These were carefully copied for the Ontario Historical Society,
by Mrs. C. Fessenden, of Hamilton, from the original register.
The Reverend John Miller, M.A., a copy of whose parish
register is here given, was inducted into the rectorship of
Ancaster Church on August 8th, 1830. His grave in the parish
burying-ground is marked by a modest shaft of white marble.
N. B.-This account book I have determined to use as a registry
for Marriages, Baptisms and Burials (to be kept after the legal
form reqnired in the Churches of England and Ireland), as well
as for other matters relating to the mission. John Miller.
August 6th, 1830.
August 8th, 1830.-I entered on my mission this day by
preaching in the morning at Barton; congregation 106. In the
evening at Ancaster congregation 70. Banns of marriage published at
Ancaster: Aaron O'Dell and Mary Wilkins of Ancaster, first time.
August 15th, 1830.-Preached at (morning) Barton; congregation,
103. Preached at (evening) Ancaster congregation, 45.
Banns published at Barton: Alexander Black and Hannah
Van Norman, first time. Banns at Ancaster: Aaron O'Dell
and Mary Wilkins, second time.
August 22nd, 1830.-Preached at (morning) Barton; congregation
136. Preached at (evening) Hamilton; congregation 150.
Banns at Barton and Hamilton: Aaron O'Dell and Mary Wilkins,
third time; Alexander Black and Hannah Van Norman, second time;
John Edwards and Julianne Petrie, first time.
August 22nd, 1830.-Catherine, daughter of John and Elizabeth Gage,
born 25th April, 1830; baptized in Barton Church, August 22nd, 1830,
by me, John Miller.
August 25th, 1830.-Married (by license) at Ancaster, Nathaniel B. Condon
and Eliza Teneyck, both of the Township of Binbrook,
County of Wentworth, and District of Gore, by me, John Miller, A.M.,
missionary. Fee, $2. [??? bmartin - means £ or s ???]
Names of parties :-Persons present- H. G. Barlow and Mary Barlow.
Sunday, August 29th, 1830.-Married (by publication of banns) at
the parsonage, Ancaster, Aaron O'Dell and Mary Wilkins, both of
the Township of Ancaster, by me, John Miller, A.M., missionary,
Fee, $2. Present-William Stinson and Elizabeth Stinson.
Sunday, August 29th, 1830.-Preached at Dundas (morning);
congregation, 125. Preached at Ancaster (evening) (wet);
congregation, 25. Banns published: Alexander Black and Hannah Van Norman,
third time; John Edwards and Julianne Petrie, second time.
August 31st, 1830.-Married (by publication of banns) Alexander Black
and Hannah Van Norman (at the parsonage, Ancaster), both
of the Township of Nelson, County of Halton and District of Gore,
by me, John Aliller A.M., missionary. Fee, $2.
Witnesses-William Van Norman and Ephraim Van Norman.
Sunday, September 5th, 1830.-Preached at (morning) Barton;
congregation, 135. Sacrament Sunday, communicants, 16.
Preached at Hamilton; (evening) congregation, 160. Banns
published at Hamilton: John Edwards and Julianne Petrie, third time.
Sunday, September 12th, 1830.-Preached at (morning) Dundas;
congregation, 58. Preached at (evening) Ancaster; congregation, 49.
September 18th, 1830.-William Waugh, son of George and Lavinia Byrnes,
born 25th June, 1830; baptized 18th September, 1830, by me, John Miller, A.M.
September 18th, 1830.-Married (by license) William Waugh and
Mary Ann Morgan, both of the Township of Ancaster, County of
Wentworth, District of Gore, by me, John Miller, A.M.,
missionary. Parties' names-William Waugh, Mary Ann Morgan.
Witnesses present-Matthew Crooks, George Byrnes.
Sunday, September 19th 1830.-Phebe Smith, daughter of Amos and
Mary Smith, born 12th of August, 1808, was baptized 19th September, 1830,
Barton Church, by me, John Miller.
Elizabeth Eliza Filman, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Filman,
born 25th March, 1812, was baptized 19th September, 1830, by me,
John Miller, Barton Church.
Mary Magdalen, daughter of Amos and Elizabeth Filman, was born
1st January, 1815; baptized 19th September, 1830, by me John Miller.
Mary Ann Sutton, daughter of John and Martha Sutton, born 12th December,
1817; baptized 19th September, 1830, Barton Church: by me. John Miller.
Preached at Barton (morning); congregation, 130. Preached at
Ancaster (evening); congregation, 30.
September 21st, 1830. Married (by publication of banns) John Edwards
and Julianne Petrie, both of the Indian Tract, Grand River, District of Gore,
by me, John Miller, mssionary. Witnesses Joseph Spoor, William Jonston.
Sunday, September 26th, 1830.-Preached at Barton (morning);.
congregation, 81. Preached at Ancaster (evening); congregation, 60.
September 28th, 183O. Susannah Maria Barlow, daughter of Heman Gates and
Mary Barlow, born 22nd January; baptized this day by me, John Miller, missionary.
Frederick Augustus Homer, son of Michael and Martha Homer, born 6th July, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller, missionary.
William, son of Michael and Martha Homer, born 17th November, 1828;
baptized by me this day, John Miller, missionary.
Matilda Sandes, daughter of Lawrence and Jane Sandes, born 24th March, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller, Missionary.
September 30th, 1830. Married this day Milo Lee and Matilda Lancaster
(people of color), by publication of banns, both of the Township of Ancaster,
County of Wentworth, Gore District, by me, John Miller. Persons present
James Miller and George Rousseau.
Sunday, October 3rd, 1830. Preached at Hamilton (morning) congregation, 80.
Preached at Dundas (evening); congregation, 36.
Monday, October 4th, 1830. Maria Martha Filman, daughter of
Jacob and Elizabeth Filman, born 17th August, 1816; baptized
this day by me in Barton Church, John Miller.
Peter Filman, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Filman, born 18th August, 1818;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
James Conrad, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Filman, born 27th May, 1821;
baptized this day in Barton Church by me, John Miller.
George Scott Miller, son of George and Mary Miller, born
2nd April, 1812; baptized Sunday, 3rd October, in Barton
Church, by Rev. R. Leeming, acting for me, J. M.
Tuesday, October 5th, 1830.-Maria Isabella Magee, daughter of
Henry and Margaret Magee, born 23rd May, 1806; baptized this
day in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller, missionary.
Jacob William, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Filman, born 7th September, 1823;
baptized this day by me in Barton Church, John Miller.
Sunday, October 10th 1830.-Ancaster church was this day
consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Quebec, who preached (morning),
congregation about 300. Rev. Robert D. Cartwright [of St George's, Kingston]
reached in the evening; congregation, 96. After morning service 35 persons
were confirmed by the Bishop.
Sunday, October 17th, 1830.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
October 21st, 1830.-Married (by license) Philip Welsh Hendershot
and Margaret Almas, both of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth,
District of Gore, U. C. By me, John Miller. Parties present-Adam Almas
and Stephen Kitson.
Sunday, October 24th, 1830.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Sunday, October 31st, 1830.-(Very wet.) Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Wednesday, November 3rd, 1830.-Catherine Burgess, daughter of
John and Mary Morrison, born 20th May, 1811, baptized this day, by me, John Miller.
David Francis Burgess, son of Uriah and Catherine Burgess, born
7th April, 1830 baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Francis Elizabeth Sutton, daughter of John and Martha Sutton,
born 20th April, 1822; baptized by me this day, John Miller.
Margaret Sutton, daughter of John and Martha Sutton, born
September 21st, 1825; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Dorothy March, daughter of Moses and Christina March, born 3rd December, 1817;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Lectured at Almas' Barton; 35 persons present.
Sunday, November 7th, 1830.-Preached at Hamilton and Ancaster.
November 11th, 1830.-Married (by license) Will' Fletcher, of the
Township of Grantham, County of Lincoln, District of
Niagara, and Sarah Stanley, of the Township of Saltfleet,
County of Wentworth, District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Present-James Green and Hiram Slate.
November 11th, 1830.-Mary Elizabeth Spawn, daughter of Jacob and
Dorothy E. Spawn, of the Beach, Burlington Canal, born 12th March, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, November 14th, 1830.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Sunday, November 21st, 1830.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster;
Sacrament Sunday at Barton, 12 communicants. Banns published :
William Rielly and Eliza Anne Harris, first time; Elisha Palmer
and Nancy Hill, first time.
Sunday, November 28th, 1830.-Preached at Hamilton.
N. B.-Roads so bad as to be unable to have service at Ancaster.
Banns published: William Rielly and Eliza Anne Harris, second
time, Elisha Palmer and Nancy Hill, second time.
Sunday, December 5th, 1830.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Banns published: Elisha Palmer and Nancy Hill, third time;
William Rielly and Eliza Anne Harris, third time.
December 5th, 1830 (5 o'clock- p.m.)-Married (by publication of
banns) Elisha Palmer and Nancy Hill, both of the Township of
Ancaster, County of Wentworth, District of Gore, by me, John Miller, A.M.
Persons present-John Donaldson and Henry German.
December 9th, 1830.-Married (by publication of banns) William Reilly
and Eliza Anne Harris (people of color), both of the Township of Ancaster,
County of Wentworth, District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Persons present-John Owens and Zachariah Estress.
Friday, December 10th, 1830.-Buried at Barton Churchyard, Jane,
daughter of James and Jane Wilson, aged three years, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 12th, 1830.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
December 18th, 1830.-James Lodor, son of Job and Phoebe Lodor,
born 1st July, 1825; baptized this 18th December by me, John Miller.
William Lodor, son of Job and Phoebe Lodor, born 6th November, 1830;
baptized 18th December, 1830, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 19th, 1830.-Married (by license) James Bishop Kirkpatrick
and Mary Petit Jones, both of the Township of Flambro West, County of Halton,
District of Gore, U.C., by me, John Miller. Persons present-Anson Raymond
and A. Markle.
Sunday, 19th December, 1830.-Preached at Hamilton.
N.B.-Snowstorm and roads too bad to be able to return in time to
have service at Ancaster. John Miller.
December 23rd 1830.-Married (by license) Jeremiah Horning, of
the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, District of Gore,
and Charity Smith, of the Township of Ancaster, district and province
aforesaid, by me, John Miller. Witnesses -Amos Smith and Lewis Horning.
Christmas Day, December 25, 1830.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
N.B.-Morning, the roads exceedingly bad. Communicants at Barton, 14.
Sunday, December 26th, 1830.-Preached at Hamilton and Dundas.
Sacrament administered at Hamilton. Number of communicants, 14.
Banns published: George Brown and Katy Caesar, first time.
December 29th, 1830.-John Henry Ansley, son of Samuel and Mary Ansley,
born May 18th, 1826; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Orgius Ansley, son of Samuel and Mary Ansley, born 24th November, 1827;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Charlotte Emily, daughter of Samuel and Mary Ansley,
born 20th February, 1830; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Elizabeth Atkinson, daughter of Thomas and Lucy Atkinson, born
23rd of April, 1824: baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Lucy Ann, daughter of Thomas and Lucy Atkinson, born 30th Angust;
baptized this day by me, John Miller A.M.
December 29th, 1830.-Married (by license) Platt Nash and Jane Lyons,
both of the Township of Flamborough, County of Halton, District of Gore, U.C.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-A. Markle and Isaac Markle.
December 31st, 1830.-Buried and preached a funeral sermon over
the remains of ?? Snyder, aged ?? daughter of ??
at Barton Church, this day. John Miller.
Saturday, January 1st, 1831.-Married (by license) Henry Clinton,
Township of Ancaster, and Martha Kitchen, of same township, by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-John Clinton and Frederick Dresser.
Sunday, January 2nd, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Banns published: George Brown and Katy Caesar, second time; Caleb Sharp
and Achi Smith, first time; David Howell and Jane Thatcher, first time.
Harriet, daughter of James and Janet Willson, of the Township
of Binbrook, born 17th December, 1829, was this day baptized by
me in Barton Church. John Miller.
Sunday, January 9th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Banns published: George Brown and Katy Caesar, third time; David Howell
and Jane Thatcher, second time; Caleb Sharp and Achi Smith, second time.
January 13th, 1831.-Married (by license) Amos Smith, of the
Township of Ancaster, and Christiana Bailey, of the Township of Glanford,
both of the District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Jeremiah Horning and Samuel G. Smith.
Sunday, January 16th, 1831.-Preached at Dundas and Hamilton.
Banns published: David Howell and Jane Thatcher, third time.
Caleb Sharp and Achi Smith, third time.
January 19th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Caleb Sharp and
Achi Smith, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Ichabod Sharp and Andrew Daniels.
January 20th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) David Howell and
Jane Thatcher, both of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me, John Miller, A.M.
Witnesses-John B. Chutterren and George Drake.
Sanday, January 23rd, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
January 24th, 1831.-Married (by license) Thomas Cooper Ward and
Charlotte Tisdall, both of the Township of Ancaster, by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-David Marr and Robert McDonald.
Sunday, January 30th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
February 1st, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) John Hazel
and Esther Drake, both of the Township of Ancaster, by me, John
Miller. Witnesses-Erastus Lockman, Charles Drake.
February 2nd, 1831.-Preached a funeral sermon at the Methodist
meeting house Hamilton and buried Andrew Land son of Abel and
Louisa Land (near Hamilton) aged 11 years John Miller, Missionary.
February 3rd, 1831.-Married (by license) John Aaron Shaver and
Lavinia Hazel, Township of Glanford, County of Wentworth,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Joseph Hammon, James Glover.
February 5th, 1831.-Married (by license) Theophilus Sampson and
Cynthia Wilson, both of the Township of Ancaster, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-H. G. Barlow, Stephen Briggs.
Sunday, February 6th, 1831.-Preached at Hamilton and Dundas.
Nancy, daughter of James and Margaret Trainer, born 3rd January, 1831;
baptized this day at Dundas by me, John Miller.
Laura Allison, daughter of Andrew Todd and Sarah Ann Kirby,
born 29th August, 1829; baptized at Dundas this day
by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Elias, son of Andrew Todd and Sarah Ann Kirby, born 27th November, 1830;
baptized at Dundas this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, February 13th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
February 14th, 1831. Jane, daughter of William Henry Addison Proctor and
Catherine, his wife, born 17th January, 1831;
baptized this day by me, John Miller, Missionary.
February 14th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) David Williams and
Margaret Picket, both of the Township of Barton,
County of Wentworth, by me (at Hamilton), John Miller.
February 17th, 1831.-Married (by license) at the parsonage,
Ancaster, Martin Osborn and Elizabeth Land, both of the
Township of Barton, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Witnesses-Caroline Miller and Patrick McNamara.
Sunday, February 20th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Sunday, February 27th, 1831.-Preached at Dundas and Hamilton.
William, son of William and Jane Crawford, born 31st August, 1830;
baptized at Dundas this day (a twin) by me, John Miller.
Ann Elizabeth, daughter of William and Jane Crawford, born 31st August, 1830;
baptized this day at Dundas (a twin) by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Sarah, daughter of William and Hannah Snelgrove, born 23rd January, 1831;
baptized at Dundas this day by me, John Miller.
March 1st, 1831.-Married (by license) Thomas W. McLin, of the
Township of Dumfries, and Maria Magee, of the Township of Nelson,
both of the County of Halton, District of Gore, Upper Canada, by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-Roger Crysler and T. H. Pier.
Sunday, March 6th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
March 10th, 1831.-Married (by license) at Mr. Kearnes' house,
Barton, Jacob Kramer and Sarah Durham, both of the Township of Ancaster,
County of Wentworth, District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-David Kern, Jacob Kern, jr.
March 11th, 1831.-Catherine Shealer, daughter of William and
Mary Hester Shealer, born in the year 1810, *month and day unknown;
baptized at Captain Proctor's house, Barton, this day by me, John Miller.
[Afterwards known to be the 31st day of August. March 2Oth, 1831.-J. M.]
Sunday, March 13th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
March 15th, 1831.-Married (by license) William Kelly and Charity Vansickle,
both of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, District of Gore, U.C.,
by me, John Miller, Missionary. Witnesses-Henry Shaver, jr., Alex. Kelley.
March 15th, 1831.-John Book, son of Ireby and Margaret Kendrick,
born 7th September, 1828; baptized by me this day at his father's house, John Miller.
Sunday, March 20th, 1831.-Preached at Dundas and Hamilton.
Sunday, March 27th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Good Friday, April 1st, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Easter Sunday, April 3rd, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Sacrament administered at Barton; communicants, 15.
N.B.-Day very wet and roads excessively bad.
Sunday, April 10th, 1831.-Confined at home this day by the excessive badness
of the roads and violent snowstorm.
Sunday, April 17th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster. David Kern Hoffman,
son of Paul and Catherine Hoffman, born 24th February, 1831; baptized this day
at Barton Church by me, John Miller, A. M.
Sunday, April 24th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas. N.B.
-Divine service for the first time in the morning at Ancaster; very large
congregations both in Ancaster and Dundas.
Catherine, daughter of William and Mary Robinson, born
January 18th, 1831; baptized at Dundas this day by me, John Miller.
Charles Alfred, son of James and Maria Durand, of Dundas, born 15th October, 1830;
baptized this day at Dundas, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
April 26th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Henry Petit
and Maria Stockwell, both of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by
me, John Miller, Missionary. Witnesses-Andrew Daniels and William Irwin.
April 28th, 1831 -Married (by license) John McIlroy and Elizabeth Anderson,
both of the Township of Flamboro' West, County of Halton, District of Gore,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Andrew McIlroy and Clarkson Freeman.
Sunday, May 1st, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
May 5th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Andrew Daniels, blacksmith,
and Ann Hazel, both of the Township of Ancaster, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Witnesses-John Daniel and John Rose.
Sunday, May 8th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
N. B.-Day very wet and cold.
May 12th, 1831.-Married (by license) William Butts, of the
Township of Nelson, County of Halton, District of Gore, yeoman,
and Mary Hopkins, of the same place, spinster, by me, John
Miller. Witnesses-Daniel Green and Caroline Miller.
Sunday, May 15th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, May 22nd, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Sacrament at Barton; communicants, 15. Buried at Dundas, Elias,
son of Andrew Todd and Sarah Ann Kirby, aged six months, by me, John Miller.
May 28th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Josiah Johnston and
Charlotte Place, both of the Township of Flamboro West, County of Halton,
District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Anson Matthews and Elizabeth Wilbee.
Sunday, May 29th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster; congregation, 250.
Francis Janet Cline, daughter of Philip and Frances Cline, born 20th December, 1830;
baptized this day at Barton Church by me, John Miller, missionary, etc.
May 30th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Lewis Fonger and
Rosanna Spoor, both of the Township of Haldimand, County of Wentworth etc.,
at the Parsonage by me, John Miller. Witnesses James Davies and Joseph Spoor.
May 31st, 1831.-Married (by license) Alexander McCaughrin, of
the Township of Barton, tailor, and Margaret Greer, of the same
place, spinster, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Benjamin Dean and James Adams.
Tuesday, June 5th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas. The
Rev. R. Leeming preached this day at Barton and Hamilton.
June 5th, 1831.-Mary Jane, daughter of William and Elizabeth Macklim, Barton,
born 6th February, 1830; baptized 5th June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming.
Margaret Catherine, daughter of William and Elizabeth Macklim, Barton,
born 15th September, 1827; baptized 5th June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming.
Peter Vanevery, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Rymal, born 21st November, 1830;
baptized 5th June, by me, Ralph Leeming.
Elijah Secord, son of William A. and Susannah Davis, Barton,
born 26th February; baptized 5th June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming.
Catherine Matilda, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Davis,
Saltfleet, born 26th February; baptized 5th June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming.
Joseph Clarkson, son of Josephand Elizabeth Thirkell, Dundas, born
29th January; baptized 6th June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming.
John Crooks, son of John and Sarah Aikman, Ancaster, born
16th March; baptized 6th June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming.
Margaret Rosina, daughter of Alexander Robertson and Anna Alana McKay,
born 10th May, 1831; baptized 7th June, 1831, at Ancaster, by me, John Miller.
William, son of Henry and Abigail Piggot, Ancaster, born
15th April, 1827; baptized 7th June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming.
Richard Hatt, of the Township of Barton, and Sarah Rosina Milne,
Township of Ancaster, were married (by license) in Ancaster, on
Tuesday, 7th day of June, 1831, by me, Ralph Leeming, officiating minister.
Witnesses-John Miller, A.M., missionary, and Anna Maria McKay.
Sunday, June 12th, 1831.-(Preached at Hamilton.) Harriet Munson, daughter of
Stephen and Lamira Randall, born 15th February, 1831 baptized this day at
Hamilton by me, John Miller.
Anna Margaret, daughter of James and Christina Young, of Barton,
born 24th August, 1828 ; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Samuel, son of Peter and Margaret Hess, born 20th Novemher, 1830; baptized
this day near Barton Church by me, John Miller.
James, son of John J. and Elizabeth Young, born 20th December, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Rebecca Young, aged eighteen years, daughter of Peter and Hannah Young,
born 25th February, 1814; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Married (by publication of banns) Stephen Carpenter and Mary Ann Young,
both of the Township of Barton, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Caroline Miller and Maria MacNabb (sister of Sir Allan MacNabb).
Sunday, June 19th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
June 22nd, 1831.-Married (by license) Amos Hill and Susanna Condon, of the
Township of Binbrook, County of Wentworth, District of Gore, Province of
Upper Canada, by me, John Miller, A.M. Witnesses-William Parker, Deborah Parker.
June 23rd, 1831.-George Isaac, son of Isaac Allison and Susanna Millard, of the
Township of Barton, born 16th June, 1829 baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, June 26th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
June 29th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Charles Near
and Mary Ann Miller, both of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by
me, John Miller. Witnesses-Peter Book and Henry Near.
Sunday, July 3rd, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Sunday, July 10th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
July 11th, 1831.-By desire of the Bishop of Quebec, and requested
by the inhabitants, I this day visited the township and village
of Guelph, and preached at the village schoolroom on the
evenings of the 12th and 13th July, and baptized twenty children, as follows:
Eliza, daughter of John and Mary Shnell, of Guelph, born 10th December, 1827;
baptized at Guelph this day by me, John Miller.
George, son of John and Mary Shnell, of Guelph, born 2nd November, 1829;
baptized by me John Miller.
Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony and Rhoda Shnell, of Guelph, born
4th August, 1830; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
John, son of Richard and Margaret Daly Boyle, of Guelph, born
10th February, 1831; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Thomas., son of Thomas and Mary Knowles, of Guelph, born
5th February, 1831; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
William, son of Thomas and Mary Knowles, born December 24th, 1827;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
William, son of John and Alicia Deane, of Guelph, born August 29th, 1828;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Eliza, daughter of John and Alicia Deane, born 14th February, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Margaret, daughter of John and Harriet Thorp, born 10th November, 1829;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sarah, daughter of John and Susan Scott, born 11th January, 1831;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
John, son of Archibald and Margaret McKae, born 7th April, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Richard, son of John and Margaret Hinds, born 25th August, 1824;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Oswell, son of John and Margaret Hinds, born 1st November, 1826;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Margaret, daughter of John and Margaret Hinds, born 21st December, 1828;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Elizabeth, daughter of Margaret and John Hinds, born 25th December, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sarah Ann, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Ann Hinds, born September, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
James, son of James and Sarah Mills, West Flamboro', born
20th January, 1828; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Jonas, son of Robert and Jane Knowles, born 26th December, 1830;
baptized this 13th July, by me, John Miller.
Ralph, son of Walter and Elizabeth Ann Hinds, born October, 1826;
Baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Samuel, son of James and Sarah Mills, West Flamboro', born 5th July, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 17th, 1831.-Preached this day at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, July 24th, 1831.-Preached this day at Barton and Hamilton.
July 26th, 1831.-Married (by license) Philip Kribbs, of the
Township of Eramosa, County of Halton, and Sarah Gero, of the
Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Ludwick Kribbs, Joseph Kirkendale.
July 28th, 1831.-Married (by license) at Dundas, John Paterson,
of the Township of Flamboro' West, District of Gore, etc., and
Grace Leslie, of the Town of York, Home District, by me, John Miller, A.M.
Witnesses-John Leslie, James Leslie, Peter Paterson.
Sunday, July 31st, 1831.-(Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.)
Alexander, son of Daniel K. and Catherine Servos, born 11th July, 1831;
baptized this day at Ancaster Church by me, John Miller, minister.
August 11th, 1831.-William, son of Charles and Alice Duncan,
born 21st February, 1831; baptized this day by me at Hamilton, John Miller.
Sunday, August 14th, 1831.-Preached at York at six o'clock p.m.
August 17th, 1831.-Buried and preached a funeral sermon on the
remains of ??? Hays, Township of Glandford, aged 67 years. John Miller.
August 18th, 1831.-Jane Zenas, daughter of Zenas and Elizabeth Weaver,
born ?? ; baptized this day by me, Charles Matthews, A.M., officiating minister.
August 18th, 1831.-Married (by license) Richard Dingman, of the Township of
Barton, and Catherine Fillman, of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-William Kern and Harmannux Smith.
Sunday, August 21st, 1831.-Divine service this day at Barton and Hamilton.
N.B.-The Rev. Wm. Matthews, of York, preached in both places.
Sunday, August 28th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, September 4th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
James Douglas, son of John and Martha Law, of Hamilton, born
14th March, 1831 ; baptized this day at Hamilton by me, John Miller.
Sunday, September 11th 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Philip, son of Philip and Eleanor Flock born July 10th, 1831,
baptized this day at Barton Church by me, John Miller.
September 17th, 1831.-Buried and preached a funeral sermon over
the remains of Mary Vanderlip, aged two years (swamp) John Miller.
Sunday, September 18th, 1831. Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
September 20th, 1831. Married (by publication of banns) John Hunt, of the
Township of Beverly, and Hannah Robbs, of the Township of Flamboro' West,
both of the County of Halton, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses George Jones and David Robbs.
David, son of Thomas and Margaret Barry, of Ancaster, born 27th August, 1830;
baptized this day at Ancaster by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Buried the above mentioned David Barry, aged one year, this day,
September 23rd, 1831, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
September 2O. Ezekiel, son of Benjamin and Bridget Tydd, born 15th. September, 1831;
baptized this day at Hamilton, by the Rev. Abraham Nelles.
Sunday, September 25th, 1831. Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
September 27th, 1831.-Richard Abel, son of Preserved and
Catherine Cooley, of Ancaster, born 4th October, 1830; baptized
this day by me, John Miller, Missionary.
September 28th, lS31. Annie, daughter of William Thomas and
Catherine Barnes, born 10th August, 1831; baptized this day at
Mr. Hoffman's, Barton, by me, John Miller.
September 29th, 1831. Buried this day, Bichard Abel Cooley, aged 11 months.
John Miller. Son of Preserved and Catherine Cooley, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, October 2nd 1831. Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
October 5th, 1831. Married (by publication of banns) George Stopwell and
Clarissa Copeman, of the Indian tract, Grand River, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses Hiram Haverly, Thornton Copeman.
Sunday, October 9th, 1831. Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
October 13th, 1831. Married (by license) Jacob Binkley, of the
Township of Ancaster, and Elizabeth Eliza Filman, Township of Barton,
County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses Aley Binkley and Harmannux Smith.
Sunday, October 16th, 1831. Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Sunday, October 23rd, 1831. Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Married (by license) William Fonger, sen., and Mary Regnet Day, of the
Grand River tract, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Gilbert Cornwall and Hiram Day.
October 27th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) John Fulkerson, of the
Township of Ancaster, and Margaret Miller, of the Indian tract, Grand River,
Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-David Miller and Samuel Fulkerson.
Sunday, October 30th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
November 1st, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Lawrence Barr and
Eliza Bunker, both of the Township of Glandford, etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Richard Springer and Alexander Bunker.
November 3rd, 1831.-Married (by license) Timothy Depue and Mary Osborne,
both of the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-William Osborn and Abigail Land.
Sunday, November 6th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
November 10th. 1831. Married (by license) Andrew Hatt and Barbara Thorpe,
of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-James Thorpe and William Robinson.
Married (by license) Joseph Surgeon Kirkendall and Elizabeth Kribbs, both of
the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-William kirkendall and Thomas Taylor.
Sunday, November 13th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
George, son of Elizabeth and William Mason, born 16th September, 1831;
baptized this day at Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Sunday, November 20th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
November 21st, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Joseph Hill Wire and
Charlotte Pomeroy, both of the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth,
Gore District, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Witnesses-George Bayley and David Dorsey.
Sunday, December 4th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
December 8th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) Cornelius Degreu and
Margaret Hendershot, both of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Almas and Frederick Almas.
Christian, son of Frederick and Elizabeth Almas, born 12th October, 1831;
baptized this 8th day of December by me, John Miller.
Abigail Aim, daughter of Philip Wand and Margaret Hendershot,
born 11th August, 1831; baptized 8th December by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 11th, 1831.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, December 18th, 1831.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Henry Steven, son of William and Margaret Slack, born 1st December, 1831;
baptized this day at the Court House, Hamilton, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, 25th December, Christmas Day.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Communicants at Barton, 16; communicants at Almas, 6; total, 22.
December 26th, 1831.-Married (by publication of banns) David Garrison and
Sarah Springer, both of the Township of Flamboro' East, County of Wentworth,
etc., by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Allen, David Springer.
Sunday, Jannary 1st, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Maria Rosevelt, daughter of Emmanuel and Susanna Playter, born 16th June, 1831;
baptized at Dundas this day by me, John Miller.
January 2nd, 1832.-Married (by license) John Wright and Charlotte Montgomery,
of the Township of Barton, etc., by me John Miller.
Witnesses-David White, Jane Franks.
Sunday, January 8th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Anne, daughter of Richard and Dorothy Lloyd, born 19th October, 1831;
baptized this day at Hamilton Court House, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, January 15th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
January 15th, 1832.-Mary Anne, daughter of Robert and Helen Berrie, aged
eight years, was buried this evening, and a sermon preached over her remains
by me, John Miller.
January 16th, 1832.-Married (by license) James C. Longan, of the
Township of Bayham, in the District of London, and Jane Maxwell, of Hamilton,
Township of Barton, and Gore District, by me, John Miller, A.M.
Witnesses-George J. Bayley and James Sproule.
January 16th, 1832.-John, son of James and Mary Sproule, born 11th July, 1822;
baptized this day at Hamilton by me, John Miller.
Joseph, son of James and Mary Sproule, born 22nd April, 1824;
baptized by me at Hamilton this day, John Miller.
Mary Jane, daughter of James and Mary Sproule, born 2nd September, 1820;
baptized this day at Hamilton by me, John Miller.
Eliza, daughter of James and Mary Sproule, born 24th September, 1829;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Harriet, daughter of James and Mary Sproule, born 8th November, 1831;
baptized this day at Hamilton by me, John Miller..
January 18th, 1832.-Married (by license) Nathanael Hughson and
Catherine Filman, both of the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth,
District of Gore, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Land and James Hughson.
Sunday, January 22nd, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Married (by publication of banns) Robert Elliot and Sarah Anne
Bailey, both of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Robert Elliot, Jun., Thos. Hilton.
January 26th, 1832.-Married (by license) John Sherman and Mary Land, both of
the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses Abel Laud and William Sherman.
Sunday, January 29th, 1832.-Confined at home this day by severe illness, J. M.
February 1st, 1832.-Calista, daughter of William and Calista Sherman, wife of
Mr. Michael Mills, of Hamilton, born 22nd September, 1808;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
John, son of William and Calista Sherman, born 25th March, 1810;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Willard, son of William and Calista Sherman, born 22nd December, 1812;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Nehemiah, son of William and Calista Sherman, born 12th May, 1817;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
William, son of William and Calista Sherman, born 25th June, 1820;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Lydia Anne, daughter of William and Calista Sherman, born June 3rd, 1822;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Henry Smith, son of William and Calista Sherman, born February 5th, 1826;
baptized this day by me John Miller.
Sunday, February 7th [5th], 1832.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
William, son of James and Alice English, born 15th December, 1831;
baptized this day at Hamilton Court House by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Sunday, February 12th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Josiah, son of Robert and Frances Elliot, born 25th January, 1832;
baptized this day at the Free Church, Dundas, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Married (by license) Charles Bruce and Mary Anne Hare, both of the Township
of Flamboro' West, County of Wentworth, etc., this 12th February,
by me, John Miller. Witness Benjamin Oberfilled.
Sunday, February 19th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
February 20th, 1832.-Married (by license) Thomas Hartnell and
Mary Anne Bradley, both of the Town of Hamilton, County of Wentworth, etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-George J. Bayley, Jacob Mill, Sen.
Sunday, February 26th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Milo, son of Milo and Matilda Lee (persons of color), born 14th March, 1831;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, February 26th, 1832.-Married (by license) John M. Byrns
and Sarah Reid, both of the Town of Brantford, County of Wentworth, Gore
District, by me, John Miller. Witnesses George Byrns and John Gilblon.
Mary Margaret, daughter of George and Lavinia Byrns, born 1st December, 1831;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
February 29th, 1832 Married (by license) John Madson, and Mary Burgess,
or Bridges, both of Burlington Beach, in the Gore District, by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-Willet G. Miller and Thos. Mitchell.
Sunday, March 4th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, March 11th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Sunday, March 18th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Dundas; a
funeral sermon at Dundas.
Sunday, March 25th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, April 1st, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
April 3rd, 1832.-Married (by license) Patrick Phelan of the Town of Hamilton,
Township of Barton, and Alary Filman, of the Township of Ancaster, etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses Harmannux Smith and Robert Mullen.
John Smith, son of Peter and Elizabeth Filman, born 19th October, 1831;
baptized the 3rd day of April, 1832, by John Miller.
Sunday, April 8th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Sunday, April 15th, 1832.-Preached at Hamilton and Dundas.
Sacrament at Hamilton. Communicants, 12.
Good Friday, April 20th, 1832.-Preached at Dundas and Ancaster.
Easter Sunday, April 22nd, 1832.-Preached at Barton and
Ancaster. Sacrament at Barton Communicants, 18.
Sunday, April 29th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Sunday, May 6th, 1832.-Rev. Mr. Nelles officiated this day at
Ancaster and Dundas.
Rebecca Marr, wife of David Marr, born ?? ; baptized this day at
Ancaster, this 6th day of May, by me, Abraham Nelles.
Sunday, May 13th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (65), Ancaster (45),
and meeting-house (140).
Wednesday, 16th May, 1832.-General fast day in Upper Canada,
Preached at Barton (250) and Ancaster (150).
Joseph, son of William and Margaret Davidson, of Glandford,
born 8th November, 1831; baptized this day at Barton Church, by me, John Miller.
Robert Wand, son of Richard and Anne Hardiker, of Ancaster,
born 17th August, 1831; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, May 20th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (58), and Hamilton (75).
Peter Duncan, son of Peter and Elizabeth McKee, of Glandford,
born 28th April, 1831; baptized this day at Barton Church by me, John Miller.
May 23rd, 1832.-Married (by license) James Bell Ewart and
Mary Margaret Crooks, both of the Township of Flamboro' West, etc.,
by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Witnesses James Crooks, Andrew T. Kirby, Wm. Notman.
Sunday, May 27th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster (86) and Dundas (135).
Sunday, June 3rd 1832. Preached at Barton (33), Ancaster (52)
and meeting house (70) N.B. Day threatening and wet.
William Britton Walton, son of Richard and Anne Hardiker, Ancaster
born 25th August, 1824, baptized this 3rd of June by me, John Miller.
Frances Severe, daughter of Richard and Anne Hardiker, born 9th May, 1827;
baptized this 3rd June by me, John Miller.
John, son of Richard and Anne Hardiker, born 20th March, 1829;
baptized this 3rd June, 1832, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
June 6th, 1832.-Married (by license) Francis W. Teneyk, of the
Township of Binbrook, and Caroline Green, of the Township of
Saltfleet, both of the County of Wentworth, Gore District, etc.,
by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Witnesses-Caroline Miller, Margaret Farquhar.
Sunday, June 10th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (65) and Hamilton (99).
Sacrament at Barton; communicants, 14.
June 14th, 1832.-Married (by license) Lauriston Cook, of the Township of
Haldimand, County of Wentworth, and Margaret Flaugh, of the Township of Barton,
same county, District of Gore, Upper Canada, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Flock and George Higson.
Sunday, June 17th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster (84) and Dundas (82).
NB-Very hot days.
Frances, daughter of Platt and Jane Nash, of Dundas, born
15th October, 1831; baptized this 17th day of June by me, John Miller.
Daniel Johnson, son of Daniel and Rebecca Mason, born 8th March, 1832;
baptized this 17th day of June by me John Miller.
Sunday, June 24th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (75), and Ancaster (55).
Sunday, July 1st, 1832.-Preached at Barton (55), and Hamilton (74).
N.B.-Day exceedingly hot.
July 1st, 1832.-Mary Anne, daughter of Samuel and Catherine Miller,
wife of Charles Near, about 21 years of age; baptized by me
at Barton Church this day, John Miller.
Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Mary Anne Near, born 22nd April, 1832;
baptized this day at Barton Church, by me, John Miller.
Susan Jane, daughter of Philip and Jane Hoffman, born 6th March, 1832;
baptized this day at Barton Church, by me, John Miller.
July 5th, 1832.-Nancy, wife of James G. Strowbridge, daughter of Richard and
Catherine Mayberry born 15th September, 1796; baptised this day in Hamilton
by me, John Miller.
George, son of Nancy and James G. Strowbridge, born June 10th, 1815;
baptized this day at Hamilton by me, John Miller.
Richard Ramsay, son of Nancy and James G. Strowbridge, born 15th June, 1817;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Melvin, son of James G. and Nancy Strowbridge, born 26th April, 1821;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Hinds, son of James G. and Nancy Strowbridge, born 28th November, 1823;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
James Gordon, son of James G. and Nancy Strowbridge, born 3rd May, 1826;
baptized this 5th July by me at Hamilton, John Miller.
Adelaide, daughter of James G. and Nancy Strowbridge, born 3rd May, 1831;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Nelson, son of James G. and Nancy Strowbridge, born 24th April, 1819;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 8th, 1832.-Married (by license) George Scott and
Rebecca McDonald, both of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-Daniel Miller, Arch. Sherratt.
Preached this day at Ancaster (84), and Dundas (83).
Margaret, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Thirkall, born
17th May, 1832; baptized this day at Dundas by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 15th, 1832.-Preached this day at Barton (70), and
Ancaster (200). N.B.-Funerals at each church.
Buried at Barton Church, Almas, aged four years,
by me this 15th July, 1832, John Miller.
Buried at Ancaster Church, Frances Ross, wife of William C. Ross, aged ? years,
this 15th July, 1832, by me, John Miller.
Buried at Ancaster Church, Caroline Hill, daughter of ? Hill, an
English emigrant, of Sussex, aged nine years, by me, John Miller.
July 18th, 1832.-Married (by publication of banns) John Johnson
and Euphemia Richards, both of the Township of Ancaster, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Thomas Richards and Samuel Anderson.
Sunday, July 22nd, 1832.-Preached at Barton (86) and Hamilton (90).
Richard Dingman, son of Samuel and Mary Dingman, aged about
twenty-four years; baptized this day at Barton Church by me, John Miller.
William, son of Richard and Catherine Dingman, born 1st June, 1832;
baptized this day by me at Barton Church, John Miller.
Eliza Jane, daughter of John and Martha Sutton, born 24th February, 1832;
baptized this day at Barton Church by me, John Miller.
Peter, son of Harmmanux and Elizabeth Smith, born 7th April, 1832;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
William, son of William and Lucy Evans, born 5th April, 1832;
baptized this day at Hamilton by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 29th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster (85), and Dundas (90).
James Edward, son of James and Eleanor Hamill, born 4th October, 1829;
baptized this day in Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Richard Edmund, son of James and Eleanor Hamill, born 20th March, 1830;
baptized this day in Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Mary Anne, daughter of Samuel and Mary Ansley, born 10th May, 1832;
baptized this day in Dundas free chapel by me, John Miller.
Sunday, August 5th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (103) and Ancaster (65).
N.B.-Sacrament at Barton. Communicants, 21.
Sunday, August 12th, 1832.-Confined at home by severe illness.
August 17th, 1832.-Married (by license) Patrick MacNamara and
Catherine Fenelon, both of the Township of Ancaster, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-William Bunn and H. Collins.
Sunday, August 19th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster (110), Dundas (80).
N.B.-Sacrament of the Supper administered this day
for the first time at Ancaster. Communicants, 22.
August 21st, 1832.-Maria, daughter of George and Annie Jones, born June 17th, 1832;
baptized this day near Dundas by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Sunday, August 26th, 1832.-The Rev. Francis Evans preached this
day at Barton and Ancaster.
August 29th, 1832.-Married (by license) William McCrae and Mary Jane McCulloch,
both of the Township of Guelph, County of
Halton, District of Gore, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Witnesses-Hugh McCulloch, James Hayes.
Sunday, September 2nd, 1832.-Preached at Barton.
N.B.-Hamilton Court-house being considered infections from cholera,
I did not use it this day.
Sunday, September 9th, 1832.-I was this day detained in York,
and preached there in the afternoon.
September 14th, 1832.-There was divine service on the evening of
this day in Ancaster Church, the Bishop and his chaplain being
present. The Rev. Mr. Lockhart preached.
Sunday, September 16th, 1832.-Preached at Barton, and the Rev. Mr. Boswell,
of London, preached in Ancaster.
September 25th, 1832.-Visited Guelph this day, and preached on
the day following, and then baptized the under-named children:
George, son of Archibald and Margaret McKee, born 3rd August, 1832;
baptized this 27th September, 1832, by me, John Miller.
Jane Ann, daughter of Thomas and Mary Benson, born 20th February, 1832;
baptized this 27th September, 1832, by me, John Miller.
Mary Harriot, daughter of John and Harriot Thorpe, born 26th August, 1832;
baptized 27th September, 1832, by me, John Miller.
Susanna Anne, daughter of Benjamin and Harriot Harrison, born 20th March, 1826;
baptized 27th September, at Guelph, by me, John Miller.
Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin and Harriot Harrison, born 17th March, 1828;
baptized 27th September by me, John Miller.
Harriot Horsely, daughter of Benjamin and Harriot Harrison, born 3rd December, 1829;
baptized 27th September, 1832, by me, John Miller.
Thomas Mayne, son of John and Leonora Daly, born 18th February, 1827;
baptized 27th September by me, John Miller.
Sunday, September 30th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster, and the Rev. A. Palmer
preached for me at Dundas.
Thomas, son of Thomas and Lucy Atkinson, born 12th September, 1832;
baptized 30th September, 1832, at Dundas, by me John Miller
October 3rd, 1832.-Married (by publication of banns) Ralph Daniels, of the
Township of Ancaster, and Elizabeth Ingle, of the same township, County
Wentworth, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Adrian Marlet and Frederick S. Jarvis.
Sunday, October 7th. 1832.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
John, son of Edmund and Annie Thomas, born 3rd June, 1832;
baptized this day at Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Sunday, October 14th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Married (by license) David Ripenburgh and Eliza Moore, both of the Township
of Saltfleet, County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Enoch Thatcher, Nehemiah Smith.
October 15th, 1832.-Married (by publication of banns) Rhodes Lettson, of the
Township of Woolwich, and Eleanor Lebar, of the Township of West Flamboro',
County of Halton, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Benjamin Reynolds and George Lettson.
October 18th, 1832. Buried, ? Blew, son of Joseph Blew, at
Mr. Brooks', aged 10 years. John Miller.
Sunday, October 21st, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster; congregation, 87.
Preached at Dundas; congregation, 81.
Sunday, October 28th, 1832.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster; congregation, 70.
William, son of William and Margaret Parker, born 17th September, 1828;
baptized this day, at Ancaster Church, by me, John Miller.
John, son of William and Margaret Parker, born 10th November, 1830;
baptized this day, at Ancaster Church, by me, John Miller.
Elizabeth, daughter of William and Margaret Parker, born 30th August, 1832;
baptized this day, at Ancaster Church, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, November 4th, 1838.-Preached this day at Barton.
Sacrament administered to 15 communicants.
Married (by publication of banns), Daniel Haviland, of the Township of Townsend,
County of Norfolk, District of London, and Mary Henry, of the Township of
Glandford, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-David Henry and John Daniels.
Sunday, Nov. 11th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster (100) and Dundas (95).
Sacrament at Ancaster; communicants, 16.
Sunday, November 18th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (41) and Ancaster (56).
Day threatening rain and damp.
November 22nd, 1832.-Mercy Caroline, daughter of William and Mary Murton,
born 7th October; baptized this day in Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Sunday, November 25th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (77) and Ancaster (51).
Buried, ? Piers, son ? , aged ? years, at Barton Church. John Miller.
John, son of Stephen and Margaret Oliver, born 12th May, 1832;
baptized this day at Barton Church by me, John Miller.
November, 27th, 1832.-Married (by publication of banns), Joseph Shaver and
Julia Smith, both of the Township of Glandford, County of Wentworth, by me,
John Miller. Witnesses -James Langtry and John A. Shaver.
Sunday, December 2nd, 1832.-Preached this evening at
Dundas.N.B.-Attended in the Presbyterian Church in the morning
at Ancaster at funeral sermon for Rev. Mr. Sheid.
Sunday, December 9th, 1832.-Preached this day at Barton and Ancaster.
December 15th, 1832.-Buried this day, Maria Notman, wife of Wm.
Notman, Esq., aged 28 years, by me, John Miller.
Maria, daughter of William and the late Maria Notman, born
December 11th, 1832; baptized this day by me, J. Miller.
Sunday, December 16th, 1832.-Preached at Barton (90) and Ancaster (250).
N.B.-Funeral sermon for Mrs. Notman at Ancaster.
Buried this evening at Ancaster Church, John Wilson, aged 36 years,
by me, John Miller.
December 17th, 1832.-Married (by license) Samuel Chandler, Township of
Flamboro' West, and Esther Hunt, of the Township of Beverly, both of the
County of Halton, County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Thomas Harris and Abraham Green.
December 20th 1832. Buried this evening Maria Notman, daughter of William
and late Maria Notman, aged 14 days, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 23rd, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Christmas Day, Tuesday, 25th December, 18 32.-Preached at Barton
(63) and Ancaster (60). N.B.-Sacrament at Barton, communicants, 15.
Sunday, December 30th, 1832.-Preached at Ancaster (70) and
Dundas (82). Sacrament at Ancaster, communicants, 16.
January 1st, 1833.-Buried Jane Ann Tiffany, aged 21 years, daughter of
John Tiffany (near Ancaster), at Ancaster Church this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, January 6th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (27) and Ancaster (86);
roads most excessively bad. Funeral sermon at Ancaster for Miss Tiffany.
January 11th, 1833.-Buried Emily Notman, aged 2 years, daughter
of Wm. Notman, Esq., of Ancaster, at Ancaster Church, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, January 13th, 1833.-Preached at Dundas (70) and Hamilton (140).
Thomas, son of Robert and Eleanor Lewis, born 23rd December, 1832;
baptized at Hamilton this 13th January, 1833, by me, John Miller.
Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Maria Shepway, born 15th December, 1832;
baptized at Hamilton this 13th January, 1833, by me, John Miller.
January 14th, 1833.-Married (by publication of banns) Doctor Dumor Page
(a colored man), and Anne McAlister (a white woman),
both of the Township of West Flamboro', Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Ralph DeCoursy and Sarah Reed.
Sunday, January 20th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (46) and Ancaster (58).
January 25th, 1833.-Married (by license) Josiah Sadler and Mary Mitchel,
both of the Township of Barton, Gore District, etc. by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Jonathan Sampson and William A. Dara.
Robert Simkins, son of Thomas and Martha Powell, of Hamilton,
born 27th April, 1832; baptized 25th January at Hamilton, by me,
John Miller, Missionary.
Sunday January 27th.-Preached at Ancaster (68) and Dundas (148).
January 31st, 1833.-Married (by license) John Hatton, of the
Township of Flamboro' West, and Annie Belton, Township of Ancaster, etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-William Belton and John Belton.
Sunday, February 3rd, 1833.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
James Francis, son of James and Harriet Maria Macklem, of Blenheim,
born 11th December, 1832; baptized at West Flamboro' 9th February, 1833,
by me, John Miller.
Sophia, daughter of Andrew Todd and Sarah Ann Kirby, of West Flamboro',
born 2nd April, 1832; baptized 9th February, 1833, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, February 10th, 1833.-Preached at Dundas (55) and Hamilton (95).
Thursday, February 14th, 1833.-General thanksgiving day;
preached at Barton (220) and Ancaster (50).
February 15th, 1833.-Married (by publication of banns) James Hamilton
(a colored man) and Sarah Luff, both of the Township of West Flamboro',
etc., by me, John Miller. Witnesses Mary Gillespie and David Madock.
Catherine, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Near, born 29th October, 1832;
baptized 16th February, 1833, at the parsonage, by me John Miller.
Sunday, February 17th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (91) and Ancaster.
February 20th, 1833.-Israel Paul, son of David and Rebecca Marr,
of Ancaster, born 17th November, 1824; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
James, son of David and Rebecca Marr, born 20th July, 1826;
baptized 20th February, 1833, by me, John Miller.
Oliver Tiffany, son of David and Rebecca Marr, born Nov. 1st, 1829;
baptized 2nd February by me, John Miller.
Esther Anne, daughter of David and Rebecca Marr, born January 14th, 1832;
baptized 20th February by me, John Miller.
February 21st, 1833.-Married (by license) Frederick Star Jarvis
and Anne Horning, both of the Township of Ancaster, Gore District, Upper Canada,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Lampman and Christiana Almas.
Sunday, February 24th.-Preached at Ancaster, and was absent at the Lord Bishop's
in York on Sunday, March 3rd, 1833, and preached at Mimico Church.
March 12th, 1833.-Married (by license) Jonathan Tallerton, of the Township of
Glandford, and Mary Anne Levi, of the Township of Blenheim, by me,
Arthur Palmer, missionary at Guelph. Witnesses-James Chambers, Elizabeth McKay.
Sunday, March 10th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster (55), and Dundas (67).
Sunday, March 17th, 1833.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
John, son of Thomas and Mary Anne Harknell, born 9th November, 1832;
baptized 18th March, 1833, at Hamilton, by me, John Miller.
Hannah Jane, daughter of George Washington and Henrietta Hogeboom,
born 26th November, 1831; baptized the 19th March, 1833, by me, John Miller.
John Alexander, son of George and Rebecca Scott, born 15th October, 1832;
baptized 19th March, 1833, by me, John Miller.
March 21st, 1833.-Married (by license) John Daniels, jr., and Annie Almas,
both of the County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Frederick S. Jarvis, and Samuel Thorn.
Sunday, March 24th, 1833-Preached at Ancaster, and buried James Durand,
aged ?? years.
Sunday, March 31st, 1833.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Paul, son of Paul and Catherine Hoffman, born ? January, 1833;
baptized the 31st March, 1833, at Barton Church by me, John Miller.
Good Friday, April 5th, 1833.-Married (by license) David White
and Eleanor Boyse, both of the Town of Hamilton, County of Wentworth, by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-B. Alderman and S. Dakin.
Preached at Barton (75) and Ancaster (30). Sacrament at Barton; communicants, 12.
Jeremiah, son of William and Margaret Davidson, of Glandford,
born 15th January, 1838; baptized at Barton Church this 5th of April
by me, John Miller.
Easter Sunday, April 7th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster (78) and
Dundas (50). Sacrament at Ancaster; communicants, 17.
April 8th, 1833.-Married (by license) James Mullen, of the Township of Dumfries,
District of Gore, and Mary Farley, of the same place, in the Church at Ancaster
by me, John Miller. In presence of John Haycock, Thomas Hamill and Samuel Tisdall.
Married (by license) Samuel McKee, of the Township of Glandford, and
Susannah Flock, of the Township of Barton, County Wentworth, District of Gore,
by me, John Miller, Missionary. Witnesses-John Flock and Michael Hess.
Sunday, April 14th, 1833.-Preached at Hamilton and Dundas.
Sacrament at Hamilton; communicants, 11.
Sunday, April 21st, 1833.-Absent in York.
April 25th, 1833.-Married (by license) George File, of the Grand River District,
and Barbara Book, of the Township of Ancaster, both of the County of Wentworth,
Gore District, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Book, sen., John Book, Jr.
William, son of George and Mary Book, born 6th September, 1826;
baptized this 25th April, 1833, by me, John Miller, Missionary.
Catherine, daughter of George and Mary Book, born 13th December, 1830;
baptized this 25th April, 1833, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, April 28th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
May 3rd, 1833.-Married (by license) Andrew Mitchel, of the Township
of Ancaster, and Christiana Harper, Township of Ancaster, etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Alex. Ross and Margaret Southern.
David, son of Alexander and Margaret Southern, born 17th February, 1833;
baptized at West Flamboro' this 3rd of May by me, John Miller.
Sunday, May 5th, 1833.-Sermons preached at Barton and Hamilton
by Mr. Usher. N.B.-I was a hearer. John Miller.
Sunday, May 12th, 1833.-Preached at Hamilton. N.B.-This day so
excessively stormy at Barton no congregation assembled; I was
thoroughly wetted. John Miller.
Sunday, May 19th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster (100), at Dundas (63).
May 21st, 1833.-Married (by license) Adam Clinton and Rebecca House, both of
the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Bartholemew and Abram Yaker.
George, son of Gideon and Sarah Tiffany, of Norton, Massachusetts, New England,
born 20th June, 1765; baptized 25th May, 1833, by me, John Miller, Minister.
Sunday May 26th 1833 Preached at Ancaster (80) and Dundas (60)
Sacrament at Ancaster, communicants 12.
May 30th, 1833.-Married (by license), Christian Frederick Almas
and Henrietta Sutton, both of Ancaster Township, by me John Miller, Minister.
Witnesses-David Kern and old Mrs. Lawrence (Mrs. Lodor's mother).
Sunday, June 2nd, 1833.-Conffned at home this day by excessive
wetness and inclemency of the weather.
Sunday, June 9th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, June 16th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (84) and Hamilton (42).
Sacrament at Barton; communicants, 16.
Paul, son of Philip and Eleanor Flock, born 4th April, 1833;
baptized at Barton Church 10th June, 1833, by me, John Miller, Minister.
Sunday, June 23rd, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster (90) and at Dundas (52).
Alfred, son of Otto and Magdalen Ives, born 25th April, 1833;
baptized this 23rd June at Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Susan, daughter of Daniel and Catherine Smith, born 24th February, 1833;
baptized this 23rd June at Dundas by me, John Miller, Minister.
June 24th.-Buried this day, 24th June, Alfred, son of Mr. Otto Ives,
of Ancaster, at the church, aged two months, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, June 30th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (75) and Hamilton (55).
July 4th, 1833.-Married (by license) Halbert Rice, of the Grand River tract,
and Catherine Lennington, of the same, both of the County of Wentworth, etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Alexander Smith and Peter Wesbrook.
Sunday, July 7th, 1833.-Preached this day at Ancaster (105) and Dundas (50).
The Rev. John Bethune, of Montreal preached in Ancaster.
Married (by license) George Washington Allen and Catherine Smith, both of the
Village of Dundas, Township of West Flamboro', County of Halton, Gore District,
this 7th day of July, 1833, by me, John Miller, Minister.
Witnesses James Smith and Caroline Miller (wife of Rev. J. Miller).
Sunday, July 14th, 1833.-The Rev. A. Bethune, of Cobourg,
preached this day at Ancaster (101) and Dundas (52).
N. B.-A collection was made in Ancaster in aid of a proposed Sunday School;
amount of collection, £2 4s. 1d.
July 19th, 1833.-Preached this evening at Glandford, and
baptized there the two children hereinafter mentioned:
Zaccheus Burnham, son of Thomas and Anne Chote, born 1th August, 1832;
baptized at Glandford this 19th July, 1833.
Margaret, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Kramer, born 22nd January;
baptized at Glandford this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 21st, 1833.-Preached at Barton (36) and Hamilton (75).
Matilda Jane, daughter of Patrick and Mary Phelan, born January, 1833;
baptized at Barton Church this 21st July by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 28th, 1833.-Preached at Hamilton.
Sunday, August 4th, 1833.-Preached this morning in Cobourg, also
in the evening at 7 o'clock, and at 3 o'clock seven miles from Cobourg.
Sunday, August 11th, 1833.-The Rev. Mr. Cronyn preached for me in Hamilton.
Sunday, August 18th, 1833.-Preached in Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, August 25th, 1833.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Eliza Anne, daughter of George and Annie Irwin, of Hamilton, born July, 1833;
baptized this 25th August in Hamilton by me, John Miller.
Eliza, daughter of Edward and Mary Everett, of Wilmot Township, born
25th December, 1830; baptized in Hamilton this 25th August by me, John Miller.
Henry, son of Edward and Mary Everett, born 26th July, 1833;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
August 26th, 1833.-Married (by license) Thomas Dodd, of the Indian tract,
Grand River, County of Wentworth, and Isabella Elliott, of the Township of
Beverly, County of Halton, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-James Hastings and Edward Dodds.
August 27th, 1833.-Married (by license) William Smith and Sarah Hameline Mills,
both of the Town of Hamilton, County of Wentworth, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses Samuel Mills and George Strowbridge.
August 31st, 1833.-Married (by license) Robert S. Owen and Margaret Mitchel,
of the Township of Woodhouse, District of London, and Province of Upper Canada,
by me, John Miller, Minister. Witnesses-S. Hixon and James Evans.
Sunday, Sept. 8th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster (110) and Dundas (25).
N.B.-The Sunday School commenced at Ancaster this morning
(attendance of children, 21) at 9 a.m., and closed a little before 11 o'clock.
September 12th, 1833.-Married (by license) Alex. Binkley, of the Township of
Ancaster, and Elizabeth Kentzel, of the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth,
etc., by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Peter Binkley and Abram Binkley.
Sunday, September 15th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (91) and Hamilton (65).
September 18th, 1833.-Married (by license) John Haggin and Elizabeth VanEvery,
both of the Township of West Flamboro', County of Halton, etc.,
by me, John Miller, Minister. Witnesses-James Armstrong and Janet McNaughton.
Sunday, September 22nd, 1833.-Preached at Barton (115) and Hamilton (91).
September 25th, 1833.-Thomas Henry, son of Thomas and Jane Dunbar,
born 21st March, 1833; baptized this day at my house by me, John Miller.
Sunday, September 29th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster (80) and Dundas (42).
Sunday, October 6th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (83) and Hamilton (62).
Catherine, daughter of James and Catherine French, born April 25th, 1833;
baptized this 6th October in Barton Church by me, John Miller.
Sunday, October l3tb, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, October 20th, 1833.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton.
Sunday, October 27th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Married (by license) lambert Ferguson Brooke, of York, Home District, and
Anne Duggan, of Hamilton, in the church at Ancaster, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Geo. Duggan and Stephen Oliver.
October 28th, 1833.-Married (by publication of banns) James Salup, of the
Township of East Flamboro', and Sarah Morris, of the Township of West Flamboro',
both of the County of Halton, etc., by me, John Miller, Minister.
Witnesses-John Morris and Elizabeth Morris.
George, son of John and Elizabeth Morris, of East Flamboro',
born 10th July; baptized this 28th October by me, John Miller.
Sunday, November 3rd, 1833.-Preached at Dundas and Ancaster.
November 9th, 1833.-Married (by license) Thomas Grantham, of Brandford,
Grand River tract, and Ruth Silverthorn, of same place, both of the County of
Wentworth and District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-William Kemp and Gabriel Gurnett.
Sunday, November 10th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, November 17th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (55) and Ancaster (50).
November 21st, 1833.-Married (by publication of banns) Samuel Watson and
Charlotte Whitefield, both of the Township of Glandford, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witness- B. Leeming and D. Kern, Jr.
Braithwaite, son of Braithwaite and Phoebe Leeming, of Glandford, born
28th April, 1833; baptized this 21st November by me, John Miller.
Susanna, daughter of William and Catherine Barnes, born 20th September, 1833;
baptized this 21st November by me, John Miller.
Married (by license) Thomas Venebles and Matilda Evans, both of the Township
of West Flamboro', Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-D. Chambers and Isabella Hinds.
Sunday, November 24th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster (63) and Dundas (42).
Sacrament at Ancaster; communicants were 13.
Sunday, December 1st, 1833.-Preached at Dundas and Ancaster.
Sunday, December 8th, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Andrew Hay, son of (Major) James and Agnes Barrick, born in Ancaster
5th November, 1833; baptized in Ancaster Church this 8th December, 1833
by me, John Miller.
Helen Whitton, aged three years, daughter of John Whitton, from Bennington,
England, was buried this 10th December in Ancaster Churchyard by me, John Miller.
December 11th, 1833.-Henry Walker, son of David and Rebecca Marr, of Ancaster,
born 13th September, 1833; baptized this day in Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 15th, 1833.-Preached at Barton and Ancaster.
Leboo Richard, son of Thomas and Maria Sharp, born in Ancaster,
15th November, 1833; baptized in Ancaster Church this 15th December 1833
by me John Miller.
Thomas Dicey, son of Robert and Betsy Dibbs, born in Ancaster, 19th May, 1833;
baptized by me in Ancaster Church this 15th December, 1833. John Miller.
December 20th, 1833.-Married (by license) James Armstrong, of West Flamboro',
and Janet MacNaughton, of the Township of Ancaster, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses James Miller and Michael Daly.
Sunday, December 22nd, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sarah Anne, daughter of James and Anne Wardle, of Ancaster, born
22nd November, 1833; baptized by me at Ancaster Church this
22nd December, 1833. John Miller.
December 24th, 1833.-Married (by publication of banns) Samuel Fulkerson and
Hannah Kitchen, both of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth,
Gore District, by me, John Miller, Minister.
Witnesses-John Stenabaugh and Jacob Appleman.
Married (by license) James M. Bawtimheimer and Charlotte Kelly, both of the
Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, District of Gore, U. C.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Abraham Kelly and Isaac Howell.
Christmas Day, 25th December, 1833.-Preached at Ancaster,
with the Sacrament; communicants, 18; collection, 11s. 8d.
December 26th.-William, son of George and Anne Hill, of Ancaster, born
15th July, 1833; baptized this 26th December, 1833, by me, John Miller.
December 26th, 1833.-Married (by license) Thomas Willson, of the Township of
Downie, County of Middlesex, District of London, and Jane Dunbar, of the
Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses Samuel Monteith and Hugh Wilson.
Samuel, son of John and Jane Almas, of Ancaster, born 5th December, 1831;
baptized this 26th December, 1833 John Miller.
December 27th, 1833.-Married (by license) Gustavus Dennison and
Martha Anne Furmston, both of the Village of Cayuga, District of Niagara,
by me, John Miller, N. M. minister. Witnesses -James W. Ritchie and A. Bowen.
Sunday, December 29th, 1833.-Preached at Barton (136) and Ancaster (48).
Sacrament at Barton; communicants, 7.
Annette, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Davis, of Saltfleet, born
October 30th, 1832; baptized at Barton Church this 29th December, 1833,
by me, John Miller, Minister.
Sunday, January 5th, 1834.-On this day I was absent from my
mission in York, but present at St. James' Church at divine worship there.
Thomas, son of John and Dorinda Deavy, of Beverly, born 10th December, 1833;
baptized in Beverly this 9th January, 1834, by me, John Miller.
January 9th, 1834.-Married (by license) Francis Lightheart and
Mary Anne Shealer, both of the Township of Beverly, County of Halton,
Gore District, by me, John Miller, Minister.
Witnesses-James Deavy and Lewis Evans.
Sunday, January 12th, 1834.-Conflned to my bed this day by a very
sudden and dangerous illness, for which my brother, Dr. Miller,
blooded me very copiously.
January 14th, 1834.-Buried at Barton Church, George Duggan,
Deputy Sheriff, Gore District, aged 56 years, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, January 19th, 1834.-Preached at Barton and Hamilton,
a funeral sermon for the late George Duggan.
Thomas John, son of John and Anna Jane Kennedy, born 7th December, 1833;
baptized in Hamilton Court House this 19th January, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, January 26th, 1834.-In attendance on my brother, Dr. Miller,
dangerously ill of brain fever, and which terminated fatally on Friday,
January 31st, at 1.30 o'clock p.m.
Sunday, February 2nd, 1834.-On this day at 2:30 o'clock the remains of my
dear brother were carried to Ancaster Church and interred there by the
Rev. A. Nelles, who preached a funeral sermon.
Dr. James Miller (late of Quebec) just settled at Ancaster, died
of brain fever on 31st January, 1834, buried at Ancaster Church
this 2nd February, 1834, aged 24 years, by Rev. Abraham Nelles.
Sunday, February 9th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (108) and Ancaster (51).
Jane, daughter of Edwin and Phoebe Brown, born December 3rd, 1833;
baptized this 9th February, 1834, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
James Osborne, son of Thomas and Martha Powell, of Hamilton, born
10th September, 1833; baptized this 9th February in Ancaster Church
by me, John Miller.
Sunday, February 16th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (56) and Dundas (34).
Caroline Sarah, daughter of George and Lavina Byrnes, born 29th November, 1833;
baptized February 16th, 1834, in Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Theophilus, son of Theophilus and Cynthia Sampson, born 31st December, 1831;
baptized 16th February by me, John Miller.
Susanna Wilson, daughter of Theophilus and Cynthia Samson,
born 28th May, 1833; baptized 16th February, 1834, by me, John Miller.
February 19th, 1834.-Married (by publication of banns) Joseph Drake and
Malvina Howell, both of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Reuben Drake and Samuel Hopkins.
Sunday, February 23rd.-Preached at Ancaster at 3 o'clock p.m.
N.B.-The chapel in Dundas was occupied the whole of this day, and
the roads were exceedingly bad.
Sunday, March 2nd, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (21) and Dundas (30).
N.B.-Day exceedingly severe, storm of snow and very cold.
Sunday, March 9th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (85) and Ancaster (50).
March 11th, 1834.-Married (by publication of banns) George Washington Commins
and Charlotte Cope, both of the Township of Beverly, County of Halton,
by me, John Miller, Mmister. Witnesses-James Cope and Jephthae Skinner.
March 12th, 1834.-Buried this day James M. Rousseaux, son of
Wm. Geo. Rousseaux, of Ancaster, aged four years. John Miller, Minister.
Married (by license) Alem Kelley and Margaret Vansickle, both of the Township
of Ancaster, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Mary Book and Daniel Miller.
March 13th, 1834.-Married (by publication of banns) Louis Drew and
Lavinia Bellamy (persons of color), both residing at Ancaster, County of
Wentworth, District of Gore, U. C., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-William Sanford and Samuel Payne (colored).
Sunday, March 16th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (75) and Dundas (32).
Sunday, March 23rd 1834.-Preached at Dundas (76) and Ancaster (69).
March 26th, 1834.-Married (by license) Alexander Stover Milne and
Sarah Gale, both of Hamilton town, Barton Township, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Law and A. R. O'Reilly.
Jane, daughter of John and Martha Law, of Hamilton, born 27th January, 1834;
baptized in Hamilton this 26th March, 1834, by me, John Miller, Minister.
Good Friday, March 28th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster; congregation, 69.
Buried at Ancaster Church this 28th March, 1834, daughter of ?? Davis, of
Ancaster, ? years, by me, John Miller.
March 28th, 1834.-Arthur Bowen, son of William and Charlotte Cattermole,
of Hamilton, born 23rd December, 1833; baptized 28th March, 1834,
by the Rev. Mr. Martin, of Hamilton.
Easter Sunday, March 30th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (110); communicants, 23.
Sunday, April 6th, 1834.-Confined at home by very severe illness.
April 8th, 1834.-Married (by publication of banns) Richard Gilman and
Mary Slack, both of West Flamboro', County of Halton, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Caroline Miller, Daniel Green.
Sunday, 13th April, 1834.-Divine service this morning at Ancaster only.
N.B.-Too weak and ill to officiate at Dundas.
James Collins Heath, son of James and Ellen Gurnett, born 17th August, 1824;
baptized this 13th April by me, John Miller.
Lemuel Alfred, son of James and Ellen Gurnett, born 6th October, 1827;
baptized in Ancaster Church this 13th April by me, John Miller.
Susanna Wilson, daughter of James and Ellen Gurnett, born 6th April, 1830;
baptized 13th April, 1834, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Anne Eliza, daughter of James and Ellen Gurnett, born 25th December, 1833;
baptized 13th April, 1834, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Edward Lowry, son of William and Elizabeth Leddicote, born 27th July, 1833;
baptized 13th April in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller, officiating minister.
Sunday, April 20th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (71) and Ancaster (77).
Sunday, April 27th, 1834.-Preached at Hamilton (91) and Dundas (31).
Sacrament at Hamilton; communicants, 16.
April 28th, 1834.-Married (by license) John Smith, of the
Village of Paris, in the Township of Dumfries, County of Halton,
and Mary Sheldon, Township of Barton, County Wentworth, District of Gore,
by me, John Miller, Minister. Witnesses-William Muirhead, J. K. Smith.
April 29th, 1834.-Alice, daughter of James and Alice English, of
Hamilton, born 25th March, 1834; baptized 29th April, 1834, in
Hamilton, by me, John Miller.
April 30th, 1834.-Buried this day at the Burlington Heights,
near Hamilton, Bobert Allan MacNab, son of Allan Napier MacNab, Esq., of
Hamilton, aged twelve years, by me, John Miller.
[Afterwards Sir Allan McNab.]
Sunday, May 4th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (82) and Ancaster (80).
Sunday, May 11th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (81) and Dundas (30).
Ethelbert, son of Daniel K. and Catherine Servos, born 14th. March, 1834;
baptized in Ancaster Church this 11th May, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, 18th May, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (54) and Ancaster (64).
May 18th, 1834, 5 o'clock p.m.-Married (by license) Abraham Kelly, of the
Township of Ancaster, County Wentworth, and Sarah Lyons, of the Township of
West Flamboro', both of the District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Edward Lyons, Isaac Kelly.
May 16th, 1834.-Buried at Ancaster, after a funeral service with sermon at
her son's house, Anne Barbara Ruleson, aged seventy years, by me, John Miller.
Sunday (Trinity), May 25th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (83).
Sacrament; communicants, 11.
N.B.-Too weak after the long service of this day to preach in Dundas.
Sunday, June 1st, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (79) and Ancaster (52).
Agnes, daughter of Thomas and Agnes Barry, born 17th March, 1831 ;
baptized in Ancaster Church this 1st June, by me, John Miller.
Catherine, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Barry, born February 17th, 1834;
baptized this 1st June, by me, John Miller.
June 1st, 1834.-Married (by license) James Kenning or Channing,
and Mary Hogan, both of the Town of Hamilton, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-George Hertal, Margaret Patterson.
June 3rd, 1834.-Married (by license) John Cummin and Lorena Rowan, both of
the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses present-Mr. and Mrs. Alderman and family.
Mary Alderman, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Sterling, Michigan State, born
6th November, 1801; baptized 8th June, 1834, in Ancaster, by me, John Miller.
Newton, son of Bucklin and Mary Alderman, born at Hamilton, 2nd December, 1819;
baptized in Ancaster, June 8th, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Major, son of Bucklin and Mary Alderman, born in Ancaster, 18th December, 1821;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Lucinda, danghter of Bucklin and Mary Alderman, born 15th March, 1823;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
William, son of Bucklin and Mary Alderman, born 13th November, 1825;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Abraham, son of Bucklin and Mary Alderman, born 24th April, 1828;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Curtis Le Roy, son of Bucklin and Mary Alderman, born 22nd August, 1830;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Lorena, daughter of Bucklin and Mary Alderman, born 19th January, 1833;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Matilda Crowther, daughter of William and Elizabeth Crowther, born in the
City of London, 12th June, 1818; baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, June 8th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
July 9th, 1834.-Married (by license) Hiram Venn Newcombe and Jane Irwin, both
of the Township of West Flamboro', County Halton, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Nelson Newcombe, John Irwin.
Cordelia, daughter of George and Sarah Davis, of Ancaster, born
30th March, 1828; baptized this 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Adeline, daughter of George and Sarah Davis, born 7th April, 1829;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Essel Munro, son of George and Sarah Davis, born 2nd May, 1831;
baptized this 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Edmund, son of George and Sarah Davis, born 21st Augnst, 1833;
baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Edwin, son of George and Sarah Davis (a twin brother of the preceding),
born 21st August, 1833; baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Lorena Cummins, daughter of Samuel and Samson Sterling, of Pennsylvania State,
born 11th August, 1811; baptized 8th June, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, June 15th, 1834.-Dundas and Ancaster.
Sunday, June 22nd.-Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, June 29th.-Preached in Dundas and Ancaster.
July 6th.-Preached in Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, July 13th, 1834.-Mr. Usher preached for me in Dundas and Ancaster.
Sunday, July 20th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (91) and Dundas (36).
Sunday, July 27th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (74) and the Swamp
Road, near Mr. Murton's; 60 present.
Mary Anne, daughter of Henry and Catherine Snyder, born 22nd March, 1819;
baptized in Binbrook this July by me, John Miller, officiating minister.
James, son of Francis and Eleanor Weaver, born 22nd April, 1834;
baptized this July, by me, John Miller.
John Eli, son of David and Sophia Snider, born 3rd November;
baptized in Binbrook this July, by me, John Miller.
Arabella Simons Rymal, daughter of George and Mary Rymal, born
22nd July, 1831; baptized in Binbrook this July by me,
John Miller, officiating minister.
July 28th, 1834.-Married (by license) William Abbott and Sarah Secord, both
of Trafalgar Township, County of Halton, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
In presence of Matthew Crooks, Esq.
July 29th, 1834.-Married (by license) John Flock and Elizabeth Weaver, both
of the Township of Binbrook, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Andrew Sweazey, Esther Flock.
July 30th, 1834.-Married (by license) Leslie Battershy and Catherine Jones,
both of the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me John Miller.
Witnesses, Thos. Blakeny, Henry Battersby.
August 2nd, 1834.-Married (by license) John Horrocks, of the Township of
West Flamboro', and Isabella Taylor of the Township of Puslinch, both of the
County of Halton, Gore District, Province of Upper Canada, by me, John Miller.
Witness George Clappestor.
July 31st, 1834.-Buried in Ancaster Churchyard, Isaac Bunnel Kelsy, aged
about twenty-six years, and James Davis, aged twenty-six years
(two deaths by cholera). John Miller, Minister.
Sunday, August 3rd, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (71) and in the
Swamp, near Murton's (51).
August 4th, 1834.-Deborah Margaret, daughter of Philip and Jane Hoffman,
born 28th April, 1834; baptized this day at Paul Hoffman's, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, August 10th, 1834.-Preached at Barton (66) and Hamilton (60).
Buried in a burial ground near Mr. Hamilton's, John Racy Jarvis,
aged nineteen days, son of Sheriff Jarvis, of Hamilton, by me, John Miller.
William, son of William and Jane Franks of Hamilton, born 24th May, 1834;
baptized 10th August, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Married (by license) William Hale and Margaret Black, both of the Town of
Hamilton, and District of Gore, this 10th day of August, 1834,
by me, John Miller. Signature of witness-John Law.
Robert, son of Milo and Matilda Lee (persons of color), born 8th July, 1821;
baptized in Ancaster Church this 3rd August, 1834, by me, John Miller.
John, son of Milo and Matilda Lee (of color), born 30th June, 1834;
baptized 3rd August, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Married (by license) Daniel McCartan and Mary Thompson, both of
the Township of Ancaster, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Neal, Elizabeth Thompson.
Sunday, August 17th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (57).
Too unwell to officiate at Dundas. Day very wet.
Charles Herbert, son of Wm. Monson and Anne Jarvis, of Hamilton, born
2nd August; baptized in Hamilton this 19th August by me, John Miller.
August 21st, 1834.-Alfred, son of Jacob and Sarah Kramer born
17th December 1833, baptized in Glandford this 19th August 1834,
by me, John Miller.
August 21st, 1834.-Married (by license) Adam Marr and Jane Kelly, both of the
Township of Ancaster, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Miller (sadler), David Byns.
Jarvis Goodwin, son of Henns Goodwin, of Dereham, London District, aged
one and a half years, died in Ancaster, 31st August, 1834, [???]
buried this 21st August, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, 24th August, 1834.-Preached at Dundas and in Ancaster.
Buried Mr. William Street, of Ancaster, aged fifty-four, this
24th August, 1834, by me, John Miller.
August 28th, 1834.-William, son of Thomas and Catherine Bird, born
16th May, 1834; baptized this day at the house of Mr. Almas Byrne,
by me, John Miller.
Henry Sylvester, son of Frederick and Elizabeth Almas, born
6th February, 1834; baptized this 28th August by me, John Miller.
Sunday, 31st August, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (142) and Dundas (56).
Frederick, son of Otto and Magdalen Ives, born 25th June, 1834;
baptized in Ancaster Church this 31st August by me, John Miller.
Buried, and preached in Barton Church a sermon on the remains of
Catherine Barns, daughter of Paul Hoffman, aged ?? this Sept. 4th, 1834,
John Miller, Minister.
Sunday, September 7th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (76) and Ancaster (44).
Married (by license) William Craig, of the Town of Niagara, District of
Niagara, and Eliza Clay, of the Town of Hamilton, by me, in Free Church
of Dundas, John Miller, Minister. Witnesses-Eliza Clay and John Clay.
September 8th, 1834.-Cuthbert, son of William and Margaret Parker,
born 27th August, 1834; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, September 14th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (115).
Sacrament (communicants, 19).
September 18th, 1834.-Rosanna, daughter of Samuel and Jane Craig
(five miles from Ancaster Swamp road), born 13th June, 1834;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Oliver Tiffany (Dr.), born 20th June, 1763; baptized this
18th September, 1834, at his house, Ancaster, by me, John Miller.
Lucretia, daughter of Doctor Dunmore and Anne Page (a black man
and white woman), born 13th August, 1834; baptized in West
Flamboro' this 19th September by me, John Miller.
Sunday, September 21st, 1834.-Preached at Barton (81) and Ancaster (76).
Sacrament administered at Barton; communicants, 11.
Doctor Dunmore (Page), a black man of West Flamboro', son of
Edward and Lucy Page, born 25th December, 1805; baptized this
21st September in Barton Church by me, John Miller.
Married (by publication of banns) Thomas Ceen and Mary Hammerly, of
Hamilton Town, Gore District, in Barton Church 21st September by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-James Walker, Paul Hoffman and Thomas Hamill.
Sunday, September 28th, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Sunday, October 5th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas, and
a funeral sermon in chapel near Captain Doddy's, Ancaster.
Buried in Ancaster Churchyard, Isabella Gibson, daughter
of ?? Gibson, aged 11 months, from Northumberland, England. John Miller.
October 16th, 1834.-Married (by license) John Taylor and Janet Leys, both of
the Town of Hamilton, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Taylor, Donald Coutts.
Sunday, October 19th, 1834.-The Reverend Arthur Pahner, of Guelph,
preached at Dundas and Ancaster (me socio).
October 23rd, 1834.-Married (by license) William Moore and Joan Walsh, of the
Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Wright and Arthur McElhone.
Sunday, October 26th, 1834.-Confined at home this day by illness
and excessive rain.
October 27th, 1834.-Clara Helen, daughter of Robert and Helen Berrie, of
Ancaster, born 30th March, 1834; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
General Thanksgiving, October 30th, 1834.-Preached in the Church of Ancaster (60).
Sunday, November 2nd, 1834.-Preached at Dundas and Ancaster.
November 6th, 1834.-Buried Dr. Wells, of Hamilton, aged 27 years,
near Mr. William Applegarth's, of East Flamboro'.
Sunday, November 9th, 1834.-Preached in Ancaster (89) and Dundas (61).
November 10th, 1834.-Buried this day Edwin Davis, aged 18 months,
son of Mr. Geo. Davis, of Ancaster.
November 11th, 1834.-Married (by license) David Byrns and Charlotte Crysler,
both of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, Gore District,
Province of Upper Canada, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Joel Chrysler and Caroline Simpson.
November 13th, 1834.-Married (by license) Adrian Marlet and Eleanor Gordon,
of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses George Taylor and William Gage.
Margaret Eleanor, daughter of William and Mary Gage, of 3rd Concession,
Ancaster, born 16th November, 1833; baptized 13th November, 1834,
by me, John Miller.
Francis Edmund, son of James and Mary Newton, born 20th August, 1831;
baptized this 13th November, 1834, by me, John Miller.
Caroline, daughter of James and Mary Murton, born 5th April, 1834,
in Ancaster; baptized this 13th November, 1834 by me,John Miller.
Margaret, daughter of Maurice and Mary Kelly, born in Glandford,
12th January, 1830; baptized this 13th November, 1834, by me John Miller.
Charity, daughter of Maurice and Mary Kelly, born 28th October, 1831;
baptized this 13th November by me, John Miller.
Jonathan, son of Maurice and Mary Kelly, born 10th March, 1834;
baptized this 13th November, by me, John Miller.
November 16th, 1834.-Preached this morning in Dundas and after noon attended
Dr. Willison's funeral, no service being in Ancaster in consequence of the
lateness of the hour.
November 20th, 1834-Married (by license) Josiah Fowler and Abigail Land, both
of the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, ete., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Isaac S. Wetmore and Eliza Esson.
Sunday, November 23rd, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster. Day very cold
and stormy. Sacrament; communicants, 18.
November 21st, 1834.-Married (by license) Joseph Barnham Clark
and Margaret Jackson, both of the Township of Glandford, County of Wentworth,
Gore District, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Wm. H. Frink and Isaac T. Clap.
Friday, November 28th, 1834.-Married (by license) Matthias Benford (a man of
color) and Catherine Mahony, of the Township of West Flamboro', County of
Halton, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Eliza Esson and Isaiah Scott.
Sunday, November, 30th, 1834.-Confined to bed this day by
extreme illness; fever and cold. John Miller.
Sunday, December 7th, 1834.-Preached this day at Ancaster (50);
the roads very deep and the day wet.
December 9th, 1834.-Married (by license) Craig Heriman, of the Indian Lands,
County of Wentworth, and Jane Petit, of the Township of Ancaster, County of
Wentworth, both of Gore District, U.C., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Francis Irwin and Ezekiel Chutterson.
Married (by license) William Graham, of the Township of Puslinch, County of
Halton, Gore District, and Margaret Taylor, of the same place,
by me, John Miller, Minister. Witnesses-John Harrocks and Eliza Esson.
December 13th, 1834.-Buried in Ancaster Churchyard ? Ruleston,
aged 87 years, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 14th, 1834.-Preached at Dundas (86) and Ancaster (54).
Sunday, December 21st, 1834.-By direction of the Bishop preached
in Hamilton, and administered the Sacrament to 22 communicants.
Christmas Day, 25th December, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster (71).
Collection for the poor £1 4s. 6d. Sacrament; communicants, 24.
Buried this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at Barton Church, Martha Powell,
wife of Thomas Powell, near Hamilton, aged 24 years, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 28th, 1834.-Preached this day at Barton (103) and Ancaster (52).
N.B.-The Sacrament was administered to six communicants. No notice was given
of it, as I had directed Mr. Usher, who deferred it. He was taken ill of
quinsy before he had time to do so, and is yet very unwell.
Baptized this 28th December in Barton Church, ??
Baptized this 28th December in Barton Church, ??
(No names given of the two persons baptized.-C.F.)
Sunday, January 4th, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (36), Dundas (28).
N. B.-The coldest day I ever experienced. J. M
January 9th, 1835.-Francis Amelia, daughter of John and Eliza Jane Wellenhall,
of the Township of Nelson, born 12th December 1834; baptized this day in Nelson
by me, John Miller.
N.B.-I was absent at the Lord Bishop's, of Quebec, in Toronto, from 9th January
to January 23rd, 1835; on the 13th (Sunday) I preached in Toronto, 11 o'clock.
Sophia Patch, daughter of William and Rose Leah Scobell of Hamilton, born
15th December, 1834, was baptized by me in Hamilton 24th January, 1835, John Miller.
Sunday, January 25th, 1835.-Preached in Dundas and Ancaster. The day very wet,
and the congregations in both places very thin.
Sunday, February 1st, 1835.-Preached in Ancaster (68) and Dundas.
N.B.-Violent snowstorm in the evening.
Martha Tekel Powell, daughter of Thomas and Martha Powell, near Hamilton,
orn 28th October, 1834; baptized this 1st February, 1835, in Ancaster Church
by me, John Miller.
Married in Dundas (by license) Simon Keating and Anne Mitchell, both of the
Township of Flamboro' West, Gore District, by me this 1st day of February, 1835,
John Miller. In presence of ?? Chambers.
Absent again in Toronto at the Lord Bishop's, in attendance on
the clergy corporation from 1st February till Thursday 12th, 1835.
Sunday, 15th February, 1834.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Married (by publication of banns) Thomas Howard and Rosa Mahon, both of the
Village of Dundas, etc., and in Dundas Free Chapel,in presence of
Dr. Chas. Rolls and Benjamin Oberfield, by me, John Miller.
February 17th, 1835.-Married (by license) James Forster, of the Township of
Nichol and Mary Swan, of the Township of Woolwich, both of the County of
Halton, District of Gore, U. C., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Robert Swan and Eliza Esson.
February 18th, 1835.-Married (by license) James Smoke*, of the Township of
Glandford, County of Wentworth, etc., and Lucinda Shaw, of the Township of
Walpole, County of Haldimand, and Niagara District, by me, John Miller,
Rector of Ancaster. Witnesses-Jacob Smoke*, Caroline Miller.
*[I'm advised by Pat Kelderman that this surname should be SMUCK, not SMOKE.
This couple were her gr,gr,gr grandparents.]
February 21st, 1835.-Buried this day in Ancaster graveyard Clifford Epps,
aged 14 (killed by the fall of a tree), son of Daniel Epps, an emigrant from
Kent, England, 6th Concession, Ancaster, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, February 22nd, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (30) and Ancaster (26).
The roads impassable from thaw and rain.
February 23rd, 1835.-Married (by license) Daniel Charles Gunn, of the town of
Hamilton, and Mary Barnum, of the Township of East Flamboro', County of
Wentworth, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Peter O'Brien and William Applegarth.
February 25th, 1835.-Ellen, daughter of Richard and Rosina Hatt,
of Ancaster, born 7th, 1834; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Margaret Trumbell (an orphan), 9 years of age at Christmas, 1834;
baptized this day at Mr. Hatt's by me, John Miller.
February 27th, 1835.-Married (by license) Harding Gifford King, M.D.,
and Emily Arnold, both of Wellington Square, County of Halton, District Gore,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Richard Arnold and A. Chisholin.
Sunday, March 1st, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (87), and went to
Dundas, but found the chapel engaged by Scotch dissenters.
March 5th, 1835.-Buried at Mr. John Book's his sister, Charity
Book, aged 37 years, and preached a funeral sermon. John Miller.
March 5th, 1835.-Married (by license) Francis Lowell and Mary Terry, both of
the Town of Hamilton, etc., by me, John Miller, Minister.
Witnesses-Caleb Hughson and Aslary Galligan.
Married (by license) William Fitch and Jane Terry, both of the
Town of Hamilton, this March 6th, 1835, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Caleb D. Hughson, Mary Galligan.
March 6th, 1835.-Married (by license) Joseph Johnson, of Dundas,
County of Halton, and Mary Anne Archer, of the Township of
Ancaster, Gore District, U.C., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Louis Drew and Elizabeth Elliott.
Sunday, March 8th, 1835.-Preached this day in Dundas (95) and Ancaster (65).
Robert, son of Wm. and Isabella Dalglish, from Scotland, born
31st October, 1835; baptized at the parsonage this 11th March by me, John Miller.
Sunday, March 15th, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster. I went to Dundas intending to
officiate there, but the chapel was in possession of Mr. Starke's congregation
all the day. The roads were this day in their worst state.
Sunday, March 22nd, 1835.-This day the most severe snowstorm I ever witnessed
prevented my going to Dundas, and in Ancaster there was no congregation.
March 23rd, 1835.-Married (by license) John Fry and Catherine Margaret Huggins,
both of the County of Haldimand, District of Niagara, Province of Upper Canada,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Thomas Rolph and Eliza Esson.
Sunday, March 29th, 1835.-Preached in Ancaster (58) and Dundas (36).
Sunday, April 5th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (45), and at Ancaster (37).
N.B.-Day very wet and raining.
April 7th, 1835.-Married (by license) James Boyd and Nancy Dunbar, both of the
Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-James Scott and Henry Herron. [should be HESSON. bmartin]
Married (by license) Jacob Miller and Esther Vansickle, both of the Township
of Ancaster, County of Wentworth, and Gore District, U.C., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses- Usual Kelly and Benony Vansickle.
Sunday, April 12th, 1835.-Preached in Ancaster (92), Dundas (78).
The Rev. Mr. Geddes preached for me in Dundas.
[Late Dean Geddes, of Christ's Church Cathedral, Hamilton.-F.]
George Willison, son of Samuel and Mary Ainsley, of Dundas, born
29th October, 1834, and baptized in free chapel this 12th April, 1835,
by me, John Miller.
April 13th, 1835.-Harriet Augusta, daughter of James and Ann Rachel Geddes,
of the Jersey Settlement, Ancaster, born 17th January, 1835;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
April 17th, Good Friday-Preached at Dundas (6) and Ancaster (50);
congregation in Dundas amounted to only six persons. The
day was unusually severe, with snowdrifts, and no fire in the chapel.
Sunday, April 19th, 1835 (Easter Day).-Preached in Ancaster (88)
morning and evening (105); day very wet and discouraging;
at Sacrament 21 persons. Collection for charitable purposes £1 5s. 8d.
In the evening a funeral sermon was preached on the interment of Mrs. Wardle,
late of Ancaster; collected in the evening 7s. 6d. for Mrs. Wardle.
April 19th, 1835.-Buried Anne Wardle, wife of Jas. Wardle, of Ancaster,
aged 26 years; died of typhus fever April 18th, 1835, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, April 26th, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (87) and at Dundas (67).
Sunday, May 3rd, 1835.-Married (by license) John Ashworth and Ellen Spencer,
both of the Town of Brantford, in the District of Gore, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses Joseph Mowbray and J. Black.
Preached this 3rd May at Ancaster (65) and Dundas (90).
May 6th, 1835.-Asenath Euphernia Teresa, daughter of Samuel and
Charlotte Tisdall, of Ancaster, born 2nd February, 1829;
baptized this day in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Albert, son of Rolla and Charlotte Elizabeth Badger, of Ancaster, born
4th January, 1835; baptized this 6th May in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Sunday, May 10th, 1835.-Preached a funeral sermon in Ancaster Church;
congregation about 350 persons. Buried this day Dr. Tiffany, aged 72 years,
in Ancaster Churchyard (nearly 500 persons were present at the funeral),
by me, John Miller.
Buried also Thomas H. Baker, son of Mr. Baker, of Hamilton, aged
1 1/2 years, died 8th May, 1835, by me, John Miller.
Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Southwell, of Ancaster, born
2nd September,1835; baptized in Ancaster Church this 10th day of May, 1835,
by me, John Miller.
Sunday, May 17th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (82) and Ancaster (64).
Sunday, May 24th, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (97) and at Dundas (49).
John, son of Robert and Jane Douglas, born 22nd August, 1834;
baptized this 24th May by me in Dundas free chapel, John Miller.
Susan, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Noble, born 4th April, 1834;
baptized in Dundas free church this 24th May, 1835, by me, John Miller.
May 25th, 1835.-Married (by license) John Davison and Jane Walker, both of
the Town of Hamilton, County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Wm. Wilson and James English.
Sunday, 31st May, 1835.-Preached at West Flamboro'-first time (76)
and Ancaster (40).
Whitsunday, June 7th, 1835.-The Reverend Mr. Geddes preached at
Ancaster (146); communicants, 22.
Diana, daughter of Charles and Mary Anne Near, born 23rd June, 1834;
baptized this 7th June in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Casper, son of Casper and Jemima Raney, born 29th Nov., 1809;
baptized this 7th June, 1835, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Daniel, son of Casper and Elizabeth Raney, born 20th April, 1833;
baptized this 7th June, 1835, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Joseph, son of Casper and Elizabeth Raney, born 18th April, 1835;
baptized this 7th June in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
June 9th, 1835.-Married (by publication of banns) Joseph Snowgrove and
Maria Arnold, both of the Town of Dundas, Township of West Flamboro', etc.,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses Elizabeth Arnold and Caroline Miller.
Trinity Sunday, June 14th, 1835.-Assisted Mr. Geddes in Barton Church at the
administration of the Sacrament; communicants, 18.
Preached for him, and in Ancaster (52).
June 20th, 1835.-Married (by license) Richard Stelling and Anne Ward, of the
Town of Hamilton, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Caroline Miller and Margaret Palmer.
Sunday, June 21st, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (115) and Dundas (36).
Sunday, June 28th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (80) and West Flamboro' (52).
N.B.-The day very showery; the evening extremely wet.
June 29th, 1835.-Married (by license) William Curtis and Susan Green
(persons of color), of the Tounship of Ancaster, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-L. Logan, Lorenzo Lewis.
July 4th, 1835.Buried at Ancaster Churchyard this day, Otto Ives, aged 34 years,
by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 5th, 1835.-Preached at Hamilton (93).
N.B.-Mr. Geddes, in exchange, in Ancaster. Sacrament in Hamilton; communicants, 22.
Married (by license) James Thorpe, of the Town of Dundas, etc., and
Fanny Robinson, of the Township of Flamboro' West, both of the District of
Gore, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Jane Drean and Rebecca Drean.
Sunday, July 12th, 1835.-Preached this day in Dundas (81) and in Ancaster (62).
July 15th, 1835.-Married (by license) Frederick Upton and Hannah Palmer, both
of the Town of Hamilton, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-William Slater, Anne Gillesby.
Sunday, July 19th, 1835. Preached at Ancaster (96) and Dundas (45).
William, of William and Mary Boner, born 5th August, 1834;
baptized this evening at Dundas free church, by me, John Miller.
Sarah Anne, daughter of William and Elizabeth Bloes, born 4th June, 1832;
baptized July 19th in the church at Dundas by me, John Miller.
James, son of William and Elizabeth Blocs, born 18th November, 1835;
baptized in Dundas free church this 19th June by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 26th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (89) and Ancaster (62).
Sunday, August 2nd, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster.
N.B.-I was not able to procure the use of the chapel either at Dundas or
West Flamboro', this evening, John Miller.
August 3rd, 1835.-Married (by license) Edmund Benton, of the Village of
Ingersoll, County of Oxford, District of London, and Katherine Haycock, of
Ancaster, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Haycock, Edward Haycock and Wm.. Haycock.
Sunday, August 9th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (65) and Ancaster (60).
Sunday, August 16th, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (102); Sacrament
administered to 20 communicants.
Sunday, August 23rd, 1835.-Married (by license) Jaffry Harvey and
Catherine Battersby, both of the Township of Cayuga, County of Haldimand,
District of Niagara, by me, John Miller, Rector of St. John's Church, Ancaster.
Witnesses-Henry Battersby and W. H. Battersby.
Ellen Alicia, daughter of Thomas and Emma Blakeney, born 19th July, 1835;
baptized at her father's in Cayuga this 23rd August, 1835, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, August 30th, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (71);
the day wet and threatening.
September 4th, 1835.-Married (by publication of banns, George Thompson
(a man of color), and Eliza Ford, both of the Township of Ancastor,
Gore District, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Lorenzo Lewis and Samuel Lewis.
Buried on Sunday, August 30th, Leah Holmwood, wife of John Holmwood Esq.,
of West Flamboro', aged 53 years, in Ancaster Churchyard, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, September 6th, 1835.-Preached at 3 of this evening at Ancaster.
The exceeding wetness of the day prevented my going to Dundas.
September 7th, 1835.-Buried in Ancaster Churchyard, James Milne
(died in his 27th year), by me, John Miller.
Sunday, September 13th, 1835.-Preached this day at Ancaster, and
prevented from going to Dundas, the chapel being engaged the
entire day by the Baptists. The day again very wet and threatening.
Sunday, September 20th, 1835.-Preached this day at Dundas (76)
and Ancaster (44). N.B.-Day wet as usual.
Sunday, September 27th, 1835.-Confined to bed by extreme illness.
Sunday, October 3rd, 1835.-Too weak to officiate this day.
October 5th, 1835.-Married (by publication of banns) Charles Wilson
and Catherine Hyson, [should be HESSON-bmartin] of Ancaster, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Henry Heisson [should be HESSON-bmartin]
and Robert Monteith.
Amelia Sarah, daughter of Henry and Amelia Sarah Smith of Ancaster,
born 17th September, 1835; baptized October 6th in Ancaster Church
by me, John Miller, Minister.
Sunday, October 11th, 1835.-The Lord Bishop of Quebec, assisted by the
Archdeacon of Toronto (and me) ordained the Reverend John Gamble Geddes,
a priest in Ancaster Church sermon preached by the Lord Bishop. John Miller.
October 12th, 1835.-The Bishop of Quebec confirmed 31 persons in
Ancaster Church. The Archdeacon of Toronto preached. The Rev. Mr. Nelles,
the Rev. Mr. Geddes, present.
October 15th, 1835.-Married (by publication of banns) Cornelius Dingman and
May Monteith, both of the Township of Ancaster, County of Wentworth,
Gore District, by me, John Miller, Rector of St. John's Church, Ancaster.
Hamilton, 13th October, 1835.-Married (by license) Edward Armstrong and
Mary Ryan, widow, of the Township of Cayuga, County of Haldimand,
Niagara District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John O'Hara and Mary Wren. ????
N. B.-The parties above-mentioned had been at my house in Ancaster, then they
had followed me to Hamilton and were married in Mr. Geddes' lodgings.
Witnesses-Mary Monteith, Robert Monteith and Robert Irwin. ????
Sunday, October 18th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas. Day very wet; congregation, 48.
N.B.-My strength recovering but slowly and not permitted by the doctors to
preach twice in the same day.
October 19th, 1835.-Buried in Ancaster Churchyard, Alfred, son
of Rolla Badger; died 17th October, aged 10 months, by me, John Miller.
October 20th, 1835.-Married (by license) David Bernard and Catherine Keating.
The former of the Township of Eramose, and the latter of the Town of Guelph,
both of the County of Halton, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses.-M. A. Keating and Thomas Keating.
October 23rd, 1835.-Dyet Smith, son of William and Elizabeth Ledicoat, of
Ancaster, born 24th July, 1835; baptized this day by me at the parsonage, J.M.
Sunday, October 25th, 1835.-Went to West Flamboro' to preach there, but found
the school-house in possession of the Baptists. The Presbyterians also were
holding a celebration of the Sacrament all the day in Ancaster. John Miller.
November 1st, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (75), Ancaster (25).
Sunday night married (by publication of banns) Jarmin Logue, of the Township
of Ancaster, and Francis Kenny (people of color) of the Town of Hamilton,
County of Wentworth, by me, John Miller, Minister of Ancaster.
Witnesses John Willison and Joseph D. Paterson.
November 4th, 1835.-The Western Clerical Society met at my house to-day,
viz.: The Revs. Robert Lugger, Brantford; Francis Evans, Wodehouse;
Abraham Nelles, Tuscarora; William Bettridge, Woodstock; Benjamin Cronyn,
London; George Grout, Grimsby; Richard Frederick Flood, Caradoc; Frederick
Mack, Wellington Square; John G. Geddes, Hamilton; James Usher, Glandford;
Arthur Palmer, Guelph; John Miller, Ancaster.
On the 5th November, 1835, the Rev. Mr. Lugger preached in Ancaster at 3 o'clock.
Sunday, 8th November, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (70), and West Flamboro' (35).
November 19th, 1885.-Married (by license) George Stanton, Esq., of St George,
in the Township of Dumfries, and Sarah Vanevery, of Flamboro' West, spinster,
both of the District of Gore, by me, John Miller, Rector of St John's,
Ancaster. Witnesses-J. B. Stanton and Samuel Stanton.
N.B.-I was absent for ten days in Toronto from 8th to 18th November, 1835.
John Miller.
Sunday, November 22nd, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (60) and WestFlamboro' (39)
N.B.-This day was exceedingly cold.
Sunday, November 29th, 1839.-Preached at Dundas (45) and Ancaster (37).
N.B.-Day very cold.
Catherine, daughter of Thomas and Rose Howard, of Dundas, born October 25th, 1835;
baptized this 29th November in Dundas free church by me, John Miller.
George, son of Edwin and Phoebe Bown, of Ancaster, born November 1st, 1835;
baptized this 29th November in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller, A.M.
Sunday, December 6th, 1835.-Preached at Ancaster (36) and Dundas (87).
December 9th, 1835.-Married John Philipson and Saron Brackonridge, both of
Ancaster, County of Wentworth, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-William Gage and Mary Gage.
David Newton, son of William and Mary Gage, of Ancaster, born
13th September, 1835; baptized at the parsonage this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 13th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (97), and went
to Flamboro', but no notice was given, and no congregation assembled.
Mary Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Mary McCastan, of Erin, Gore District,
born 2nd October, 1835; baptized this Sunday, 15th December at the parsonage
by me, John Miller.
December 20th, 1835.-Preached at West Flamboro' (61) Ancaster (140).
Buried Elizabeth Sampson, wife of J. W. Sampson, died on Friday night,
December 18th, 1835, and interred the 20th December by me, John Miller.
December 25th, 1835 (Christmas Day).-Preached at Ancaster.
Congregation unusually large, amounting to 160 persons.
Sacrament administered and communicants 34.
Elizabeth daughter of James and Elizabeth Sampson of Ancaster, born
November 16th, 1828; baptized in Ancaster Church 25th December by me, John Miller.
Caroline Magdalen, daughter of James and Elizabeth Sampson, born
April 30th, 1835; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Agnes, daughter of James and Elizabeth Sampson, born July 15th, 1833;
baptized this 25th December by me, John Miller.
James George, son of James and Elizabeth Sampson, born 15th December, 1835;
baptized this 25th December by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 27th, 1835.-Preached at Dundas (99) and West Flamboro' (57).
Sunday, January 3rd, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster (84) and Dundas (120).
N.B.-Congregation unexpectedly large in Dundas.
Thomas, son of James and Maria Durand, of Dundas, born 28th July, 1833;
baptized this 3rd January in Dundas by me, John Miller.
Sunday, 10th January, 1836.-Preached at Dundas (82) and Ancaster (32).
January 11th.-Buried John Robinson, son of William Robinson, aged 22 years,
in West Flamboro', by me, John Miller.
Jessie, daughter of James Bell and Mary Margaret Ewart, born 9th September, 1835;
baptized 12th January, 1836, in Dundas, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, January 17th, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster (81) and West Flamboro' (97).
A large congregation at West Flamboro' at a funeral sermon preached on
occasion of John Robinson's death. John Miller.
Sunday, January 24th, 1836.-Preached at West Flamboro' (36) and Ancaster (33).
N. B.-The free chapel in Dundas closed against all preachers till the debt
be paid. John Miller.
Sunday, January 31st, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (60).
February 3rd, 1836.-Married (by license) William Gray and Hessey Ackland,
both of the Town of Dundas, County of Halton and District of Gore,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Walker and William McDonnell.
Married (by license) John Holmewood, of the Township of West Flamboro', and
Anne Crooks, of the Township of Ancaster, in the Church of Ancaster this
4th February, 1836, by me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
Witnesses-John Stephens Holmwood and Matthew Crooks.
Sunday, February 7th, 1836.-Preached at Mr. Palmer's Church, Guelph (82).
Sunday, 14th February, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster, and collected
for the fire at New York, £2 5s.
February 15th, 1836.-Married (by license) Jesse Cooper and Mary Jane Gilson,
both of the Town of Dundas, Township of Flamboro', Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Thomas Elliott and William Gilson.
Sunday, 21st February, 1836.-Preached at Dundas (67) and Ancaster (62).
William, son of Adam and Margaret Crane (now residing at Dundas), born
31st January, 1836; baptized in Dundas free church this 21st February
by me, John Miller.
Communicated to Bishop the receipt in Church at Ancaster on the 14th for the
fire in New York. Amount collected, £2 4s. 6d.
Subsequent receipts-From Mr. Babington, 7s. 6d.; Mr. Perkins, 2s. 6d.;
Mr. Wherrie, 5s.; Mr. Hatt, 5s.; Mr. Cooley, 5s.; Mr. Weird, 5s.;
Mr. Lodor, 10s.; Mr. Tiffany, 5s.; Mr. Ewart, 5s. This amount received was
deposited at the bank, Dundas, to the credit of the Bishop.
25th February, 1836.-Henry, son of Andrew Todd and Sarah Anne Kirby, born
25th February, 1834; baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Andrew, son of Andrew Todd and Sarah Anne Kirby, born 15th November, 1835;
baptized in West Flamboro' 25th February, 1836, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, February 28th, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster (71) and Dundas (41).
March 1st, 1836.-Henry, son of Thomas and Anne Dawson, born 22nd March, 1835;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, March 6th, 1836.-Preached at West Flamboro' (25) and Ancaster (39).
Day very cold.
Sunday, March 13th, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster (41).
This was the severest day in my recollection-wind and snow. Dundas and
Flamboro' were engaged.
Sunday, March 20th, 1836.-Preached at Dundas (67) and West Flamboro' (23).
Mary Anne, daughter of Andrew and Barbara Hatt, born 1st December, 1834;
baptized 21st March at her fathers, Mohawk Road, A.D. 1836, by me, John Miller.
Lucy Thorpe, daughter of Andrew and Barbara Hatt, born 5th March, 1835;
baptized 21st March, 1836, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, March 27th, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster and Dundas.
Good Friday, April 1st, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (30); Dundas (4).
There was no congregation, from various causes, in Dundas, and but a very
poor one at Ancaster; partly owing to the very muddy state of the roads.
Easter Sunday, April 3rd, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster (121);
Sacrament, and communicants 23.
April 10th, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster.
N.B.-This day was the regular day for service in Ancaster, but as there was
service here on last Sunday out of regular course I was not expected,
and there was a congregation of 10 persons only. It was snowy, frosty and
very muddy. John Miller.
April 15th, 1836.-Buried this day and preached a funeral sermon over the
remains of Frederick Filman, aged 70 years, at his residence, Mohawk Road,
by me, John Miller.
Sunday, April 17th, 1836.-Preached at Dundas (70) and Ancaster (35).
Sunday, April 24th, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (82).
April 26th, 1836.-Married (by license) George Hamilton Park and Helen Rolph,
both of the Town of Dundas, County of Halton, Gore District, U.C., in the
house of James Durand, Esq., Dundas, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-William Miller and Charles Durand.
Married (by license) Joseph Wetherall and Sarah Jarmy, the former of the
Township of Guelph, County of Halton, and the latter of the Town of Dundas,
County of Halton, both of Gore District, Upper Canada, by me, April 27th, 1836,
John Miller, Rector of St. John's Church, Ancaster.
Witnesses-Maria Jarmy and Thomas Jarmy.
Sunday, May 1st, 1836.-Preached at Dundas (70) and Ancaster (59).
Sunday, May 8th, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (90).
Sunday, May 15th, 1836.-Preached in Dundas (78) and Ancaster (40).
May 16th, 1836.-Married (by publication of banns) Peter Stevenson and
Frances Epps, both of Ancaster Township, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses, Ichabod Sharp, Daniel Epps.
Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Sarah Epps, born 3rd December, 1834;
baptized this 21st May by me at Mr. Murton's, 6th Concession, Ancaster,
John Miller.
Sunday, 22nd May, 1836 (Whitsunday).-Preached in Ancaster (35).
The day exceedingly wet and the administration of
the Sacrament deferred in consequence to June 5th.
Trinity Sunday, May 29th, 1836.-Preached in Dundas (39) and Ancaster (10).
N.B.-It rained heavily all this day.
Sunday, June 5th, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (70); communicants, 11.
June 7th, 1836.-Married (by license) Thomas Crooks, of the Township of
Woolwich, County of Halton, and Emma Holmwood, of the Township of West
Flamboro', County of Halton, Gore District, U.C., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-James Crooks, Jr., William Pyrne Bacon.
Sunday, June 12th, 1836.-Preached at Dundas (71) and Ancaster (25).
June 13th, 1836.-Buried in Ancaster Churchyard, Eleanor Gates, aged 68 years,
of the Township of Beverly, late of the Parish of Bambury Castle,
Northumberland, England, by me, John Miller.
N.B.-Paid to me 5s. for this burial, which I handed to Mr. Lodor immediately.
Joshua, son of Joshua and Elizabeth Gibson, of the 6th Concession, Ancaster,
born 4th April, 1836; baptized 13th June in Ancaster Church
by me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
N.B.-It rained so heavily no person came to church in Ancaster, and continuing
all day prevented my going to Dundas on Sunday, June 19th, 1836. John Miller.
June 21st, 1836.-William Lewes, son of William and Emina Kemp, of Ancaster,
born 23rd January, 1836; baptized in Ancaster this day by me, John Miller, A.M.
George James, son of Henry and Naomi Serveyers Gates, born 24th March, 1833;
baptized in Ancaster this day by me, John Miller, A.M.
Mary Anne, daughter of Henry and Naomi S. Gates, born 29th of ???, 1835;
baptized this day in Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Sunday, June 26th, 1836.-Preached in Dundas (50) and in Ancaster (44).
N.B.-The last ten days were the most disagreeable I ever knew, constant rain
and heavy fog, and the sun appeared only a few instants on Friday evening. J. M.
Sunday, July 3rd, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (82).
William Jones, son of John Jones and Anna Bull, born ?? -baptized in Ancaster
Church this 3rd July, 1836, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 10th, 1836.-Preached in Dundas (89) and Ancaster (26).
July 15th, 1836.-Married (by license) William Brittain and Fanny Holmewood;
the former of the Township of Dumfries, County of Halton; the latter of the
Township of West Flamboro', both of the District of Gore, by me, John Miller,
Rector of St John's Church, Ancaster. Witnesses-Robert Barry and John Holmwood.
Sunday, July 17th, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (85). Monday, July 18th, 1836.
-While engaged in a burial service this day I was suddenly deprived of the
power of speech, and continued very unwell without engaging this day in any
service. I was sent by desire of the physician into the States and visited
Rochester and Buffalo with much benefit.
August 15th, 1836.-Mary Anne, daughter of John Horrocks and
Isabella (Taylor) Horrocks, of Dundas, born 29th June, 1836;
baptized this day by me, John Miller, A.M.
By advice of Drs. Robinson and Rolph I left home for Saratoga
on Tuesday, 16th August, and with the sanction of the Archdeacon
of Toronto, whence I returned 24th September, 1836.
Sunday 25th September, 1836.-The Reverend Mr. Geddes preached in
Ancaster (92) at 3 p.m. o'clock.
John Walter, son of Wm. and Mary Murton, born 2nd July, 1836;
baptized this 25th September in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
September 29th, 1836.-Married (by license) John Clements and
Roxy Stocker, both of the Township of Dumfries, County of Halton, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Charlotte Wood and Samuel Wood.
Sunday, October 2nd, 1836.-Julia (?) Cradock. son of Captain Cradock,
1st Concession Ancaster, late of Ireland, aged 3 weeks, buried in
Ancaster Churchyard at 8 o'clock a.m., by me, J. Miller.
Preached this day in Dundas at 11 a.m.
October 3rd, 1836.-Received a summons from Mr. Bettridge to attend at Toronto
on Archdeacons' visitation, held by the Archdeacons of Kingston and York, in
which various important resolutions and addresses were sanctioned, from
which I returned only on the 8th inst.
Sunday, October 9th, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster (92).
George, son of John and Eleanor Gregg, born 12th September, 1836;
baptized this 9th October in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
I was inducted into the Rectory of Ancaster on Saturday, 8th October, having
taken the necessary oaths before the Very Reverend the Archdeacon of York,
the Bishop of Quebec, Commissary in Spirituals. John Miller.
October 11th, 1836.-I was this day inducted into corporal possession of
Ancaster Church, by Rev. Gamble Geddes, in presence of George Bousseau,
Churchwarden John Haycock, Messrs. Cradock, father and son.
October 16th, 1836.-Sunday, Dundas and Ancaster (13).
This day was very wet and stormy. I went to Dundas, but there was no
expectation there of service, and in Ancaster there were but a few people
present. John Miller.
Anne, daughter of Richard and Rosina Hatt, of Dundas, born 12th February, 1836;
baptized in Dundas 16th October, 1836, by me, John Miller.
Jane Henrietta, daughter of James and Letitia Gibson, of Ancaster, born
23rd July, 1836; baptized this 16th October by me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
Sunday, October 23rd, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (69).
Sunday, October 30th, 1836.-Preached in Dundas (60) and Ancaster (29).
November 6th, 1836.-Preached in Ancaster (70).
A sudden change of weather from very fine to a wet and heavy
atmosphere produced its depressing effect on my spirits that I
was unable to go to Dundas this day or to preach in Ancaster this morning.
Sunday, November 20th, 1836.-The Reverend A. Nelles preached for
me this day. At Sacrament there were 17 communicants. The day
was very wet and unfavorable. Congregation, 65.
I was enabled this day to read the service and administer the
Sacrament with much more than usual power.
November 24th, 1836.-Matthew, son of Matthew and Margaret Thompson Crooks, J.P.,
of Ancaster, born 1st July, 1836; baptized this day in Ancaster Church
by me, John Miller, Rector.
Sunday, November 27th, 1836.-Preached in Dundas (61) and Ancaster (26).
Married (by license) James Miller, of Hamilton, Township of Barton, and
Elizabeth Stanby, Township West Flamboro', Gore District, etc.,
November 27th, 1836, by me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
Witnesses-Richard Stanby and Thomas Davis.
Sunday, December 4th, 1836.-Preached at Ancaster (92).
Otto William, son of Samuel and Jane Craig, 5th Concession Ancaster, born
4th August, 1836; baptized this day in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Sunday, December 11th, 1836.-Preached at Dundas (42) and Ancaster (18).
This day was exceedingly muddy, and frost has quite left the roads;
overhead the day was very fine and the weather open.
Sunday, 18th December, 1836.-I was assisted in morning service
in Ancaster (64); a sermon preached by the Rev. Hugh O'Neill.
Caroline, daughter of Henry and Amelia Sarah Smith, of Glandford, born
23rd November, 1836; baptized at the Ancaster parsonage this
18th December by me, John Miller.
3:30 o'clock.-The Rev. H. O'Neill preached and read service at
Dundas free church; congregation, 50.
Mary Cockerell, widow of Richard Cockerell, formerly of Barton,
aged 52 years, died in Barton on the 22nd December, and was
buried in Ancaster Churchyard on the 24th December, 1836, by me,
John Gamble Geddes, Minister of Christ's Church, Hamilton.
December 25th, 1836 (Christmas Day) -Absolute weakness prevented
my having service in Ancaster Church this day. John Miller.
Sunday, January 1st, 1837.-No service on this day, either in
Ancaster or Dundas.
Sunday, January 8th, 1837.-The Rev. Mr. O'Neill preached for me
this day in Dundas (45) and Ancaster (46). N.B.-Day exceedingly
cold, and in Dundas Church very cold; there being no firewood.
January 15th, 1837.-Mr. O'Neill preached and administered the
Sacrament in Ancaster this morning; communicants, 28.
Collection, £1 3s. 9 1/2d.; congregation, 89. We had a second
service in Ancaster this evening at 6 o'clock; congregation near 130.
Mr. O'Neill preached and officiated alone. John Miller.
Sunday, January 29th, 1837.-Sarah, daughter of William and Sarah Brown, of
Flamboro' West, born 8th August, 1836; baptized at parsonage house the
29th January by me, John Miller. Sponsors-Henry Smart, Joan Smart, Sarah March.
January 31st, 1837.-Catherine, daughter of William and Isabella Dalgleish, of
Binbrook, born 31st March, 1836; baptized 31st January, 1837, by me, J. M.
Sunday, February 5th, 1837.-The Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Fort Erie, preached at
3 o'clock p.m. (65). The Rev. Mr. Geddes preached at 6 o'clock p.m. (59).
Buried John Wright, of Ancaster, aged 48 years, died on Friday,
3rd February, 1837, by Mr. Anderson, Fort Erie.
Sunday, 12th February, 1837.-Preached this morning at Ancaster (39).
I have been enabled to have service in the Church and to
preach there with some freedom and power. Glory be to God. John Miller.
February 13th, 1837.-Buried David Newton, of Ancaster, aged 56 years, died
10th February, 1837, by me, John Miller, Rector.
February 15th, 1837.-Married this day (by publication of banns)
George Cotton and Mary Geddes, both of the Village of Ancaster,
County of Wentworth, District of Gore. John Miller.
Witnesses-Caroline Miller and Joseph Carter.
February 16th, 1837.-Married this day (by license) John Gould and Mary Cooper,
both of the Township of West Flamboro', County Halton, by me, John Miller,
Rector. Witnesses William Gray and Moses Fenax.
Sunday 19th February, 1837.-Preached in Ancaster (58) at 3 o'clock a funeral
sermon for David Newton. A heavy fall of snow this afternoon.
Sunday, February 26th, 1837.-Preached this day with full service in Ancaster.
Tuesday, February 28th, 1837.-Matilda, daughter of James and Elizabeth Smiley,
of the 5th Concession Ancaster, born 23rd February, 1832;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
James, son of James and Elizabeth Smiley, born 30th May, 1834;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Mary Anne, daughter of James and Elizabeth Smiley, born November 29th, 1836;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, March Sth.-Services this day at Dundas (71), West Flamboro' (72),
and in Ancaster in the evening (120). The Rev. Henry Hugh O'Neill
preached (me souci).
Sunday, March 12th, 1837.-Morning service at 11 o'clock; full service in
Ancaster (51); heavy rain before service, and full attendance at Sunday School.
Sunday, March 19th, 1837.-Preached this day at Dundas (75) and Ancaster (31).
This day I was enabled to have two full services for the first time since my
illness. Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
Good Friday, March 24th, 1837.-Preached this morning in Ancaster (26).
Day very fine, but a rapid thaw made the roads very wet,
and almost impassable. John Miller.
Easter Sunday, March 26th, 1837.-Preached this day at Ancaster (112);
collection, 16s. 9d.; Sacrament (22).
N.B-The thaw progressing rapidly; the roads becoming deeper every hour.
Sunday, April 2nd, 1837.-Preached this morning at Dundas (48).
This morning was snowing and raining; most uncomfortable and
wet. It rained heavily on my return, so I was obliged to return
home without delaying in Ancaster for service there. John Miller.
Sunday, April 9th, 1837.-Preached in Ancaster (31); weather very raw and cold.
Sunday, April 16th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas (42), and Ancaster (40).
Buried in Ancaster Churchyard, Thomas Rolph Durand, son of James Durand, Esq.,
of Dundas, aged 3 years. J. Miller.
William, son of George and Louisa Wakefield, late of Gloucestershire, Eng.,
born 14th January, 1833; baptized 20th April by me, John Miller.
Sarah, daughter of George and Louisa Wakefield, born 16th December, 1836;
baptized 20th April by me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
David, son of Preserved and Catherine Cooly, born 11th April, 1822;
baptized this 20th April, 1837, by me, John Miller.
William Applegarth, son of Preserved and Catherine Cooly, born
25th October, 1826; baptized this 20th April, 1837, by me, John Miller.
Helen Catherine, daughter of Preserved and Catherine Cooly, born
14th August, 1832; baptized this 20th April, 1837, at her father's house
by me, John Miller.
Anne Wand, daughter of Thomas and Mary Barry, of Ancaster, born
1st February, 1836; baptized this day at Mr. Cooly's house by me,
John Miller, Rector.
Sunday, April 23rd, 1837.-Preached this morning at Ancaster (65).
The weather continues to be very cold, and to invalids very unpromising
and afflicting.
Sunday, April 30th, 1837.-Preached this evening in Ancaster (35).
I had intended to preach this morning at Dundas, but the morning commencing
with showers of snow and threatening rain made me fearful in my delicate
health of a wetting, and therefore I returned home after Sunday School.
Sunday, May 7th, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster (76).
May 9th, 1837.-Married (by license) John Garvin, East Flamboro',
and Mary Anne Pyke, of West Flamboro', County Halton, by me,
John Miller, Rector. Witnesses-Dawson Buntin and Ambrose Pyke.
Sunday, May 14th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas. Returning with the
intention of preaching in Ancaster I got so wetted by heavy
showers that I went home to change my clothes, but the evening
became so wet, and it began to rain so heavily and continued all
the night, I did not return. John Miller.
Sunday, May 21st, 1837 (Trinity Sunday).-I preached in Ancaster.
Sacrament, 18 communicants; congregation, 82.
Sunday, May 28th, 1837.-Preached in Dundas (86).
May 30th, 1837.-Married (by license) Robert Conway and Anne Mahon, both of
the Village of Dundas, County of Halton, District of Gore, U.C., by me,
John Miller. Witnesses-Jas. Bellingham and Catherine Bellingham.
Sunday, June 4th, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster (50).
The day became very wet, and it rained heavily after twelve o'clock.
Sunday, June 11th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas. It rained very
heavily from one to half-past three o'clock, so I was obliged to
remain in Dundas during evening service.
Mary Anne, daughter of James and Fanny Thorp, of Dundas, born
27th July, 1836; baptized this 11th June, at her father's in
Dundas by me, John Miller.
Sunday, 18th June, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster.
N.B.-I felt very weak during the prevalence of easterly wind, this and
the two preceding days. John Miller.
Thursday, 22nd June, 1837.-Mary, daughter of John and Mary Grandon Miller,
at Mr. Lodor's Mills, born 11th June, 1837; baptized this day by me, J. M.
The banns of marriage between Nicholas Near, Ancaster, and Christina Taylor,
Dumfries, to be published 25th June, 2nd and 9th July, and the parties to be
married on the 12th July, 1837.
Sunday, June 25th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas (50) and Ancaster (36).
Robert Berry, son of William Henry and Mary Coulston, of West Flamboro', born
8th March, 1836; baptized at his father's, 25th June, by me, John Miller.
Returns to this date. Baptisms for the year ending June,
1837, to Archdeacon at his visitation held, Toronto, September 13th, 1837.
Sunday, 2nd July, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster (70). Baptized 23 in year 1837.
Sunday, July 9th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas (62) and Ancaster (20).
Tuesday, July 11th, 1837.-Married (by publication of banns) Nicholas Near,
of Ancaster, and Christina Taylor, of Dumfries, both of the County of Wentworth,
Gore District, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Near, Mary Near.
Sunday, July 16th, 1837.-Preached in Ancaster (73).
Margaret, daughter of John and Susannah Walker, born October 22nd, 1835;
baptized this 16th July in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Lucinda, daughter of John and Susannah Walker, born 17th January, 1837;
baptized in Ancaster Church this day by me, John Miller.
Phoebe Harrison, daughter of James and Barbara Harrison, born
9th June, 1837; baptized in Ancaster Church this day by me, John Miller.
Mary Margaret Rousseau, daughter of James and Ellen Gurnett, of Ancaster,
born October 28th, 1836; baptized in Ancaster Church this, day by me, John Miller.
Married (by license) Lionel Forster and Caroline Magdalen Sampson, both of
Ancaster Township, County Wentworth, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-James H. Sampson and Major Shepard.
Sunday, July 23rd, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster (69), Dundas (69).
Sunday, July 30th, 1837.-Preached in Ancaster (37). The entire
of the day continued exceedingly wet; a thunder storm continued
throughout to pour torrents of rain, and spoiled our congregation in Ancaster.
Wednesday, 2nd August, 1837.-Married (by license) Thomas Seegrim, of Zorra,
in the County of Oxford, District of London, and Emily Hore, of the Township
of Dumfries, in the County of Wentworth, Gore District, Province of U.C.
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Matthew Crooks and William D. Dale.
Sunday, August 6th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas (108) and Ancaster (48).
Jane, daughter of Thomas and Matilda Venables, of Dundas, born
24th November, 1836; baptized this 6th August, 1837, in Dundas
free church, by me, John Miller.
Henry, son of Robert and Jane Douglas, of Dundas, born 14th November, 1836;
baptized this 6th August in Dundas Church by me, John Miller.
Sunday, August 13th, 1837.-Preached in Ancaster (77).
Sunday, August 20th, 1837.-Preached in Dundas (79) and in Ancaster (23).
Francis, daughter of Dr. George H. and Ellen Park, of Dundas,
born 13th June, 1837; baptized 20th August, 1837, in Dundas by
me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
August 21st, 1837.-George, son of George and Harriett Brett,
born 1st July, 1833; baptized the 21st August, 1837, by me, John Miller.
Mary Anne, daughter of George and Harriet Brett, born 5th March, 1836;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Sunday, August 27th, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster (62).
Sunday, September 3rd, 1837.-Preached at Dundas (65) and Ancaster (32).
Sunday, September 10th, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster. Administered
Sacrament; communicants, 9. Day very wet and congregation very small.
Sunday, September 17th, 1837.-No service in Dundas. The Rev.
Messrs. Geddes and Palmer visited Ancaster at six p.m., and Mr.
Geddes preached, and Mr. Palmer read the service (130).
Ellen, daughter of John Jones and Annie Bull, blacksmith, of Ancaster,
born 3rd August, 1837; baptized this 17th Septemher, 1837,
in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Edenna, daughter of John and Elizabeth Huggins, Ancaster, born
August 25th, 1837; baptized 17th September by me, John Miller.
Thomas, son of George and Annie Speechly, shoemaker, Ancaster,
born December 24th, 1836; baptized 17th September by me, John Miller.
N.B.-There was a very large congregation assembled this evening
to hear Mr. Geddes preach at 6 o'clock p.m.
Sunday, September 24th.- Preached in Ancaster.
Sunday, October 1st, 1837.-Mr. Geddes preached (130) at 6 o'clock.
Mary, daughter of William and Elizabeth Leddicoat, of Ancaster,
born 1st August, 1837; baptized at the parsonage this 28th
September, 1837, by me, John Miller.
October 3rd, 1837.-Married (by license) Samuel Cory, jr., of
Ancaster, and Agnes Jane Murdoch, of same place, both of County
of Wentworth, by me, John Miller. Witnesses-George Marr and Cyrus VanSickle.
Sunday, October 8th, 1837.-Preached in Ancaster (48).
Sunday, October 15th. 1837.-Preached in Dundas (29) and Ancaster (54).
N.B.-I was not expected in Dundas, hence the smallness of the
congregation, but it seems to be the pleasure of God to
reinvigorate me with former powers. I was better and more at my
ease in my pulpit this day than hitherto. J. M.
Sunday, 22nd October, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster (75).
John Craven, son of John Craven and Louisa Chadwick, of the Jersey Settlement,
born 12th February, 1837; baptized in Ancaster Church, October 22nd, 1837,
by me, John Miller.
October 24th.-Catherine, daughter of Rineer and Hester Vansickle, of
Beverly Township, born 4th January, 1803; baptized 24th October, 1837,
in Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Gable, Ancaster,
born 29th December, 1826; baptized 24th October, 1837, in
Ancaster by me, John Miller.
Hester, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Gable, born 9th October, 1828;
baptized this 24th October by me, John Miller.
John, son of Jacob and Catherine Gable, born 20th August, 1830;
baptized this day by me, John Miller.
Katherine Maria, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Gable, born 26th August, 1832;
baptized this 24th October by me, John Miller.
Lucinda, daughter Jacob and Catherine Gable, born November 14th, 1834;
baptized this 24th October by me, John Miller.
Francis, son of Jacob and Catherine Gable, born 5th October, 1837;
baptized 24th October, 1837, by me, John Miller.
Jane Anne, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Daken, of Ancaster, born
April 5th, 1832; baptized this 24th October, 1837, in the house
of Mr. Gable by me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
Juliett, daughter of Samuel and Fliza Daken, of Ancaster, born
February 2nd, 1834; baptized at Mr. Gable's house in Ancaster,
by me, John Miller.
October 26th, 1837.-Sarah Margaret, daughter of Joel and Margaret Kellog,
5th Concession, Ancaster, born 18th June, 1837;
baptized this 26th October at her father's house by me, John Miller.
George Silas, son of Joel and Margaret Kellog, born 1st Jannary, 1835;
baptized 26th October, 1837, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, October 29th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas.
Sunday, November 5th, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster.
Sunday, November 12th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas.
November 19tb, 1837.-Buried in Ancaster Churchyard, Mary,
daughter of John Grandon, miller, of Mr. Lodor's mill aged four months.
Sunday, November 19th, 1837.-Preached in Ancaster.
November 24th, 1837.-John Strahan, son of Janies and Mary Anne Mackenzie,
of Ancaster, born 30th October, 1837; baptized this
24th November, 1837, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, November 26th, 1837.-Rev. Mr. O'Neill, travelling missionary, preached
this day for me at Dundas (90) and Ancaster (97) (me socis).
Charles Dundas, son of John and Eliza Jane Wetherall, of Nelson, born
2nd November, 1837; baptized in Ancaster Church, 30th November, 1837,
by me, John Miller. Rev. Chas. Floyd, Chas. Hale, Miss Richwith.
[Presumably sponsors.-Note by C. Fessenden.]
Sunday, December 3rd, 1837.-There was no service this day in Ancaster owing to
the dreadful state of the roads, being so cut up by the workmen engaged in
preparing to macadamize them, and by a continual fall of rain for four days
that they were impassable. John Miller.
Sunday, December 10th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas (38) and Ancaster (26).
This day and during the last week an alarm of rebellion was most extensively
circulated. Many hundreds of men were called by the Governor to Toronto.
Mackenzie and his followers appeared in open rebellion. Many persons were
arrested in Toronto and in Hamilton. A proclamation appears this day
thanking the men of Toronto for firmness. The rebels received a smart check
in a skirmish this week.
Sunday, December 17th, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster (25).
A heavy fall of snow succeeded by fog and rain made the day exceedingly
unpleasant, and spoiled our congregation in Ancaster.
December 24th, 1837.-Preached at Dundas, 43 present.
Christmas Day, December 25th, 1837.-Preached this day in Ancaster (50).
There was a very small Congregation present in Ancaster this day; although
the day was very fine. But the disturbed state of the country and the numbers
of militia men proceeding to Chippawa to make an attack on Mackenzie thinned
our numbers very much. Sacrament this day; communicants, 14.
Collection, silver, 6s. 6d.; copper, 6d.
Sunday, December 31st, 1837.-Preached at Ancaster. Rev. J. G. Geddes.
Banns of marriage published between John Near and Christiana Near, both of
Ancaster, 31st December, January 7th and 14th.
We expected few persons to attend church this day; all the men of the village
and neighborhood being absent in Chippawa watching Mackenzie's rebel party in
Navy Island, but we had about 30 persons.
Buried in Ancaster graveyard, Charles Dundas Wetherhall, of Nelson,
aged two months (the 3rd January, 1838), by me, John Miller.
Sunday, January 7th, 1838.-The fall of snow on this and the preceding day was
so heavy and constant as to prevent my going to Dundas and Ancaster. The
sexton is absent on the frontier, and no likelihood of any congregation being
assembled, so I called my own family and read the Church service for the day,
concluding with the sermon I would have preached in church. John Miller.
January 16th, 1838.-Married (by publication of banns) John Near
and Christiana Near, both of the Township of Ancaster, County Wentworth, U. C.,
by me, John Miller, Rector of Ancaster.
Witnesses-Catherine Near and Daniel Near.
January 25th, 1838.-Married (by license) James Hull and Bridget Sullivan, of
Township of West Flamboro', County Halton, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Robert Hull and Edward Cushnayhan.
Sunday, January 21st, 1838.-Preached in Dundas.
N.B.-The state of the roads still intolerably bad. No snow has yet fallen
though anxiously expected.
January 24th, 1838.-Buried this day in Ancaster graveyard, Hiram Huggins,
son of Mr. John Huggins, engineer, aged seven years, one month, by me, J.M.
January 28th, 1838.-Preached in Ancaster (30). The day was
exceedingly cold, and the congregation very small. J. M.
Sunday, February 4th, 1838.-Preached at Dundas (68) and at Ancaster (19).
The morning of this day was very fine, and in consequence there
was a larger number of persons present at Dundas than for some
time. As it has pleased the Almighty to increase my strength,
I have undertaken full service in Ancaster and Dundas. May God
continue His grace to me from henceforth. John Miller.
February 6th, 1838.-Married (by publication of banns) Henry Near
and Mary Ellis, both of the Township of Brantford, District of Gore,
by me, John Miller.
Tuesday, February 6th, 1838.-Preached this day at Ancaster (80).
There was this day a Public Thanksgiving, by proclamation from
Sir Francis Bond Head, the Lieutenant-Governor, for victory obtained over
the rebels in both Provinces, and for their general dispersion. J. M.
February 7th, 1838.-Baptized Eliza, daughter of William and Mary Robison, of
Dundas, born 26th June, 1837, and baptized this day in Dundas by me, J.M.
Nathanael Reed Weaver, son of Zenas and Elizabeth Weaver, of the
Jersey Settlement, born 3rd December, 1837, baptized the 8th February, 1838,
by me, John Miller.
Sunday, February 11th, 1838.-Preached at Ancaster (50).
February 14th.-Catherine Aimy, daughter of George and Elizabeth Aimy, born
28th January, 1827; baptized 14th February, 1838, in
the Jersey Settlement, by me, John Miller.
Sophia Near, daughter of George and Marianne Near, born 25th September, 1836;
baptized 14th February, 1838, by me, John Miller.
John Taylor, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Taylor, born 7th May, 1835;
baptized this 14th February, by me, John Miller.
February 15th, 1835.-Married (by license) John Knott of East Flamboro', and
Dorothy Jury, of same place, County Halton, Gore District, by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-John Boothman and Eliza Day.
Sunday, 18th day of the month February.-John Clements, son of
George and Georgina Rolph, born 8th January, 1838; baptized this
day at the house of Geo. Rolph, Esq., Dundas. I was not able to
officiate at Dundas or Ancaster this 18th February, but only at
the baptism of Mr. Geo. Rolph's son this month. John Miller.
February 2Oth.-Baptized Jacob, son of John Bird, of the Township
of Brantford, and Susannah, his wife, born 6th November, 1835,
baptized 20th February, 1838, by me, J. Gamble Geddes.
Esther Anne, daughter of John Bird, of the Township of Brandtford, and
Susannah, his wife, horn 19th March, 1837, was publicly baptized by me,
John Gamble Geddes, Minister of Hamilton and Barton.
Sunday, 25th February, 1838.-Preached in Ancaster (52).
This day was excessively cold.
Henry, son of John and Eleanor Gregg, born 3rd December, 1837;
baptized this 25th February, 1838, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
March 3rd, 1838.-Married (by license) Jeremiah Lyons and Mary Maracle, both
of the Township of West Flamboro', County of Halton, Gore District,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Isaac Anderson and Edward Lyons.
Sunday, March 4th, 1838.-Preached in Dundas (55) and Ancaster (60).
N.B.-This day beautifully fine; the snow rapidly thawing by the sun's heat.
Amy, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Phillips, born December 18th, 1835;
baptized 4th March, 1838, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller.
Annie Christiana, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Philips,
born December 27th, 1837; baptized this day by me in Ancaster
Church, John Miller, Rector.
March 11th, 1838.-The Rev. Mr. Evans preached for me in Ancaster; (73).
John Palmer, son of John Palmer and Maria Battersby, born in Ancaster,
29th December, 1837; baptized in Ancaster Church this day by me, John Miller.
Married (by license) William McLellan Kergan and Elizabeth Ann Curtis, both
of the Township of Barton, District of Gore, Upper Canada, by me, John Miller,
Rector. Witnesses John Gage and Margaret Fletcher.
Sunday, March 18th, 1838.-The roads being in a state after the frost, nearly
impassable, prevented my going to Dundas. I preached only in Ancaster (25)
this day.
Amanda Midhurst, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Tidy, born 10th November, 1836;
baptized this 18th March, 1838, in Ancaster Church by me, John Miller, Rector.
Sunday, 25th March, 1838.-I was oppressed and confined to bed all this day,
and previously by severe illness.
Sunday, April 1st, 1838.-The Rev. Mr. Evans officiated in my stead at
Dundas (106) and Ancaster (80).
Sunday, April 8th, 1838.-Confined with illness all this day.
Good Friday, April 13th, 1838.-I was able to read prayers in Church this day.
Easter Day, April 15th, 1838.-Administered the Sacrament this morning.
Congregation about 50; communicants, 15. The Rev. Mr. Geddes preached in
the afternoon (congregation, 78), 6 p.m.
Sunday, 22nd, 1838.-Preached and officiated in Ancaster (68).
Sunday, 29th April, 1838.-The Rev. Mr. Geddes officiated in my
stead at 6.30 p.m. in Ancaster Church, I being quite unable to
do my own duty. John Miller.
Sunday, May 6th, 1838.-Preached in Ancaster this day, John Miller.
May 9th, 1838.-Robert George, son of Wm. Anstrother Maingy and
Helen, his wife, born 19th April, 1838; baptized this day at his
father's house by me, John Miller.
Sunday, May 13th, 1838.-Georgiana, daughter of Henry and Amelia Sarah Smith,
of Mapel Grove, Township of Glandford, born 1st April, 1838;
baptized in Ancaster Church by me this 13th May, 1838, John Miller.
Sunday, May 13th, 1838.-Preached this evening in Ancaster Church, (60).
Sunday, May 20th, 1838.-Preached in Ancaster (78).
Sunday, May 27th, 1838.-Feeling sufficiently strong, I essayed
to officiate in Dundas; for this purpose I went to Mr. Ewart's,
where by continued heavy rain I was detained two entire days
without effecting my purpose, May 27th, 1838. John Miller.
June 2nd, 1838.-Married this morning (by license) in the Church at Ancaster,
Robert Maingy, of Ancaster, bachelor, to Harriet Hale, spinster, of Ancaster,
both of the Township Wentworth, District of Gore, etc., by me, John Miller,
Rector. Witnesses-William Shaw, Wm. Austin Maingy.
Banns of marriage to be published between William Willis and
Abigail Gwire (persons of color), 3rd, 10th, 17th June.
Sunday, June 3rd.-1838.-George, son of Arthur and Mary Stamp,
born 11th September, 1838, and baptized in Ancaster Church this
3rd June by me, John Miller.
Sunday, June 3rd, 1838.-Preached at Ancaster and administered
the Sacrament to 11 communicants; congregation, 65; collected
for the poor, £2 and 3 shillings York.
Sunday, June 10th, 1838.-Catherine, daughter of Robert and Catherme Conway,
born 23rd February, 1838; baptized this 10th June by me, John Miller.
Preached at Dundas (30) and Ancaster (28).
June 12th, 1838.-James Robert, son of John and Elizabeth Althem,
born 30th April, 1838, in Ancaster; baptized at the parsonage
house by me this 12th June, 1838, John Miller.
Married (by license) John Galbraith and Elizabeth Utter, both of
the Township of Saltfleet and District of Gore, U. C., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Harriett Slipper and Charles Chamberlan.
Sunday, June 17th, 1838.-The Rev. Mr.. O'Neill preached for me
in Ancaster (75), Dundas (108).
Sunday, June 24th, 1838.-Dundas (60), Ancaster (50). The Rev. Mr. O'Neill
officiated for me at Dundas, and preached for me in Ancaster this day. J.M.
Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Nancy Davison, born 14th February, 1836;
baptized in Dundas Church, June 24th, by me, John Miller.
Sunday, July 1st, 1838.-Preached in Ancaster this day. I was disabled by the
extreme heat this day, from proceeding to Dundas to preach there. John Miller.
July 4th, 1838.-David, son of James and Catherine Bellingham, born
1st December, 1837; baptized at the parsonage, this 4th July, by me, J.M.
Sunday, July 8th, 1838.-Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Jane Smith, born
24th May; baptized this 8th July, 1838, in Ancaster Church, by me, John Miller.
I attempted but failed to succeed in preaching in Dundas this day. I attempted
also to preach in Ancaster (60), but succeeded with difficulty. John Miller.
Saturday, July 15th, 1838.-Married (by license) Henry Smith and
Margaret Churchill, both of the Township of Hamilton, County of Wentworth,
District of Gore, by me, John Miller, Rector of Church.
Signatures-William Daily and Joseph Strongman.
Sunday, July 29th, 1838.-The Rev. Mr. Geddes preached in
Ancaster Church this evening at 6 o'clock. Congregation about 65.
Sunday, July 29th, 1838.-There was no service of any kind this
day in the Church. I was completely unable to officiate. John Miller.
[NOTE.-The dates seem incorrect.-C. F.]
Sunday, 5th August, 1838.-Service this day at Dundas and Ancaster, the
Rev. Mr. Mayenhoffer preached for me this day at Dundas (100) and Ancaster (60)
at 5 o'clock.
Georgiana Rousseau, daughter of Margaret, born 1st August,
1838; baptized this day (5th August, 1838) by me, John Miller.
Sunday, 12th August, 1838.-I read the service for this day, but
was too weak to attempt to preach. John Miller.
William John, son of William and Bridget West, born 4th April, 1838;
baptized this 11th August by me, John Miller.
August 16th, 1838.-Married (by license) George Henry, of Ancaster, laborer,
and Helen Ryan, spinster, both of this Township, etc., by me, John Miller.
Witnesses-Thomas Hudson and Andrew Henry.
Sunday, August 19th, 1838.-The Rev. Mr. Geddes, of Hamilton,
officiated this day in my place in Ancaster at 6 o'clock.
The Rev. Mr. McMurray arrived at Ancaster on Thursday, 23rd August, 1838, I
being very weak and quite unable to officiate in my parish. J. M., Rector.
Sunday, 26th August, 1838.-The Rev. Wm. McMurray preached
this day at Ancaster. J. M.
Sunday, September 2nd, 1838.-The Rev. Wm. McMurray preached
this day at Dundas (100) and Ancaster (50).
Francis Anne, daughter of ?? Street, born 18th June, 1838;
baptized 2nd September by Rev. Mr. McMurray.
Alicia, daughter of James and Catherine Cooper, born 9th March, 1838;
baptized 2nd September, 1838, by Rev. Mr. McMurray.
September 16th, 1838.-Died this morning at Mr. Rousseaux',
Henry Craven, aged fourteen years, an emigrant from England, and
buried in Ancaster Churchyard by Rev. Mr. McMurray.
Baptized this 30th September, 1838, John, son of James and Susannah Philips,
of Ancaster, born 10th July, 1838; baptized 30th September, 1838,
by Rev. Wm. McMurray.
October 5th, 1838.-Married (by license) Charles Winyard, of Ancaster, and
Elizabeth Lowne, same place, District of Gore, Province of Upper Canada,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-Robert Lowrie, David Richardson.
October 20th, 1838.-This day were married by me, John Miller,
published three several Sundays:
Married (by publication of banns) Walter Beyers and Jane Scott, both of the
Township of Ancaster, District of Gore, Province of Upper Canada, by me,
John Miller, Rector.
Witnesses-Barnard Murray, William Ritchie and Caroline Elliott.
Married (by license) Maurice Cory and Charity Brett, both
of the District of Gore, he of Wentworth County, she of Saltfleet,
by me, John Miller. Witnesses-John Sutor, Eliza Waldoon.
December 7th, 1838.-Married (by license) David Manning, of
Ancaster, and Mary Ann Brown, spinster, both of the District of
Gore, Connty Weutworth, and of the same province. Witnesses-
Christmas Day, 25th December, 1838 .-I attended on last Sunday,
25th December, at Dundas. Dundas Free Chapel was full. Mr.
McMurray preached a very excellent sermon on this day.
Mr. McMurray preached in Ancaster this day a most excellent
sermon. The Sacrament was administered to 36 persons. J. M.
" Christmas day was the last service poor Mr. Miller attended.
He also consecrated the elements, and assisted in their
administration to the communicants on this occasion."
NOTE. -These lines are in the handwriting of Rev. Mr. McMurray,
late Archdeacon of Niagara. C. FESSENDEN.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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