From the book 'Lunenburgh, or the Old Eastern District'
By J. F. Pringle, Judge County Court. Published in 1890.
Rank. Names. Place of of Ser- Former Stations,
Nativity. vice and Remarks
Major Edward Jessup Connecticut 7 years Served the last war
a volunteer in the
Militia, and the campaign 1759,
commanded a company of Provincials,
which he raised at his own expense;
has been for some years a Justice of
the Peace for the County of Albany,
where he possessed a considerable
property, until deprived of it by the
late rebellion.
Captain Ebenezer Jessup Connecticut 7 years Was a Justice of the
Peace for the County of
Albany, in the Province of New York,
where he possessed a considerable
property, until he was deprived of it
by the rebellion. He began to raise a
corps and served as Lieut.-Colonel in
the campaign under Lieut.-General
Burgoyne in 1777; from that year he
received pay as a captain, and owing to
infirmities when the corps was again
formed in the year 1781, he was
continued as captain and the command
given to Major Jessup.
Captain John Peters Connecticut 7 years Was a Justice of the
Peace for the County of
Gloucester, on Connecticut River, where
he possessed property. He began to
raise a corps, and served under Lieut.
-General Burgoyne in the campaign of
1777 as Lieut.-Colonel, but from that
year to November, 1781, he was paid as
captain, and from the impossibility of
his filling a corps and his own
infirmities he was continued as captain
in ye loyal Rangers.
Captain Justus Sherwood Connecticut 7 years Was a farmer of
property in what is now
called the New Vermont State, and
deprived of it by the late rebellion,
through which he has been both active
and zealous in opposing it.
Captain Jonathan Jones Connecticut 7 years Was a Justice of the
Peace for the County of
Albany, in the Province of New York,
where he had a farm, mills, and other
property, of which he was deprived by
the late rebellion.
Captain William Fraser Scotland 6 1/2 yrs A farmer of property
in the Province of
New York, of which he was deprived by
the late rebellion.
Captain John Jones Connecticut 6 1/2 yrs A farmer of property
in the Province of
New York, which he was deprived of by
the late rebellion.
Captain Peter Drummond Scotland 7 years A farmer of property
in the Province of
New York, of which he was deprived by
the late rebellion.
Captain John W. Meyers New York 6 1/2 yrs A farmer in the
Province of New York,
of which with other property to a
considerable amount lost by the
Captain Thomas Fraser Scotland 6 1/2 yrs A farmer of property
in the Province of
New York, lost by the rebellion.
Lieut. Guisbert Sharp New York 6 1/2 yrs A wealthy farmer in
that Province, lost by
the rebellion.
Lieut. Henry Simmonds New York 6 1/2 yrs A farmer of property
in that Province, lost
by the rebellion.
Lieut. David Jones Connecticut 7 years A farmer of property
in the Province of
New York, lost by the rebellion.
Lieut. James Parrot Boston 7 years A farmer of property
in the Province of
New York, lost by the rebellion.
Lieut. Alex'r Campbell New York 6 1/2 yrs A wealthy farmer of
some considerable
property in that Province, lost by
the rebellion.
Lieut. David McFall Ireland 7 years Was many years a
sergeant in the 26th
Regiment, where he served with credit.
Lieut. John Dulmage Ireland 7 years A farmer of property
in the Province of
New York.
Lieut. Gershom French Connecticut 6 1/2 yrs A young man of some
property who had
commenced business as a merchant just
at the beginning of the trouble in
Lieut. Gideon Adams Connecticut 7 years A young farmer of
Lieut. John Ritter N. Yk. 6 1/2 yrs A farmer of property
in that Province.
Lieut. James Robins Old England 6 1/2 yrs A country merchant in
the Province of New York.
Lieut. Edward Jessup N. Yk. 6 1/4 yrs Major Jessup's son,
and entirely dependent
on his father.
Ensign John Dusenbury N. Yk. 6 1/2 yrs A wealthy farmer's
son in that Province.
Ensign John Peters Connecticut 6 1/2 yrs Son of Col. Peters, and
dependent on his father.
Ensign Elijah Bottom Connecticut 6 1/2 yrs A farmer's son in
that Province.
Ensign Thomas Sherwood Connecticut 4 1/2 yrs A farmer in the
Province of New York.
Ensign Thomas Mann N. Yk. 6 1/2 yrs Son of a gentleman
farmer in that Province.
Ensign Harmonius Best N. Yk. 6 1/2 yrs A farmer of property
in that Province.
Ensign William Lawson Connecticut 7 years A farmer in the
Province of New York.
Ensign Conrad Best N. Yk. 6 years A farmer in that
Adjt. Matthew Thompson Ireland 2 years A sergeant-major in the
31st Regiment, where he
had served Line many years as a
non-commissioned officer with credit.
Master John Fergnson Ireland 1 year A sergeant-major in the
10 mo. 29th Regiment, where he
had served many years as a
non-commissioned officer with credit.
Surgeon George Smyth Ireland 2 1/2 yrs A physician in the
Province of New York.
Mate Solomon Jones Connecticut 7 years Student of his
profession in Albany,
in the Proy. of New York.
Commander Loyal Rangers.
Rank. Names. Place of of Ser- Former Stations,
Nativity. vice and Remarks
Lt.-Col. John Butler Near London 29 yrs An officer, from the
Com'nt year 1755.
Captain Wilham Caldwell Connecticut 9 yrs Abandoned some property
and considerable
expectation from an opulent relation,
strongly attached to the Americans, by
making his escape from Philadelphia to
Niagara, in the year 1775, where he was
appointed an officer in ye Indian
department, and afterwards to a company
in the Rangers, in which line he has on
frequent occasions distinguished himself
as an active gallant partisan.
Captain John McDonell Inverness- 9 years Came to America with
shire, Scot- his father, and other
land Highland emigrant's in
1773; settled in Tryon County, near
Johnstown, in the Province of New York;
entered in His Majesty's service as a
subaltern officer, 14th June, 1775, in
the 84th or Royal Highland Emigrants.
Captain Peter Ten Broeck Albany, 28 yrs A captain in the York
New York Provincial Regiment,
last war, commanded by
Col. Oliver de Lancey, and one of His
Majesty's Justices of the Peace.
Captain Peter Hare Mohawk River 7 years Private gentleman.
Tryon C'y
Captain George Dame Halifax, 24 yrs A subaltern promoted
Nova Scotia from the 84th Regiment.
Captain Bernard Frey Tryon C'y, 7 years A gentleman's son; on
New York the Mohawk river, served
in ye Indian department:
two years from thence joined the corps
of Rangers.
Captain John McKinnon Scotland Served with the Southern
army, and recommended
to His Excellency the commander-in-chief
by Lord George Germain.
Captain Louis Genevey Switzerland 28 yrs Joined the 60th Regt. as
volunteer in the year
1756, and served until the reduction
in 1763. Served as adjutant to ye
British Militia when Canada was invaded
in 1775, and was that year appointed
quartermaster to the 3rd Batt. of the
60th Regt., and though upon service in
Canada, with leave, and paying another
for doing his duty, he was superceded
upon which he was appointed to a company
in this corps.
Captain Andrew Bradt Schenectady 9 years Farmer's son.
Cap.-Lt Benjamin Pawling Philadelphia 7 years Farmer.
1st Lt. John Turney Strangford, 25 yrs 18 years in King's (or
Co. Down, 8th) Regt., 17 of which
Ireland. as no commissioned
1st Lt. Jacob Ball Schoharry, in 6 yrs A farmer. Captain of
Co. of Albany, Militia. Left his
New York. estate and family in
1778, and brought off
part of a company of men; joined the
corps of Rangers.
1st Lt. John Hare Mohawk River 7 years Farmer's son.
1st Lt. Peter Ball Co. of Albany 6 years Farmer's son.
Prov. N. Yk.
1st Lt. Thomas Butler Mohawk River 3 yrs. Lieut.-Co. Butler's son.
9 mos.
1st Lt. Joseph Tennies Stamford, 6 years Farmer.
1st Lt. Alex. McDonell Invernesshire, 7 years Came to America with
Scotland his father and other
Highland emigrants in
1773 ; settled in Tryon County, near
Johnstown, in the Province or New York;
entered into his Majesty's service as a
volunteer in the 84th or Royal Highland
1st Lt. Ralph Clinch Pennsylvania 5 years Farmer's son, served
one year as a volunteer
in the King's (or 8th) Regiment.
1st Lt. Richard Hanson Co'y Tryon, 4 years Farmer.
Prov. N. Yk.
2nd Lt. David Baas Somerset Co. 6 1/2 yrs Millwright.
E. New Jersey
2nd Lt. Charles Tonnancour Canada Son of Col. Tonnancour,
of the Militia at
Three Rivers.
2nd Lt. John Bradt Mohawk River 4 years Farmer's son.
2nd Lt. Caleb Reynolds Plainfield, 7 years Farmer's son.
2nd Lt. Chichester MeDonell Invernesshire, 6 years Came to America with
Scotland his father and other
Highland emigrants in 1773; settled in
Tryon County near Johnstown, in ye
Province of New York; entered His
Majesty's service a volunteer in the
King's Royal Regiment of New York in
the year 1778.
2nd Lt. Philip Leek Jericho, 6 years A farmer, served four
Albany, Co. years in a body of
New York Refugees at New York,
and two years in the corps of Rangers.
2nd Lt. Samuel Tieffie Three years a volunteer
in the 44th Regiment,
and son of Quarter-Master Tieffie.
2nd Lt. Solomon Secord New Rochell, 7 years Farmer's son.
West Chester Co.,
Prov. N. Yk.
2nd Lt. David Sutherland Scotland Served a year as
volunteer in the 84th
2nd Lt. Andrew Butler Mohawk River 9 mos. Lieut.-Colonel Butler's
Adj'ant William Smith Halifax, Co. 32 yrs. In the army; served
York, England twenty-nine years in
the 47th Regiment,
nineteen of which a sergeant and three
years in the corps of Rangers.
Quarter Jessy Pawling Philadelphia 6 years Private gentleman.
Surgeon Robert M. Guthrie Limerick, 8 years Six months hospital
Ireland mate; came to America
with ye first troops
in May, 1776.
Mate Patrick Burke Co. Mayo, 2 years A surgeon to different
Ireland trading vessels.
Lieut.-Colonel Commanding.
Rank. Names. Place of of Ser- Former Stations,
Nativity. vice and Remarks
Lt.-Col. Sir John Johnson America 8 years Succeeded his father,
Com'dt. Bart. the late Sir. Wm. Johnson,
as major-general of the Northern
District of the Province of New York;
was in possession of near 200,000 acres
of valuable land, lost in consequence
of the rebellion.
Major James Gray Scotland 26 yrs Ensign in Lord Loudon's
Regiment, 1745;
lieut. and capt. in ye 42nd till after
taking the Havannah, at which time he
sold out.* Had some landed property,
part of which is secured to his son,
ye remnant lost in consequence of the
*Havannah was taken in 1762. Gray sold out in 1763.
Captain Angus McDonald Scotland 25 yrs Ensign in 60th Regt.,
8th July, 1760; lieut.
in same regiment, 27th Dec., 1770. Sold
out on account of bad state of health,
22nd May, 1775. Had no lands.
Captain John Munro Scotland 8 years Had considerable landed
property lost in
consequence of ye rebellion, and served
in last war in America.
Captain Patrick Daly Ireland 9 years Lieut. in the 84th
Regiment at the seige
of Quebec, 1775-76.
Captain Richard Duncan Scotland 13 yrs Five years ensign in
the 55th Regiment.
Captain Samuel Anderson America 8 years Had landed property,
and served in last war
in America.
Captain John McDonell Scotland 8 years Had landed property,
500 acres, purchased,
and began to improve
in April, 1774.
Captain Alex. McDonell Scotland 8 years 200 acres of land in
fee simple, under
Sir John Johnson, Bart., ye annual
rent of £6 per 100.
Captain Arch'd McDonell Scotland 8 years Merchant. Had no lands.
Cap.-Lt Allan McDonell Scotland 8 years Held 200 acres of land
under Sir John Johnson,
at £6 per 100.
Lieut. Malcolm McMartin Scotland 8 years Held 100 acres of land
under Sir John Johnson,
at £6.
Lieut. Peter Everett America 7 years Had some landed prop'ty.
Lieut. John Prentiss America 9 years A volunteer at the
seige of Quebec,
Lieut. Hugh McDonell Scotland 7 years Son of Capt. McDonell.
Lieut. John F. Holland America 5 years Son of Major Holland,
Province of Quebec.
Lieut. William Coffin America 3 years Son of Mr. Coffin,
merchant, late of
Lieut. Jacob Farrand America 7 years Nephew to Major Gray.
Lieut. William Claus America 7 years Son of Col. Claus,
deputy agent Indian
Lieut. Hugh Munro America 6 years Son of Capt. John Munro.
Lieut. Joseph Anderson America 6 years Son of Capt. Samuel
Lieut. Thomas Smith Ireland 4 years Son of Dr. Smith.
Ensign John Connolly Ireland 2 years Private gentleman.
Ensign Jacob Glen America 3 years Son of John Glen. Esq.,
of Schenectady. Had
considerable landed property.
Ensign Miles McDonell Scotland 3 years Son of Capt. John
Ensign Ehenezer Anderson America 6 years Son of Capt. Samuel
Ensign Duncan Cameron Scotland 14 yrs In service last war
preceding this one.
Ensign John Mann America 8 years Private gentleman.
Ensign Francis McCarthy Ireland 28 yrs Formerly sergeant in
the 34th Regiment.
Ensign John Valentine America 24 yrs 18 years in 55th and
62nd Regiments.
Chapln John Doty America 8 years Formerly minister of
the gospel at
Adjt. James Valentine Ireland 4 years Son of ensign
John Valentine.
Quartr Isaac Mann America 8 years Merchant.
Surgeon Charles Austin England 22 yrs. 14 years in hospital
Mate James Stewart Scotland 14 yrs Surgeon's mate in the
42nd. Regiment the war
before last.
Rank. Names. Place of of Ser- Former Stations,
Nativity. vice and Remarks
Major Robert Leake England 7 years Had large landed
property. &c., lost in
consequence of the
Captain Thomas Gummesell England 8 years Formerly merchant in
New York.
Captain Jacob Maurer Foreigner 28 yrs Served in ye army in
the 60th Regiment, from
1756 to 1763, afterwards
in the quarter-master
general's department.
Captain William Morrison Scotland 8 years Was lieut., 19th June,
1776 in 1st Batt.;
capt., 15th Nov., 1781, in 2nd Batt.
Captain James McDonell Scotland 8 years Held 200 acres of land
in fee simple, under
Sir John Johnson, at £6 per 100.
Captain George Singleton Ireland 8 years Formerly merchant.
Captain Wm. Redford Crawford America 8 years Held lands under
Sir John Johnson.
Captain ?? Byrns Ireland 8 years Held lands under
Sir John Johnson.
Captain ?? Lepscomb England 7 years Midshipman, Royal Navy.
Captain ?? McKenzie Scotland 8 years Held lands under
Sir John Johnson.
Lieut. Patrick Langan Ireland 7 years Private gentleman.
Lieut. Walter Sutherland Scotland 10 yrs. Soldier and
non-commissioned officer in
26th Regt.; ensign, 17th Oct., 1779,
in 1st Batt.; Lieut., Nov., 1781,
in 2nd Batt.
Lieut. William McKay Scotland 15 yrs 7 years volunteer and
sergeant, in 21st
Lieut. Neal Robertson Scotland 8 years Merchant.
Lieut. Henry Young America 8 years Farmer.
Lieut. John Howard Ireland 13 yrs Farmer; served 6 years
last war, from 1755 to
1761, as soldier and non-commissioned
officer in 28th Regiment.
Lieut. Jeremiah French America 7 years Farmer.
Lieut. Philip P. Lansingh America 4 years High Sheriff, Charlot
Lieut. Hazelton Spencer America 7 years Farmer.
Lieut. Oliver Church America 7 years Farmer.
Lieut. William Fraser Scotland 7 years Farner.
Lieut. Christian Wher Foreigner 7 years Farmer.
Ensign Alex. McKenzie N. Britain 4 years Farmer.
Ensign Ronald McDonell N. Britain 3 years Farmer.
Ensign Samuel McKay America 3 years Son of late Captain
Ensign ?? Hay America 3 years Son of Governor Hay
of Detroit.
Ensign Timothy Thompson America 3 years Private gentleman.
Ensign John McKay America 3 years Son of the late
Captain Mckay.
Ensign ?? Johnson Ireland 2 years Nephew to the late
Sir William Johnson,
Ensign ?? Crawford America 4 years Son of Captain Crawford
Chapl'n John Stewart America 3 years Missionary for the
Mohawk Indians at
Fort Hunter.
Adjt. ?? Fraser Scotland 10 yrs 7 years soldier and
officer in 34th Regt.
Master ?? Dies America 7 years Farmer.
Surgeon R. Kerr Scotland 3 years Assistant surgeon.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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