Loraine P. Ertelt has kindly offered these resources for sharing with the genealogy
community. If you would like a surname lookup in one or more of these sources
please contact Loraine directly at 
No general enquiries please, and try to give her all the pertinent details you have
so that this lookup can be done without excessive time having to be spent.
Genealogy Resource List
Cemetery Transcriptions:
Hamilton Ontario
- Cline Family Cemetery
- Hess Family Burial Grounds
- Ryckman Family Cemetery
- Young Family Plot
- Hamilton City Cemetery - Church of the Ascension Section Sections A-D
Other Ontario
- St. Andrew's Anglican Church Cemetery - Grimsby Ontario
- Bronte Cemetery - Trafalgar Ontario
- Job's Lane Cemetery (aka Union Bury Ground & UEL Cemetery) Nelson Ontario
- Milton Pioneer Cemetery - Trafalgar, Ontario
- Munn's United Church Cemetery - Trafalgar, Ontario
- Nelson United Cemeter - Nelson, Ontario
- Palermo United Church Cemetery - Trafalgar, Ontario
- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetrery
(aka Memorial Park Cemetery & Scotch Burying Ground) - Toronto, Ontario
- St. John's Anglican Cemetery (aka Erwins) - Castlemore, Ontario
- St. John's Anglican Church Cemetery - Nassagaweya, Ontario
- St. John's Anglican Church Cemetery - Nelson Ontario
- St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery - Mississauga, Ontario
Marriage Transcriptions:
- Halton Journal 1855- 1858 - Halton Co. Ontario
- Halton-Peel Marriages preformed at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Toronto 1832-1868 - Toronto Ontario
- Halton-Peel Marriage preformed at St. James Anglican Cathedral
1800-1896- Toronto Ontario
Reference Books:
- Annals of the Forty Loyalist and Pioneer Families of West Lincoln 1783-1833
(Vol 1 & 3-10) West Lincoln Co. Ontario
- Burlington - Memories of Pioneer Days by Dorothy Turcotte - Burlington Ontario
- Death Notices from The Christian Guardian 1836-1850 by Rev. Donald McKenzie - Ontario
- A History of Mount Vernon by Helen Langford (Cemetery in Burlington Ontario)
- People of Halton - Indexes to Genealogical Sources in Halton (Halton County Ontario )
- People and Places of Grimsby by Dorothy Turcotte.
- Ancaster's Heritage a History of Ancaster Township Volume 1 and Volume 2. [Added July 3, 2001]
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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