, both of Hallowell, 4 March 1834.
Witnessed by Elias Bedle, Arthur Branscombe.
Simeon Cole and Elizabeth Doxsie, both of Sophiasburgh, 25 March 1834.
Witnessed by Andrew Patterson, David Dorland.
James W. German, of Hillier, and Ameralla Sprague, of Hallowell,
29 April 1834. Witnessed by Benjamin Alleson, Peter Stickel.
Robert Lawson, of Marysburgh, and Sarah Patterson, of Hallowell,
13 May 1834. Witnessed by Dr. Moore, William Vance.
John Palen and Margaret Hudgins, both of Marysburgh, 3 June 1834.
Witnessed by James Hudgins, Matthew Curry.
Solomon Cransall, of Cramahe, and Elmada Eddy, of Demorestville, 8 June 1834.
Witnessed by John Arthur, William Vader.
Marriages Performed by-
Lodowick Stanton and Mary Walters, both of Hallowell, 4 March 1834.
Witnessed by Anson Palen, James Thompson.
Abraham German and Mehetable Garnett, both of Hillier, 21 Jan 1834.
Witnessed by John German, Timothy Clark.
George McCollough and Elizabeth Lawson, both of Hillier, 31 March 1834.
Witnessed by Henry McCollough, James Band.
Robert Osterhout and Maria Wait, both of Hillier, 14 Apr 1834.
Witnessed by David Osterhout, Benjamin Wait.
William Smith, of Hillier, and Almira Brown, of Hallowell, 15 April 1834.
Witnessed by James Dougall, Publius V. Elmore.
Luther Rawson and Perlina Pitney, both of Hallowell, 27 May 1834.
Witnessed by Jacob Ruttan, Robert Pitney.
Marriages Performed by-
Thomas Roraback and Cornelia Hicks, both of Marysburgh, 20 Jan 1834.
Witnessed by Edward Hicks, Nathan Huff.
William Davidson and Matthew McCrea, both of Hallowell, 12 March 1834.
Witnessed by Robert Davidson, James Johnson.
Robert Wright and Mary Ann Snider, both of Marysburgh, 7 Apr 1834.
Witnessed by Benjamin Steel, Edward Wright.
Robert Earl and Jane Jones, both of Sophiasburgh, 13 Aug 1834.
Witnessed by Thomas Jones, Richard Jones.
Thomas Jones and Allice Barker, both of Sophiasburgh, 13 Aug 1834.
Witnessed by Robert Earl, Richard Jones.
Marriages Performed by-
James Osborn, of Tyendinaga, and Abigail Foster, of Sophiasburgh,
20 May 1834. Witnessed by John Curlett, Harriet R. Demorest.
George Riddle, of Markham, and Jane Green, of Hallowell, 12 June 1834.
Witnessed by Samuel Badgley, Abel Thompson.
Robert Morden and Hester Clark, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Nov 1834.
Witnessed by Samuel Clark, Samuel Goslin.
Samuel Clark and Margaret McGuin, both of Sophiasburgh, 21 Nov 1834.
Witnessed by Robert Morden, Paul Clark.
Henry Shaw and Zerusha Hetherly, both of Sophiasburgh, 22 Jan 1835.
Witnessed by Thomas Fairman, Valentine Rightmyer.
John Rightmyer and Mary Parker, both of Sophiasburgh, 1 Feb 1835.
Witnessed by James Curlet, Samuel Wood.
Marriages Performed by-
John B. Smith and Hannah Van Swick, both of Hallowell, 25 Feb 1834.
Witnessed by Henry Ewings, Joseph Reynolds.
John Carnes and Mary Hicks, both of Sophiasburg, 5 May 1834.
Witnessed by Joseph B. Hicks, Simon L. Harvey.
Marriages Performed by-
James Cunningham and Elizabeth Holdridge, both of Ameliasburgh, 25 Feb 1834.
Witnessed by John ---, David Williams.
Roger Bates Conger, of Hallowell, and Hannah Bryant, of Ameliasburgh,
9 March 1834. Witnessed by John P. Roblin, Owen Roblin.
James J. R. Vert and Mary Ann Sheets, both of Ameliasburgh, 4 May 1834.
Witnessed by John P. Roblin, Thomas R. Howard.
Asa James Hill and Phebe Hendricks, both of Murray, 14 Sept 1834.
Witnessed by Charles B. Gilbert, Calvin Par.
James Osborn, of Sophiasburgh, and Glorinda Young, of Hallowell,
1st Jan 1835. Witnessed by John Osborn, Peter Valleau.
Darius Cook and Eliza Ann Drummond, both of Hallowell, 4 Jan 1835.
Witnessed by Israel Cook, William Cook.
William Foster and Susan Walters, both of Hallowell, 13 Jan 1835.
Witnessed by John Bull, James B. Vincent.
Thomas Whatlam and Sarah Stevens, both of Marysburgh, 7 March 1835.
Witnessed by Oliver Dingman, David Hicks.
Thomas Mills and Anna Badgley, both of Sophiasburgh, 17 Mar 1835.
Witnessed by Isiah Badgley, John Fairman.
Adam Short and Rachel Clark, both of Sophiasburgh, 24 Aug 1835.
Witnessed by Richard Jones, M. Pool.
Marriages Performed by-
Russel Tyler and Emeline Evans, both of Sophiasburgh, 14 Aug 1834.
Witnessed by Griffith Howell Esq., Elijah Young.
Griffith Howell and Phebe Allison, both of Sopbiasburgh, 1 Oct 1834.
Witnessed by John Allison, Benj'n Allison.
Frederick Mastin and Deborah Rightmyer, both of Sophiasburgh, 9 Nov 1834.
Witnessed by James Van Skiver, William ---.
Nathaniel Chextwo and Elizabeth Sewell, both of Hallowell, 2nd Dec 1834.
Witnessed by John Mahoney, Samuel Sewell.
John Armstrong and Fanny Hamilton, both of Hallowell, 4 Dec 1834.
Witnessed by George Welsh, John Stafford.
William Carney and Alice Hamilton, both of Sophiasburgh, 4 Dec 1834.
Witnessed by George Welsh, John Stafford.
John R. Morden, of Hallowell, and Eliza Covert, of Sophiasburgh,
11 Jan 1835. Witnessed by John Howell, Peter Stickell.
Joseph White and Margaret Wilson, both of Hillier, 3 Feb 1835.
Witnessed by John McPherson, Robert Brownlee.
Daniel Fonus and Margaret Morden, both of Hillier, 15 Feb 1835.
Witnessed by Jacob Meyers, John Arthur.
John McCready and Rachel M. Rath, both of Hallowell, 24 Mar 1835.
Witnessed by Alexander Aller, Dr. Moore.
Smith Benedict and Dorcas Cole, both of Sophiasburgh, 25 Mar 1835.
Witnessed by Simeon Cole, Zachariah Cole.
James Yarwood and Eliza Legg, both of Hallowell, 10 Apr 1835.
Witnessed by ---- ---- and John McCready.
Anson Sibball and Jane Frizzall, both of Hallowell, 17 Apr 1835.
Witnessed by William Johnson, Samuel Swan.
Dyer Stanton and Eliza Spence, both of Hallowell, 26 May 1835.
Witnessed by Gilbert Stanton, John B. Spens.
William McQuoid, of Hallowell, and Mary S. Keller, of Sophiasburgh,
29 May 1835. Witnessed by Dr. Moore, James McQuoid.
Samuel Robinson and Jane Arthur, both of Hillier, 3 June 1835.
Witnessed by John Arthur, William Robinson.
Elijah McFaul and Julianna Young, both of Hallowell, 10 June 1835.
Witnessed by Peter Hare, John S. Young.
John McKibbon and Margaret Kelly, both of Hallowell, 20 July 1835.
Witnessed by David Kelly, Daniel Kelly.
Marriages Performed by-
Benjamin Franklin Lazier and Leonora Clark, 14 Sept 1835.
Witnessed by Rufus Sawyer, John A. Lepper.
Peter Davis and Mary English, 15 Sept 1835.
Witnessed by Richard Lobb, Samuel E. Barton.
William R. Gill and Rhodinsa Parry, 10 Nov 1835.
Witnessed by Samuel Swan, Norman Landon.
Anthony Blundon and Mary Rousau, 28 Nov 1835.
Witnessed by William Johnson, Hiram Johnson.
Archibald Church and Pidia Mouck, 14 Dec 1835.
Witnessed by William Church, John Church.
Marriages Performed by-
Henry Ham, of Fredericksburgh, and Frances Fairnsworth, of Demorestville,
6 March 1833. Witnessed by Benjamin Townsend, Rhoda Losee.
William Young and Mary Ogden, both of Hallowell, 30 May 1833.
Witnessed by Betsey Spencer, Dyer Steraton.
James Shepherd and Mary Ann Williams, both of Marysburgh,
Witnessed by James --- and Mary Card.
John Moran and Mary Fortier, both of Sophiasburgh, 5 June 1833.
Witnessed by Samuel Shaw, Alsina Moran.
Thomas D. Brock and Maria Fieldhouse, both of Hillier, 15 Oct 1833.
Witnessed by Thomas Dorland, Jane Armstrong.
Robert Hill and Hannah Jubb, both of Marysburgh, 15 Oct 1833.
Witnessed by James Turner, Eliza Elmer.
Benjamin Smith and Jane Stuart, both of Hallowell, 13 Oct 1833.
Witnessed by Frederick H. Smith, Sarah Johnston.
Reuben Gosling and Jane Demill, both of Sophiasburgh, 15 Nov 1833.
Witnessed by William A. Fox, Lucy Goslin.
Thomas Lyons and Cynthia Berdet, both of Sophiasburgh, 16 Oct 1834.
Witnessed by Lawrene Lyons, Peter Smith.
John Taylor Wilson, of Hallowell, and Hester Pettingill, of Hillier,
12 Aug 1835. Witnessed by Francis W. Smith, Catharine Pettingill.
James G. Wright and Hannah Eliza Barton, both of Demorestville, 2 Nov 1835.
Witnessed by Jabez Powers, Mary Ann Demorest.
Amos Potter, of Ameliasburgh, and --- ---, of Marysburgh, 17 Nov 1835.
Witnessed by George Boulton, Catharine McGrier.
George Martin and Catharine E. O'Neil Peling, both of Hallowell, 31 Dec 1835.
Witnessed by Robert H. Peling, Miriam Carscallan.
Isaac Albert Werden, of Sophiasburgh, and Cecilia Spencer, of Fredericksburgh,
4 Jan 1836. Witnessed by William I. Sloan, William T. Spence.
Joseph Solmes and Margaret Laughlin, both of Marysburgh, 29 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by Samuel Solmes, Harriet Solmes.
Marriages Performed by-
Philip Tice and Elizabeth Scriver, both of Ameliasburgh, 16 Sept 1835.
Witnessed by Nathan Raddick, Joseph Choat.
Philo Noble and Anna Van Tassel, both of Ameliasburgh, 21 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by Barnet Mavin, Elizabeth Marvin.
John Onderdonk and Mary Jane Dempsey, both of Ameliasburgh. 25 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by Charles McCarty, John Osborn.
John Osborn and Betsey Dempsey, both of Ameliasburgh, 26 May 1836.
Witnessed by Charles McCarty, John Onderdonk.
Marriages Performed by-
James H. Porter and Mary Gardener, both of Sophiasburgh, 14 Oct 1834.
Witnessed by David Gardener, Sarah A. Demorest.
Selim Huyck, of Hillier, and Elizabeth Fogarty, of Hallowell, 10 Nov 1834.
Witnessed by John Morgan, Mary Huyck.
Gideon Poowerman* and Mary Mott, both of Hallowell, 21 Nov 1834.
Witnessed by Warren Paddock, Clarissa Lawrens.
*Beverley Fox states name should be BOWERMAN.
Asa Cadman, of Fredericksburgh, and Elizabeth Cummings, of Marysburgh,
26 Nov 1834. Witnessed by Frederick H. Smith, Latetia Miller.
Frederick H. Smith and Latetia Miller, both of Marysburgh, 24 December 1834.
Witnessed by Asa Cadman, Elizabeth Cadman.
Daniel R. Gill and Phebe Dingman, both of Marysburgh, 21 Jan 1835.
Witnessed by Hazleton Richards, Andrew Minaker.
William Powers and Elizabeth Harrison, both of Marysburgh, 22 Jan 1835.
Witnessed by Tobias Snider, Edward Harres.
William Harris and Rachel Lockerman, both of Hallowell, 12 April 1835.
Witnessed by Henry Pope, Elizabeth Pope.
John Savage and Martha Russell, both of Hallowell, 6/16 May 1835.
Witnessed by Warren Paddock, Robert Hopkins.
Charles B. Clark and Lucinda S. German, both of Hillier, 12 Oct 1835.
Witnessed by George German, Sibel Clark.
Nathan Howard and Ruth Thompson, both of Sophiasburgh, 3 Jan 1836.
Witnessed by James Dougall, Mary Jones.
Andrew Minaker and Margarett Church, both of Marysburgh, 19 Jan 1836.
Witnessed by Hazleton Richards, Richard Clute.
Friend Payne, of Hillier, and Mary Chase, of Ameliasburgh, 3 March 1836.
Witnessed by Andrew Hiek, Charles Chase.
Nelson Harris and Deborah Platt, both of Hallowell, 30 Dec 1835.
Witnessed by Henry Platt, Philip Williams.
William McKenzie, of Hallowell, and Nancy Dulmage, of Marysburgh,
8 March 1836. Witnessed by Jonathan A. Dulmage, Nancy Clapp.
Leonard M. Loomis, S. of New York, and Almira McFaul, of Hallowell,
8 March 1836. Witnessed by Peter McFaul, Hannah McFaul.
John Stanton, of Hallowell, and Alice Duber Derkee, of Sophiasburgh,
10 Apr 1836. Witnessed by Nicholas Dulis, Benjamin Jones.
Roswell Toby and Mary Rose, both of Marysburgh, 10 May 1836.
Witnessed by Conrad Rose, Matthew Buson.
James Huycke and Elizabeth Buckanan, both of Hillier, 17 May 1836.
Witnessed by David Osterhout, Selim Huycke.
Horan Foster, of Whitby, and Sarah Way, of Sophiasburgh, 30 May
1836. Witnessed by James I. Way, Eleanor Morgan.
Marriages Performed by-
Jacob Freleigh, of Hallowell, and Eunice Van Blaricomb, of Sophiasburgh,
9 Sept 1835. Witnessed by Henry Ackerman, Margaret Stickles.
Francis Rutherford and Agnes Linton, both of Ameliasburgh, 10 Sept 1835.
Witnessed by John Lauder, William Porter.
Joseph Fisher, of Murray, and Elizabeth Covert, of Belleville, 26 Sept 1835.
Witnessed by John Cooley, Stephen Randal.
John Arthur, of Hillier, and Margaret McQuoid, of Hallowell, 13 Oct 1835.
Witnessed by James McQuoid, Matthew Arthur.
Elias Van Vlark and Sarah Johnston, both of Marysburgh, 2 Dec 1835.
Witnessed by John Johnston, Andrew Kerr.
James Patterson and Eleanor Robinson, both of Hillier, 6 Dec 1835.
Witnessed by Hugh Robinson, William Robinson.
Peter S. Hare and Parmelia Young, both of Hallowell, 8 Dec 1835.
Witnessed by Daniel Hare, John Young.
Gideon Mosier and Margaret Hervey, both of Sophiasburgh, 29 Dec 1835.
Witnessed by William E. Carley, Simon Harvey.
Allan Brown and Elizabeth Morgan, both of Hallowell, 12 Jan 1836.
Witnessed by John Morgan, Daniel Daely/Darby.
Henry H. Goldsmith, of Sidney, and Margaret Lazier, of Sophiasburgh,
28 Jan 1836. Witnessed by Stephen Goldsmith, Peter Lazier.
Thomas Fairman, of Sophiasburgh, and Susan Parliament, of Ameliasburgh,
3 Feb 1836. Witnessed by John Fairman, Jacob Parliament.
Isaac W. Hare and Dorcas Miller, both of Hallowell, 9 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by John Miller, Peter L. Hare.
Henry Platt and Emely Preston, both of Hallowell, 10 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by Stephen Van Vlack, William Blakeley.
Gilbert Trumpour and Susan Mastin, both of Hallowell, 16 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by Samuel Munro, John S. Young.
James H. Parliament and Hannah Tice, both of Ameliasburgh, 17 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by Calvin Parliament, John Yams.
Robert McQuoid and Esther Spafford, both of Hallowell, 16th March 1836.
Witnessed by William McQuoid, Henry Spafford.
Matthew Arthur, of Hillier, and Mary Byers, of Sophiasburgh, 29 March 1836.
Witnessed by William Arthur, Robert Byers.
Isaac D. Fox and Maria Goslen, both of Sophiasburgh, 12 Apr 1836.
Witnessed by Samuel Munro, John Goslen.
Adam Davidson, of Hillier, and Sarah Cameron, of Ameliasburgh, 13 Apr 1836.
Witnessed by Bernard Mervin?, Hugh Porter.
Isaac Quackenbush and Lydia Maybee, both of Ameliasburgh, 21 Apr 1836.
Witnessed by Daniel Maybee, Calvin Parliament.
James Anderson, of Tyendinaga, and Eve Fox, of Sophiasburgh 26 Apr 1836.
Witnessed by John Goslen, Henry Fox.
John Deans, of Tyendinaga, and Margaret Grooms, of Sophiasburgh, 3 May 1836.
Witnessed by Smith Benedict, John M. Cronk.
Samuel Munro and Ann McMullen, both of Sophiasburgh, 5 May 1836.
Witnessed by S. John Fairfield, James A. Cumming.
George Parliament, of Ameliasburgh, and Sarah Fox, of Sophiasburgh,
17 May 1836. Witnessed by Jacob Howell Esq., John B. Way Esq.
Hiram Hendrick, of Murray, and Mary A. McFaul, of Hallowell, 12 July 1836.
Witnessed by Daniel McFaul, Peter McFaul.
Hugh English and Jane McQuoid, both of Hallowell, 23 Aug 1836.
Witnessed by William McQuoid, William Vance.
Allan Williams and Sarah Deans, both of Tyendinaga, 30 Aug 1836.
Witnessed by Richard Garrison, Thomas Lyons.
John M. Cronk and Elizabeth Goslin, both of Sophiasburgh, 4th Oct 1836.
Witnessed by Isaac D. Fox, Covert Smith.
Marriages Performed by-
James Hynaman and Hannah Frederick, both of Marysburgh, 3 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by John G. Hicks, Harriet Hicks.
James Kinmouth and Catharine Henaman, both of Marysburgh, 5 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by John G. Hicks, Harriet Hicks.
John Mouck and Sarah Reed, both of Marysburgh, 15 Feb 1836.
Witnessed by David Hicks, Harriet Hicks.
Marriages Performed by-
John Curlett and Eliza Roblin, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Aug 1835.
Witnessed by James Curlett, Stephen N. Williams.
Peter Van Dusen and Deborah Davis, both of Sophiasburgh, 14 Oct 1835.
Witnessed by Valentine Rightmyer, Elizabeth Rightmyer.
John Bouslee and Mary Simpson, both of Sophiasburgh, 9th Nov 1835.
Witnessed by ---- German, Lucinda German.
Oliver Pearsall, of Sophiasburgh, and Lucretia Huff, of Ameliasburgh,
31 Dec 1835. Witnessed by Pearsoll Dorland, Curtis Doxy.
James Lewins Esq., of Saltfleet, Gore Dist., and Clarissa M. Gray,
of Sophiasburgh, 3 Sept 1836. Witnessed by Harriet Demorest, Rachel Demorest.
Garret Garretsee and Diadamia Pettit, both of Hillier, 4 Nov 1836.
Witnessed by John Ferguson, Mary T. Thorn.
John Nelson and Sarah Fields, both of Hallowell, 19 Jan 1837.
Witnessed by Aaron Marsten, David Demorest.
Marriages Performed by-
Simon DeLong Jr. and Parmelia B. Canrick, both of Ameliasburgh, 13 Sept 1836.
Witnessed by James Canrick, George Canrick.
James Hazzard and Mary Ann Campbell, both of Murray, 8 Dec 1836.
Witnessed by John Bleaker, Phebe Henesy.
John J. Fogarty and Margaret Knapp, both of Ameliasburgh, 17 Apr 1837.
Witnessed by Joseph Kemp, Rebecca Ann Knapp.
William Walker and Eleanor Purdy, both of Cramahe, 30 May 1837.
Witnessed by Ira Purdy, Adam S. Gould.
Marriages Performed by-
Nelson M. Bockus and Sarah Eliza Washburn, both of Hallowell 24 Aug 1836,
Witnessed by Simeon Washburn Esq., Francis Baker.
Marriages Performed by-
Eli Smith and Jemima Striker, both of Ameliasburgh, 29 May 1836.
Witnessed by William Langdon, Daniel Gerow.
Thomas Thompson and Jane Lamson, both of Ameliasburgh, 8 March 1837.
Witnessed by James Smith, William Capen.
Marriages Performed by-
Ezra S. Sanborn and Olivia S. Sales, 22 Oct 1836, Hallowell.
Witnessed by David Youmans, Marshall Sales.
James Hicks and Harriet Mastin, 18 Jan 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by Daniel Hicks, Matilda Morden.
Henry Smith and Phebe Dyer, 18 Jan 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by David Youmans, William Blakely.
John Montaney and Louisa Cook, 8 Feb 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by Joseph Monteny, Cornelius Monteny.
Lewis Snider and Rachel Van Dusen, 21 Feb 1837, Sophiasburgh
Witnessed by Nathan Roblin, Charlotte Vandusen.
Daniel Hicks and Matilda Morden, 8 March 1837, Hillier.
Witnessed by Smith Sprague, Hannah Ogden.
Robert McGinnis and Betsey Crowe, 26 March 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by Isaac Bedell, William Crowe.
Garret Auckerman and Jemima Minaker, 29 May 1837, Sophiasburgh.
Witnessed by Hiram Welbanks, Hannah Minaker.
Charles Williams and Ann Putman, 11 Sept 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by Allen Brown, Mary Ann Werden.
George Richards and Elizabeth Brisben, 27 Sept 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by Spencer Richards, Eliza McCreedy.
William Street and Mary Parnham, 2 Oct 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by George Parnham, Charlotte Parnham.
Sheldon Spafford and Eliza Stephens, 1st Nov 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by Nelson Clark, Sarah Werden.
Thomas Welsh and Elizabeth Rutledge, 3 Nov 1837, Hallowell.
Witnessed by Robert Welsh, Henry Rutledge.
Marriages Performed by-
Robert Davison and Mary Gibson, 6 Oct 1836.
Witnessed by Andrew McFarland, Eliza McFarland.
Marriages Performed by-
Alexander Anderson and Elizabeth Green, 30 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by Richard Jones, John Green.
Marriages Performed by-
Minard Mastin, of Hallowell, and Eleanor Van Vlack, of Marysburgh,
1st Nov 1836. Witnessed by Richard Young, Peter Van Vlack.
Richard Howell and Jennet Bedford, both of Sophiasburgh, 26 Nov 1836.
Witnessed by Catharine Rogers, Sarah Rogers.
Adam Curtis Doxse, of Sophiasburgh, and Anne Parks, of Hallowell,
1st Jan 1837. Witnessed by Carson Dorland, Aaron Kempt.
James Snider, of Ameliasburgh, and Rosannah Palmer, of Hillier, 2 Jan 1837.
Witnessed by John Wood, James T. Palmer.
Henry Massy and Elizabeth Scriver, both of Ameliasburgh, 12 Jan 1837.
Witnessed by James Whillen, Asa Spencer.
William Clark, of Hillier, and Nancy Smith, of Sophiasburgh, 18 Jan 1837.
Witnessed by Parmenas Sprague, John S. Young.
John Wilson and Sarah McGane, both of Sophiasburgh, 29 Jan 1837.
Witnessed by Andrew P. Morden, John McGan.
Peter McFaul, of Hallowell, and Margaret Hendrick of Murray, 14 Feb 1837.
Witnessed by Elijah McFaul, Hiram Hendricks.
George Wood and Elizabeth McTaggart, both of Sophiasburgh, 16 Feb 1837.
Witnessed by John Black, William Vader.
James Sinclair and Jane McCutchion, both of Hallowell, 16 Feb 1837.
Witnessed by James Caven, John McCutchion.
John Short, of Sophiasburgh, and Amy Burlingham, of Hallowell, 21 Feb 1837.
Witnessed by Reuben R. Burlingham, Obadiah Cooper.
William Clark, of Hallowell, and Esther Ann Flagler, of Hillier 14 March 1837.
Witnessed by John Haskins, Robert Clark.
Israel Cole and Lucy A. Brown, both of Sophiasburgh, 3 April 1837.
Witnessed by John Dingman, Henry Dingman.
Charles McCullogh and Anne McCarty, both of Sophiasburgh, 17 Apr 1837.
Witnessed by Nostrand Sprague, William Cowan.
James Baird and Jane Robinson, both of Hillier, 24 April 1837.
Witnessed by Patty Taylor, Hugh Robinson.
Smith Sprague, of Sophiasburgh, and Hannah Ogden, of Hallowell, 26 April 1837.
Witnessed by Parmenous Sprague, Benjamin Allener.
Benjamin Huycke, of Hillier, and Caroline Burlinghame, of Hallowell,
23 May 1837. Witnessed by Reuben Burlingham, John Morden.
John Goslin and Jane Fox, both of Sophiasburgh, 23 May 1837.
Witnessed by Rynard Fox, Samuel Goslin.
Lewis Hudgins and Sarah Dulmadge, both of Marysburgh, 6 June 1837.
Witnessed by Peter Peltier, Jacob Dulmadge.
William B. Palmer and Mary DeMill, both of Sophiasburgh, 13 June 1837.
Witnessed by John DeMill, Reuben Goslin.
Jacob Jones and Sabina Yager, both of Sophiasburgh, 7 Sept 1837.
Witnessed by Robert Jones, Andrew Norton.
William McBride and Jane Montgomery, both of Picton, 25 Sept 1837.
Witnessed by Margaret McBride, Francis Smith.
Thomas Grooms and Margaret MacIntosh, both of Marysburgh, 10 Oct 1837.
Witnessed by Peter Ruttan, Elizabeth Anderson.
Benjamin Smith and Charity Lazier, both of Sophiasburgh, 24 Oct 1837.
Witnessed by Nicholas Lazier, Samuel Smith.
John Simpson and Nancy Howell, both of Sophiasburgh, 24 Oct 1837.
Witnessed by David Smith, Jabes P. Powers.
David Howell, of Sophiasburgh, and Abaline Jillett, of Consecon, 26 Oct 1837.
Witnessed by Jacob Howell, Benjamin Smith.
Marriages Performed by-
Richard Youmans, of Ameliasburgh, and Abigail Burhingham, of Hallowell,
6 Dec 1836. Witnessed by James Ranken, David Youmans.
Asa Thomas, of Hillier, and Matilda Cooper, of Hallowell, 24 Jan 1837.
Witnessed by Amos Hubbs, Benjamin H. Hubbs.
Timothy Solmes and Hannah Keller, both of Hillier, 22 June 1837.
Witnessed by Derrick Tyler, David Anderson.
Joseph Van Cleaf and Sarah Redner, both of Hillier, 22 June 1837.
Witnessed by Jacob Perce, Stephen DeMill.
Noel File, of Hallowell, and Lucy Wait, of Hillier, 11 August 1837.
Witnessed by Isaac File, Jacob Reynolds.
William Stevenson and Jane Hopkins, both of Hillier, 22 Nov 1837.
Witnessed by Hugh McCullough, Adam Davidson.
George Lewis and Jantia Ann Hunter, both of Sophiasburgh, 11 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by Henry Hart, Mary Ann Hart.
Marriages Performed by-
Peter Ostrander and Rebecca Ackerman, both of Hallowell, 5 June 1837.
Witnessed by Henry Van Gesen, Sarah Ostrander.
John Gagnon and Margaret White, both of Hallowell, 20 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by William P. Ketchen, Hannah Ketchen.
Nathan Huff and Mary McMullen Dyer, both of Hallowell, 1st Jan 1838.
Witnessed by Andrew Dulmage, Jane Huff.
James Ackerman and Rhoda Van Cleft, both of Marysburgh, 9 Jan 1838.
Witnessed by Henry Van Gesen, Eliza Ackerman.
Thomas Murphy and Martha S. Bull, both of Hallowell, 5 Feb 1838.
Witnessed by Charles H. Bull, Saretta Bull.
John S. Sixsmith and Susannah Valleau, both of Sophiasburgh, 6 Feb 1838.
Witnessed by Peter Valleau, Sarah Valleau.
Jonathan Dulmage and Christin Ann Wright, both of Marysburgh,
13 March 1838. Witnessed by Robert Taylor, Philip Ranens.
John Insley and Phebe Osborne, both of Wellington, 20 March 1838.
Witnessed by Thomas Osborne, Matura Tubbs.
Hiram Welbanks and Sarah Ostrander, both of Marysburgh, 27 March 1838.
Witnessed by John W. Welbanks, Rosella Wetbanks.
Patrick Healy and Hannah Toby, both of Marysburgh, 17 April 1838.
Witnessed by Peter Rose, Edward W. Wright.
John Ellis, and Ulza Welbanks, both of Marysburgh, 2 May 1838.
Witnessed by Thomas Welbanks, Hiram Welbanks.
Solomon G. Hicks and Sarah Black, both of Hallowell, 15 May 1838.
Witnessed by Spencer Richards, Phebe Black.
Andrew Maslin and Jane Moore, both of Hallowell, 22 May 1838.
Witnessed by James Moore, Jane Maslin.
[Both surnames shown above as Maslin should be Marlin. This correction is
courtesy of Sherry Wilson.]
John Covert and Susan Laroy, both of Picton, 5 June 1838.
Witnessed by George King, Henrietta King.
Marriages Performed by-
Ziphen H. Green and Eliza Ketchum, both of Hallowell, 21 Feb 1837.
Witnessed by James Ketchum, Lydia Thompson.
John Osborn and Sarah Greely, both of Sophiasburgh, 7 March 1837.
Witnessed by John W. Roblin, Abigal Osborn.
William Henry Huyck, of Hillier, and Hannah Dingman, of Sophiasburg,
12 March 1837. Witnessed by Henry Dingman, Robert Ferguson.
David Weese and Abigail Lambert, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 March 1837.
Witnessed by Harriet Demorest, Rachel F. Demorest.
Andrew Barton and Jane Cole, both of Sophiasburgh, 7 May 1837.
Witnessed by David Howell, Rebecca Moran.
Cornelius Weese and Mary Row, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Mar 1837.
Witnessed by Charles R. Ford, Elihu S. Stewart.
Dr. Jabez P. Powers and Louisa Ford, both of Demorestville, 28 June 1837.
Witnessed by Charles R. Ford, Henry B. Barton.
Cory S. Bull and Frances Clark, both of Hallowell, 17 Sept 1837.
Witnessed by Lyman C. Clark, Elizabeth Davis.
Israel Hamilton and Margaret Allison, both of Sophiasburgh, 25 Oct 1837.
Witnessed by James C. Brown, David Demorest.
Stephen N. Williams and Catharine Bourdette, both of Sophiasburgh,
31 Oct 1837. Witnessed by Henry B. Barton, Elihu S. Stewart.
Peter Sanders and Mary Allison, both of Sophiasburgh, 13 Nov 1837.
Witnessed by Aaron Kemp, William Allison.
Philip Cronk and Eliza Moran, both of Sophiasburgh, 10 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by James Patterson, Gersham Lambert.
Abraham Masten and Abigail Johnston, both of Hallowell, 13 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by Iseah Tubbs, Hiram Tubbs.
Isiah Badgley and Teressa Howard, both of Sophiasburgh, 17 Jan 1838.
Witnessed by Nathan Howard, Reuben C. Fairman.
William Thompson and Nancy Badgley, both of Sophiasburgh, 30 Jan 1838.
Witnessed by Nathan Howard, Charity Gardner.
George W. Meyers, of Belleville, and Nancy Bourdett, of Sophiasburgh,
6 Feb 1838. Witnessed by Stephen N. Williams, Henry Wm. Bourdett.
John Wright and Margaret Cole, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Feb 1838.
Witnessed by Hiram Dickenson, James Cole.
Hiram Cronk and Lucretia Shaw, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Mar 1838.
Witnessed by Jeremiah Delong, Peter Cole.
Hiram Tubbs and Mahala Mastin, both of Hallowell, 28 March 1838.
Witnessed by Joseph Wilson, James Johnston.
Thomas Osborn, of Ameliasburgh, and Mary Warren, of Hallowell,
19 July 1838. Witnessed by Henry Warren, Nicholas D. Lazier.
Marriages Performed by-
David Gardiner and Elizabeth Mowerson, both of Sophiasburgh, 23 Sept 1837.
Witnessed by John Wilson, Henry Porter.
Joseph Johnston and Charlotte Harrison, both of Hallowell, 29 Oct 1837.
Witnessed by Wait Hugins, Rhoda Johnston.
Joseph Sharp and Mary Ann Cunningham, both of Ameliasburgh, 19 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by Rensaler Sharp, Henry Cunningham.
[Both of the SHARP surnames in this record should be KEMP. This error is the
result of a misreading of the handwritten text. Thanks to Cheryl (Kemp) Taber
for bringing it to my attention. If you are searching for KEMP in Ontario,
contact Cheryl. bmartin]
John Proctor and Catherine Danacherir, both of Sophiasburg, 3 March 1838.
Witnessed by William Lewis.
George Kill Sills and Clarissa Jane Wright, both of Marysburgh, 11 March 1838.
Witnessed by Edward Wright, Mary Wright.
Cornelius Waldron and Mary Zufelt, both of Ameliasburgh, 14 March 1838.
Witnessed by John Zufelt, Charity Martin.
James Stuffels and Hannah Rogers, both of Marysburgh, 1 May 1838.
Witnessed by Matthew C. Rogers, Elizabeth Simerman.
James C. Temment and Elizabeth Garretsee, both of Hallowell, 13 May 1838.
Witnessed by Joseph Widen, Elizabeth Widen.
William Linsey and Jane Rogers, both of Marysburgh, 8 August 1838.
W: James Cook, Hannah Stuffels.
Marriages Performed by-
Alexander Cameron and Elizabeth Sheffield, both of Hillier, 14 Feb 1838.
Witnessed by James Platt, Henry Zufelt.
Peter Dempsey, of Ameliasburgh, and Elizabeth Stapleton, of Hillier,
15 March 1838. Witnessed by Randolph Pierson, Thomas Dempsey.
Albert Walt and Ann Rose, both of Ameliasburgh, 2 May 1838.
Witnessed by William Johnston, Amos Walt.
William Sproule, of Belleville, and Phebe Scamehorn, of Ameliasburgh,
29 May 1838. Witnessed by Thomas Dempsey, William F. Weese.
Andrew Chase and Mary Wanamaker, both of Ameliasburgh, 19 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by D. Wanamaker, Jane O. Cameron.
William Stapleton and Mary Hutchison, both of Hillier, 4 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by John P. Roblin, Joseph Peirson.
Benjamin C. Weese and Catharine Burley, both of Ameliasburgh, 10 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by Francis Sager, William Peterson.
Hector Howell and Matilda Roblin, both of Ameliasburgh, 1st Nov 1838.
Witnessed by Charles Howell, J. P. Roblin.
James Johnston and Elizabeth Keller, both of Ameliasburgh, 4 Nov 1838.
Witnessed by William A. Johnston, James Redner.
John Peirson, of Percy, and Lydia Dorland, of Hillier, 3 Jan 1839.
Witnessed by Thomas Dorland, Joseph Peirson.
Marriages Performed by-
George Nise and Eleanor Burke, both of Hillier, 5 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by Michael Burke, Robert Gross.
Martin Miller and Elizabeth Burke, both of Hillier, 5 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by Michael Burke, Robert Gross.
Richard Southard and Sarah Andrews, both of Hallowell, 26 Dec 1837.
Witnessed by Richard I. Mordin, Peter Sickles.
David McDonald and Lydia Jane Trumpour, both of Hallowell, 11 Jan 1838.
Witnessed by John Trumpour, William Stinson.
James N. Hicks and Margaret Cannon, both of Marysburgh, 25 Jan 1838.
Witnessed by Jonathan Dulmage, John Cannon.
Alfred Pearsall and Caroline M. Fieldhouse, both of Sophiasburgh,
15 Feb 1838. Witnessed by James Bishop, Henry Fieldhouse.
Alexander Wilson and Rhoda Mosier, both of Sophiasburgh, 13 March 1838.
Witnessed by Henry Clark, Elias Clark.
Robert Miller, of Marysburgh, and Ann Jane Dorland, of Picton, 20 March 1838.
Witnessed by Daniel Wright, Robert Taylor.
Allen Brown and Mary Ann Weedin, both of Hallowell, 20 March 1838.
Witnessed by William A. Pelan, Elias Weedin.
Isaac Post, of Hillier, and Jemima Parliament, of Ameliasburgh, 16 May 1838.
Witnessed by Jacob Post, George Parliament.
William Johnston and Mary Adams, both of Hillier, 5 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by Jacob Adams, George Jones.
Alexander Robertson and Elizabeth Pick, both of Sophiasburgh, 23 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by Abraham Pick, James Johnston.
Henry Philips and Catharine Pettingill, both of Hillier, 25 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by William Pettingill, Philip Stevenson.
Thomas Jaques, of Hillier, and Mary Wilder, of Hallowell, 30 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by William Seeds, Hiram Wilder.
David B. Solmes and Susan Lazier, both of Sophiasburgh, 3 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by Richard Solmes, John Lazier.
Josiah Branscomb and Charlotte Brewer, both of Hallowell, 16 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by Daniel Hubbs, Samuel Leavins.
Henry McDonald and Hannah Garratt, both of Hillier, 16 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by Joseph Pettingill, Allen Pettingill.
Benjamin Leavens, of Hallowell, and Eustace Clapp, of Hillier, 23 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by Paul Clapp Esq., Thos. Flagler Esq.
Marriages Performed by-
John Donley Selleck and Catharine Garrattsee, both of Hallowell, 19 Aug 1838.
Witnessed by William Dougall, John F. Dorland.
Marriages Performed by-
Joseph Rousseau, of Hallowell, and Sarah Hicks, of Marysburgh, 31 July 1838.
Witnessed by Peter Rousseau, George Hicks.
Edward Dulmage, of Hallowell, and Rebecca McQueen, of Marysburgh, 23 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by William G. Church, Sheldon Dulmage.
James Anderson and Mary Ann Murray, both of Picton, 29 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by Joseph Brown, Betsey Brown.
William E. Carley, of Sophiasburgh, and Betsey Blakeley, of Hallowell,
29 Jan 1839. Witnessed by James Blakeley, Lemon Harvey.
Francis Taylor and Margaret Frair, both of Picton, 19 Feb 1839.
Witnessed by William Steele, B. Chamberlain.
Philip Dulmage and Eliza Jane Hudgins, both of Marysburgh, 26 Feb 1839.
Witnessed by Andrew Dulmage, Matthew Curry.
Elijah Hadamarsh and Mary Ann Bitney, both of Hallowell, 13 March 1839.
Witnessed by William Bitney, John Sickells.
William Luffman and Lucy English, both of Picton, 26 March 1839.
Witnessed by William Mardin, Ann Mardin.
John S. Young, of Hallowell, and Kituriah Huycke, of Hillier,
1st April 1839. Witnessed by Henry Phillips, Caleb Huycke.
William Ruddick and Mary Ann Mills, both of Picton, 1st May 1839.
Witnessed by Robert Doak, William Pope.
Emory G. Tyler, of Ameliasburgh, and Elizabeth W. Gerow, of Sophiasburgh,
6 May 1839. Witnessed by Benjamin I. Gerow, Philander M. Clark.
Jacob Spafford and Elizabeth Ranney, both of Marysburgh, 25 May 1839.
Witnessed by D. M. Lake, Thomas Ranney.
Goodsil Whitaker and Jemima Fralick, both of Hallowell, 4 June 1839.
Witnessed by John A. Spafford, Nelson Clark.
Marriages Performed by-
Richard Briggs and Mary Padgett, both of Hallowell, 21 Aug 1838.
Witnessed by George Noah, William Padgett.
James Osborn and Louisa Ballard, both of Sophiasburgh, 25 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by Richard Gardner, Almond Bristol.
Thomas Connor and Margaret Connor, both of Hallowell, 25 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by Edward Kenney, William McLaughlin.
Henry Dingman, of Sophiasburgh, and Lucy Ann Taylor, of Marysburgh,
10 Oct 1838. Witnessed by John Taylor, Daniel Wright.
Isaac Cranshaw and Phebe Snider, both of Marysburgh, 5 Dec 1838.
Witnessed by David Rose, Garret Dingman.
Abraham Vandesh and Emeline Hudgins, both of Hallowell, 20 Jan 1839.
Witnessed by Atwell Cooke, Jasper H. Johnston.
Peter Buckman, of Ameliasburgh, and Mary Conger, of Hallowell, 7 Feb 1839.
Witnessed by William Redner, William Burson.
Spencer Richards, of Marysburgh, and Lucy Fisher, of Hallowell, 20 Feb 1839.
Witnessed by Philip Ranous, Gordon Haskell.
William Padgett and Catharine Parnhan, both of Hallowell, 8 Apr 1839.
Witnessed by Richard Briggs, Nathan B. Conger.
Tobias Snider, of Marysburgh, and Mary Cadman, of Fredericksburgh,
23 Apr 1839. Witnessed by James McQuade, William Sweetman.
Marriages Performed by-
Nicholas D. Lazier and Mary Wright, both of Hallowell, 25 Jan 1839,
Witnessed by Lewis C. Lazier, John Wright.
Marriages Performed by-
Noxon Williams, of Adolphustown, and Rebecca Pake, of Sidney, 3 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by Samuel Munro, Samuel Solmes.
Gersham Lambert and Nancy Eliza Burtis, both of Sophiasburgh, 11 Sept 1838.
Witnessed by Jacob Way, Ananias E. Smith.
Gibson Holley and Caroline Osborne, both of Sophiasburgh, 4 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by John Parker, Peter B. Demill.
James Cole and Huldah Eliza Norton, both of Sophiasburgh, 29 Oct 1838.
Witnessed by John Wright, Thomas McQuede.
Isaac Bedal and Matura Tubbs, both of Hallowell, 1st Jan 1839.
Witnessed by Hiram Tubbs, Ichobed Bedal.
John Brason and Nancy Stafford, both of Sophiasburgh, 24 Jan 1839.
Witnessed by Robert Garret Davis, Caroline M. Howard.
Samuel Cole and Drucilla Ritchie, both of Sophiasburgh, 18 June 1839.
Witnessed by Peter Cole, Hiram Williams.
David Smith, of Tyendinaga, and Leonora Williams, of Whitby, 18 June 1839.
Witnessed by Benjamin Smith, Hector Howell.
James Parks, of Hallowell, and Phebe Clark, of Sophiasburgh, 14 July 1839.
Witnessed by Samuel Munro, Henry Werden.
Joseph Rider, of Ameliasburgh, and Ann Thompson, of Sophiasburgh,
11 Sept 1839. Witnessed by James Cotter Esq., William H. Cotter.
Henry Bourdett Barton and Mary Beckwith, both of Sophiasburgh, 19 Sept 1839.
Witnessed by James G. Wright, Samuel Barton.
James C. Parks and Elizabeth Parks, both of Hallowell, 24 Sept 1839.
Witnessed by Solomon Sheffield, Mary Sheffield.
William Walace Worden and Hannah Ketchum, both of Hallowell, 11 Nov 1839.
Witnessed by David Kelly, Aber Thompson.
Levi R. Dorland and Julia Ann Vanhorn, both of Sophiasburgh, 10 Dec 1839.
Witnessed by David B. Solmes, Reuben Solmes.
Stephen S. Demill, of Sophiasburgh, and Eliza Ann Rightman, of Hallowell,
1st Jan 1840. Witnessed by John Foster, Lavina Foster.
Michael Rutter and Mary Ann Anderson, both of Tyendenaga, 23 Jan 1840.
Witnessed by Harriet R. Demorest, Sarah Boutter.
James Canniff Esq., of Adolphustown, and Mrs. Jane Foster, of Sophiasburgh,
10 Feb 1840. Witnessed by William Morris Thompson, Samuel Cole.
George Smith and Mary Solmes, both of Sophiasburgh, 11 Feb 1840.
Witnessed by David B. Solmes, Reuben C. Solmes.
Marriages Performed by-
Simon L. Harvey, of Sophiasburgh, and Esther Blakeley, of Hallowell,
5 Feb 1839. Witnessed by William E. Carley, Gideon Fordham.
Luke Graves and Authy Kerby, both of Sophiasburgh, 31 March 1839.
Witnessed by Michael Aylesworth, John McFaul.
Oliver Blizard and Ann Wright, both of Hillier, 22 May 1839.
Witnessed by Caleb Platt, Robert Hubbs.
Abraham Lewis and Margaret Doxtater, both of Sophiasburgh, 21 Oct 1839.
Witnessed by James Huff, Peter Smith.
Adam H. Hubbs* and Matura Cooper, both of Hallowell, 22 Oct 1839.
Witnessed by John Terwilliger, Robert Hubbs.
*Beverley Fox states name should be
Adam Hubbs SAYLOR. Cross Reference with the following on his Tombstone in
Friends Cemetary, Bloomfield East, Prince Edward County, "Adam Hubbs Saylor,
son of Chas. & Jemima Saylor, born 30. of 12m. 1817, died 2. of 9m. 1908
Maturah Cooper, wife of Adam Hubbs Saylor, died 30. of 5m. 1899,
aged 77yrs. 7mo. 3d's.
Thomas R. Howard and Calista Eliza Campbell, both of Ameliasburgh,
12 Dec 1839. Witnessed by Jacob Parliament, John P. Roblin.
Marriages Performed by-
Richard Vanhorne and Adaline Garratt, both of Hillier, 11 Dec 1838.
Witnessed by Paul Clapp Esq., Townsend Garratt.
George A. Sargent and Lydia Blunt*, both of Hallowell, 12 Dec 1838.
Witnessed by Richard Morden, John Dorland.
*Beverley Fox states name should be BLOUNT.
Charles Gerow, of Sophiasburgh, and Mary A. Jackson, of Hallowell,
1st Jan 1839. Witnessed by Thomas Flagler, Thos. H. Ketchum.
Nicholas Lazier and Eleanor Frizzell, both of Tyendinaga, 21 Feb 1839.
Witnessed by Nicholas Lazier Sr., Benjamin Smith.
John Roblin and Elizabeth Anderson, both of Sophiasburgh, 7 March 1839.
Witnessed by Henry Fox, Fleet Brown.
John Shoefelt, of Ameliasburgh, and Charity Masten, of Hallowell,
12 March 1839. Witnessed by James Young, Willet Jackson.
Hiram Johnston and Anne Leather, both of Hallowell, 18 March 1839.
Witnessed by John Leather, Elizabeth Leather.
Andrew Stewart, of Hallowell, and Rebecca Knapp, of Hillier, 9 Apr 1839.
Witnessed by Townsend Terry, Richard Vanhorne.
Peter Woods and Parthena Spafford, both of Hallowell, 22 Apr 1839.
Witnessed by Decator Spafford, Thomas Cameron.
Benjamin Hubbs and Mary A. Cooper, both of Hallowell, 22 Apr 1839.
Witnessed by John Terwilliger, Adam Sailor.
George A. Young, of Ameliasburgh, and Eleanor Mariah Davis, of Hallowell,
11 June 1839. Witnessed by Aaron Werden, Nicholas H. Davis.
Marriages Performed by-
John I. Clark and Sarah Masten, both of Hillier, 11 June 1839.
Witnessed by Solomon Weeks, Henry Gilbert.
William Moorehead and Mary Smith, both of Picton, 24 June 1839.
Witnessed by Charles Smith, James Porter.
Joseph Clark and Phebe Leavens, both of Hallowell, 23 July 1839.
Witnessed by John Haskins, William Clark.
Ezekiel Clark and Mary Ainsley, both of Hallowell, 1st Aug 1839.
Witnessed by Philander M. Clarke, Isaiah Ainsley.
Oliver Young, of Sidney, and Jane Parliament, of Ameliasburgh, 21 Aug 1839.
Witnessed by George Parliament, James Parliament.
Amos McDonald and Alumna White, both of Hallowell, 1st Sept 1839.
Witnessed by Daniel Masten, Burgher Huyke.
David Richmond, of Murray, and Mary Secord, of Hallowell, 3rd Sept 1839.
Witnessed by Samuel Dorland, Conrad M. Branscombe.
Alexander McDonald and Mary Hamilton, both of Sophiasburgh, 12 Sept 1839.
Witnessed by Griffith Howell Esq, John Howell.
Conrad M. Branscom* and Eve Harrison**, both of Hallowell, 17 Sept 1839.
Witnessed by William Gerow, Leavens Burlingham.
**Beverley Fox states name
should be BRANSCOMBE and **HARRIS. Cross referenced with Tombstone at
Friends Cemetary, Bloomfield East, Prince Edward County and
The Harris Family Bibles.
Robert Norton and Mary Caroline Pearsoll, both of Sophiasburgh, 8 Oct 1839.
Witnessed by James Bishop, William Pearsall.
Henry Young, of Hallowell, and Mary Ann Dulmage, of Marysburgh, 9 Oct 1839.
Witnessed by John H. Young, Philip Dulmage.
Hiram Bull and Amanda Rykeman, both of Hallowell, 15 Oct 1839.
Witnessed by William Wilson, Jonathan Burlingham.
Allen Taylor and Lydia Taft, both of Sophiasburgh, 15 Oct 1839.
Witnessed by Samuel Smith, Sarah Smith.
William Donnelly and Fanny Dunn, both of Hallowell, 30 Oct 1839.
Witnessed by William Dunn, Guy Johnston.
Gilbert D. Haight and Mary Hudson, both of Hillier, 24 Nov 1839.
Witnessed by Willet C. Dorland, Alexander Greer.
Marriages Performed by-
William Rutan, of Ameliasburgh, and Rachel Outendike, of Hallowell,
13 March 1839. Witnessed by Emery V. Tyler, John O. Conger.
Robert Canrike, of Ameliasburgh, and Margaret Murphy, of Hallowell,
3 Sept 1839. Witnessed by John Canrike, Simon Delong.
Benjamin Allison and Eliza H. Greeley, both of Sophiasburgh, 15th Oct 1839.
Witnessed by Jonathan Greeley, Henry B. Allison.
William F. Wees and Mary I. Wees, both of Ameliasburgh, 7 Nov 1839.
Witnessed by James C. Camp, Francis Sager.
James Jaques and Mary A. Shearman, both of Consecon, 22 Jan 1840.
Witnessed by Miles Ferguson, W. W. Whittier.
Hiram Crandel, of Colborne, and Louisa A. Walt, of Ameliasburgh, 23 Jan 1840.
Witnessed by David Walt, Amos Walt.
John Insley and Fanny Osborn, both of Ameliasburgh, 7 March 1840.
Witnessed by Thomas Osborn, Mary Osborn.
Marriages Performed by-
James Scriver Butts, of Hallowell, and Julia Ann Aylesworth, of Picton,
23 Dec 1839. Witnessed by Bishop Hannah, Aaron C. Shoults.
David Van Alstine and Lucinda Clark, both of Marysburgh, 24 Dec 1839.
Witnessed by Alexander Van Alstine, Andrew Dulmage.
Conrad Rose and Livina Ellis, both of Marysburgh, 16 Jan 1840.
Witnessed by John Coffin, Peter Rose.
Hugh Livingston and Margaret Williamson, both of Hallowell, 10 February 1840.
Witnessed by Robert Williamson, Thomas Williamson.
James D. Spafford and Margaret Della Delung, both of Picton, 12 Feb 1840.
Witnessed by G. Kingsley, Mary Gillespie.
Jesse Orser, of Hallowell, and Ann Jackson, of Sophiasburgh, 17 February 1840.
Witnessed by John Bedford, Joseph I. Johnston.
Samuel Badgley, of Hallowell, and Sarah McDonald, of Marysburgh, 3 March 1840.
Witnessed by Benjamin V. Badgley, Francis Weyms.
Jonathan Garratt and Eliza Ann German, both of Hillier, 31st March 1840.
Witnessed by Christopher S. German, Townsend Ferry.
Henry Lake, of Ernestown, and Jane Fisher, of Hallowell, 2 June 1840.
Witnessed by Spence Richard, John S. Ball.
James Ingle and Christianna Walmsley, both of Athol, 23 June 1840.
Witnessed by Paren Clark, William Richard.
Marriages Performed by-
John Goldsmith, of Sidney, and Mary C. Clute, 1st Sept 1839.
Witnessed by Richard Clute, L. M. Loomis.
Henry McKlbbin and Jane Macin, both of Hallowell, 23 Sept 1839.
Witnessed by Thomas Lour, George Knox.
William Thorn and Elizabeth Pettit, both of Hillier, 1st Jan 1840.
Witnessed by Samuel M. Thorn, Caleb Platt.
James McQuoid, of Hallowell, and Lydia Dulmage, of Marysburgh, 2 Jan 1840.
Witnessed by William I. Vance, John W. Vance.
James McDonald and Mariette Bates, both of Hallowell, 21 Jan 1840.
Witnessed by A. V. Puryne, Chas. B. Gilbert.
Richard Lobb and Almira Minaker, both of Marysburgh, 26 Feb 1840.
Witnessed by Hazleton Richard, Isaac Minaker.
William Putman, of Marysburgh, and Rachel Scott, of Hallowell, 31 March 1840.
Witnessed by John B. Horton, George Thompson.
Marriages Performed by-
John Thompson and Sarah Calhoon, both of Marysburgh, 2 October 1839.
Witnessed by Michael Monk, James Hicks.
[Surname MONK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
Bernard Dimox and Mary Ann Givonns, both of Marysburgh, 31 Dec 1839.
Witnessed by John Wright, William Campbell.
Jacob Storks and Eleay Lowrey, both of Marysburgh, 31 Dec 1839.
Witnessed by Michael Monk, Elizabeth Bell.
[Surname MONK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
David Cannon and Elizabeth Hicks, both of Marysburgh, 1st Jan 1840.
Witnessed by Michael Monk, James Hicks.
[Surname MONK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
Andrew Dulmage and Mary Trader, both of Marysburgh, 5 April 1840.
Witnessed by David Dulmage, Thomas Welbanks.
Marriages Performed by-
Charles Baly Post, of Hillier, and Abigail Beach, of Ameliasburgh,
5 February 1840. Witnessed by Druillies Beach, Asenath Post.
Peter Dulmage and Elizabeth Wright, both of Marysburgh, 5 Mar 1840.
Witnessed by Edward Wright, George Sills.
John Blunt, of Marysburgh, and Amanda Reynolds, of Hallowell, 28 April 1840.
Witnessed by William Juby, Catherine McGuire.
Marriages Performed by-
John C. Peck, of Murray, and Jane Monet Sheldren, of Hillier, 20 January 1840.
Witnessed by Wm. Taylor, Thos. Peck.
Allen McTaggart, of Thurlow, and Sarah Garratt, of Hillier, 21st January 1840.
Witnessed by Townsend Jury, Joseph Garratt.
James Johnston and Eliza Clough, both of Hallowell, 28 Jan 1840.
Witnessed by Arthur Elsworth Sr., Arthur Elsworth Jr.
Calvin Parliament, of Ameliasburgh, and Jane Wood, of Sophiasburgh,
19 Feb 1840. Witnessed by William Wood Sen., Silvenus Doxie.
Miles Ferguson and Ruth Ann Gillett, both of Ameliasburgh, 19 Feb 1840.
Witnessed by Stephen Gillett, William McCan.
Samuel R. Brooks and Rebecca Solmes, both of Sophiasburgh, 3rd March 1840.
Witnessed by Stephen W. Randal, Richard Solmes.
Benjamin H. Hubbs and Mary Jane Abercrombie, both of Hallowell, 24 March 1840.
Witnessed by William Southard, Archelus Southard.
William Gerow, of Sophiasburgh, and Deborah Bowerman, of Hallowell,
7 April 1840. Witnessed by Daniel Cunningham, George Munro.
Charles Hubbs and Eliza Jane Bowman, both of Hillier, 7 April 1840.
Witnessed by Cornelius Clapp, Jonathan I. Bourn.
Robert Vance and Rebecca Rutter, both of Marysburgh, 5 May 1840.
Witnessed by William Richards, George D. Landon.
William Darby [?] and Elizabeth Grimmon, both of Hallowell, 5th May 1840.
Witnessed by William Richard, George D. Landon.
Joshua Dunn and Ann Irving, both of Picton, 17 June 1840.
Witnessed by William Murphy, William Dunn.
Henry Field House and Martha Letitia Hutchinson, both of Hillier,
21 June 1840. Witnessed by William Dorland, Jane Wilson.
James Lazier and Dianna Hill, both of Sophiasburgh, 30 June 1840.
Witnessed by Nicholas Lazier, Lyman Hill.
John Gradon and Sarah Maria Davis, both of Hallowell, 23 July 1840.
Witnessed by I. W. Martin, James Kenmouth.
Henry Palmer and Jane Wilson, both of Hillier, 4 August 1840.
Witnessed by Samuel G. Dorland, James Arthur.
Miram Buller and Harriet Coltman, both of Ameliasburgh, 10 Sept 1840.
Witnessed by William McCaw, James Whitten.
Jonathan Burlingham and Phebe Bull, both of Hallowell, 20 October 1840.
Witnessed by Hiram Bull, Benjamin Huyck.
Thos. H. Bowerman, of Hillier, and Jemima Mabee, of Hallowell, 27 Oct 1840.
Witnessed by William Gerow, Dennis Acher.
William McDonald and Sarah Cunningham, both of Hallowell, 8th Dec 1840.
Witnessed by Daniel Cunningham, Alexander McDonald.
William Fleming and Eliza Callwell, both of Hillier, 8 Dec 1840.
Witnessed by Henry McDonald, Andrew Callwell.
Andrew Bedell and Oliva Wildman, both of Hallowell, 29 Dec 1840.
Witnessed by William Davis, John Wildman.
James Porter and Jane Law, both of Ameliasburgh, 19 January 1841.
Witnessed by Hugh Porter, James Law.
John Jenks and Phebe Hutchinson, both of Hillier, 20 January 1841.
Witnessed by Lowren Allen, Charles Sagers.
Daniel Cunningham, of Hallowell, and Charlotte McDonald, of Hillier,
26 Jan 1841. Witnessed by William McDonald, Henry McDonald.
Marriages Performed by-
Thomas Whitlow and Lydia Storks, both of Marysburgh, 1st Dec 1840.
Witnessed by John Rose, Zacharias Storks.
John H. Rose and Catherine Clapp, both of Marysburgh, 2 Dec 1840.
Witnessed by Thomas Whetlow, Matthew Carey.
Zacharias Storks and Mary Jane Polmenter, both of Marysburgh, 30 Dec 1840.
Witnessed by John Polmenter, Leonard Storks.
David Dulmage and Irena King, both of Marysburgh, 26 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by Alexander Dulmage, Isaac Minaker.
Wilson O. Conger, of Hallowell, and Anna M. Scott, of Picton, 14 March 1841.
Witnessed by John B. Owens, N. B. Conger.
Aaron Briant and Sarah Jane Lazier, both of Hallowell, 16 March 1841.
Witnessed by Nathaniel Lazier, James B. Curik.
Darius Orser, of Hallowell, and Jane McDonald, of Marysburgh, 8 Apr 1841.
Witnessed by Henry Orser, John Ashley.
Leonard Storks and Jane Davis, both of Marysburgh, 20 Apr 1841.
Witnessed by Peter Frederick, Elizabeth Bell.
John W. Frederick and Mary C. Sallens, both of Marysburgh, 22 April 1841.
Witnessed by John Davis, Peter Frederick.
Arnest Hyderman and Ann Donelly, both of Marysburgh, 27 May 1841.
Witnessed by John Davis, Peter Frederick.
Marriages Performed by-
Charles Jaques and Letitia Bedell, both of Hillier, 7 Sept 1840.
Witnessed by Hiram White, Thomas C. Bedell.
Richard Waters, of Percy, and Catherine Huyck, of Hillier, 9 Feb 1841.
Witnessed by Andrew C. Huyck, Caleb Huyck.
William Forsyth, of Ameliasburgh, and Hannah E. Pierson, of Hillier,
23 March 1841. Witnessed by John Cameron, William Stapleton.
Henry Kinnear and Eleanor Moore, both of Hillier, 6 April 1841.
Witnessed by Abraham German, William Carlton.
Philip Shea and Mary Murphy, both of Ameliasburgh, 22 June 1841.
Witnessed by Arthur Johnston, Johnston Mabee.
James Allison and Margaret Weese, both of Ameliasburgh, 15 July 1841.
Witnessed by Lewis Buckman, James Peck.
Marriages Performed by-
Samuel Blakeley and Hannah Snider, both of Athol, 5 Oct 1841.
Witnessed by William Blakeley, Sarah Blakeley.
William Steel and Mary Valleau, both of Sophiasburgh, 16 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by Peter Valleau, Hildebrand Valleau.
Samuel M. Thorn and Priscilla Pettit, both of Hillier, 29 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by William Thorn, Garrett Garrutsee.
George German and Sarah Garratt, both of Hillier, 2 Feb 1841.
Witnessed by Archelus Williams, Jane German.
John Leader and Sarah Haylock, both of Picton, 6 March 1841.
Witnessed by Henry Johnston, Jane Leader.
Archelus Williams and Jane German, both of Hillier, 26 March 1841.
Witnessed by Daniel Williams, Sarah Trumpour.
Thomas Carmon, of Athol, and Elizabeth Hubbs, of Hallowell, 12 May 1841.
Witnessed by John Tubbs, Matilda McDonald.
George Brooks and Morey Street, both of Picton, 12 July 1841.
Witnessed by Charles Penman, Richard Jones.
Elijah Stone, of Hungerford, and Margaret Benson, of Sophiasburgh,
12 July 1841. Witnessed by Edward Shorts, Mahetabel Lazier.
James Holmes, of Sophiasburgh, and Jane Ann Daly, of Athol, 20 July 1841.
Witnessed by Daniel Dailey, Sarah Williams.
Lewis Minaker and Clarissa Pearse, both of Marysburgh, 27 Sept 1841.
Witnessed by Frederick Hill, Phebe Minaker.
Marriages Performed by-
George Shearer and Lany Lyons, both of Ameliasburgh, 17 Dec 1840.
Witnessed by David Delong, James Correson.
Henry Dumprope and Mary Chase, both of Ameliasburgh, 22 Dec 1840.
Witnessed by Jacob Cummins, Ebason Delong.
Stephen W. Vincent and Matilda I. Simpson, both of Hallowell, 2 Feb 1841.
Witnessed by Jonathan B. Vincent, Tunis B. Vincent.
Robert A. Norman and Phebe E. Hill, both of Picton, 1st Jan 1841.
Witnessed by Maryam Megan, Sarah Patterson.
John H. Taylor and Lucinda Cole, both of Sophiasburgh, 21st March 1841.
Witnessed by Solomon Sheffile, Willet Pottur.
John Coffin and Eve Snider, both of Marysburgh, 23 March 1841.
Witnessed by John E. Collin, Robert A. Norman.
Elmon Gilbert and Hannah Jones, both of Sophiasburgh, 11 May 1841.
Witnessed by George H. Ruttan, John Thompson.
Isaac Cole and Sarah Jones, both of Sophiasburgh, 11 May 1841.
Witnessed by George H. Ruttan, John Thompson.
Marriages Performed by-
Rev. Thomas Demorest:
Charles Howell and Harriet Ann Pake, both of Sophiasburgh, 18 March 1840.
Witnessed by Reuben C. Fairman, Matthew W. Wright.
Leander Wright and Nancy Morden, both of Sophiasburgh, 31st March 1840.
Witnessed by Henry B. Barton, James Hand.
Cornelius Smith and Almira Clark, both of Sophiasburgh, 5 Oct 1840.
Witnessed by Benanuel Sailsbury, Robert Morden.
Charles Beverstock and Rhoda M. Johnston, both of Sophiasburgh, 27 Oct 1840.
Witnessed by David Vanblaucomb, Robert Morden.
John Rutter, of Tyendinaga, and Catherine Demill, of Sophiasburgh,
27 Dec 1840. Witnessed by Peter Rutter, Valentine Rightmyer.
John Wesley Robhin and Abigail Osbourne, both of Sophiasburgh, 6 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by John T. Osborne, James Curlett.
Reynerd Fox and Lois Demill, both of Sophiasburgh, 7 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by Robert McTaggart, Susan McTaggart.
Abbot Way and Margaret Lambert, both of Sophiasburgh, 26 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by Henry William Pox, Abraham Lazier.
James B. Hart and Sarah Ann Demorest, both of Demorestville, 28 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by John Howell, Sylvester Ostrum.
Daniel Smith Peterson and Mary Parks, both of Hallowell, 31 Jan 1841.
Witnessed by John B. Outwater, Daniel Outwater.
George Graham, of Huntington, and Isabella Vance, of Picton, 9 Feb 1841.
Witnessed by William I. Vance, John Vance.
Abraham Peterson and Sarah Tompkins, both of Sophiasburgh, 9 March 1841.
Witnessed by Henry B. Allison, Catherine M. Allison.
Augustus Anger and Maria Degraff, both of Tyendinaga, 6 May 1841.
Witnessed by Garret Sager, John Cronk.
John Mowerson and Rebecca Ryckman, both of Sophiasburgh, 20 May 1841.
Witnessed by George McTaggart, Henry Tripp.
Abraham Huff and Charlotte Crovel Van Dusen, both of Sophiasburgh,
16 June 1841. Witnessed by Robert G. Davis, Peter Van Dusen.
Samuel Emory Barton and Philena Adelaide Billings, both of Demorestville,
23 Sept 1841. Witnessed by James C. Billings, Henry William Bourdett.
Henry Redner and Eliza Clark, both of Hillier, 17 October 1841.
Witnessed by Benanuel Salisbury, John Redner.
Marriages Performed by-
Zachariah Haight and Sarah Terwilliger, both of Hallowell, 18 Feb 1841.
Witnessed by John Arthur, William Terwilliger.
John Stanton and Sarah V. Weeden, both of Athol, 23 Feb 1841.
Witnessed by Nelson Clark, Thomas Garratt.
John Reid and Fanny McCaw, both of Hallowell, 2 March 1841.
Witnessed by Joseph McCaw, William McCaw.
George Armour, of Murray, and Elizabeth Pickins, of Percy, 3rd Apr 1841.
Witnessed by Andrew Pickins, George Jones.
Peter Lawson, of Murray, and Catharine Young, of Ameliasburgh, 7 Apr 1841.
Witnessed by Job Young, Reuben Young.
Samuel I. Dorhand and Jane Smith, both of Hillier, 14 April 1841.
Witnessed by Joel Haight, Daniel B. Dorland.
Willet Townsend and Sarah Ferguson, both of Athol, 24 May 1841.
Witnessed by Dyer Platt, Nathan M. Losee.
Stephen Terwilliger and Eve Fry, both of Hallowell, 22 June 1841.
Witnessed by Joseph Terwilliger, Abraham Fry.
Marriages Performed by-
Robert Davison and Mary Gibson, 6 Oct 1836.
Witnessed by Andrew McFarland, Eliza McFarland.
Marriages Performed by-
Alexander Glenn and Catherine Benson, both of Ameliasburgh, 29 Dec 1841.
Witnessed by Robert Glenn, Alexander Peterson.
Gideon Foredam and Matilda Morrison, both of Hillier, 7 Feb 1842.
Witnessed by James P. Vincent, Isaac Quackenbush.
William Dempsey and Charlotte Buckman, both of Ameliasburgh, 10 Feb 1842.
Witnessed by Raymond Redner, William DeLong.
Duillius Beach and Phebe Ann Kemp, both of Ameliasburgh, 1st March 1842.
Witnessed by George B. Beach, Jacob Parliament.
Alexander Peterson and Laura Ann Crandall, both of Ameliasburgh, 2 March 1842.
Witnessed by David W. Walt, Thomas H. Peterson.
Amos Story and Mary Ann Brown, both of Murray, 6 April 1842.
Witnessed by Ambrose Wood, John W. Wood.
Marriages Performed by-
Ezra Adams Orser and Mary Ann Shoults, both of Hallowell, 4th Dec 1839.
Witnessed by Jewel Johnston, Henry Orser.
James Madoo, of Ameliasburgh, and Elizabeth Dean, of Sophiasburgh,
9 March 1840. Witnessed by Hallet Sprague, Peter Maybee.
Caleb Craft and Matilda Campbell, both of Hallowell, 10 March 1840.
Witnessed by Thomas Howell, Alexander Peterson.
John Terwilliger and. Sarah Cooper, both of Hallowell, 5 May 1840.
Witnessed by William Terwilliger, Obadiah Cooper.
Michael Wanamaker and Delia Bauty, both of Ameliasburgh, 25 July 1841.
Witnessed by George Jackson, Adeline Shane.
James Noxon Haight and Mintchy Clapp, both of Hillier, 24 March 1842.
Witnessed by Anthony Haight, William Clapp.
Marriages Performed by-
Michael Monk and Adela Ann Toby, both of Marysburgh, 25 Aug 1841.
Witnessed by Mary Ferguson, Conrad Toby.
[Surname MONK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
William Frost and Catherine Gess, both of Hallowell, 21 Sept 1841.
Witnessed by William Bellamy, Harriet Frost.
William T. Yarwood and Eliza Ann Bristol, both of Hallowell, 20 Oct 1841.
Witnessed by Aaron Bristol, Eliza Austen.
Joseph McDonald and Margaret Jones, both of Hillier, 22 Nov 1841.
Witnessed by George McDonald, Catherine Dorland.
Wiilliam Trumpour and Priscilla Badgley, both of Athol, 25 Nov 1841.
Witnessed by Mary Ann Jones, Sarah Caroline Jones.
John Sickles and Mary English, both of Hallowell, 8 Dec 1841.
Witnessed by William Morin, Jane Leader.
Isaac Maybee and Jemima Williams, both of Athol, 9 Dec 1841.
Witnessed by Samuel Williams, Elizabeth Williams.
George H. S. Webster, of Sophiasburgh, and Elizabeth Atkinson, of Hallowell,
19 Dec 1841. Witnessed by Hildebrand Valleau, Amy Southard.
George W. Vanalstine and Margaret A. McCarthy, both of Athol, 2 Jan 1842.
Witnessed by Hanibal Thompson, Mary Vanalstine.
George Kingsley, of Hillier, and Jane Eaton, of Sophiasburgh, 17 Jan 1842.
Witnessed by Lewis R. Dunning, Mary Ann Eaton.
David Welbanks and Mary F. Lane, both of Marysburgh, 18 Jan 1842.
Witnessed by Owen R. Lane, Rosalie Welbanks.
Stephen Cunningham, of Hallowell, and Sarah A. Richards, of Marysburgh,
27 Jan 1842. Witnessed by William G. Richards, Esther Cunningham.
Richardson Meilville and Mary O. Donnick, both of Picton, 31 Jan 1842.
Witnessed by Alex. Mellville, Esther Kirkpatrick.
Francis Mitchel, of Picton, and Elizabeth Huyck, of Hillier, 3rd March 1842.
Witnessed by Caleb Huyck, Sarah Mitchel.
Cory Spencer, of Picton, and Elizabeth A. Spencer, of Sophiasburgh,
7 April 1842. Witnessed by William H. German, Jennet D. Davis.
Benjamin Badgley and Jane Huff, both of Athol, 19 May 1842.
Witnessed by Samuel Badgley, Mary Badgley.
Thomas Williams and Mary Snider, both of Marysburgh, 27 May 1842.
Witnessed by John Rose, Mary Rose.
James Williams, of Hallowell, and Eliza Trumpour, of Hillier, 28 May 1842.
Witnessed by Caleb Williams, John Trumpour.
William T. Johnston, of Kingston, and Jane C. Washburn, of Picton,
19 July 1842. Witnessed by John Miller.
Richard Butler and Catherine Welsh, both of Picton, 13 August 1842.
Witnessed by John Welsh, Eleanor Welsh.
Marriages Performed by-
Reuben Williams, of Sophiasburgh, and Eliza French, of Hallowell,
4 January 1842. Witnessed by Charles Ballard, Jeremiah C. Bishop.
Peter Collin and Harriet Williams, both of Marysburgh, 1st Feb 1842.
Witnessed by Rev. James Gardener, Simon Terwilliger.
John Carter and Adaline Shearer, both of Ameliasburgh, 18 May 1842.
Witnessed by Elisha Post, Philip Haines.
William Parnham and Susan Earl, both of Picton, 27 May 1842.
Witnessed by Robert A. Norman, George Brooks.
Marriages Performed by-
John Davis and Lavina Hicks, both of Marysburgh, 6 August 1841.
Witnessed by John G. Hicks, William Fredericks.
George Saunders and Elizabeth Demill, both of Sophiasburgh, 28 December 1841.
Witnessed by Ichabod Masten, Henry Tripp.
Ichabod Masten and Susan Tripp, both of Sophiasburgh, 1st March 1842.
Witnessed by Jacob Goslin, Henry Tripp.
John Love and Catherine Irish, both of Hillier, 10 March 1842.
Witnessed by John Kincade, John Tilletson.
George McTaggart and Ann Morden, both of Sophiasburgh, 3 April 1842.
Witnessed by Robert Morden, James Morden.
Marriages Performed by-
Bildad Franklin, of Brighton, and Mary Jane Young, of Ameliasburgh,
11 Oct 1841. Witnessed by Harrison C. Billes, Caroline C. Spafford.
Marriages Performed by-
Charles Parker and Nancy Gournea, both of Hallowell, 7 August 1842.
Witnessed by Willard Parker, N. B. Conger.
Robert McTaggart, of Sophiasburgh, and Susan Hutchinson, of Picton,
21 Aug 1842. Witnessed by Wiffiam Pope, William Thompson.
Niel Ailsworth, of Hillier, and Ruth Morden, of Sophiasburgh, 25 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by Gilbert Noxon, Townsend Terry.
Moses Hudgens and Ann Monck, both of Marysburgh, 21 Oct 1842.
[Surname Hudgens should be Hudgin or Hudgins]
Witnessed by Edward Nixon, John Monck.
[Surname MONCK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
Joseph Morden, of Sophiasburgh, and Mary Jones, of Hillier, 20 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Gilbert Noxon, Robert Jones.
Henry Garratsee and Hannah Osterhout, both of Hillier, 24 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Selem Pettitt, Elias Williams.
Matthias McCoy, of Hallowell, and Jane Lamb, of Marysburgh, 29 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Peter Minaker, Samuel E. Huyck.
John Hudgins and Eleanor Hicks, both of Marysburgh, 20 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by James Gallagher, M. Monck.
[Surname MONCK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
Solomon Monck and Ann Hudgens, both of Marysburgh, 20 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by George Monck, John Monck.
[Surname MONCK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
William Monck and Jane Williams, both of Marysburgh, 30 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Moses Hudgens, Solomon Monck.
[Surname MONCK should be MOUCK, as per advice of Pam Forsyth]
Asa Foster and Sarah Lucretia Morden, both of Sophiasburgh, 23 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Isaac Morden, Leander Wright.
Edward Nixson, of Picton, and Ann Hawley, of Hallowell, 26 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by N. B. Conger, Edward Sherts.
Lewis Dunning, of Hillier, and Ann Hart, of Sophiasburgh, 21 Mar 1843.
Witnessed by Nashand Spragg, Samuel Vance.
George Beach, of Ameliasburgh, and Sarah Goslin, of Sophiasburgh,
9 May 1843. Witnessed by Jacob Goslin, John Cronk.
Marriages Performed by-
Chancey B. Weese and Elizabeth Dempsey, both of Ameliasburgh, 1st Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Isaac Bonter, Francis Sager.
Hildebrand V. Benson, of Sophiasburgh, and Sarah McGuire, of Picton,
4 Nov 1842. Witnessed by Henry Kinnear, Stewart Walter.
Samuel Winn and Eleanor Kirk, both of Hillier, 25 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by John Kirk, William Bell.
James Huffetilling* and Harriet Owens, both of Ameliasburgh, 8 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Peter Vanderhider, George Beach.
[*I am advised by Ivan Graham that this surname should be Houghtailing.]
George Arthur and Rebecca Robinson, both of Hillier, 12 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Abel Simpson, James Baird.
Benjamin Winn and Matilda Chatterson, both of Cramahe, 13 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by George Long, Reddick Hubbell.
John D. Terry and Phebe E. Ryckman, both of Hillier, 20 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Benjamin Ryckman, Ora DeLong.
William DeLong and Letitia Peterson, both of Ameliasburgh, 1st Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Reuben P. Clark, John R. Babcock.
Peter Bonter and Margaret Chase, both of Ameliasburgh, 5 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by John C. Kemp, Isaac Bonter.
John Carnrike and Matilda Tillotson, both of Ameliasburgh, 19 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Robert Biggar, John Sprung.
Robert Terry, of Hillier, and Mary Ann Rose, of Ameliasburgh, 24 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by George Rose, Townsend Terrey.
Luke Rivers and Mary Longly, both of Ameliasburgh, 1st Feb 1843.
Witnessed by David Wanamaker, Arthur Johnston.
Richard Cowan and Ann Johnston, 4 Feb 1843.
Witnessed by William Coltman, Thomas Cowan.
Andrew McDonald and Nancy Pettongall, both of Hillier, 1st March 1843.
Witnessed by Martin Osterhout, Caleb Huyck.
Ephraim Burley and Harriet Cruckshanks, both of Ameliasburgh, 22 March 1843.
Witnessed by Jeremiah Slaterly, Lewis Cruckshanks.
George Savage and Margaret Galagher, both of Ameliasburgh, 24 April 1843.
Witnessed by James Redner, William Rosebush.
Marriages Performed by-
Within the twelve months
prior to 25 July 1843.
V. R. Warner and Mary Jane Sharp, both of Sidney.
Witnessed by I. P. Sharp, Betsey Sharp.
Hiram Lawson and Elisabeth Mires, both of Murray.
Witnessed by William Buller, John Spence.
Isaac C. Flood and Emily Head, both of Hillier.
Witnessed by Matthias Marsh, Sophia M. Howard.
Joseph Codlin and Sarah Frost, both of Murray.
Witnessed by Henry Arnold, Hiram Brown.
William A. Force and Sarah A. Mason, both of Sophiasburgh.
Witnessed by Levi Anderson, John Mason.
William Shea and Lear Rosenborough, both of Murray.
Witnessed by Margaret Smith, Joseph F. Way.
Joseph Pickins and Anna Vantassel, both of Hillier.
Witnessed by William Squires, Abrm. Whittier.
Marriages Performed by-
Philip Ranous and Sarah Bongard, both of Marysburgh, 2 Sept 1842.
Witnessed by Peter Post, Alexander Smith.
Reynard P. Noble, of Ameliasburgh, and Mary Crumblin, of Hallowell,
13 Sept 1842. Witnessed by William McKinley, Ann Crumlin.
David Rose and Lanee Snider, both of Marysburgh, 26 Sept 1842.
Witnessed by Philip Ranous, Sarah Ranous.
William W. Cunningham and Sarah Waring, both of Hallowell, 3 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by Reuben Cunningham, Mary Plampton.
Stephen Van Black and Mary Ann Dulmadge, both of Marysburgh, 4 Sept 1842.
Witnessed by George Welbanks, Margaret Palen.
Richard James Church and Amelia Welbanks, both of Marysburgh,
5 Oct 1842. Witnessed by Palen Welbanks, Nancy VanAlstine.
Archibald Church and Margaret Lowry, both of Marysburgh, 5 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by Palen Welbanks, Nancy Van Alstine.
Charles R. Brown and Elizabeth Wyatt, both of Sophiasburgh, 11th Oct 1842.
Witnessed by George Noah, Sarah Noah.
William Curlett and Elmira Stewart, both of Hillier, 11 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by Peter Post, Alexander Smith.
George McGuire and Winfred Rose, both of Marysburgh, 17 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by James Grimmon, Mary Ann McGuire.
Andrew Yarwood and Eliza Scott, both of Athol, 26 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by Caleb R. Marshall, Phebe Wood.
Lewis B. Stinson, of Hallowell, and Sarah Ann Spence, of Athol,
1st Nov 1842. Witnessed by James R. Spence, Jane Stinson.
John Welbanks and Sarah Clapp, both of Marysburgh, 1st Nov 1842.
Witnessed by George Welbanks, Sarah Clapp.
Joseph Campbell and Ann Masten, both of Hallowell, 8 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Cornelius Masten, Sarah Spencer.
Solomon D. Nelson and Amelia Campbell, both of Hallowell, 8th Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Jesse Cole, Hester Nuwell.
Thomas Street and Jane Maria Leavens, both of Hallowell, 13th Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Thomas Noble and wife.
Alexander Smith and Jane Nuwell, both of Picton, 17 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Peter Post, Lavina Post.
Thomas Gaines, of Sophiasburgh, and Hannah Parsons, of Picton, 23 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Peter Vanblaucomb, Jennet Davis.
John B. Spencer, of Athol, and Abigail Cunningham, of Sophiasburgh,
27 Nov 1842. Witnessed by Albert Werden, Henry Werden.
Pharris Miller, of Sophiasburgh, and Hannah Ockerman, of Picton,
1st Dec 1842. Witnessed by William Hale, Sarah Ann Hale.
Peter Cole and Lucretia Ritchie, both of Sophiasburgh, 4 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Benjamin S. ----, Dolly Huff.
Robert Noble and Elizabeth Smith, both of Hallowell, 25 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by James Smith, Susan Smith.
Jacob Smith and Elizabeth Williams, both of Athol, 27 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Alexander Bourdette, Sarah Williams.
Edward B. Hazzard, of Sophiasburgh, and Malina Bowerman, of Hallowell,
27 Dec 1842. Witnessed by Calvin Hazzard, Phebe Bowerman.
Stephen Harris and Mary Adaline Wright, both of Hallowell, 3rd January 1843.
Witnessed by William Griffis, Mary Dance.
George Toby and Caroline Dingman, both of Marysburgh, 23 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by John Harris, Frederick Smith.
William Herrington, of Sophiasburgh, and Biddy Stanton, of Hallowell,
23 January 1843. Witnessed by James Herrington, Charlotte Clark.
Henry B. Allison, of Sophiasburgh, and Lany Schermehorn, of Richmond,
24 Jan 1843. Witnessed by Jacob Schermehorn, Catherine M. Allison.
Gilbert Knox and Susanah Jones, both of Hillier, 26 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Robert Jones, Matilda Niles.
Michael Clary and Amanda Ensley, both of Hillier, 26 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Benjamin Ryckmire, Clarinda Ensley.
James Martin and Sarah Williams, both of Athol, 31 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Jacob Smith, Elizabeth Smith.
Daniel Pettitt and Mary Ann Osterhout, both of Hillier, 14 Feb 1843.
Witnessed by Martin Osterhout, Phebe Pettitt.
James Lazier, of Hallowell, and Mary Doxey, of Sophiasburgh, 28 Feb 1843.
Witnessed by William Doxy, Armanda Hendrick.
Paul Barager and Caroline Howard, both of Sophiasburgh, 22 Feb 1843.
Witnessed by Peter Barriger, Elizabeth Howard.
Marshall Sales and Amy Clough, both of Athol, 6 March 1843.
Witnessed by Thomas Johnston, Harriet Werden.
John R. Benson and Deborah Waters, both of Sophiasburgh, 7th March 1843.
Witnessed by Benjamin Vanblaucomb, Elizabeth Benson.
Amos Raymond, of Hillier, and Marg't Pauchet, of Picton, 12 March 1843.
Witnessed by John Vovila, Martha Vovilla.
Barnard Bongard and Charlotte Ann McLaughlin, both of Marysburgh,
13 March 1843. Witnessed by Daniel McLaughlin, Phebe Bongard.
William Gibson Clark and Sarah Woodrowe, both of Hallowell, 17 March 1843.
Witnessed by Jonathon Clark, John Woodrow.
Daniel Pettitt, of Hallowell, and Dorcas Young, of Athol, 21 March 1843.
Witnessed by James C. Young, Phebe Pettitt.
Joseph Cannan, of Athol, and Adah Shortt, of Sophiasburgh, 28 March 1843.
Witnessed by John W. Youmans, Zillah Shortt.
Reuben P. Clark, of Hillier, and Jemima Williams, of Hallowell,
30 March 1843. Witnessed by Caleb S. Williams, Elizabeth M. Taylor.
Gilbert Miller, of Ernest Town, and Catharine Valleau, of Sophiasburgh,
3 April 1843. Witnessed by William Wood, Phebe Valleau.
George Bliss and Phebe Ann Blake, both of Athol, 10 April 1843.
Witnessed by John W. Youmans, Amy Shortt.
George Welbanks and Phebe Delila Minaker, both of Marysburgh,
26 April 1843. Witnessed by Fagan Welbanks, Margaret Welbanks.
Jesse Van Clief, of Marysburgh, and Elizabeth McCready, of Hallowell,
5 May 1843. Witnessed by John McCready, Daniel Carson.
Henry Hargrove and Sophia Amsgill, both of Marysburgh, 16 May 1843.
Witnessed by John Metcalf, Polly Ackerman.
John Keogh and Melissa Clapp, both of Marysburgh, 22 May 1843.
Witnessed by Mary Ann Jones, Mary Eliza Jones.
John Symes and Huldah Ann Cooper, both of Athol, 21 May 1843.
Witnessed by Richard Johnston, Mary Cooper.
John S. Goldsmith, of Hallowell, and Ordella Tuttle, of Athol, 12 July 1843.
Witnessed by Guy Johnston, Mary Clow.
Marriages Performed by-
John Marden, of Demorestville, and Jane Leader, of Picton, 13 March 1842.
Witnessed by Griffith Howell, Georgeann Fairfield.
Benjamin F. Burlingham and Nancy Clark, both of Hallowell, 15 March 1842.
Witnessed by William Clark, David Burlingham.
Christopher Adams and Jane Roblin, both of Ameliasburgh, 16 March 1842.
Witnessed by David Coleman, David Lawder.
Peter Wanamaker and Elizabeth Mowerson, both of Ameliasburgh, 22 March 1842.
Witnessed by Benjamin Friar, Telina Sherridone.
John Hubbs and Malinda H. McDonald, both of Hallowell, 30th March 1842.
Witnessed by William Southard, Alva Hubbs.
Henry Sears and Mary Donelly, both of Hillier, 4 April 1842.
Witnessed by Thomas Wilson, Davis G. Murphy.
Joseph Reid, of Hillier, and Ellen Anderson, of Ameliasburgh,
17 April 1842. Witnessed by Paul Anderson, Samuel Jones.
Paul Anderson, of Hillier, and Sarah Clark, of Ameliasburgh,
2 May 1842. Witnessed by Hugh Arthur, Joseph Reid.
Daniel Brewer and Mary Hubbs, both of Hallowell, 10 May 1842.
Witnessed by Caleb Platt, Alva Hubbs.
Joseph Baker, of Huntington, and Roxa Leavens, of Hallowell, 19 May 1842.
Witnessed by Burton Leavens, Deborah Sheriden.
James Stinson and Mary Burlingham, both of Hallowell, 16 June 1842.
Witnessed by Henry Stinson, Isabella Smith.
George W. Nix and Margaret A. Lawson, both of Murray, 21 June 1842.
Witnessed by Matthew C. Lawson, Thadeus Ketchum.
Jonathan Christie and Charlotte Comer, both of Hallowell, 28 June 1842.
Witnessed by Richard Morden, Sancher Munro.
David Craller, of Sidney, and Sarah Knapp, of Ameliasburgh, 5 July 1842.
Witnessed by Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Knapp.
Jacob Parliament and Agnes A. Huyck, both of Ameliasburgh, 19 July 1842.
Witnessed by Niel Aylsworth, Benjamin Morden.
Marcus C. Row and Anna McFaul, both of Hallowell, 19 July 1842.
Witnessed by Daniel McFaul, Peter McFaul.
William Moore and Majina Cole, both of Picton, 19 Aug 1842.
Witnessed by Mr. Brown, Hannah Maria Brown.
William W. Maybee, of Picton, and Phebe Annesly, of Hillier, 22 Aug 1842.
Witnessed by Benjamin Ryckman, Samuel Wynn.
William Terwilliger, of Hallowell, and Polly Dorland, of Hillier,
27 Sept 1842. Witnessed by John Ferguson, John Dorland.
Hiram White and Sarah Robinson, both of Hillier, 30 Sept 1842.
Witnessed by Richard Ferguson, Jane Smith.
William Christie and Lavina Saylor, both of Hallowell, 11 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by Richard I. Morden, Adam Amans.
Renslarr Kemp and Amelia Glover, both of Ameliasburgh, 2 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by William Snider, Sylvester Glover.
William Vincent and Mercy Demill, both of Sophiasburgh, 7 Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Fleet Brown, Henry Fox.
George W. Rightmyer and Catharine Reynolds, both of Hillier, 8 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by John Good Murphy, Alexander Murphy.
Ebenezer Pettitt and Jane Kirk, both of Hillier, 20 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by James Palmer, James Pettitt.
Henry Gilberts, of Hillier, and Laura Wilder, of Hallowell, 27 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Hiram Wilder, Charles Kirk.
David Burlingham and Hannah Bull, both of Hallowel, 3 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Jonathan Burlingham, Abraham Bull.
James Campbell, of Murray, and Catharine Hunt, of Hillier, 3 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Daniel Hunt, Samuel Robinson.
Richard S. Morden and Lucy Burlingham, both of Hallowell, 9 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Reuben R. Burlingham, Phila Burlingham.
Henry Bourdette and Jane Miller, both of Sophiasburgh, 26 Jan 1843.
Witnessed by John Howell Esq., William Bourdette.
Isaac Quackenbush and Margaret Blakeney, both of Hillier, 23 Feb 1843.
Witnessed by Peter Maybee, Doctor Curlett.
Joseph Knapp and Mary Snider, both of Ameliasburgh, 7 March 1843.
Witnessed by Peter Maybee, Daniel Gerow.
John Bull and Pamela Davis, both of Hallowell, 7 March 1843.
Witnessed by John Howell Esq., Daniel Gerow.
Marriages Performed by-
Michael Nicholson and Lavina Mercer, both of Sophiasburgh, 30 Oct 1842.
Witnessed by Reuben Cronk, Hositt Simpson.
James Way and Margaret Lambert, both of Sophiasburgh, 1st Nov 1842.
Witnessed by Philip Way, Dorothy Huff.
Daniel Walker and Jane Fraser Karr, both of Marysburgh, 27 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by William Griffis, Jannet Karr.
Peter Vanblaucomb and Martha Conger, both of Sophiasburgh, 6 Dec 1842.
Witnessed by Gilbert French, Elizabeth French.
David Peterson and Lorane Williams, both of Sophiasburgh, 1st Jan 1843.
Witnessed by Hiram Williams, Mary Badgley.
Cornelius Benson and Elizabeth Ann Vanblaucomb, both of Sophiasburgh,
19 Feb 1843. Witnessed by Robert Davis, Elizabeth Clark.
Nelson Ackaman and Olive Langdon, both of Ameliasburgh, 19 Feb 1843.
Witnessed by Henry Ackaman, Martha Langdon.
William Williams and Rebecca Ann Minaker, both of Marysburgh, 14 March 1843.
Witnessed by Peter Minaker, Elen Minaker.
Jeremiah C. Bishop and Mary E. Ham, both of Hallowell, 29 May 1843.
Witnessed by Martinas Frair, Jane Ann Frair.
Reynard Redner, of Ameliasburgh, and Nancy Vanalstine, of Marysburgh,
27 June 1843. Witnessed by Naomy Redner, Sheldon Dulmage.
Thomas Wattum and Sarah Elizabeth Collier, both of Marysburgh, 11 July 1843.
Witnessed by John C. Collier, Sarah Wattum.
Harlow Beech, of Ameliasburgh, and Nancy Batts, of Sophiasburgh, 7 Aug 1843.
Witnessed by David Vanblaucomb, Sarah Vanblaucomb.
Allen McTaggart and Melissa Gilbert, both of Sophiasburgh, 13 Aug 1843.
Witnessed by Reuben Gilbert, Mary Hand.
Marriages Performed by-
John Cannan Garret and Rhoda Ruttan Haight, both of Hillier, 12 Feb 1843.
Witnessed by Adam H. Garret, Anthony Haight.
Charles Ballard and Elizabeth McDonald, both of Hillier, 21 May 1843.
Witnessed by Thomas Bowerman, Solomon Flagler.
Benjamin Cameron and Angelina Parks, both of Percy, 21 Aug 1843.
Witnessed by Henry McCullough, Adam Davison.
Lewis Cruickshank, of Ameliasburgh, and Caroline Amelia Elizabeth Blakeley,
of Hillier, 19 Oct 1843. Witnessed by George Cruickshank, Henry DeLong.
Lewis Knapp, of Ameliasburgh, and Catharine McDonald, of Hillier,
19 Nov 1843. Witnessed by Foreman Garret, William H. Jerman.
Edmond Henry Stone and Jane Stapleton, both of Hillier, 9 Jan 1844.
Witnessed by John P. Roblin, Benjamin Stapleton.
Marriages Performed by-
George L. Brown and Barshabe A. Dumprope, both of Ameliasburgh, Sept 1842.
Witnessed by William Dumprope, Jane Delong.
Marriages Performed by-
James Arthur, of Hillier, and Margaret Patterson, of Sophiasburgh,
21 March 1843. Witnessed by Robert Byers, Andrew Patterson.
Thomas Lawder and Jane Ann Coleman, both of Ameliasburgh, 22 March 1843.
Witnessed by William Lawder Sen'r, Robert Coleman.
John Lovell and Eliza Ann Leavens, both of Hallowell, 27 March 1843.
Witnessed by Joseph Leavens, Moses Walters.
Joel Haight and Eliza Halloway, both of Hillier, 12 April 1843.
Witnessed by Mahetable Lazier, Philip S. Dorland.
Gideon Bowerman and Mary Bedell, both of Hallowell, 16 May 1843.
Witnessed by Vincent Striker, Hugh Arthur.
Peter Delong and Elizabeth Hennessey, both of Ameliasburgh, 17 May 1843.
Witnessed by Daniel DeLong, David Gibson.
Robert Byers and Ann Arthur, both of Hillier, 17 May 1843.
Witnessed by John Arthur, Samuel Robertson.
John Lazier and Lucinda Sprague, both of Sophiasburgh, 25 May 1843.
Witnessed by William H. Colter, Nostrand Sprague.
Jacob Mason and Mary Davison, both of Ameliasburgh, 3 June 1843.
Witnessed by James Curlett, Sarah A. Noah.
Charles Coleman and Eleanor Lauder, both of Ameliasburgh, 7 June 1843.
Witnessed by Robert Coleman, William Lawder.
James Bradshaw and Margaret Simpson, both of Demorestville, 2 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Francis McQuoid, Gideon Gardner Jr.
Robert Pigan, of Tyendinaga, and Mary Black, of Sophiasburgh, 4 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Andrew Patterson, William Vader.
Bishop Hannah and Helen Maria Bishop, both of Hallowell, 10 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Jeremiah C. Bishop, Jabez H. Bishop.
William Alfred White and Lydia Morden, both of Hillier, 11 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Stephen Garret, James Bauker White.
James Trumpour and Rachel Mastin, both of Hallowell, 11 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Rev. A. McLean, Dr. Curlett.
John Wilson and Eliza Jenkins, both of Sophiasburgh, 25 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by David Jenkins, Uriah Pearsall.
Randall Howell, of Sophiasburgh, and Eliza Ellen Young, of Hillier,
25 Oct 1843. Witnessed by Thomas Young, Griffith Howell Jr.
Sanger F. Munro and Emily Corner, both of Sophiasburgh, 26 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by George Munro, James Hand.
Adam Amans and Ruth Christie, both of Hallowell, 31 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Gideon H. Bowerman, Hannah Smith.
Nostrand Sprague and Hannah Maria Barton, both of Sophiasburgh, 16 Nov 1843.
Witnessed by Samuel H. Barton, Griffith Howell Esq.
Peter Budge and Jane Kirkland, both of Picton, 8 December 1843.
Witnessed by Rev. A. McLean, George Campbell.
Joseph Cooper and Mary Van Clief, both of Hallowell, 12 Dec 1843.
Witnessed by John Van Clief, Henry Stanton.
William Armstrong and Margaret Sloan, both of Fredericksburgh, 20 Dec 1843.
Witnessed by John Denyke Esq., William Sloan.
Daniel Cunningham and Mary Plumpton, both of Hallowell, 26 Dec 1843.
Witnessed by John Shoults, Rosannah Terwilliger.
James C. Huffman, of Ernesttown, and Almira Garrett, of Hillier,
31 Jan 1844. Witnessed by Charles M. Huffman, Townsend Garrett.
John I. Demill and Esther Merrill, both of Sophiasburgh, 5 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by Stephen F. Demill, Stephen Demil.
George B. Vance and Margaret Metcalf, both of Marysburgh, 8th Feb 1844.
Witnessed by William Vance, Thomas Metcalf.
Samuel Tripp, of Tyendinaga, and Mary Ann Eaton, of Sophiasburgh,
14 Feb 1844. Witnessed by John Tripp, Gabriel S. Eaton.
James Pettitt and Amanda McCartney, both of Hillier, 20 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by Samuel McCartney, Joseph McCartney.
Henry Tripp and Sillia Short, both of Sophiasburgh, 6 March 1844.
Witnessed by Jacob Short, Benjamin Vanblaucomb.
John Y. Weeks and Lydia Hunt, both of Hillier, 11 March 1844.
Witnessed by Isaac Weeks, Daniel Hunt.
Nathan M. Locie and Rachel Young, both of Athol, 12 March 1844.
Witnessed by Henry Young, David Ailsworth.
Marriages Performed by-
James S. Pake and Rhoda Thompson, both of Sophiasburgh, 9 Jan 1842.
Witnessed by Peter Cole, Sarah Thompson.
Christopher Johnston and Caroline Schriver, both of Sophiasburgh,
17 Feb 1842. Witnessed by Peter Graves, John RobLin.
Matthias Marsh and Mary Ann Demorest, both of Sophiasburgh, 7 March 1842.
Witnessed by David L. Demorest, Isaac D. Nixon.
Isaac Cole, of Big Island, and Lucy Peck, of Sophiasburgh, 17th March 1842.
Witnessed by William Allison, Amos Peck.
James Smith and Susannah Mastin, both of Picton, 13 April 1842.
Witnessed by Richard Jackson, Amos Mastin.
William Wood and Ann Valleau, both of Sophiasburgh, 4 May 1842.
Witnessed by Adam Wood, John Valleau.
Orin Phelps and Elizabeth Nobles, both of Hallowell, 31 May 1842.
Witnessed by Philo Nobles, Michael Brennan.
Gideon Gardner and Adehia Wright, both of Sophiasburgh, 1st June 1842.
Witnessed by James C. Wright, B. G. C. Demorest.
George Murdoff and Catharine Landon, both of Hallowell, 27 June 1842.
Witnessed by Nicholas Davis, John Murrey.
Henry DeLong and Mary Robertson, both of Picton, 24 July 1842.
Witnessed by Jeremiah Delong, John Fox.
Marriages Performed by-
John Shires and Mary Ann Shires, both of Ameliasburgh, 27 Dec 1843.
Witnessed by William Denike, Angeline Denike.
John Hicks and Mary Denike, both of Hillier, 15 Jan 1844.
Witnessed by Daniel McFaul, Elizabeth I. White.
Jacob Way and Elzina Moran, both of Sophiasburgh, 29 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by James Way, Rebecca Moran.
Abraham Phillips and Sarah Ann French, both of Hallowell, 26th March 1844.
Witnessed by Jonathan B. Vincent, Rachel Orser.
Moses Johnston and Eliza Fieldhouse, both of Ameliasburgh, 22 April 1844.
Witnessed by George Fieldhouse, Rebecca Conger.
Samuel B. Edson and Sarah Ann Peterson, both of Hillier, 13 Apr 1844.
Witnessed by John Hicks, Mary Hicks.
Hiram Williams and Lucy Jane McGuire, both of Sophiasburgh, 26 June 1844.
Witnessed by Harlow Beach, Nancy Beach.
Marriages Performed by-
Caleb Huycke and Mary Morden, both of Hillier, 20 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by Daniel Fones, Garret Garretsee.
Edward Wilcox, of Hillier, and Rachel Barker, of Hallowell, 8 May 1844.
Witnessed by George W. Herrington, Andrew Garrett.
Alexander Leith and Margaret Ann Terman both of Hillier, 6 June 1844.
Witnessed by Jonathan German, Marshall B. Spencer.
James Wm. Clark and Susanah Sarah Walt, both of Ameliasburgh, 5 Nov 1844.
Witnessed by Amos Walt, John C. Pennock.
Archibald Blakeley, of Hallowell, and Lydia Clarke, of Sidney,
25 Dec 1844. Witnessed by Joseph Pine, Benjamin Pine.
Garrick Vanorman and Elizabeth Canton, both of Hallowell, 1st Jan 1845.
Witnessed by David Conger Esq., Joseph Stinson.
James Grayham* and Margaret Houghtalling*, both of Ameliasburgh,
21 Jan 1845. Witnessed by Charles T. Avery, Robert Caldwell.
[*I am advised by Ivan Graham that these surnames should be Graham
and Houghtailing.]
Henry Smith and Rosanna Lane, both of Sophiasburgh, 16 Jan 1845.
Witnessed by Jacob Pine, Charles Smith.
Joseph R. Fuller, of Whitby, and Georgeanna Page, of Ameliasburgh,
22 Jan 1844. Witnessed by Charles T. Page, William S. Sutherland.
Marriages Performed by-
Matthew Snider and Lydia Eliza Cole, both of Hallowell, 26 March 1844.
Witnessed by John Snider, Margaret Precilla Brown.
Richard Whatam and Abigail Stevens, both of Marysburgh, 11 July 1844.
Witnessed by Solomon Collier, Eleanor Ann Hicks.
Henry Miller and Huldah North, both of Hallowell, 24 Sept 1844.
Witnessed by Daniel McLocklin, Lydia Hicks.
Peter Rushaw and Rusella Damore, both of Marysburgh, 5 Nov 1844.
Witnessed by Peter Damore, Roxanna McNeil.
Marriages Performed by-
Henry Lawrence and Jane Turner, both of Marysburgh, 26 March 1844.
Witnessed by Edwin Harrison, Robert Newbury.
James Bowerman and Malinda Head, both of Marysburgh, 26 Sept 1844.
Witnessed by John Welbanks, Reuben Head.
Ebenezer Washburn Sherriff and Margaret Williams, both of Marysburgh,
22 Oct 1844. Witnessed by James Shepherd, Peter Collier.
Marriages Performed by-
Thomas Donely and Harriet Barker, both of Hallowell, 31 Aug 1843.
Witnessed by Allen Sanborne, Lydia Barker.
Allen Sanborne and Lydia Barker, both of Hallowell, 31 Aug 1843.
Witnessed by Thomas Donelly, Harriet Donelly.
Donald Henderson and Ally Hicks, both of Marysburgh, 4 Sept 1843.
Witnessed by Hannah Morse, Mary Eliza Jones.
Benjamin Row, of Sophiasburgh, and Jane Blakeley, of Athol, 26 Sept 1843.
Witnessed by William B. Blakeley, Amy Short.
Philip Rose and Christiana Dingman, both of Marysburgh, 1st Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Oliver Dingman, Sarah Griffis.
David Jones and Charlotte Clark, both of Sophiasburgh, 4 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Robert Norton, Mary Jones.
Edward Ryckman, of W. Flamborough, Gore District, and Elizabeth Margaret Warren,
of Sophiasburgh, 9 Oct 1843. Witnessed by James Green, Elizabeth Warren.
Samuel Burgess and Ellen Berry, both of Hallowell, 10 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Thomas Jones, Elizabeth Warren.
Ira Spafford, of Athol, and Barbary McGuire, of Marysburgh, 17 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Isaac Frair, Mary McGuire.
James Walmsley, of Athol, and Isabel Clark, of Marysburgh, 18 Oct 1843.
Witnessed by Nelson Clark, Hannah Minaker.
Nelson Dodge and Margaret Vanalstine, both of Marysburgh, 6th Nov 1843.
Witnessed by Mary Ann Jones, Mary Eliza Jones.
Stephen Garrett and Eliza Sarah Taylor, both of Hallowell, 7 Nov 1843.
Witnessed by Cornelius L. Bunlingham, Phebe Bowerman.
Noah Tubbs Penny and Mary Bowerman, both of Picton, 8 Nov 1843.
Witnessed by Thomas I. Bowerman, Jane M. Bowerman.
Peter Vanblaucomb and Janett Davis, both of Sophiasburgh, 14 Nov 1843.
Witnessed by Allen Davis, Elizabeth Clark.
John Macklin and Mary Nelson, both of Sophiasburgh, 21 Dec 1843.
Witnessed by John Thompson, Abagail Thompson.
William G. Mowerson and Eleanor Griffin, both of Sophiasburgh,
27 Dec 1843. Witnessed by Stephen Mowerson, Mary Mowerson.
William Ellis and Mary Jamison, both of Sophiasburgh, 21 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by Lewis Ketcham, Mary Byrns.
Henry Dingman and Rebecca Stevens, both of Hallowell, 22 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by Oliver Dingman, Abigail Stevens.
Thomas Rutledge, of Hungerford, and Mary Martin, of Athol, 27 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by John Irvin, Eleanor Martin.
Galespie Seyrs and Margaret Martin, both of Athol, 27 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by William Mitchell, Margaret Elliott.
Robert B. Turnbull and Ann Martin, both of Marysburgh, 28 Feb 1844.
Witnessed by Thomas Cook, Joseph Martin.
John Trumpour, of Hillier, and Juliann McFaul, of Hallowell, 5th March 1844.
Witnessed by James Trumpour, Mary McFaul.
John Richmond and Mary McTagart, both of Wellington, 5 March 1844.
Witnessed by Charles Johnston, Emeline Jaques.
Oliver Dingman, of Marysburgh, and Margaret Snider, of Athol, 17 March 1844.
Witnessed by Matthew Snider, Margaret Stevens.
Jesse Van Clief and Nancy Hicks, both of Marysburgh, 18 March 1844.
Witnessed by James Vandusen, Isabel Vandusen.
Owen Dulmage, of Marysburgh, and Margaret Striker, of Athol, 19 March 1844.
Witnessed by Fagan Trader, Sylinda Striker.
Sheldon Dulmage, of Marysburgh, and Maria Clark, of Athol, 19 March 1844.
Witnessed by Nelson Clark, Sarah Clapp.
James Conlin, of Marysburgh, and Eliza McCornock, of Athol, 26 March 1844.
Witnessed by Joseph Clapp, Arabella McCornock.
Jerome C. Brunelle and Elizabeth Ferguson, both of Picton, 4th April 1844.
Witnessed by David S. Conger, Mary Ann Jones.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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