LONDON Township Pioneers
Frederick T. Rosser
Published by Mika Publishing Company
Belleville, Ontario
The land locations of Richard Talbot's settlers in London
Township are as follows:
Abbreviations: S. South; N. North; conc., concession.
Name Location
George Foster S1/2 lot 16 conc. 5
John Geary S1/2 lot 14 conc. 5
William Geary Sr. N1/2 lot 14 conc. 5
William Geary Jr. lot 2 S side North St.
Charles Goulding S1/2 lot 1 conc. 5
Folliott Gray S1/2 lot 10 conc. 5
John Gray N1/2 lot 10 conc. 5
Thomas Guest lot 3 conc. 7
Joseph Hardy S1/2 lot 15 conc. 6
William Haskett N1/2 lot 7 conc. 5
Thomas Howard N1/2 lot 16 conc. 5
Thomas Howay N1/2 lot 1 conc. 4
Robert Keays N1/2 lot 21 conc. 4
Benjamin Lewis S1/2 lot 9 conc. 7
Francis Lewis S1/2 lot 10 conc. 7
Joseph O'Brien N1/2 lot 9 conc. 5
Robert Ralph N1/2 lot 12 conc. 5
John Sifton N1/2 lot 13 conc. 6
Edward Allen Talbot S1/2 lot 17 conc. 15
John Talbot lot 2 conc. 5
Richard Talbot lot 3 conc. 5
lot 4 conc. 5
lot 1 conc. 6
lot 2 conc. 6
lot 4 conc. 6
lot 6 conc. 13
John Turner N1/2 lot 17 conc. 5
The following have been identified as apprentices and servants
accompanying Richard Talbot.
Name Location
William Evans S1/2 lot 12 conc. 9
William O'Neil N1/2 lot 23 conc. 12
Edmund Stoney S1/2 lot 6 conc. 6
Children or relatives in the party who were under the age of
seventeen years when they emigrated were entitled to ask for
locations as soon as they were old enough. A few of these were
as follows:
Name Location
James Howay S1/2 lot 2 conc. 4
James Howard S1/2 lot 17 conc. 5
William Guest N1/2 lot 2 conc. 4
Levi Lewis N1/2 lot 21 conc. 8
Charles Sifton S1/2 lot 13 conc. 6
Freeman Talbot E1/2 lot 2 conc. 5
Settler Location
James Ardiel S1/2 lot 5 conc. 8
John Ardiel N1/2 lot 9 conc. 7
Replaced by William Armitage
John Ardiel Sr. N1/2 lot 4 conc. 8
Leonard Ardiel N1/2 lot 10 conc. 7
Donald Barclay N1/2 lot 23 conc. 3
George Belton N1/2 lot 1 conc. 2
David Brown Sr. N1/2 lot 6 conc. 10
Thomas Brown N1/2 lot 8 conc. 10
Archibald Bryce S1/2 lot 16 conc. 13
Thomas Carling N1/2 lot 26 conc. 5
S1/2 lot 26 conc. 6
George Carter S1/2 lot 14 conc. 6
Orange Clark S1/2 lot 20 conc. 5
Christopher Corsaut S1/2 lot 14 conc. 12
James Corsaut S1/2 lot 15 conc. 8
Ralph Deacon N1/2 lot 22 conc. 13
Thomas English Sr. lot 18 conc. 6
William English S1/2 lot 19 conc. 6
John Evans S1/2 lot 20 conc. 15
Edward Fitzgerald N1/2 lot 7 conc. 6
George T. Fitzgerald N1/2 lot 5 conc. 6
Michael Flood N1/2 lot 16 conc. 7
William Fuller N1/2 lot 21 conc. 6
Henry German lot 32 conc. 6
John Hanson N1/2 lot 22 conc. 4
John Harding S1/2 lot 2 conc. 8
Philip Harding N1/2 lot 2 conc. 8
Thomas Harrison N1/2 lot 32 conc. 4
David Hogoboom N1/2 lot 17 conc. 3
Tilley Hubbard S1/2 lot 11 conc. C
Joseph Hughes N1/2 lot 17 conc. 11
Burleigh Hunt N1/2 lot 23 conc. 2
Robert Jackson N1/2 lot 19 conc. 6
Erastus Jacobs S1/2 lot 18 conc. 3
David Johnston S1/2 lot 25 conc. 6
George Kennedy N1/2 lot 25 conc. 6
William Kimble lot 14 conc. 10
David McConnell N1/2 lot 16 conc. 15
George McConnell N1/2 lot 18 conc. 15
lot 17 conc. 16
Andrew McConnell N1/2 lot 17 conc. 15
William McConnell lot 13 conc. 16
Archibald McFarlane N1/2 lot 15 conc. 8
James McFarlane N1/2 lot 14 conc. 8
Thomas McFarlane N1/2 lot 13 conc. 8
Thomas McGin N1/2 lot 19 conc. 5
John McGuffin S1/2 lot 6 conc. 7
Thomas McCleod S1/2 lot 7 conc. 5
Transferred to Thomas Belton
George Mitchell S1/2 lot 17 conc. 14
James Mitchell N1/2 lot 20 conc. 3
James Monaghan N1/2 lot 14 conc. 13
James Morden lot 23 conc. 7
John Morden lot 22 conc. 7
John Noble N1/2 lot 27 conc. 8
John Noble Jr. N1/2 lot 25 conc. 8
Joseph O'Brien lot 9 conc. 5
Francis O'Neil S1/2 lot 22 conc. 14
George O'Neil S1/2 lot 23 conc. 14
Henry O'Neil lot 21 conc. 14
James O'Neil N1/2 lot 19 conc. 14
John O'Neil lot 23 conc. 13
Thomas O'Neil N1/2 lot 22 conc. 14
Ralph Ord N1/2 lot 26 conc. 9
Oliver Owen S1/2 lot 18 conc. 4
Charles Perkins S1/2 lot 1 conc. 2
George Powell S1/2 lot 15 conc. 4
Stephen Powell S1/2 lot 4 conc. 9
Michael Redmond S1/2 lot 22 conc. 2
William Robson N1/2 lot 32 conc. 10
Edward Sale S1/2 lot 13 conc. 14
George Salmond S1/2 lot 1 conc. 10
Andrew Scott N1/2 lot 31 conc. 10
Bamlet Sifton N1/2 lot 14 conc. 6
Joseph B. Sifton S1/2 lot 14 conc. 7
S1/2 lot 13 conc. 7
Alexander Smith N1/2 lot 21 conc. 2
Eleazor Smith S1/2 lot 11 conc. 10
Thomas Smith N1/2 lot 24 conc. 7
John Stevenson N1/2 lot 29 conc. 10
Edward Styles S1/2 lot 19 conc. 3
Jacob Swingle S1/2 lot 11 conc. 2
Adam Telfer lot 30 conc. 9
Thomas Telfer S1/2 lot 29 conc. 9
William Tweedy 51,, lot 13 conc. 11
John E. Waldron N1/2 lot 22 conc. 3
William Warner N1/2 lot 20 conc. 5
Asa K. Warren N1/2 lot 22 conc. 2
Robert Webster N1/2 lot 7 conc. 3
Thomas Webster S1/2 lot 7 conc. 12
John Wells S1/2 lot 12 conc. 15
S1/2 lot 16 conc. 15
William Wilson N1/2 lot 29 conc. 9
Daniel Wood S1/2 lot 7 conc. 10
The Welsh Relatives of John Matthews.
Settlers in 1821.
Philip Matthews Sr. Lot 28 conc. 16
Benjamin Matthews Lot 27 conc. 16
John Matthews Lot 29 conc. 16
Philip Matthews Jr. Lot 32 conc. 16
William Matthews Died age seven
David Morgan Sr. S1/2 lot 29 conc. 15
David Morgan Jr. N1/2 lot 29 conc. 15
Thomas Morgan S1/2 lot 27 conc. 15
John Rosser Sr. N1/2 lot 29 conc. 14
Benjamin Rosser S1/2 lot 28 conc. 14
David Rosser S1/2 lot 27 conc. 14
John Rosser Jr. N1/2 lot 28 conc. 14
Matthew Rosser N1/2 lot 27 conc. 15
Philip Rosser S1/2 lot 29 conc. 14
Thomas Rosser S1/2 lot 31 conc. 14
William Rosser N1/2 lot 27 conc. 14
David Hughes S1/2 lot 30 conc. 15
Richard Hughes N1/2 lot 30 conc. 15
(Not checked with other sources
nor shown elsewhere in this book)
For the Year 1818
John Burtch S1/2 lot 17 conc. 3
John Meek lot 15 conc. 16
Thomas Meek lot 14 conc. 16
For the Year 1819
Thomas Baty S1/2 lot 27 conc. 9
Wesley Belton N1/2 lot 10 conc. 2
Richard Blanshard N1/2 lot 18 conc. 3
John Boyce S1/2 lot 22 conc. 4
Archibald Briee S1/2 lot 17 conc. 13
Robert Brown N1/2 lot 7 conc. 10
Edward Charlton S1/2 lot 26 conc. 9
Robert Clark S1/2 lot 12 conc. 11
Thomas Colbert S1/2 lot 9 conc. 9
Adolphe Cole S1/2 lot 10 conc. 11
John Cole N1/2 lot 11 conc. 10
John Deacon N1/2 lot 23 conc. 14
Mr. Dickerson lot 16 conc. 9
Duncan Donaldson N1/2 lot 13 conc. 9
Robert English S1/2 lot 12 conc. 1
Ebenezer Farar lot 15 conc. 10
Thomas Farrell N1/2 lot 15 conc. 6
James Fortner S1/2 lot 22 conc. 3
Elijah Goff N1/2 lot 29 conc. 4
Robert Harding S1/2 lot 4 conc. 8
William Hobson N1/2 lot 4 conc. 2
Anthony Hughes lot 17 conc. 12
Rowland Ingham S1/2 lot 21 conc. 6
Matthew Jacobs S1/2 lot 21 conc. 4
Andrew Karnohan S1/2 lot 7 conc. 2
Abraham Logan S1/2 lot 3 conc. 11
Alexander McGuffin S1/2 lot 1 conc. 8
Hugh McGuffin N1/2 lot 6 conc. 7
Joseph McGuffin N1/2 lot 1 conc. 8
William McGuffin N1/2 lot 1 conc. 7
Michael McLaughlin N1/2 lot 11 conc. 6
Hezekiah McMillan S1/2 lot 11 conc. 8
Neil McMillan S1/2 lot 10 conc. 8
William Milne lot 25 conc. 10
lot 26 conc. 10
lot 27 conc. 10
lot 28 conc. 10
James Morris N1/2 lot 13 conc. 10
Solomon Monro lot 17 conc. 10
William Near N1/2 lot 11 conc. 8
Elisha Palmer S1/2 lot 27 conc. 7
Samuel N. Pierce S1/2 lot 23 conc. 11
Franklin Sanborn N1/2 lot 4 conc. 10
John Sanborn S1/2 lot 4 conc. 10
Hiram Schofield S1/2 lot 5 conc. 4
John Shoebottom S1/2 lot 19 conc. 14
William Shoebottom S1/2 lot 1 conc. 11
William Shute S1/2 lot 10 conc. 10
Angus A. Simons lot 31 conc. 6
Patrick Smith S1/2 lot 19 conc. 15
Henry Stringer N1/2 lot 20 conc. 15
William Summer N1/2 lot 23 conc. 11
Mr. Vrooman S1/2 lot 29 conc. 4 and
N1/2 lot 29 conc. 3
Archibald Weir N1/2 lot 12 conc. 15
Nicholas Westbrook S1/2 lot 10 conc. 1
James Wilkins S1/2 lot 14 conc. 15
Rebecca Williams N1/2 lot 11 conc. 2
N1/2 lot 8 conc. 2
John Willis S1/2 lot 14 conc. 14
For the Twenty Years 1820 to 1839 Inclusive,
showing the Year of Location
Lantry Ardiel N1/2 lot 1 conc. 12 1832
John Armstrong lot 2 conc. 14 1824
John M. Arthur lot 28 conc. 12 1822
(transferred to Robert Robertson)
Charles Avery S1/2 lot 26 conc. 11 1821
Thomas Barret S1/2 lot 5 conc. 12 1824
Samuel Bartlet N1/2 lot 18 conc. 4 1825
Adam Beaty N1/2 lot 30 conc. 7 1824
John Caldwell N1/2 lot 22 conc. 9 1820
Daniel Campbell S1/2 lot 10 conc. 9 1833
John Campbell N1/2 lot 9 conc. 9 1833
Benjamin Corsault N1/2 lot 10 conc. 13 1835
John Cummings N1/2 lot 2 conc. 10 1835
James Dagg S1/2 lot 14 conc. 11 1835
Ralph Deacon Jr. lot 21 conc. 16 1836
Charles Dickens N1/2 lot 8 conc. 12 1821
Thomas Dickens S1/2 lot 8 conc. 12 1821
John Donaldson S1/2 lot 13 conc. 9 1820
John Donaldson by Esther Hill lot 18 conc. 8 1822
William Donaldson N1/2 lot 12 conc. 9 1820
William Dunk N1/2 lot 4 conc. 11 1830
Joseph Elson
by Marinda Adams, U.E. lot 20 conc. 9 1823
Thomas English N1/2 lot 21 conc. 8 1832
William Evans S1/2 lot 4 conc. 13 1824
Peter Flood S1/2 lot 19 conc. 10 1834
Alexander Graham N1/2 lot 21 conc. 10 1824
David Graham N1/2 lot 5 conc. 12 1824
James Guest N1/2 lot 4 conc. 12 1837
Richard Hayes S1/2 lot 1 conc. 13 1824
James Hobbs N1/2 lot 3 conc. 13 1833
Thomas Hodgins lot 10 conc. 14 1825
N1/2 lot 23 conc. 15 1824
W. Hodgins N1/2 lot 20 conc. 13 1821
N1/2 lot 18 conc. 13 1831
Edward Howard N1/2 lot 4 conc. 14 1835
John Howard N1/2 lot 1 conc. 15 1832
Thomas Hutchinson S1/2 lot 22 conc. 11 1821
Nimrod Jones N1/2 lot 32 conc. 5 1823
Robert Kennedy S1/2 lot 24 conc. 7 1837
Nelson Kimball S1/2 lot 9 conc. 11 1839
Nathaniel Lawrenson S1/2 lot 19 conc. 5 1822
William Lean N1/2 lot 1 conc. 11 1837
William Lloyd SW1/4 lot 23 conc. 12 1822
John Marshall S1/2 lot 7 conc. 15 1837
Edward Matthews N1/2 lot 23 conc. 9 1831
Daniel McCarthy S1/2 lot 18 conc. 15 1821
Colin McKellar N1/2 lot 19 conc. 9 1832
William McMechan N1/2 lot 12 conc. 13 1831
Andrew McRoberts lot 9 conc. 13 1826
John McRoberts lot 6 conc. 16
John McRoberts Jr lot 8 conc. 16 1834
Joseph McRoberts N1/2 lot 4 conc. 15 1831
Thomas McRoberts lot 7 conc. 16 1834
James Mitchell N1/2 lot 10 conc. 12 1824
David Moorehead N1/2 lot 3 conc. 15 1833
David Morden lot 23 conc. 8 1822
George Parkinson N1/2 lot 4 conc. 13 1831
Thomas Parsonson lot 2 conc. 16 1833
Ephraim Pearce S1/2 lot 27 conc. 11 1822
Ambrose K. Powell N1/2 lot 7 conc. 11 1825
Samuel Purchase S1/2 lot 26 conc. 13 1834
William Rawlins N1/2 lot 3 conc. 11 1824
Reuben Richardson lot 22 conc. 12 1821
John Robertson S1/2 lot 29 conc. 5 1830
William Roland S1/2 lot 23 conc. 3 1832
William Rounds N1/2 lot 20 conc. 11 1835
George Routledge N1/2 lot 26 conc. 6 1822
John Rusarhall N1/2 lot 5 conc. 2 1824
James Salmon N1/2 lot 1 conc. 10 1836
Henry Scott lot 32 conc. 9 1822
lot 28 conc. 8 1830
Richard Scott S1/2 lot 31 conc. 10 1822
David Smith S1/2 lot 2 conc. 10 1832
Patrick Smith N1/2 lot 16 conc. 13 1824
Jacob Steinhoff lot 4 conc. B 1820
John Stephenson N1/2 lot 27 conc. 11 1837
Anne Stewart lot 9 conc. 15 1822
David Stewart N1/2 lot 14 conc. 15 1825
Thomas A. Stewart N1/2 lot 14 conc. 14 1834
Selah Styles lot 27 conc. 12 1822
John Syth S1/2 lot 23 conc. 9 1834
William Taylor S1/2 lot 18 conc. 12 1831
N1/2 lot 18 conc. 11 1831
Duncan Tennant N1/2 lot 19 conc. 13 1836
William Walters lot 31 conc. 16 1831
Robert Walton S1/2 lot 32 conc. 5 1820
Silas Warner NW1/4 lot 20 conc. 7 1821
Christopher Waugh N1/2 lot 29 conc. 5 1824
Samuel Weir lot 5 conc. 16 1834
Walter Westley N1/2 lot 25 conc. 4 1839
William Whillans lot 29 conc. 11 1834
Thomas White N1/2 lot 26 conc. 8 1820
Thomas Wilson N1/2 lot 30 conc. 11 1823
Those showing No Date of Location
William Allen N1/2 lot 10 conc. 10
Thomas Anderson N1/2 lot 18 conc. 10
William Armitage N1/2 lot 14 conc. 7 and
N1/2 lot 9 conc. 7
George Armstrong S1/2 lot 1 conc. 14
John Armstrong S1/2 lot 13 conc. 8
George Ashwell S1/2 lot 31 conc. 4
D. K. Avrill SE1/4 lot 13 conc. 12
Whiting Batong S1/2 lot 22 conc. 10
Thomas Belton S1/2 lot 7 conc. 5
Thomas Belton
with George Webster S1/2 lot 7 conc. 3
Reubin Bisbee N1/2 lot 1 conc. 14
John Blackwell S1/2 lot 7 conc. 7
Joseph Blackwell S1/2 lot 9 conc. 7
John Brady S1/2 lot 18 conc. 9
Elijah Breathwaite S1/2 lot 4 conc. 15
David Bronson S1/2 lot 6 conc. 11
Elijah Burch S1/2 lot 17 conc. 9
Ephraim Burch N1/2 lot 17 conc. 9
John Burgess S1/2 lot 30 conc. 5
Peter Cairns S1/2 lot 6 conc. 3
William Calvert S1/2 lot 26 conc. 8
Angus Cameron N1/2 lot 10 conc. 8
Andrew Carmichael N1/2 lot 13 conc. 12
Joseph Chatterson N1/2 lot 6 conc. 8
William Colbert N1/2 lot 6 conc. 5
Edward Collins S1/2 lot 12 conc. 5
Henry Corsaut S1/2 lot 8 conc. 6
Hiram Corsaut S1/2 lot 4 conc. 11
Thomas Cowan N1/2 lot 7 conc. 8
Benjamin Dayton N1/2 lot 6 conc. 11
Joseph Deacon S1/2 lot 23 conc. 15
William Deacon S1/2 lot 24 conc. 15
James Dickenson lot 7 conc. 13
N1/2 lot 1 conc. 3
Christopher Dignan N1/2 lot 18 conc. 9
Michael Dixon N1/2 lot 3 conc. 9
Duncan Donaldson N1/2 lot 13 conc. 9
Peter Donaldson S1/2 lot 13 conc. 10
Francis Drullard S1/2 lot 32 conc. 4
N1/4 lot 32 conc. 3
Samuel Ellison S1/2 lot 25 conc. 2
John English N1/2 lot 19 conc. 7
William Evans and B. Shaver S1/2 lot 20 conc. 11
William Evans S1/2 lot 4 conc. 12
Henry Ferguson Jr. N1/2 lot 14 conc. 11
Richard Ferguson N1/2 lot 12 conc. 11
N1/2 lot 13 conc. 11
Thomas Ferguson S1/2 lot 13 conc. 13
John Fletcher S1/2 lot 3 conc. 12
John Flood S1/2 lot 18 conc. 10
John Fraleigh
by Mary Breckley lot 17 conc. 6
James Fraser S1/2 lot 15 conc. 12
William Gleeson S1/2 lot 7 conc. 8
Thomas Gleeson N1/2 lot 5 conc. 8 [originally shown as Leeson]
Samuel Gowan N1/2 lot 4 conc. 9
John Gray N1/2 lot 8 conc. 6
S1/2 lot 11 conc. 6
Edward Green S1/2 lot 19 conc. 7
John Green N1/2 lot 18 conc. 7 and
SW1/4 lot 18 conc. 7
John Guest S1/2 lot 2 conc. 12
Robert Guest S1/2 lot 4 conc. 12
Alonzo Hall S1/2 lot 18 conc. 5
Thomas Hammond S1/2 lot 13 conc. 12
James Harbon S1/2 lot 10 conc. 13
Thomas Harding N1/2 lot 6 conc. 9
Joseph Hardy N1/2 lot 1 conc. 5
Thomas Harrison S1/2 lot 12 conc. 7
Aaron Hartshorn S1/2 lot 8 conc. 10
Abraham Hartwick S1/2 lot 26 conc. 12
John Hartwick S1/2 lot 25 conc. 12
Nelson Hartwick N1/2 lot 26 conc. 12
Peter Hartwick N1/2 lot 25 conc. 12
Isaac Hays S1/2 lot 8 conc. 8
Stephen Hill S1/2 lot 20 conc. 13
George Hilson N1/2 lot 19 conc. 10
Richard Hobbs S1/2 lot 18 conc. 13
Benjamin Hobson N1/2 lot 7 conc. 11
Henry Hodgins N1/2 lot 22 conc. 15
N1/2 lot 24 conc. 13
N1/2 lot 24 conc. 15
John Hodgins N1/2 lot 26 conc. 13
Robert Hodgins N1/2 lot 22 conc. 10
William Hodgins lot 22 conc. 16
John Hodgson lot 11 conc. 14
George Hornsby S1/2 lot 6 conc. 5
William Hornsby N1/2 lot 5 conc. 4
Samuel Howard N1/2 lot 6 conc. 6
Thomas Howay S1/2 lot 1 conc. 1
Abijah Huckins N1/2 lot 23 conc. 10
Truman Hull N1/2 lot 24 conc. 3
Archibald Hutchinson N1/2 lot 20 conc. 7
James Hutchison N1/2 lot 19 conc. 8
George Johnston N1/2 lot 7 conc. 9
Patrick Jordan S1/2 lot 4 conc. 7
William Karnohan S1/2 lot 5 conc. 2
George Kennedy S1/2 lot 24 conc. 9
John Kent S1/2 lot 14 conc. 8
James Kissinger S1/2 lot 6 conc. 12
Isaac Langford N1/2 lot 8 conc. 14
Joseph Langford S1/2 lot 3 conc. 15
Thomas Langford S1/2 lot 8 conc. 14
Joseph Larnon S1/2 lot 10 conc. 12
Lawrence Laurison lot 30 conc. 3
Thomas Leeson N1/2 lot 5 conc. 8 [should be Gleeson]
John Levi and
Michael McCormick S1/2 lot 7 conc. 6
William Lindsay N1/2 lot 13 conc. 5
John Little lot 1 conc. 16
John Littlewood N1/2 lot 25 conc. 14
Benjamin Lumby Jr. NE1/4 lot 30 conc. 5
William Lumby N1/2 lot 29 conc. 6
Elijah Mann S1/2 lot 19 conc. 4
Jos. Marckle N1/2 lot 7 conc. 14
Richard Marsup S1/2 lot 13 conc. 5
Andrew McAdam S1/2 lot 29 conc. 7
Eleazor McCarter S1/2 lot 6 conc. 4
Hosiah McCloud S1/2 lot 5 conc. 6
Patrick McDonald S1/2 lot 6 conc. 10
Michael McCormick
and John Levi S1/2 lot 7 conc. 6
James McFadden N1/2 lot 9 conc. 11
Archibald McIlhargy lot 18 conc. 16
John McIlhargy lot 19 conc. 16
Felix McLaughlin N1/2 lot 18 conc. 5
Hector McLean S1/2 lot 22 conc. 9
James McMahon lot 15 conc. 14
George McMeachan N1/2 lot 17 conc. 13
William McMillan S1/2 lot 24 conc. 3
Alexander McPherson S1/2 lot 5 conc. 14
Andrew McRoberts lot 4 conc. 16
James McRoberts N1/2 lot 6 conc. 15
N1/2 lot 7 conc. 15
S1/2 lot 6 conc. 14
William McRoberts S1/2 lot 6 conc. 15
Abraham Miller N1/2 lot 31 conc. 14
Joseph Miller S1/2 lot 27 conc. 12
Thomas Miller lot 28 conc. 6
James Minto S1/2 lot 32 conc. 11
George Mitchell N1/2 lot 7 conc. 2
George Molton N1/2 lot 29 conc. 7
Charles Montague S1/2 lot 23 conc. 2
John Montague S1/2 lot 21 conc. 2
George Morell S1/2 lot 1 conc. 3
Elisha Mudge N1/2 lot 14 conc. 12
Martin Nachs N1/2 lot 19 conc. 4
George Neals S1/2 lot 18 conc. 11
Henry Near S1/2 lot 6 conc. 8
George Needham N1/2 lot 17 conc. 13
Richard Needham N1/2 lot 7 conc. 12
James Nixon S1/2 lot 25 conc. 8
John Nixon S1/2 lot 21 conc. 10
William Noble S1/2 lot 26 conc. 5
John O'Neil lot 13 conc. 15
Robert Orme S1/2 lot 19 conc. 9
Thomas Orme S1/2 lot 17 conc. 11
William Orme S1/2 lot 23 conc. 10
James Parkinson N1/2 lot 22 conc. 6
Robert Parkinson S1/2 lot 4 conc. 14
Thomas Parkinson lot 23 conc. 6
William Patterson N1/2 lot 6 conc. 14
John Peaslee N1/2 lot 5 conc. 10
Obadiah Pettitt N1/2 lot 5 conc. 14
Eli Powell S1/2 lot 10 conc. 6
George Powell S1/2 lot 7 conc. 11
Edward Roberts S1/2 lot 24 conc. 13
Ross Robertson N1/2 lot 6 conc. 12
James Rogers S1/2 lot 5 conc. 10
Edward Ryan N1/2 lot 18 conc. 14
Neal Salmon and
William Watson N1/2 lot 1 conc. 9
Benjamin Sanburn S1/2 lot 6 conc. 9
Ira Schofield lot 4 conc. 4
George Scott N1/2 lot 32 conc. 8
N1/2 lot 31 conc. 8
Thomas Senton N1/2 lot 10 conc. 1
Barnet Service S1/2 lot 19 conc. 8
Bar Seymour by Jos. Petree lot 21 conc. 12
B. Shaver and William Evans S1/2 lot 20 conc. 11
George Shoebottom S1/2 lot 18 conc. 14
James Shoebottom S1/2 lot 7 conc. 9
John Shoebottom S1/2 lot 3 conc. 9
S1/2 lot 19 conc. 8
Thomas Shoebottom N1/2 lot 8 conc. 8
Reginald Short S1/2 lot 27 conc. 7
John Sifton N1/2 lot 13 conc. 7
Donald Sinclair N1/2 lot 15 conc. 12
John Sinclair N1/2 lot 10 conc. 9
John Stevenson N1/2 lot 1 conc. 1
Hugh Stevenson N1/2 lot 27 conc. 9
Robert Stevenson and
John Stevenson S1/2 lot 8 conc. 2
John Stilson S1/2 lot 29 conc. 10
Aaron Sutton S1/2 lot 26 conc. 14
Richard Talbot N1/2 lot 13 conc. 13
Richard S. Talbot N1/2 lot 17 conc. 14
Thomas Talbot lot 17 conc. 7
N1/2 lot 10 conc. 11
lot 19 conc. 11
lot 19 conc. 12
lot 32 conc. 15
Andrew Taylor N1/2 lot 21 conc. 8
Robert Taylor S1/2 lot 29 conc. 8
John Vanderburgh N1/2 lot 6 conc. 4
Jesse Vandusen S1/2 lot 16 conc. 11
David Walden S1/2 lot 11 conc. 12
S1/2 lot 12 conc. 13
Francis Walden lot 11 conc. 16
Thomas Walden lot 10 conc. 16
Thomas Walton N1/2 lot 27 conc. 13
William Watson and
Neil Salmon N1/2 lot 1 conc. 9
Christopher Webb S1/2 lot 31 conc. 12
George Webster and
Thomas Belton S1/2 lot 7 conc. 3
George Welsh N1/2 lot 1 conc. 13
Archibald Wertchins N1/2 lot 24 conc. 9
John Whaley NW1/4 lot 26 conc. 11
Matthew Whiting N1/2 lot 11 conc. 12
Henry Wilkinson S1/2 lot 22 conc. 6
Carter Willis S1/2 lot 7 conc. 14
Crowell Wilson SE1/4 lot 18 conc. 7
William Wilson S1/2 lot 1 conc. 4
James Wright S1/2 lot 20 conc. 7
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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