This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 8, Published in Toronto in 1907
Pages 149-225.
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Stamford Twp. Marriages 1827-1834
Burials by Rev. Wm. Leeming 1820-1837
Baptisms by Rev. Wm. Leeming 1820-1837
Marriages by Rev. Wm. Leeming 1820-1835
Marriages by Thomas Cummings, J.P. 1801-1820
Early records of Twps. of Willoughby and Crowland.
Edited by Janet Carnochan.
The following records were obtained from various sources and
relate to three early churches of the Niagara Peninsula and to a
noted merchant of Chippawa.
The records of the Stamford Church were kindly loaned by Mr.
McMicking, and it is told with pardonable pride were once
produced in a court of justice to decide a lawsuit.
Those relating to Chippawa were rescued by Colonel Cruikshank
from an old building where old account books were found, some of
them almost undecipherable from the effects of rain and damp,
some mildewed and decayed, and now recopied by kind permission
from that gentleman's first copy.
Stamford Church was probably the first in Upper Canada, with
perhaps the exception of the Mohawk Church, near Brantford. It
is supposed to have been built in 1786 or 1787, but the earliest records
are unfortunately lost. The oldest record in the graveyard is
1793. In the session book the name is the Associate Presbyterian
Society, and the congregation is still in connection with the
churches of the United States. The faithful pastor, who for
nearly thirty years kept the records here printed, is thus
commemorated in the graveyard:
"In memory of the Rev. John Russell, D.D., Pastor of the Associate
Presbyterian congregation of Stamford, who died March 3rd,
1854, in the 58th year of his age and 28th of his ministry.
After he had served this generation, by the will of God he fell
on sleep. 'Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a
crown of life.' Requiescat in Pace."
The marriages performed by Thomas Cummings, of which the record
is so quaintly expressed, "Be it remembered," were legal by Act
of Parliament, as if no clergyman were nearer than eighteen
miles the ceremony could he performed by a justice of the peace.
The Rev. R. Leeming did not arrive till 1820, and it is likely there was
not always a resident minister in Stamford, and Niagara, where
congregations dated from 1792, was distant eighteen miles.
Thomas Cummings was the first settler, coming in 1784, and did
an extensive business as a merchant. The books kept by him are
models of neatness, dating from 1796, and the same methodical
habits are shown in the records of his son, James Cummings.
The records of the building of the Lundy's Lane Church are
interesting, as Drummond Hill, where the present church stands,
as did also that which preceded it, was the scene of the Battle
of Lundy's Lane, the hill alternately held on that night of 25th
July by foemen using the bayonet, that hill where the next day
the bodies of the slain were consumed to ashes after a battle
the most stubbornly contested of any in the War of 1812, in
which each side claims the victory, the loss on each side nearly
equal, about 900 in killed, wounded and missing, but our forces
remaining in possession of the field and the enemy retreating,
it is with reason that we claim that Lundy's Lane was ours.
NOTE.-The book is dated Forres, October 30th, 1820, then
Stamford, U.C., 1827, and is in very small, fine writing.
April 12. In the Township of Pelham, Jas. Watson, of Thorold, to
Eleanor McGinnis, of Pelham, by special license from R. Grant, Esq.
19. In the Township of Stamford, John Tharson to Naomi Clow,
both of the Township of Stamford, by special license from R. Grant, Esq.
23. Jas. Smith, of Stamford, to Janet McCradie, by special
license from R. Grant, Esq.
May 17. In the Township of Stamford, Wm. Hickson to May McLellan,
both of the Township of Stamford, by special license from H. Grant, Esq.
In the Township of Niagara, Daniel Cooper to Catherine Armstrong,
both of the said township, by license.
June 27. In the Township of Niagara, Jacob Putman, of Bertie, to
Rebecca Young, of Niagara, by special license.
Aug. 17.In the Village of Stamford, David Ostrander, of Stamford,
to Lucy Young, of Niagara, by license from R. Grant.
Sept. 13.In the Village of Stamford, John Bastedo, of Dundas, to
Susan Ayton, of Stamford, per license from R. Grant.
Oct. 4. In the Village of Stamford, Robert Thorn, of Thorold, to
Phebe Hinor, per special license from R. Grant, Esq.
9. Christopher Beamer to Esther Man, by Rev. Mr. Eastman.
10. Jas. Everingsham, of Crowland, to Nancy Mathews, of Thorold,
by special license from R. Grant, Esq.
22. Alpha H. Shaw, of Tomkins County, N.Y., to Almira Phelps,
of Grantham, by special license from R. Grant, Esq.
Nov. 8. Thos. Cartwright to Catherine Thompson, both of the Township of
Stamford, by special license from R. Grant, Esq.
Dec. 22. Colin Mathews to Abigail Hagar, both of the Township
of Thorold, by special license from R. Grant, Esq.
24. Alexander Depese, of Bain, to Flizzia Strawberge, of
Grantham. Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation
of Stamford and Thorold.
Jan. 24. Peter Lessing to Elizabeth McLellan, both of the
Township of Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
31. William McLellan to Emeline Useyen, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
[Jan Thiessen of Winnipeg advises that the couple above are her ancestors
and the correct names are William McClellan and Emeline Unger.]
March 4. Jas. Goring Parnall to Elizabeth Seed, both of the
Township of Grantham, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
5. Daniel S. Brown to Maria Ann Groff, both of the Township of
Thorold, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
6. Alexander McKerlie to Mary Ann Bender, both of the Township
of Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
11. Ira Needs to Mary Morris, both of the Township of Grantham.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford
and Thorold.
22. Jas. Duff to Jane Mckerlie, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
31. Moses Cook to Sarah May, both of the Township of Grantham,
by license from R. Grant, Esq.
April 3. Aexander Rogers to Delilah Markle, both of the
Township of Niagara, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
April 10. John Gillis, of Thorold, to Sarah Newkirk, of Grantham,
by license from R. Grant, Esq.
21. Samuel Rice to Rebecca Forrester, both of the Township of
Thorold. Published in the Associate congregation of Stamford and Thorold.
Jos. Thorn, of Stamford, to Sarah Rice, of Thorold. Published
in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford and Thorold.
29. Richard Thomson to Sarah Hardison, both of the Township of
Bertie, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
May 10. James Field, of the Township of Niagara, to Maria Middaugh,
of the Township of Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
13. Jas. McOwen, of Grantham, to Sophia McKinley, of Niagara, by
license from H. Grant, Esq.
June 16. David Kemp, of the Township of Niagara, to Mary Tuttle,
of the Township of Stamford, by license from H. Grant, Esq.
July 8. Jos. Vanevery, of the Township of Stamford, to Mary
Hyslop, of Thorold, per license from H. Grant.
10. Isaac Clark, of Thorold, to Margaret Cavers, of Grantham.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford
and Thorold.
16. John Beamer, in the Township of Louth, to Maria Jane May,
of the Township of Grantham. Published in the Associate Presbyterian
Congregation of Stamford and Thorold.
Sept. 24. John Corwine, of Stamford, to Catharine Upper, of
Thorold, by license from H. Grant, Esq.
25. Zechariah Cole to Sarah Shulties, both of the Township of
Grantham. Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford.
Oct. 6. Joseph Wynn to Mary McCabe, both of the Township of
Niagara, by license from H. Grant, Esq.
14. Henry May, of the Village of Dundas, to Maria Sweazy, of the
Township of Thorold, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Nov. 6. John Kilman to Margaret McKerlie, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from H. Grant, Esq.
11. Benjamin Cherrier to Eliza Hudson, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Dec. 2. Henry Sitzer, of. Stamford, to Mary Ann Renen, of Thorold.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford.
10. Luther Dunn to Mary Miller, both of St. David's, by license.
25. Jacob F. Terry to Catherine Brown, both. of the Township of
Niagara, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Jan. 22. Simon Kemp to Deborah Freel, both of the Township of
Niagara, by license.
27. William Upper to Ann Sidey, both of the Township of Thorold.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford and Thorold.
Jacob Kerr, of the Township of Grantham, to Isabel Sidey, of the Township
of Thorold. Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of
Stamford and Thorold.
Feb. 5. George Hutt, of the Township of Stamford, to Susannah McKinley,
of the Township of Niagara, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
12. Gilbert E. Fields to Rebecca Froman [Vrooman], both of the Township
of Niagara, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
March 10. Jacob Hill, of Thorold, to Sarah Dunham, of Stamford.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford.
19. Abraham Markle to Hannah Crysler, both of the Township of
Niagara, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
April 16. Robert Garner, of Stamford to Lydia Spencer, of
Thorold, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
22. Stephen Parnall to Eliza Kip, both of the Township of
Grantham, by license from R. Grant.
May 8. Henry Elingal Bossem to Sally Ellsworth, both of the
Township of Grantham, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
14. William Bender to Rebecca Green, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
28. Jonas Fortner to Mary M. Neville, both of the Township by
license from R. Grant, Esq.
June 10. Daniel Cooper to Jane Cooper, both of the Township. of
Niagara, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
18. Samuel Hatch to Margaret Hardy, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
June 24. John C. Banks, of the Township of Thorold, to Henny Ann
Shultes, of the Township of Niagara, Published in the Associate
Presbyterian congregation of Stamford and Thorold.
26. James Brown Jones, of the Township of Niagara, to Mary Bessey,
of the Township of Grantham, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
July 2. Francis Bogarders [Bogardus] to Catherine DeWilt, both of the
Township of Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Aug. 2. Sidney Robert Squire to Susan Hoover, both of the Township of
Thorold, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Sept. 22. Charles McKenzie to Jane Pitkaithley, both of the
Township of Stamford, by license from B. Grant, E&q.
29. William Warner, of the Township of Niagara, to Isabella Orr,
of the Township of Thorold, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Oct. 1. Mathew Thomas, of the Township of Thorold, to Elizabeth Lampman,
of the Township of Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Nov. 9. Hiram Lafleur, of Chinquacousy, to Martha Ostrander, of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Dec. 29. Wm. L. Peterson to Susanna McMicking, both of the Township
of Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Jan. 5. Usher Goldsmith to Amy Smith, both of the Township
of Louth. Published in the Associate congregation of Stamford.
19. Conrad Shoock to Mary McDonald, both of the Township of
Grantham, by license from R. Grant.
21. Jacob Hainer, of the Township of Grantham, to Parmela Smith,
of the Township of Thorold, by special license.
Feb. 18. Hugh McKerrall to Emily Dawson, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
March 10. Richard Clement to Deborah Medach, [Middaugh] both of the
Township of Niagara, by license from R. Grant.
24. Philip Wilson to Sally Kelly, both of the Township of
Grantham. Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation
of Stamford, etc.
March 24. William Read to Sally Hike, both of the Township of
Grantham. Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation
of Stamford.
30. George Coulter to Ann Vanderburgh, both of the Township of Thorold,
by license from R. Grant, Esq.
May 5. Joseph Upper to Charlotte Mathews both of the Township of Thorold,
by license from R. Grant, Esq.
12. Reuben Biggar to Elizabeth Bender, both of the Township
of Stanford, by licence from R. Grant.
19. George Cook, of St. David's to Sally Coos, both of the
Township of Stamford. Published in the Associate Presbyterian
Congregation of Stamford.
June 30. Lewis Jackson to Sally Boston, both of St. David's. Published
in the Associate Presbyterian Congregation of Stamford.
July 18. Martin Sitzer to Anna Margaret Shriver, both of the
Township of Thorold. Published in the Associate Presbyterian
Congregation of Stamford.
Sept. 21. George Upper, of the Township of Thorold, to Phebe Cook,
of the Township of Crowland, by license from R. Grant.
30. Joseph Midach, [Middaugh] of the Township of Niagara, to
Susan Johnson, of the Township of Stamford, by license from R. Grant.
Oct. 25. Joseph J. Upper, in the Township of Thorold, to Mary Ann Here,
in the Township of Stamford. Published in the Associate Presbyterian
congregation of Stamford.
Dec. 15. Robert Loree, of the Township of Stamford, to Rhoda Williams,
of the Township of Thorold, by license from R. Grant.
23. John Lennox to Frances Pew, both of the Township of Stamford,
by license from R. Grant.
29. Theophilus Brundage, of the Township of Grantham, to Jane Badgeley,
of the Township of Thorold, by licence from R. Grant.
Jan. 6. James Neville of the township of Stamford, to Mary Wilkinson,
of the township of Thorold, by license from R. Grant.
Jan. 6. Obadiah Hopkins to Ann Swayzie, both of the Township
of Thorold, by license from R. Grant.
19. John Hawkins, of Pendleton, County of Niagara, State of N. York,
to Nelly Burch, of Stamford, U. Canada, by license from R. Grant.
20. Richard Smith to Phebe Street, both of St. John's, Township
of Thorold, by license from R. Grant, Esq.
Feb. 2. George Bender, of the Township of Stamford, to Hester Doan,
of the Township of Thorold, by license from R. Grant.
11. Abram Secord to Charlotte Vansickle, both of the Township of
Grantham, by license issued at Niagara.
15. Enos Shrigley, of the Township of Pelham, to Eliza Brown,
of the Township of Thorold. Published in the Associate
Presbyterian congregation of Stamford.
March 1. John Vanderburg to Abigail Spesnor, both of the
Township of Stamford, by license from R. Grant.
3. Christian Warner, junior, to Margaret Precure, both of the
Township of Niagara, by license from R. Grant. John Mitchell,
Alexander Miller, witnesses.
11. William Little, of York, to Isabella Thomson, of Niagara.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford
and Thorold. John Eaglesum, James Francis, witnesses.
29. Amos Bradshaw, of Thorold, to Susannah Misner, of Crowland.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford.
John Misner and Elisha Misner, witnesses.
April 28. Hiram McDowal to Margaret Upper, both in the Township of
Thorold, by license from R. Grant. Anthony Upper and David McDowal, witnesses.
May 2. William Smith, of Pelham to Mary Cof, of Stamford.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford
and Thorold. Ezekiel Rice and WilTiam Rice, witnesses.
10. Elijah Gleason to Rachel Smith, both in the Township of
Pelham. Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of Stamford
and Thorold. Daniel Stump and Catherine Smith, witnesses.
12. David Lynch to Elizabeth Spencer, both in the Township of
Stamford, by licence from R. Grant. William Hepburn and
Benjamin Cormine, witnesses.
May 18. William B. O. Riley, of Wainsfleet, to Eliza Chapman,
of Pelham. Published in the Associate presbyterian congregation
of Stamford. Enos Sprigley and Alex. Brown, witnesses.
25. William McCracken, of Crowland, to Maria Emerick, of Thorold,
by license from R. Grant. Andrew Nevils, David Snively, witnesses.
June 16. Samuel Darling, of Thorold, to Charlotte Celia Wilson,
of Pelham, by license from R. Grant. Lewis Wilson and Andrew More, witnesses.
22. David McDowal to Elizabeth Upper, both of the Township of
Thorold, by license from R. Grant. Antony Upper and Hiram McDowal, witnesses.
29. John Johnson to Ann Hoswell, both of the Township of Stamford,
by license from R. Grant. Henry Hoswel and William Everingham, witnesses.
July 7. John Blanchard to Jane Hartswell, both of the Township of Stamford.
Published in the Associate presbyterian congregation of Stamford.
James Hyat and Joseph Medach [Middaugh], witnesses.
13. Henry Howal to Catherine Ann Garrison, both in the Township
of Stamford, by license from H. Grant. David Close and John McKinley, witnesses.
14. James Emerick, of Thorold, to Catherine McCracken, of Crowland,
by license from R. Grant. James McCracken and John Emeriek, witnesses.
Aug. 22. Nicolas Potts, of Crowland, to Charity Warner, of
Niagara, by license. Christian Warner, Sr., and Thos. J. Nevills, witnesses.
Sept. 1. Philip Wilson to Jemima Merithew, both of the Township
of Grantham. Published in the Associate Presbyterian Congregation
of Stamford and Thorold. Jonathan Merithew and John Lampman, witnesses.
James Hulbert, of Stamford, to Salesdon Cook, of Crowland.
Published in the Associate Presbyterian congregation of
Stamford. Elijah Cooper and Mary Misner, witnesses.
William Fram to Jane Boyd, both of the Township of Stamford, by
license from B. Grant. Stephen Peer and Ann Bell, witnesses.
Sept. 5. William Bice to Rebecca Brooks, both of the Township of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant. John Wilson and Alfred W. Allen, witnesses.
Oct. 12. Reuben Goodman, of Grantham, to Hannah Midaugh, of
Niagara, by license from R. Grant. John Midaugh and Smith Midaugh, witnesses.
13. William Johnson to Ann Margaret Lampman, both of the
Township of Stamford, by license from R. Grant. William Iampman,
George Shaw, witnesses.
Nov. 16. Ephraim Hopkins to Mary Willson, both of the Township
of Thorold, by license. George Shaw and Hetty Hopkins, witnesses.
22. Henry Hoover, of Thorold, to Catherine Jane Pew, of
Stamford, by license from R. Grant. George Hoover and John Crawford, witnesses.
Dee. 15. Alonzo Young to Ann McCredie, both of the Township of
Willoughby, by license. James Smith, Janet Smith, witnesses.
Jan. 11 George Shaw to Mehitabel Hopkins, both of the Township
of Thorold, by license. Ephraim Hopkins and Mary Hopkins, witnesses.
19. Robert Campbell to Margaret McLeod, both of the Township of
Thorold, by license. Thos. Bald and William Orr, witnesses.
25. William Davis, of the Township of Niagara, to Hellen Bender,
of the Township of Stamford, by license. John Davis and John Hawkins, witnesses.
Feb. 2. Robert Wilkinson to Rebeeca Vanderburgh, both of the
Township of Thorold, by license. Jacob Vanderburgh and William Selewin, witnesses.
7. William Coughell to Jane Merethew, Niagara Township, by
license. John Coughell, Aaron Allen, witnesses.
8. George Hoover, of the Township of Thorold, to Wilhain Jackson
Falconbridge, of the Township of Stamford, by license.
Samuel Falconbridge and Henry Hoover, witnesses.
16. Thomas Clark, of Thorold, to Isabella Cavers, of Grantham.
Published. Blateley Robinson and James Robinson, witnesses.
Feb. 23. Elijah W. Devaurex to Catherine Nhier, both of the
Township of Grantham. Lewis Travers and George Aire, witnesses.
April 5. By license, Samuel Conger to Maria Weiner, both of the
Township of Niagara. Richard H. Secord and Samuel R. Secord, witnesses.
16. By license, John Mitchell to Mary Henderson, both of the
Township of Stamford. Joseph Caleff and Alexander Wallace, witnesses.
18. By license, George Coon, of the Township of Stamford, to Dradama Collard,
of the Township of Niagara. Elijah Collard and Peter Hoover, witnesses.
May 23. Peter Lampman, of Stamford, to Catherine Cole, of Grantham, by license.
John Cole and William Seburn, witnesses.
June 21. By license, Robert Kelly to Caroline Kerr, of the Township of Thorold.
Aaron Theal and Hannah Ann Kelly, witnesses.
July 31. By license, Alexander Page, of Thorold, to Edith Young, of Crowland.
Jonathan Page and Mary Ann Young, witnesses.
Oct. 11. By license, Lewis Robinson to Mary Ann Stuart, both of the Township
of Niagara. Richard Boltemore and Isaac Boltemore, witnesses.
22. By publishing of banns, Robert Cruikshank, of Stamford, to
Catherine Wright, of Crowland. Thomas Wright and Jacob Young, witnesses.
25. By publishing, William McIntyre to Elizabeth Falkner, both
of St. David's. George Cook, Isaac Baltimore, witnesses.
Nov. 15. By publishing, Bletchly Robins, of Thorold, to Amy Cavers.
Grant Walter Cavers, Deborah Cohoe, witnesses.
By license, Joseph Gable, of Stamford, to Susan Southand, of
Niagara. George Cheshale. [Witness. probably.]
29. By license, Nathanael Pozy to Melinda Stuart, both of
Niagara. Lewis Robinson and Mary Robinson, witnesses.
By license, Thomas Neville, of the Township of Crowland, to
Nancy Hesmell, of the Township of Stamford. John Kamsdem and
Peter Misner, witnesses.
Jan. 2. By license, Jacob Young to Susan Wiley, of the
Township of Crowland. John Misner and Crowell Wilson, witnesses.
March 13. By license, John Wilson, of Gainsboro', to Margaret Wires,
of Wainfleet. Joseph Hyslop and George Hill, witnesses.
14. By license, Robert Gilchrist to Jane Collard, both of the
Township of Stamf0rd. Hiram Van Wike and Elijah Collard, witnesses.
19. By license, Russell A. Wells to Anne Defields, both of
Queenston. Edward Defields and William Defields. witnesses
June 12. By license, Samuel Haux, of Toronto, to Lydia Hopkins,
of the Township of Thorold. Samuel Smith and Jane Hopkins, witnesses.
Aug. 15. By publication, John Coulson to Charlotte Griffith,
both of the Township of Stamford. Thomas Coulson and
Elizabeth Coulson, witnesses.
20. By publication, William Smith to Catherine Anger, both of
the Township of Louth. Benjamin Noble and Julia Hall, witnesses.
Sept. 26. By publication of banns, George Galloway to Rosanna Lucas,
both of St. David's. Andrew Lucas and Samuel Peterson, witnesses.
By license, John Thomson to Amelia MeMicking, both of the Township
of Stamford. John McMicking and Archibald Thomson, witnesses.
Oct. 22. By license, Rev. James Strong, of Dumfries, Zorra District,
to Ann Sanderson, of Stamford. Thomas Hugo, Sr., and Thomas Hugo, Jr., witnesses.
23. By license, John Row, of Stamford, to Mary Ann Fitch, of
Willoughby. William Davis, Sr., and Henry Fitch, witnesses.
Nov. 17. By publication, Thomas Daniel and Mary ???, both of
the Township of Stamford. David Walter and John Coulson, witnesses.
19. By license, William Bank to Deborah St. John, both of the
Township of Thorold. Frederick Bank and James Upper, witnesses.
Nov. 27. By license, Robert Wallace, junior, of Stamford, to Susan Delila
Mat---, of Thorold. Robert Wallace, senior, and John Watson, witnesses.
Jan. 23. Thomias McCredie, of Willoughby, to Nancy Wallace, of
Stamford. Robert Wallace, Sr., and William McCredie, witnesses.
30. By publication, Isaac Morris to Lydia Miller, both of the
Township of Stamford. Thomas and Isaac Battemen, witnesses.
Feb. 18. By publication, Robert Shrigley to Nancy W---, both of
the Township of Pelham. George Shrigley and Joseph Thorn witnesses.
NOTE.-The Robert Grant, Esq., so frequently referred to, is
buried in the Lutheran graveyard near Thorold, as there recorded:
Sacred to the memory of Robert Grant, Esq., born at Inverness,
Scotland, 16th Nov., 1776, died at Queenston, U.C., 16th May,
1838. This monument is erected by his daughter Christina, wife
of Jacob Keefer, Esq., of Thorold."
1820 TO 1837, BY REV. WM. LEEMING.
NOTE.-The original register Is kept by the Rector of Trinity
Church, Chippawa, from which register I have written this copy
of records. February, 1893. Geo. A. Bull, M.A., Rector of Stamford.
*In the manuscript sometimes "Chippewa," sometimes "Chippawa."
The proper spelling is "Chippawa," but the manuscript is
followed closely.
Sarah Glasgow, Stamford, Sept. 8, aged 5 years.
Barak Dawn, Niagara Falls, Oct. 4, aged 1 month.
Henrietta Archange Smith, Chippewa, Oct. 5, aged 2 years.
?? Warren, Waterloo, DeC. 10, aged 30 years.
Jane Cumming, Chippewa, Feb.17, aged 66.
Margaret Stuart Lefferty, Lundy's Lane. March 1, aged 9 months.
James Marshman, Stamford, March 21, aged, supposed about 45 years.
George Rohrback, Stamford, May 31, aged 22 years.
[The son of Lt.-Col. Andrew Rorback, of 2nd Lincoln Regiment,
who was born in New Jersey, died in 1843.]
John McDonald, Stamford, Oct 12.
John Jay, Lundy's Lane, Stamford, Oct.17, aged 73 years.
Huldy Cook, Lundy's Lane, Stamford, March 10, aged about 30 years.
R. Yale, Willoughby, April 19, aged 47 years.
Rev. William Sampson, Grimsby, April 30, aged 34 years.
[The first missionary of Grimsby, sent out by S. P. G. In 1817.
His records of births, deaths, marriages are printed in Vol.
III. A native of Surrey, England. His death was accidental.]
Mary Scott, Stamford, Aug.11, aged 70 years.
John Anderson, from Seapatrick, County Down, Ireland, Aug.13, aged 25 years.
John Burch, Stamford, Aug.16, aged 38 years.
[A son of the John Burch, whose was the first interment in
Lundy's Lane, in 1797.]
?? Shaw, St. David's, Sept. 5, aged 9 years.
?? McClive, Stamford, Lundy's Lane, Sept. 8.
?? Metlar, Thorold, Sept. 14, aged 30 or 80 (?).
James Clark, 15-Mile Creek, aged about 60.
?? Hull, Lundy's Lane, Oct. 3.
Alexander McPherson, Lundy's Lane, Dec. 8, aged 68.
Diademia Jay, Lundy's Lane, Dec.25.
?? Forsytb, Falls of Niagara, Jan. 16, infant.
Sidney Secord Lampman, interred En. Church, Thorold, Feb. 28, aged 2 years.
Thomas Cummings, Chippewa, March 5, aged about 65 years.
[The first settler in Chippawa, coming in 1784; was Town Clerk,
Justice of the Peace, performed many marriages in that capacity,
all beginning with the words "Be it remembered." The books kept
from 1796 by him and his son James are models of neatness and
methodical habits.]
Silvia Cook, Stamford, June 21, aged 17 years.
Benjamin Hardison, Bertie, July 28, aged about 70 years.
[Benjamin Hardison, the member for 4th Lincoln and Norfolk, 1796-1800.]
Mrs. Aiglor, Stamford, Aug.18, aged about 70 years.
Widow Archibald Thompson, Stamford, Aug. 22.
Mrs. Warner, Thorold, Aug.29, aged about 70 years.
?? Buchner, Stamford, Sept. 4, aged 16 months.
Seth Cook, Crowland, Sept. 21, aged about 36 years.
Mrs. Warren, Bertie, Sept.22, aged 83 years.
Infant daughter of Mr. Wait, Falls of Niagara, Oct. 2, aged 2 weeks.
[Related to Benjamin Wait, banished to Van Dieman's Land for his
share in Rebellion 1838.]
Infant daughter of Mr. Crysler, Falls of Niagara, Oct. 5, aged 9 weeks.
Haggai Skinner, Falls, Stamford, Oct. 8, aged 73 years.
Charles Rogers, Stamford, Nov. 15, aged 2 weeks.
Eliza Ball, near St. David's, Dec. 5, aged 13 years.
Mrs. Shaw, St. David's, Dec. 8.
Mrs. Gordon, interred at St. Catharines, Stamford, Feb.10, aged 33 years.
Mrs. Sutton, Stamford, Feb.26, aged about 35 years.
Geo. Milmine McMicking, Chippewa, April 1, infant.
[The mortality among infants seems remarkable to us at this day,
as the phrase infant daughter or infant son occurs so often.]
William Warner Cummings, Chippewa, April 6, aged 1 year and 11 months.
Margaret Kerby, Head of Lake, interred at Chippewa, April 15, aged 22 years.
Infant daughter of W. Hebburne, Chippewa, July 13.
Caroline Thomas, Lundy's Lane, July 16, infant.
Mrs. Miller, Black Creek, Aug. 2.
Infant daughter of Isaac and Anna Thomas, Aug.17.
Priscilla Cummings, Chippewa, Aug.30.
John McKarlay, Stamford, Sept. 3, aged 24 years.
Christopher Buchner, Falls, Stamford, Sept. 9, aged 57 years.
Patrick Wilson, Bertie, interred in Stamford, Oct.23, aged about 35.
John Brown, Chippewa, from Birmingham, England, Nov. 11, aged 37 years.
Samuel Woodruff, surgeon, St. David's, Nov. 18.
Thomas Dickson, Esq., Queenstcn, Jan.26, aged 49 years.
[A large altar tomb in the Hamilton family burying ground at
Queenston states that he came from Dumfries, Scotland, in 1789 ;
was colonel of Militia, member of Legislature and a magistrate.
He was also a merchant in Queenston.]
Amy Silverthorn, Thorold, Jan. 27, aged 8 years.
William Goodman, Thorold, from England, Jan.31, aged about 45 years.
Matthias Haun, Bertie, Feb. 4, aged 58 years.
Patrick Blunt, Stamford, July 24.
Mrs. Stephen Haggarty, Stamford, Feb.19, aged about 22 years.
Mr. Anderson, Stamford, April 19, aged 90 years.
John Metlar, Stamford, May 9, aged 5 years.
Sally Grant (negress), St. David's, May 31.
Mrs. Hoover, Stamford, June 3, aged 74 1-2 years.
Mr. Gould, near St. Catharines, June 28, aged 65 years.
Margaret Muirhead, Niagara, interred at Mr. Butler's private
burial place, July 9, aged 25 years.
[A daughter of Dr. Muirhead and Deborah Butler. James Butler
Muirhead, barrister, is also buried in Butler's family burial place.]
Rebecca Shaver, Stamford, July 22, aged about 30 years.
Louisa Lee, Stamford, July 25, aged 2 years.
?? Dodson, Falls, Stamford, from Winchester, Virginia, July 29, aged about 55 years.
?? Davis, Falls' Mills, Aug.15.
?? Stronger, Stamford, Aug. 17.
Mrs. Moore, St Catharines, Aug.18, aged 47 years.
Mrs. Chisholm, Stamford, Aug. 21, aged 66 years.
Wellington Forsyth, Falls, Stamford, Aug. 24, aged 8 years.
Hugh Alexander Thompson, Whirlpool, Stamford, Aug.25, aged 17 months.
[In the Presbyterian graveyard, Stamford, in one enclosure are
buried eight Thompsons, all born at the whirlpool, the eldest in 1819.]
Nelson Pew, Beechwood, Stamford, Aug.25, aged 9 years.
Infant daughter of Samuel Pew, Beechwood, interred Lundy's Lane, Aug.30, aged 6 months.
George Sutton, interred Lundy's Lane, Beechwood, Sept. 23, aged 5 years.
Rebecca Dawn, Thorold, Oct. 1, aged 18 months.
William Burnetsteen, Sept.27.
Mr. Sowersby, Chippewa, Sept.28.
William Maclem, [Macklem] Chippawa, Oct.17, aged 22 years.
Infant son of ?? Jolinson, Lundy's Lane, Oct.20, aged 1 year.
Robt. Davis, Stamford, Oct. 20.
Gee. Sowersby, Chippawa, Nov. 23, aged 7 months.
Mrs. Fletcher, Thorold Canal, Nov. 30, aged 65 years.
Joseph Blackstock, Thorold Canal, Dec. 2, aged about 25 years.
Joseph Rico, Chippawa, Jan.28.
Infant daughter of Dr. Bedale. [Beedle] St. Catharines, Feb.12, aged 14 months.
Infant daughter of ?? Moore, Stamford, Feb.19.
Infant daughter of Mr. Tisdale, Ancaster, Feb.26.
?? McKinney, St. Catharines, aged 8 years.
Thomas Huff, Chippawa, April 18, aged 11 months.
Mrs. Chase, St. Catharines, April 27, aged 21 years.
Minerva Johnson, Stamford, May 8, aged about 25 years.
?? Hainer, St. Catharines, June 7, aged 15 years.
Geo. Rose, Stamford, June, aged 30 years.
Geo. England Leonard, Stamford, July 9, aged 11 years.
[son of Major Richard Leonard, of 104th Light Infantry, buried
at Lundy's Lane in 1833.]
Infant son of Philip Metlar, Stamford, July 10.
Marsh Raymond Otley, Stamford, July 15.
Wm. Silverthorn, Stamford, July 20, aged 3 years.
Samuel Layton, St. Catharines, Aug. 2, aged about 40 years.
Samuel Jackson, Thorold Canal, Aug.16, aged 1 year.
John Hoover, Thorold, Aug.19, aged 19 years.
Elizabeth Hoover, Thorold, Aug. 19, aged 63 years.
Augustavius Sikes, Thorold, Aug. 24, aged 19 years.
George Miller, Thorold, Sept.30, aged 75 or 78 years.
Wm. Alexander Ball, Thorold, Oct.19, infant.
Mrs. Hodgkinson, Niagara, Nov. 2, aged.
Price Christie, Niagara Falls, Dec. 2, aged.
Alexander Rapp, Stamford, Dec. 4, aged 3 years.
Mrs. Wright, Stamford, Jan.10, aged 42 years.
John Upper, Stamford, Feb. 9, aged about 65 years.
Mr. Hoover, Stamford, Feb, 17, aged 80 or 90 years.
Mr. Bowman, Thorold, June 9,, aged 90 years.
Keziah Stack, Stamford, July 20, aged, 3 years.
Robt Carr, Thorold., Aug. 8, aged 22 years.
James Brown, Thorold, Aug 8, aged 22 years.
Geo. Crawford, Thorold, Aug. 20, aged 22 years.
Erastus Parsons, Chippaw Sept. 3.
Maria McClive, Stamford, Sept.15, aged 19 years.
Sophia Upper, Thorold, Oct. 1, aged 1 1-2 years.
Mrs. Bl--, Falls, Oct. 2, aged 23 years.
Elizabeth Wurman, Thorold, Oct. 15, aged 1 year.
Infant son of Mr. Johnson, Stamford, Nov.13, aged 2 years 3 months.
Infant son of ?? Ainsley, Chippawa, Nov.12.
Mrs. Brackbill, Stamford, Dec. 13, aged 63 years.
Infant son of Mr. Marlatt, Beaverdam, Jan.10, aged 1 year.
Philander Howard Keelar, St. John's, Jan.12, aged 2 years.
Geo. Milmine, Chippawa, Jan.14, aged 52 years.
Infant son of W. Forsyth, Falls, Jan 20, aged 1 year.
Maria Ellison, Stamford, Feb. 8, aged 4 years.
Wm. Davenport, Stamford, Feb.12, aged 4 months.
Philip Melancthon Keelar, St. John's, Feb.19, aged 1 month.
Mrs. Ussher, Willoughby, Feb.29, aged 50 years.
[Probably the mother of Edgeworth Usher, assassinated at his own
door In Chippawa, Nov., 1838, during the Rebellion; was buried
at Lundy's Lane.]
Margaret Berryman, Stamford, March 3, aged 9 months.
Infant son of P. Morse, Stamford, April 10, aged 7 months.
Sarah Rogers, Stamford, April 11, aged 6 years.
John Buchner, Stamford, April 16, aged 34 years.
Remanilla Cusack, Stamford, May 10, aged 2 years and 4 months.
?? Culp, Stamford, May 11.
Francis McCrackan, Chippawa, May 19, aged 18 years.
Michael Dian, Stamford, June 14, aged about 40 years.
Elizabeth Priscilla Nelles, Chippawa, June 16, aged 11 months.
?? Coady, Chippawa, July 14, aged 65 years.
Bridget Wallans, Thorold, July 19, aged 27 years.
Olivia Galbraith, Thorold, Lundy's Lane, July 26, aged 15 years.
James Boyle, from Canal, Lundy's Lane, Aug. 2, aged 40 years.
George Sheldenburg, Chippawa Creek, Aug. 8, aged 2 years.
Andrew Brown, Niagara, Aug. 19, aged 27 years.
Andrew Morrow, Thorold, Aug.23, aged 37 years.
Mrs. Nevil, Stamford, interred at Lundy's Lane, Sept. 2.
Mrs. Seburn, Stamford, interred at Beaverdam Sept. 3, aged 70 years
Mrs. John Willson, Stamford, interred at Lundy's Lane, Sept. 3, aged 26 years.
Oliver Strong, Deepcut, Lundy's Lane, Sept.11, aged 19 years.
Wm. Moright (Italian), Lundy's Lane, Sept.17, aged 25 years.
Wm. Tillot, Lundy's Lane, from England, Sept.18, aged about 40 years.
Henry Brodock, Lundy's Lane, Sept.23, aged 40 years.
Mr. Hoard, Falls, Lundy's Lane, Sept.24, aged about 40 years.
Robert Pew, Stamford, Oct. 4,, aged 44 years.
Catherine Booth, interred at St. Catharines, Oct. 7.
Ann Lynch, Chippawa, Oct. 13, aged 24 years.
Infant daughter of Haggai Skinner, Lundy's Lane, Oct. 16, aged 14 months, transmitted.
?? Irvine, from Ireland, Lundy's Lane, Oct.25, aged 37 years.
?? Buck, Limestone Ridge, Nov. 2, aged 3 years.
Stephen Paine, Lundy's Lane, Dec. 21, aged 36 years.
Infant son of ?? Chambers, Lundy's Lane, Dec.22, aged 1 year.
Charlotte Macklem, Lundy's Lane, Jan.31, aged 10 years.
- Brisson.
M. S. Webber, Queenston, March 23, aged about 42 years.
Philip Host, Lundy's Lane, May 6, aged 67 years.
Stephen Lancaster (colored man), Lundy's Lane, May 18, age not known.
Mary Smith, Stamford, April 14, aged 17 years.
Georgiana England Leonard, Lundy's Lane, May 25, aged 3 years.
Hayzen Jacobs, Chippawa, June 11, aged 15 years.
Joel Westbrook, Lundy's Lane, July 2, aged 78 years.
James Saunders, Beaverdam, July 30.
Robert Whitney, Queenston, Aug.17, aged 10 months.
Wm. George, Beaverdam, Aug. 18, young man.
Mrs. Hansel, Beaverdam, Aug.25, aged 76 years.
Nicholas Smith, Bridgewater, Aug. 30, aged, 80 years.
[The battle of Lundy's Lane is often spoken of in American
histories as Bridgewater.]
Margaret Elizabeth Nelles, Chippewa, Sept. 4, aged 7 weeks.
Wm. Lundy, Lundy's Lane, Sept.13, aged 88 years and 9 months.
[From whom comes the name Lundy's Lane. Descendants still live
near the scene of the battle.]
Francis Morelle, St. David's, Nov, 8, aged 25 years.
Margaret Davies Cockcroft, Lundy's Lane, Dec.24, aged 3 days.
Thomas Cotton, Chippawa, Dec. 30, aged 68 years.
Wm. Moffatt, Lundy's Lane, drowned in Deepcut, Jan. 6.
?? Marsh, Chippawa, Jan, 27.
John Hobson, St. David's, Feb. 7, aged 26 years.
Hitobel Street, Falls, Feb.12, aged 90 years.
[Probably Mehitabel, the mother of Samuel Street, the wealthiest
man in the district.]
Dr. Skinner, Stamford, Feb.16, aged 86 years.
Mrs. Ball, lO-Mile Creek, Feb.20, aged 70 years.
Daniel Shriner, Beaverdam, Feb.24, aged 60 years.
John Sharp, Lundy's Lane, March 3, aged about 35 years.
Charles Dancer, Lundy's Lane, March 19, aged 48 years.
Mrs. Seburn, Stamford, interred at Beaverdam, May 17.
Garret Vanderburg, Thorold, June 22, aged 47 years.
John Hinch, Queenston, June 27, aged 18 years.
Mrs. Samuel Dill, Chippawa Creek, Aug. is, aged 42 years.
?? Jennings, Chippawa, Aug.17, aged 21 years.
Infant son of Mr. Biggar, Stamford, Aug.20.
Francis Oliver, from Canal to Lundy's Lane, Aug.23, aged 30 years.
Infant son of ?? Mitchell, Lundy's Lane, Aug.24.
Mary Haggarty, interred Lundy's Lane Aug.26, aged 2 years.
?? Mitchell, Lundy's Lane, Ang. 29, aged 24 years.
Thaddeus Davis, St. John'5, Aug.31, aged 56 years.
Joseph Huffman, Stamford, Sept. 7, aged 30 years.
Wilfrid Burns, interred at Beaverdam Sept. 12, infant.
Mary Ann Brown, Lundy's Lane, Sept.14, aged 25 years.
James Mills, Deepcut, Lundy's Lane, Sept.25, aged 85 years.
Matthias Kerns, Stamford, Oct.25, aged 70 years.
Mrs. Ann Cook, Beaverdam, Nov. 2, aged 48 years.
Richard Pedon, Chippaws, Nov.24, aged 63 years.
Daughter of P. Metlar, Beaverdam, Nov.30, aged 3 years.
James Boyle, Lundy's Lane, from Deepcut, Dec. 7, aged 8 years.
Mrs. Couts Deepcut, Jan. 5, aged about 30 years.
John Meiklehorn, Lundy's Lane, Jan.25, aged 85 years.
Infant daughter of ?? Squires, Beaverdam, Feb. 2.
?? Hunt, Stamford, Feb. 6, aged 67 years.
Infant son of John Madden, St. David's, Feb. 6.
Mrs. Bailey, Niagara, Feb. 7.
Wm. Wrishun, Stamford, May 30.
James Cockroft, Lundy's Lane, July 27.
?? Coglan, Lundy's Lane, Aug.10.
John Dunn, Beaverdam, Sept. 5, aged 45 years.
Strange woman, Lundy's Lane, Sept.18.
Leonard Fawell, St. David's, Oct 10, aged about 40 years.
Mrs. Fawell, St. David's, Oct.14, aged about 40 years.
Morgan George, Falls, Dec. 7, aged 30 years.
?? Leach, Chippawa, Dec.26.
Wm. Kelsey, Lundy's Lane, Dec.26, infant.
Infant son of Mr. Mead, Falls, Dec.26.
?? Ward. Stamford. Jan. 7. aged 2 years.
Mrs. John Thomas, Stamford, Jan. 9.
Dr. L. Cockroft, Lundy's Lane, Jan. 9, aged 39 years.
?? Creen, Niagara, Jan.17.
Mrs. Thomas, Thorold, Jan.22.
Jane Boyle, Gravelley Bay, interred at Lundy's Lane, Feb. 5, aged 12 years.
Child of Louis Smith, St. David's, March 4, aged 3 years.
Cynthia Jane Conklin, Bridgewater, March 21, infant.
Jonathan James Conklin, Bridgewater, March 23, aged 6 years.
Cynthia Conklin, Bridgewater, March 25, aged 12 years.
Walter Willson, Drummondville, March 31, aged about 30 years.
Jonathan Potter, Chippawa, April 1, aged 21 years.
Geo. Shaw, St. David's, April 2.
?? Smith, Chippawa, April 3, aged 13 years.
Infant son. of Mr. Darby, St. David's, April 3.
Mary Smith, Bridge water, April 4, aged 4 years.
?? Mede, Falls, April 8.
?? Chambers, Chippawa. April 10.
Edward Chrysler, Drummondville, April 11, aged 6 years.
?? Hepburne, Chippawa, April 13, aged 4 years.
John Ritehie, Falls, April 20.
Enom Moses, Chippawa, May 7, aged 35 years.
Wm. Stickles, Lundy's Lane, May 14, aged 23 years.
?? Strickland, Chippawa, May 15.
David Fawkes, Drummondville, May 21.
Infant daughter of Wm. and Mary Garner, Drummondville, May 30.
?? Vantassel, Drummondville, June 28.
Geo. Smith, Bridgewater, July 4, aged 2 years.
Infant daughter of John Shannon, Stamford, July 2.
John Garner, Drummondville, July 13, aged 6 years.
Elizabeth Colwell, Chippawa, Aug. 5, aged 70 years.
Eli Keeney, Drummondville, Aug. 7, aged 27 years.
Francis Galhraith, Aug. 7, aged 45 years.
Nancy Upper, Thorold, Aug. 9, aged 30 years.
Infant son of ?? Hudson, Drummondville, Aug, 9.
Crowell Wilson, Crowland, Aug.13, aged 70 years.
G. Jenkins, Drummondville, Aug.15.
Infant son of ?? Wright, Drummondville, Aug.15.
Wm. Wright, Chippawa, Aug.11, aged 1 year and 4 months.
Emigrant, died at Chippawa of cholera, interred on the Point, Aug. 14.
[Feb. 14th, 1833, was a day of public thanksgiving after the
visitatIon of cholera. In a sermon given in St. Mark's Church,
Niagara, mention was thankfully made that only one of that
congregation had suffered from the dread disease.]
Geo. Smith, died of cholera at Chippawa, Aug.18, aged 16 years.
Mrs. Smith, died of cholera at Chippawa, Aug.19.
Valancey Leonard, Drummond Hill, Aug.20, aged 10 or 11 months.
?? Cammel, Deepcut, Aug.24, aged 11 years.
W. D. Wright, Falls, Aug.24.
W. LEEMING, Officiating Minister.
[Rev. Wm. Leeming was appointed missionary in 1820 by the
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel In Foreign Parts, and
became Rector of Trinity Church, Chippawa. Born in 1787, died in
1863; was also the minister of Stamford.]
John Brooks, Falls, Aug.27.
J. ANDERSON, Off. Min.
?? ??, Stamford, Sept. 3.
Reuben Biggar, Lundy's Lane, Sept.16.
Moore, St. David's, Sept 30, aged 2 years.
Margaret Thomas, Lundy's Lane., Oct. 3, aged 22 months.
John Lamont, Chippawa, Sep. 9, aged 27 years.
Sergeant John Huff, Chippawa, Sept. 10, aged about 60 years.
John Rees, Stamford, Oct.11, infant.
Abraham Chrysler, Lundy's Lane, Nov. 20, aged 11 years
Lieut. John Stephenson, Niagara, Nov. 21.
[Son-In-law of Rev. R. Addison, of Niagara, to whom he wrote
after Battle of Chippawa, naming the wounded.
(Stevenson properly.)]
Infant son of Mr. Fairfield, Thorold, Dec.21, aged 6 months.
Harry Woodruff, St. David's, Dec. 8, aged 3 years.
Jane Keefer, Thoroid, Jan. 8, aged 47 years.
Georgiana Thorold Wellsted, Stamford, Feb. 7, aged 3 months.
Geo. Thorold Wellsted, Stamford, Feb.19, aged 3 months.
Infant daughter of ?? Fortner, Thorold, interred at Lundy's Lane Feb.24.
Infant son of Joseph Clement, St. David's, March 9, aged 2 years.
?? Donaldson, Lundy's Lane, April 8, aged 17 years.
?? Graham, Lundy's Lane, April 8, aged 17 years.
Infant son of Thaddeus Conklin, Bridgewater, April 14, aged 6 months.
Sarah Kidson, Stamford, May.
Son of John Clement, St. David's, June 12.
?? Wilson, Chippawa, June 24.
Infant daughter of Wm. Aiglor, Stamford, July 15.
Infant son of A. Upper, Thorold, July 19, aged 18 months.
Infant daughter of Mr. ?? , Thorold, July 19.
?? Chase, St. David's, Aug.13, aged 13 years.
?? Wilson, Chippawa, Aug.13.
Infant daughter of ?? Latshaw, Lundy's Lane, Aug.22.
Admiral Joseph Kidson, Stamford, Aug.19, infant.
Mary Smith, from Scotland, Stamford., Aug.28, aged 26 years.
?? Fuller, Dominionville, Sept. 1, infant.
John Thomas Reddet, Stamford, Sept. 2, infant.
Wm. Taylor, Grand Island, interred Lundy's Lane Sept. 2, aged 57 years.
Infant daughter of Samuel Pew, interred at Lundy's Lane Oct.11, aged 3 years.
Wm. Beemon, Chippawa, Oct.13, aged 3 years.
John Thomas, Stamford, Oct.14, aged 80 years.
Thos. Anderson, Chippawa, Oct.23, aged 8 years.
T. Fralick, Beaverdam, Oct.25, aged 15 years.
W. LEEMING Off. Min.
Rd. Leonard, Lundy's Lane, Nov. 3, aged 59 years.
J. ANDERSON, Off. Min.
Robert H. Dee, Stamford, Nov.19, aged 46 years.
Lucinda Ball, German Church, Nov.21, aged 3 years.
?? Upper, son of Jno. Upper, scarlet fever, Lundy's Lane, Dec. 12, aged 3 years.
Mary Slater, Druuunondville, Jan.25, aged 18 years.
Margaret Keefer, Thorold, Feb. 4, aged 3 years.
Christopher Birt, Stamford, Feb. 9, aged 89 years.
?? Swan, St. David's, Feb.11.
Martha Green, Stamford, Feb.22, aged 57 years.
Infant daughter of James Thomas, Lundy's Lane.
Rd. Thomas Dixie, Stamford, April 6, aged 51 years.
Frances Dorothea Marsh, Stamford, April 24, infant.
Mrs. Hudson, Short-hills, May 6.
Robt. Randall, Lundy's Lane, May 4.
[On the stone to his memory he is called "a victim to
colonial misrule." He had been an M.P.P. for some years and
was delegate to England to have abuses rectified.]
Mrs. Brooks, Lundy's Lane, June 20.
John Slinger, infant, Clifton, Aug. 8.
Infant son of Daniel Jones, interred at the Falls, from Brockville, Aug.10.
Infant daughter of ?? Frances, Chippawa, Aug.14. Clark, Falls, Sept 2.
Infant son of Wm. Lampman, interred at Beaverdam Sept.10.
?? Glasgow, Lundy's Lane, Sept.12, aged 25 years.
Infant son of B. Hall, Lundy's Lane, Sept.17.
?? Reddet, Stamford, Sept.22, infant.
Capt. Willson, R.N., Stamford, Oct.15.
[In the tablet in the graveyard he is called Commander Wilson, R.N.]
Thos. Whitemarsh, Chippawa, Nov. 7, aged 27 years.
John Smith Maclem, Chippawa, Nov.23, aged 2 years.
?? Glinn, Grove, Dec.18, aged 60 years.
Helen Kirkpatrick, Chippawa, Dec.31, aged 8 years.
Peter Lampman, German church, Dec. 28, aged 86 years.
[One of the earliest settlers near Thorold. Came from New York
in 1783. His tombstone in the graveyard of the old Lutheran
Church describes him as "a pious, faithful member of the German
Lutheran Church." He resided fifty years in the Township of Niagara.]
Clarlotte Cummings, Chippawa, Jan.16.
?? Conklin, Bridgewater, Jan.19, aged 2 years.
W. LEEMING Off. Min.
Jas. Braybrook, Lundy's Lane, Jan.19, infant.
T. B. FULLER, Off. Min.
Jane Cockroft Kirkpatrick, Chippawa, Jan.27, aged 1 year.
Infant son of A. Conklin, Bridgewater, Jan.29.
Infant son of Erastus and Jemima Moses, Lundy's Lane, Feb. 5.
Samuel Street Maclem, Chippawa, Feb.10, aged 4 years.
Elizabeth Macklehone, Lundy's Lane, Feb.12.
David Clow, Stamford, March 100.
Wm. Brown, from Coventry, Fngland, interred at Lundy's Lane Apr. 3, aged 26 years.
?? Skinner, from Gravelley bay, Lundy's Lane, April 3, aged 21 years.
John Jacobs, Thorold, April 28, aged 90 years.
?? King, Stamford, May 8.
W. LEEMING, Off. Min.
Chas. Brundage, Chippawa, May 12, aged 6 years.
Tnos. B. FULLER, Off. Min.
Susan Hepburne, Chippawa.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
?? Farrel, Chippawa, Oct. 8.
Thos. Clark, Falls, Oct.10, aged 63 years.
John Clement, St. David's, Oct.13.
Mary Teeter, German church, Oct.19.
Major Ormsby, Chippawa, Oct.21.
Eliza Tyrrel, Lundy's Lane, Nov. 9, aged 28 years.
Wm. Thorne, Stamford, Dec.18.
Wm. Chadwell, Lundy's Lane, Dec.19, aged 63 years.
Mrs. Willson, Stamford, Dec.31.
Ward Vanderburg, Allanburgh; Jan.29, aged 23 years.
Norman Ensign, Lundy's Lane, Feb. 1.
Charles McCrea, Thorold, March 6, infant.
Luke Carrol, Thorold, March 15, aged 65 years.
Infant son of Cornelius and Keziah Foster, Lundy's Lane, March 26.
Mary Ann Jennings, Chippawa, June 28, aged 15 months.
?? Wilkinson, interred Beaverdam July 4, aged 25 years.
Mrs. B. Fralick, Beaverdam, July 14.
?? Thorn, Stamford, Aug. 7, aged 7 years.
?? Ness, Stamford, Aug. 7.
Eliza Russel, Lundy's Lane, Aug. 7, aged 5 months.
Harmanus Fletcher, Chippawa, Sept.22, infant.
?? Tyson, Stamford, Sept 23, infant.
Infant twins of Philander Rump and Phoebe, his wife, Allenburgh, Oct. 11.
?? McCree, Thorold, Oct.13.
Mrs. Woodruff, St David's, Oct.17.
?? Ellice, Lundy's Lane, Oct.22.
Trevor Murray, Port Colborne, Oct.24, aged 40 years.
Mr. Woodruff, St. David's, Dec. 1.
Dan Moses, Lundy's Lane, Dec.19, infant.
Mary Keefer, Thorold, Dec.21, infant.
Infant son of John Keelar, St. John's Jan.20.
Mrs. Abel, St. David's, Jan.28.
John Pulley, Lundy's Lane, Feb. 1, aged 60 years.
Interred, a son of Stephen Conklin and Jane, his wife, Chippawa, Jan. 5.
Infant son of Jas. Nevils and his wife, Thorold, Jan. 7.
Mary Margaret Clark, Chippawa, March 7, aged 45 years.
[Wife of Hon. Thos. Clark and daughter of Robert Kerr, surgeon,
and thus granddaughter of Sir Wm. Johnson and Molly Brant. Hon.
Thomas Clark, M.P.P., a native of Dumfries, Scotland, for
twenty years a member of Legislative Council; In partnership
with Street; we often see the phrase "Clark's Mills."]
Infant daughter of John and Mary Lampman, Thorold, March 16.
?? Anderson, Chippawa, Mar. 28, aged 7 years.
?? Waring, German Church, May 7.
Andrew Goodwander (?), Chippewa, May 19, aged 34 years.
?? Amm, Chippawa May 24, aged 20 years.
Margaret McDonald, Lundy's Lane, 5 years.
Thomas Reaveley, Chippewa Creek, July 6.
Lucy Jeffreys, Lundy's Lane, July 30, infant.
Henry Jenkins, from Buffalo, Aug. 5, 18 years.
Eliza Paine, Chippawa, Aug. 7, aged 18 months.
John Green, Lundy's Lane, Aug. 24, aged 19 years.
Mary Spenee, Dominionville, Aug. 26, aged 20 years.
?? ??, Chippawa, Sept. 6, infant
?? Cleveland, Thorold, Sept 8.
Elizabeth Mary Sawbridge, Falls, Sept 8.
David Newton, Thorold, Sept 12, aged 30 years.
Harriet Julia Hickman (coloured), Chippawa, Sept 15, infant
Sarah Harriet Duff, Chippawa, Sept 25, aged 4 years.
W. LEEMING, Off. Min.
[Note-The foregoing pages of burial are copied from an old,
wornout register (written by Rev. Wm. Leeming, from 1820 to
1837), as correctly as possible by Geo. A. Bull,
Rector of Stamford, Feb. 28th, 1892.]
Aug. 31. James Henry, son James and Priscilla Cummings, Chippawa, merchant.
[James Cummings, born 1789, died 1878; a merrchant, millowner,
etc; one of the earliest settlers In Chippewa.]
Mary, dau. James and ?? Coady, Chippawa, cooper.
Sept 14. William Lampman, son of James and Hannah Aiglor, Stamford, farmer.
Oct. 3. Barak, son Thomas and ?? Dawn, Falls of Niagara, Miller.
Jan. 18. Mary Ann Jane, dau. William and Mary Smith, Chippewa, Merchant.
Louisa Lavinia, dau. Jacob and Mary Smith, of Detroit
(bap. at Chippawa), Indian Interpreter.
Feb. 18. Carrol Samuel, son ?? Evans, Bridgewater, shoemaker.
Catherine Elizabeth, dau. ?? Stull, Stamford, farmer.
27. Margaret Stuart, dau. John and Mary Lefferty, Lundy's Lane, surgeon.
May 7. John, son James and Jane Ruthven, Stamford, hatter.
Adam Bowman, son James and Jane Ruthven, Stamford, hatter.
Elizabeth, dau. Adam and Mary Bowman, Stamford, farmer.
Alexander, son Archibald and Mary McArthur, Stamford, labourer.
Lucine, dau. Peter and Christine Kelly.
20. John Warren, son John and Mary Waddel.
July 22. Sidney Secord, son John and Mary Lampman, farmer.
Aug. 12. David, son Benjamin and Jane Hardison, Fort Erie, farmer.
Jane, dau. Isaac and Magdalen Johnson, Fort Erie, farmer.
Mary, dau. Nicholas and Catherine Near, Fort Erie, farmer.
Barbara, dau. Jacob and Margaret Near, Fort Erie, farmer.
Sept 23. Catherine, dan. Henry and Anna Teal, Bertie, farmer.
Lydia, dau. Henry and Anna Teal, Bertie, farmer.
Eliza Jane, dau. Conrad and Charity Johnson, Bertie, farmer.
Jehoiakim, son Conrad and Charity Johnson, Bertie, farmer.
Oct 10. John, son Malcolm and Janet Morrison.
??, son ?? McKellar, Stamford, immigrant laborer.
Duncan, son John and Isabel Smith McDonald, Stamford, immigrant labourer.
21. Robt Carr Addison, son Edward Robert and Theresa Nichol, Stamford, gentleman.
Dec. 80. Thomas Coulton, son George and Jane Keefer, merchant.
[T. C. Keefer, C.E. C.M.G., of Ottawa, the son of George
Keefer, the founder of Thorold. George Keefer came to Canada in
1790; was the first President of the Welland Canal Company, and
of many societies. His tomb bears inscriptions to his four
wives. He was born In New Jersey, 1773; died, 1858. There were
ten sons and four daughters.]
Jan. 13. William, son Mary Stickles, Stamford.
Timothy, son Mary Stickles, Stamford.
Matilda (Foster), adult, Stamford.
Baptized at Waterloo.
20. Eliza Ann, dau. Benjamin Prescott and Bridget Hall, Willoughby, surgeon.
Cyrenius, son Benjamin Prescott and Bridget Hall, Willoughby, surgeon.
Win. Henry, son Benjamin Prescott and Bridget Hall, Willoughby, surgeon.
Robt. Prescott, son Benjamin Prescott and Bridget Hall, Willoughby, surgeon.
Maria Vrooman, Willoughby.
Joseph, son Henry and Eve Near, farmer.
William, son Henry and Eve Near.
Peter, son Peter and Elizabeth Near, farmer.
Leo, son Peter and Elizabeth Near, farmer.
John, son John and Betsie Near, farmer.
Lydia, dan. John and Betsie Near, farmer.
Alexander, son Capt. Donald Chas. and Ann McLean, Waterloo.
Feb. 3. William, son Nicholas and Cath. Michael, Humberstone, farmer. At Fort Erie.
Baptized at Fort Erie.
Mary, dau. Henry and Betsie Near, Ancaster Township, farmer.
Joseph, son Joseph and Christiana Shewet, Dumfries, farmer.
Jacob, son John and Mary McKoy, Humberstone, farmer.
Juliana, dau. Win. and Christina Carter, Bertie, farmer.
Win. Henry, son Win. and Christina Carter, Bertie, farmer.
Sophia Caroline, dau. Wm. and Christina Carter, Bertie, farmer.
Anna Margaret, dau. Win. and Christina Carter, Bertie, farmer.
Margaret Ezilphy, dau. Thomas and Mary Ashley, Willoughby, farmer.
Feb. 3. John Millmine, son John and Rachel Huff, Chippewa,
Sergeant 68th Regt. foot
Ann Mary, dau. John and Rachel Huff, Chippawa,
Sergeant 68th Regt. foot.
Elizabeth, dau. John and Rachel Huff, Chippawa,
Sergeant 68th Regt. foot
Martha Jane, Dau. Michael and Esther Pearson, Chippawa
John, son Leo and Maragaret Steinhoff, Chippawa.
William, son Leo and Margaret Steinhoff, Chippawa.
Baptized at Waterloo.
17. Betsy, Dau. Zecharias and Anna Teal, Bertie, farmer.
Charity, Dau. Zecharias and Anna Teal, Bertie, farmer.
Henry, son Zecharias and Anna Teal, Bertie, farmer.
James, son James and Amelia Jackson, at ye Grand River Station,
Lieut. in British Navy.
March 31. Henrietta Amelia, Dau. Wm. and Mary Smith, Bertie, merchant.
April 28. Sophia Regina, Dau. Edmund and Elizabeth Sophia Riselay,
Bertie, farmer.
May 5. Margaret Jane, dau. Daniel Stewart and Anne Maria Grenville,
Thorold, farmer.
15. Robert Land, son Braithwaite and Phoebe Leeming, Glanford, farmer.
June 30. Mary Ann Margaret, Dau. Jacob H. and Catherine Ball, farmer.
Ang. 11. Wm. Warner, son James and Priscilla Cummings, Esq.,
Chippawa-Willoughby, Esquire.
Sept. 15. Jas. Robt. Nichol, son James and Jane Kerby, Fort Erie, Esquire.
George, son Wm. and Christine Cregar, Bertie, farmer.
29. James Maclem, son Andrew Todd and Margaret Kirby, Canboro',
bap. at Chippawa.
Oct. 6. Walter Henry, son Henry Clement and Mary Ball,
Thorold, farmer, bap. at German church.
[Sometimes called German Church, sometimes Lutheran Church, In
one case, Eng. Church ; built in 1795 ; the prime mover, George
John and Christine (twins), son and Dau. Philip and Catherine Metlar,
born April 11, bap. at German church.
13. Robert, son George and Elijah McKie, Niagara Falls.
Oct. 23. Charlotte Fitzgerald, dau. Col. Richard and Frances Leonard, Drummond Hill.
Nov. 17. Archibald, son Peter and Agnes Ann Lampman,
Township of Niagara, bap. at German church, Thorold.
Jan. 22. Alexander Merrill, son John and Hannah Shannon, Stamford.
Feb. 2. Christine, Dau. Benjamin and Ellzabeth Taylor,
Humberstone, farmer, bap. at Fort Erie.
Nancy, Dau. Geo. and Catherine Huffman, Humberstone, farmer.
Catherine, Dau. Henry and Eve Near, Humberstone, farmer,
bap. at Fort Erie.
Catherine, Dau. John and Eiiz. Near, Humberstone, farmer,
bap. at Fort Erie.
4. Agnes, Dau. George and Eliza Gils, bap. at Niagara Falls.
14. Rebecca, Dau. T. and Elizabeth Casey, Township Walpole,
London District, bap. in Stamford.
Mary, Dau. T. and Elizabeth Casey, Township Walpole,
London District, bap. in Stamford.
Martha, Dau. T. and Elizabeth Casey, Township Walpole,
London District, bap. in Stamford.
23. James Henry, son Samuel and Elizabeth Darragh, Township
Wainfleet, bap. at German church, Thorold.
James Cummings, son Wm. Nelles and his wife, Grand River,
bap. at Chippawa.
March 2. Andrew, son Peter and Deborah Miller, Bertie, farmer,
bap. at Waterloo.
June 8. Susan, Dau. Benjamin and Jane Hardison, in Bertie.
15. John Hntt, son Jacob J. and Catharine Ball, Grantham,
bap. at German church, Thorold.
James, son Elias and Ann Mary Durham, Grantham,
bap. at German church, Thorold.
July 20. Lauretta, Dau. Thomas and Mary Ashley, bap. at Waterloo.
Aug. 3. Mary (Johnson), adult, bap. at Waterloo church.
William, son Peter and Mary Johnson, Bertie, bap. at Waterloo.
10. Samuel, son Jacob and Margaret Stull, Grantham, bap. at German church.
Nov. 14. Charles Rogers, son J. L. ?? and ?? Rogers, Stamford,
bap. at Chippawa church.
Dee. 28. Julia Ann, Dau. Paul and Nancy Sowersby, bap. at German church, Thorold.
Feb. 22. Charles Henry, son George and Jane Keefer.
April 1. George Millmine, son Gilbert L. and ?? McMicking, Chippawa,
bap. at Chippawa.
4. John Wartman, son John and Mary Lampman, Grantham,
bap. at German church.
7. Thomas Wright, son Robert and Theresa Nichol, Stamford,
bap. at Stamford.
[Col. Robert Nichol, M.P.P. for Norfolk for many years; fought
at Detroit; rewarded with a gold medal by the Duke of York for
gallant conduct; was killed from falling over Queenston Heights
on a dark night when driving from Niagara, May, 1824.]
18. John, son Andrew Todd and Margaret Kerby, bap. at Chippawa.
May 16. Adam Spencer, son Nathaniel and Sarah Wilson, Stamford,
bap. at German church.
Frederic Ferdinand, son Jacob and Catherine Ball, Grantham,
bap. at German church.
July 4. Mary Howit, dau. Robert and Margaret Kirkpatrick, Chippawa,
bap. at Chippawa.
[Mrs. Kirkpatrick, nee Stevenson, the last 'living grandchild of
Rev. R. Addison; died, June 24th, 1906; was buried in Niagara.]
Eliza Jane, Dau. Robert and Susan Akins, Bertie, bap. at Waterloo.
Wm. Henry Bowden, son John and Chaflotte Warren, Bertie,
bap. at Waterloo church.
25. Jane, Dau. John and Phebe Cole, Thorold, bap. at German church.
Mary Ann, Dau. Henry Clement and Mary Ball, Thorold,
bap. at German church.
Aug. 8. Amelia Lavinia, Dau. Frederick and Mary Hutt, Stamford,
bap. at. German church.
25. Robert, son James and Priscilla Cummings, Chippawa,
bap. at Chippawa.
Oct. 3. Mary Ann, Dau. William and Frances Riley, Thorold,
bap. at German church.
Vilette, Dau. William and Frances Riley, Thorold,
bap. at German church.
Oct 31. Sarah Evanson, dau. Col. Richard and Frances Leonard, Stamford
Nov. 2. William Henry, son James and Amelia Jackson, Fort Erie,
bap. at Fort Erie.
28. Elizabeth, Dau. Peter and Agnes Ann Lampman, of ye Township
of Niagara, bap. at German church.
WM. LEEMING, Officiating Minister, Chippawa.
Jan. 20. Harriet Ann, dau. David and Phebe Grass, Grantham, bap. in Grantham.
April 3. Margaret, Dau. John and Mary Lee, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
March 27. Gerald England, son Thomas and Sophia Fitzgerald,Bertie, bap. in Bertie.
John Edmund, son William and Christiana Carter; Bertie, bap. in Bertie.
William, son, Abraham and Mary Wintermute, Bertie, bap. in Bertie.
Catherine Mary, dau. Abraham and Mary Wintermute, of Bertie,
bap. in Bertie.
Abraham, adult son of Ahraham and Mary Wintermute, of Bertie,
bap. in Bertie.
Christiana, Dau. John and Charlotte Harp, of Bertie, bap. in Bertie.
Gerald, son of James and Abigail Bailie of Bertie, bap. in Bertie.
William, adult son of Henry and Hannah Putman, of Bertie bap. in Bertie.
April 3. (See second name in 1825.)
8. Jane, dau. Hugh and Martha Collum, of Thorold, from Ireland,
bap. in Stamford.
18. Mary Elizabeth, Dau. William and Hannah Aiglor, Stamford,
bap. in Stamford.
John, son William and Hannah Aiglor, Stamford, bap. in Stamford.
May 22. Rachel Penel, Dau. John and Rachel Huff, Chippawa, bap. in Chippawa.
Thomas, son Sergt. John. and Rachel Huff, Chippawa, bap. in Chippawa.
May 29. Caroline Sophia, dau. Valentine and Margaret Ward,
Thorold, bap. at ye German church.
June 26. John Henry, son Henry and Hannah Pawling, St. Catharines,
bap. at St. Catharines.
July 31. Mary, dau. John and ?? Rogers, Stamford
Aug. 23. Walter, son James and Janet Thompson, Stamford, bap. in Stamford.
Hugh Alexander, son James and Janet Thompson, Whirlpool,
Stamford, bap. in Stamford.
Sept. 4. Caroline, dau. Samuel and Abigail H. Street, Falls Mills,
bap. at Chippawa church.
Trinity Church, built, it is supposed, in 1825 ; burned down
in 1839; re built in 1841.
John Crysler, son Samuel and Abigail H. Street, Falls Mills,
bap. at Chippawa church.
Jane Cementhe, dau. Samuel and Abigail H. Street, Falls Mills,
bap. at Chippawa church.
12. William, son William and Jane Blain, bap. at Queenston.
Eliza, Dau. John and Sarah McGowan, bap. at Queenston.
19. Mary Ann, Dau. Alexander and Esther McKabe, Thorold,
bap. at Stamford.
15. Martha, dau. John and Elizabeth O'Brien, Thorold, bap. in Stamford.
Caroline Elizabeth, Dau. John and Elizabeth O'Brien, Thorold,
bap. in Stamford.
27. William Burnetstein, son William Burnet stein, bap. in Grantham.
Nov. 3. Margaret Ann, Dau. Adam and Mary Stull, Esquesing,
bap. at Mr. Lampman's, Niagara.
6. Mary, Dau. John and Margaret Ryan, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
Thomas, son George and Mary Reid, St. Catharines, bap. at St. Catharines.
13. Wm., son John and Mary Latimer, Stamford, bap. at Chippawa.
Francis, son John and Mary Latimer, Stamford, bap. at Chippawa.
30. Andrew, son James and Louisa Morrow, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
James, son of James and Mary Kerr, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
Jan. 1. Alexander, son George and Jane Keefer, Thorold, bap. at
German church, Thorold.
Peter, son Thomas and Ann McBride, Township of Thorold,
bap. at German church, Thorold.
Elizabeth, Dau. Thomas and Ann McBride, Township of
Thorold, bap. at German church, Thorold.
22. Agnes, Dau. David and Nancy Agnes McKaye, Thorold Canal,
bap. at Chippawa.
Margaret, dau. Samuel and Rachel Cams, Thorold Canal,
bap. at Chippawa.
James, son John and Margaret Haun, Willoughby, bap. at
German church, Thorold.
Feb. 13. Sarah Ann, Dau. Stewart and Mary Thompson, Thorold Canal,
bap. at Stamford.
16. Sarah Jane, Dau. George and Jane Jameson, Thorold Canal,
bap. at Stamford.
27. Mrs. Tisdale and her three children, by me, bap. at Ancaster.
28. David, son Jacob and Charity Smith, bap. in Glanford.
Henry, son Jacob and Charity Smith, bap. in Glanford.
April 8. Martha Raymond, Dau. Benjamin and Mrs. ?? Otley, Stamford,
bap. privately in Stamford.
Maria, no names, bap. at Chippawa.
June ?. Mary, Dau. John and Mary Lampman, bap. at German church.
7. Margaret, Dau. Robt. and Margaret Kirkpatrick, bap. at Chippawa.
July 12. Elizabeth, Dau. Hugh and Martha Collum, bap. at Stamford.
Eliza, Dau. John and Mary Little, Thorold, bap. at Stamford.
17. John, son Thomas and Isabella Ostfield, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
23. Isabella, Dau. John and Margaret Lee, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
30. John, son James and Eliza Gambel, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
Mary, Dau. Wm. and Mary Hamilton, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
Aug. 18. Thomas, son Thomas and Mary Johnston, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
John, son John and Jane Pile, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
Thomas, son John and Bridget McGee, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa
Maria, Dau. James and Mary Symes, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
Mary Jane, dau. James and Elizabeth Armstrong, Thorold,
bap. at Chippawa.
Georgiana England, Dau. Richard and Frances Leonard, Stamford,
bap. at Chippawa.
20. Jacob Augustus, son Jacob H. and Catharine Ball, Grantham,
bap. at German church.
Sept. 7. Mary, dau. Wm. and Bridget Wallans, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
24. Lonsdale Maving, son Doctor Lonsdale L. and Eliza Cockroft,
bap. at Chippawa.
Eliza, dau. Thomas and Jane Bennet, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
Oct. 15. Wm. Alexander, son Henry and Mary Ball, bap. at German church.
Margaret Elizabeth, Dau. James and Mary Carr, bap. at German church.
5. Nathaniel, Son Peter and Nancy Upper, Thorold, bap. at Mr. Upper's.
Catherine Jane, Dau. Peter and Nancy Upper, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
Mary, dau. Peter and Nancy Upper, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
John, son Wm. and Anna Garner, Stamford, bap. at Thorold.
29. Ellinor, Dau. Wm. and Anna Colby, Wainfleet, bap. at Stamford.
Charity Anna, dau. Wm. and Anna Colby, Wainfleet, bap. at Stamford.
William, son Wm. and Anna Colby, Wainfleet, bap. at Stamford.
John William, son Wm. and Anna Colby, Wainfleet, bap. at Stamford.
Jan. 7. James, son John and Elizabeth Tate, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa
11 . Margaret, dau. John and Frances Kaynes, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
March 4. John, son, Thomas and Margaret Coutratt, Grantham,
bap. at German church.
In some places the writing is so small and In others so
indistinct that a few of the names may be printed incorrectly,
but great care has been taken to give the spelling as in the
11. Eliza Ann Jay (adult), bap. at Chippawa.
Apr.29. Ann Jane, dau. Hugh and Eliza McCutcheon, Thorold, bap. at Chippawa.
May 1. William Stephen, son James and Margaret Tinlin, Louth, bap. at Louth.
13. Joseph, son Peter and Agnes Lampman, bap at German church.
June 10. John, son John and Phebe Cole, bap. at German church.
28. John, son Peter and Keziah Slack, Wainfleet, bap. at Stamford.
Keziah, dau. Peter and Keziah Slack, Wainfleet, bap. at Stamford.
Peter, son Peter and Keziah Slack, Wainfleet, bap. at Stamford.
Nelson and Robert, sons Isaac and Anna Chambers, Stamford,
bap. at Stamford.
July 22. Margaret, dau. Edgar and Rachel Berryman, bap. at Stamford.
Aug. 6. William, son Edward and Allivia Fletcher, bap. at Thorold.
James, son John and Mary Little, bap. at Thorold.
'7. Margaret, dau. James and Rebecca Allen, bap. at Thorold.
26. Elizabeth Priscilla, Dau. John and Rachel Elizabeth Nelles,
bap. at Chippawa.
Sep. 2. Thomas Francis, son Henry and Mary Bell, bap. at German church.
12. Susanna, dau. Sergeant John and Rachel Huff, Chippawa,
bap. at Chippawa.
23. Robert, son Robert and Catherine Wilson, Deep cut, bap. at Stamford.
Sep.30. Margaret, Dau. James and Mary Darragh, Deep cut, bap. at Stamford.
Oct. 8. Jonathan James, son Abraham and Jane Concklin,
bap. at Mrs. Smith's, Stamford.
21. James Thomas, son James and Margaret Scott, bap. at St. Catharines, private.
28. Mary Jane, Dau. John and Mary Lee, Thorold, bap. at Stamford.
Nov.10. Arthur Wellington, son John and Ann Gordon, bap. at Thorold.
Mary Maria, Dau. John and Ann Gordon, bap. at Thorold.
Charles, son James and Louisa Morrow, bap. at Thorold.
Mary Ann, Dau. James and Mary Reid, bap. at Thorold.
John Whiteside, son Robt. and Elizabeth Fletcher, bap. at Thorold.
Robert, son Robt. and Mary Patterson, bap. at Thorold.
Margaret, Dau. James and Mary Kerr, bap. at Thorold.
Jane, dau. Alexander and Esther McCabe, bap. at Thorold.
Robert, son Robt. and Nancy Carr, widow, bap. at Thorold.
Dec. 23. George, son John and Mary Latimer, Stamford.
26. Willoby, son Wm. and Mary Hamilton, Thorold, bap. at Stamford.
Willoughby ?- G. A. B.
Jan. 30. Hannah, Dau. Samuel and Rachel Carns, bap. at Stamford.
Feb. 7. Francis, son Joseph and Ann Lundy, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
John, son Joseph and Ann Lundy, Deep cut, bap. at Thorold.
William, son John and Susan McLean, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
10. Martha Stevens, Dau. Jas. William and Maria Glenny, Thorold,
bap. at Thorold.
William, Son Samuel and ?? Davenport, Stamford, bap. at Stamford.
15. George, son George and Jane Jamieson, Deep cut, Thorold,
bap. at Thorold.
Robert, son Robt. and Martha McKee, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
Feb. 15. Sarah Ann, dau. John and Margaret Walker, Deep cut, bap. at Thorold.
21. William, son William and Ann Birch, bap. privately in Stamford.
22. Margaret, dau. Margaret Smith, Stamford, bap. at Major Leonard's.
March 2. Caroline Rebecca, Dau. Henry and Margaret Hoover, Thorold,
bap. at Thorold.
16. Margaret Rebecca, Dau. James and Jane Milligan, Thorold,
bap. at German church.
23. Robt. Alexander, son Francis and Snsan Galbraith, bap. at Thorold.
April 10. Catherine Margaret, Dau. John and Mary Lampman,
bap. at Mr. Lampman's, sen'r.
13. Carolina, Dau. James and Elizabeth Landers, bap. at German church.
May 4. Susanna, dau. George and Mary Reid, bap. at St. Catharines.
Eliza, Dau. John and Mary Gibson, bap. at St. Catharines.
11. James Skinner, son Nancy Skinner, bap. at the Falls.
June 22. John, son John and Ellinor McGuire, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
Maria, Dau. James and Mary Simms, bap. at Thorold.
Letitia, Dau. James and Mary Simms, bap. at Thorold.
29. Francis, son John and Bridget McGee, bap. at Stamford.
George, son Richard and Jane Hanna, Thorold, bap. at Stamford.
July 10. William, son William and Bridget Wallans, Thorold, bap. at Thorold.
13. Frances, Dau. Charles and Ann Rolls, St. Catharines,
bap. at St. Catharines.
Charles Rolls, born In England, 1785, died In 1867; was the
father of Henry Rolls, M.D., 1814-1887.
Ann Jane, Dau. John and Isabella Walker, Thorold, born 24th
June, bap. at Chippawa.
22. John Marcus, son Andrew and Matilda Brown, Thorold,
(bap. in Thorold), born 13th June, 1827.
Aug. 1. William, Son James and Elizabeth Gamble, bap. in Thorold
Mary Ann, Dau. James and Ann Trotter, bap. in Thorold, Deep cut.
Ann, dau. John and Ellen Blevins, Thorold, bap. in Deep cut.
Mary Jane, Dau. Alexander and Jane Allen, Thorold, bap. in Deep cut.
James, son James and Sarah Dohar, Thorold, bap. in Deep cut.
Samuel, son Robt. and Matilda McKee, Thorold, bap. in Deep cut.
John, son John and Mary Meynes, Thorold, bap. in Deep cut.
This surely does not mean by immersion, as we find at Deep Cut,
at ye Deep Cut, as well as in Deep Cut.
26. John, son John and Sarah Lee, Thorold, bap. in Deep cut.
William, son Robt. and Ann Boyle, bap. in Deep cut
Catherine, dau. Wm. and Sarah Scot, Thorold, bap. in Deep cut.
31. Mary Jane, dau. Peter and Deborah Miller, Bertie,
bap. in Waterloo church.
Sept. 13. Thomas, son Robt. and Sarah Brown, bap. in Deep cut, Thorold.
Esther, Dau. George and Jane Sides, bap. at Deep cut.
Oct. 7. Jane, Dau. William and Elizabeth Hand, Deep cut,
bap. at St. Catharines.
18. Luke, son Herman and Catherine Hosteder, bap. at Thorold, near Beaverdam.
John, son John and Margaret Major, bap. at Chippawa.
26. Hannah, Dau. Robt. and Betsie Irvine, bap. at Chippawa.
Nov. 2. Mary, Dau. Joseph and Mary Smith, bap. at Chippawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Sponsors.
21. Stewart, son Thomas and Jane Brown, Deep cut, bap. at Deep cut.
Martha, Dau. William and Elizabeth Davis, Deep cut, bap. at Deep cut.
30. Elizabeth, Dau. Samuel and Abigail Street, Falls' Mills,
bap. at Chippawa.
Tom Street, Hannah Maclem and Harriet Ransom, sponsors.
Samuel Street, the wealthy merchant and mill-owner; his name Is
found In many different capacities; born In Connecticut, 1775;
died, 1844.
Jan. 25. Thomas, son James and Janet Smith, bap. at Stamford church.
St Jobn's Church, Stamford, built, 1825, Sir Peregrine
Maitland, the Governor, who had a fine residence in Stamford,
being one of the chief movers.
Eliza Ann, dau. John and Sarah Green, bap. at Stamford church.
Feb. 8. Robt Henry, son Edgar and Rachel Barryman, bap. at Stamford church.
March 30. Sarah, dau. George and Ann Graham, Thorold, bap. at Lundy's Lane.
April 5. Sophia Louisa, Dau. John and Mary Garden, bap. at Stamford.
Mary Caroline, dau. John and Mary Garden, bap. at Stamford.
July 26. Charles Maitland, son Richard and Frances Leonard, bap. at Chippawa.
Sept 1. Margaret Elizabeth, Dau. John and Rachel Nelles, bap. at Chippawa.
12. Jane, Dau. James and Louisa Morrow, Thorold, bap. at ye Deep cut
William, son William and Jane Moffatt, bap. at ye Deep cut, Thorold.
Elizabeth, dau. George and Sarah Lovell, bap. at ye Deep cut, Thorold.
Mary Ann, Dau. Thomas and Isabella Horsfield,
bap. at ye Deep cut, Thorold.
James, son Joseph and Ann Lundy, bap. at ye Deep cut, Thorold.
Oct 8. Robert Hill, son Robt. Henry and Elizabeth Dee, Stamford,
bap. at Stamford.
Nov. 29. George, son Francis and Elizabeth Hnmphries, bap. at Chippawa church.'
Dec. 22. Margaret Frances, Dau. Lonsdale and Eliza Cockroft.
24. Edward, son Robert and Eliza Fletcher, bap. at Deep cut.
George, son John and Ann Malton, bap. at Deep cut
John Alexander, son James and Ann Trotter, bap. at Deep cut
Thomas, son Robt and Ellen Armstrong, bap. at Deep cut
Jan. 26. John Richardson McGregor, son George and Susanna Hutt,
bap. at Lundy's Lane.
31. Thomas, son Michael and Esther Pearson, born June 4, 1824.
Elizabeth, Dau. Michael and Esther Pearson, born June 1, 1827
Pamela Ann, Dau. Michael and Esther Pearson, born Sept. 17 1829.
March 16. Margaret Ellen, Dau. Joseph and Sarah Johnston, bap. in Stamford.
James Gordon, son Joseph and Sarah Johnston, bap. in Stamford.
April 4. Mary, Dau. Peter and Agnes Lampman, bap. in Stamford church.
4. Eliza Ann, dau. Susan Dell, bap. at Lundy's Lane.
May 9. Harriet, Dau. John and Sarah Gurr, born 6th April, 1830,
bap. at Chippawa church.
Jane, Dau. George and Aim Smith, born 12th Aug., 1828,
bap. at Chippawa church.
13. Robert Grant, son George and Susan Kirkland, Queenston,
bap. at Queenston.
18. Nancy Ann, Dau. Henry and Elizabeth Spincks,
bap. in Stamford township.
24. Richard, son John and Mary Silverthorn.
July 11. Ann Eliza, Dau. Joseph and Mary Smith, Falls,
bap. at Chippawa church.
Aug. 23. Eliza Jane, Dau. Alexander and Elizabeth Cammell, Deep cut, Thorold,
bap. at Lundy's Lane.
Wilfred, son Hugh and Ann Burns, Chippawa creek.
29. Robert Grant, son Jacob Keefer and Christiana, his wife,
bap. at Queenston church.
Joseph Alexander, son Alexander and Hannah Hamilton,
bap. at Queenston church.
Sheriff Alexander Hamilton (Son of Hon. Robert Hamilton), who
died In 1839, never having recovered from the shock sustained
In having to execute Morreau In Niagara for his part In the
Rebellion, as no executioner could be found.
Hannah Owen Jarvis, his wife, the daughter of Wm. Jarvis,
Provincial Secretary.
Sept. 12. William Jacob, son ?? ?? and ?? Dittrick, St. Catharines,
bap. at St Catharines.
Caroline Amelia, Dau. Jacob H. and Catherine Ball,
bap. at German church.
Oct. 13. Eliza Catherine, Dau. John and Sarah Ann Decoe,
bap. at Mr. Lacy's, Thorold.
Frederick, son John and Sarah Ann Decoe, bap. at Mr. Lacy's, Thorold.
24. Samuel Street, son James and Harriet Maclem, bap. at Chippawa church.
Nov. 8. David, son David and Nancy McCaig, bap. at Deep cut, Thorold.
Robert, son Robt. and Mary Coutes, bap. at Deep cut, Thorold.
10. Joseph, son George and Ann Shaw, St. David's, bap. at St. David's.
Sarah, dau. Richard and Mary Smith, Queenston, bap. at St. David's.
Elizabeth, dau. Richard and Mary Smith, Queenston, bap. at St. David's.
Sarah, Dau. Arthur and Jane Shaw, bap. at St. David's.
Dec. 9. Lydia, Dau. Stephen and Patience Paine, Stamford
Roxalana, dau. Stephen and Patience Paine, Stamford,
Julius Francis, son Stephen and Patience Paine
Stephen, son Stephen and Patience Paine
Sarah, Dau. Stephen and Patience Paine
Benjamin, son Stephen and Patience Paine.
Hiram, son Stephen and Patience Paine, Stamford
Alexander, son Stephen and Patience Paine, Stamford
Julia Maria, Dau. Stephen and Patience Paine, Stamford
David Burbee, son Dominique and Patience Labourier, [Sabourier?]
Stamford, bap. at Stamford.
Jan. 23. Lewis Hughs, son Richard and Elizabeth Martin, Lundy's Lane.
Feb. 21. Mary Ann, dau. Alexander and Esther McCaig or McCabe, Thorold.
Ellen, Dau. Wm. and Catherine Hodgson, Canal, Thorold.
March 12. Susan Hepburne, Chippawa.
June 9. James, son Dr. and Elizabeth Cockroft, Lundy's Lane.
Aug. 21. Margaret Maria, dau. James and Margaret Gordon, Stamford.
Abigail, dau. John and Mary Willson, Stamford,
bap. in Stamford church.
Sept. 8. Hannah, Dau. John and Sarah Hirst, Thorold.
10. Eliza, dau. Thomas and Ann Jane Brady, Humberstone.
Oct. 18. Margaret, dau. Jacob and Christiana Keefer, Thorold, bap. in Thorold.
Valancey, dau. Richard Leonard and Frances, his wife, Lundy's Lane.
Dee. 14. George, son George and Ann Smith, Bridgewater.
James, son Joseph and Mary Smith, Bridgewater.
Date forgotten. Robert, son Robert and ?? Brown, Wainfleet.
Feb. 11. James, son James and Elizabeth Gamble, Trafalgar
Ann Jane, Dau. James and Sarah Dougher, Humberstone
29. Reuben, son Robt. and Margaret Pew, Stamford
Pamelia or Parmelia, dau. Thomas and Elizabeth Brooks, Stamford
Abigail, dau. Thomas and Elizabeth Brooks, Stamford
Maria, dau. Thomas and Elizabeth Brooks, Stamford
Alfred, son Thomas and Elizabeth Brooks, Stamford
Susan, dau. John and Mary Wilson, Stamford
Sarah, dau. John and Eliza Thomas, Thorold
March 1. George, son George and Susan Kirkiand, Queenston.
18. Elizabeth, Dau. Robt. and Margaret Kirkpatrick.
81. Edward, son Harmonius and Edna Crysler, Drummondville.
April. 7. Mary Moses, Chippawa
May 9. Robert McKinley, son George and Susanna Hutt.
13. Thomas, son Peter and Agnes Ann Lampman, Niagara,
bap. at Stamford church.
June 7. Harriet Martha, Dau. Robt. and Elizabeth Dee, Stamford.
10. Samuel, son John and Jane Pile, Gravelley bay.
Richard, son Richard and Margaret Hannah, Gravelley bay.
July 31. William, son John and Mary Orr, Canal, near Brown's Bridge.
David, son David and Ann Frazer, Canal, near Brown's Bridge.
Aug. 6. Ann Elizabeth, dau. George and Ann Smith, Bridgewater.
George, son John and Rachel Huff, Chippawa.
William, son John and Rachel Huff, Chippawa.
7. George Jacob, son Francis and Susan Galbraith.
Anthony Upper, son Francis and Susan Galbraith.
25. Joseph, son Patrick and Elizabeth Maloy, Thorold.
26. Christiana, dau. Nicholas and Catherine Near, Bertie.
Sept. 25. John, son Wm. and Ann Rees, Queenston.
27. Margaret, dau. Isaac and Anna Thomas, Lundy's Lane.
30. Lonsdale Warner, son John and Rachael Welles, Chippawa.
Oct 14. William, son John and Ellinor Wilson,
was baptized at Stamford church.
19. John, son Richard and Mary Rodd, was baptized at Willoughby.
Jan. 1. Walter Umfraville, son John Cleveland Green, Esq.,
and his ?? his wife, Stamford park.
Feb. 2. Eleanor Theresa, Dau. ?? and ?? Wellstead, Stamford park.
George Thorold, son - and - Wellstead, Stamford park.
Georgiana Thorold, Dau. - and - Wellstead, Stamford park.
3. Malcolm and Laura Laing, Stamford Park.
28. Octavia Murray Sandys, son Philip Percival Graham, R.N.,
and Mary, his wife, Niagara Falls.
March 12. William, son Thomas and Elizabeth Coulson.
May 1. Admiral Joseph, son ?? Kidson and ??, his wife, Stamford.
5. Eliza, Dau. ?? and ??, Chippawa church.
May 26. Mary Ann, Dau. Richard and Eliza Sharp, Chippawa.
June 16. William Jarvis, son Alexander and Hannah Owen Hamilton, Queenston.
Baptized a stranger's child at Chippawa church.
18. Susanna Jane, dau. George and Jane Jamieson, Humberstone.
Robert, son George and Jane Jamieson, Humberstone.
30. Sarah, dau. John and Marianne Arbut, Queenston.
Sep. 22. Jane, Dau. James and Jane Bird, Stamford.
29. Phebe Rooth, dau. George and Phebe Upper, Talbot street.
John, Son Joseph and Charlotte Upper, Thorold.
James, son Joseph and Charlotte Upper, Thorold.
Susanna, Dau. Jacob and Jane Upper, Thorold.
Aug. 3. Ann, dau. Moses and Christina Marsh, Chippawa.
Mary, Dau. Moses and Christina Marsh, Chippawa.
Shadrach, son Moses and Christina Marsh, Chippawa.
Oct. 13. Elizabeth Mary, Dau. James and Margaret Gordon, Stamford.
Jan. 19. Jane Cockroft, dau. Robt. aud Margaret Kirkpatrick, Chippawa.
21. Sarah Harriet, Dau. Wm. and Angel Duff, Chippawa.
23. Mary Ann, Dau. Robt. and Elizabeth Hannah, Stamford.
Wm. Alexander, son Robt. and Elizabeth Hannah, Stamford.
Feb. 23. Maria, Dau. Charles Chard (painter) and Sophia, his wife, Drummondville.
March 16. Thomas Stamford, son ?? ?? and ?? Wellstead, Thorold.
April 20. Frederic Straith, son Rev. Fred'k William Miller and
Anna Isabella, his wife, was born Nov. 1, 1833, baptized
Chippawa. Sponsors: General Murray, Wm. Mitchell
and Mrs. Mary Straith.
Rev. F. W. Miller, took Mr. Leeming's place when in England,
succeeded him In 1830. This is the first reference to sponsors.
22. Frances Dorothea, Dau. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, Queenston.
May 18. George, son Edw. and Mary Ann Laughton, Stamford was born 21st Feb.
June 22. George, son John and Charlotte Coulson, Stamford.
July 31. Thomas Shepherd, son Thomas Shepherd Smythe and Harriet, his wife.
Sponsors: John Vere Smythe, Samuel Braybroke
and Mary Anne Braybroke.
July 9. John Matthew, son Robt. Dee, Esq., and Elizabeth, his wife, Stamford
21. Charles Forsyth, son Charles and Margaret Secord, Queenston.
Grandson of James Secord and Laura Ingersoll; taught school In
Drummondville; went to United States. His children are the only
descendants In the male line bearing the name, as James B.
Secord, his brother, died without Issue In Niagara.
Aug. 4. John, son Thomas and Mary Ann Slinger, Clifton
5. Sally Steele, dau. Richard and Jane Steele.
10. Mary Ann Slinger, adult Dau. Moses and Christine Marsh, Clifton.
(See 1833, owing to W. L.'s omission.-G. A. B.)
14. Ann, Phebe, and two others, dau. Andrew and Lucy Dowler, Queenston,
privately baptized at Queenston church.
Sept. 21. Maria, Dau. James and Rebecca Williams.
Oct. 12. Wm. Gillespie, son Dr. Slade Robinson and Mary, his wife, Falls of Niagara.
Nov. 25. Emma, Dau. John and Louisa Marks, Stamford, was born Sept. 5.
27. Thos. Blackmore, son ?? and ?? Arkinton, Lundy's Lane.
30. William, son George and Rosanna Dresser, bap. at Stamford church.
Dec. 3. Sally Ann, Dau. Richard and Mary Rodd, Stamford, was born Oct. 4.
16. Susanna, Dau. Martin and Margaret Hayes, Stamford.
21. Charles Cowell (adult), Stamford, was baptized at Stamford church.
Sarah Cowell (adult), Stamford, was baptized at Stamford church.
William, son George, Jr. and Margaret Keefer, Thorold,
was baptized at German church.
28. Thomas, son Thomas and Elizabeth Coulson, Thorold.
Jan. 14. Charles Francis, son John Cleveland Green and ??, his wife, Stamford.
15. James, son Samuel and Mary Ann Braybrook, Stamford.
Feb. 12. Edward Herbert, son Robert and Emma Delatre, Stamford,
private, born Feb.11.
March 8. Caroline Emily, Dau. Alexander and Hannah Owen Hamilton,
Queenston, was born 4th Jan. Sponsors, Fred. B. Tench,
Cath. Robertson and Catherine Hamilton.
Daughter of Sheriff Hamllton; married George Durand,
River Road, Niagara.
15. Samuel Cuthbert, son Jacob and Christine Keefer, Thorold.
Frederic Augustus, son George and Susanna Hutt, Stamford,
bap. at German church.
Apr. 7. Priscilla, Dau. Erastus and Jemima Moses, Willoughby.
Elizabeth, Dau. Erastus and Jemima Moses, Willoughby.
WM. LEEMING, Off. Min.
19. Sarah, Dau. George and Ann Smith, Bridgewater.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
21. George Leonard, son Isaac and Anna Thomas,. Stamford.
Sarah Elizabeth, Dau. Isaac and Anna Thomas, Stamford.
Martha Ann, Dau. Isaac and Anna Thomas, Stamford.
26. Ellen Shipton (adult), Drummondville, bap. at Chippawa church.
Ellen Maria, Dau. John Smith Maclem and Susan Maria, his wife, Chippawa.
Feb. 22. Emily Evans, Dau. Wm. Russell and Elizabeth, his wife, was born 17th Jan.
May 3. William Henry, son Wm. Henry Pim and Hannah, his wife, was born Jan.26, 1834.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
11. Mary Maria, Dau. George Wallis and Juliette, his wife, Nelson,
born March 20, privately baptized.
T. B. FULLER, Off. Min.
18. Frances Ann, Dau. John Wilson and Eleanor, his wife.
25. John Asa, son Benjamin Draper and Ann, his wife.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
June 7. Mary, Dau. Joseph Hamilton, M.D., and Ann, his wife,
Queenston, was born March 15.
A. NELLES, Off. Min.
Another son of Hon. Robert Hamilton, lived above the mountain.
June 25. Ellen Eliza, Dau. Ogden Creighton, Esq., and Eleanor Eliza, his wife.
July 5. ?? ?? Mr. Gordon's child, Stamford church.
(Written memoir on a slip of paper, without signature.G. A. B.)
Aug. 30. Sarah Jane, Dau. Henry and Elizabeth Marshall.
David, son Henry and Elizabeth Marshall.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
Robert, son Robt. and Mary Lawson, bap. at Chippawa church.
Oct. 18. Evelina, Dau. John and Mary Lampman, Thorold.
Nov. 1. Robert, (Parents' names omitted), bap. at Chippawa church.
3. Mary Elizabeth Croft, Dau. Frederic Huddlestone and Mary, his wife.
4. Thomas, son ?? Tyrrel and Eliza, his wife.
S. Sophia Frances, Dau. James Cummings and Sophia, his wife.
Samuel Street, son James Maclem and Harriet, his wife.
Dec. 22. Charles Albert, son John Whiteford Morrison
and Margaret Douglas, his wife, Stamford.
WM. LEEMING, Off. Min.
Jan. 6. Wm. Joseph Alexander, son Wm. Alexander Campbell.Esq., and
Harriet Grace, his wife, was born 30th Nov., 1835.
Feb. 7. Mary, Dau. John G. Stockly and Catherine, his wife,
was born 18th Aug., 1834.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Mm.
28. Charles, son Robert and Isabella McCue, bap. at Thorold.
24. Arthur Thorold, son ?? Wellstead and ??, his wife.
1. Eliza, Dau. Wm. Russell and Elizabeth, his wife, Drummondville.
Charles Leeming, son Henry Ball and Mary, his wife, Thorold.
15. Samuel Charles, son Edward and Mary Ann Lawton.
June 5. Mary, dau. Jaeob Aemilius Irving and Catherine Diana his wife.
Hon. 3acob Aemilius Irving, native of Jamaica, of the 13th
Light Dragoons; buried at Stamford, 1797-1856.
26. Louisa, dau. John and Charlotte Coulson, Stamford.
James Eastham, son Thomas and Ann Humphrey.
July 3. Euphemia Ann, dau. William and Mary Ann Wells.
WM. LEEMING, Off. Min.
17. Cordelia Melvina, dau. Jacob J. Ball and Catherine, his wife,
of Grantham, was baptized at Grantham church.
Margaret, dau. Richard and Jane Steele, City of the Falls, born May 28.
30. Mary Ann, dau. William and Ellen Hope, born May 21st,
bap. at Chippawa.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
7. Herbert, son Robert Sparrow Delatre, Esq., and Emma Mary,
his wife. Received into ye congregation, with sponsors, having
been previously baptized, Feb. 14th, 1835.
Son of Col. Delatre, who was born 1777; died, 1848;
President of Niagara Harbor and Dock Company; died suddenly
on steamer between Niagara and Toronto. A house In Niagara
Is still called Delatre Lodge and there is a Delatre Street
Francis, son Robert Sparrow Delatre, Esq., and Emma Mary, his wife.
WM. LEEMING, Off. Min.
16. William Cawthorne, son William Duff, Esq., and Angel, his wife,
was born 6th Aug.
William Henry, son Wm. George Mitchell and Harriet, his wife,
was born 3rd October, 1835.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
Aug. 28. Cicely, dau. Richard Savage and Georgiana, his wife, Stamford.
Georgiana, dau. Richard Savage and Georgiana, his wife, Stamford.
Sept. 22. Hermannus, son Samuel Fletcher and Hannah, his wife, bap. at Chippawa.
WM. LEEMING, Off. Min.
Oct. 9. Mary, dau. Jacob Keefer and Christine, his wife, Thorold,
was born Aug.28.
THos. B. FULLER, Off. Min.
14. Matilda, dau. Francis VanAssche and Jane, his wife, was born Sept.21.
F. W. Miller, Off. Min.
7. Mary Fuller. (Parents' names omitted. G. A. B.) no signatnre.
Nov. 6. Charles William, son Charles Chard and Sophia, his wife, was born March 8.
F. W. MILLER, Off. Min.
9. George, son John Darker and Bridget, his wife, Thorold.
Deborah, dau. John and Bridget Darker, Thorold
Emily, dau. John and Bridget Darker, Thorold.
John, son John and Bridget Darker, Thorold.
Jane, dau. John and Bridget Darker Thorold.
James, son John and Bridget Darker, Thorold.
13. Elizabeth, dau. Thomas Jory and Mary Jane, his wife, Stamford.
27. George Truscot, son John Cleveland Green, Esq., and Eliza,
his wife, Stamford Park.
Jan. 6. James, son Peter Husted and Sarah, his wife, Stamford.
Mary Ann, dau. Joseph Strong and Maria, his wife, Clifton.
7. Emma, dau. John Marks and Lonisa, his wife, Clifton.
John, son John Marks and Louisa, his wife, Clifton.
Feb. 6. Margaret Ann Harriet, dau. Samnel Ussher and Harriet Rebecca,
his wife, Bertie.
Cynthia Jane, dau. Stephen Conklin and Jane, his wife, Chippawa.
13. George, son George Dennis and Jane, his wife, Stamford.
March 4. Arthur, son John Garden, Esq., and Mary, his wife, Stamford Township.
Feb. 13. John, son George Potter and Catherine, his wife, Stamford Township.
22. Eliza, dau. ?? Orme and ??, his wife, Drummondville
24. Mary Patterson, dau. Dr. Slade Robinson and Mary, his wife,
City of the Falls, was baptized privately.
Mar. 28. Elizabeth dau. George Dalby and Christiana; his wife,
Stamford, born 29th April, 1833. (See below.)
April 9. Robert, son William McDonald and Isabella, his wife, Stamford Township.
June 17. Catherine, dau. William Burleigh and Mary, his wife, Stamford.
July 2. Martha Margaret, dau. Peter Lampman and Agnes Ann, his wife,
baptized at German church.
March 28. George, son George Dalby and Christiana, his wife,
Stamford, born 12th Feb., 1835.
Matthew, son George Dalby and Christiana, his wife, born
5th. Feb., 1837.
July 17. Sarah, dau. James Maclem, Jr., and Harriet, his wife,
Chippawa, baptized privately.
26. Thomas, son Herbert Tyson and Elizabeth, his wife, Stamford,
was born April 2.
28. Amelia, dau. John Evans and Mary, his wife, Clifton.
Lucy, dau. William Jeifrys and Ann, his wife, Falls.
WM. LEEMING, Off. Min.
By license, by and with consent of parents, Captain Donald Charles McLean
and Ann Warren, the 23rd day of August, 1820.
By banns, by and with ye consent of parents, William Lambert and
Mary Otley, of Short-hills, the twenty-fourth day of October, 1820.
[Should be Atley, as advised by Bob Gilby of Welland. He states the
A is clear, but stricken over with an O.]
By license, according to ye due and prescribed forms of ye
Church of England, William MacKenzie and Margaret Rickards,
Niagara Falls, the eighteenth day of January, One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Twenty-one.
By banns, Isaac Dawn and Mary Clark, of ye Township of
Crowland, the 22nd day of January, 1821.
By banns, Benjamin Shrigley and Martha Ward, the 23rd day of January, 1821.
By banns, Jacob Smith and Betsey Sniveley, Township of Willoughby, 9th of Feb., 1821.
By banns, Frederic Almas, of Barton, and Elizabeth Campbell, of
Stamford, the 9th April, 1821. (Returned to ye Society.)
By license, John Almas, of Barton, and Jane Campbell, of Stamford,
the seventh day of May, 1821.
By banns, Thomas Wilson, of ye Township of Thorold, and Mary Wright,
of Stamford, the 23rd day of May, 1821.
By banns, Philip Carl and Amanda Chamberlain, of Thorold, ye 29th May, 1821.
By banns, Henry Miller and Elizabeth Byer, both of Willoughby,
ye 25th of September, 1821.
By banns, Matthew Thomas and Elizabeth Bellinger, of Pelham, ye
26th of September, 1821.
By banns, Thomas Dell, of Crowland, and Anna Rice Tinney, of
Willoughby, the fourth day of October, 1821.
By license, Andrew Todd Kerby, of Canboro, and Margaret Maclem,
of Chippawa, ye fifth day of October, 1821.
By banns, Jacob Davis and Rosanna Fletcher, of the Township of
Thorold, the eight day of October, 1821.
By banns, John Perry, of ye Township of Stamford, and Elizabeth Ridley,
of ye Township of Niagara, the twenty.second day of October, 1821.
By license, Abraham Bowman, widower, of Stamford, and Mary Sniveley,
widow, of Willoughby, the seventh day of November, 1821.
By license, George Gillies and Elizabeth McKettrick, both of
Niagara Falls, Stamford, the seventh day of February, 1822.
By banns, Peter Miller and Deborah Spedding, both of Bertie, the 18th March, 1822.
BY banns, William Stringer and Helen Burns, both of Crowland,
the 19th of March, 1822.
By banns, Robert Peers, of ye Township of Thorold, and Melinda Burgher,
of Wainfleet, the 28th day of March, 1822. (Robt. Fero, March 28.)
By banns, Martin Shoup and Magdalene Miller, of Willoughby,
married in Stamford, the 14th January, 1823.
By license, David Lynch and Ann Shannon, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, the 22nd January, 1823.
The name of Lanty Shannon occurs in Free Mason lore, as the
lodge met at his house In Stamford.
By banns, Matthew McKinney and Phebe Brayley, of Crowland,
married in Stamford, the 6th of February, 1823.
By banns, Jacob Nunnymaker and Catherine Wedge, of Stamford,
married in Stamford, the 18th of February, 1823.
By license, William Anthony, of Grand River, and Sarah Wintermute,
of Bertie, married in Bertie, the 22nd of Feb.
By banns, James Sypes and Pamela Fearo, of Crowland, married in
Stamford, the 3rd day of March, 1823.
By banns, John Stringer and Euphemia Dawdy, [Dowdy?] of Pelham, married
in Stamford, the 11th day of March, 1823.
By banns, Christian Platts and Mary Benner, of the Township of
Bertie, married in Bertie, the 16th day of March, 1823.
By banns, Henry Dell, of Willoughby, and Anna Abbett, of Pelham,
married in Stamford, the 17th day of March, 1823.
Jacob Brookfield, of Crowland, and Mary Winters, of Humberstone,
married by banns in Humberstone, the 24th day of Marah, 1823.
By banns, Asa Strauder and Mary Buckner, both of Crowland,
married in Crowland, the 25th day of March, 1823.
By banns, Samuel Wait and Ann Shoup, both of Willoughby, married
in Stamford, the 25th day of March, 1823.
By license, Peter T. Pawling, bachelor, and Catherine Cameron,
widow, both of the Township of Niagara, married in Niagara, the
7th day of April, 1823.
A remarkable Inscription to Nanna Pawling Is in the Bellinger
family burying ground near Niagara.
By license, Thomas McBride, of Thorold, and Ann Lampman, of
Niagara, married in ye Township of Niagara, the 24th day of April, 1823.
By banns, Jacob Foreman, of Bertie, and Elizabeth Miller, of
Willoughby, married in Stamford, the 6th day of May, 1823.
By license, Jacob Near and Mary Reevs, both of Stamford, married
in Stamford, the 14th day of May, 1823.
By banns, Christian Shoup, of the Township of Willoughby, and
Abigail Bernhart, of the Township of Bertie, married in
Stamford, the 20th day of May, 1823.
By license, Frederick Hutt and Mary Lemon, both of Stamford,
married at Mr. Lemon's house, the 28th day of Sept., 1823.
Commonly called Squire Lemon.
By license, Erastus Moses, widower, and Jemima Merrit, spinster;
both of Stamford, married in Stamford, the 7th day of Oct., 1823.
By banns, Jacob Miller and Sophia Riselay, both of ye Township
of Bertie, married in Bertie on Thursday, the 20th day of November, 1823.
By license, Thomas Creen, Clerk of Niagara, and Ann Ball, of Grantham
(or Thorold), spinster, married in Grantham, the 25th day of December, 1823.
Rev. Thos. Creen, who was the successor of Rev. R. Addison,
born, 1799; died, 1864; Rector of St. Marks, 1829 to 1856; also
taught the Grammar School.
Ann Ball, daughter of Jacob Ball, one of the three sons of
Jacob Ball, who, with his sons, came in 1780 with Butler's
Rangers. A muster roll of one company is In existence, signed
Jacob Ball, Lieutenant, in 1782.
By banns, Joseph Brooks, of Pelham, and Margaret Carr, of
Crowland, married in Stamford, the 29th day of January, 1824.
By banns, David Hodkins, of Gainsboro,' and Jemima Ball, of
Crowland, married in Crowland, the 28th day of February, 1824.
By banns, John Slack and Phebe Bercham, [Beecham?] of Stamford, married in
Stamford, ye 1st of April, 1824.
John Rian, of Crowland, and Mary Ann Ward, of Thorold, married
by banns in Stamford, the 5th day of April, 1824.
John Watson and Susannah Guilsharp, of Thorold, married by banns
in Stamford, ye 11th day of April, 1824.
Hugh Vanderlip, of Niagara, and Phebe Laraway, of Grantham,
married by license at Chippawa, the 1st August, 1824.
George Rose, bachelor, and Lucy G. Parnell, spinster, both of
Grantham, were married in Grantham, by license, the 19th day of August, 1824.
William Mann, bachelor, and Elizabeth Soper, spinster, both of
Grantham, were married in Stamford, by license, on Sunday, the
12th of September, 1824.
John Knisely, of Sherbrook Forest, and Susannah Hershy, of
Chippawa, were married by banns, in Stamford, the 5th day of October, 1824.
Near Fort Erie is the Hershy family burying ground; the family came
from Pennsylvania to Canada in 1795, Old Benjamin Hersche living to
the age of 90 and others of the name attaining great age.
Lewis Lambert, of Township of Niagara,. and Ann Secord, of
Grantham, were married, by license, the 24th of Octeber, 1824, in Stamford.
James Hamilton,. Esq., of Southold, bachelor, and Catherine Jane Warren,
of Bertie, spinster, were married, by license, at Fort Erie, Nov. 1, 1824.
James Hogg, of the Township of York, and Elizabeth Orr, of ye
Township of Thorold, were married, by license, in Thorold, on
Tuesday, ye 23rd day of November, 1824.
Isaac Hoshel, [Hoskel?] bachelor, and Cloe Everingham, spinster, both of Crowland,
were married, by license, in Stamford, the first day of December, 1824.
By banns, Samuel Shenk, [Sherk?] of Amherst, Erie Co., U.S., and Magdalen Boyer,
of Chippawa, married in Chippawa, the twenty-first day of December, 1824.
By license, Richard Bulcock and Susan Durham, both of
Stamford, married in Stamford, the 22nd day of December, 1824.
By license, Samuel Clement and Martha Porter, both of ye
Township of Niagara, married in Township of Niagara, the 23rd December, 1824.
By license, John Stull and Maria Trevor, both of Grantham,
married in Grantham, the 23rd day of December, 1824.
By license, Samuel Minard, of ye Township of Stamford, and Rebecca Moore,
of ye Township of Pelham, married in Stamford, the 25th day of December, 1824.
By license, William Robertson (alias Durham), bachelor, and
Martha Green, spinster, both of Stamford, married in Stamford,
on Wednesday, the 5th day of January, 1825.
By license, Abraham Conklin, bachelor, and Jane Smith, spinster,
both of Stamford, married in Stamford, the sixth day of January, 1825.
By license, John Ball Lawrence, widower, of the Niagara, and
Gatherine Burch, spinster, of Louth, married at Niagara, the 6th Jan., 1825.
By banns, John Haney and Margaret Martin, both of Pelham,
married in Stamford, the 16th day of January, 1825.
By license, James William Osgood Clark, of Louth, and Mary Turney,
of Thorold, married in Thorold, on Tuesday, the 18th day of January, 1825.
In the Turney graveyard, near St. Catharines, is a stone commemorating
John Turney, of the King's 8th, Lieutenant In Butler's Rangers.
By license, Joshua Cudney and Margaret Grass, both of ye
Township of Grantham, married on Thursday, the 20th day of January, 1825.
By banns, Isaac Misener and Susan Kilts, both of ye Township of
Crowland, married in Crowland, the 27th day of January, 1825.
By banns, John Johnson, of ye Township of Clinton, and Phebe Lampman,
of Stamford, married in Stamford, the first day of February, 1825.
By banns, Alexander Robinson and Mary McMicking, both of
Stamford, married in Stamford, the 15th day of February, 1825.
In the Stamford Presbyterian burying-ground are records of
burials as far back as 1793, and settlements In 1785. Except
perhaps the Mohawk Church near Brantford, that erected here in
1787 was the earliest in Upper Canada. Thomas McMicking Is
recorded as dying in the 80th year of his age. Captain John
McMicking fought at Queenston Heights. There are many of the
name burled at Chippawa; one branch came with the Loyalists,
another from Scotland; Gilbert McMicking, of Queenston, was an M.P.P.
By license, Austin Morse and Mira Cook, of Stamford, married in
Stamford, the 23rd day. of March, 1825.
By license, Cornelius VanWyck and Matilda Forsyth, both of
Stamford, married in Stamford, the 18th day of May, 1825.
By license, John Lemon, bachelor, and Martha Haton, spinster,
both of Stamford, married in Stamford, the 22nd day of August, 1825
By license, David Thompson, of Wainfleet, and Sarah Ann Wilson,
of Pelbam, married in Pelham, the 15th September, 1825.
By license, Harmonius Chrysler and Edna Cook, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, the 5th October, 1825.
By license, Hugh Creen, Erin, County of Halton, Gore District,
and Catherine Ferguson, of Barton, married at Hamilton, 31st October, 1825.
By banns, Bejamin Moote, of Clinton, and Penelope Wright, of
Stamford, married in Stamford, 15th November, 1825.
By license, David Wood, of Crowland, and Jane Emerick, of
Thorold, married in Thorold, 17th November, 1825.
By banns, Abraham Glimanhaga, of Willoughby, and Mary
Simmerman, of Bertie, married in Stamford, the 22nd November, 1825.
The name is spelled with "Z" by some branches of the family,
by others with "S."
By banns, Martin Buchner and Sarah Current, both of Crowland,
married in Stamford, the 15th January, 1826.
By banns, Henry Glimanhaga and Susan Bickard, of Bertie, married
in Stamford, the 23rd January, 1826.
By license, Wm. Richardson, of Grand River, Gore District, and
Jane Cameron Grant, of Queenston, married, the 11th of February, 1826.
By license, Arthur Lambert and Ann Durham, both of Niagara,
married in Stamford, the 12th of February, 1826.
By banns, John Arthur Tidey and Dorothy Hellems, of Crowland,
were married in Crowland, the 16th of February, 1826.
By license, Patrick Corbett and Armamilla Falconbridge, both of
Stamford, married in Stamford, the 18th of April, 1826.
By license, Angus MeLeod and Margaret McAlpine, both of Thorold,
married in Thorold, 14th March, 1826.
By license, Peter Morse, Stamford, and Margaret Young, of
Crowland, married in Crowland, the 29th March, 1826.
By license, Matthew Camp and Catherine Kulman, both of
Stamford, married in Stamford, the 13th April, 1826.
By banns, David Miller and Eve Shoup, of Willoughby, married in
Willoughby, the 18th day of April, 1826.
By banns, Ambrose Patterson, of Pelham, and Mary Buckner, of
Crowland, on the 18th April, 1826.
By license, John Nelles, of Grand River, and Rachel Elizabeth Cockroft,
of Chippawa, married at Chippawa, the 7th of June, 1826.
By license, Robert Fleming, of Lewiston, State of New York, and Sarah Farris,
of Niagara, married in ye Township of Niagara, the 8th day of June, 1826.
William Dell, of Crowland, and Lucretia Martin, of same place,
were married by banns, in Crowland, the 3rd May, 1826.
By banns, David Brown and Matilda Pell, both of Thorold, were
married in Thorold, 29th June, 1826.
By license, Alfred McCarty, Gainsborough, and Anna Miller, of
Bertie, married in Bertie, the 2nd of September, 1826.
By banns, Benjamin Overholser, of Marltham, and Elizabeth Miller,
of Willoughby, married, in Stamford, 11th of September, 1826.
By banns, Charles Scott and Elizabeth Thompson, of Thorold,
married in Stamford, the 18th day of September, 1826.
By banns, John Upper, Stamford, and Elizabeth Coughell, Niagara,
married in Township of Niagara, October, 24th, 1826.
By license, Samuel Pew and Mary Ann Kelly, both of Stamford, in
Stamford, October 26th, 1826.
By license, Francis Galbraith and Susan Upper, both of Thorold,
married in Thorold, October 29th, 1826.
By license, Samuel Forsyth and Sarah Defield, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, November 14th, 1826.
By license, James Davis, of Pelham, and Alice Park, of
Wainfleet, married in Wainfleet, on the 23rd November, 1826.
By banns, David Skinner and Catherine Potts, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, 21st December, 1826.
By license, Joseph Maloy and Mary Watson, both of Thorold,
married, 27th December, 1826.
By license, Ira Cook and Ann Green, both of Stamford, married in
Stamford, 28th or 29th December, 1826.
By license, Caleb Swayzie, and Lydia Hopkins, married in
Stamford, 16th of January, 1827.
The most noted member of the family was Col. Isaac Swayzie, the
member for Lincoln ; lived on a farm near Niagara, which gave
the name to the famous apple called the Swayzie Pomme Grise.
By banns, David Moore, of Esquesing, and Joanna Silverthorn, of
Thorold, married in Stamford, January 22nd, 1827.
By banns, Jonah Howey and Phebe Vanatter, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, January 30th, 1827.
By banns, George Shrigley and Anna Weir, both of Pelham, married
in Pelham, February 7th, 1827.
By banns, Myrick Curtis and Hannah Johnson, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, February 19th, 1827.
By license, Philip Bender, of Stamford, and Elizabeth Misener,
of Crowland, married in Crowland, February 27, 1827.
By banns, Isaac Haney and Sarah Cottington, of Pelham, married
in Stamford, March 4th, 1827.
By banns, Richard C. Griffin, of Grimsby, and Mahetabel Accer,
of Louth, married in Louth, May 1st, 1827.
By license, Sinclair Holden, of Markham, Home District, and
Abigail Lowdy, of Stamford, in Stamford, May 25, 1827.
By license, Michael Gonder and Sarah Ann Wait, both of Willoughby,
married in Willoughby, June 26, 1827.
The grandparents of Mr. Michael Gonder Scherck, the author of
"Pioneer Life," a book for young Canucks. Jacob Gonder, from
Pennsylvania, died in 1846, aged 71. Micahel Gonder died, 1886,
aged 82. The Gonder farm is near Black Creek. The name was
originally Gander.
Sarah Ann Walt, related to Benjamin, who was condemned to be hanged
at Niagara in 1888, but was reprieved and sent to Van Dieman's Land.
By banns, Joseph W. Clark and Elizabeth Slack, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, June 28th, 1827.
By license, Henry Keph, Niagara, and Ann Wintermute, of Grantham,
married in Stamford, July 25th, 1827.
By banns, William McKey and Sarah Acres of Thorold, Married in
Thorold, Aug.14, 1827.
By license, Henry Spinckes, of Cavan, Newcastle District, and
Elizabeth Haslop, of Stamford, married in Stamford, Aug. 20, 1827.
By license, Robert Wilson, of Gainsborough, and Mary Hill, of
Thorold, married in Stamford, September 12, 1827.
By license, William Kelly, of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, and
Eliza Jane Emory, of Thorold, married in Thorold, Sep. 13, 1827.
By banns, Luke Lee, of Crowland, and Nancy Overholser, of
Willoughby, married in Stamford, Sept. 25th, 1827.
By license, Joseph Smith and Mary Blackstock, October 8th, 1827, in Stamford.
By license, Alexander Young and Sarah Everttt, of Willoughby,
married in Stamford, Oct. 25, 1827.
John Moore, of the Incorporated Militia at Gravelley Bay, and
Mary Fortier, Stamford, Oct.13. (No signature to slip. G. A. B.)
By banns, Henry Taylor and Ellen Bouls, of Crowland, married in
Stamford, November 1st, 1827.
By license, George Smith and Ann Blackstock of Stamford married in
Stamford, November 6th, 1827.
By license, Walter Fletcher and Patience Appleby, both of Thorold
married in Thorold, November 10, 1827.
By license, Francis Goring, of Niagara, and Ann Mann, married in
Stamford, November 13, 1827.
By license, William Darby and Louisa Godfrey, of Grantham, married in
Stamford, November 18, 1827.
By License, John Coughell and Elizabeth Stevens, both of Niagara,
married in Niagara, December 6, 1827.
By license, Leonard M. Matthews and Anne Vanderburg, of Thorold,
married in Thorold,. Nov. 21, 1827.
By license, James McNabb and Margaret Fletcher, both of
Grantham, married in Stamford, December 16, 1827.
By banns, William Fier and Nancy Taylor, of Grantham, married in
Stamford, January 15, 1828.
By license, James Cummings and Sophia Maclem, both of Chippawa,
married at Chippawa, February 4th, 1828.
James Macklem came to Chippawa, in 1790 ; was a miller, distiller,
merchant. Provost Macklem, of Trinity College, Is a descendant.
By banns, John B. Buckner, of Crowland, and Jane Larner, of
Bertie, married in Bertie, February 5, 1828.
By banns, Jacob Silverthorne and Catharine Vanalstine, both of
Thorold, married in Thorold, February 13, 1828.
By license, Abansing F. Ross and Rachel Wilson, both of
Stamford, married in Stamford, March 4th, 1828.
By license, Jacob Upper and Penelope Jane Chase, married at
Anthony Upper's, Thorold, March 23, 1828.
By license, Charles Armstrong, of Oxford, Western District, and
Sarah McNeil, of Niagara, married at Mr. Lampman's, April 10, 1828.
By license, George Shaw and Ann Stoats, both of St. David's,
married at St. David's, May 4, 1828.
By license, James Wilson, Saltfleet, and Mary Coowine, Stamford,
married in Stamford, May 28, 1828.
By license, John R. Berger, of Pelham, and Mary Hoover, of
Thorold, married in Thorold, the 18th day of June, 1828.
By license, Louis Britten and Elizabeth Durham, of Grantham,
married in Stamford, July 13, 1828.
By banns, Peter Bernhart and Mary Fretz, both of Bertie, married
in Stamford, July 29, 1828.
By banns, Obed Dell and Elizabeth Lemon, both of Willoughby,
married in Stamford, August 12, 1828.
By banns, Herbert Lee and Mary Bier, both of Willoughby, married
in Stamford, September 9, 1828.
By license, Andrew Hansel and Margaret Carrol, of Thorold,
married in Thorold, Oct.18, 1828.
By banns, John Lemon and Laura Dell, married in Stamford, 21st October, 1828.
By license, Alexander Emmons and Sophia M. Moore, of Chippawa,
married at Chippawa, 22nd October, 1828.
By banns, Thomas Dressel and Mary Thomas, of Thorold, married
in Stamford, the 3rd November, 1828.
By banns, Amos Bradshaw, of Pelham, and Mary McCormick, of
Thorold, married in Stamford, Nov. 5, 1828.
By license, Dr. David J. Bowman and Jane Warren, Fort Erie,
married at Fort Erie, Nov. 6, 1828.
By banns, Jacob Miller, Willoughby, and Susanna Fariss, of
Wainfleet, married in Wainfleet, Nov.11, 1828.
By license, John Ladshaw and Mary Durham, of Stamford, married
in Stamford, December 11, 1828.
By banns, Thomas Smith and Mary Welburn, Stamford, married in
Stamford, December 31st, 1828.
By banns, James Garnet and Elizabeth Hays, of Stamford, married
in Stamford, January 19th, 1829.
By license, Francis Gore Swayzie, of Niagara, and Frances Cowel,
Thorold, married in Thorold, on Wednesday, the 4th February, 1829.
By banns, Leonard Loucks and Elizabeth Winchester, both of
Queenston, married at Queenston, on the 7th February, 1829.
By license, James Stone and Barbara Ott, both of Wainfleet,
married in Stamford, February 12th, 1829.
By banns, Henry Zimmerman and Regina Sherk, of Bertie, married
in Stamford, February 24th, 1829.
By license, John Hamilton, Esq., and Frances Pacia McPherson,
of Queenston, married at Queenston, April 7, 1829.
Hon. John Hamilton, called the father Marine on Lake
Ontario, son of Judge Hamilton; died in Kingston, born 1802.
Francis Pacia McPherson, sister of Hon. D. L. McPherson.
By banns, Robt. Treffry, of St. David's, and Sarah Law, of
Stamford, married in Stamford, April 13th, 1829.
By license, Jacob Keefer, of Thorold, and Christina Grant,
Queenston, married at Queenston, June 8th, 1829.
Christina Grant, the daughter of Robert Grant, from Inverness,
Scotland, the issuer of marriage licenses at Queenston. He is
buried in the Lutheran graveyard, Thorold.
By license, Joseph Doan, of Thorold, and Susan Clarke, of
Stamford, married in Stamford, Jnne 25th, 1829.
By banns, Henry Wright and Elizabeth Curtis, of Stamford,
married in Stamford, July 9th, 1829.
By license, Cyrus Smith and Jemima Dittrick, of Grantham,
married in Grantham, July 12, 1829.
By license, Robert Ingraham and Susan Douner, [Donner?] of Willoughby,
married in Stamford, August 13th, 1829.
By banns, Thomas Lambert and Elizabeth Acre, both of
Gainsborough, were married in Stamford, July 16th, 1829.
By license, George Shafer, of Stamford, and Susanna Steinhoff,
Crowland, married in Crowland, August 20, 1829.
By banns, Christian Horst, Rainham, and Elizabeth Shoup, married
at Mrs. Shoup's, Sept. 1st, 1829.
By license, Archibald Irvine and Jane Lindsay, of Thorold,
married 17th October, 1829
By license, Christopher Warner Jones and Lucretia Caroline Goring,
of Niagara, married in Stamford, October 21st, 1829.
By license, James Maclem and Harriet Maria Ransom, married on
the 4th November, 1829.
By license, John McKinley, of Niagara Township, and Ann Lawrence Clow,
of Stamford, married November 26th, 1829.
By banns, Joseph Lemon and Sarah Misener, Crowland, married Dec. 1st, 1829.
By license, John McBride and Jane Morrow, married at Deep cut, Dec. 24, 1829.
By license, Samuel Woodward and Sarah Mead, of Grantham, married
in Stamford, January 24th, 1830.
By license, William Stull and Ann Secord, of Grantham, married
in Grantham, January 31st, 1830.
By license, Dominique Sabourier and Patience Paine, of Stamford,
married in Stamford, February 4th, 1830.
By banns, Jacob Lern, of Willoughby, and Penelope Buckbee, of
Crowland, married in Stamford, February 10th, 1830.
By banns, Andrew Vanderburgh, of Burford, and Mary Ker, of
Grantham, married in Grantham, Feb.11, 1830.
By license, James Mann, Grantham, and Ann Goring,
of Niagara, married Feb. 21, 1830.
Isaac Teller and Ann Upper, of Thorold, married by license, in
Thorold, February 21, 1830.
By license, James Mitchell and Elizabeth Sproll, married in
Thorold, March 17, 1830.
By banns, Adam Vanalstine and Elizabeth Conger, of Crowland,
married in Crowland, March 25th, 1830.
By license, Leonard Griffiths and Catherine Rouse, Stamford,
married at Lundy's Lane, April 4, 1830.
By license, James Gordon and Margaret Mylne, both of Stamford,
married in Stamford, the 16th (or 18th) April.
By banns, Samuel Hoton and Elizabeth Heslop, Gainsborough,
married in Stamford, April 29th, 1830.
By banns, James Thomas, Humberstone, and Elizabeth McDonald, of
Wainfleet, married in Stamford, May 10th, 1830.
By banns, Christian Sherk and Anna Bork, [Bouk?] of Bertie, married in
Stamford, May 11th, 1830.
By license, Sayer Beach and Caroline Merriam, of Drummondville,
Stamford, married July 5th, 1830.
By license, John Parr and Margaret McCutcheon, Thorold, married
in Thorold, July 22nd, 1830.
By license, William Current and Cynthia Wilson, both of
Crowland, married in Crowland, Sept. 7th, 1830.
By license, William Griffiths and Mary Brando, of Stamford,
married in Stamford, September 16th, 1830.
By license, Frederick DeCoe and Elizabeth Lacy, both of Thorold,
married in Thorold, October 13th, 1830.
By license, James Durham, widower, and Ann Humphrey, both of
Niagara, married in Stamford, October 17th, 1830.
By license, James McNicoll and Sarah Street, married in Chippawa
church, November 10th, 1930.
By license, John VanWyck and Jane Shaw, Qneenston, married at
Queenston, November 3rd, 1830.
By license, John Wright and Eliza Emmet, Granntiam, married in
Stamford, November 14th, 1830.
By banns, John Bernhart and Susannah Winger, of Willoughby,
married in Stamford, November 23rd, 1830.
By license, James Kirk and Sarah Foster, of Chippawa, married in
Lundy's Lane, November 25th, 1830.
By banns, Francis Hunch and Catharine Campbell, of Gainsborough,
married in Lundy's Lane, February 9th, 1831.
By banns, Seth Tripp and Mary Conger, Willoughby, married in
Lundy's lane, February 27, 1831.
By banns, Aaron Stringer and Mary Hunt, married in Pelham, March 15th, 1831.
By banns, Robert Dell and Mary Ammerman, Willoughby, married in
Stamford, 22nd March, 1831.
By license, Rev'd Abraham Nelles, Grand River, and Hannah Maclem,
Chippawa, married in Chippawa church, May 3rd, 1831.
The Nelles family settled at Grimsby and near the Grand River.
Colonel Robert Nelles and Hon. Abraham Nehes are buried at Grimsby.
By license, Wm. Ardilly and Mary Stuart, Crowland, married August 2nd, 1831.
By license, Jesse H. Lacy, Thorold, and Susan Cook, of Crowland,
married August 4th, 1831.
By banns, Wm. Silverthorne, Willoughby, and Catherine Bucker, of
Crowland, married August 9th, 1831.
By banns, Silas Bark and Susan Burns, Willoughby, married Aug. 11th, 1831.
By banns, Cornelius Acker and Mary Hull, Pelham, married Aug. 2st, 1831.
By banns, George Bush and Eliza Ann Williams, Stamford, married Aug. 25th, 1831.
By banns, Samuel Vanalstine and Mary Ann Buckner, Crowland,
married Sept. 6th, 1831.
By banns, Uriah Bernhart and Susanna Winger, Bertie, married Sept. 13th, 1831.
By banns, Chester Kinnard, Wainfleet, and ?? Burns, Stamford,
married Oct. 25th, 1831.
By license, Leo Doolittle, Thorold, and Jane Lucinda Colten,
Stamford, married Nov. 5, 1831.
By banns, Peter Shisler [Shister?] and Sarah Bernhart, both of Bertie,
married Nov. 22nd, 1831.
By license, David Hotchkiss to Ann Vanalstine, Thorold, married Nov. 29th, 1831.
By banns, Elijah Yokam, Crowland, to Catherine Lemon,
Willoughby, married in Stamford, Deer. 13, 1831.
By license, John Blackstock to Ann Grant, Stamford, married Dec. 14, 1831.
By banns, Christian Nisely to Emma Winters, both of Humberstone,
married in Humberstone, December 21st, 1881.
By banns, John Brayley to Hannah Current, both of Crowland,
married January 10th, 1832.
By license, George Hill to Ann Vanalstine, Thorold, married in
Thorold, Jaunary 10th, 1832.
By license, Adam Fralick of Stamford, to Catharine Finnimore, of
Queenston, married in Queenston, Feb 7th, 1832.
By license, Joseph Woodruff, to Sarah Shaw, St David's, married
at St. David's, Feb 9th, 1832.
The Woodruff family settled early in St. David's. Ezekiel,
the first to come, died in 1837, aged 73. Richard was a member
of Parliament. His daughter married Samuel Zimmerman. William
Woodruff was also an M.P.P.
By license, Stephen Conklin and Sarah Smith, of Bridgewater,
married at Bridgewater, February 28rd, 1832.
By banns, Andrew Vanalstine and Mary Robins, Crowland, married
in Crowland, February 28th, 1832.
By license, William Robinson, of Lewiston, U.S., and Sarah Willson,
of Stamford, married in Stamford, Feb. 29th, 1832.
By license, Thomas Coulson and Elizabeth Griffiths, of
Queenston, married in Queenston church, March 1st, 1832.
By banns, Henry Acker and Charity Overholt, Thorold, married in
Thorold, March 6th, 1832.
By banns, Owen Fares and Christiana Winters, Humberstone,
married in Humberstone, March 19th, 1832.
By license, Frederick Lewis Converse, of Grantham, and Ann Keefer,
Thorold, married May 28th, 1832.
By banns James Little, Grantham, and Ann Youall, Thorold, married 28th, 1832.
By banns, James Bird and Jane Smart, Stamford, married June 9th. 1832.
By license, Patrick Elliot and Naomi Cronk, of Chippawa, married July 8th, 1832.
By License, Alfred Wattles Allen, of Buffalo, U.S., and Sophia Maclem Rice,
married Aug. 29th, 1832.
By license, George Bouck and Ann Eliza Shaver, of Thorold,
married Sept. 4th, 1832.
By banns, Joseph Springsteen [Symington?] and Mary Gee, of Gainsborough,
married October 3rd, 1832.
By banns, John Sloat and Nancy Rogers, of Gainsborough, married Oct. 3rd, 1832.
By banns, Joseph Willick and Esther Boyer, Willoughby, married Jan. 8th, 1833
By license, Peter Upper and Margaret Vanalstine, of Thorold,
married Jan. 10th, 1833.
By banns, George Hedgers and Mary Robins, of Thorold, married
February 12th, 1833.
By license, Cornelius Bowen and Catherine Mettler, of Stamford,
married Feb. 19th, 1833.
By license, William Vanderburgh and Janet Church, of Thorold,
married in Thorold, February 20th, 1833.
By license, James Williams and Rebecca Smith, of Stamford,
married in Stamford, Feb. 21st, 1833.
By license, Robert Lockey Florey [Florry?] and Margaret Courtney, of
Queenston, married in Stamford church, March 17th, 1833.
By banns, James Conger and Reety Mitchell, of Pelham, married April 29th, 1833.
By banns, Reuben Reid and Marilla Cook, Stamford, married June 5th, 1833.
By license, Abner Cook and Nancy Brookfield, married July 3rd, 1833.
By license, Isaiah Starkey and Elizabeth Riall, Stamford, married July 6th, 1833.
By banns, John Shirk, of Humberstone, and Mary House, of Bertie,
married in Bertie, July 9th, 1833.
By license, Alexander Ross and Lucy Kerry, of Stamford, married
in Stamford, August 3rd, 1833.
By license, Rowley Williams, of Guelph, and Hannah Cartwright Secord,
Queenston, married in Queenston church, August 22nd, 1833.
Hannah Cartwright Secord, fourth daughter of James Secord and
Laura Ingersoll. Her first husband was Hawley Williams, her
second, Edward Carthew.
By license, John Milton, Niagara, and Eliza Baker, married in Stamford,
September 1st, 1833.
By banns, Hiram Forsyth and Jane Oswald, of Stamford, married Sept. 3rd, 1833.
By license, Matthew Thomas and Nancy Ann Darling, both of
Thorold, marvied in Thorold, Sept. 5th, 1833.
George Keefer, Jr., and Margaret McGregor, Thorold, married by
license in Thorold, Sept. 10th, 1833.
By license, Robert Sparrow Delatre and Emma Mary Alder, of
Stamford, married in Chippawa church, Sept. 26th, 1833.
By license, John Poore, of Guelph, Gore District, and Laura Secord,
of Queenston, married at Queenston, Oct. 17th, 1833.
Capt. and Mrs. Poore (1st Incorporated Batt. of Militia at Hamilton)
once stayed at my father's house) in 1838 or '39. I remember them
and their little son John. Geo. A. Bull, March, 1893.
Laura Secord, the fifth daughter of James Secord and Laura Ingersoll.
Her second husband was Dr. Wm. Clarke, her first, Captain Poore.
By license, James Tido [Fido?] and Jane Cathcart, both of Stamford,
married Oct. 19th, 1833.
By license, Dilly Coleman and Sarah Sproule, of Thorold, married
in Stamford, Novr. 25th, 1833.
By license, Abraham Wartman Secord and Ann Shaw, Township of
Niagara, married Nov. 28th, 1833.
By license, Henry Dell, Willoughby, and Catherine Shafer, of
Stamford, were married December 3rd, 1833.
By license, William Russdl and Elizabeth Evans, of Stamford,
were married December 25th, 1833.
By license, Robert Baldwin Sullivan and Louisa Emma Delatre were
marvied in Stamford church, December 26th, 1833.
Thomas Crane and Eliza McGarvey were married by license, January 13th, 1834.
John Smith Maclem and Susan Maria Hepburne, of Chippawa, were
married by license, January 13th, 1834.
Benjamin Winger and Barbara Gromiller, of Bertie, were married
(by publication of banns) Feb. 4th, 1834.
Jacob Nisely, of Humberstone, and Elizabeth Danner, of
Willoughby, were married by publication of banns, April 15th, 1834.
Adam Duff and Jane Hopkins, Stamford, were married by license, Apr. 23, 1834.
Matthew Overholt, of Pelham, and Elizabeth Winger, of
Willoughby, were married by publication of banns, May 18th, 1834.
James Fell and Rachel Skinner, both of Stamford, were married by
license, May 29th, 1884.
George M. Nelles, of Nelson, and Julia Lafferty, Stamford, were
married by license, June 11th, 1834.
William Armstrong and Julian Burger, both of Thorold, were
married by license, June 22nd, 1834.
James Burger and Ruth Crafford, of Thorold, were married by
license, June 22nd, 1834.
Edward Lee and Mary Grabiel, both of Wainfleet, were married by
license, Aug. 4th, 1834.
Thomas C. Kendriek and Ellinor Clarke, of Stamford, were
married by license, Aug. 6th, 1834.
Thomas Keating and Mary Ann Richardson, of Guelph, were married
by license at Queenston, August 16th, 1834.
John Laing, Esq., of Stamford, and Caroline Margaret Tench, of Niagara,
were married by license at Queenston church on the 25th August, 1834.
Christopher Armstrong and ?? Farrel were married by license, Oct. 26th, 1834.
Cornelius Foster and Keziah Whatley, of Stamford, were married
by license, November 9th, 1834.
George Todd and Ann Hodgson, both of Thorold, were married by
banns in Stamford, December 17h, 1834.
Job Stevens and Sarah Cox, both of the Township of Niagara, were
married by license, December 25th, 1834.
Philander Bamp and Phebe Upper, of Thorold, were married by
license, January 7th, 1835.
Duncan M. Campbell, of Vaughan, and Eliza Jane Thompson were
married by license at Chippawa church by W. F. Miller, January 25th, 1835
William Townsend and Ann Maria Bouk, of Thorold, were married by
license in Thorold, February 8th, 1835.
Andrew Allen and Ann Shipton, both of Drummondville, were
married by license, February 14th, 1835.
Avery Gould and Mary McGarvey, both of Chippawa, were married at
Chippawa church, February 15th, 1835.
Agnew Patrick Farrell, of the Towmhip of Dunn, and Catherine Parnell,
Stamford, were married by license in Chippawa church, March 10th, 1835.
W. F. MILLER, Off. Min.
George Vanderburgh and Betsey Ann Church, of the Township of
Thorold, were married by license, March 26th, 1835.
Jacob Harp and Mary Moses were married by banns, April 7th, 1835.
Joseph Anthony and Catherine Upper, Haldimand and Thorold, were
married April 7th, 1835, by license.
Thomas Humphries and Anne Riley, of Queenston, were married at
Stamford church, April 14th, 1835, by license.
WM. LEEMING, Off. Min.
NOTE.-The baptisms, marriages and burials seem to have taken
place in the Queenston Church, Stamford, Chippawa and Lutheran
or German church at Thorold or in private houses, or in case of
some burials in family burial plots.
Note.-Each notice is signed, "Thos. Cummings, J.P.," but this
has been omitted as unnecessary.
Married by me, Thos. Cummings, Esquire, one of His Majesty's
Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara, John Shaver and
Eve Muma, both of Township of Crowland, agreeable to an Act of the
Legislature of this Province, passed in the thirty-third year of His
Majesty's reign, done at Chippawa this 24th of March, 1801..
Be it remembered, that Wm. Stephens and Susanna Morningstar
came this 19th day of April and intermarried together according
to law, and they are legally contracted. to each other in marriage.
Be it remembered, that Peter Lourson, of the 2nd Batt. Royal
Canadian Volunteers, and Margaret Brown, of the Township of
Willoughby, was married together by me, this thirtieth day of
May, 1801, by lawful permission.
Be it remembered, that Leo Stenhoof, of Stamford, and Margaret
Wier, of the Township of Willoughby, were married by me at Chippawa,
On Monday, third day of August, 1801, being regularly published
according to law, by Rev. Robt. Addison, as appears by his note.
Be it remembered, that William Roberts and Elizabeth Moore, of
the Township of Willoughby, in the District of Niagara, were
married on Tuesday, 26th day of January, in the year of Our Lord
One thousand eight hundred and two, agreeable to the statute on
such cases, made and provided, by me.
Be it remembered, that Levi Cassaday and Johana Waterhouse, of
the Township of Thorold, in the District of Niagara, were
married 1st March, 1802, agreeable to an Act of the Legislature
of this Province, by me.
Be it remembered, that John Pettit and Catharine Buchner, of the
Township of Crowland, in the District of Niagara, were married
this 25th day of March, 1802, agreeable to an Act of the
Legislature of this Province, by me.
Be it remembered, that Samuel Beckett and Minas Bradshaw, of the
Township of Pelham, in the District of Niagara, were married
this 31st day of May, 1802, agreeable to.
Be it remembered, that Thos. Cooper and Ann Conkle, of the
Township of Stamford and Thorold, in the District of Niagara,
were married the 6th day of July, 1802, by license for that
purpose, made and promoted by an Act of Parliament of Great Britain.
Be it remembered, that Nathan Strong and Mary Long, of the
Township of Grantham, in the District of Niagara, were married
this 15th day of August, in the year of Our Lord One thousand
eight hundred and two, according to an Act of Parliament.
Be it remembered, that Donald Robins and Mary Dun, of the
Township of Thorold, in the District of Niagara, were married
the 23rd day of Nov., 1802, according to an Act of the Legislature.
Be it remembered, that Benoni Wheeler and Elizabeth Chambers, of
the Township of Stamford, in the District of Niagara, were
married this 27th day of Nov., 1802, according to an Act.
Be it remembered, that Christopher Burt and Mary Oldfield, of
the Township of Stamford, in the District of Niagara, were
married by me, the 1st day of March, 1803, according to an Act.
Be it remembered, that Peter Sinon and Agnes Silverthorn have
this day become lawfully married to each other, the 27th day of April, 1803, by
Be it remembered, that Joseph Rice and Mary Steel have this day
become lawfully married to each other, according to law, Chippawa,
date to be entered, poor photocopy. bmartin
Be it remembered, that Samuel Dill and Sarah Wilkins were
lawfully married to each other, according to an Act of the
Legislature of this Province, Chippawa, 19th May, 1806.
Be it memembered, that John Wilkins and Pamelia Caul, of the
Township of Crowland, were lawfully married to each other,
according to an Act of the Legislature, Chippawa, 27th July, 1807.
Be it remembered, that Bersnolt Dill and Elizabeth Mackinter
were legally married this day, according to law, by me, Chippawa, 18th May, 1808.
Be it remembered, that John Amnum and Abigail Vincent were married this day,
according to the laws of this Province, Willoughby, 10th Apr., 1809.
Be it remembered, that Arran Dain and Ribia Cronk were married
this day, according to the laws of the Province, Willoughby, 6th Aug., 1809.
Be it remembered, that James Dille and Mary Ancybaugh did
intermarry together this eleventh day of November, 1810, in the
County of Haldimand, by me, the subscriber.
Be it remembered, that James Heanslip, Sr., of Thorold, and
Elima Stevenson, of same place, were married by me, the
subscriber, this 12th day of April, 1812, according to the law
of this Province.
CHIPPAWA, 1816 TO 1832.
Be it remembered, that Thomas Smith and Margaret McCradie, both
of the Township of Willoughby, in the District of Niagara, were
married this twentieth day of April, 1818, according to an Act
of the Legislature of the Province, by me.
Be it remembered, that Thomas C. Vincent and Cloe Dell, both of
the Township of Willoughby, in the District of Niagara, were
married this seventeenth day of September, 1818, according to an
Act of the Legislature of the Province, by me.
Be it remembered, that John Clemens and Ann Crane, both of the
Township of Willoughby, in the District of Niagara, were married
this 26th day of Novembey, 1818, according to an Act of the Legislature
of this Province.
Be it remembered, that Paul Sans and Nancy Robinson, both of the
Township of Willoughby, were married by me, 29th Apr., 1819,
according to an Act of the Legislature of the Province.
Be it remembered, that James McCradie and ?? Willson, of the
Township of Crowland, were legally married this ?? day of October, 1819.
Be it remembered, that Henry Smith and ?? Colton, both of
Chippawa, were legally married by me, this ?? day of ??, 1820.
Thomas Rock, Crowland, and ?? Lutz, of Humberstone, were married
legally, ?? day of April, 1820.
Michael ?? and Isabella ?? , both of Chippawa, 7th May, 1820.
CHIPPAWA, 7th March, 1796.
At a town meeting the following persons were elected to serve in
their respective offices.
Thos. Cummings, Town Clerk.
Jos. Price, Jacob Lemon, Assessors.
Joseph Pill, Esq., Poundkeeper.
Michael Gonder, Thos. Cummings, Philip Forn, Pathmasters.
Mathew Buchner, Abraham Beam, Church or Town Wardens.
In the record for 1797 the new names are Jas. Macklem, Henry
Wierhuhm, Geo. Young, Christian Boughner, Christian Venegar,
Enos Doan, John Maby, Peter Cobrick, J. Wilson.
In 1798 the new names are John Garner, Elijah Vincent, George House.
In 1800, Christian Hearshey, John Fanning, John Petty.
In 1801, John Byers, Samuel Street.
Gordon Dudley was £ned two pounds for not sitting as assessor.
All these years Thos. Cummings was Town Clerk.
Saturday, 9th May, 1801, Court held at Johm Fanning's. Present:
Samuel Street, John Ruby, Thos. Cummings, Esq.; Various persons
were fined ten shillings for not appearing at Militia duty, 13th
Apr. last. Sergeant Wm. Cook did not warn some to appear and was
fined forty shillings; John Garner also fined 40s. for same, but
pleaded that he had sent a corporal to warn them and the fine was remitted.
At Town meeting, 1802, new names are Jesse Yoksin, Jno Brealy,
Nicholas Misener. Fences are to be five ft. six inches high 4
in. apart for 4 rails high. Hogs under a year old to be yoked,
over a year with-out yokes.
Various persons were summoned for neglect of duty of 4th June,
some were fined, some excused for various reasons, as being
sick, arm put out of joint, cut foot; one had attended on the
Plains in Capt. Herron's Co., where he formerly belonged.
The fines are £0 10 0
Mileage and serving summons 4 8
Oath 1 0
Judgment 2 6
Two witnesses 5 0
Summons 6
Total £1 4 8
Execution 2 0
Paid suit and costs.
The Town meetings go on in 1803 till 1812, when James Cummings
is Town Clerk till 1828. In 1824, James Ramsay; in 1828, Michael
Gonder. Two pages are devoted to marks on ears of pigs, etc., in
Crowland and Willoughby as a crop on the right ear, a half-penny
out of the left ear, a swallow for in the left ear, a half-moon
out of the under side of the ear, etc.
Another page has a list of men fined in the 3rd Regt. of Militia
in 1801. Jn 1810, cash paid for cleaning 40 stand of arms £3; to
drum £3 12s.; to freight of ditto from Albany, 8s.;
3rd Battalion Lincoln Militia.
On last page - Niagara, 24th Apr., 1801. At the Court of Quarter
Sessions, 1801, rules for poundkeepers, signed R. Clench Account
for making a list of inhabitants, list of town officers and the
returns to Quarter Sessions in April annually, each 100 names £5
Halifax Cy. For turning the key on receiving a delivery, 7 1/2d. For
every 24 hours after the first 24 for food, is. 3d., at Niagara Jail
A number of letters appear, signed by Commissioners of Highways
Samuel Street, Thos. Cummings, Crowell Wilson, directing work to
be done. Many pages are filled with names of men to perform
statute labor. Two pages are filled with the census returns for
1823; number of males and females in each; total, 280 males, 261
females; signed, Jas. Cummings, Clerk.
An interesting account of sales of effects of late Henry
Weishuln at Public Vendue on Saturday, 21st Apr., 1804. An
appraisement had been made by Peter McMicking, John Row, Jno.
Hardy, of £275 1Os. The articles at sale amounted to £278 lOs.,
but some things sold for much more than appraisement, others for
almost the exact amount, but a few other articles were added.
One sorrel horse, £12; black colt, £12 4s.; two mares, £9 and
£8; Napper Tandy colt, £12 4s.; yoke of oxen, £16 4s., another,
£19 4s.; old cow, £4 4s.; pleasure slay, £1 12s.; waggon, £16
8s., another, £13 4s.; plough, £3 5s.; six sheep, £10; windmill,
£2 8s. six sheep, £9 4s.; ten sheep, £12 4s.; one bay colt, £17
12s.; sorrel horse, £21 4s.; ox chain, 2s. 3d.; heifer, £5;
desk, £1 14s.; table, 16s.; half of the hogs, £7. 12s 1O 1/2d.,
other half the same; waggon, £20; books, 7s.; Mohawk Testament,
3s.; Telemachus, 11s. 6d.; book, 2s. 7d. The 20 pigs had been
valued at £13 and were sold for £15, while 36 sheep were valued
at £46 and sold for £40.
A letter from Queenston to Jas. Cummings, 21st May, 1816,
advising him of arrival of the schooner General Brock, from
Kingston, with goods-22 casks, 2 chests, 13 cases, signed,
Thomas Dickson; also a letter from Grant Kirby.
At a meeting of the inhabitants of Chippawa and Lundy's Lane,
held at the schoolhouse at Drummond Hill, pursuant to a public
notice, to consult for the appropriation of a certain sum of
money granted by the Lord Bishop of Quebec towards erecting a
church either at Chippawa or Lundy's Lane, the following
resolutions were adopted:
Copy of letter from Major Leonard to Col. Harvey and answer
being read, also a letter from the Lord Bishop of Quebec,
stating that, when a church at Chippawa or Lundy's Lane is
raised and covered in, he (the Bishop of Quebec) will give from
a fund entrusted to him by the S. P. G. £100 and that a
decent residence be also provided for the clergyman.
Resolved, that two churches be built, one at Chippawa and the
other at Lundy's Lane, the one to be an Episcopal church and the
other for all denominations of Christians.
Resolved, That the church for all denominations be built at Lundy's Lane.
Resolved, That the subscription list for building church for all
denominations at Lundy's Lane, dated at Stamford, 30th Apr., 1819, be read.
Read accordingly, and it was found that the amount still due and
to be collected on said subscriptions to be 230 dollars, 88 brs.
lime, shingles sufficient to cover the same, and subscriptions
of 20 bnshels of wheat, besides the materials already collected on the spot.
Resolved, That it shall be left to the Trustees to regulate at
what time and to sanction what clergyman may preach in same
church. To meet on 22nd inst.
Drummond Hill School House, 13th June, 1821.
At a meeting at Stamford, 22nd inst., at the house of Hugh
McClive, pursuant to adjournment, Crowell Wilson, Chairman, Jas.
Cummings, Clerk; Resolved, That Thomas Clark, Thomas Street, John
Lifferty, Jno. Hardy and Jas. Macklem are appointed Trustees for
the superintendence of the church for all denominations of Christians.
This became the Presbyterian Church, and the Drummond Hill
Presbyterian Church, donated by Wm. Lowell, now stands on the
same spot next the Lundy's Lane graveyard on the hill, the scene
of the battle, 25th July, 1814.
Resolved, That Thomas Clark, Richard Leonard, Thos. Cummings,
Jas. Macklem and George Mulmine are appointed Trustees for the
Episcopal church to be built at Chippawa. Stamford, 22nd June, 1821.
Thomas Wilson, the granter of an acre of land on Drummond Hill,
granted to him in trust for church for all denominations.
A meeting on 29th Jan., 1821, at Chippawa, for fixing on plan of church.
Plan drawn by Col. Clark was approved of, deed to be given
before the church be built.
An agreement to furnish lumber was submitted by Wm. McDonell,
Stephen Farr, Shubail Parks, of Wainfleet, at 14 shillings, N.Y. currency,
per hundred feet,
20th March, 1821. Proposals were received from Andrew Kirby,
Canboro, and John Lymburner, Caistor, for furnishing boards.
George Mulmine appointed Treasurer.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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