This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 15, Published in Toronto in 1917
Pages 35-39.
Return to my main index.
This list was found in the Register of Births, Deaths and
Marriages kept by the Rev. Robt. Addison, from 1792 to 1829,
in Niagara, or Newark, and in possession of St. Mark's
Church. It is arranged in seven columns, neatly ruled, with:
Date of baptism, date of birth, Christian name of child,
Christian names of parents, surname, quality, etc. of
father, by whom the ceremony performed, apparently half sheets
of foolscap, and sewn together. There are altogether
eighty-five baptisms, the rank of the father varying from
full private to K. C. B., Major General and
Lieutenant Governor, the regiments being 68th, 7Oth, 76th,
and Royal Artillery; the officiating clergymen being
W. Cokayne Frith, LL. D., and R. W. Turney, both Chaplains to
the Forces, also Thomas Handcock, acting Chaplain to
the forces at Ft. George, in one case the Rev. R. Addison, of
St. Marks, and the last recorded is the baptism of Emily
Sophia, daughter of Lady Sarah and Sir Peregrine Maitland, by
Charles, Bishop of Quebec.
I have copied exactly the text, omitting the headings and
division lines:
Baptized 7th Aug., born 17th May, Julia Catherine, of
George and Sarah McDonald, Capt. 68th Regiment, by W.,
Cokayne Frith, LL. D.
2nd Sept., born 21st Aug., Wm. Henry, of James and Mary Ann Duff;
Sergt. Major 68th Regt.
10th Sept, born, 8th April, James Septimus, of James and Susan
Read, Surgeon 68th Regt.
10th Sept., born 9th Sept., James, of Patrick and Mary Feely,
Private 98th Regt.
10th Sept., born 9th Sept., Rosanna, of Bryan and Mary
Gibbons, Private 68th Regt.
9th Sept., born 24th Aug., Agnes, of William and Jennett Airde,
Sergeant 68th Regt. (This baptism was performed by Robert Addison,
acting Chaplain.)
21st Oct., born 6th Oct., Margaret, of Christian and Archibald Paterson,
Sergeant 68th Regt.
23rd Oct., born 15th Oct., Charles, of John and Mary Lavell,
Corporal 68th Regt.
27th Oct., born 13th Oct., Frances Ottley, of Robert Henry and
Elizabeth Dee, D. A. Comng. Genrl.
28th Oct., born 22nd. Oct., Hugh, of Maxwell and Hannah Crawford,
Bugler 68th.
9th. Dec., born 30th Nov., John Andrew, of Thomas and Eliza Pope,
Private 68th.
15th Dec., born 28th. Nov., Mary Ann, of Thomas and Eleanor Tisdale
Private 68th.
24th Feb., born 29th Jan., Mary Cokayne, of William Cokayne and
Mary Frith; Chaplain to the Forces.
3rd March, born 26th Jan., Robert, of Robert and Mary Duncan,
Sergeant 68th.
10th March, born 8th Feb., Frances, of Joseph and Jane Jewitt
Private 68th Regt.
11th March, born 19th Nov., 1821, James Alexander, of James and
Isabella Mitchell, Lieutenant 68th Regt.
17th Mar., born 24th Feb., Thomas, of William and Elizabeth Crawford
Private 68th.
31st Mar., born 18th Mar., Josephine, of James and Hester Morrow
Private 68th.
14th Apr., born 23rd Feb., Theresa, of James and Catherine Ferrigan,
Sergt. 68th.
1st July, born 23rd June, James, of William and Jane Butcher,
Private 68th.
1st July, born 22nd June, Agnes, of Samuel and Agnes Fleming,
Corporal 68th.
25th Aug., born 9th Aug., Catherine, of Patrick and Jane Walsh,
Sergeant 76th.
These twenty two baptisms were all performed by W. Cokayne Frith,
LL. D., except one 9th Sept., 1821, ,by Rev. Robert Addison,
the writing very fine. The 68th Regiment must have left at the end
of August and was succeeded by the 76th, the Chaplain of which
was R. W. Turney. The notices are continued in the same way;
the writing somewhat heavier with very black ink.
31st Aug., at Fort George, U. C., baptised Oct. 6th, Edward, of
Richaard and Mary Hiscott, Sergt. 76th Regt., by R. W. Turney,
Chaplain the Forces.
Sept. 10th born, bapt. Oct. 6th, Benjamin, of James and Margaret
Simmons, Private 76th.
Sept. 22nd, bap. Nov. 1st Elizabeth Bartlett, of Robert and
Frances Coles, Major 76th Regt.
Oct. 19th., bap. Nov. .10th, John, of George and Mary Slack,
Sergt. 76th.
Mar. 21st bap. Apr. 13th, Caroline, of George and Jane Smart
Corporal 76th.
Apr. 6th. Apr. 27th. William, of William and Mary Hemmissley,
Private 76th.
Apr. 3rd. Apr. 27th. Ann, of Martin and Margaret Godfrey,
Private 76th.
Apr. 16th. May 11th, Jane, of John and Mary Cusick, Private 76th.
Nov. 19th, 1822, bap. Apr. 25th, 1823, Lucy Sarah Thillepson Gordon,
of Robt. Wm and Jane Turney, Chaplain to the Forces.
May 7th, 1823 bap. May 21st, Henry Ontario, of Robt. Henry and
Elizabeth Dee, Dept. Asst. Comr. Genrl.
Aug. 2nd, bap. Aug. 24th, Ellen, of Martin and Mary Freeman,
Private 76th Regt.
Sept. 27th, at Stamford, Sept. 28th, Charles Lennox Brownlow,
of Sir Peregrine and Lady Sarah Maitland, Lt.-Gov. and Maj.-Genl.
Charles Lennox Brownlow Maitland was received into Church May 22nd, 1825.
Sponsors: Charles Duke of Rutland, Brownlow Bertie Matthew, Esq., Lady Mary Fitzroy.
Sept. 8th, bap. Sept. 28th, Charlotte, of John and Ann Morris,
Sergt. 76th Regt., by Robert Addison, Minister.
Oct. 25th, bap. Nov. 9th, Mary, of Joseph and Mary Hullott,
Sergt. 76th, by Robert Addison, Minister.
Nov. 2nd, bap. Nov. 16th, Sidney Ann, of Francis and Sarah Moore,
Private 68th Regt.
Dec. 15th, bap. Jan. 25th, 1824, Joseph, of William and Mary Thomas,
Private 76th.
Mar 7th, 1824, bap. Apr. 11th, Robert, of Robert and Charlotte Bemrose,
Segt. 76th.
May 8th, bapt,. June 7th, Edward, of Edward and Mary Amelia Hetherington,
Captain 76th Regt.
Apr. 2Qth, bap. Sept. 15th, Margaret Dudley, of Benjamin and
Caroline Jane Hedley Routh, Lieut. 76th.
Aug. 28th. bap. Sept. 25th, Charles Fortier Nepean, of John Birlasson and
Mary Gates Flanagan, Surgeon 76th Regt.
Sept. 24th, bap. Oct. l0th, Arabella, of James and Catharine Wilson, Gunner.
Oct. 16th, bap. Oct. 17th, Fanny, of William and Mary Stevenson, Gunner.
May 1st, bap. Nov. 1st, Charlotte Dee, of Benjamin Robt. and Ann Ottley,
Lieut. 61st Foot.
Aug. 23rd, bap. Sept. 5th, Edward, of William and Mary Ambler,
Private 76th Regt.
July 9th, bap. Sept 12th, John, of Thomas and Mary Small, Sergt. 76th.
Dec. 7th, bap. Jan. 1st, 1825, Mary, daughter of George and Mary Slack,
Sergt. 76th.
Dec. 18th, Jan. 1st, 1825, William, son of William and Catharine Paulson,
Sergt. 76th Regt.
Jan. 21st. 1825, bap. Feb. 16th. James, son of Richard and Mary Hiscott,
Sergt. 76th. Regt.
[Major Jas. Hiscott died here June, 1917, ex-M.P.P. for Lincoln.]
Feb. 9th., bap. Feb. 18th. Lucy Gordon Thillason, daughter of Robt. Wm. and
Jane Turney, Chaplain to the Forces.
Mar. 7th, bap. Apr. 4th, Henry, son of George and Jane Smart, Corporal 76th.
Mar. 7th, bap. Apr. 4th, John, son of John and Ann Morris, Sergt. 76th.
June 25th, 1803, bap. Apr. 8th, 1825, William, son of Susannah Newman,
Private, illegite.
Apr., 26th, 1825, bap. June 19th, Jane, of John and Ann Grant, Royal Artillery.
July lst, bap. June 28th, Frances, of John and Ann Lundy, Corporal 76th.
June 5th, July 3rd. bap., Harriett, of John and Mary Ann Kelly, Gunner, R.A.
June 4th, bap., July 3rd, Thomas, of William and Mary Hammesley, Private 76th.
July 12th, bap. July 2lst, Charles Edwin, of Hermann and Mary Lott, Paymaster 76th Regt.
July 11th, bap. July 31st William, son of John and Mary Cusick, Private 76th.
Mar. 1st. bap. Sept. 22rd, John Withers, of John and Jane McGlashen, Storekeeper.
sept. 24th, bap. Oct. 9th, Mary, of William and Mary Cuddy, Sergt. 76th. Regt.
Oct. 7th, bap. Oct. 30th, James, son of Joseph and Mary Cant, Private 76th.
Jan. 9th. 1826, bap. Jan. 15th, David, of Thomas and Honora Bannister,
Gunner Royal Artillery.
Jan. 23rd. bap. Feb. 12th, Mary, of Richard and Sarah Brown, Private 76th.
Jan. 27th, bap. Feb. 19th, Thomas, of Richard and Mary Hiscott, Sergt. 76th Regt.
March 8th, bap. Apr. 2nd., Ann, of Wm. and Mary Thomas, Drum Major 76th Regt.
May 3rd, May 13th, John Henry, of John and Sarah Eden, Private 76th.
May 25th, June 2nd, John Berney, of Alexander and Sarah McIntyre, Private 76th. Regt.
June 30th, bap. July 23rd, Thomas, son of George and Catharine Patton,
Corporal in Major Pilling's Co., Sap. 2 R. Art., by Thos. Handcock, Acting Chaplain to the Forces.
July 1st, bap. July 29th, Alexander Peter, son of John and Jane McGlashan, Commissariat Clerk.
Aug. 15th., bap. 15th., William of William and Mary Ann Stevenson,
Gunner 1st. Battln. Royal Artillery.
Dec. 3rd., bap. 7th. Jan. William Matthew, of John and Margaret Calent,
Pensioner 74th Regt.
Feb. 16th, bap. Feb. 27th, Vesey Temple, of Thomas and Catherine Handcock,
Acting Chaplain to the Forces.
Mar.26th, bap. Apr. 15th, Alicia, of Neil and Alicia McNeil,
Colour-Sergt. 7Oth Regt.
Apr. 12th, bap. Apr. 16th, Anne, of John and Anne Grant,
Gunner in Major Pelleg's Co. R. Arty.
June 6th, bap. June 23rd, John, son of Alexander and Elizabeth McGuigen,
Private 7Oth Regt.
July lOth, bap. July 19th, William, son of Robert and Sarah Chambers,
Private 7Oth Regt.
June 7th, bap. July 20th, Frances Anne, of Robt. Henry and Elizabeth Dee,
Dep. Asst. Com'y Gen. H. P.
Dec. 16th, bap. July 25th, William, of Robert and Anne Armour,
Private, 7Oth Regt.
Aug. 6th, Louisa, of Alexander and Amelia Garrett, Lieut. H.P. 49th Regt., Barrack Master.
Mar. 19th, bap. Aug. 22nd Mary, of Robert and Barbara Brown, Corporal 7Oth Regt.
June 11th, bap. Aug. 22nd, Hannah, of John and Elizabeth Lavery, Private 7Oth Regt.
July 14th, bap. Aug. 27th, Francis, of James and Martha Batchelor,
Gunner Royal Artillery.
Aug. 22nd, bap. Sept. 11th, Emily Sophia, of Peregrine and Sarah Maitland,
K. C. B., Major-General, Lt.Governor, by Charles Bishop, of Quebec.
During the period from 1821 to 1827 there are recorded in St. Mark's Register,
three baptisms of the 68th or 70th Regt., and many are recorded as performed in
St. Marks by R. W. Turney, probably during the absence or illness of Rev. R. Addison.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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