Frederick T. Rosser
Mika Publishing Company
Belleville, Ontario
ISBN 0-919302-95-5
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement 7
London Township 9
Settlement of the Township 13
The First Pioneers - 1818 20
The Richard Talbot Irish Immigration - 1818 32
The Richard Talbot Family 39
Richard Talbot's Settlers - 1818 50
Siddall Family - 1818 57
The Great Influx of Settlers - 1819 61
O'Neil Family - 1819 80
Hodgins Family - 1819 85
Shipley Family - 1819 90
Robson Family - 1820 95
The American Scotts - 1820 100
Welsh Relatives of John Matthews - 1821 105
Stanleys from Tipperary - 1822 117
Charlton Family - 1824 122
Six Vittoria Couples 127
Nova Scotian Pre-Revolutionists:
The Dormans - 1827 137
Some Honourable Members 140
James Fraser: Missionary Schoolteacher - 1830 145
A Highland Scottish Family - 1832 152
The Stewarts from Perthshire - 1832 157
Carmarthenshire Welsh - 1833 161
An English Family from Newcastle - 1844 167
Loyalist Descendants - 1846 172
Hebridean Scots - 1849 177
A Few Other Families 181
Conclusion 192
Appendix 195
Notes 206
Index 218
List of Illustrations 236
The names of the settlers listed in the Appendix are not
included in this Index.
Abbott, Thomas, 142 Ardiel, William, 64-65, 181
Abram, Mary, 110 Arkless, Mary, 87
Adamson, Isaac, 174 Armitage, Alfaretta, 121
Aitken, Andrew, 175 Armitage, John, 120
Alexander, Benjamin W., 112 Armitage, John R., 120
Alexander, Charles, 112 Armitage, Malcolm, 121
Alexander, James, 112 Armitage, William, 62, 65
Alexander, John, 112 Armitage-Stanley, Spencer, 86
Alexander, Joseph, 87 Armstrong, John, 96
Alexander, Mary Ann, 112 Armstrong, Mary Ann, 96
Allen, Catherine, 126 Armstrong, W. J., 121
Allen, Edward, 126 Armstrong, Dr. W. L., 96
Allen, Harriet, 126 Askin, Thomas, 23
Allen, Jane, 126 Atkinson, Elizabeth, 118
Allen, Margaret, 126 Atkinson, Mary, 111
Allen, Maria, 126 Atkinson, Thomas, 118
Allen, Mary, 126 Attwood, A. C., 125
Allen, Prescott, 46 Attwood, Antoinette, 24
Allen, Sarah, 126 Attwood, James, 125
Allen, Thomas, 126 Attwood, Johanna, 99
Alway, David, 114 Atwell, George, 111
Alway, Elizabeth, 113, 115 Auckland, Sarah, 87
Alway, George, 114 Austin, Mary Ann, 84
Alway, Margaret, 114
Alway, Rachel, 114
Aiway, Robert., 113 Bailey, Rev. John, 76
Alway, Sarah Ann, 113 Bailey, Mary, 76
Alway, Thomas, 114 Baird, Lydia, 39, 48
Alway, William, 113 Baker, Louise, 94
Anderson, Duncan, 23 Baker, Rebecca, 115
Anderson, Elizabeth, 154 Balls, Herbert, 187
Anderson, Isabel, 154 Banghart, Margaret, 132
Anderson, Dr. James R., 154 Bangs, Mr., 139
Anderson, John, 65, 154-155 Barclay, Donald, 62, 149-150
Anderson, Margaret, 65 Barclay, Kate, 98
Anderson, Mary, 155 Barclay, Margaret, 27
Anderson, William, 154 Barclay, Mr., 148
Applegarth, Joshua, 20-21 Barnard, Jabes, 181
Archer, Sarah, 162 Barnes, Drucilla, 124
Ardiel, Elizabeth, 65 Barnes, Emma, 124
Ardiel, Isaac, 64 Barnes, George, 96
Ardiel, James, 62, 64-65 Barnes, John, 124
Ardiel, John, 34, 62, 64-65, 187 Barnes, Lydia, 123
Ardiel, John H., 65 Barnes, Mary, 96
Ardiel, Launcelot, 65 Barnes, Mary Jane, 126
Ardiel, Leonard, 62, 64 Baskerville, Rev. James, 83
Ardiel, Mary Jane, 65 Bates, Stephen, 83
Ardiel, Richard, 64-65 Bathurst, Earl of, 32-34, 42, 106-107
Ardiel, W., 181 Baty, Adam, 98
Baty, Arthur, 98 Bice, Sarah Jane, 175
Baty, Eliza, 98 Bice, Wellesley, 175
Baty, Jeremiah, 98 Bice, Wellington, 174-175
Baty, Mary Jane, 98 Bice, William, 173-175
Baty, Nancy, 98 Birrell, William, 46
Baty, Thomas, 98 Bissell, Douglas, 133
Bawden, George, 114 Bissell, Martha, 133
Baynton, Mary Jane, 81 Bissell, Prosper, 133
Beatty, Jeannette, 96 Bixel, Mrs. Emily, 156
Behan, Bessie, 103 Black, Mary, 114
Bell, Ann, 91, 115 Black, Mildred, 25
Bell, Anne, 91 Black, Mina, 116
Bell, Dr. Annie E., 166 Blackhall, Elizabeth, 187
Bell, Barbara, 115 Blackhall, Rachel, 142-143
Bell, Elizabeth, 92, 116 Bogue, Mary, 186
Bell, James, 24, 91 Bond, Henry, 166
Bell, John, 91, 166 Boston, Catherine, 155
Bell, Margaret, 98 Boston, Robert, 140, 155
Bell, Dr. Mary, 166 Bouchier, Anne, 120
Bell, Dr. Robert, 166 Bowie, Catherine, 180
Bell, Thomas, 166, 181 Bowman, Ann, 99
Belladrum, Colonel, 145 Bowman, John, 99
Belton, Dr. Cassius, 156 Bowman, Sarah Ann, 159
Belton, George, 62 Bowser, Mary, 111
Belton, Thomas, 63 Boyd, Anne, 119
Bennett, Prime Minister, 53 Brand, Thomas, 155
Berdan, Dr., 155 Brett, Martha, 121
Berry, Phenia, 139 Brettel, Thomas, 98
Bice, Archdeacon Albert Artemus, 175 Brock, Gladys, 132
Bice, Alida, 175 Brock, Stanley, 132
Bice, Amanda, 175 Brooks, Thomas, 38
Bice, Anna, 175 Brophy, David, 139
Bice, Annie, 175 Brown, Cameron, 156
Bice, Artemus, 174-175 Brown, David Sr., 62
Bice, Augustus, 175 Brown, Elizabeth, 87
Bice, Catherine, 175 Brown, Thomas, 62
Bice, Charlotte, 175 Bryant, John, 112
Bice, Clare, 175 Bryce, Archibald, 62
Bice, Edward, 175 Bull, Mary, 125
Bice, Eli, 175 Burtch, J. C., 116
Bice, Evalina, 175 Burton, William, 34
Bice, Frank, 175 Burwell, Col. Mahlon, 10, 20, 25, 28,
Bice, George, 175 65, 69, 72, 80
Bice, Gilbert, 174-175
Bice, Ira, 175
Bice, Ivor, 175 Caldwell, Jane, 138
Bice, Jessie, 175 Calvert, Anne, 94, 96
Bice, John, 173-175 Calvert, Catherine, 122-123
Bice, Joseph, 175 Calvert, Hannah, 96
Bice, Lorren, 175 Calvert, Margaret, 96
Bice, Lorinda, 175 Calvert, William, 96
Bice, Lyman, 174 Cameron, Alexander, 115
Bice, Margaret, 175 Cameron, Jessie, 92
Bice, Mary, 175 Cameron, Rev. Laughlin, 152
Bice, Matthew, 173 Cameron, Mr., 126
Bice, Nelson, 174 Campbell, Beatrice, 53
Bice, Sarah, 173 Campbell, Christina, 155
Campbell, Dr. Clement T., 132 Charlton, Caroline, 125
Campbell, Duncan, 155, 159 Charlton, Catherine, 125-126
Campbell, Mary, 159 Charlton, David, 123.124
Cannon, Isabella, 87 Charlton, Edward, 99, 122-126
Carey, Beulah, 130 Charlton, Mrs. Edward, 96
Carey, Francis King, 128, 130 Charlton, Sir Edward, 122
Carey, Lewis, 112 Charlton, Fletcher C., 125
Carling, T. Harry, 67 Charlton, Frances, 125
Carling, Isaac, 65 Charlton, George, 124-126
Carling, Sir John, 65-67 Charlton, Hannah, 125
Carling, Thomas, 62, 65-67 Charlton, Henrietta, 125
Carling, William, 65, 67 Charlton, Dr. Howard, 125
Carlisle, Earl of, 95 Charlton, James, 125-126
Carmichael, Alberta, 25 Charlton, Jane, 125
Carmichael, Alexander, 24 Charlton, John, 123-126
Carmichael, Allan, 160 Charlton, Joseph, 125-126
Carmichael, Andrew, 24 Charlton, Dr. Joseph, 125
Carmichael, Archibald, 24 Charlton, Lydia, 126
Carmichael, Charlotte, 25 Charlton, Mary, 124.125
Carmichael, Duncan, 24-25 Charlton, Mary A., 125
Carmichael, Elgin, 24, 83 Charlton, Montgomery, 126
Carmichael, Emily, 24 Charlton, Robert, 123-125
Carmichael, Elizabeth, 24 Charlton, Robert M., 124
Carmichael, Ethel, 25 Charlton, Dr. Sylvester E., 124
Carmichael, Gordon, 25 Charlton, Thomas, 126
Carmichael, Hulda, 24 Charlton, Wesley P., 125
Carmichael, Irene, 140 Charlton, William, 124-126
Carmichael, James, 24 Chilson, Phyla, 114
Carmichael, Mrs. James, 125 Christie, Rev. Thomas, 150
Carmichael, Jennie, 24 Claris, Eliza, 135
Carmichael, Jessie, 24 Clark, Adelaide, 125
Carmichael, John, 23, 24 Clark, Elizabeth Ann, 47, 67
Carmichael, Margaret, 24 Clark, Orange, 62, 67
Carmichael, Mary, 24 Clarke, A., 73
Carmichael, Mary Ann, 24 Clarke, Albert, 73
Carmichael, Peter, 24 Clarke, Evelyn, 187
Carmichael, Robert, 24-25 Clarke, Hannah, 96
Carmichael, Wilfred, 25 Clarke, James A., 187
Carpenter, Jane, 73 Claypole, Arthur, 113
Carre, M., 46 Coatsworth, Mrs. Dr. R., 125
Carter, Elizabeth, 118 Colbert, John, 37
Carter, George, 62, 83, 86, 118 Colbert, William, 37-38
Carter, Gilbert, 86 Cole, J. M., 139
Carter, James, 86 Collins, Eleanor, 52
Carter, Margaret, 175 Comfort, James, 69
Carter, Richard, 86 Comfort, Sarah, 69
Carter, William, 86, 175 Cooper, Emma Sarah, 70
Casey, George E., 133 Cooper, James, 139
Cathro, William, 114 Corbitt, Pat, 37
Caughlan, Matthew, 83 Corliss, Dr., 120
Caverhill, Susan, 94 Cornell, Thomas, 111
Chapman, Mary, 111 Corsaut, Christopher, 62
Charlton, Albert, 125 Corsaut, Elizabeth, 187
Charlton, Alice, 126 Corsaut, James, 62
Charlton, Anne, 124-125 Corsaut, William, 24
Charlton, Annie, 125-126 Coursey, Jane, 187
Charlton, Anthony, 124 Cowan, Charles, 166
Coyne, Daniel, 164 Davis, Esther, 118
Coyne, James, 70 Davis, Hannah, 114
Coyne, Mary, 69 Davis, John, 114
Craig, Christina, 111 Davis, Mary, 114
Craig, David, 139 Davis, Rachel, 114
Craig, Elizabeth, 139 Davis, Sarah, 114
Craig, James, 111 Davis, William, 114
Craig, Jamesina, 164 Deacon, Catherine, 114
Craig, Jessie, 116 Deacon, Elizabeth, 83
Crandon, Margaret, 140 Deacon, Ralph, 62
Cranston, Mary Ann, 60 Deacon, Richard, 58-59
Crawford, Hector, 159 Dearness, John, 183
Crawford, Isabelle, 160 Decker, Marie, 25
Crawford, Hugh, 159 Delahunt, Thomas, 37
Crawford, Mary, 154 Derby, Earl of, 117
Crealock, Bertha J., 166 Derenzy, Elizabeth, 20
Cromwell, Oliver, 161 Derenzy, Major William, 20
Crone, Charlotte, 139 Dickson, Olive, 164
Cronyn, Rev., 27 Dignam, Hugh, 55
Crozier, Mary, 54 Dignam, John Sifton, 55
Cruikshank, John, 155 Dignam, Rev. William, 55
Crump, Amy, 141 Dinsmore, James, 140
Culbert, Ann, 68 Dinsmore, Jane, 98
Culbert, Margaret Lewis, 103 Dinsmore, Mary Ann, 99
Culbert, Sarah, 103 Dinsmore, Thomas, 92
Cumming, Abraham, 25 Dixon, Dr. Basil, 115
Currie, Rachael, 26 Dixon, Rev. R. T., 52
Cushman, Annie, 99 Dodd, Margaret, 94
Dodd, Mary, 92, 158
Donaldson, Duncan, 149
Dadson, Dr. E. N., 112 Dorman, Daniel, 139
Dadson, Emily C., 112 Dorman, Elizabeth, 139
Dadson, Stephen, 112 Dorman, Isaac, 139
Dagg, George, 81 Dorman, Jane, 139
Dagg, Tilley, 175 Dorman, Jeremiah, 104, 112, 138-139
Dale, Jacob, 103 Dorman, John, 116, 138.139
Dale, Louisa, 103 Dorman, John C., 139
Daley, Elem, 115 Dorman, Margaret, 139
Daley, Margaret, 87 Dorman, Mary Jane, 139
Dalton, Hannah, 67 Dorman, Miriam, 139
Dalton, Henry, 67 Dorman, Nancy, 139
Daniels, Ann, 115 Dorman, Philip, 139
Daniels, Enoch, 162 Dorman, Rachel, 139
Daniels, Mary, 111 Dorman, Rosanna, 115, 139
Daniels, Rachel, 162 Dorman, Ruth, 139
Daniels, Thomas, 162, 165 Dorman, Thomas, 139
Dann, Elizabeth, 84 Doty, David, 25
Dann, William, 84 Douglas, Dugal, 111
Darragh, John, 175 Douglas, Isabella, 124, 126
Davies, Daniel, 161-162, 165 Drake, Alice, 132
Davies, Diana, 161 Drake, Angelina, 132
Davies, Richard, 161 Drake, Charles, 132
Davies, Sarah, 162 Drake, Ida, 132
Davis, Abram, 114 Drake, Jessie, 132
Davis, Charlotte, 114 Drake, Murray, 132
Davis, David, 114 Drake, Rose, 132
Davis, Elizabeth, 114 Drake, Samuel, 132
Dulmage, Elizabeth, 84 Ferguson, Dr. John, 185
Duncan, John, 160 Ferguson, Mary Ann, 111, 184
Duncombe, Charles, 69 Ferguson, Rebecca, 184
Dunn, Robert, 164 Ferguson, Richard, 184
Ferguson, Thomas, 115, 184
Fike, Liza, 175
Eady, Mary Ann, 168 Finch, Jeremiah, 127
Eccles, H., 184 Finch, Prudence, 127
Edison, Samuel, 172 Finch, Selinda, 127
Edison, Thomas A., 172 Finch, Titus, 128-129
Edwards, Albert, 130 Finn, Matthew B., 112
Edwards, Anna Maria, 115, 127 Fitzgerald, Ann, 67, 69
Edwards, Annie, 130 Fitzgerald, Edward, 62, 67-69
Edwards, Fred, 130 Fitzgerald, Esther, 54, 67, 69
Edwards, Henry, 127, 129-130 Fitzgerald, Frederick, 67-68
Edwards, James, 130 Fitzgerald, Frederick A., 68
Edwards, Jane, 127 Fitzgerald, George, 62, 67-68
Edwards, John, 115, 127, 129 Fitzgerald, John, 67-68
Edwards, Martha, 164 Fitzgerald, Margaret, 67-68, 74
Edwards, Richard, 127, 129 Fitzgerald, Mary, 67, 69
Edwards, Sarah Ann, 127, 130 Fitzgerald, Rebecca, 68
Elliott, Connor, 184 Fitzgerald, T. H., 68
Elliott, Eliza, 181 Fitzgerald, William, 67-68
Elliott, James, 181 Fitzgerald, William Weir, 69
Elliott, Jane, 181 Fizell, Amos, 139
Elliott, John, 132, 181 Flood, Michael, 62
Elliott, Mary, 181 Forbes, John, 174
Elliott, Mr., 98 Forrester, Dr., 155
Elliott, Robert, 181.183 Fortune, Janet, 159
Elliott, Samuel, 181 Foster, George, 37, 50
Elliott, Sarah Ann, 181 Frank, George, 48
Elliott, Sarah Jane, 181 Franks, John, 92, 99
Elliott, Thomas, 181 Fraser, Abigail, 151
Elliott, William, 181, 184 Fraser, Alexander, 16, 150-151
Ellis, Mary 76 Fraser, Anne, 150
Elson, Joseph, 141 Fraser, Charles, 139
Elson, Peter, 141 Fraser, Christina, 151
Elson, Samantha, 141 Fraser, Donald, 16, 145, 150-151
Emerick, Hannah, 101 Fraser, Elizabeth, 159
English, Sarah, 181 Fraser, Ellen, 151
English, Thomas Sr., 62 Fraser, James, 14, 16, 82, 84, 145-151
English, William, 62 Fraser, John, 151
Evans, Hannah, 162 Fraser, Lillias, 159
Evans, James W., 82 Fraser, Margaret, 151
Evans, John, 62 Fraser, Margery, 82, 151
Evans, Judge Henry, 137 Fraser, Mary, 82, 84, 151
Evans, William, 38, 51 Fraser, Lt. Col. Thomas, 174
Eynon, John, 115 Fraser, William, 151
Eynon, Margaret, 115 Freeborn, Andrew, 140
Eynon, Thomas, 115 Freeborn, Corneilia, 140
Freeborn, Elizabeth, 140
Freeborn, Gladys, 140
Faulds, Sarah Ann, 135 Freeborn, John, 140
Ferguson, D., 46 Freeborn, Margaret, 140
Ferguson, Henry, 111, 150, 184 Freeborn, Mary, 140
Ferguson, James, 76, 111, 184 Freeborn, Mary Ann, 144
Ferguson, Jane, 115 Freeborn, Rebecca, 140
Ferguson, John, 184-185 Freeborn, Thomas, 140
Fries, John, 112 Graham, Mr., 83
Fuller, William, 62 Grainger, M., 46
Fullerton, Margaret, 113 Grant, Charlotte, 114
Fysh, Minnie, 116 Grant, David, 114
Grant, George, 114
Grant, Jessie, 155
Grant, John, 114
Gain, Jane, 55 Grant, Phoebe, 114
Gale, Mary, 125 Grant, Robert, 37
Galpin Edward, 188 Grant, Sarah, 114
Galt, John, 152 Grant, Susannah, 114
Garden, William, 94 Grant, William, 114
Garrett, Fred, 103 Gray, Folliott, 37, 50
Geary, Alice, 52 Gray, John, 37-38, 50
Green, Edward W., 69-70, 168
Geary, Anna, 53 Green, Henry C., 70
Geary, Bessie, 52 Green, John, 70
Geary, Eleanor, 53 Green, Mrs. 96
Geary, George, 52-53 Green, Nancy, 168, 170
Geary, Isabelle, 52 Green, Thomas, 34, 70
Geary, John, 37, 50-53, 186 Griffith, James E., 142
Geary, Mary, 53 Griffith, Marion, 142
Geary, Mary J., 52 Griffiths, Elizabeth, 164, 166
Geary, Richard, 52 Griffiths, Griffith, 115
Geary, Robert, 52-53 Griffiths, Margaret, 166
Geary, Theophilus, 52 Guest, Almina, 87
Geary, William, 37, 50.52 Guest, Dr. Edna, 45, 185
Geddes, James, 155 Guest, Emily, 45, 185
Geddes, Nellie, 155 Guest, Miss, 88
Geddes, William, 155 Guest, Richard, 45
German, Henry, 62, 69, 130 Guest, Robert, 82
German, John, 69 Guest, Thomas, 37, 50
Getty, John D., 26 Guest, William, 51
Gibson, John T., 98 Gumes, John, 38
Gibson, Richard, 98 Gunn, Ernest, 156
Gibson, Sarah Ann, 168 Gustin, Ada, 130, 133
Gilchrist, Mary, 124 Gustin, Alfred, 135
Gilman, Ezekiel, 26 Gustin, Alice, 132, 135
Given, Alice, 132 Gustin, Anna, 130
Given, Robert, 132 Gustin, Anne, 133
Given, William, 132 Gustin, Carrie, 133
Glasby, George, 96 Gustin, Charles, 130, 132-133, 135
Goodson, Mary, 52 Gustin, Delphine, 135
Gordon, Col., 179 Gustin, Edith, 133
Goulding, Ann, 53 Gustin, Edwin, 132
Goulding, Charles, 33, 37, 50, 53-54 Gustin, Eliphalet, 127-128, 130-131, 133
Goulding, Charles S., 53 Gustin, Eliphalet Wilbur, 133-134
Goulding, Edward, 54 Gustin, Elizabeth, 133
Goulding, Esther, 53 Gustin, Elizabeth Jane, 132
Goulding, James, 53 Gustin, Ernest, 135
Goulding, Jane, 53 Gustin, Eva, 135
Goulding, John, 53 Gustin, Frank, 135
Goulding, Joseph, 53 Gustin, Franklin, 133
Goulding, Mary, 53-54, 74 Gustin, Frederick, 130, 133, 135
Goulding, Sarah Elizabeth, 170 Gustin, George, 132
Goulding, Thomas, 53 Gustin, Gertrude, 133
Goulding, William, 54 Gustin, Grace, 135
Graham, Mary, 144 Gustin, Henry, 135
Gustin, Henry A., 130 Haskett, Mary Ann, 187-188
Gustin, Herbert, 130 Haskett, Nelson, 186
Gustin, Isaiah, 127-128, 130 Haskett, Rebecca, 187
Gustin, James, 133 Haskett, Richard, 187
Gustin, John, 127-128, 131 Haskett, Robert, 186-187
Gustin, John Anson, 135 Haskett, Sarah Jane, 111
Gustin, Josephine, 133 Haskett, Thomas, 48, 111, 186-187
Gustin, Laura, 132 Haskett, Violet, 96
Gustin, Lillian, 135 Haskett, William, 37, 48, 50, 118,
Gustin, Lucena, 132-133 186-187
Gustin, Mamie, 135 Hawkins, Sadie, 143
Gustin, Margaret, 133 Hawkins, William A., 143
Gustin, Maria Ann, 133 Hayes, Francis I., 103
Gustin, Mildred, 133 Hayes, Mary, 76
Gustin, Prosper, 135 Hayes, William, 37
Gustin, Ralph, 132 Heal, Mary Ann, 168
Gustin, Richard Prosper, 135 Hellier, Major, 43
Gustin, Saloma, 115, 127, 136 Henry, Charles, 26
Gustin, Sarah Ann, 136 Henry, VII, King, 117
Gustin, Smith, 133 Herbert, William, 20
Gustin, Thomas, 135 Hill, Maria, 81, 120
Gustin, Wilbert, 130 Hilliard, Dr. Franklin, 166
Gustin, Wilda, 133 Hine, Daniel, 27
Gustin, William, 132-133 Hines, Mary, 87
Gustin, William C., 135 Hobbes, Alicia, 141-142
Gutheridge, Ada, 103 Hodgins, Abram, 139
Hodgins, Adam, 187
Hodgins, Catherine, 139
Hale, Hon. John, 20 Hodgins, Charles, 88
Hall, Dr. C. B., 133 Hodgins, David, 88
Halliday, Rebecca, 159 Hodgins, Diana, 87
Hamia, William, 87 Hodgins, Eleanor, 87
Hamilton, Alicia, 188 Hodgins, Eliza, 142
Handy, Martha Jane, 188 Hodgins, Elizabeth, 85, 87-88, 143
Haney, Martha, 114 Hodgins, Ellen, 83, 87-88, 139
Hanson, John, 63 Hodgins, George, 87-88
Harding, John, 63 Hodgins, Hannah, 88
Harding, Philip P., 48, 63 Hodgins, Henry, 87, 119
Hardy, Deborah, 54 Hodgins, Hiram, 87
Hardy, Joseph, 36-37, 50 Hodgins, Idillia, 87
Hardy, Joseph North, 38 Hodgins, Isabella, 87
Hardy, Mary, 81 Hodgins, James, 87-88
Harris, Charles, 103 Hodgins, James H., 65
Harris, Esther, 116 Hodgins, Jane, 139
Harrison, Ann, 130 Hodgins, John, 81, 85-87, 88, 119, 139
Harrison, David, 26 Hodgins, John Deacon, 115, 130
Harrison, George, 26 Hodgins, John S., 87
Harrison, Milner, 26 Hodgins, Jonathan, 88
Harrison, Rachel, 130 Hodgins, Joseph, 139
Harrison, Thomas, 63, 130 Hodgins, Leona, 139
Harrison, William, 26 Hodgins, Margaret, 87
Haskett, Benjamin, 187 Hodgins, Margaret Ann, 88
Haskett, Charles, 187 Hodgins, Martha, 87
Haskett, Eliza, 52-53, 186-187 Hodgins, Mary Ann, 87, 187
Haskett, Jane, 82, 86, 187 Hodgins, Mary Jane, 112
Haskett, John, 87, 186-187 Hodgins, Robert, 103, 139
Haskett, Mrs. John, 142 Hodgins, Sarah, 83, 87-88, 139
Haskett, Joseph, 84, 186-187 Hodgins, Sarah Ann, 115
Hodgins, Sophia, 139 Hutchison, Austin, 156
Hodgins, Susan, 88
Hodgins, Thomas, 85-87, 139
Hodgins, Mrs. Ward, 187 Ingersoll, Justus, 52
Hodgins, Wellington, 88 Irvine, Isabella, 113
Hodgins, William, 37, 85, 88, 139 Irvine, William, 113
Hodgins, William B., 87 Irvine, William F., 113
Hodgson, P. T., 124
Hogan, Catherine, 74
Hogoboom, David, 63 Jackson, Charlotte, 78
Hoover, Eva, 112 Jackson, Frances, 84
Horton, T. D., 139 Jackson, George, 99
Hotson, John, 139 Jackson, Maria, 143
Howard, Catherine, 26 Jackson, Mary, 168
Howard, James, 38, 51, 54 Jackson, Robert, 63, 70-71, 78, 143
Howard, Samuel, 69 Jackson, Susannah, 70, 78
Howard, Thomas, 26, 37, 50, 69 Jackson, Thomas, 78
Howard, Thomas S., 54 Jackson, Wesley, 125
Howay, James, 38, 51 Jackson, William, 70-71
Howay, Thomas, 37, 50, 54 Jacobs, Erastus, 63
Howison, John, 16, 19 Jayne, Joseph, 27
Hubbard, Tilley, 63 Jenkin, Mary, 111
Hudson, W. F., 170 Jessop, Ebenezar, 173
Hughes, Ada, 164 Johns, Edward, 116
Hughes, Albert, 164 Johns, Sarah, 116
Hughes, Alice, 164, 166 Johnson, Angus, 151
Hughes, Anthony, 142 Johnston, David, 63
Hughes, Caroline, 164 Johnston, Laura, 174
Hughes, Chester, 17, 166 Jones, Elizabeth, 51, 120
Hughes, David, 110, 155 Jones, Francis, 82-83, 86
Hughes, Daniel Davies, 17, 166 Jones, John, 82, 86, 120
Hughes, Edward, 17, 162-165 Jones, Mary Edith, 68
Hughes, Elizabeth, 115, 164 Jones, Thomas, 180
Hughes, Elma, 166 Jones, William, 83, 86
Hughes, Florence, 164
Hughes, Freeman, 17, 166
Hughes, Hannah, 166 Kairnes, Harriet, 114
Hughes, Jane, 142-143 Keays, Eliza Jane, 130
Hughes, John, 164 Keays, Robert, 37, 50, 130
Hughes, Joseph, 53, 63 Keenleyside, Dr. Hugh L., 113
Hughes, Margaret Ann, 164 Kelsey, Maria, 159
Hughes, Margaret (Giffiths), 17 Kennedy, Ann, 88
Hughes, Martha, 164 Kennedy, George, 63
Hughes, Mary, 111 Kennedy, George A., 114
Hughes, Mary Anne, 166 Kennedy, Harriet, 164
Hughes, Mary Ellen, 164 Kenny, Fred, 99
Hughes, Nina, 164 Kent, John, 83
Hughes, Nettie, 164 Kent, Mary, ill
Hughes, Rachel, 108-109, 164-166 Keown, Thomas, 159
Hughes, Richard, 110 Kilbourne, Dr. Alonzo, 114
Hughes, Sarah, 113, 125, 162, 164 Killally, Hamilton H., 188-190
Hughes, Thomas, 164 Killally, James, 188
Hughes, William, 166 Killmaster, Rachel, 135
Humphrey, James, 173 Kimble, William, 63
Humphrey, Nancy, 173 Kirton, Margaret, 91
Hunt, Burleigh, 63 Kitt, Diana, 187
Hunt, Samuel, 55 Knapton, William, 65
Hutchinson, James, 24 Knight, Abigail, 113
Knight, Alice, 103 Lumby, Nancy, 111-112
Knox, John, 178 Lumby, Philip, 112
Koch, Caroline, 111 Lumby, Rachael, 112
Kohl, Benetina, 170 Lumby, Thomas, 112
Kohl, Max, 170 Lynch, Frances, 87
Lamb, Deborah, 92 Mabee, Elder Simon, 138
Lamb, Margaret, 124 Macdonald, Sir John A., 133, 141
Lambert, William, 99 MacDonald, Angus, 180
Langford, Isaac, 125 MacDonald, Ann, 180
Langford, Margaret, 170 MacDonald, Catherine, 180
Langford, Samuel, 112 MacDonald, Catherine Ann, 180
Lapham, Mrs. Ellen Fraser, 132 MacDonald, Donald, 180
Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 74 MacDonald, Eflie, 180
Lawrason, Laurence, 188.189 MacDonald, James, 180
Lawrason, Louisa, 189 MacDonald, John, 180
Lawrason, Phoebe, 189 MacDonald, Kate, 180
Lawrason, Thomas, 189 MacDonald, Lachlan, 177, 179-180
Lawnason, William, 189 MacDonald, Mary, 180
Lawson, Frank, 183 MacDonald, Margaret, 180
Lawson, Hon. Ray, 88, 183 MacDonald, Ranald G., 179
Layng, Edward, 112 MacFarlane, Eliza, 24
Layng, Eliza, 111 MacGregor, Alexander, 24
Layng, Ida, 126 MacKay, Ann, 159
Layng, Theresa, 112 MacKay, Catherine, 154
Lee, Abigail, 189 MacKay, Margaret, 159
Lee, T., 73 MacKay, Wilhemina, 166
Leigh, Bishop, 114 MacKenzie, D. G., 28
Lewis, Benjamin, 37, 50 MacKenzie, Duncan, 27
Lewis, Blanche, 164 MacKenzie, John, 28
Lewis, Elizabeth, 81, 139 Macklin, Elizabeth, 121
Lewis, Francis, 37, 50 MacMillan, Duncan, 141
Lewis, John, 37 MacMillan, William, 141
Lewis, Levi, 51 Maitland, Sir P., 43
Lewis, Mrs., 35 Magee, James, 164
Lintot, William, 139 Mann-Cook, Maria Jane, 112
Lipeett, Isabella, 96 Manning, John, 175
Little, Dr. James, 25 Marckle, Lawrence, 28
Little, John, 84 Mann, David, 174-175
Little, Mary, 25 Marsh, Elizabeth, 94, 112
Little, Sarah, 96 Marsh, Mary, 112
Little, Robert, 140 Marsh, Philip, 112
Logan, Rev. William, 120 Marsh, Richard, 112
Loney, Richard, 37, 84 Marshall, Arthur, 160
Long, Harriett, 96 Marshall, J. H., 71, 141
Long, Samuel, 37 Martin, Daniel M., 166
Lott, Elizabeth, 174 Martin, Priscilla, 186
Lovett, Fannie, 103 Martin, Thomas, 28
Lumby, Benjamin, 111-112 Matthews, Abram, 111-112
Lumby, Catherine, 112 Matthews, Annie, 111
Lumby, Elizabeth, 112 Matthews, Anson, 164
Lumby, George, 112 Matthews, Benjamin, 110-111
Lumby, Harriet, 112 Matthews, Captain Benjamin, 104, 110-
Lumby, John, 112 111
Lumby, Maria Jane, 112 Matthews, Catherine, 104, 111-112, 138
Lumby, Mary Ann, 112 Matthews, David, 111
Matthews, Eleanor, 104, 111 McDormand, Rev. William, 138
Matthews, Elizabeth, 111-112 McDiarmid, William, 88
Matthews, George, 112 McDougall, Duncan, 111
Matthews, James, 111 McDougall, John, 150
Matthews, James L., 111 McDougall, Mary Ann, 181
Matthews, John Squire, 13, 62, 105-109, McEvoy, Lila, 98
111, 162 McEvoy, Mr. Justice, 154
Matthews, Captain John, 72 McEwan, John, 160
Matthews, John, 110-111 McFadden, Samuel, 111
Matthews, Margaret, 108, 115 McFarlane, Archibald, 63
Matthews, Mary, 111 McFarlane, Elizabeth, 181
Matthews, Mary Jane, 111 McFarlane, Fraser, 151
Matthews, Philip, 108, 110-111, 138, 184McFarlane, George, 94
Matthews, Rachel, 111-112, 116 McFarlane, Isabella, 92
Matthews, Robert, 111 McFarlane, James, 63, 149, 151
Matthews, Ruth, 112 McFarlane, Mary Ann, 94
Matthews, Sarah, 108, 112 McFarlane, Thomas, 63
Matthews, Thomas, 111 McGeary, Joseph, 116
Matthews, Dr. W. E. D., 111 McGeary, Sarah, 139
Matthews, William, 105, 110-111 McGin, Thomas, 63
Matthews, William E., 111 McGregor, Alexander, 24
McAllister, Lydia, 113 McGregor, Dr., 148
McAndless, Dr., 187 McGuffin, John, 63
McAndless, Elizabeth, 111 McGuffin, Margaret, 181
McAndless, Hugh, 111 McInroy, Isabel, 159
McAndless, Sybil, 187 McIntosh, Donald, 154
McAndless, William, 111 McIntosh, John, 155
McArthur, Archibald, 136 McIntyre, Dr. Duncan, 159
McArthur, Fred, 136 McIntyre, J., 160
McArthur, Malcolm, 96 McIntyre, James, 180
McArthur, Mary, 160 McIntyre, Malcolm, 160
McBain, Dorothy, 155 McIntyre, Margaret, 179
McBain, Margery, 150 McIntyre, Mary, 180
McBride, Annie, 166 McIntyre, Peter, 20
McBride, Edith, 166 McKay, Byron, 116
McBride, Malcolm, 166 McKay, J., 142
McBride, Nelson, 166 McKay, Julia Ann, 83
McBride, Warren, 166 McKellar, Duncan, 164
McCallum, Catherine, 92 McKellar, John, 115
McCleod, Thomas, 63 McKellar, Mary, 94
McColl, Duncan, 160 McKellar, Peter, 81
McConnell, Andrew, 63 McKibbon, Mary, 181
McConnell, David, 63 McKinnon, Ellen, 152
McConnell, Elijah, 83 McKenzie, Alexander, 73
McConnell, George, 63 McKenzie, Christina, 155
McConnell, Margaret, 126 McKenzie, Donald, 155
McConnell, William, 63 McKenzie, Hugh, 155
McCormack, Elizabeth, 84 McKenzie, Jennie, 155
McCowan, Margaret, 116 McKenzie, Mary, 155
McCullach, Albert, 99 McLachlan, Alexander, 96
McDonald, Angus, 180 McLachlan, John, 151
McDonald, Samuel, 92 McLaren, Mary, 23
McDonald, William, 164 McLaurin, Hon. Colin Campbell, 116
McDormand, John, 138 McLaurin, Dr. C. C., 116
McDormand, Robert, 137 McLeish, Mary, 159
McDormand, Thomas, 137 McLurg, Jane, 94
McDormand, William, 137 McMahon, Mr., 43
McMicken, Samuel, 166 Morgan, Elizabeth, 113
McMillan, Annie, 56 Morgan, Hannah, 114
McMullin, Alexander, 179 Morgan, Dr. Ivan C., 112
McMullin, Catherine, 179 Morgan, John, 113
McNaughton, Catherine, 24 Morgan, Margaret, 112-113, 115
McNaughton, Mrs. Donald, 158 Morgan, Mary, 113
McNaughton, Duncan, 158 Morgan, Matthew, 112
McNaughton, Elizabeth, 151 Morgan, Rachael, 83, 112-113
McNaughton, Janet, 158 Morgan, Richard, 113
McNaughton, Margaret, 24, 158 Morgan, Dr. Richard, 113
McNaughton, Sarah Ann, 96 Morgan, Sarah, 112-113
McNeil, Miss, 94 Morgan, Thomas, 110, 112, 116
McNeil, Sarah, 159 Morgan, William, 37
McPhee, Donald, 180 Morrison, David, 160
McVean, Mary, 158 Morrison, Duncan, 159
McVey, James, 181 Morton, Jessie, 116
McVey, Margaret, 181 Morton, Robert, 164
Meads, Robert F., 120 Mossey, John, 94
Meidrum, Rev. Thomas, 164 Motherwell, H. R., 143
Merrill, Dudley, 28 Mount, Col., 58, 72
Metcalfe, Captain, 143 Muir, Henry, 24
Millar, Henry, 88 Muir, John, 24
Miller, A., 126 Mulvany, Frances Elizabeth, 189
Miller, George, 24 Munro, Donald, 155
Miller, Mary Ann, 92 Munro, Ellen, 155
Mills, Miss, 125 Munro, Isabel, 155
Minchin, Charles, 53 Munro, John, 155
Minhinnick, J. R., 52 Munro, Margaret, 155
Mitchell, Charles, 156 Munro, Martha, 155
Mitchell, Esther, 112 Munro, Mary, 126
Mitchell, Frances, 84 Munch, George, 112
Mitchell, George, 63 Murdock, Sarah, 119
Mitchell, James, 63 Murdock, William, 119
Mitchell, John, 84 Murphy, Annie, 81
Mitchell, Sarah, 81
Mitchell, Susan, 88
Monogham, James, 63 Nagel, Martha, 111
Moncrief, George, 52 Needham, Mary Ann, 139
Mooney, William, 38 Nelles, Deliah, 133
Moore, Phoebe, 116 Newton, Mr., 54
Moore, William, 116 Nichols, James, 115
Morden, Elizabeth, 132 Nichols, Mary Ann, 103
Morden, James, 63, 71 Nichols, Phoebe, 116
Morden, John, 63, 71 Nichols, Shubal, 103
Morden, Rev. John, 71 Noble, John, 63
Morden, Micajah, 71 Noble, Mary, 92
Morden, Moses, 71 Noble, Susan, 92
Morden, Ralph, 71 North, Charles, 133
Morden, Robert, 72, 132 North, Glynn, 133
Morden, Watkin, 71 North, Herbert, 133
Morden, William, 71 North, Philip, 133
Mordu, Mary Ann, 91 North, Roland, 132
Morgan, Benjamin, 105, 112 North, Vernon, 133
Morgan, Catherine, 113 Noyes, Mary, 132
Morgan, Charlotte, 114 Noyes, Minnie, 111
Morgan, David, 83, 108, 110, 112-113, O'Brian, Joseph, 37, 50, 63
116 O'Brien, Margaret, 78
O'Brien, William, 78 Ord, Ralph, 63
Odlum, Henry, 87 Onrell, Thomas, 99
Olive, James, 37 Osmer, Henry, 111
Oliver, Annie E., 126 Owen, Martha, 115
O'Neil, Albert, 83 Owen, Oliver, 63
O'Neil, Almina, 82 Owen, Phoebe, 166
O'Neil, Amanda, 120 Owen, Rev. Thomas, 115
O'Neil, Bailey, 60 Oxtoby, Christopher, 28
O'Neil, Benjamin, 120
O'Neil, Catherine, 81-84
O'Neil, Celestia, 83 Paisley, Mrs. James, 125
O'Neil, Charles, 60 Palmer, Elisha, 69
O'Neil, Charlotte (Emma), 60 Palmer, Emily, 112
O'Neil, Daniel, 81, 120 Parkhill, Sarah, 187
O'Neil, David, 84 Parkinson, Many, 71
O'Neil, Dennis, 83 Parks, Charles, 34
O'Neil, Eleanor Jane, 82 Parsonson, John, 28
O'Neil, Elizabeth, 81-84, 86-87, 119 Patrick, Eugene, 143
O'Neil, Francis, 59, 63, 81, 83, 120 Patrick, George, 141-142
O Neil, Francis A., 83 120 Patrick, Gertrude, 141
O'Neil, George, 63, 84 Patrick, Jane, 142
O'Neil, Hannah, 83 Patrick, John A. M., 142
O'Neil, Harvey, 83 Patrick, Joseph, 143
O'Neil, Henry, 63, 80-83, 84 Patrick, Lenore, 143
O'Neil, Henry D., 83 Patrick, Louisa, 141
O'Neil, Hiram, 84 Patrick, Mabel, 142
O'Neil, James, 63, 81, 84 Patrick, Marion, 141
O'Neil, Jane, 59, 81, 83 Patrick, Mary, 141-142
O'Neil, John, 60, 63, 83-84 Patrick, Maude, 141
O'Neil, John H., 81 Patrick, Omer, 143
O'Neil, Joseph, 81, 84 Patrick, Rebecca, 142
O'Neil, Lewis, 81 Patrick, SteIla, 141
O'Neil, Louisa, 60 Patrick, Thomas, 141-143
O'Neil, Lozetta, 81 Patrick, Mrs. Thomas, 187
O'Neil, Mahala, 83 Patrick, Thomas Alfred, 142
O'Neil, Margaret, 81 Patrick, William, 87, 143
O'Neil, Maria (Hill), 59 Patterson, Cecily, 116
O'Neil, Marie, 82 Patterson, John, 175
O'Neil, Mary, 81, 84, 88, 187 Pattison, William, 112
O'Neil, Mary Jane, 83 Paxman, Mary, 139
O'Neil, Matilda, 83 Peaslee, John, 170
O'Neil, Phoebe, 84 Peaslee, Joseph, 170
O'Neil, Rachel, 60, 84 Peel, John Robert, 155
O'Neil, Rachel (Morgan), 60 Peel, Mildred, 155
O'Neil, Ralph, 83 Peel, Paul, 155
O'Neil, Richard, 84 Perkins, Charles, 64, 72
O'Neil, Robert, 81-84, 120, 151 Pettit, Judge Nathaniel, 188
O'Neil, Sarah, 60, 81, 83.84, 120 Phalen, John, 38
O'Neil, Sarah Ann, 81, 84 Phelps, Joseph, 126
O'Neil, Thomas, 60, 63, 81, 83-84, 113 Philips, Mary, 102
O'Neil, William, 38, 51, 80, 81-84, 86, Phillips, Alice, 60
151 Phillips, Alonzo, 60
O'Neil William Henry, 84 Phillips, Charlotte, 60
Oram, James, 87 Phillips, David, 60
The name "Neil" has been entered under "O'Neil" since that was
the spelling finally adopted.
Phillips, Diana, 60 Reynolds, Manilla, 112
Phillips, Griffith, 60 Rice, Miss, 84
Phillips, Ida, 60 Richards, Ida, 114
Phillips, Joseph, 114 Richardson, William, 37
Phillips, Mary, 102 Richmond, Duke of, 42
Phillips, Mary Jane, 60 Ridout, Lionel, 189
Phillips, Mary Leigh, 114 Ritchie, Harriett, 103
Phillips, Samantha, 60 Robb, David, 115
Pickering, Letitia, 113 Robb, Manian, 115
Pierce, Oliver Miles, 28 Robb, Mrs. S., 125
Pierce, Oliver Sr., 28 Robbins, Edward, 113
Pimperton, Susan, 111 Robbins, Elizabeth, 113
Pixley, Cooper, 28 Robbins, Jane, 113
Pixley, Robert, 28 Robbins, Margaret, 113
Plaskett, John, 167 Robbins, Thomas, 113
Potter, Ida, 159 Robinson, Anne, 120
Powell, Elizear, 170 Robinson, Beverley, 94
Powell, Francis, 37 Robinson, Dr., 184
Powell, George, 64 Robinson, Frances, 139
Powell, Rev., 170 Robinson, Miss, 185
Powell, Mary, 170 Robinson, Sarah, 115
Powell, Phoebe, 175 Roberts, James, 87, 121
Powell, Stephen, 64 Roberts, Priscilla, 187
Powers, Edmond, 83 Robertson, Donald, 160
Pratt, Edward, 132 Robson, Albert, 99
Price, Chandler, 105-106 Robson, Andrew, 96
Price, Mary, 114 Robson, Ann, 96, 98
Pride, Seth, 166 Robson, Arthur, 92
Priestley, John, 94 Robson, Charles, 99
Priestley, Mary Alice, 94 Robson, Edwin, 99
Prince Charles Edward, 178 Robson, Elizabeth, 96
Pritchard, Emily, 125 Robson, George, 92, 96-97
Pritchard, Fidele, 121 Robson, George C., 98
Pritchard, John, 121 Robson, Gertrude, 126
Pritchard, Judith, 115 Robson, Isabella, 96, 98
Proudfoot, Rev. William, 150 Robson, James, 95-96
Purdy, Ann, 174-175 Robson, Jane, 96, 98
Pye, Hetty, 86 Robson, Janet,
Robson, Jeremiah, 96-97, 99
Robson, John, 95-98, 125
Queen Elizabeth I, 117 Robson, Mrs. John, 122
Queen Victoria, 67, 74 Robson, Joseph, 96
Quirk, Timothy, 29 Robson, Margaret, 96, 98-99
Robson, Mary, 96, 98
Robson, Nancy, 96
Rainer, James, 115 Robson, Reginald, 96
Ralph, Robert, 37, 50 Robson, Robert, 92, 95-96
Rathburn, I., 26 Robson, Robert S., 98
Rawlins, Sarah, 84 Robson, Thomas, 98
Rea, Sarah, 31 Robson, William, 64, 96, 99
Read, Charlotte, 120 Rogers, Peter, 38
Read, Mary, 118 Rose, Alexander, 155
Redmond, Michael, 64 Rose, Barbara, 155
Reed, Edmund, 189 Rose, Hugh, 155
Reekie, Mrs. Dudley, 113 Rose, Mattie, 155
Rees, Rev. Morgan, 161 Rose, Mina, 155
Reilly, Lloyd, 55 Ross, Alexander, 155
Ross, Andrew, 155 Routledge, George, 29
Ross, Catherine, 154-156 Routledge, Henry, 29
Ross, Duncan, 155-156 Routledge, Mrs. John, 96, 122
Ross, Ella, 155 Routledge, Joseph, 29, 122
Ross, Ellen, 154-156 Routledge, Margaret, 29, 65-67
Ross, Euphemia, 155 Routledge, Thomas, 29, 65, 122
Ross, Florence, 156 Routledge, William, 29
Ross, Hon. Sir George W., 153, 156 Rowden, Diana, 57
Ross, George W., 156 Rowell, Arthur T., 168
Ross, Hugh, 155 Rowell, Christopher, 168
Ross, Isabel, 154-155 Rowell, Edward, 170
Ross, Isabella, 151 Rowell, Elizabeth, 170
Ross, James, 118, 152, 154-156 Rowell, George, 170
Ross, Jennie, 156 Rowell, Jane, 167, 170
Ross, Mabel, 156 Rowell, Jane Ann, 170
Ross, Margaret, 155-156, 159 Rowell, John, 167-168
Ross, Martha, 155 Rowell, Joseph, 167-168, 170
Ross, Mildred, (Peel) 155 Rowell, Mary, 170
Ross, Mina, 155 Rowell, Mary Susan, 170
Ross, Willena, 155 Rowell, Hon. Newton Wesley, 167, 169-
Rosse, Earl of, 32, 86 171
Rosser, Alice, 164 Rowell, Susannah, 167
Rosser, Alma, 136, 166 Rowell, William, 168, 170
Rosser, Ben H., 115 Rumohr, Carolina, 175
Rosser, Benjamin, 110, 115, 136 Russell, Charlotte, 111
Rosser, Charles, 116 Russell, John, 112
Rosser, David, 110, 112, 116 Ryan, Anna Maria, 120
Rosser, Edward, 116, 164 Ryan, Mary, 118
Rosser, Edwin, 164 Ryan, Nathaniel, 103, 120
Rosser, Eliphalet, 136, 164 Ryckman, Mary, 69
Rosser, Emma, 164 Ryerson, Egerton, 156
Rosser, Elizabeth, 115
Rosser, Frederick T., 19
Rosser, Hannah, 116, 164 Sale, Edward, 64, 69
Rosser, Henry, 164 Sale, John, 53
Rosser, Ida, 136 Sales, Ann, 74
Rosser, James, 116 Salmond, George, 64
Rosser, John. 58, 108-110, 114-116, 164 Sanburn, Louisa, 78
Rosser, Joseph, 116 Saunders, Mary, 175
Rosser, Lydia, 136 Saunders, W. E., 182-183
Rosser, Margaret, 115-116, 164 Scatcherd, Mrs., 78
Rosser, Martha, 164 Sceli, Alexander, 121
Rosser, Mary, 116 Schoff, Elgin, 24
Rosser, Matthew, 110, 115-116 Schoff, Robert, 24
Rosser, Maude, 136 Schram, Henry, 96
Rosser, Nellie, 166 Schram, Peter, 96
Rosser, Nettie, 164 Scott, Albert E., 103
Rosser, Philip, 110, 115-116, 127 Scott, Andrew, 64
Rosser, Prosper, 136 Scott, Amanda, 103
Rosser, Rachel, 112, 116, 164 Scott, Arthur, 103
Rosser, Sarah Ann, 116 Scott, Cecilia, J. A., 126
Rosser, Susan, 116, 139 Scott, David, 104
Rosser, Thomas, 110, 115-116 Scott, Elgaw C., 103
Rosser, Walter, 136 Scott, Elizabeth, 102
Rosser, William, 110, 113, 115-116, 136 Scott, Eve, 104
Rouse, Cornelia, 24 Scott, Frances J., 103
Routledge, Allan, 29 Scott, George, 98, 103-104, 193
Scott, Hannah, 103 Shoff, Anne, 83 (see also Schoff)
Scott, Ida E., 104 Shoff, Catherine, 83
Scott, James, 103-104 Shoff, Dennis, 83
Scott, John, 101, 104, 111 Shoff, Elizabeth, 83
Scott, J. Lewis, 103 Shoff, Henry, 83
Scott, Mary, 102, 104 Shoff, Hiram, 83
Scott, Miss, 83 Shoff, Jane, 83
Scott, Oscar W., 103 Shoff, Mahala, 82
Scott, Peter, 101 Shoff, Mary, 83
Scott, Robert, 103 Shoff, Michael, 82-83
Scott, Sarah, 102 Shoff, Robert, 83
Scott, Thomas W., 103 Shoff, Sarah, 83
Scott, Hon. Walter, 193 Shoff, William, 83
Scott, William, 103 Short, Mary, 96
Scrimminger, Robert, 149 Shortt, Adam, 159
Seal, Richard, 174 Shotwell, James, 72
Scale, Mary, 114 Shotwell, Prudence, 72
Second, Laura, 156 Shouldice, James, 37
Seed, Margaret, 83 Shouldice, John, 37
Selby, Prideaux, 20 Shouldice, Nicholas, 37
Shanley, Charles, 189, 191 Shoveller, Samuel, 113
Shanley, Francis, 190 Siddall, Benjamin, 60
Shanley, James, 189 Siddall, Charlotte, 60
Shanley, Col. James, 190 Siddall, Daniel, 59-60
Shanley, Walter, 190 Siddall, Diana, 59
Shanley, William, 189 Siddall, Elizabeth, 60
Shannon, John, 83 Siddall, George, 60
Sharon, Mary, 55 Siddall, Henry, 59
Shea, Joan, 187 Siddall, John, 29, 57-60
Sheardown, Elizabeth, 175 Siddall, Joseph, 59-60, 81
Sheddon, Elizabeth, 130 Siddall, Loezia, 59
Sherman, Mary, 186 Siddall, Melissa, 59
Shipley, Ann, 92 Siddall, Rachael, 60
Shipley, Anne, 91, 94 Siddall, Sophia, 60, 84
Shipley, Edward, 90-94, 158 Siddall, Thomas, 60
Shipley, Eleanor, 92, 96 Siddall, William, 60, 84
Shipley, Elizabeth, 92 Sifton, Alicia, 73
Shipley, George, 58, 90-92, 94, 166 Sifton, Arthur Lewis, 73-75
Shipley, James, 94 Sifton, Bamlet, 64, 72-75
Shipley, Jane, 92, 94 Sifton, Bradshaw, 53, 74
Shipley, Jane Ann, 92 Sifton, Charles, 38, 51, 54-55, 72-74, 76
Shipley, John, 90-93 Sifton, Sir Clifford, 73-75
Shipley, John B., 94 Sifton, Ellis, 76
Shipley, Lionel, 91-92, 94 Sifton, Elizabeth, 55, 72
Shipley, Mrs. Lionel, 91 Sifton, Henry, 73, 76
Shipley, Lionel E., 92-93 Sifton, Dr. Henry, 73
Shipley, Lionel G., 94 Sifton, Isabella, 73
Shipley, Margaret, 92, 94 Sifton, Dr. James William, 73
Shipley, Mary, 92 Sifton, John, 37, 50, 54-55, 72
Shipley, Mary Ann, 92, 96 Sifton, John W., 73
Shipley, Susan, 92 Sifton, Joseph, 55, 72, 74
Shipley, Susannah, 92, 94 Sifton, Joseph B., 64
Shipley, Thomas, 91, 94 Sifton, Maria, 72, 76
Shipley, William, 90-94, 109 Sifton, Mowbray, 76
Shoebottom, Ann, 53, 88 Sifton, Prudence, 73
Shoebottom, James, 88 Sifton, Rebecca, 55, 72, 74, 76
Shoebottom, William, 84 Sifton, Robert, 76
Sifton, Robert H., 72 Stanley, Mabel, 121
Simcoe, John Graves, 100, 173 Stanley, Margaret, 87, 118-121
Simpson, Joseph, 139 Stanley, Maria, 120
Simpson, Katherine, 83 Stanley, Martha, 118
Simpson, Richard, 139 Stanley, Mary, 87, 118-120
Sinclair, Marguerite, 116 Stanley, Mary Jane, 119
Sissons, Esther, 99 Stanley, Nathaniel, 118
Skates, Robert, 140 Stanley, Philiski, 120
Skillington, Richard, 180 Stanley, Robert, 87
Skinner, Rev. James, 150 Stanley, Samuel, 37, 85
Smart, Mary M., 52 Stanley, Susannah, 119
Smibert, Elizabeth, 26 Stanley, Thomas, 37, 81, 120
Smibert, James, 26, 31 Stanley, Sir Thomas, 117
Smith, Abigail, 127, 131 Stanley, Thomas W., 120
Smith, Abraham, 127-128 Stanley, Uriah, 119
Smith, Agnes, 115 Stanley, Walter, 121
Smith, Alexander, 64 Stanley, William, 120.121
Smith, Eleazor, 64 Stanley, William E., 119
Smith, Jacob, 84 Stanley, William Wesley, 118
Smith, Janet, 159 Stanley, Wilmer, 118
Smith, John, 99 Steele, Catherine Ann, 180
Smith, Miss, 46 Steele, Donald, 180
Smith, Mr., 45 Steele, Howard, 25
Smith, Phoebe, 40 Steele, Lachlan, 180
Smith, Thomas, 64 Stevens, William, 111
Smith, William, 128 Stevenson, John, 64
Smithson, Elizabeth, 60 Stevenson, Nellie, 175
Smithson, Emily, 60 Stewart, Alexander, 92, 158-159
Smithson, John, 60 Stewart, Alex D., 159
Smithson, Matilda, 60 Stewart, Angus, 157-160
Smithson, Thomas, 60 Stewart, Ann, 158-160
Southam, Richard, 99 Stewart, Archibald, 158-159
Spearman, John, 37 Stewart, Catherine, 159-160
Spearman, John Jr., 37 Stewart, Christena, 160
Spitler, Kate, 103 Stewart, Colon, 158, 160
Springer, Daniel, 25 Stewart, David, 159
Springer, Squire, 65 Stewart, David Seaton, 158-159
Stallwood, Charles, 112 Stewart, Donald, 126, 158-160
Stanley, Albert, 120 Stewart, Mrs. Donald, 158
Stanley, Alfaretta, 120 Stewart, Duncan, 60, 159-160
Stanley, Aljoe, 120 Stewart, Elizabeth, 159-160, 164
Stanley, Benjamin, 120 Stewart, Ellen, 94
Stanley, Bernard, 119-120 Stewart, Finley, 160
Stanley, Catherine, 118 Stewart, George, 159
Stanley, Charles, 120 Stewart, James, 159
Stanley, Edward, 118, 188 Stewart, Jane, 160
Stanley, Eleanor, 81, 119-120 Stewart, Jane Ann, 159
Stanley, Elizabeth, 121 Stewart, Janet, 159.160
Stanley, George, 119 Stewart, Joan, 159-160
Stanley, Henry, 119 Stewart, Joanna, 160
Stanley, Isabella, 119 Stewart, John, 157-160
Stanley, James, 87, 117-121 Stewart, Mrs. John, 158, 160
Stanley, Sir James, 117 Stewart, Lillias, 158
Stanley, James A., 118 Stewart, Margaret, 81, 159.160
Stanley, Mrs. James, 117 Stewart, Margaret Ann, 159
Stanley, John, 117-118 Stewart, Mary, 116, 159-160
Stanley, John A., 118 Stewart, Mary Jane, 159
Stewart, Peter, 159-160 25, 28, 35, 39-40, 61-62, 65, 67, 69,
Stewart, Susan, 160 80-81, 90, 107, 109, 117, 127, 149, 184
Stewart, William, 158-159 Talbot, William H., 46
Stillson, John, 102 Talbot, W. R., 69
Stonehouse, Ann, 125 Taylor, Jane, 184
Stonehouse, Anne, 125 Taylor, John, 74
Stonehouse, David, 125 Telfer, Adam, 64, 98
Stonehouse, Edward, 124 Telfer, Isabella, 193
Stonehouse, Egerton, 124 Telfer, John, 124
Stonehouse, Emma, 164 Telfer, Mary Jane, 98
Stonehouse, Hannah, 123 Telfer, Thomas, 64
Stonehouse, Mary, 124 Tenbroeck, Clarinda Ann, 132
Stonehouse, Robert, 124-125 Tenbroeck, Michael, 132
Stoney, Edmond, 38, 51, 55 Tenbroeck, Wilda, 132
Stuart, Rev. Alexander, 158 Tennant, David, 187
Stuart, Margaret, 158 Tennant, Gordon, 187
Stuart, Mary, 72 Tennant, Miss, 87
Styles, Edward, 64 Tennant, William, 187-188
Sumners, Ann, 99 Thexton, Margaret, 99
Sumners, Isabella, 99 Thode, Dr. H. G., 143
Sumners, Elizabeth, 97-98 Thompson, Dr. Alden, 113
Sumners, Jane, 99 Thompson, Arthur, 31
Sumners, John, 98 Thompson, Elizabeth, 31
Sumners, Katherine, 99 Thompson, James, 31
Sumners, Margaret, 98 Thompson, Jane, 31
Sumners, Mary, 99 Thompson, Melinda, 31
Sumners, Robert, 98-99 Thompson, Rea, 31
Sutherland, David, 160 Thompson, Richard, 31
Sutherland, William, 96 Thompson, William, 31
Sutton, Hannah, 55 Tiet, Valentine, 31
Sutton, Miss, 175 Tompkins, Rev. W. W., 113
Swingle, Jacob, 64 Torrence, John, 139
Topping, Henry, 83
Travers, Dr., 133
Talbot, Adelaide, 46 Travers, Eliza, 135
Talbot, Edward, 54 Treharne, Hannah, 116
Talbot, Edward Allen, 16, 19, 35, 37, Treharne, Mary, 111, 162
39-40, 42-45, 50 Treharne, Rachel, 112
Talbot, Elizabeth, 45 Treharne, Sarah, 116
Talbot, Esther, 39, 48, 55 Treharne, Thomas, 111
Talbot, Freeman, 38-40, 45, 47, 49, 51, Tuckey, Mary, 96
67 Tupper, Sir Charles, 141
Talbot, Hannah, 39, 48, 186 Turner, John, 37, 51, 55-56
Talbot, James, 46 Turner, Laura, 25
Talbot, John, 37, 39-40, 45-47, 50 Turner, Robert, 55
Talbot, Lydia, 39, 46, 48 Tweedy, William, 64
Talbot, Marcus, 47 Tytler, Alexander, 151
Talbot, Margaret, 39, 46, 48
Talbot, Mary, 53
Talbot, Mina Lee, 46
Talbot, Oscar, 46
Talbot, Ralph, 45 Vanderburgh, Andrew, 102
Talbot, Richard, 31-37, 39-40, 42, 46, Vanderburgh, John, 102
48, 50-51, 55, 69, 80, 85-86, 130, 186 Vanderburgh, Ward, 102
Talbot, Sarah, 39, 48 Vanderburgh, William, 102
Talbot, Thomas, 67 Vandusen, Jesse, 53
Talbot Colonel Thomas, 10, 13, 20-23, Vaughan, Levi, 102
Walden, John, 87 Watson, Simon Zelotes, 25
Waidron, Henry, 112 Watson, William, 159
Waldron, John E., 64 Watt, Elizabeth, 129
Walker, Christopher, 167 Waugh, Ann, 99
Walker, Harriet, 96 Waugh, Elspeth, 99
Walker, Isabella, 98 Waugh, Isabella, 99
Walker, Mary, 168 Waugh, Jeannette, 99, 126
Walker, Mary A., 181 Waugh, Johanna E., 99
Walker, William, 98 Waugh, John, 99
Walters, George, 103 Waugh, Margaret, 99
Walters, Hannah, 103 Waugh, Mary Jane, 99
Walters, Martha, 103, 114-115, 170 Waugh, Robert, 99
Walters, Mary, 103 Webster, George, 78-79
Walters, Nancy, 170 Webster, Isaac, 78-79
Walters, Sarah, 103 Webster, John, 78-79
Walters, Thomas, 103 Webster, Margaret, 70-71
Walters, Walter, 102-103 Webster, Ophelia, 78
Walters, William, 102-103, 115 Webster, Robert, 64
Walton, Albert, 164 Webster, Thomas, 64, 76-79
Walton, David, 164 Weir, Margaret, 68
Walton, Edward, 164 Weir, Martha, 120
Walton, Elizabeth, 164 Weldon, Douglas, 38
Walton, Hannah, 164 Wells, John, 64
Walton, Isaac, 164 Wescott, James, 112
Walton, John, 162, 164 West, Miss, 187
Walton, Margaret, 164 Whillans, Thomas, 125
Walton, Mary Jane, 164 White, Jane, 187
Walton, Minabelle, 113 Whitehead, Benjamin, 113
Walton, Nicholas, 162 Wilkins, Elizabeth, 80
Walton, Rachel, 116, 164 Wilkins, Jane, 81
Walton, Sarah Ann, 164 Willard, Jane, 103
Walton, Thomas, 164 Williams, Henry, 31
Walton, William, 164 Williams, James, 31
Ward, Angelina, 132 Williams, Mary, 125
Ward, Athelia, 115 Williams, Mary Ella, 55
Ward, Calvin, 115 Williams, William, 113
Ward, Captain, 117 Williamson, Agnes, 45
Ward, David, 115 Williston, Rev. T. K., 54
Ward, Hyland, 139 Wilson, Agnes, 31
Ward, Idalia, 115 Wilson, Benjamin, 143
Ward, James, 118 Wilson, Crowell, 143-144
Ward, John, 115 Wilson, John, 78
Ward, Luther, 115 Wilson, Dr. J. H., 78
Ward, Margaret, 87, 115, 118 Wilson, Leslie, 156
Ward, Sarah, 115 Wilson, Margaret, 78
Ward, Shedrick, 115 Wilson, Maria, 78
Ward, Thomas, 115, 139 Wilson, Nancy, 84
Warner, William, 64, 67 Wilson, Oliver, 96
Warren, Asa K., 64 Wilson, Mrs. Dr. Thomas, 78
Warren, Cynthia, 164 Wilson, William, 64, 78
Washington, General George, 72 Windsor, Ada, 111
Water, Elizabeth, 174 Windsor, George, 175
Watkins, Kate, 73 Wood, Benjamin, 79
Watkins, Margaret, 73 Wood, Daniel, 64, 78-79
Watkins, William, 113 Wood, Elicum, 79
Watson, Georgina, 155 Wood, George, 79
Watson, Jessie, 159 Wood, John, 79
Wood, Laura, 79 Woodward, Sarah, 111
Wood, Mary, 79 Wright, Elizabeth, 164
Wood, Phoebe, 79 Wright, Rebecca, 72, 76
Wood, Rebecca, 141
Wood, Sarah, 79
Wood, Warren, 79 Young, Mrs. Rev. George, 125
Woodhull, Eliza, 132 Young, Henry, 31
Young, John, 31
Woodlow, Mary, 175 Young, Robert, 37
Woods, Eliza, 45 Young, Mrs. Simon, 88
Woods, Phoebe, 24
Woods, James, 53
Woods, Miss, 84 Zavitz, Ida, 164
List of Illustrations
London Township Map 8
London Township - Drawing 11
A First Settlement 12
Bush Farm 15
Daniel Hughes and his wife, Margaret
(Griffiths) Hughes 17
Passenger Pigeon 30
On the Thames 36
Bush Road 41
The Elginfield Hotel 45
Paying the last Toll on the Proof Line Road 48
Honourable Freeman Talbot 49
Waugh's Grist Mill and Carding Mill 56
Deer 61
Sir John Carling 66
The Jackson Farm 71
Sir Clifford Sifton 75
Reverend Doctor Thomas Webster 77
Reverend John Webster 79
William O'Neil and his wife, Mary Fraser O'Neil 82
Water Transportation used by Immigrants
to London Township 89
Lionel E. Shipley 93
George Robson and his wife, Elizabeth
Sumners Robson 97
Horse Power Grain Threshing Machine 102
Captain Benjamin Matthews 104
Catherine (Matthews) Dorman 104
John Rosser Jr. and his wife, Martha
(Walters) Rosser 114
Milking Time 119
William Charlton and his wife, Isabella
(Douglas) Charlton 124
Eliphalet Gustin 131
Dr. Eliphalet Wilbur Gustin 134
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Patrick and daughters 141
Crowell Wilson 144
James Fraser 147
James Fraser's daughters 151
Sir George Ross 153
Edward Hughes 163
Rachel (Daniels) Hughes 165
Honourable Newton Wesley Rowell 169
Ilderton Public School 171
Denfield Tennis Club circa 1910 176
Robert Elliott 182
Victoria Inn, Carlisle 186
Indian Hunter and his squaw 191
F. T. Rosser 216
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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