published in Chicago.
The Perth County Pioneers
Archie McKerracher
John Campbell, second Marquis of Breadalbane, was a man of
austere countenance and commanding presence. He succeeded to
the Marquisate in 1834, aged 38, and was inordinately proud of
his ancestry and his exalted rank. Amongst his many other titles
he was also fifth Earl of Breadalbane and Holland; Lord
Glenorchy, Benderloch, Ormelie and Wick; Viscount Tay and
Pentland; Baronet of Glenorchy and Nova Scotia; and 15th laird
of Glenorchy. His Gaelic patrynornic was Mhic Chailean mhic
Dhonnachaidh and he was second only to the Duke of Argyll as
Chief of all the Campbells. His ancestors had put together an
estate of almost half a million acres in Perthshire and Argyll,
by fair means and foul, and in 1834 the second Marquis could
ride fifty miles north and south, and a hundred miles east to
west, without leaving his land.
But by 1834 the Breadalbane estates had become greatly
overpopulated. There were 3500 people living on the north and
south shores of Loch Tay in Perthshire who had between them 2000
head of cattle, 600 horses, 500 unbroken horses, 6000 sheep and
400 goats. The poor soil could not support so many and there was
much hardship.
The first Marquis of Breadalbane had recruited 1600 men from
his estates into a Fencible Regiment for the Napoleonic Wars.
When the men returned home he divided farms into smaller units
to give the veterans land, whether or not they were due to inherit
as eldest sons. This well-meaning deed caused even worse poverty as
the plots became uneconomic in size.
His son, the second Marquis, listened to the fashionable
liberals of the day who said that poverty stricken Highlanders
should be removed from their miserable existence, and settled
elsewhere. The younger sons of Highlanders had always had to
leave home to seek their fortune elsewhere because the land
could not support them. The terrible mistake of the new policy
was to remove an entire stock of people and replace them with
sheep, which were more profitable.
On the advice of his factor the second Marquis evicted fourteen
families from Rhynachuilg, twelve from Edramuckie, thirteen from
Kiltyrie, nine from Cloichran, and nineteen from the farm of
Acharn, all places lying at the west end of Loch Tay. The farm
walls were levelled and the fields between turned into grazing
for blackface sheep imported from the Borders.
Next to go was the entire population of Glenquaich, a lovely heather
clad glen running inland from Loch Tay to the hamlet of Amulree, and
where over 500 people lived. The evictions were carried out before
the houses were set alight. The people decided to emigrate to Canada,
and in particular to an untamed area of Ontario owned by the Canada
Land Company. Eight or nine families had arrived here voluntarily in
the summer of 1832 after a voyage lasting three months. Amongst
these was John Crerar from Amulree who was older than the
average immigrant. He was a tall, well built man who had been
factor on the Shian estate in Glenquaich, and also a whisky
smuggler, running distilled spirit from illicit stills in the
glens to the towns. The excisemen were closing in and John Crerar
emigrated to Ontario to avoid arrest. Here he found
employment constructing the Twentieth Line Road into an untamed
region of 44,000 acres known as the North Easthope Concession,
in south Ontario. This was named after Sir John Easthope, a
director of the Canada Land Company and had first been surveyed
just three years before in 1829.
The road began at Bell's Corner, named after David Bell from
Dumfries who was the first to settle here in June 1832, and was
driven in through dense forest and brush. An area was cleared
for farming and Crerar named the first settlement 'Amulree'
after his old home in Scotland. Indeed, the central part of
North Easthope is hilly and closely resembles Perthshire. In his
first winter here John Crerar lived in a log shanty, with a roof
only half covered, and with beds made from the branches of
trees. He eventually settled on Lot 21, Concession 3, Twentieth
Line Road, North Easthope along with his two sons and two
daughters. His wife had died of cholera during the journey and
many of the Perthshire Pioneers died of the disease, dying by the
roadside in the forest wilderness, and buried in lonely unmarked graves.
After the Breadalbane evictions began in 1834 more and more
families from central Perthshire began to emigrate to North
Easthope. They left with great sadness ... as Duncan MacGregor
Crerar wrote....[snip]
The story of Anne Menzies is typical. She was born at Shian,
Glenquaich in 1839. Her father was a local school teacher who also
had a small croft. Out of this he had to provide the Marquis with
two cartloads of peat, so many skeins of wool, so many pounds of
butter and cheese, and £16 rent every year. Anne's family were
forced to emigrate in 1842 and sailed from Greenock on the Clyde.
The voyage was long and stormy and the ship was three times blown
back to the Irish coast. Every one on board did their own cooking
and ate their own supplies. There was much sickness and many died.
Cholera was the scourge on the emigrant ships and over 20,000 victims
of the ship-borne disease lie buried at Grosse Island, Quebec.
The Merrilees famly eventually arrived at Quebec and then
travelled overland to Hamilton where they were quarantined for
measles. Then they moved on by ox drawn wagon. There was no room
for Anne so they tried tying her to a box on the wagon but in
the end she walked beside her mother all the way from Hamilton
to North Easthope. Anne's uncle was already settled on Lot 22,
Concession 7, and he made them welcome before they moved on to
their own shanty on Lot 37. This had no windows or doors, and
for chairs the family used three-legged stools made from
saplings and for tables they used packing cases. Cooking was
done over an open fire.
Anne's father, assisted by his brother and neighbours, cleared a
hundred acres of brushland. A passing American showed them how
to cut down trees for such skills were unknown in Scotland. In
1934, when Anne Merrilees was ninety five, she recalled. 'To
us, North Easthope was a land of milk and honey, but we had to
work for it. In the spring we gathered the sap from the trees
and made every year about 300 pounds of maple sugar and 20 gallons
of molasses. With this we preserved the wild berries which grew
in abundance. With yarn spun from the wool of our own sheep both
men and women knitted, for we had to make everything we wore,
wearing wool in summer and winter. The year I married (1865)
I spun 60 pounds of wool and made two pairs of blankets and a
fancy web plaid. I have seen Stratford grow from a few shanties
to a beautiful city and an important railroad centre. In
the early days, many a time I walked six miles to Stratford
market, carrying my basket of eggs and pail of butter, and
paying one penny for the privilege of selling it there. I saw
the Prince of Wales (Edward VII) shortly after the railway was
built as far as Stratford. What a pokey little station it was
then! We stood on logs to see him'.
Another of the pioneers was Peter MacTavish and his wife Helen
MacLaren who came from Achnafauld, Glenquaich, in 1845, along
with their four sons and four daughters. They settled on Lots 24
and 25, Concession 8, which was a farm of 200 acres. The
MacTavishes were strict Presbyterians and so the children had to
go to church every Sunday and then do their Scriptures at home.
Whistling or whittling wood on the Sabbath was forbidden and the
children had to hide down the lane if they wanted to indulge in
such pastimes. The children had to walk six miles to school and
six back, as well as doing chores before and after. The school
was a log hut some thirty feet square and had a hundred pupils.
The pupils spoke only Gaelic in their homes and had trouble
mastering English grammar. Peter MacTavish's grandson John
returned to Glenquaich, Perthshire, Scotland, in 1865 and saw
his grandfather's old farm at Achnafauld. The buildings were
still intact but unroofed and falling into ruin and the six acre
farm swarmed with sheep. John MacTavish related later he was never
so glad in his life to get back to Canada.
The new way of life was alien to many of the immigrants from
Perthshire. The winters were much harsher and longer than in
Scotland and the crops were different. They did try and keep up
many of the Highland customs, particularly that of calling
uninvited on their neighbours. Mary MacNaughton from Glenquaich
had been a great socialiser in the glen and continued the habit
in her new homeland. The only difference being that instead of a
few hundred yards between the crofts, there was now a great
distance between the homesteads. But Mary thought nothing of
walking miles through the forest to visit friends. On one
occasion she called at a distant shanty and chased away what she
thought was a large shaggy dog. It was only later she discovered
it was a black bear, the first she had ever seen. Another time she
was helping her husband cut down a tree beside their hut. The
following day they started on the branches, and when they came
to the last branch, out sprang a wolf, which had been hiding under
it all the time. Inexperience of living in a wilderness caused many
to lose their lives, and several were never seen again after going
into the forest to hunt game.
But the immigrants buckled down to the task of carving a new
homeland out of the wilderness. The population of North Easthope
had reached 2000 by 1850 and had 10,605 acres under cultivation.
About this time the enormity of the evictions from the
Breadalbane estates had dawned on the people of Scotland. The
Marquis was condemned in the press and tried in vain to defend
his policy. But the figures spoke for themselves. Out of 3500
people on Loch Tayside only 100 were left. In Glenorchy in
Argyll only 6 people were left out of a population of 500. The
Marquis endeavoured to raise a Fencible regiment from the estate
in 1850 but where his father raised 1500 willing men his son
could only find 100, and none of them volunteered. 'Put your red
Coats on the back of the sheep that have replaced the men!'.
cried one old man as the Marquis tried to recruit.
It was one of the evicted tenants who wrote the famous poem of
which the first verse is quoted at the beginning of this
article. The remaining verses read .............[snip]
These were prophetic words. The Second Marquis of Breadalbane
died a lonely unmourned death in Switzerland in 1862. On the
death of the third Marquis in 1922 the vast estate began to be
broken up and by 1948 not a single inch remained out the half a
million acres built up over 500 years by the family of Campbell
of Breadalbane. 'The castle ha' sae big and braw' - Taymouth
Castle - lies empty. Only the ruins of the deserted crofts
remain in the empty glens.
In 1936 a memorial cairn was erected beside No.7 Highway at the
village of Shakespeare, Perth County, Ontario, (originally
Bell's Corner) to commemorate the pioneers from Perthshire,
Scotland. It was unveiled by Lord Tweedsmuir (the novelist John
Buchan), Governor General of Canada, who said in his speech,
'100 years ago this was a land of mostly swamp and forest. Today
it is a smiling country-side. It has blossomed like a rose. I
have a strong personal feeling because I was born in Perthshire
in the homeland and many of your great grandparents came to this
land from Perthshire. Perth is a great county and in one way it
is closely linked with this part of Ontario. Perthshire in
Scotland was the meeting place of the Highland and Lowland
people. Canada has followed that example. May this cairn be
always here as a memorial to that of which you people are so proud'.
The plaque on the cairn is inscribed, '1832-1936. In Memoriam -
The Pioneers of North Easthope'. Then follows a list of nearly
200 names. Mary MacLennan of Stratford, Ontario, published a
book in 1936 containing reminiscences of the early pioneers.
This includes photographs of the graves of the pioneers in St.
Andrews churchyard, North Easthope, with the caption, 'Where
sleep the brave pioneers to North Easthope, Perth County,
Ontario, Canada, who came from Perthshire, Scotland, from
1832-33 and 1841-45, principally from Glenquaich,
Annatfauld, Shian, Aberfeldy, Amulree, Kenmore. 300 in all who
came to North Easthope'. The story of the Perthshire pioneers is
also told in the novel 'Sheila', written in the 1930's by the
famous Scottish author Annie S. Swan.
By this time most of the original Scottish settlers had moved on
to other parts, principally Manitoba, Toronto and Chicago, and
North Easthope became mainly a German settlement. But as the
ballad says, 'God's mills are slow but sure', for the
descendants of the evicted Perthshire crofters have prospered
greatly in their new homeland in Canada and the United States
while 'Breadalbane's land-the fair, the grand'- is no longer
aye the Marquis's!
Scottish Record Office
Breadalbane Muniments
GD. 112/61/6 and GD. 112/61/8
Breadalbane Muniment GD. 112/61/6
To his Grace the Marquis of Breadalbane
May it please your Grace -
We, the undersigned Heads of Families, who emigrated from your
Grace's Estates in Perthshire since the year 1832, beg leave most
respectfully to address your Grace on a subject of great importance
to us, and in which we humbly but earnestly solicit the interest of
your Grace.
We form a neighbourhood, consisting of about 30 Highland
families from your Grace's Estates, and have, in connexion with
20 families of Lowland Scotch and 14 families of Irish
Presbyterians originally belonging for the most part to the
Synod of Ulster, united together for the purpose of supporting a
clergyman of the Kirk of Scotland and building a place of worship
for ourselves and our offspring.
We have with the aid of some other families in our neighbourhood
in similar circumstances, entered into a Subscription to furnish
a Minister's stipend to the amount, for the present, of £100
currency a year and accordingly have enjoyed the services of a
Minister since November 1838 - the first occasion of our
possessing that blessing since we left our native Land.
We feel able and willing, with the aid referred to, to make up
this sum, but in addition to this, it is necessary to build a
Church also, in order to constitute a permanent provision of
Gospel Ordinances for ourselves and our Children and the expense
required for this latter purpose we do not feel able to surmount
at the outset.
Our object therefore in now addressing your Grace is to solicit
a donation in aid of the proposed erection - and that which
emboldens us thus to Trouble your Grace, is our lively
remembrance of the well known liberality of Your Grace's noble
Family in such cases and for such purposes - together with the
hope that your Grace will consider with kindness the peculiar
circumstances of those who now take the liberty of addressing
your Grace, from a far Country and a strange land, but whose
forefathers, and (till very recently) themselves, were the
tenants of your Grace's illustrious house.
We are
Your Grace's most obedient humble servants -
John Stewart Robert Fraser
John Stewart-Jun'r John MeTavish
James Fisher Alexander Stewart
Duncan Stewart David Murray
Duncan Fisher Duncan Stewart
Duncan Hay Alexan. Mcgilla[vrie]
Peter Crerar Donald Robertson
Donald Peddie Alexander [Stewart]
George Scott Duncan Haye
Donald McNaughton Duncan Kippon
Peter McNaughton Donald Stewart
Jame Kippan John Hay
Alexander Crerar John Fraser
John Kippan Alex'r Fraser
John Crerar John McTavish
Breadalbane Muniment GD. 112/61/8
Copy Letter, Peter McNaughton to Rev'd D. Duff, Kenmore,
North East Hope, Huron Tract, U.C.
24th Octr. 1835
Rev'd Sir
May, I take the liberty of requesting your particular attention
to the annexed copy letter and to beg of you to forward that
matter we are so anxious about. And may God bless your endeavours
and ours in endeavouring to obtain the ministrations of his Servants.
I am
Rev'd Sir
Your mo. ob't Serv't.
(Signed) Peter McNaughton from Shian
Note for the Rev'd Mr. Duff
From our anxiety for the promotion of Christian knowledge
amongst us, we take the liberty of suggesting for your
consideration the propriety of applying to the Marquiss of
Breadalbane for some assistance to aid us in getting our
intended church established. We are certain that from his and
his late father's disposition to foster the well being of his
tenants at home and in remembrance of many of us being once his
tenants, the Marquiss may be induced to help us as regards the
Church, and we take the liberty of requesting your kind services
in this matter, and to state to him our intentions.
We arc all happily and comfortably settled in this township
(North Easthope) and also in South Easthope and it is our wish
that our late neighbours may be aware of this as from what
we have learned many are inclined to join us from our native
land. The land here is good and well watered, the
terms of the Upper Canada Land Co'y are liberal, requiring the
Settler only to pay a fifth of the purchase money when the land
is applied for, and the remainder in five yearly installments
with interest at six per cent. The Co'y at present sell their
lands at 12/6 Currency per acre being equal to about 10/8
British, and the only stipulation is to clear off each year about 3 1/2
acres for every 100 acres owned by a settler, and that for 7 years
when a free deed is given, the instalments heing also paid. But
a settler may clear the required quantity in less time, and so
obtain his free deed on paying up the whole instalments. There
are grist mills and saw mills within a few miles of us east and
west, also a store where goods of all kinds are sold. This
settlement is mostly Scotch, almost wholly so where we are
settled, and the utmost goodwill and unanimity prevails. We
enjoy, though obtained at present by hard labour and
perseverance, all the necessary worldly comforts and with the
prospect, if we and our families are spared, of seeing them and
us all independent and comfortable Farmers, farming our own land.
May we therefore request of you, that as we state nothing but
what is true, and borne out by the testimony of the settlers who
have arrived this season you will give this brief information
(joined to the annexed Routes) to as many as seem inclined to
emigrate to this place.
North Easthope, Huron Tract, U.C.
It has been thought proper and perhaps necessary to give the
following information for the guidance of many of our late
neighbours in Perthshire who may be wishful to come to this place
as when an Emigrant arrives from on Board Ship, he is often
perplexed as to the route or journey to any particular place he
intends going to. The Routes which follow may be depended upon
as being pretty correct.
I. Route from Quebec to Montreal to Hamilton, and from
thence to North Easthope (Huron Tract) Miles
From Quebec to Montreal (by Ship or Steamboat) 180
Montreal to Kingston
(by Steamboat & Durham Boats 189
Kingston to Hamilton
(head of Lake Ontario) by Steamboat 211
sub-total 580
From Hamilton to Dundas 5
To Cornells Tavern (Township of Beverly) 8
To Henry Ebbs " ( " ) 6 1/2
To Thomans " (Village of Breston,
Township of Waterloo) 6 1/2
To Swartz now Stafans " (Twp. of Waterloo)
by covered bridge over Grand River 6 1/2
To Rycharts Saw Mill (Township of Wilmot) 4
To Hobsons Tavern ( " ) 5 1/2
To Helmors " first Tavern in the
Houron Tract (North Easthope) 6
To Tryfogles Tavern (South Easthope) 3
being about 4 miles from the centre of the
Scotch Settlement, sub-total 51
North Easthope grand-total 631
The above distance is 631 miles, 580 of which are by River St.
Lawrence and Lake Ontario, and the remaining 51 miles by land.
Waggons are easily procured from Hamilton to North Easthope for
14 or 18 Dollars per load. There is 5/0 currency in a Dollar
equal to about 4/ 3 1/2 British. The passage from Quebec up the St.
Lawrence is a very disagreeable besides dangerous one, and not
to be compared with the route No.II below, by the way of New
York and Oswego. When an Emigrant lands at Quebec (who is bound
for Upper Canada beyond Toronto (late York) he has to travel by
ship, steamboat, or by the Durham boats, which last boats are
made to surmount the Rapids and not constructed to afford
shelter from wet or tempestuous weather. Emigrants however may
now avoid the danger and trouble in the Durham Boats by going
by the Rideau Canal, vizt. from Montreal up the Ottawa River to
mouth of that Canal, and by it to Kingston and from thence to
Hamilton by Steamboat. The distance to Hamilton from Quebec is
580 miles whereas the distance by the Route No.2 is only 484,
Besides there is really much danger in navigating the Gulph of
St. Lawrence, as the many shipwrecks shew, and the state of the
Quarantine Station at Grosse or Goose Island (24 miles below
Quebec) is very Bad.
II. Route from New York to Hamilton, & from thence to North
East Hope, Huron Tract From New York to Albany Miles
(by Steamboat or Towboat towed by a Steamboat in 22 hours 145
From Albany to Syracuse by Erie Canal 171
From Syracuse to Oswego, on Lake Ontario 38
sub-total 354
From Oswego to Hamilton by Steamboat about 130
(or from Oswego to Toronto
and from Toronto to Hamilton) sub-total 484
From Hamilton to North Easthope as before 51
total 535
The advantage of an Emigrant coming to Canada by way of New
York, is the quickness of passage, safety, and cheapness, being
on the whole as cheap as by Quebec. The passage from New York to
Oswego is a most comfortable one compared to that by Montreal,
the Towboats and Canal Boats being well fitted up, and complete
protection afforded against the weather for both passengers and
luggage. At Oswego an Emigrant meets a Steamboat for Hamilton or
for Toronto (late York) and if for Toronto then there is a
Steamboat from Toronto to Hamilton. (This Season there were two
plying twice a day between Toronto and Hamilton). The distance
between Albany and Oswego is performed in one Canal Boat.
Copy Letter Robert Frazer and others to Rev'd Mr. Forbes, Amulree.
Rev'd Mr D.B. Forbes Township of North Easthope.
Huron Tract
of Arnulree Church Upper Canada
by Crieff 24th October 1835
Rev'd Sir:
We take the liberty of writing you upon a subject which we are
certain you will be glad to hear of.
Many of us who subscribe this letter have been personally known
to you while it was our lot to be placed in our native land, but
tho now far distant from that land we hope we have not forgotten
the many valuable instructions and injunctions delivered by you.
The part of Canada we live in is indeed remote and consequently
we have been subjected to many privations, but what we have
greatly to lament for is the stated ministrations of a
clergyman. We are all, thanks be to God as far as worldly
comforts affect us, much better off than in our native land, and
we would be sorry to think that while we enjoy so many worldly
blessings we should, or others, accuse ourselves of inattention
to our spiritual wants.
We have a prospect of a Minister or Missionary, as be is called
at first being sent amongst us, early next season, but as there
are many waste fields besides ours in Canada where the
assistance of a preacher of the Gospel is required, we are
somewhat doubtful that our case may be overlooked, tho indeed we
are kindly assured by the Rev'd Mr. Rintoul of Streetsville
(near Toronto, Late York, the capital of U.C.) that we will be
attended to, Mr. Rintoul has given us every reason to expect
that a missionary will be sent here, but he has said at
sametime, that a great deal depends on the Glasgow Colonial
Missionary Soc'y, a Soc'y in Glasgow established for the purpose
of sending missionaries abroad, Mr. Rintoul visited this place in
August last, and was satisfied of our wants. He had for 12
months before been made acquainted with the [strides of] this
settlement, and all along was most wishful to assist us, and has
done a great deal to encourage us.
What we now chiefly request of you, is that you will as soon
after the receipt of this as possible apply to the Glasgow
Soc'y. above referred to, and state our case, and do all you can
for the sending of a missionary to us, but one who can preach
Gaelic as well as English. We are taking preparatory steps
towards getting a Church erected, and are going to apply to the
Governor for help, but if a minister was on the spot, he would
do much towards that. We intend applying to the Canada Land Co'y
also. We will have the benefit of a school this winter, as one
of our neighbours is erecting one at present. And we believe it
will be only the second school in operation on the Huron Tract.
We live within 3 or 4 miles of an intended village called
Stratford on Avon where the Upper Canada Land Co'y (to whom the
Tract belongs) have an Agent and where there are mills for the
benefit of the Settlers. There are four Townships (same as
Parishes) meet at the village called North Easthope, South
Easthope, Ellice and Downie. The Population of this Township and
So. Easthope is about 500.
We have sent copies of this letter to the Rev'd Mr. Duff of
Kenmore and Rev'd Mr. A. Campbell of Weem and we pray you to
write for our spiritual welfare.
We are Rev'd Sir
Your mo. ob't. Serv't. in name
Please address any letter for us
of Mr. Robert Fraser,
North Easthope, Huron Tract,
Upper Canada (by GaIt)
Robert Frazer Donald Stewart
Donald MeNaughton John Stewart
Peter McNaughton Donald Robertson
Duncan Stewart James Robertson
John Crerar Alex'r Crerar
And. Riddel Donald Peddie
Duncan Fisher John Stewart
Peter Anderson James Fisher
John Kippan Peter Crerar
John Stewart
All the Settlers have not signed
this owing to want of time before
sending off.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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