This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 3, Published in Toronto in 1901
Pages 7-73.
Return to my main index.
July 30.Sara Rock, an infant.
M. FitzGerald, an infant.
Eliza Sheehan, dr. of W. B.
Aug.16. A soldier in the fort on the other side of the river.
Sep. 25.Saml. P. Jarvis, an infant of William Jarvis, Esq.
May 31. Mrs. Catherine Butler, wife of Col. Butler.
June A stranger.
July 6. ??? Scram, an infant.
J. Alexr. Smith, an infant son of D. W. Smith.
11. A sergeant of the 5th Regt. shot for desertion. He was
attended a good while before he suffered. He behaved well.
Aug. 13.Francis Donelly.
17. A stranger from Van Every's.
20. Mrs. Vance, a soldier's wife.
23. ??? Bowne, another soldier's wife.
Sep. 19.Adam Chrysler.
John Read (at the 10-Mile Creek).
Jan. 9. John Butler, of Thomas, an infant.
??? Young, wife of John (4-Mile Creek);
25. M. Kerr, wife of Robert Kerr, Esq.
Mar. 20.Poet Wyndham, of the 5th Regt., shot himself.
Possibly Pvte.
Corporal Lamb, of the 5th Regt.
Apr. 26.Mrs. E. Hill, wife of Assistant Hill.
July A child of a poor stranger called Chambers.
Sept. 9.A soldier, surfeited by drinking cold water.
17. ??? Longill, of the 5th Regt.
Oct. 7. ??? wife of James Chambers.
21. James Chambers, an unfortunate stranger.
Nov.11. Anthony Slingerland.
Dec.15. Mr. Barnham, a stranger, dropped down dead.
Jan. 25.An infant child of the Atty General's servant.
Mar. 22.Widow Chrysler.
Mary, wife of John Cain.
James Robinson.
Sept. Robert McNabb, of Allen, an infant.
Oct. 11.Mary Louth, an infant child, of the 5th Regt.
20. R. B. Tickel. Alas, he was starved.
Nov. 22.J. Smith, Colonel of the 5th Regt.
Apr. 2. Lieut. Falkner, of the 5th Regt.
May 15. Col. John Butler (of the rangers), my patron.
Born in New London, Connecticut. Baptized 28 April,1728.
W. McM., Rector.
(Rev. William McMurray, D.D., third rector of St. Mark's.)
Sep. 24.White, the butcher (from England).
Nov. 27.Jean Hamilton, of Robert and Catherine (infant).
29. Arent Bradt.
Dec. 15.Catherine Hamilton, wife of the Hon. Robert.
Feb. 23.Charity, wife of James Wallace (carpenter).
Apr. 16.Robert Wier.
May 23. ??? Adams, an infant.
27. E. Clench, an infant daur. of Ralfe.
Jan. 1.An Indian child.
2. Mrs. Field.
July 3.'Squire Lawrence (at York).
Aug. 30.Mr. Johnson, a stranger.
Jan. 24.Lieut. Solomon Secord.
May 7. Servant of Mr. Justice Powell (killed in y'd well).
Aug. 14.A poor stranger from Mr. McNabb's.
21. Poor West India Hatt, bror. to Richd. and Saml.
Oct. 28.Peter McBride, worn out by excess at the age of 49.
Nov. 6. A poor stranger from Ferris's.
May 17.Sergt. Rourck (Royal Can. Volunteers).
Sarah Secord, a woman from McMichael's.
Sep. 11.Old Mr. Doudle.
Nov. 6.Mrs. Eve Butler, wife of Johnson.
Jan. 27.Mrs. Goring, wife of Francis (10-Mile Creek).
Feb. 7.Mrs. Ann Claus.
Sep. 25.Looisa Miller, infant.
Oct. 3.Bombr. Gray (Royal Artillery).
28. Poor old Tramper, Capt. Pilkington's gardiner.
Miss Nancy Johnson, from Capt. Claus's.
Feb. 16.Mrs. Hannah Alcock, wife of Mr. Justice Alcock.
Apr. 29.Cut-Nose Johnson, a Mohawk chief.
Aug. 19.Ann Needham (infant).
20. Mr. Goodridge, a stranger from the States.
Margaret Neach, wife of John.
Susan Pawling (infant).
Sep. 29.Mrs. Waters, a negro woman.
Jan. 2. John Andrew Butler (infant).
Mar. 2. Captn. Dan. Servos.
Apr. 5. Mr. Hewitt, schoolmaster.
June 15.A child of Captn. Hughes
Sep 19.Margaret McKay, wife of John.
30. William D. Powell, Esq., jr.
Oct. 31.Maria Emery (infant)
May 23.Mrs. Ann Butler, wife of Andrew.
July 28 E. Lafferty (an infant).
Aug. 10.An Indian chief.
Sep. 7. Mr. Morrison, from Mr. Forsythe's
26. Col. Peter Ten Broeck.
Dec. 1 Mrs Swayze, wife of Isaac. Esq.
Jan. 9. An Indian chief (Cut-Nose).
July 15.John Steins (infant, of sergt-majr. 49th).
19. Mr. Ferris, brother of Joshua
Aug. 15.Margaret Short, wife of Major Wm Charles.
16. Mary Bradshaw (infant).
26. Thomas Crabb, a stranger.
Sep. 10.Sergt. Richard Kelsall, of the 41st Regt..
A private soldier in the 41st Begt.
Oct. 1. Mary Jane Ann Elizabeth Short, daughter of Major Wm. Charles 41st
Nov. 2. Mary Saunderson (infant).
15. Colvin Grant.
Dec. 6 David Parker, senr.
10. Eliza Bachelor, infant
12. Harriot Bachelor infant
Jan 5. Mrs. Jane Read (1O-Mile Creek).
Mar. 29.Ann Clarke, infant
Sept 21.Bridget McGuire (wife of sergt 41st).
Oct. 7. William Weeks, Esq, (fell in a duel).
25. Elizabeth Clarke (wife of James).
John McBride (infant of Peter).
Dec 20. Mrs. Bachelor, wife of ??? Bachelor, the saddler.
Jan. 6. Old Mrs Clement, widow.
Apr 15. Captain Stevenson (formerly of Queen's Rangers).
16. Sailor drowned (name unknown).
20. Jacob Creem (of the Canadian Fencibles).
May 19. Charles L. Vigoureux (infant).
31. Margaret Freel (infant)
July 13.Martha Cook (infant, 41st Regt)
15. Valentine Lewis (infant, 41st Regt.).
Aug. 28 Robert Saunderson (butcher).
Oct. 21.Mary Turner (41st regt).
Nov. 14.John Conrad Gastman (an old German).
Apr 2. Stephen Secord (miller)
July 20. ??? Sprouce, a boy of the 41st Regt.
Aug. 17.James Clarke) Esq., barrack-master.
Sept. 8.Sarah Gray (infant) of the 41st Regt.).
24. Ellen Field (infant, of Charles).
25. Ann Wilks (infant, of 41st Regt.).
26. Captain D. Cowan (Commander of the "Camden" Lake Erie).
29. John Brown, of the 41st Regt.
Oct. 7. Mary McBean (infant, of the 41st Regt.).
25. Jane Wilson (wife of John).
29. John Hall (armourer 41st Regt.).
30. John McNabb, Esq.
Dec.25. Samuel Brammel (41st Regt.).
Jan.13. Mrs. Donohoo, housekeeper to Jos. Edwards, Esq.
Mar.31. Samuel Bingle, husband to Maria Waddel.
Apr 2. Sarah Harrison (infant, 41st Regt.).
May 23. Elizabeth Page, from Mr. Heron's farm.
July 9.Catelina Butler, daughter of Andrew.
17. Lucy Wilmot, 41st Regt.
Aug. 22.Mrs. Jane Fisher, from John Secord's.
27. Eliza Phelps (infant, from Queenston).
31. Jane Hingston (infant, 100th Regt.).
Sep. 30.Richard Hatt Butler (infant, of Johnson).
Oct. 5. Thomas Arangey, Sergt. 100th Regt.
12. Margaret McFarland, wife of John.
15. John Symington (infant) of John.
Dec. 24.Margaret Fuller (infant) of Daniel.
Jan. 8. Adam Vrooman, senr. (near Queenston).
Feb. 7. James Walsh, 100th Regt.
Apr 10. Colin McNabb, senr. Esq.
June 8. Mrs. Rachel Williams, widow.
10. Samuel Cassady, se'nr.
July 1. Mrs. Gould, widow, mother to Mrs. Lyons.
2. John Fisher.
Aug 6. Widow Gibbons.
22. Major Chs. Lyons, bar. master.
31. The Master Tailor of 100th Regt. (killed by lightning).
Sept.15.Old Anna Meisner.
Nov. 13.Amelia Wrath (infant, 100th Regt.).
Jan. 16.John Fluter, a labourer.
25. Mrs. Gertrude Pawling, widow of Jesse (12-Mile Creek).
Mar. 11 Capt. J. Andrews (100th Regt.).
Apr 10.Samuel Layton, sen.
May 9. Mrs. Anderson, wife of Charles (40-Mile Creek).
18. Ann Campbell.
Sep. 12.Samuel Smith (private, 41st Regt).
July 2. Margaret, wife of Corporal Jones, 41st Regt.
July 14.Angus Harrison (infant, 41st Regt.).
Aug. 23.Annabella Claus (infant, of Col. Wm.).
Sep. 15. ??? Byfield (soldier, 41st Regt.).
Oct. 16.General Sir Isaac Brock
Colonel John McDonald
They fell together at Queenston and they were buried together
in the N.E. Bastion of Fort George.
The spelling of course is wrong (McDonnell).
Nov. 14. ??? Cunningham (soldier, 41st Regt.).
16. John McKenzie (Col. Nichol's boy).
Dec. 3. Donald Campbell (Fort major).
Buried at Fort George.
6. Elizabeth Emery, widow.
12. Herman Hostetter (from the 10-Mile Creek).
14. Colonel Johnson Butler,
17. Thomas Butler, senr., (his brother.)
22. Rachel Secord, wife of Daniel.
Richard Beddoss, a cooper.
Feb. 3. Alexander Stewart, Esq. (barrister).
Member of first Law Society, U.C., 1797.
11. Mrs. Esther Adlam.
13. Joshua Ferris.
19. John Hay.
20. John Symington (infant).
Mar. Dr. Glenning (at York).
Apr 13. Rachel Tucker (infant, 49th Regt.).
June 5. Oliver Thompson (son of Cornelius).
July 16.John Wilson, clerk to the Ordnance store.
17. Colonel C. Bishop (died of his wounds).
We know that Col. Cecil Bishop was buried at Lundy's Lane, but
Mr. Addison conducted the funeral service there.
Sep. 15.Captn. Kingsley, paymaster to 8th Regt.
18. Mr. Lewis, qur. master to the 8th Regt.'
20. Dennis Sweeny, farrier to 19th Dragoons.
Dec. 13.Lieut. Rowland, 100th Regt.
ROBT. ADDISON, Min. of Niagara.
MEM.-On the day on which the engagement between Sir
James Yeo and Corn. Chauncey took place on the Lake
our dear friend Mrs. McNabb was buried in Mr. Servos's
burying ground, supposed to be the 29th Sept., 1813.
Feb. 12.John Moan (private, 41st Regt.).
June 10. ??? Henry, jun. (R. Artillery).
25. Mrs. Mary E. Ball, widow.
Jemima Clement (infant of James).
Aug. 2. Mr. Henry Ball (clerk in Paymr's Genl. Department).
9. Mr. Cornelius Thompson (H.P. Lieut.).
13. James Crookshankes (boy drowned).
15. Jemima Farish, wife of Larkin.
30. Mrs. Donaldson.
Sep. 6. Lieut. Marsh (Marine Artillery).
12. Joseph Edwards, Esq., J.P.
25. Gunner Thompson (Royal Artillery).
30. Mary Thompson, widow (R.A.).
Nov. 14.Daniel Spilman (civil engineer).
15. James Waters (infant).
Dec.10. Michael La Fleur (Can. Fencibles).
Constant Raymond (Can. Fencibles).
23. Gilbert Field (farmer).
Sep. 25.Gunner Thompson (Royal Artillery).
30. Mary Thompson, widow of a sergt., R.A.
Apr 7. Leonora Tolm (infant).
June 5. James Rawson (R. Sappers and Miners).
27. Peter Ivers (infant).
Oct.10. George Lawe, Esq. (usher of the Black Rod).
Margaret Pender (infant, 99th Regt.).
Feb. 17.Mrs. Forsyth, widow of Geo. Forsyth, Esq.
Mar. 31.Ellen, wife of Corporal Butler (99th Regt.).
June 17.J. Herd, Royal Artillery (fell down the mountain>
27. Diana Painter.
Sept.6. Thomas McGenn (private, 70th Regt.).
19. Mrs. Molly McBride.
23. Mrs. Heward, schoolmistress.
Nov. 30.Ann Cunningham, wife of an artilleryman.
N. B.-Sergt. Thompson, of the Royals, died in the beginning
of July in this year, but the date is lost and
the name was left out in the proper place.
Jan. 19.Charlotte Marshall wife of William (70th Regt.).
Mar. 20.Mrs. Powis wife of Thomas.
William Charles Sampson (infant).
Aug. 3. Mrs. A. Campbell (wife of Taylor Campbell).
5. Louisa Henry Vavassour (infant).
21. George Denham (infant of an emigrant)
Dec. 16.Col. Benjn. Pawling (12-Mile Creek).
Jan. 26.Mrs. Garrett, wife of Dr. Garrett (70th Regt.).
Feb. 24.Peter Stevenson (infant), of Lieut. James.
Mar. 12.Mr, James (Storekeeper's Department).
Aug. 20.John Jenkins Beardsley (infant)
Sept 29.Sergt. Gibson (armourer, 68th Regt.).
Oct. 10.Mary Ann Phillips (infant), of Joseph.
26. John H. Falconbridge (barr. master).
Nov. 6.Mr. Carrighan (private, 68th Regt.).
18. Ann, wife of John Wilson, merchant.
19. Alexander Rogers (innkeeper).
Dec. 9. Mary, wife of Robt. Brown (gunner, R. Arty.).
21. James Rogers (innkeeper). A bad profession for any but very sober men.
Apr. 11.Mary Earl, spinster, aged 17 years.
17. John Cook.
May 14.Alexander Cameron, Esqr., barrister-at-law.
June 21.Mary Staunton, wife of Mr. Commissary Staunton.
Aug. 23.John Symington, Esq. (collector of Customs).
Oct. 3.Susan Traver, spinster.
11. Mr. William Muirhead (brother of Dr. M.).
22. Cybil Cain, wife of Barny.
Nov. 13.Ensign Colin McNabb.
Dec. 18.Elizabeth Travors.
Apr 20. ??? Jackson (an infant of colour).
22. M. Bowling, a pauper.
June 2.John Batter, an Eng. farmer (12-Mile Creek).
July 20.John Dickson, son of Thos. D., Esq. (Queenston).
Aug. 1. Mrs. Thomas, wife of old Thomas (4-Mile Creek)
2. Celia Cobbit (68th Regt.)
Sept.1. Benjamin Geale, Esq., son-in-law to Hon. Col. Claus.
Nov. 6.John Milton (innkeeper).
Jan. 31. ??? Armstrong, a pauper.
Feb. 27.Rev. John Burns.
One of the first ministers of St. Andrew's, and perhaps the
first teacher of the Niagara District Grammar School, founded
18O8 He was captured by the Americans during the War of 1812,
and, it is said, preached to his captors. One of his sermons
preached in Stamford, 1814, has heen printed hy the Lundy's Lane
Historical Society.
2. Mrs. Lowler, Whitten's mother.
15. John Bull, Esq.
26. John Whitten, carpenter.
May 26. George Diamond, pauper (misplaced).
Apr 7. John Campbell, tailor.
16. Mr. Stuart from Mrs. Milton's.
Sep. 3. Poor Old Hope.
11. William Yarey (infant).
Mary Cokayne Frith, of Rev. Dr. (infant).
Pervan Courtland Secord, of Danl. (infant).
22. Mrs. Armstrong (a pauper).
Catherine Welsh, of Sergt. (76th Regt.).
June 19.James Stevenson, senr.
July 19.Hannah Wall.
23. Elizabeth Pilkington, wife of Dr. Pilkington.
Aug. 13.Elizabeth Watson.
16. John Hammond.
Sep. 15 Jane Watson (infant).
30. Mrs. Burns, widow of the Rev. John.
28. Owen Hanley (a pauper).
Oct. 3. Mrs. Hooper (schoolmistress).
John Hamilton.
Elizabeth Divine, aged 1 1/2 years. Rev. R. W. TUNNEY.
Mathew Murphy aged 30 years.
Elizabeth Henry, aged 57 years. By REV. R. W. Tunney,
Chapln. to the Forces.
Mary Ann Maitland, aged 1 1/2 years.
Mrs. Glass, aged 32 years.
Feb. 10.Mrs. Gordon (drowned at Queenston), at St. Catharines.
April Robert Jupiter, of colour.
May 6. Robert Nichol, Esq. (killed by falling down the mountain)
Buried at Stamford with Masonic ceremonies.
20. Ann Cameron (infant).
Aug. 26 A. Fagan, aged 29.
T. Pointer (an infant).
Sept.10.Ann Adlam.
12. Sarah Goodson, aged 10 years.
26. Edward Goodson, aged 43 years.
Nov.17. Mary Laughlin, aged 41 years.
18. Alex. Gardiner, aged 67 years.
29. J. B. Muirhead, Esq., aged 24 years. By R. W. TUNNEY
Sarah Freen, aged 25 years. Chapln. officiating
David Johnson, aged 37 years. at Fort George.
Dec. 1. Mary C. Lefoim.
June 19. David Cudney.
Oct. 29. George Whitmire, infant of John and Nancy.
Nov. 8. Ann Whitmire, infant of John and Nancy.
25. Phebe Ann Hancock, aged 2 years, 4 months and 16 days.
30. John Richardson (infant). July 2. Joseph Philips, aged 45 years.
8. John Mulligan, aged 3 years and 2 months.
27. John Newell, aged 36 years.
Oct. 9. The Rev. Robert Addison departed this life on the 6th,
in the 75th year of his age.
16. Eliza Ann Cathime, aged 17 years.
24. James Smith, shoemaker, aged 40.
Here closes the list of burials in this book, except a few, as
burials 1850, Aug. 8, Frederick Tench, died 5th Aug., in
consequence of being dashed against a tree on the common near
the race-course, in running a horse of Capt. Jones, aged 38.
Aug. 25. Samuel Cassaday, an old inhabitant of Niagara, aged 90.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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