In answer to several questions, the expressions filia populi [female] and
filius populi [male] are the latin expressions for [daughter/son (or child) of the public].
They refer to an illegitimate birth. Also shown in abbreviated form. These were
reproduced exactly as in the original book.
This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 3, Published in Toronto in 1901
Pages 7-73.
Return to my main index.
The translation of the Creeks shown in these pages
on Niagara Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths
Niagara is now Niagara-on-the-Lake.
The number on creeks start at Niagara River.
2 Mile Creek - Niagara On The Lake.
4 Mile Creek - Niagara On the Lake to St. Davids
8 Mile Creek - McNab (8 Mile Creek)
10 Mile Creek - Port Weller. (Now Welland Canal)
12 Mile Creek - Port Dalhousie to St. Catharines & beyond. Part of the lst Welland Canal.
15 Mile Creek - Charles Daly Park.
16 Mile Creek - other side of Charles Daly Park.
18 Mile Creek - between 16 Mile & 20 Mile Creeks.
20 Mile Creek is at Jordan Harbour
30 Mile Creek is at Beamsville.
40 Mile Creek is at Grimsby Beach.
My thanks to Maggie Parnall and Joe Wilson, Niagara Genealogy Host, for advice on these names.
THE following copy of the Record Books of St. Mark's and St.
Andrew's, Niagara, is as much as possible verbatim et
literatim. The spelling, etc., has been preserved. As showing
the value of these early records, it may be mentioned that part
of St. Mark's has been copied and deposited in the archives of
the Historical Society, Buffalo, and the marriage notices, up to
1830, have been reproduced in the history of St. George's, St.
Catharines, by Rev. Robt. Ker.
The early records of St. Mark's Church are found in good
preservation, in a stout old leathercovered book with thick yellow
paper. Rev. Robt. Addison, from Westmoreland, England, came as a
missionary in 1792, sent out by the Society for the Propagation
of the Gospel in Foreign parts; the church, however, was not
built till 1802. His field was an extensive one, as we find by
the entries, Chippawa, Long Point, Grimsby, Twelve-Mile Creek,
etc. The records are neatly kept, and the usual monotony of
such lists is relieved here and there by a touch of humor or
some quaint remark. Instead of the births, marriages and burials
being kept in different parts of the book, we find a page
allotted to each of those for each year in succession. He signs
his name as Ministor of Niagara; we know that he was military
chaplain, and that he also acted as chaplain to Parliament, both
in York and Newark, while from other records we learn that he
was chaplain to the lodge of Free Masons. As his residence was
at Lake Lodge, three miles from the town, the records were safe
and did not share the fate of others, when the town was burnt in
1812. His valuable library of one thousand volumes, containing
many rare folios, mav be seen in the Rectory. At the Centennial
of St. Mark's, held in 1892, many descendants of the first
minister were present.
The assistant and successor, Rev. Thomas Creen, born in Ireland,
and a graduate of Glasgow University, came in 1820, and taught
the Niagara District Grammar School for several years In this historic
church there were only three incumbents in the century, a unique
circumstance, it is believed, in church history. As showing the
value of such records, it may be mentioned that letters are
being constantly received by the rector, Rev. J. C. Garrett,
asking for extracts from the old volume in his charge, and it is
by his kindness and courtesy that in the interest of historic
research, access has been given to these records which have been
copied by me with a loving hand.
To this is appended the corresponding records in Grimsby, by Rev
Wm. Sampson, as many of the names are the same, several from
Niagara appearing.
The Record Book of St. Andrew's dates from 1794, and is mostly
the account of the business transactions and contains only a few
baptisms, there having been many changes and intervals when
there was no clergyman, while St. Mark's had the advantage of a
fixed salary, paid by the S. P. G., of 200 pounds yearly. It may be
noticed that in one record the word Niagara is used altogether,
in the other Newark, the latter name being given by Simcoe in
1792, and changed by Act of Parliament in 1798, but from habit
or fancy either was used. St. Andrew's, built in 1794, was
totally destroyed in the conflagration, and though the record
book was saved by Mr. Andrew Heron, the secretary and treasurer,
no doubt other records were destroyed. The first minister was
Rev. John Dun, 1794-1797, followed by Rev. John Young, Rev. John
Burns; but no regular record is known to be in existence till
1829, that of Rev. Robt. McGill. After the war the congregation
worshipped in St Andrew's schoolhouse till 1831, when the present
church was built:
July 9. John McNabb, of Colin and Elizabeth.
13. Frederick Augustus Scram, of Frederick and Angelica.
Isaac Crumb, of Benoni and Sarah.
15. Peggy Slingerlandt, of Richard and Elizabeth.
Mary Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Andrew Haynes, of Nathaniel and Lydia.
Jacob Derby, of George and Margaret.
Margaret Miller, of William and Margery.
16. Deborah Butler, of Thomas and Ann.
22. Thomas Silverthorn, of John and Esther.
Aaron Silverthorn, of John and Esther.
John De Forest, of Abraham and Elizabeth.
William Dayton, of Asa and Sarah.
Martha Lampman, of Abraham and Hannah.
James Hamilton, of Hon. Robert and Catherine.
5. Mary Bark, of Francis and Jane.
Deborah Barraws, of Thomas and Mary.
9. John Clement, of Joseph and Margaret.
11. Peter Mann Ball, of Peter and Elizabeth.
19. John Scram, of Jeremiah and Mary.
22. Jane Cassady, of Samuel and Sarah.
26. Anna Isabella Sheehan, of Walter Butler and Elizabeth.
Eliza Sheehan, of Walter Butler and Elizabeth.
Sep.12. Elizabeth Rees, of Jacob and Elizabeth.
17. Susannah Henesy, of James and Phebe.
Sarah Henesy, of James and Phebe.
21. Sarah Dew, of Jacob and Elizabeth.
Mary Springer, of Richard and Sarah.
24. John Cox Van Every, of Benjamin and Mary.
Catherine Gould, of John and Hannah
30. Clartie Hinner, of Richard and Hannah.
Oct. 17.Harriet Secord of Licut. Sol. Secord and ???
Dec 20.Edward Vanderlip, of riper years.
Jan. 6. Jane, a daughter of Martin, Col. Butler's Negro.
13. William Jobbitt, of Thomas and Mary.
Elizabeth Jobbitt, of Thomas and Mary.
Susan Islick Stone, of William and Mary.
30. John Putman Clement, of James and Catherine.
Feb. 2. Benjamin Smith, of Henry and Catherine.
[These six are from the 40-Mile Creek.]
Sarah, wife of John Petit.
Henry Nelles, of Robert and Elizabeth.
Hannah Messilas, of Peter and Margaret.
John Larrison, of Miller and Elizabeth.
Nancy Green, of John and Mary.
Hannah Green, of John and Mary.
[These 4 are from the 20-Mile Creek.]
Feb. 2. John Hare, of Peter and Catherine.
Charlotte Hilse, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
Mary Hilse, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
George Hervy, of John and Elizabeth.
18 John Vanderlip, of William and Elizabeth.
Anna Vanderlip, of William and Elizabeth.
Jane Vanderlip, of William and Elizabeth.
Christina Markle, of Alexander and Rebecca.
Samuel Boyce Markle, of Alexander and Rebecca.
Jacob Markle, of Alexander and Rebecca.
Solomon Osterhout Markle, of Frederick and Rebecca.
March 3.Hanna Ball, of Peter and Elizabeth.
5. Catherine Sedthill, of a Mohawk Chief.
22. Mary Bradt, wife of Peter.
John Cox, of Samuel and Barbara.
31. John Shier, of John and Elizabeth.
[These 16 names from near Fort Erie.]
Apr. 12.Thomas Taylor, of riper years.
Ann Albury, of David and Elizabeth.
Crowell Fanning, of John and Sarah.
Mary Warren, of Henry and Catherine.
Dorothea Kitson, of John and Margaret.
Catherine Bledan, of Peter and Gertrude.
Abraham Bowen, of John and Jane.
Christina Bowen, of John and Jane.
Jehoiakim Johnson, of Ralph and Elizabeth.
Jacob Sykes, of Jacob and Catherine.
Abraham Wintermute, of Benjamin and Hannah.
Elizabeth Anguish, of Henry and Elizabeth.
John Lawer, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Daniel Bowen, of Cornelius and Rebecca.
Peter Wintermute, of Peter and Eve.
Charles Anchor, Frederick and Magdaline.
[These 15 names from the head of the Lake.]
Apr. 18.Margaret Clement, of John Putman and Mary.
26. William Wilson, of Thomas and Susannah.
27. Abraham Horning, of riper years.
Jacob Ryman, of William and Barbara.
Philip Ryman, of William and Barbara.
Catherine Lampman, of Mathias and Eve.
Joseph Long, of Jacob and Mary.
John Cribbs, of Philip and Ann.
Henry Beasley, of Richard and Hannah.
Christina Bowman, of Abraham and Dorithy.
Christina Cribbs, of Aaron and Elizabeth.
Margaret Springer, of John and Sarah.
William Reynolds, of Caleb and Rachel.
David Reynolds, of Caleb and Rachel.
Sarah, Reynolds, of Caleb and Rachel.
Catherine Alms, of Christian and Magdalane.
Christina Smith, of Henry and Mary.
Apr. 28.John Price, of John and Esther.
Mary Davis, of Thomas and Deborah.
May 2. Martha Parslow, of William and Catherine.
5. Catherine Barrow, of William and Mary.
Mary Molynox of William and Ann.
12. Priscilla Bassey of Robert and Mary.
John Read, of William and Catherine.
19. Jane Crooks, of Francis and Elizabeth.
26. Elizabeth Bassey, of Jacob and Elizabeth.
27. Francis Fryder, of Francis and Margaret.
June 5. Mary Smith of David William and Ann.
David Smith of David William and Ann.
12. Mary Camden of William and Elizabeth.
16. John Jones of John and Jane
July 14.William Barnup, of John and Lydia.
Ann Davidson, of John and Catherine.
23 George Bennet, of Francis and Catherine.
John Robson of James and Mary.
Aug. 4. Elizabeth Collinson, of Thomas and Mary.
Sep. 2. Mary Young, of Henry and Phebe.
Oct. 12.John Butler, of Th6mas and Ann.
13. Hannah Brown, of Samuel and Margaret.
Oct. 15 Eliza Holmes, of Wm. Holmes, surgeon of the 5th Regt.,
Matilda Holmes, and his wife.
Maria Holmes,
22. Catherine Bradt, of Minor and Catherine.
Nov.8 Elizabeth Lutes, of George and Hannah.
Margaret Crookshanks, of Peter and Catherine.
19 Catherine Moleny, of James and Mary.
24 Mary Ann Clarke, of William and Jane.
Ellen Callaghan, of James and Mary.
29. Mary Roark, of Thomas and Mary.
J. Buchanan, of Dr. and Mrs. McCauley.
N.B.-The Dr. is called James and his wife Elizabeth.
Minister of Niagara.
Jan. 1. William James Sheehan, of Walter Butler and Elizabeth.
13. John Allan, son of a private in the 5th Regt.
Mathias Woodley, of George and Christina.
Feb. 5 Adam Young, of Daniel and Elizabeth, of the Grand River.
10. Hetty Slingerland, of Richard and Elizabeth.
Cloi Slingerland, of Walter and Jemima.
Catelina Butler, of Andrew and Ann.
26. Angelica House, of John and Christina.
Christina Anger, of Charles and Abigail.
Mar. 1. Henry Browne, of Joseph and Rebecca.
2. William Joyner, of Timothy and Mary.
3. Peter Van Every, of Samuel and Hannah.
Mar. 6. David Beasley, of Richard and Henrietta (Head of the Lake).
[ 8 From the Grand River.]
Margaret Fairchild, of Benjamin and Mary.
Benjamin File, of John and Sarah.
Ellin Young, wife of Abraham.
John Young, of Abraham and Ellin.
Catherine Young, of Abraham and Ellin.
Henry Young, of Daniel and Elizabeth.
Dorothy Young, of Daniel and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Young, of Daniel and Elizabeth.
[ 10 From Grand River and Chippewa.]
Peter Young, of Henry and Phebe.
William McDonell, of John and Christina.
Elizabeth McDonell,
Christr. McDonell,
Elizabeth McDonell, of Christopher and Susan.
John McDonell,
William Cook, of Nicholas and Margaret.
Jacob Whitsell, of Christian and Rachel.
Catherine Whitsell,
Elizabeth Whitsell,
George Henry Dockstedder, of George and Catherine.
William Garner, of William and Mary.
10. Samuel Heaslip, of John and Mary.
John Chrysler, of John and Martha.
Sarah Chrysler, of John and Martha.
Jacob Steinhoff, of John and Hannah.
Anna Steinhoff, of John and Hannah.
Elizabeth Heaslip, of Jos. and Ann.
11. William Stevens, of Aaron and Mary.
Margaret Stevens, of Aaron and Mary.
16. Samuel Hamilton, of Robert and Catherine.
12. Elizabeth Hoffman, of Michael and Elizabeth.
22. John Haynes, of Daniel and Lydia.
Maria McNabb, of Colin and Eliza.
Apr. 5. Frederick Marcle Picard, of Benj. and Mary.
12. John Van Every, of Samuel and Ann.
20. William McGee, of William and Cicily.
27. John Lowson, of soldier in the 5th Regt.
28. Martha Clandenin Mathews, of Jonathan and Ann.
May 7. ??? Clement, of Joseph and Margaret.
June 7. James Walker, of Samuel and Sarah, of the 5th Regt.
8. Mary Derby, of George and Margaret.
9. Mary Peckard (fil. pop.).
16. Catherine Van Alstyne, of Jacob and Charity.
Thomas Paxton, of Cap. and his wife.
29. Peter O'Carr, of Peter and Mary.
30. John Ellis, of John and Sarah.
John Morden Field. of Gilbert and Ellin.
July 5. William David Smith, of David William and Ann.
8. Henry Pawling, of Benjamin and Susan.
July 8. Ellin Pawling, of Benjamin and Susan.
Peter Ten Broeck Pawling, of Jepe and Gertrude.
Magdaline Secord, of Solomon and Margaret.
George Henry of Catherine Litchman (fil. pop.).
Gertrude of Catherine Litchman (fil. pop.).
Aug. 17.Jane Richardson, of Robert and Magdaline.
19. John Birch, of Thomas and Isabella.
Sep.3. Cloe, a mulatto.
16. ???, wife of Henry Johnson.
Edward Johnson, of Henry and his wife.
Henry Johnson, of Henry and his wife.
22. Ann Ridout, of Thomas and his wife Mary.
23. Robert Casson, of Henry and Joanna.
28. John McNabb, of John and Isabella.
Oct.15. Ellin Decker, of Thomas and Mary.
27. Elizabeth Cosby, of George and Mary.
Nov. 30.John Charles Amen, of John Geoffrey and Mary.
Oct. 27.Sophia Holmes, of Wm. Holmes, surgeon of 5th Regt., and his wife.
Jan.10. Jemima Clement, of John and Mary.
Samuel Thompson Clement, of James and Catherine.
14. Elizabeth Kitson, of John and Margaret.
25. Magdalen Scram, of Frederick and Angelica.
26. Peter Bastiddo, of David and Elizabeth.
29. Hannah Catherine Clench, of Ralfe and Elizabeth.
Feb. 9. George William Lawe, of George and Elizabeth.
14. Frederick House, of James and Catherine.
Frederick Anger, of Frederick and Magdaline.
Christina House, of James and Catherine.
Mar. 1. Adam Bowman, of Abraham and Dorothy.
3. Margaret Chrysler, of Jno. and Elizabeth.
17. John Woodley, of George and Christina.
24. John Haynes, of Adam and Elizabeth.
Apr. 19.Mary Crooks, of Francis and Elizabeth.
May 3. David Bradt, of Peter and Mary.
Israel Birch, of riper years.
7. Anna Kenerick.
Dorcas Kenerick.
July 16.Walter Bradt, of Col. Andrew and ???.
22. Robert McNabb, of Allen and ???.
Sep. 6. William Munson Jarvis, of William and Hannah.
13. Isaac Bradt, of Christian and Elizabeth.
Oct. 9. Elizabeth Basset, of Major and his wife, of the 5th Regt.
16. Ebenezer Witney, of Peter and his wife Margaret.
Dec. 13.William Wilson.
Mar. 21.John Butler Muirhead, of James and Deborah.
May 10. Elizabeth Jane McNabb, of John and Isabella.
23. Mary Ann Clement, of Joseph and Margaret.
June 19.Joseph Atwell Small, of John and Elizabeth.
26. Ralph Morden Chrysler, of John and Elizabeth.
David McFall Field, of Gilbert and Ellen.
John Johnson Browne, of Joseph and Rebecca.
Catherine Stephens, of Aaron and Mary.
Sep. 25.Mary Margaret Clarke, of James and Elizabeth.
Oct 7. John Murray Marcle, of John and Margaret.
9. Alexander Stewart Thompson, of Archibald and Elizabeth.
27. Jean Hamilton, of Robert and Catherine.
Dec. 12.John Meddaugh.
25. Mary Boarmaster, of John Henry and Mary.
Jan. 5.John Richardson, of Robert and Magdaline.
6. Benjamin Merritt Pawling, of Benj. and Susan.
Hamilton Merritt.
10. Ely Pawling Birch, of Israel and Deborah.
22. Henry Callat, of Henry and Ann.
Mary Ridout, of Thomas and Mary.
28. Mary Elizabeth Clement, of John and Mary.
Mar. 6. Sarah Whitney, of Peter and Margaret.
19. Layton Pawling, of Jesse and Gertrude.
Apr 23. Francis Ridout, of Thomas and Mary.
Elizabeth Ridout, of Thomas and Mary.
May 24. Walter Butler, of Thomas and Ann.
July 2. Henry Sheehan, of Walter B. and Elizabeth.
12. Rachael Springer, of John and Sarah.
20. John Donald McKay, of John and Margaret.
23. Mary Elizabeth Peters, of William B. and Martha.
Jane M'Farland, of John and ???.
30. Ann Kerr Clench, of Ralfe and Elizabeth.
Euretta Johnson Clench, of Ralfe and Elizabeth.
Aug. 9. Ellin McNabb, of John and Isabella.
20. Thomas Waddel, of Francis and Jane.
Oct. 1. Maria Merritt, of Thomas and Mary.
22. Hannah Owen Jarvis, of William and Hannah.
24. George Henry, of Philip and Elizabeth.
Susan Henry, of Philip and Elizabeth.
Nov. 12.Ann Howard Crampton, of John and Ann.
26. Daniel Bradt, of Peter and Mercy.
Dec. 15.Mary Ann Lawe, of George and Elizabeth.
17. Alexander Stewart, of Alexander and Jemima..
24. Joseph Walter Butler, of Andrew and Ann.
Jan. 13.George Stull (from the 19-Mile Creek).
14. Robert Ross, of John and Elizabeth.
19. Henry William Nelles, of Abraham and Catherine.
Feb. 22.Elizabeth Wilson, of Thomas and Abigail.
Mary Wilson, of Thomas and Abigail.
William Adams, of George and Phebe.
Joseph Wilson, of John and Jane.
Mar. 4. Ellin McNabb, of Colin and Eliza.
7. Augusta Claus, of Cap. William and Catherine.
[Capt. William Claus, son of Daniel Claus, Superintendent of
Indians and Son-in-law of Sir William Johnson.]
15. Louis James Clement, of James and Catherine.
Apr. 10.John Woodley, of John and Catherine.
John Blakeley, of William and Dorithy.
George Rodney Hind, of Thos. and Mary.
May 20. John Duggan, of Cornelius and Nancy.
July 29.Donald Grant, of Donald and Sarah.
Daniel Burns, of Andrew and Deborah.
David Burns, of Andrew and Deborah.
George Bradt, of Minard and Catherine.
Aug. 30.James Muirhead, of John and Elizabeth.
Sep. 9. Joseph Hamilton, of Hon. Robt. and Mary.
16. ??? Bland, of Roger and Sarah.
20. James Clement, of John and Mary.
Adam Chrysler, of John and Elizabeth.
30. James Miller, of William and Margery.
Oct. 8. Elizabeth Anna Clarke, of James and Elizabeth.
14. Mary Oakley, of Johnathan and Mary.
Nov. 11.Christopher Yates Butler, of Johnson and Eve.
18. Rebecca Slingerland, of Garret and Elizabeth.
Dec. 2. John Read Ten Broeck, of Jacob and Priscilla.
26. William Michael Ball, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Jacob Hutt, of Adam and Dorothea.
30. Robert Richardson, of Robert and Magdalane.
Jan. 20.Mary O'Carr, of Peter and Mary.
Feb. 24.Jemima Clement, of Joseph and Margaret.
Mar. 2. John White Pawling, of Jesse and Gertrude.
10. John Slingerland, of Tunis and his wife.
14. Elizabeth Ann Haynes, of Joseph and Ann.
Catherine Amelia Warren, of Henry and Catherine.
George Ulrich Revardi, of the Major and his Lady (Am. off)
16. John Garner, of George and Christina.
May 4. Esther Haynes, of John and Elizabeth.
Nicholas William Pecard, of Benjamin.
26. Alice Howell, of John and Ann.
Duncan Campbell, of John and Catherine.
June 18.Henry Givens, of Lt. James and Angelica.
[ 6 From York.]
19. Harrot Eunice Albertina Peters, of William B. and Patty Maria.
George McCauley, of James and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth McCauley, of James and Elizabeth.
16. Ann Shaw, of Hon. AEneas and Ann.
24. Allen Napier McNabb, of Allen and ???.
??? Ridout, son of Thomas and Mary.
July 21.Joseph Brant Sheehan, of Walter B. and Elizabeth.
Uldah Whitney, of Peter and Margaret.
23. Alexander Robinson McKay, of John and Margaret.
28. Sarah Adams, of Thomas and Margaret.
Ann Mary Crysler, of John and Elizabeth.
Catherine Crysler,
Aug. 25.Joseph Stephens, of Aaron and Mary.
Sep. 22.Richard Henry Secord, of Stephen and Hannah.
Oct. 22.George Purvis, of George and Ann.
John William Gamble, of John and Isabella Eliza.
27. William Stuart, of Alexander and Jemima.
Nov. 25.John Aaron Bellinger, of Jacob and Elizabeth.
Minister of Niagara.
Dcc. 8. James K. Blakeley, of William and Dorithy.
Catherine Henry, of Dominick and Mary.
15. Thomas Otway, of Mary McDonell (ftl. pop.).
20. Alexander McNabb, of John and Isabella.
I24. Anna Smith (of riper years).
John Smith of James and Anna.
Elizabeth Smith, of James and Anna.
Simonson Smith, of James and Anna.
Phoebe Smith, of James and Anna.
Phoebe Main (of riper years).
Anna Main, of George and Phoebe,
Elizabeth Main, of George and Phoebe,
John Caldwell, of John and Hannah.
Elizabeth Caldwell, of John and Hannah.
Mary Caldwell, of John and Hannah.
29. Elias Smith Adams, of George and Phoebe.
Minister of Niagara.
Jan.19. Cornelia Canute, of Henry and Ann.
26. Mary Hoffman, of Michael and Elizabeth.
Ann (or And.) Kemp, of David and Rebecca.
Feb. 11.Maria Elizabeth Nelles, of Abraham and Catherine.
22. ??? Warren of Henry and Catherine.
24. Sarah McFarland, of John and Margaret.
Mar. 3. John Greenset, of Robert and Hannah.
5. Warner Henry Nelles, of Warner and Elizabeth.
29. Peter Hunter Hamilton, of Hon. Robert and Mary.
Peggy, a Mulatto (filia populi).
Apr. 13.Thomas Nuckle, of Thomas and Catherine.
George St. Ledger, a soldier's child
21. Priscilla Stuart Clench, of Ralfe and Elizabeth.
George Robert Smith, of Francis and Carolina.
May 12. Jas. Wm. Osgood Clarke, of James and Elizabeth.
18. John Johnson Claus, of Capt. William and Catherine.
25. John Sidney Johnson, of John and Margaret.
[ 3 From York.]
June 10.Alexander Elmsley, of Hon. John and Mary.
George Barclay Small, of John and Elizabeth.
Caroline Givens, of Lieut. James and Angelica.
July 24.Mary Hatt, of Richard and Mary (from Ancaster).
31. Margaret Sophia Clement, of John and Mary.
Margaret Stuart, of James and Kezia.
Aug. 17.Margaret Thompson Butler, of Andrew and Ann.
31. John Bright, of Lewis and Margaret.
Mary Bright, of Lewis and Margaret.
Elizabeth Bright, of Lewis and Margaret.
Sep. 10.John Peter Conrade Shoultez, of John and Catherine.
14. Immanuel Bradt, of Minard and Catherine.
Immanuel Slingerland, of Richard and Elizabeth.
Robert Gray, of Andrew and Mary.
Catherine Muir, of John and Margaret
Oct. 3. Jacob Cockel, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Ann Cockel, of George and Elizabeth.
4. Alexander McDonell, of Col. John and Hellen.
19. John Burton of Arthur and Sarah.
Dec. 14.James Whitten, of James and Catherine.
Eliza, of Eliza Bradshaw (filia populi).
17. John Alexander Dickson, of Thomas and Eliza.
Jan.11. Margaret McKay, of John and Margaret.
25. David Morrison, of John and Mary.
Robt. Neach, of John and Margaret.
Richard Oakley, of Jonathan and Mary.
Feb. 2. John Hazleton Johnson, of John and Margaret.
11. John Hoffman, of Michael and Elizabeth.
Mary Anger, of Frederick and Mary Magdalane.
Catherine House, of John and Christina.
12. Jacob Hoffman, of Jacob and Anna.
Nicholas Hoffman, of Jacob and Anna.
Cornalia Coltman, of John and Elizabeth.
20. Sophia Weishulm, of Henry and Jane.
Joseph Haynes, of Joseph and Ann.
Mary Haynes, of Nathaniel and Lydia.
22. Margaret Douglas, of Alexander and Margaret.
23. Margaret Muirhead, of John and Elizabeth.
Mar. 8. Margaret Stuart, of Alexander and Jemima.
Apr. 5. Laura Slingerland, of Garret and Elizabeth.
Enos Monett, of Enos and Jane.
19. Sophia Miller, of William and Margery (twins.)
Louisa Miller, of William and Margery (twins.)
Rosannah Devenish, of William and Jane.
Nancy Greensit, of Robert and Ann.
Samuel Thompson Stephens, of Aaron and Mary.
Jul. 5. Anna Maria Lafferty, of John J. and Mary.
David, son of Isaac, a Mohawk Indian.
Aug. 16.Catherine Loudon, of Bartholomew and Mary.
17. Alexander Frederick Tyler, of Isaac and Lucinda Caroline.
Sep. 6.Anthony Woodley, of George and Catherine.
13. Thomas Dial McKenny, of Amos and Jemima.
John Riley, of Marlow and Elinor.
20. Andrew Wimple, of Henry and Lydia.
Oct. 1. Ralph Fields, of Gilbert and Ellin.
17. Margaret Nelles, of Abraham and Catherine.
28: Charlotte Ann Blakeley, of Sergt. William and Dorithy.
Nov. 15.William Campbell, of George and Elizabeth.
23 John Bellinger, of Michael and Mary.
Dec. 2. Eliza Symington, of John and Elizabeth.
6. Frances Everet, of Abner and Catherine.
20. Catherine Campbell, of John and Catherine.
22. Robert Goodwin, of Charles and Martha.
William Goodwin, of Charles and Martha.
Jan. 4. Ann Butler Clement, of John and Mary.
10. Elizabeth Alexander, of John and M. Christina.
13. James Duncan McNabb, of John and Isabella.
Donald Fuller, of Donald and Charlotte.
19. Esther Markle, of Frederick and Rebecca.
Mary Markle, of Frederick and Rebecca.
26. Jacob Nelles, of John and Delia.
28. Susannah Merritt, of Thomas and Mary.
31. Mary Ann Gisso, of Charles and Mary.
Feb. 8. Maria Jemima Backhouse, of John and Margaret.
Henry Backhouse, of John and Jane.
Nancy Moore Backhouse, of John and Jane.
26. Elizabeth Simons, of Bastion and Margaret.
Mar. 1. Abraham Miller, of Andrew and Hannah.
2. Andrew Butler, of Thomas and Ann.
John Tunnadine Lawe, of George and Elizabeth.
21. Mary Elizabeth Saunderson, of Robert and Margaret.
Elizabeth Ball, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Catherine Brian, of James and Eliza.
Apr. 11.John Hamilton, of Hon. Robert and Mary.
22. Andrew Heron Thompson, of Robert and Ellin.
Mary Thompson, of Robert and Ellin.
Elizabeth Thompson, of Robert and Ellin.
Joseph D. Clement, of Joseph and Margaret.
William Henry Nelles, of William and Margaret.
[Head of the Lake.]
John Thomas, of John and Ellin.
2. John Baptiste Rousseau, of John Baptiste and Peggy.
A native of France and interpreter to Brant.
Sarah Riley, of Sergt. Marlow and Ellin.
James Henry, of Dominick and Mary.
July 25.Edward Nuckle, of Thomas and Catherine.
Aug. 8. Susan Pawling, of Benjamin and Susan.
Susan Sarasan, of Baptist and Ann.
15. Ann Needham, of William and Catherine.
29. Duncan McFarland, of John and ???.
Sep. 5. Rebecca Bradshaw, (fil. pop.)
[Next 6 From 10-Mile Creek.]
Oct. 7. Richard Smith, of John and Elizabeth.
William Lewis Smith, of Elias and Catherine.
Sarah Smith, of Elias and Catherine.
Deborah Clow, of David and Deborah.
Richard Clow, of David and Deborah.
Stephen Alexander Secord, of Stephen and Hannah.
17. George Hill Sheehan, of Walter B. and Eliza Philippa.
Clarissa, a Negro girl.
Nov. 4. William Bowman (fil. pop.).
11. Anna Marr, of Alam and Catherine.
Francis Marr, of Alam and Catherine.
Philip Bender, of John and Mary.
25. Julia Caroline Claus, of Capt. William and Catherine.
Dec.26. Thomas Whitton, of James and Catherine.
31. John Andrew Butler, of Andrew and Ann.
Jan. 9. Susannah Harden, of Thomas and Hannah.
19.. Thomas Eden Blackwell, of Capt.. Natl.'s B. B. and Jane.
Peter Wepill Ten Broeck, of Jacob and Priscilla.
Mar. 20.Charles Forbes, of Capt. Thomas John and Eliza (R. Art'y.)
27. Elizabeth Coles, of John and Bridget.
Elizabeth Mobbs, of John and Penelope.
Apr. 3. George Turney, of George and Nancy (10-Mile Creek).
24. Mary Slingerland, of Richard and Elizabeth.
Mary Ann Greensett, of Robert and Ann.
William Bradt, of Minard and Catherine.
Archibald Ferris Ryand, of Charles and Bathsheba.
May 1. Susan Hatt, of Richard, Esq., and Mary (Head of Lake).
15. William King Merithew, of Benjamin and Ann.
Johnathan Fuller, of Daniel and Charlotte.
21. Abraham Ryerse Stewart Leger.
June 14.John Wilson, of John and Jane.
July 3. Ann Lyford, of Charles and Bridget.
Aug. 9. Jacob Barninger, of Jacob and Elizabeth.
Nicholas Barninger, of Michael and Mary.
Susan Barninger, of Michael and Mary.
Sep. 11.John Gardiner, of John and Mary.
18. Ann Needham, of William and Catherine.
20. Mary Hamilton, of Hon. Robert and Mary.
21. Andrew Burns, of Andrew and Deborah.
25. Elizabeth Dunmass, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Mary Ann Anderson, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
Margaret Anderson, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
Anthony Slingerland, of Garret and Elizabeth.
John Kennady, of John and Ann.
Oct. 2. Horatio Jones, of George and Catherine.
Benjamin Jones, of George and Catherine.
16. Maria Emery, of William and Mary.
Michael Kain, of Michael and Elizabeth.
23. Mary Eliza Catherine Gesso, of Charles and Mary.
Thomas Brown, of John and Sarah.
30. John Jones, of Isaac and Elizabeth.
Nov. 20.Elizabeth Butcher, of Thomas and Charlotte.
27. Mary Margaret, of John and Jane.
Dec. 14.Mary Stewart, of Alexander and Jemima.
18. Catherine Aurell, of Christian and Margaret.
21. Hannah Grant, of Calvin and Elizabeth.
25. Jane Eliza Hatter, of John and Anna Magdelina.
Jan. 7. William Garner, of George and Christina.
15. Charlotte Ryan, of Charles and Bathsheba.
Elizabeth Devenish, of William and Jane.
22. Mary Wilson Douglas, of Alexander and Margaret.
23. William Muirhead, of John and Elizabeth (Chippawa)
Catherine Warren, of Henry and Catherine.
Mar. 18.Joseph Convaley, of John and Margaret.
30. Hugh McGennis, of Barnard and Mary.
May 4. Henry Brant Staats, (fil. pop. -Grand River)
[ 3 From 40-Mile Creek.]
Ellen Priscilla Nelles, of Abraham and Catherine.
Elizabeth Nelles, of Bobert and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Lawrence, of William and Anna.
13. John McBride, of Peter and Ann.
21. James Brown, of James and Mary.
John Brown, of James and Mary.
Jane Brown, of James and Mary.
James Udell, of John and Margaret.
Catherine Udell, of John and Margaret.
23. Eliza Jane Henry, of Dominick and Mary.
27. Thomas Butler, of Andrew and Ann.
June 10.Mary Smith, of Daniel and Mary.
21. Elias Durham, of James and Mary.
Isaac Durham, of James and Mary.
Catherine Durham, of James and Mary.
Sarah Durham, of James and Mary.
Ann Durham, of James and Mary.
Elizabeth Durham, of James and Mary.
Elizabeth Clow (of riper years).
Elias Smith, of Elias, sen., and Catherine.
Mary Durham Smith, of Elias, sen., and Catherine.
Solomon Secord Smith, of Elias and Ann.
James Field, of Gilbert and Ellin.
Ann Clow, of Duncan and Elizabeth.
24. Johnson Butler, of Thomas and Ann.
July 15.Alexander Riley, of Martha and Ellin.
27. Alexander Douglas, of Alexander and Margaret (Fort Erie).
29. James Spear, of James and Mary Ann.
Aug. 11.Jacob Antonius Anger, of James and Abigail.
19. Eloisa Matilda Forbes, of Capt. Thos. J. and Eliza.
Jane Wilson, of John and Jane.
Julia Ann Secord, of Stephen and Ann.
26. Mary Margaret Saunderson, of Robert and Margaret.
Sep. 9. Elizabeth Haynes, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth.
Abraham Secord, of Keziah and Sarah.
Isaac Secord, of Keziah and Sarah.
Daniel Secord, of Keziah and Sarah.
Elizabeth Secord, of Keziah and Sarah.
Mary Secord, of Keziah and Sarah.
Oct. 28.Catherine Oberholtzer (of riper years).
Nov. 11.John McKay, of John and Ann.
John Wheeler, of Peter and Jane.
18. John Robert Shelier of William and Mary.
Dec. 9. Thomas Drye, of William and Mary.
25. William Simon Shaw, of John and Mary.
Mary Ann Shields, of William and Susan.
Jan. 18.Richard Cockril, of Richard and Mary.
Mary Baker, of Reuben and Temperance (of riper years).
21. Catherine Beach, of Michael and Elizabeth.
22. Ann Eliza Waters, of James and Catherine.
25. Robert Clench, of Ralfe and Elizabeth.
Benjamin Clench, of Ralfe and Elizabeth.
Eliza Clench, of Ralfe and Elizabeth.
Mar. 24.William Moore, of Lawrence and Frances.
John Suttle, of John and Margaret.
Mary Marshall, of Alexander and Mary.
James Jones, of Isaac and Elizabeth.
31. Caroline Jane Eve Gesso, of Charles and Mary.
Warren Claus, of Capt. William and Catherine.
James Fred Henry Dennis, of James and Sarah Lucia.
Apr. 15.Sophia, of Mary McDonell (filia populi).
21. Elizabeth Kennady, of John and Ann.
28. Joseph Gallineau, of Joseph and Editha.
Mary Ann Chitley, of Francis and Elizabeth.
Sarah Secord, of Isaac and Caroline Magt. Martha.
Anthony Francoeur, of Antoine and Amiable.
May 12. Ambrose Hoffman, of Conrad and Abigail.
Catherine Devaulx Margt. De Farcy, of Ambrose and Ellin.
19. Jessie Gillis, of Elias and Rebecca.
Jane Fuller, of David and Elizabeth.
Margaret Haynes, of Nathaniel and Lydia.
23. David La Ville, of Daniel and Charlotte.
June 16.Elizabeth Campbell, of John and Catherine.
Jane Campbell, of John and Catherine.
23. Esther Convoy, of Johnathan and Margaret.
26. Mary Phoenix, of Margaret Read (fil. pop.).
30. John Stems, of Sergt.-Major of the 24th and his wife.
July 4. Catherine Sheiler, of John and Mary.
Aug. 4. Augnstus McArthur Tyler, of Isaac and Lucinda Caroline.
Caroline Matilda Tyler, of Isaac and Lucinda Caroline.
14. Mary Jane Ann Eliza Short, of Major William Charles and Margaret.
18. Jemima Jane Clarke, of James and Elizabeth.
John Hare Fairchild, of Benjamin and Mary.
Eliza Jane Emery, of John and Jane.
25. John Hatter, of John and Anna Magdelina.
Sep. 4. Robert Greensitt, of Robert and Anna.
Mary Ann Cox, of Samuel and Barbara.
8. Joseph Squires, of Isaac and Mary Ann.
Nov. 16.Elizabeth Bradshaw (of riper years).
17. Mary Ann Forsyth, of George and Catherine.
Dec. 25.Mary Camp, of Burgoin and Elizabeth.
29. Lydia Mary Carpenter, of John and Diana.
John William Carpenter, of John and Diana.
Jan. 12.Julia Beaupre, of Francis and Josette.
15. James Arishow, of Michael and Mary.
26. Walter Hamilton Dickson, of William and Charlotte.
[Late Senator Dickson.]
Mar. 9. Edward Clark Campbell, of Major Donald and Elizabeth.
[Afterwards Judge Campbell.]
14. Catherine Bowick, of Frederick and Eve.
16. Charles Gallineau Ryan, of Charles and Bathsheba.
Johnathan Merithew, of Benjamin and Ann.
23. Thomas Needham, of William and Catherine.
30. Barbara De Potie, of Michael and Margaret.
Margaret Thompson, of John and Bridget.
Apr. 20.Mary McKindle, of Thomas and Mary.
22. John McGrath, of William and Charity.
23. Ann Symington, of John and Elizabeth.
May 2. Ann Draper Hatt, of Richard, Esq., and Mary (Ancaster).
4. Ann Jane Ten Broeck, of Jacob and Priscilla.
11 William Shelier, of William and Mary Augusta.
[These 16 were baptised at the 40-Mile Creek.]
June 2. Abraham Nelles, of Robert and Elizabeth.
Maria Elizabeth Ball, of George and Catherine.
John Pettit Bridgman, of Thomas and Deborah.
Andrew Pettit Muir, of Andrew and Ann.
Johnathan Hixon, of Henry and Rachel.
Sarah Barber, of Mathias and Mary.
Hannah Smith, of Joseph Margaret.
Levina Smith, of Benjamin and Catherine.
Margaret Lonckulin, of Francis and Mary Ann.
Sarah Lawrence, of William and Anna.
Jane Anderson, of Charles and Anna.
Anna Anderson, of Charles and Anna.
Martha Carpenter, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Carpenter, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
Catherine Carpenter, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
Alexander Carpenter, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
June 8. Ann Norman, of Dennis and Margaret.
Phebe Ruby, of Sawyer and Mary.
13. Catherine Weaver, of John and Mary.
John Weaver, of John and Mary.
July 8. Mary Benner, of Jacob and Mary.
13. Helen Eliza Butler, of Johnson and Susan.
27. Mary McDonell, of Archibald and Elizabeth.
Aug. 10.M. Lapsley (fil. pop.)
17. Margaret Freel, of Hugh and Ann.
31. John Taylor, of John and Lucy.
[4 From Fort Erie.]
Sep. 11.John Douglas, of Alexander and Margaret.
Horatio Nelson Warren, of Henry and Catherine.
Charles Barnard Fleming, of David and Mary.
James Cummins, of Thomas and Elizabeth.
24. Peter Dunmass, of Peter and Elizabeth.
28. Bridget Maria Slingerland, of Garret and Elizabeth.
Charles Bunnel Samuel Sinclair De Farcy, of Ambrose and Ellin (French Refugee).
Oct. 11.Jemima Merithew, of Benjamin and Ann.
21. Catherine Sheefeldt, of Gasper and Catherine.
Eliza Deal, of Zecharias and Catherine.
26. Valentine Lewis, of Philip and Mary;
Nov. 16.Sophia Gray, of Thomas and Hannah (41st Regt.).
Dec. 19.Charles Caldifield Saunders (filius populi).
William Bayley, of James and Ann (41st).
25. Charles Lewis Vigoreux, of Henry and Eliza (RI. Engrs.).
Andrew Claskey Brown Cole, of James and Jane.
26. John Garret Fitzgerald, of Dennis and Maria (41st).
Jan. 6. Abraham Barninger, of Michael and Mary.
Isaac Barninger, of Michael and Mary.
18. Alexander Secord, of Isaac and Caroline Mag. Mart.
19. Mary Gunn, of William and Isabella.
Edward Daniel Wilson, of William and Sarah.
Philip Anger, of Charles and Abigail.
Charles Near, of Henry and Elizabeth
25. Peter Ball Nelles, of William and Margaret (40-Mile Creek).
Mar. 13.Johnathan Woolverton Moore, of Pierce and Orpha.
17. Mary Secord, of John and Susan.
John Wertman Secord, of Daniel and Rachel.
Francis Gore Swayze, of Isaac and Ellin.
19. James Vrooman, of Adam and Margaret.
Joseph Brown, of Joseph and Rebecca.
Andrew Brown, of Joseph and Rebecca.
Catherine Brown, of Joseph and Rebecca.
Nathan Fields, of Gilbert and Ellin.
Apr. 7. Richard Campbell Proctor, of Col. Henry and Elizabeth (41st).
Ann Bleamire Campbell, of Lieut. Patrick and Sarah.
19. Henry Adams, of John and Elizabeth.
26. Sarah Facer, of Henry and Sarah.
Phebe Facer, of Henry and Sarah.
Rachel Facer, of Henry and Sarah.
May 10. John, of a Negro girl (filius populi).
19. John De Witt, of William and Mary.
Elizabeth Muirhead, of James and Bathsheba.
June 9.Annabella Claus, of Capt. William and Catherine.
28. Elizabeth Wilhelinina Gesso, of Charles and Mary.
July 8. Samuel Price Hatt, of Richard, Esq., and Mary (Ancaster).
12. Roswell Mathews, of Roswell and Hannah.
26. William Henry Durham, of Thomas and Ann.
Robert Field, of Charles and Rose.
Charles Chambers, of William and Mary.
Aug. 16.John Friezman, of John and Maria.
Charlotte Newstead, of Michael and Bridget.
23. William Smith, of John and Sarah.
27. Mary Elizibeth Fuller, of Daniel and Charlotte.
30. Margaret Emery, of William and Mary.
[These 12 were baptised near Patterson's Creek, Long Point.]
Sep. 6. John Rapelji Vanallan, of Henry and Winifred.
Henry Vanallan Rapeiji, of Abraham and Sarah.
Hellen Rapelji, of Abraham and Sarah.
Henry Bostwick Williams, of Johnathan and Mary.
Henry Williams Bostwick, of Henry and Ann.
Richard Woolson Bowlby, of Thomas and Sarah.
WUliam Claus Hartshorn McAlister, of Samuel and Elizabeth.
Joseph Kerr Parks, of William and Abigail.
George Ryerse Williams, of John and Netty.
Harriot Ryerse, of Joseph and Mehitable, his wife.
M. Edwy Ryerse, of Joseph and Mehitable, his wife.
Samuel Hunt Parks, of William and Abigail.
Oct. 4. George Clement, of James and Catherine.
Peter Ball Clement, of John and Mary.
21. Maria Turner, of John and Mary.
Nov. 14.Catherine Heiser, of Dennis and Elizabeth.
15. James McBride, of Peter and Eliza.
Jane Cushman, of James and Mary.
22. Deborah Hostitter, of Harman and Ann.
29. Mary Freel, of James and Ann.
Dec. 3. Hellen Dickson, of Thomas, Esq., and Archange.
20. Margaret Bradt, of Minard and Catherine.
23. Elizabeth West, of Dr. Jos., surgeon to Am. Gar., and Elizabeth.
Jan. 10.Harriot Easterbrook, of John and Julia (41st Regt.)
11. John Needham, of William and Catherine (R. Artillery).
Jacob Near, of Jacob and Margaret (from Fort Erie).
[4 From 40-Mile Creek.]
17. John Dorland Smith, of Isaac and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Priscilla Anderson, of Charles and Ann
John Pettit Barber, of Mathias and Margaret.
Sarah Moore, of Johnathan and Martha.
Mar. 27.John Angus Campbell, of Donald and Elizabeth (Fort Major).
Apr. 17.Samuel Colahan, of Thomas and Catherine.
24. John Thomas Morgan Freel, of Hugh and Anna.
May 3. Eliza Anna Maria Vigoureux, of Capt. Henry (R. Engineers) and Eliza.
God-father, Revd. Lewis Vigoureux.
God-mothers, Dowager Lady Spencer -By proxy.
and Anna Maria Vigoureux. -By proxy.
[This is the first mention of god-fathers and god-mothers.]
8. Ellen Field, of Charles and Rose.
Peter Francoeur, of Antoine and Amiable.
15. Sarah Margaret Buckingham McGee, of Alexander and Sarah.
June 5 Joseph Page, of Jesse and Elizabeth.
12. Henry Lewis, of Philip and Mary.
God-fathers, Lient. Bullock, Geo. Clark.
God-mother, Sarah Clark.
21. William Aug. Anger, of Augustus and Rosina.
Margaret Creger, of William and Christina.
Anna Catherine Creger, of William and Christina.
July 10.Alexander McDonell, of Archibald and Elizabeth.
31. James Price Dew, of Edmund and Grace (41st Regt.)
Aug. 14.Catherine Ranson Bingle, of Samuel and Maria.
21. Sarah Hanson, of Thomas and Mary.
Amos Sherwood McKenny, of James and Jemima.
Sep. 6. Mary McBean, of James and Mary.
God-father, George Rimshaw.
God-mothers, Margaret Taylor, Ann Durham.
[6 From 40-Mile Creek.]
7. Elizabeth Parson (of riper years).
Mary Ann Parson, of Andrew and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Parson, of Andrew and Elizabeth.
Mary Ann Nelles, of Robert and Elizabeth.
Isaac Smith Pettit, of Johnathan and Catherine.
Andrew Freeman Pettit, of Johnathan and Catherine.
11. Richard Butler, of Johnson and Susan.
Antoine, of Charlotte Francoeur (fil. pop.).
18. John Symington, of John and Elizabeth.
[5 at the 20 and 40-Mile Creeks.]
Oct. 16.Brook Tinlin, of James and Ann.
John Glover, of James and Elizabeth.
17. William Runchey, of Robert and Ann.
18. John Smith Merritt, of Amos and Sarah.
Jemima Merritt, of Amos and Sarah.
[From the 40-Mile Creek.]
16. John Jackson, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
William Jackson, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
God-fathers, Andrew Pettit, John Smith.
God-mother, Sarah Pettit;
William Harrington, of William and Catherine.
God-fathers, Henry Hixon, Samuel Rider.
God-mother, Rachel Hixon.
Oct. 16.Sarah Smith, of Isaac and Elizabeth.
God-father, Absolom Smith.
God-mothers, Sarah Pettit, Martha Pettit.
Elizabeth Hixon, of Allan and Mary.
God-father, Robert Nelles, Esq.
God-mothers, Elizabeth Nelles, Elizabeth Mann.
Margaret Hixon, of Henry and Rachel.
God-father, Joseph Smith.
God-mothers, Margaret Smith, Margaret Nelles.
23. William Rhodes, of William and Ann.
Daniel FitzGerald, of Dennis and Maria. 41st Regt.
Henry Brown, of Isaac and Susannah.
Nov. 20.Augusta Margaret Firth Procter, of Col. Henry, Commandant
of the 41st R'gt., and Elizabeth.
James Custard, of John and Jane (41st Regt.)
Dec. 1. William Butler, of Thomas and Ann.
12. John Thomas Gordon Emery, of John and Jane.
Jan. 7. Richard Thompson, of John and Bridget (41st Regt.).
God-fathers. Sergt. L. Smith, Sergt. D. Henderson.
God-mother, Catherine Smith.
8. Mary Lloyd, of William and Margaret.
Francis Gore Darby, of George and Margaret.
Ralfe Clench Darby, of George and Margaret.
John Hodgkinson, of Samuel and Amey.
Mary Sheeler, of William and Mary.
21. Robert Garner, of George and Christina.
25. Thomas Butler Ten Broeck, of Jacob and Priscilla.
[From Ancaster.]
Mar. 12.Samuel Hatt, of Samuel, Esq., and Margaret.
Samuel Barnum, of Ezra and Hannah.
Eliza Barnum, of Ezra and Hannah.
James Asa Newton, of David and Susannab.
Rebecca Land, of Abel and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Land, of Abel and Elizabeth.
15. Catherine Elizabeth Nelles, of William and Margaret (40-Mile Creek).
24. John Muselle, of John and Catherine.
Apr. 9. Elizabeth Keely, of Dennis and Dorithy.
12. Mary Ann Ten Broeck, of John, Esq., and his wife
May 4. John Clement, of Lewis and Catherine.
Mary Ann Secord, of Isaac and Caroline.
14. Ephraim Summerson Wheeler, of Peter and Jane.
June 11.Henry Burchell, of Charles and Charlotte.
18. Charles William Page, of Elijah and Elizabeth.
Lucy Rosalind Proctor Firth, of William and Ann (Atty. Gen.)
27. Francis Adolphus Muir, of Capt. Adam and Maria (41st).
July 9. John Durham, of Thomas and Ann.
Jane Mahony, of Daniel and Honoria.
God-father, John Clarke.
God-mothers, Jane Crooks, Catherine Muselle.
July 16.John Milton, of John and Lettice.
Robert, of Phebe Still a black woman (fil. pop.)
23. John Powell, of John and Isabella.
Margaret Woolford, of William and Elizabeth.
26. Jane Newstead, of Michael and Bridget.
30. Thomas Smith, of John and Sarah.
God-fathers, Sergt.-Major Kerby, Sergt. D. Bencroft (41st Regt.)
God-mother, Mary Bencroft.
Aug. 1. Ebenezer, of Jessica Clarke (fil. pop.)
29. Jane Hingston, of Samuel and Winifred.
Sep. 7. Peter Augustus Ball, of Geo. Augustus and Ann.
10. Mary Ann Jane Wallace, of James and Ellin (100th Regt.).
29. John Secord Fuller, of David and Elizabeth.
Oct. 15.Mary Ann Owens, of William and Elizabeth.
[40-Mile Creek and Head of Lake.]
22. Mary Jane Bunnell, of Enos and Sarah.
Ellin Thomas, of John and Ellin.
Andrew Hatt, of Richard and Mary.
Margaret Secord, of John and Jennet.
25. Johnathan Pettit Barber, of Mathias and Mary.
James Henry Pettit, of Johnathan and Margaret.
Robert Campbell McCullom, of Peter and Mary.
Andrew Pettit, of John and Mary.
Alexander Millmine, of James and Mary.
Catherine Matilda Nelles, of Abraham and Catherine.
John Mulmine, of James and Mary.
29. Elizabeth Muirhead, of John and Elizabeth (Chippawa).
Nov. 12.Amelia Rath, of Thomas and Mary (100th Regt.).
19. Jane Eliza Crooks, of James and Jane.
James Gough, of Thomas B. and Margaret.
Agnes McGie (McKee), of Alexander and Sarah.
John Hamilton Smith, of John and Catherine.
Lucy Goring, of Frederick Aug. and Ann.
Dec. 24.Rosannah McBride, of Peter and Ann Elizabeth.
Ann Elizabeth Field, of Charles and Rose.
Jan. 7 Mary Felicia Doute, of John B. and Margaret.
12. Jane West, of Joseph, surgeon to Am. Gar., and Rebecca.
Emily West, of Dr. ??? ??? ???.
14. William Wallace Howell, of Phinheas and Mary.
Mary Ann Howell, of Phinheas and Mary.
21. Joseph Needham, of William and Catherine.
Thomas Erange, of Thomas and Mary.
Mar. 27.Betsy Futril, of John and Sarah.
Ann O'Brien, of John and Catherine.
29. Georgiana Vigoreux, of Capt. Henry and Eliza (R.Engineers).
Thomas Godwin, of Thomas and Esther.
31. Robert Gilkinson, of William and Isabella.
Apr. 1. Mary Ann Ahern, of V. B.,Qr. Master 100th Regt., and his wife.
Sponsors: Jas. Gordon, Esq., Ast. Com.
Eliza Ahern, for Mrs. Urquhart.
Clementina Lyons, for Miss M. A. White.
John Smith, of Mathew and Mary (100th Regt.).
8. Jane Davis, of Peter and Mary.
Ann Cadeson, of Charles and Mary (100th Regt.).
22. John Wm. Morgan Freel, of James and Ann.
May 6 Johnson Butler Brown, of Robert and Mary.
13. James Vincent, of Robert and Sarah.
George Morrow, of John and Jane.
[From 40-Mile Creek.]
20. William Crooks, of William, Esq., and Mary.
Mary Elizabeth Jackson, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
Ruth Bridgman, of Thomas and Deborah.
Hezekiah Vansickle, of John and Catherine.
Charles Hixon, of Henry and Rachel.
John Hixon, of Henry and Rachel.
21. John Book, of Mathias and Elizabeth.
Jonathan Moore, of Jonathan and Martha.
Hugh Anderson, of Charles and Ann.
27. John Murphy, of Patrick and Ellin.
30. Margaret Jane, of Lydia Grant (filia populi).
June 10.Eliza Sybil Freel, of Hugh and Anna.
Elizabeth Armstrong, of William and Catherine.
24. Catherine Mary Bowlrice, of Lawrence and Charlotte.
John Fred. Chas. Wm. Gesso, of Charles and Mary.
July 1. John Turney, of George and Ann.
8. Joseph Ball Clement, of John and Mary.
George Arbuthnot, of William and Margaret.
Aug. 3. Thomas Jones, of William and Mary (100th Regt.).
22. Susan Douglas, of Alexander and Margaret.
Catherine Jordan Douglas, of Alexander and Margaret.
God-father, Hon. Alex. Grant.
God-mothers, Mrs. Clark, Miss Theresa Wright.
26. William Kerr Emery, of John and Jane.
Sep. 2. Richard Colver Griffin, of Richard and Ann.
23. John Wilson, of Hugh and Esther.
30. Thomas Murray, of William and Sarah.
Jane Murphy, of John and Mary.
Oct. 14.Eleanor Sarah Campbell, of Major D. and Elizabeth.
21. John Edward O'Brian, of Edward and Margaret.
28. Eliza Cole, of Robert and Rose.
Thomas Phellemy, of John and Ann.
Nov. 4. George Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Mary Patrick, of Samuel and Ann.
11. Ann Symington, of John and Elizabeth.
Charles Kitt, of Charles and Elizabeth.
18. Ann Owens, of Simeon and Ann.
Dec. 9. Mary Murphy, of Patrick and Martha.
30. Harriet Augusta Jarvis Peters, of Wm. B. and Martha.
[From Fort Erie.]
Jan. 6. Elizabeth Secord, of Isaac and Caroline.
13. John H. Williams, of John and Elizabeth.
Mary Ann Price, oi John and Ann.
18. Daniel Young Anger, of Frederick and Mary Magdalene.
George Near Anger, of Charles and Abigail.
29. Margaret Hatt, of Samuel and Margaret (Ancaster).
[Head of the Lake.]
Mar. 1. Louisa Rouse, of Robert and Elizabeth.
Rachel Rouse, of Robert and Elizabeth.
Nancy McDougal, of Nicholas and Elizabeth.
Duncan MoDougal, of Nicholas and Elizabeth.
2. Mary Sarah Beasley, of Richard and Henrietta.
Richard George Beasley, of Richard and Henrietta.
3. William Barent Staats, of John G. and Betsy (Grand River).
[From 40-Mile Creek.]
5. Samuel Kern, of David and Catherine.
Charlotte Kitson, of John and Margaret.
6. George Moore Nelles, of Robert and Elizabeth.
John Beamer Pettit, of Jonathan and Catherine.
10. Mary McCasler, of Alexander and Margaret. (100th Regt.)
Edward Ennis, of John and Ann. (100th Regt.)
17. Peter Van Cortland Fuller, of David and Elizabeth.
24. James Crooks, of James and Jane.
Apr. 9. Betsy McGunnicle, of John and Selah (100th Regt.).
12. Margaret Miller, of John and Mary.
14. Phebe Ferris, of Elijah and Rosannah.
28. Brant Johnson Stewart, of Alexander and Jemima.
May 4. Joseph Shaw, of George and Sarah.
9. Catherine Pettit, of Ashman and Elizabeth. 40-Mile Creek.
Mary Pettit of Jonahan and Margaret. 40-Mile Creek.
22. Alexander Stephens, of Aaron and Mary.
Robert Addison Clement, of James and Catherine.
Aug. 11.Isabella Hamilton Rea, of Robert and Ann. 100th Regt.
18. Robert Armstrong, of Robert and Jane. 100th Regt.
James Wrath, of Thomas and Mary. 100th Regt.
25. Mary Ann, of Mary Stuart (fil. pop.).
Oct. 5. Mary Ann Eddlestone, of Thomas and Magdalene (R. Art.)
6. Maria Hamilton Adams, of Thomas and Margaret.
Thomas Wilson Adams, of Thomas and Margaret.
Phoebe Wilson Adams, of Thomas and Margaret.
13. Mary Jane Evans, of William and Margaret.
27. William Welford, of William and Elizabeth.
Nov. 3. Susan Smith, of Thomas and Susan.
Jane Davis, of Aaron and Maria (100th Regt.)
N.B.-23 from Fort Erie (to be sent) for which I leave room.
8. Robert Nelles Nixon, of John and Anna.
Allan Nixon Mayhew, of Levi and Dina.
Hannah Lapsley and John, of Mary Bony (both fil. populi).
Dec. 22.Mary Ann Dochard, of George and Mary.
23. Catherine Elizabeth Holcroft,of Capt. Wm. and Frances (R.A.).
Caroline Elizabeth Maria Gordon, of James and Caroline Matilda.
May 9. William Jno. Augustus Thompson, of William and Jane.
10. Harriet Frances Emery, of John and Jane.
13. William Powers, of Francis and Magdaline.
27. James Symington Short, of Col. Wm. C. and Jane.
June 16.Benj. Page, of Jesse and Elizabeth.
21. George Wm. Robinson, of John and Elizabeth.
Francis Waddel, of Robert and Mary.
28. Robert Jarvis Hamilton, of George and Mary.
July 1. Mary Ann Wilson, of David and Susan (41st Regt.)
19. William FitzGerald, of Dennis and Maria.
20. John Adolphus Nelles, of William and Margaret.
26 Joseph Hone, of John and Mary.
Aug. 9. Eliza Ann Milton, of John and Lettice.
James Ramsay Crooks, of William and Mary.
30. Charles Lewis Vigoureux, of Capt. Henry and Eliza (R.Eng.).
Sep. 27.Mary Ann MoGhie (McKee), of A]exr. and Sarah.
[From the Head of the Lake.]
Oct. 3. John Ogilvie Hatt, of Richard and Mary.
5. Elizabeth Smith, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
Jennet Smith, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
6. James Godfrey Durand, of James and Helen.
Maria Godfrey Durand, of James and Helen.
Harriet Godfrey Durand, of James and Helen.
George Godfrey Durand, of James and Helen.
Henry Morrison Durand, of James and Kezia.
Charles Morrison Durand, of James and Kezia.
[From the 40-Mile Creek.]
7. George Gallicher, of George and Elizabeth.
Sarah Teetzel, of John and Rachel.
Joseph Teetzel, of John and Rachel.
John Glover Pettit, of John S. and Mary.
Hannah Young Pettit, of Johnathan and Catherine.
Hannah Smith, of Isaac and Elizabeth.
Catherine Ann Nixon, of William and Christina.
Pierce Moor, of William and Caroline.
Dinah Moor, of William and Caroline.
John Pettit, of Ashman and Elizabeth.
Cyrus Summer Barber, of Mathias and Mary.
Mary Elizabeth Muir, of Andrew and Anna.
Catherine Phoebe Nelles, of John and Mary.
Joseph Moor, of William and Caroline.
Nov. 8. Deborah Freel, of Hugh and Ann.
James Alexander Chambers Freel, of James and Nancy.
15. Charles Biggers (of riper years).
James Harrison, of John and Ann.
Harriet Eliza Thom, of Alexr. (surg'n 41st Regt.) and Harriet.
Dec. 20.Thomas Henson, of Thomas and Mary (41st Regt.).
Jan. 10.Jane Gray, of Thomas and Hannah.
Dennis Keely, of Dennis and Dorothy.
Eliza Botton, of Stoother and Margaret.
19. Catherine Layton (of riper years).
Abraham Phoenix, of Abraham and Ellin.
Feb. 7. Ann Jennet Cameron, of Alexander, Esq., and Catherine.
13. Francis Peter Latouche Chambers,
of Capt. P. Latouche, of 41st Regt., and Ann Emily.
[see this link for further information on Peter Latouche Chambers]
16. John Symington, of John and Eliza.
21. Caroline Secord, of Isaac and Caroline.
Mar. 4. Mary McCarty, of James and Mary.
15. Margaret Nelles, of Jacob and Ann (40-Mile Creek).
Anna Dorothea Ball, of George and Catherine.
John William Ball, of George and Catherine.
21. Michael Maddingan, of Michael and Mary.
24. Maria Theresa Nichol, of Col. Robt. and Theresa.
28. William Webb, of Thomas and Elizabeth.
Apr. 11.Mary Churchill, of William and Mary.
25. Julia Gorman, of James and Margaret.
May 11.Peter Whitmire, of John and Lany.
June 17.James Trump, of John and Margaret.
July 16.Susan Croft, of John and Sarah.
18. Benjamin Upper, of Jacob and Mary (of Stamford)
Frances Ensign, of Ormond and Sarah.
Mary Theresa Dickson, of Thomas and Archange (Queenston).
27. Catherine, wife of Capt. Norton, a Mohawk Chief.
Aug. 1. Ralph Morden Clement, of Lewis and Margaret.
George Augustus Clement, of John and May.
Thomas Morrow, of Francis and Margaret.
Thomas Daniel McCormick, of Thomas and Augusta.
8. Thomas Crooks, of James and Jane.
Sep. 19.Stephen Read, of George and Mary.
14. Margaret Connell, of David and Margaret.
20. Eliza Ann Bradt, of John and Ann.
30. Henry Rosa Slingerlandt, of Garret and Elizabeth.
Oct. 6. Ann Brown, of Charles and Ann.
Nov. 6. William Dickson Campbell, of Duncan and Elizabeth.
Dec. 14.William H. McClive, of F. and Margaret.
Jan. 27.Henry Augustus Garrett, of Alexander and Amelia.
Feb. 3.Barbara Elizbeth Parker, of William and Deborah.
10. John Runchy, of Robert and Ann.
21. John Jackson, of James and Martha (R. Arty.)
[Baptised in York.]
21. Elizabeth Holland, of Patrick and Ellen.
26. Hannah Read, of James and Jane.
Archibald Hugh Fenwick, of James and Ellin.
Mar. 1. Ann Hand, of Daniel and Alice. -
3. Richard Henry Whitesides, of Richard and Dorothy.
6. Euretta Ann Hamilton, of Thomas and Ann.
11. Josiah Helmky, of John and Mary.
12. Ormsby Sherrard, of Widow Ruggles (fil. pop.)
[Head of the Lake.]
Mar. 20.William Hatt, of Richard and Mary.
Augustus Hatt, of Samuel and Margaret.
Matilda Hatt, of Samuel and Margaret.
Margaret Thompson, of Andrew and Mary.
21. Mathew Brook Secord, of John and Jennet.
John Baptist Secord, of Elijah and Mary Kane.
Susan Maria Secord, of Daniel and Rachel.
Elijah Secord, of Daniel and Rachel.
[40-Mile Creek.]
22. Margt. Maria Alexona Nelles, of William and Margt.
John Markle, of Abraham and Ann.
Apr. 3. Frederick James Mulholland, of James and Winifred. 100th Regt.
Sarah Wilson, of Hugh and Esther. 100th Regt.
Alice Martin, of John and Bridget. 100th Regt.
17. Elizabeth O'Hara, of Bernard and Mary.
18. Edward Emery, of John and Jane.
23. Harriet Robinson, of Francis and Catherine.
24. Catherine Hodgkinson, of Robt. anJ Christina.
May 9. Elizabeth Woodward, of John and Hannah (Royal Scots).
June 26.Margaret Thompson (of riper years), of colour.
William Lee, of Peter and Mary, of colour.
Maria Lee, of Peter and Mary, of colour.
James Waters, of James and Clarissa, of colour.
Mary Ann Thompson, of William and Margaret.
28. Olivia Eliza Williams, of Geo. and Margt. (Lieut. 100th Regt.).
Jul 13. Ellen Tinlin, of James and Ann.
Aug. 21.Robert Wright, of Abraham and Mary.
Sep. 6. Joseph Waters, of Humphrey and Catherine (of colour).
Daniel Servos Waters, of Humphrey and Catherine (of colour).
John Waters, of Humphrey and Catherine (of colour).
William Waters, of Humphrey and Catherine (of colour).
Mary Van Patten, of John and Ann.
29. Mary Ann Wilson, of Walter and Mary.
Oct. 2. Margaret Flinn, of Patrick and Catherine. 4lst Regt.
Michael Coney, of John and Mary. 4lst Regt.
Elizabeth Shepherd, of John and Jane. 4lst Regt.
23. Harriet Sewell Murray, of Sergt. John and Ann. 4lst Regt.
Nov. 9. James Davidson, of Corporal James and Jennet.
27. Barnabas Colo, of Barnabas and Catherine.
30. Mary Ann Campbell, of George and Elizabeth.
Dec. 15.Cicily McGunnicle, of John and Cicily.
28. Johnathan Levelle, of John and Hannah.
Charlotte Levelle, of John and Hannah.
Mary Ann Levelle, of John and Hannah.
Isaac Levelle, of John and Hannah.
Sarah Levelle, of John and Hannah.
Benjamin Robinson Merithew, of Benjamin and Anna.
Mary Ann Hodgkinson, of Robt. and Christina.
Jan. 15.Thomas Fox, of James and Margaret (Royals).
Jan. 22.Margaret Fitzpatrick, of Edward and Ellen.
25. Alfred Andrew Thompson, of William and Jane.
Apr. 6. George Hamilton, of George and Ssrah (Royal Artillery).
Eliza Ann Jupiter, of Robert and Mary, of colour.
Angelica Collins, of Richard and Jane, of colour.
Clarissa Short, of Joseph and Ann, of colour.
Mary Ann Stevenson, of Joseph and Jane.
John Rawson, of Michael and Mary.
22. Cornelia Ann Thompson, of William and Jane.
[This list of 41 names were baptized at the 12-Mile Creek
on the same day.]
May 14. Jesse William Pawling, of Henry and Margaret.
George Pawling, of Henry and Margaret.
Mary Ann Laraway, of Jonas and Mary.
Margaret Follick, of Cornelius and Eve.
Valentine Scram, of Garret and Leah.
Mary Ann Ball, of Jacob and Lydia.
Mary Jane Emmet, of John and Elizabeth.
William Read, of George and Clementina.
Jane Brown, of Robert and Mary.
Benjamin Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Mahadabel Hodgkinson, of Francis and Sarah.
Beriah Hodgkinson of Samuel and Amy.
Amy Hodgkinson of Samuel and Amy.
Mabel Hodgkinson of Samuel and Amy.
Joseph Godfrey, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Harriet Godfrey, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Caroline Bowman, of Adam and Hannah.
Catherine Secord, of Isaac and Caroline.
Robert Addison Adams, of Thomas and Margaret.
Lewis Sagar, of John and Leana.
Caroline Gould, of John and Hannah.
Richard Frederick Patterson, of John and Clary.
Elijah Cole, of David and Harriot.
Jane Jemima Laraway, of Harmoneus and Phebe.
Peter Hare Brown, of Robert and Mary.
Elizabeth Brown, of Robert and Mary.
George Brown, of Robert and Mary.
Ann Sophia Brown, of Robert and Mary.
Johnson Butler Brown, of Robert and Mary.
Mary Brown, of Robert and Mary.
William Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Thomas Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Dorothy Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
John Pember Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Rockaway Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Martha Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Eleazer Alexr. Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
George Hodgkinson, of William and Mary.
Agnes Bowman, of Adam and Hannah.
Nancy Bowman, of Adam and Hannah.
George Adam Bowman, of Adam and Hannah.
May 21. Henry Rolls, of Charles and Ann.
Margt. Little, of Joseph and Jane.
Sponsors, John McNabb, Thos. Powis and Mary Layton.
28. Maria MoGhie (McKee), of Alexr. and Sarah.
Sponsors, Geo. Young, Maria Young and Ann Young.
June 22.Jemima Smith (of riper years).
Mathew Smith Thompson, of Catherine Smith (fil. pop.)
Mary Ann Smith, of Peter and Jemima.
Sarah Ann Freel, of James and Ann.
Sponsors, Mathew Smith, Eliz. Smith, senr., and E. Smith,jr.
[These 8 were baptized in Grimsby or 40-Mile Creek.]
July 12.Walter Crooks, of William Crooks, Esq., and Mary.
The difference in rank is carefully noticed by the
affix "Esq." to men of position.
13. Jonathan Pettit, of John and Mary.
Sponsors, Jonathan and Andrew Pettit and Catherine Pettit.
Elizabeth Smith, of Isaac and Elizabeth.
Sponsors, John S. Pettit, Mary Pettit and Sarah Biggar.
Martha Moore, of Jonathan and Martha.
Sponsors, John Potts, Esq., and his wife.
William Henry Moore, of John and Phebe.
Sponsors, John S. Nelles and Deborah Moore.
Mary Simmons, of Bastion and Margaret.
Sponsors, Andrew and Sarah Pettit.
Sarah Maria Nelles, of John and Sarah.
Sponsors, Abraham and Maria Nelles.
Sarah Pettit, of Abraham and Elizabeth.
Sponsors, John S. Pettit, Mary and Pamela Pettit.
Aug. 20 Susan Thompson, of Michael and Mary.
Sep. 17.Kitty Depins, of Lewis and Catherine.
25. Archibald Garvin, of James and Isabella.
Oct. 1. James Johnson, of Patrick and Margaret.
[Grimsby or 40-Mile Creek.]
12. Jane Waddel, of Robt. and Mary.
Jane Nelles, of Robt. and Maria.
Mary Cameron, of Alexr. and Catherine.
Sponsors, William Crooks, Esq., Mary Crooks and Deborah Butler.
28. Mary Margaret Crooks, of James and Janet.
Sponsors, Col. Robt. Nichol and Mrs. Crooks, senr.
29. Matilda Simons, of Titus and Hannah.
Sponsors, James Crooks, Esq., and Mary and Elizabeth Van Every.
Nov. 9. Richard Brock Hatt, of Samuel and Margaret.
Sponsors, Richd. Hatt and Mary, his wife.
[These 18 names are from Long Point, in the London District.]
Nov. 5. Hetty Stickney Bostwick, of John and Mary.
Jos. Ryerson Bostwick, of John and Mary.
John Bostwick, of John and Mary.
George Luke Bostwick, of John and Mary.
Sponsors, Joseph Ryerson and James Mitchel, District Schoolmaster.
Margaret Mitchel of James and Elizabeth.
James Mitchel, of James and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Mitchel of James and Elizabeth.
Mary Ann Martha Parks, of William and Abby.
Nancy O'Brien, of Roger and Nelly.
Mary O'Brien, of Roger and Nelly.
Roswell O'Brien, of Roger and Nelly.
Sponsors, John Bostwick and Danl. Freeman.
6. Horatio Nelson Williams, of Jonathan and Mary.
Clarissa Ann Bostwick, of Henry and Ann.
Cornelia Bostwick, of Henry and Ann.
Caroline Bostwick, of Henry and Ann.
Mary Ann Axford of Abraham and Mary.
John A. Axford of Abraham and Mary.
Sally Bowlby Axford of Abraham and Mary.
Sponsors, H Bostwick, Jonathan Williams,
John Backhouse and Daniel Freeman.
[David Bogg, of David and Mary Bogg, is alleged to have been baptized in
November, 1815, by Mr. Addison. Sponsors, Augustus Grigg, Hamilton Hay and
Mary Thompson. Niagara, Oct. 9th, 1832. THOS. CREEN].
Jan. 3. Lawrence Corson (of riper years).
Barnabas Corson, of Lawrence and Lydia
Sponsors, Jno. Hodgkinson, Jas. and Catherine Griffith.
7. Peter Garrick, of Peter and Julia (Can. Fencibles)
18. Robert Addison Dettrick, of Robert and Ann.
Mary Jane Hayner, of George and Catherine.
Mary Ann M. Turney, of John and Ann.
Sponsors, James, Walter and Jane Dettrick and Ann Turney.
27. Elizabeth Sarah McKay, of Hector and Elizabeth. (From Dundas)
Sponsors, David Stegman and Mary Breakenridge, senr. and jr.
26. Elizabeth Wilmot, of Samuel and Mary. -
Sponsors, Jno. Arnold, Elizabeth Arnold and Lisette Stegman.
7. Henry Pingle, of John H. and Barbara.
Sponsors, Philip Echart and Henry and Mary Pringle.
Although there is a remarkable similarity of names, as
Elizabeth, Ann, John, are many named from distinguished men, as Brook, Butler,
William Johnson, Peregine Maitland, Horatio Nelson, Andrew Heron.
Mar. 7. Mary Ann Echart, of Philip and Elizabeth.
Sponsors, George and Mary Pringle.
31. Alexander Grant Frazer, of Alexr. and Catherine.
Sponsors, Captain and Mrs. Spence.
Apr. 4. Polly Bisse, of Joseph and Mary.
Sponsors, Levi Hale and Polly Laye.
17. Augustine DeRoy, of Jacob and Mary.
18. John Colly, of Richard and Mary.
Charles Secord, of James' and Laura.
Laura Secord, of James' and Laura.
Children of the famous Laura, who three years before this date
had given warning at Beaver Dams, of the American attack.
20. Sibella Philpotts, of George and Maria. (R. Engineers).
May 22. John Henry Oakley, of John and Mary.
Sponsors, Major Thos. Taylor and John Russel.
29. David Augustus Hamilton, of David and Mary.
Sponsors, James H. Hay and Mary Thompson.
June 2. John Chickly, of Francis and Elizabeth.
[Baptised in Grantham, the church at St. Catharines, 12-Mile Creek.]
9. Margaret Jane Darby, of George and Mary Ann.
Mary Read, of George and Mary.
Abraham Bowman, of Adam and Hannah.
Eleanor Connover, of James and Julia.
William Read, of Cornelius and Ann.
John Bennet, of John and Margaret.
Eliza Clarke, of John and Sally B.
Jacob Dettrick, of Jacob and Matty May.
Margaret Honsinger, of John and Mary.
John Charles Haynes, of David and Harriet.
George Haynes, of Jacob and Rachel.
Ann Jane Osterholt, of William and Elizabeth.
Jane Gould, of John and Hannah.
Thomas Doby, of James and Nancy.
Sponsors and witnesses to the above baptisms, John,
Adam, and Jacob Darby, Robert Campbell, Peter Pawling,
John Dettrick, Catherine Hayner, Mary Parby,
Fanny Gordon, Mary Robinson, etc.
18. Catherine Fanny Bender, of John and Catherine.
Sponsors, Asahel Adam, Catherine Bradt, Fanny Symington.
23. Hugh Clinton Freel, of Hugh and Ann.
Sponsors, Jos. Hare and John and Ann Cox.
Jane Burley, of Peter and Mary..
Sponsors, Andrew Romino, Mary Burley and Mary Lewis.
24. Thos. John Pitton, of Joshua and Margaret.
26. Amabella Nichol, of Col. Robert and Theresa.
God-father, James Coffin, Esq.
God-mothers, Mrs. Gore, the Governor's Lady, Miss Eliza P. Addison.
July 21.Peter Ivers, of Richard and Margaret (37th Regt.).
Aug. 2. Robert St. Patrick Stevenson, of John A., Lieut. 99th Regt., and Mary.
[These 4 were baptised at the Falls.]
7. Andrew Todd Kirby, of John and Eliza.
Mary Margaret Clarke Kerby, of James and Jane.
Thomas Clarke Street, of Samuel and Abigail.
Cynthia Street, of Samuel and Abigail.
Sponsors and witnesses present: The Hon. Mr. Clark,
Mrs. Clark, the Hon. Mr. Dickson and Mr. Grant.
11. John McFarland, of John and Jane.
James McFarland, of John and Jane.
Ahijah McFarland, of John and Jane.
James Wilson, of John and Ann.
Walter Wilson, of John and Ann.
Gordon Wilson, of John and Ann.
Margaret Wilson, of John and Ann.
Margery (Mc)Farland, of John and Margaret.
Mary (Mc)Farland, of John and Margaret.
Sarah Applegarth, of Wi]liam and Martha;
Sponsors and witnesses to the last ten baptisms, John
Wilson, John McFarland, Eliza and Jane McFarland.
20. Thomas Butler Crooks, of William and Mary (Grimsby).
Rachel Egbert, of Welling and Sarah.
Sponsors, Thos. Butler, Esq., John Crooks and Mrs. D. Muirhead.
Sep. 8. Henry Finen, of James and Sarah.
10. Mary Ann Thompson, of Robert and Ann.
Sponsors, Peter McAvay and Jane Carty.
18. William Chapman, of Sergt. Robert and Ellen (99th Regt.).
Sponsors, Sergt. Robt. Vincent and John and Ann Coffey.
Oct. 6. Joseph Denning, of Joseph and Jane.
20. John Parker, of Sergt. John and Susan (Dragoons).
21. William Dempsey, of Sylvester and Sarah.
Mary Ann McCauley, of Robert and Sarah.
Nov. 10.James Henry Ritter, of Capt. Lewis and Mary (99th Regt.).
Sponsors, Mr. Clark and Major and Mrs. Davies.
Dec. 1. Edward Gillan, of Dennis and Mary (99th Regt.).
12. Henry James Kain, of William and Ann (99th Regt.).
15. Mary Ann McNamara, of Dennis and Jane (99th- Regt.).
22. Garner Osburn, of William and Mary (99th Regt.).
29. John Riley, of James and Jane (23rd Regt'.).
Jan. 5. Mary Burke, of John and Catherine (99th Regt.).
12. Bridget Butler, of Michael and Ellen, 99th Regt.
Ellen Butler, of Michael and Ellen, 99th Regt.
Margaret Phillips, of John and Margaret.
George Young Moore, of Robert and Maria.
19. Mary Vincent, of Robert and Sarah (99th Regt.).
21. Margaret Augusta McCormack, of Thomas and Augusta.
Jan. 26.Robert John Cumming, of Robert and Mary, 99th Regt.
Robert Padden, of Edward and Deborah, 99th Regt.
Eliza Ferris, of Elijah and Eleanor.
James Ferris, of Elijah and Eleanor.
Sarah Ferris, of Elijah and Eleanor.
Hyram Ferris, of Elijah and Eleanor.
Eleanor Swayze, of Isaac and Eleanor.
Maria Swayze, of Isaac and Eleanor.
William Dickson Swayze, of Isaac and Eleanor.
Eleanor Swayze Fish, of William and Frances.
28. Mary Donell, of Miles and Bridget.
30. Jesse Augusta Vavassour, of Louisa and ???.
[From Long Point in London Dist.]
Feb.16. Winifred Van Allen, of Henry and Winifred.
Ann Southerland Graham, of Dr. Jas. and Eliz'th.
Mercy White, of Nathaniel and Mercy.
Mar. 9. Daniel Spearman, of Sergt. Henry and Jane. 99th Regt.
Rose Ryan, of Patrick and Ellen. 99th Regt.
23. Patrick Feely, of Thomas and Bridget. 99th Regt.
Robert Burnet, of William and Margaret. 99th Regt.
Apr. 3. Susan Eliz'th Lampman, of John and Mary.
6. James Smith, of James and Elizabeth (99th Regt.)
13. William Hone, of John and Mary.
Mary Hume, of Duncan and Elizabeth (99th Regt.)
20. Agnes Maria Campbell, of Lieut. Andrew and Ann (99th Regt).
27. Eliza Williams Ferns, of Thos. (P. Masr. 99th Regt.) and Jane.
May 27. Catherine Maria Hamilton, of Alexander and Hannah.
June 1. Catherine Wilson John (2nd Masr. 70th Regt.) and Jane.
Elizabeth Ulman, of John and Catherine.
Margaret Ulman, of John and Catherine.
Bernard Ulman, of John and Catherine.
Ann Ulman, of John and Catherine.
Benjamin Ulman, of John and Catherine.
Peter Ulman, of John and Catherine.
All these children grown up, the oldest said to be 21.
15. Lawrence Reily, of Lawrence and Ellin (from the U. States)
24. Ann Crooks, of William Crooks, Esq., and Mary (Grimsby)
This is the last reference to Grimsby or 40-Mile Creek, as in
1817 came Rev. Wm Sampson as minister.
July 6 Charlotte Sophia Parnel, of William and Elizabeth.
William Nelson Secord, of Edwin and Elizabeth.
10. James Duncan J. Farnden, of Jas. (ast. snrgn. 70th Regt.Y and Magdaline.
20. Ann Eliza Lawson, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
Joseph Lawson, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
Emily Charlot Lawson, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
Baptized at the Hon. Mr. Clark's (Falls).
21. Enoch Wooley, of Isaac and Elizabeth.
Thomas Richarts; of Michael and Margaret (99th Regt.).
Emily Browne (of riper years).
John Browne, of Richard and Emily.
July 27.Catherine Jane, of John and Susan Rouse.
Charles Samuel, of John and Susan Rouse.
Catherine Cor. Hodgkinson, of Robert and Christina.
Aug. 3. Frances Anna Clark, of John and Sarah.
James Newell, of John and Mary.
10. Philip Reiley, of John and Mary.
William Mallanby, of William and Rachel.
15. Catherine Maxwell, of Sergt. John and Catherine (70th Regt.).
25. Robert Runchey, of George and Margaret.
31. Mary Ann Wood, of Joseph and Mary (R. Arty.).
William Curry, of John and Christina.
Hugh McGunnicle, of Hugh and Sarah.
Sep.1. Archibald Miller, of James and Ellen.
Mary Russel, of William and Elizabeth (70th Regt.).
5. Elizabeth Ann Marten, of William and Elizabeth (Rl. Arty.).
19. George William Lawe McNamara, of Thomas and Mary Ann.
Eliza Magdaline Whitmore, of John and Magdaline.
Julia Ann Robins, of William and Rachel.
Nov. 16.Deborah Eleanor Freel, of James and Anm
19. George Shaw, of George and Sarah.
Thomas Shaw, of George and Sarah.
Sarah Shaw, of George and Sarah.
Catherine Shaw, of George and Sarah.
Baptized at St. David's.
Sponsors and witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. R. Woodruff, Mr. and Miss
Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Secord, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Clow.
Jan. 9. Samuel John Cox, of John and Salome.
Mar. 15.Martha Bullock, of Edward and Mary. 70th Regt.
20. Harriot Agnes Aughterton, of Robert and Mary. 70th Regt.
William Aird, of WiHiam and Jane. 70th Regt.
Hannah, of Ann Hayes (filia populi).
Apr. 12.Eliza Hannah Chase, of Lancelot and Catherine.
William Charles Sampson, of Dr. James and Eliza.
17. Louiza Henry, of Louiza and Capt. Vavassour.
26. Ann Donelly of James and Ann.
May 24. William Falconbridge, of John K. and Victoria.
27. Amelia Keefer, of George Keefer, Esq., and Jane.
June 28.Daniel Philip Bourke Greenville, of Daniel and Maria.
John Symington Arnold, of Thomas (D.A.C.G.) and Mary.
July 5. John Gustavus Stevenson. of John and Mary E. R. (H.P. Lieut.)
Anna Deborah Cameron, of Alexander and Catherine.
6. Mary Philpot, of Edward and Sarah (Haldimand).
19. Archibald Gallinagh, of James and Mary (70th Regt.).
23. Walter Slingerland, of Garret and Elizabeth.
Aug.9. Barbara Ann Martin, of George and Elizabeth.
31. Ramsey Procter, of Capt. William and Jane.
Sep. 9. Job Basely Rolls, of Charles and Ann.
20. William Augustus Lampman, of Peter and Agnes Ann.
Sep. 26.Mary Ann Kerney, of Francis and Elizabeth.
27. William Humphreys, of William and Mary.
Oct. 14 Julia Mary Ann Geale of Benjamin and Catherine.
Catherine Claus Geale of Benjamin and Catherine.
Nov. 8. John McQueen, of Thomas and Mary. - 70th Regt.
Susan Hunt, of James and Ann.
13. Robert Addison Connolly, df George and Eliza P. (H. P. Ensign).
Dec. 27.Eliza Margaret Pickard, of Archibald and Mary.
[Baptised at 10-Mile Creek.]
Nov.23. Priscilla Manly, of Walter and Mary.
Jane Layton, of Samuel and Mary.
John Young, of John and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Read, of Cornelius and Ann.
George Connover, of James and Judith.
Lewis Facer, of William and Catherine.
Jan. 10.Mary Ann Read, of George and Mary (a sailor).
[Baptised in Bertie, near Fort Erie.]
14. John Warren Hall, of Syrenius and Julia.
Eliza Jenet Jane Douglas, of Alexander and Margaret.
Mary Clark Staunton, of William and Margaret.
15. John Haun, of Mathias and Hanna.
Hannah Harriet Haun, of Mathias and Hanna.
Clarissa Haun, of Mathias and Hanna.
Isaac Swayze Haun, of Mathias and Hanna.
Sarah Lee, of Amos and Mary.
Clarissa M. Arabella Lee, of Amos and Mary.
Sarah Wilson, of John and Elizabeth.
William Usher Thompson, of Tannatt and Margaret.
Julia Ann Street, of Samuel and Abigail.
Martha Ensign, of Ormond and Sarah Ann.
24. William Young, of William and Elizabeth (R. Arty.).
Feb. 7. Isabella Wharton, of James and Catherine.
9. Eve Bowman (of riper years) (15-Mile Creek)
Elizabeth Barninger (of riper years.)
22. Peter Stephenson, of Lieut. James and Mary (Sapper and Miners)
Mar. 3. John Greenfield, of Francis and Christian Annet.
7. James Browne, of William and Nera (Prv. 70th Regt.).
13. Edward Curry Wood, of Samuel and Ellen (12-Mile Creek).
31. Benjamin, of Black Thom and Highly.
May 3. Robert Moore, of Robert and Mary.
9. Thomas Key, of Robert and Amey. 70th Regt.
16. Robert Mullighan of Robert and Ellen. 70th Regt.
30. John Mills, of George and Martha (70th Regt.)
June 13.James Robinson, of Landrick and Sarah (70th Regt.).
July 22.Mary Madlin Sampson, of Dr. James and Eliza.
25. Patrick Joice, of Peter and Ellin. 68th Regt.
Thomas Frelly, of Patrick and Mary. 68th Regt.
Elizabeth Ellen McKie, of Alexander and Sarah.
July 25.Daniel Secord, of Daniel and Electa.
Sophia Electa Secord, of Daniel and Electa.
Peter Sidney Secord, of Abraham and Elizabeth.
Phebe Ann Lampman, of John and Mary.
Aug. 8. Mary Ann Newell, of John and Mary (a sadler).
10. Cornelia Gertrude Beardsley, of Bartholomew C. (Bar.-at-law),
and his wife, whose name is forgotten.
Memo.-Her name is Mary.
Horace Homer Beardsley, of Bartholomew C. (Bar.-at-law),
John Jenkins Beardsley, of Bartholomew C. (Bar.-at-law),
22. Eliza Borland, of Hugh and Sarah (68th Regt.).
29. Andrew Phoenix Vavassour, of Capt. and Louisa (fil. pop.).
31. Elizabeth Hodgson, of Thomas and Sarah (68th Regt.).
Sep. 29.James Stull, of Adam and Mary.
Oct. 10.Mary Angelique Stoneman, of William and Elizabeth.
31. John Nelson, of John and Susan (68th Regt.).
David Willis, of Black Antrim.
Nov. 14.William Frederick Johnson, of George and Ann.
Sponsors, James Wood, John Cobby and Charlotte Wood.
18. Charles Wilson, of John and Ann. Baptized at their mother's funeral.
Thomas, of John and Ann. Baptized at their mother's funeral.
21. John Harrison Martindale, of John and Jane.
Mary Ann Jane Martindale, of John and Jane.
Robert Pope, of Thomas and Elizabeth.
Sponsors, George Johnson, James Wyld and Mary A. Hynn.
28. Mary Browne, of William and Elizabeth.
Dec. 5. Mary Ann Pye, of Robert and Elizabeth.
12. William Ryan, of Patrick and Ellen.
John Wilson McDougal, of Robert and Harriot.
26. Amelia Maria Garrett, of Alexander (Barr. Master) and Amelia.
Jan. 2. Ronald Anid, of William and Jenett (68th Regt.)
14. Margaret McGaren, of Michael and Ann (68th Regt.).
16. Carolina Brock Colver, of Ebenezer and Phebe, farmer, from Louth
Eliza Wellington Colver, of Ebenezer and Phebe, farmer, from Louth
Augustus P. Maitland Colver, of Ebenezer and Phebe, farmer, from Louth
Why give the military names to the daughters and that of
the man of peace to the son?
28. Margaret Malemby, of William and Rachel (Grand River).
Ann Morton Stevenson, of John A. (H.P. Lieut.) and Mary E. R.
Feb. 6. Mary Rolls, of Charles and Ann (Grantham).
Margaret Rea, of Thomas and Sarah (68th Regt)
[Louth Near 20-Mile Creek.]
Mar. 9. Margaret Runchey, of Robert and Ann.
Eleanor Runchey, of Thomas and Ann.
10. Francis Scott, of Joseph and Ann (navy surgeon)
[Baptised at Mr. Clarke's, Falls, Stamford.]
19. Colin Conklin, of Jonathan and Sarah.
Cynthia Conklin, of Jonathan and Sarah.
Sponsors, Colin McNeiledge and Cynthia Street.
William Smith, of James and Mary.
Sponsors, Rychart and Michael D.
Apr. 16.Ellin Lynch, of John and Sarah. 68th Regt.
Ellin Roach, of John and Mary. 68th Regt.
28. James Jacob Ball, of Henry C. and Mary (1O-Mile Creek).
30. Eve Larranay, of Jonas and Mary.
[10-Mile Creek.]
Benj. William Scram, of Garrett and Leah.
Margaret Jane Godfrey, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Jane Read, of Cornelius and Ann.
Rebecca, Eliza Connolly, of George and Elizabeth (P.11. P. Ensign).
Sponsors, John Killaly, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. F. A. Dickson.
[From the 10-Mile Creek.]
May 14. Margaret Catherine Wheaton, of Joseph and Elizabeth.
Charlotte Cole, of John and Phebe.
William Henry Yokum, of Henry and Elizabeth.
Caroline Young, of Peter and Catherine.
21. Francis Kirney, of Francis and Elizabeth.
28. Mary Kidney, of Edmond and Catherine (68th Regt.).
June 11.Florence, of Ann Atkinson (filia populi)
[Baptised at the 12-Mile Creek.]
25. George Adam Haynes, of Lewis and Eve.
John Haynes, of Lewis and Eve.
George Hamilton Dettrick, of Walter and Eve.
Catherine Hansicker, of John and Margaret.
Mary Hartsel, of George and Catherine.
George Adams Clark, of John and Sarah.
28. John Balfour, of John M. and Mary Ann (H.P. Officer).
July 2. Amelia Ann Philips, of Joseph and Ann.
18. Catherine Springstead, of David and Hannah.
29. John Chetly, of Francis and Elizabeth.
30. Harroot Mary Ann Freel, of Hugh and Anna.
31. Hannah Cartwright Secord, of James and Laura (Queenston)
[Baptised at York.]
Aug. 3. George Frederick Oates, of Edward and Elizabeth.
Robert Hill Oates, of Edward and Elizabeth.
Mary Elizabeth Oates, of Edward and Elizabeth.
[Haldimand, or Grand River, baptised by Mr. Stevens, Mil. Chap.]
20. Jane Mason, of Thomas (a blacksmith) and Jane.
John Philpott, of Edward (Innkeeper) and Sarah.
Richard Deace McDonald, of William and Elizabeth.
Hyram McDonald, of William and Elizabeth.
Abie Elizabeth McDonald, of William and Elizabeth.
Mary Richards, of Peter (a sawyer) and Catherine.
Elizabeth Logan, of Alexander (a shoemaker) and Anna.
Thomas, of Alexander (a shoemaker) and Anna.
Betsey Ward, of Henry and Margaret.
27. Mary Ann Jackson, of Rubin and Charlotte (of colour).
Sep. 6. Ann Sarah Runchey, of Robert and Ann.
16. Margaret Goodney, of Edward and Margaret (an emigrant)
Oct. 1. Samuel Peters Jarvis, of Samuel P. and Mary Boyle (Bar.-at- Law
22. Isabella Read, of George and Mary.
Sponsors, Alexr. and Jane Bryson and Ann Curry.
Nov. 19.Peter Lampman, of Peter and Ann.
Jane Davis, of Joel and Mercy.
Dec. 20.Elizabeth Alice Ann McNamara, of Thomas M. and Mary.
24. James C. Secord, of Abraham and Elizabeth.
[Baptised at the 10-Mile Creek.]
Jan. 7. Edward Peter Godfrey, of Peter and Elizabeth.
Henry Fucer, of William and Catherine.
Eliza Jane Little, of Joseph and Jane.
Jane Read, of George and Mary.
Stephen Manly, of Walter and Mary.
Eliza Layton, of Samuel and Mary.
15. Hellen Jane Kerby, of James and Jane (Queenston).
23. John Bernard Geale, of Benjamin and Catherine.
Feb. 11.William Milton, of John and Letitia.
12. Joseph Shaw, of William and Elizabeth.
13. George Thomas Jarvis, of Stare and Susan Isabella.
Sponsors, Thos. Marigold, sen., Geo. Hamilton and Eliz. H. Jarvis.
Mar. 15.John Archibald Scarlet, of John and Mary.
St. George Scarlet, of John and Mary.
Sponsors, W W. Baldwin, Quetton St. George and Mrs. Wilcox.
Mary Ann Wickens, of Mr. Comissy. James D. and Elizabeth M.
May 13. Jesse Augusta Hamilton, of Alexander and Hannah O.
20. John Collins, of Patrick and Ellin (68th Regt.).
June 3. Jedediah P. Merritt, of William H. and Catherine.
Son of William Hamilton Merritt, and author of the memoirs of
his father, the projector of the Welland Canal.
James Murray Gordon, of James and Caroline.
James Young, of Elijah and Charity.
Benjamin Wood, of Samuel and Eleanor.
Margaret Leslie, of David and Mary.
July 1. Rebecca Bradt, of ??? and Mary.
Thomas Bradt, of ??? and Mary.
William Bradt, of ??? and Mary.
George Bradt, of ??? and Mary.
Stephen Bradt, of ??? and Mary.
Ida Eliza Crow of John and Sarah.
Jacob Crow of John and Sarah.
Anna Margaret Crow of John and Sarah.
Madalina Crow of John and Sarah.
Eliza Bradt, of David and Sarah.
Caroline Bradt, of David and Sarah.
15. Catherine Rea, of Thomas and Elizabeth (68th Regt.).
Aug. 4. Mary Jane Farwell, of Leonard and Mary (Queenston).
13. Hiram John Chase, of Lancelot and Catherine.
Sep. 4. William Nelson Garden, of John C. and Mary.
9. Agnes Aird, of William and Jennet.
Sep. 29.John 0. Donald, of Richard and Mary (68th Regt.)
Joseph Norman Newell, of John and Mary.
28. Richard Joseph Robbins, of William and Rachel.
Oct. 25.James Jenkins Beardsley, of Bartholomew and ???, his wife.
30. Jane Lundy, of William and Mary (68th Regt.).
28. William Potts, of Samuel and Mary.
31. Mary Plummer Stevenson, of John A. and Mary E. R.
Jan.10. Mary Elizabeth McCormick, of Thomas M. and Augusta;
Sponsors, Robert Grant, Esq., Eliza Powell and Elizabeth Jarvis.
27. William Kerney, of Francis and Elizabeth.
Sponsors, Thomas Whitton, Samuel Thompson and Lucy Askwith.
Feb. 7.William Dummer Powell Jarvis, of Sam. P. and Mary B.
Sponsors, William Robinson, Esq, John Powell, Esq. and Eliza Jarvis.
10. William Edward Canniff, of Jacob and Susan.
12. Frederick Alexander Thompson, of William and Jane.
Mar. 10.Alexander Armstrong, of James and Catherine.
Apr. 1. Samuel Nesbit, of Samuel and Mary.
May 5. George Hamilton, of George H. Esq., and Maria Lavinia (Barton).
12. Samuel Hugh Fred, of James and Ann.
June 9.Morgan Freel, of Hugh and Ann.
[Grandham, 10-Mile Creek.]
July 7.John Young Manly, of Walter and Mary.
John Read, of George and Mary.
George Stewart Connolly, of George and Elizabeth Plummer.
God-fathers, Hon. Dr. Charles Stewart, Thomas Butler,Esq. (Bar-at-law).
Aug 11. Jane Courtney, of James and Margaret.
18. Thomas Bosquat, of Abraham and Margaret.
Augusta Ann Holey, of Ann Henry (fil. pop.).
Sep.7. William H. Merritt, of Wm. H. and Catherine (St. Catharines).
John Symington Clark, of John and Sarah.
14. Mary Ann Kay, of Robert and Mary Ann.
17. Agnes Ann Secord, of Abraham and Elizabeth.
Ann Merithew, of Benjamin and Ann.
Oct. 23.John Bushe, of Peter and Mary.
Dec. 25.Eliza Plummer McCullagh, of Hugh and Margaret.
29. Elizabeth Mary Stephenson, of James Allen and Mary.
Jan. 5. Andrew Hammond of Thomas and Elizabeth (Taylor).
John Hammond of Thomas and Elizabeth (Taylor).
George Hammond, of John and Martha.
12. George Charles Donolly of Ann (F.P.)
[These 3 were baptised about 21 miles from York on the
18-Mile Creek.]
13. Mary Ann Foster, of William and Elizabeth
William Josiah Foster, of William and Elizabeth
Margaret Pilkinton Corry, of George and Mary.
Jan. 26.Thomas Alexander Smith, of Henry and Ellsey.
28. Peter Spragg Scram, of Garret and Leah.
Feb. 14.Agnes Strachan, of Hon. Dr. John (Rector of York) and Ann.
21. Harriet Eugenia Baldwin, of T. B., Esq., and Ann (York).
Mar. 19.Elizabeth Maria Scarlet, of John and Mary (near York).
29. Edward Nelson Secord Parnell, of William and Elizabeth.
William Agnew Dempster, of John and Margaret (bk. binder).
Apr. 14.Melville Garret Moir, of William and Margaret Ann (Lieut.).
17. Mary Maria Hughes, of ???.
24. Martha Morris, of Thomas and Mary (blacksmith).
25. William Clark Dickson, of Robert (Bar.-at-law) and Margaret.
God-fathers, Hon. Thomas Clark, Thomas Dickson, Esq.
God-mother, Mary Clark.
May 2. Oswell War, of Thomas and Sarah.
6. Ellen Collum, of John and Catherine (wheelwright).
11. James Jupiter, of Robert and Mary (of colour).
Jenet Jupiter, of Robert and Mary (of colour).
Patty Jupiter, of Robert and Mary (of colour).
17. Alexander Jenkins, of John and Margaret.
June 15.Thomas James McGhie, of Alexander and Sarah (school mistress).
This is a mistake for McKee.
Charles Rolls, of Charles and Ann.
Thomas Stitt Stevenson, of Robert and Jane.
July 1. Richard Fanell, of Leonard and Mary (Queenston).
6. George Thomas Wood, of Samuel, Esq., and Eleanor (12-Mile Creek).
16. Eleanor Runchey, of George and Margaret (Grand River).
Elizabeth Runchey, of Robert and Ann (near 20-Mile Creek).
23. William McCormick, of Thomas, Esq., and Augusta..
Sponsors, Thomas Racey, Esq., W. B. Robinson, Esq.,
and Susan Beman.
28. William Penly, of Edmond and Dorothy.
George Penly, of Edmond and Dorothy.
Aug. 10.Sarah Ann Howard, of Richard and Sarah.
24. Thomas Potter, of Thomas and Grace.
James Rice, of Charles and Ann.
30. Peter Claus Servos, of John D. (miller) and Elizabeth.
Sponsors, John Claus, Peter M. Ball and Gertrude Servos.
Sep. 14.Mary Ann Burnell, of Alexander and Maria.
21. William Waugh, of Thomas and Sally.
28. Charlotte, of Sergt. Morris (76th Regt.).
Oct. 5. Elizabeth Jane Gibson, of ??? (10-Mile Creek).
William Read, of John and Eliza.
14. John and Mary Ann Martindale, of John and Mary Ann.
Nov 9. James Whitten, of John and Jane.
Mary Hullett, of Joseph and Mary (76th Regt.).
16. Catherine Ann Thompson, of John and Charlotte.
23. Walter Lee, of Walter and Letitia.
1824. (In a different hand.)
Jan. 15. Sarah Smith, of James and Mary (born 22 July, '21).
William Smith, of James and Mary (born 8 Dec., '23).
R. W. TUNNEY, Chapln. Offi. Mm.
24. Robert Hamilton O'Reilly, of Daniel and Debora (Nelson, Home Dist.)
Helen Eliza O'Reilly of Daniel and Debora (Nelson, Home Dist.)
Feb. 15 James Hamilton, of William and Mary (born Dec.21, '23).
Joseph Curran Greenlees, of George and May (born 11 Dec., '23).
Margaret Nesbitt, of Samuel and Mary (born July 23, '23).
R. W. TUNNEY, Pt. and Off's.
22. Jane Dillon, of Frederick (shoemaker) and Mary.
Mar. 21.William Thomas Fish, of William and Frances.
Joseph Cuddy, of William and Mary.
Apr. 6. Mary Jane, of Edward and Margaret Courtney.
May 2. John Condy Gilded, of Columbus and Dorothea.
Peter May, of James. 12-Mile Creek.
Eleanor Sayton, of Samuel 12-Mile Creek.
Eliza Ann Manly, of Walter. 12-Mile Creek.
23. John Hamilton Connolly, of George and Elizabeth.
Susan Maria Caniff, of Jacob and Susan.
30. George Murray Jarvis, of Samuel P. and Mary B.
Sponsors, George William Murray, Grant Powell and Mrs. McCormick;
June 10.Margaret Hannah Cox, of John (farmer), and Salome.
July 11.Ann Asquith, of William and Eliza.
14. William Wilson Ball, of Peter M. and Jane.
Frederick Augustus Ball, of George and Catherine.
Ann Augusta Wilson, of William and Maria.
Ann Wilson, of John and Mary.
Sep. 3. Thomas Masson, of Thomas and Jane Elizabeth.
18. Elizabeth Hammond, of Thomas and Elizabeth.
19. Catherine Hannah Ross, of John and Alice.
Aug. Jane and Mary Ann Glass, of Edwin and Fanny (misplaced).
Nov. 3. Catherine Pickard, of James and Elizabeth.
ROBERT ADDISON, Officiating Min.
Feb. 4. Thomas Butler Lawe, of John and Mary (born 10 Oct., 1822).
Mary Ann Forsythe Lawe, of John and Mary (born June 22 1824).
John J. Waggoner, of George and Sarah (born 6 Feb., '22.)
Ellen, of George and Sarah (born 10 Oct., '20).
Mar. 6.Sarah Calcott, of John and Margaret (born Feb. 5).
Mar. 6. Mary Cannon Hughes, of Benjamin and Mary (born 22 July, '24).
Apr. 10.William Freel, of Hugh and Ann (born Jan.30).
By R. W. TURNER, Chapln.
19. George Reid, of George and Mary (Toronto).
20. George Edward Keating, of Edward and Maria.
29. Deborah Catharine Butler Muirhead, of John B. and Agnes.
Sponsors, Dr. Muirhead and Mrs. Muirhead and Miss Stuart.
Robt. ADDISON, Off. Min.
24. James Thomas Jolbitt, of James and Elizabeth (born 5 March)
May 2. Jane Isabella Theodora Daly, of John and Leonora.
R. W. TUNNEY, Officiating.
24. Thomas Addison Creen, of Thomas and Ann (born 19 April).
Robt. ADDISON, Off. Man.
June 12. Mary Ann McAllister, of John and Isabella.
17. Elizabeth Ann (supposed mother's name Hamilton).
This child was found exposed on the highway.
William Wright, of James and Alice. (born 6 Feb.).
26. Mary Grean, of John and Sarah.
27. Edith Elizabeth Smith, of John and Elizabeth.
Robt. ADDISON, Off. Min.
29. Charles Mordaunt Chrysler, of Adam and Ellen.
(Hon.) Chas. Stewart, D.D., Off'g.
John Richardson, of William and Isabella.
JuIy 10.Abram Claus, of Thomas, and Hetty (of colour).
13. Mary Courtney, of Edward and Margaret.
24. John Gordon Lampman Secord, of Abrm. and Elizabeth.
Aug. 2. Matilda, of Ralph Ann Foster. R. W. TUNNEY.
10. Elizabeth Melhuish, of William and Frances.
7. M. Keen Lawson, of Alexander and Jane, R. ADDISON.
Sarah Jane Lawson, of Alexander and Jane, R. ADDISON.
21. Joseph Richard Phillips of Joseph and Ann. R. W. TUNNEY
25. William Howard, of Richard and Sarah
28. Thomas Cudney, of Thomas and Jane
Sep. 21.Mahala and Alemethy (twin daughters), of James and Ann Freel.
22. John Withers McGlashan, of John (Comt.) and Jane.
Oct. 9. Margaret Thompson, of John and Charlotte.
R. W. Tunney.
Nov. 3. Frances Isabella McCormick of Thomas (Esq.) and Augusta.
Oct. 26.George McKie of George and Elizabeth.
Jane McKie of George and Elizabeth.
Jan. 18.Frances Sabin, of J. A. Stevenson and Mary E. R.
22. Hannah Martindale, of John and Jane.
Thomas Whitten, of James and Jane.
Feb. 8. Mary Eliza Ryan, of Isaac and Margaret.
10. Mary Kennedy, of James and Margaret.
18. James Guthrie, of John and Ann.
Jan. 15.Robert Du Little, of Moses and Jane (misplaced).
Mar. 9. William Claus, of John and Mary.
19. Samuel Waugh, of Thomas and Sarah.
Apr. 6. George Beson, of Andrew and Mary Ann.
9. Julia Thompson, of John and Charlotte.
Thomas Anderson, of James and Ellen.
May 8. Samuel Wuod, of Samuel and Eleanor.
16. Sarah Crysler, of Ralph M. and Sarah.
George Greenlees, of George and Mary.
June 11.Thomas Butler, of Walter and Caroline.
10. Joseph Caniff, of Jacob and Susan.
16. Mary Ann Descent, of Antonio and Mary Ann. R. W. TUNNEY, Off M.
30. Sarah Jane Ball, of George (Esq.) and Catherine. R. ADDISON.
Aug. 11.William Travers, of William and Jane.
24. Margaret Ryburn, of Andrew and Margaret.
27. Hamilton John, of John Clendenning (St. Catharines).
Catharine Ann Long, of Ralph M. and Hannah.
Sep. 10.Elizabeth Hamilton, of Alexander (Esq.) and Hannah V.
Oct. 19.Julia Ann Vanderlip, of Joseph and Charlotte.
Margaret Vanderlip, of Joseph and Charlotte.
29. Geo. Thomas Major, of John and Margaret.
Dec. 11.Rebecca Dillon, of Frederick and Mary.
25. Charlotte Catherine Thorold, of Samuel and Maria.
THOMAS CREEN, Assislant Minister of Niagara.
(Appointed 30 July, 1826).
Rev. Thomas Creen appointed assistant minister, 30th July,
1826, on Dec. 30th signs himself Minister of Niagara; in 1836
Rector, and again Mirnster and Rector.
NOTE-The Incumbent was inducted in the Rectory of Niagara, on
Monday, 2nd May, 1836, by the Archdeacon of York,
duly commissioned by the Bishop of the Diocese,
the Hon. and Rt. Rev. Charles James Stuart.
Jan. 3. John Creen, of Hugh and Catharine.
15. William Campbell, of Alexander and Elizabeth.
24. Thomas Farwell, of Leonard and Mary.
25. Lavinia Smalley (of riper years).
Caroline Elizabeth Smalley, of John and Lavinia (St. Catharines.)
26. Thomas Runchey, of Thomas and Ann (from the Grand River.)
Priscilla Runchey, of Thomas and Ann (from the Grand River.)
Robert Addison Secord, of Abraham W. and Elizabeth.
Mar. 25.Oliver Taylor, of Robert and ???.
May 11. James Mulligan, of James and Jane (born April 19).
16. Mary Wilson, wife of John W., sen.
Hannah Elizabeth Wilson, of John and Mary.
18. Mary Ann Balmer, of Benjamin and Hannah (born 5 April).
May 27. Alexandcr Freels, of Hugh and Ann (born 22 Feb.)
July 25.William George O'Connor, of Francis James and Margaret (born 13 April, '25).
Francis Henry O'Connor, of Francis James and Margaret (born 27 April, '27).
29. Charles Phillpots Creen, of Thomas and Ann (born 24 June).
Aug. 14.Eliza Hammond, of Thomas and Elizabeth (born 5 Aug., '26).
19. Elizabeth Kirkland, of George and Susan (Queenston) (born 8 Aug.)
Thos. CREEN, Asst. Min.
(In a different hand.)
Feb. 4, 1827. Baptized Catherine Mary Keating, of Edward and Maria Elizabeth.
Eleanor Octavia Taylor.
Elizabeth Barbara Miller.
Thurs., 8th Feb.George and Mary Miller.
Thomas and Eliza Taylor.
MEM.-These names to be the place to which they are. R. A.
Oct. 9. Eliza Addison Stevenson, of John A. and Mary E. R. (misplaced).
15. John Dunn, of James and Dorath.
2. Richard Moffat, of William and Ann (born 21 July).
14. Mary Jane Courtenay, of Thomas and Jane.
Nov. 22.John Secord Servos, of John B. and Elizabeth.
James Servos, of John B. and Elizabeth.
R. ADDISON, Off Min.
Caroline Butler (of riper years), wife of Walter, died on the same day.
Dec. 16.Robert Freffry (of riper year.) (Queenston).
Jan. 21.Ellen Fleming, of Robert and Sarah (born 12 Nov., '27)
29. Joseph Cox, of John and Salome. R. ADDISON, Off.
Mar. 20.Thomas Graham, of John and Sarah (born Sept.20, '28). [Date ???]
June 3 Eliza Magdalene Richardson, of Charles, Esq., and Eliza,
died on the same day (born 31 May).
29. Samuel Jarvis McCormick, of Thomas and Augusta.
Sponsors, Charles Jarvis Todd, Alex. Hamilton and Miss Todd.
July 27.William Daniel Breakenridge, of John, Esq., and Mary.
Elizabeth Anna and Henrietta Augusta, of John, Esq., and Mary.
Aug. 17.William Thomas Whitten, of John and Jane (born 28 Jan.)
James Whitten, of James and Jane (born 8 Jan.)
22. Samuel Winterbottom, of George.
25. Gertrude Margaret Long, of Ralph M. and Hannah.
Sep. 7. Helen Hamilton, of Alex., Esq., and Hannah Owen.
21. John Kirkland, of George and Susan (Queenston).
27. Mary Ann Barrie, of Robt. (Bar.-at-law) and Helen Eliza Augusta.
Oct. 11.Hector GrenviHe Garland, of Samuel and Jane.
26. Joseph Clement Ball, of Jacob Henry and Catharine.
6. Samuel John Flanner, of Rodolphus and Mary Ann.
Barbara Flanner, of Rodolphus and Mary Ann.
28. Priscilla Shultis, of Barnard and Margaret.
Barnard Shultis, of David and Abigail.
Nov. 16.Ann Brownley, of Thomas and Sarah (born 7).
23. Featherstone William Martindale, of John and Mary.
Jan. 3. Ellen Jane Hobson, of Robert and Catharine.
Apr. 15.Julia Caroline Augusta Claus, of John and Mary.
June 16.Abraham Thomas Hutt Ball, of George and Catharine.
6. Julia Sophia Ralston, of James J. and Mary.
16. Maria Theresa Creen, of Thomas and Ann (born 8 May).
N.B.-These are the last children that received baptism
at the bands of the Rev. Mr. Addison.
21. Mary Letitia Houghton, of George and Mary (born 14).
Charlotte Bell Taylor, of Thomas, Esq., and Eliza (Hamilton).
Sarah Ann Moore, of Francis and Sarah.
Edmund Henry Garland, of Samuel and Jane.
Aug. 2. Mary Eliza Stoneman, of William and Eliza.
27. Diana Margery Miller, of Robert and Mary Ann.
30. Elias Freels, of Hugh and Anne.
Sep. 16.Eleanor Wood, of Samuel and Eleanor (born 16 July).
Sponsors, Mr. Pawling, Miss Wood and Mrs. Pawling.
1829. (Omitted on the opposite page.)
Jan. 1. Mary Margaret, of Samuel and Maria Thorold (born 28 Aug.)
Elizabeth Eaglesum, of James and ???.
Feb. 17.Susan Leeming, of John and Mary Crooks (born Nov.20).
Oct. 3. Elizabeth Fisher Lockhart, of James and Isabella (born 14 Sept.),
baptized privately. Present, Mrs. Torrance (James) and Miss Smith.
4. Robert Mathias Wilson, of John (sen.) and Mary.
25. Stephen Jeffry, of Stephen and Mary (born 18 Aug.).
28. Margaret McClelland, of John and Mary (Thorold).
Nov. 15.Clarissa Howard, of Richard and Sarah.
22. William James Nagle, of Robert and Eliza.
30. John Courtney, of Edward and Margaret (born 18).
Dec. 25.Jane Shaw, of Hugh and Mary (born 7 Dec.).
30. John Meneilly; of William and Charlotte.
THOMAS CREEN, Minister of Niagara
Jan. 5. John Beverly Robinson Richardson, of Charles (Esq.) and Eliza.
Sponsors, Chief Justice Robinson, Capt. Hanson, 71st Regt., and Miss Clench.
Feb. 6. Margaret Mary Brand, of John Sparrow and Martha Letitia (born 6 Feb., 1826).
Feb.14. Eliza Ann Morse, of William (sailor) and Eliza.
Mills Morse, of William (sailor) and Eliza.
24. Amelia Ball, youngest daughter of John and Margaret Ball.
Mary Millar Ball, of John and Margaret Ball.
Catharine Isabella Ball, of John and Margaret Ball.
28. Catharine Greenlees, of George and Mary (born Dec.16, '29).
Mar. 3. Julia Caroline Swayze, of Francis Gore and Frances (born Nov.26, 1829).
6. Alexander Whitten, of John and Jane (horn Oct.23, '29).
26. Elizia Lennox, of Thomas and Elizabeth.
May 15. Edward Stevens, of John A. and Mary (born 3 Feb.).
4. Robert Hagerman Melville, of Capt. Robert and Margaret.
24. Hannah Frances Lewis (filia populi).
July 3. Catherine Clarinda Gray, of Robert and Mary.
10. George Edward McCloud, of James and Ann.
16. Lord Edwin Crannel Beardsley, of Charles Edwin and Louisa Chapin.
29. Samuel McSpaddin, of William and Margaret.
Oct. 3. James Kenniff, of Jacob and Susan (born 26 March).
10. Mary Agnes Meneilly, of James and Isabella (born 23 Jan.).
Dec. 10.Ann Hamilton, of Robert and Mary (born Sept 28).
28. Elizabeth Showers Ball, of William Mann and Margaret
Mar. 18.William Swayze, of William Dickson and Mary (born 11 Dec., '30).
June 3.Frank Alma, of John Lees and Emily.
Sarah Ap. Williams Meredith, of Joseph and Ellen (born 11 May).
July 30.Susanna Catherine Crooks, of John Young and Charlotte (born Jan.15).
Aug. 13.William Clarence Secord, of Daniel and Electa.
William Waitman Secord, of Daniel and Electa.
Levi Page Secord, of Daniel and Electa.
14. Eleanor Sarah Campbell, of Edward Clarke and Ann Isabel.
15. Margaret Ann Keating, of Edward and Maria Elizabeth.
Susannah White (of riper years).
19. Catherine Ann Servos, of John D. and Elizabeth.
Sep. 13.William Harvey MacKell, of Charles and Ann.
John Blakeley MacKell, of Charles and Ann.
Margaret Jane MacKell, of Charles and Ann.
14. Hugh Neil, of Hugh and Mary Ann.
Mary Ann Neil, of Hugh and Mary Ann.
Oct. 2. Elizabeth Ann Creen, of Thomas and Ann.
16. John Alexander Faulkener, of John and Caroline.
William Lennox, of Thomas and Elizabeth.
Nov. 3. Clarinda Lampman, of John and Mary.
13. Emily Freel, of Hugh and Ann.
17. William Butler Dockstadder, of Richard and Mary Ann (born 24 May).
Dec.11. Alexander Stuart Claus, of John and Mary (born Dec.30)
George Dhiel McCormick, of Thomas and ???.
21. Mary Louisa Hutchinson, of Thomas and Sophia.
Feb. 7. Elizabeth Helen Ball, of William M. and Margaret.
26. Johnson Clench (of riper years).
Walter Butler Dockstadder (of riper years).
Mar. 2. Colley William Foster, of Colley Alexander and Ann.
3. Elizabeth Slack, of George and Mary (born 4 Dec.).
11. Catherine Berryman, of Edgar and Rachel (born 9 Sept., '31).
15. George Kinsley, of George and Mary.
18. Margaret Ann Brownlee, of Thomas and Sarah (born 18 Jan., '31).
20. Walter Duezzler Clement, of Peter Ball and Elizabeth (born 8 Dec., '31).
Apr. 1. George Appleford, of William and Amelia (born 23 Dec., 1831).
8. Margaret Ann Dority, of Thomas and Ann (born 23 March).
12. Frederick Moore Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
Jonathan Putman Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
Margaret Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
Caroline Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
Joseph Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
Rebecca Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
Elizabeth Ann Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
Jane Clement, of John Putman and Rebecca.
17. Robert Pierce Maskell, of Michael and Eleanor.
Michael Maskell (of riper years)
June 14.Eliza Euretta Richardson, of Charles and Eliza.
Eliza Clench (of riper years).
26. Emilie Goudie, of David and Sarah (born 18 May).
Aug. 25.Mary Elizabeth Wait, of Richard and Elizabeth.
John Courtland Secord (born 18 Sept., '29). of Elijah and Catherine.
Sophia Electa Secord (born 1 July), of Elijah and Catherine.
June 27.William Colborne Johnson, of Hugh and Mary (Adelaide) (born 7 July).
Mary Ann Robinson, of James and Susan.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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