From the book 'Lunenburgh, or the Old Eastern District'
By J. F. Pringle, Judge County Court. Published in 1890.
Page 369.
Roll of the 2nd Battalion of the King's Royal Regiment of New York, copied by
permission of Dr. Canniff from his work, "The Settlement of Upper Canada."
The original roll is in the possession of Mr. Sills. See page 439 of
Dr. Canniff's book. I have arranged this copy of the roll alphabetically
for more easy reference.
Albery, Richard Beranny, William Cameron, Donald
Atherson, Charles Boner, Gasper Clarke, Hugh
Ashley, Samuel Boner, Adam Chisholm, Donald
Arginsinger, John Bender, Samuel Christie, George
Argussiger, Philip Baltingal, Jacob Clute, John
Albert, Edward Brant, John Cooper, Thomas
Abstrie, Lambert Borven, William, junior Cook, Silas
Brefsea, Gabriel Baker, henry Coomb, John
Brefsea, Christopher Borven, William, senior Coonab, Barnard
Banks, John, junior Bush, Henry Christian, John
Banks, John, senior Bartley, Michael Christian, Simon
Brant, Franc Bartley, Isaac Cameron, William
Baxter, Lawrence Ball, Samuel Cugh, George
Benedict, Benjamin Clark, Alexander Culman, Frederick
Bernus, Gother Cobman, Jacob Connor, Christian
Bondish, John Coons, Jacob Cox, Alexander
Badenach, John Coons, David Crowder, Anthony
Berrn, John Campbell, Matthew Crowder, John
Berron, John Counrad, William Crowder, William
Barnhart, David Coolcraft, Christian Cadman, William
Baltingal, Jacob Cook, Seth Cadman, George
Baltingal, Samuel Catchcatch, Christian Coundouse, George
Beedehee, John Cornell, Patner Critchet, Bartholomew
Barnhart, George Christie, George Church, Oliver
Bailer, William Carscallion, John Cotter, Richard
Bell, Johnson Carscallion, Luke Clement, Joseph
Butte, Barnard Cole, John Cameron, Archibald
Barnhart, Nicholas Calder, John Cook, Robert
Barnhart, Jacob Coons, Simon Clark, Thomas
Barnhart, John Coons, Peter Chisholm, Allen
Brown, Nicholas Cronkhite, John Chisholm, Duncan
Burch, Jacob Cornelious, John Cain, John
Brown, James Curtis, John Coon, Jacob
Bomteal, Luke Cameron, Alexander Campbell, John
Barnhart, Charles Cameron, Angus Cain, Barney
Page 370.
Cook, Joseph French, Andrew Heming, Andrew
Cavan, Thomas Finkle, George Hamilton, Thomas
Christie, Abeah Foy, John House, Coomroot
Crawford, William Foy, Daniel (Conrad ?)
Crumwell, Nicholas Farling, John Hedler, Adam
Crawford, Bryan Fike, Peter Hellen, John
Clark, Jacob Fairchild, Benjamin Hummerly, Andrew
Clark, John Faish, Christian Heller, Henry
Chisholm, Hugh Fitzpatrick, George Howard, William
Duhell, Cornelius Foy, Francis Harding, Richard
Dewitt, Gaston Fossern, Daniel Hellinger, Abraham
Dyckman, Martin French, Albert Howell, John
Defovest, Abraham Flamsbury, William Hoyt, Francis
Deal, Peter Farrent, Matthew Hart, Jothan
Deal, Peter Farling, John Hart, Nathaniel
Dyck, Nicholas Flanagan, James Hough, George
Dyck, Henry Faber, David Hight, Matthew
Deal, Adam Fitzgerald, William Horan, Peter
Detlor, Valentine Furney, Rodolph Hotan, Jacob
Detlor, Jacob Furney, Adam Hubbert, Jubilee
Davis, Peter Gates, Thomas Hegel, John
Dagetger, George Grant, Alexander Ham, John
Douser, John Goose, Frederick Helmmer, John
Dire, John Gilbert, Luke Howard, Christian
Davis, Henry Graham, Thomas Horan, Joseph
Dogstader, Adam Grant, Peter Johnson, Henry
Dengandre, Garrett Gold, Edward Johnson, John
Dogstader, Pompey Gallinger, George Jones, Thomas
Dow, Thomas Gardiner, John Jones, John
Delong, John Gilbert, Nathaniel Johnson, William
Davis, Henry Graham, William Johnson, Prince
Dodger, Thomas Grant, Peter Kough, Peter
Deal, Henry Hopkinson, John Kreem, John
Dogstider, John Haines, Barast Kough, James
Dervitt, John Haines, Frederick Knight, Benjamin
Delorni, John Haines, John Koughnet, John
Donevan, Herener Haines, David Kenedy, Robert
Deprender, George Hoyle, John Kenton, John
Emerish, Henry Hoyle, Peter Koughnet, William
Eamer, Peter House, John Koliph, Henry
Earheart, Simon Huffman, Jacob Koughnet,* Michael
Eaverson, John Henerham, Andrew Koughnet,* John
Edgar, John Hill, Timothy Laraney, Jonas
Eamer, Philip Hart, Zachariah Loukes, Jacob
Evans, Tomy Howell, Warren Lount, John
Erwing, Robert Huben, Peter Lishamblier, David
Emburg, Andrew Hugh, John Litcher, John
Evans, Bolton Henning, Henry Latoch, Halburt
Eglon, Leonard Hawley, Jacob Landras, Samuel
Eastwood, John Helse, Frederick Logest, Andrew
Foster, Moses Hugh, Henry Law, Samuel
Friar, Samuel Hendrick, Peter Lonkey, George
File, John Helmer, Adam Lonkey, Henry
Franklin, John Harbinger, John Loukes, Abraham
Fend, Andrew Hawdord, Edward Loft, David
Fletcher, John Hurd, Tod Laryo, Matthew
*These names are spelled Roughnet, probably a typographical error.
Page 371.
Lambert, John Penn, Matthew Shellop, Henry
Morden, John Prentice, Daniel Smith, Jacob
Morrison, James Pritchell, John Sarrabe, Elijah
Millross, Andrew Phillips, Jacob Suckey, Samuel
Matthews, Pompey Porker, Isaac Saver, John
Middleton, Reuben Peacock, John Savanay, Alexander
Magle, Gotlip Phillips, Elijah Sambert, David
Medagh, John Phillips, John Sawyer, William
Myers, John Rankins, James Shellop, Christian
Mure, John Redding, Francis Smith, Daniel
Miller, John Rahall, John Sheek, Christian
Murdoff, George Reynold, William Schnars, Frederick
Murdoff, James Ross, Alexander Starring, Jacob
Murdoff, George Randal, Joseph Severn, Peter
Moss, Simon Ranley, Jacob Serons, Philip
Matthew, Jacob Rollin, Thomas Smith, John
Martin, Robert Rood, Mirchell Sherman, William
Martin, Patrick Ramsay, Adam Schilles, Henry
Mirile, Jacob Reutuer, George Service, Henry
Minse, John Rogers, John Shaver, Adam
Matthew, Nicholas Rombaugh, Jacob Sample, Hugh
Mitchell, John Romhaugh, John Street, Daniel
McCardy, Jacob Rombaugh, Andrew Staly, Tobias
McCarty, William Rombaugh, William Stering, George
McDougall, Alexander Ross, Thomas, senior Sautner, Jacob
McDonell, John, senior Ross, Thomas, junior Shaver, James
McDonell, John, junior Ross, John Smith, William
McDonell, Roderick Roaf, John Smith, Peter
McDonell, Ronald Ryan, Dennis Sweeny, Daniel
McDonell, Daniel Rowland, Jervis Stewart, John
McDonald, Duncan Rierman, Henry Thomson, Thomas
McGowen, Stephen Rapole, George Thom, William
McGran, Owen Rote, George Titehert, James
McGraw, Denis Rogers, William Tarhoson, David
McIntyre, John Robertson, Daniel Teague, John
McIntyre, Duncan Simmons, Jonas Tute, John
McKay, Stephen Scot, Daniel Tingorac, John
McLennan, John Shaw, William Turnever, William
McPherson, James Sholter, John Thoyer, David
McPherson, Laughlin Swartfager, Frederick Toyer, Richard
McPherson, Donald Smith, Stephen Truax, Isaac
McTaggart, James Smith, Jacob Turnburing, John
Northrop, Eson Sipperly, Philip Tower, John
Noon, William Shilliner, Christian Towar, Cantobert
Narramore, Esau Scyler, Nicholas Tarrainy, Isaac
Nicholson, William Sullivan, George Tarrang, Abraham
Nellinger, Abraham Snyder, Jacob Teague, Jacob
Oxbury, John Snider, Ludwick Tomsset, Benjamin
Platto, Alexander Sills, John Teahy, Adam
Phillips, Michael Sills, Lawrence Vanalstine, James
Phillips, Peter Sills, George Vizie, Joseph
Pember, Philip Smith, Michael Valentine, Alexander
Priest, Jacob Smith, Philip Vandregoo, Philip
Pitcher, Cornelius Swathfayer, John Weegar, Jacob
Plant, Peter Sutter, Isaac Wher, John
Prest, George Sullivan, Cornelius Wallan, Samuel
Parsons, John Shirley, John Werst, John
Page 372.
Willoughby, William Woodcock, Peter Weegar, Thomas
William, Albert Welsh, Morris West, John
Winter, Jacob Wilson, James Young, Daniel
Wilson, James Winter, Peter Young, Peter
Winter, Henry Witts, Henry Young, Stephen
Willinger, Michael Witts, John Young, Peter
Windaker, John Wright, John Young, Cain
Warmly, Jacob Walroda, Jacob Ylline, ??
Woodcock, Abraham Wood, James Zenith, Peter
Wood, William
The following list was obtained from the late Donald AEneas McDonell, late
Warden of the Provincial Penetentiary, who was the grandson of
Captain John McDonell:-
List of officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the
Grenadier Company, of the First Battalion of the Kings Royal Regiment of
New York, in the year 1782:
CAPTAIN. John McDonell.
LIEUTENANTS. Peter Everitt,
John Prentice.
John Empey,
Joseph Benedict.
CORPORALS. Duncan McArthur,
Nicholas Denney,
John Coltman.
DRUMMERS. Alexander Rose,
Leonard Stoneburner.
Nicholas Mattice Balshezar Tablebach Martin Meddock
James Dingwall Alexander McDonell John Redick
Jacob Asten Nicholas Ault Adam Empey
Francis Putman Donald McGillis Solomon Tuttle
Peter Loucks David Jacocks David Ketchum
John Stawing Daniel Morden Joseph Loucks
John Mullin Richard Langdon Philip Stottie
Michael Ault Caspar Coons John O'Brien
John McDonell John Coons Jacob Denney
Francis Albraut Abraham Freese Michael Gallanger
Marcus Shaver Francis Bratham Conrad Devou
Christien Harris George Murray Jacob Sheets
Conrade Coons Jeremiah Snyder Duncan McIntyre
John Crabtrie John Paddock Francis Prime
John Bangle Nicholas Fremier James Willis
John Foster Angus Grant Philip Freemier
Joseph Mott William Orkard
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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