From the book 'Lunenburgh, or the Old Eastern District' By J. F. Pringle, Judge County Court. Published in 1890. OLD EASTERN DISTRICT Names of Owners of Lots Given in McNiff's Map; Dated 1st. November, 1786. Lake Township, Now Called Lancaster 1st Concession

    Lots 1,2,3 Heirs of Capt. Morrison 4, Lieut. D. McFall 5, Peter McIntosh 6, Joseph Sutherland 7, Alex. Sutherland 8, Alex. Sutherland, Thos. Sutherland 9, Lieut. W. Sutherland 10, do do 11, Mary Sutherland, Anne Sutherland 12, Widow Campbell 13, George Sutherland 14, Lieut. W. Sutherland 15, Mary Morrison, Jane Morrison 16, Thomas Busby 17, Nathaniel Hillyear 18, do do 19, John Grant 20, John Dunn 21, James Dare 22, Thomas Graham 23, Lieut. W. Sutherland 24, William Blond 25, Alex. Cameron 26, Donald Ross 27, Alex. and Wm. Grant 28, Thomas I. Ross 29, Thomas M. Ross 30, Jane Dickson, John Cameron 31, Robert Dickson and family 32, William Noble, David Gunn 33, John McDougall 34, Duncan Murcheson 35, Ralph Falkner and Ralph Falkner Junior 36, William Falkner 37, do do
    2nd Concession
    Lots 1,2,3, Heirs of Capt. Morrison 4, Lieut. McFall 6, Arch. McBane 8, James Currie 9, Lieut. Sutherland, John Curry 10, Cato Prime (a negro), John Wm. Flyn 11, Ben. Baker 12, Donel McDonel * This is the spelling in the map. 13, John Lemon 14, James Fonda (a negro) 15, Widow Blakely 16, Jack Powell (a negro) 17, Richard Fountain 18, John Scarrot 19, John Grant 20, John Dunn 21, Jas. Hare, Jos. Goff (a negro) 22, Jacob Snyder 23, Jacob Snyder's family, Wm. Thomas (a negro) 24, Wm. Blond's family, Jerry Snyder 25, Augtustus Seely 26, John Castles 27, A. and W. Grant, Londonderry (a negro) 28, Luke Bowman 29, Mary Edge 30, Sambo (a negro) 31, R. Dickson's family 32, Wm. Noble, David Gunn 33, 34, John Wright 35, 36, William Falkner 37, do do
    Township No. 1, now Charlottenburgh. 1ST CONCESSION, FRONTING ON THE LAKE
    Capt. Angus McDonell The lots held by these eight are not P. Delancey numbered on the map. D. McNaughton D. McArthur Alexander Chisholm Alexander Ferguson R. McDonnel A. McPherson Lots 1,2,3,4, and the tract between the east line of No. 1, and the west of A. McPherson's lot-Sir John Johnson, Knight and Bart. 5 and part 6, Wm. Byrne, Captain Part 6 and 7, Lieut. Wm. Coffin 8, Adam Summers, Wm. Rose 9, Alex. McLaughlan, Alex. McDonell 10, Peter Grant, Kenneth McDonell 11, John Fraser, Daniel McIntyre 12, Alex. McDonell, Alex. McDonell 13, Sergt. Wm. McLeod 14, Lieut. Hugh McDonell 15, John McDonell, John McGregor, Corporal 16, Daniel Whealon, John Caldwell 17, John Cameron, Allen Grant 18, Sergt. McLean, Donl. McLean 19, Capt. J. McKenzie, John McKay 20, Sergt. Clark, Sergt. J. McIntire 21, R. Wilkinson 22, Finlay Ross, John Murchison 23, Wm. Dickie, Lieut. R. McDonell 24, Sergt. D. McCarty, Sergt. Gordon 25, Capt. Alex. McDonell 26, do do
    Lots 25,26, Capt. Alex. McDonell 24, Joseph Husford, Martin Staley 23, Chas. Calaghan, Wm. Robins 22, E. Patterson, Dan'l Bourk 21, Michael Miller 20, ?? McDonell, R. Wilkinson 19, R. Wilkinson 18, do 17, do Allen McDonell 16, Christopher Brinkman, Allen McDonell 15, Daniel Grant, John McGregor, Corporal 14, Lieut. Hugh McDonell 13, Lieut. Hugh McDonell, Sergeant Wm. McLeod 12, Alex. McDonell, Alex. McDonell 11,E1/2 Richard Trap 10,E1/2 John Cameron 9, 8,W1/2, Arch'd Scott
    Lots 15,16,17,18,19, Thomas Dennis, Esq. 11,12,13,14, Pat. McNiff and family 6,7,8,9,10, John Grant. The lot's south of the River Raisin and north of Sir John Johnson's land , going from east to west are marked respectively: S. McKane Francis Clarke James Dingwall John Baker John McMarton * McNiff's spelling of names is arbitrary and phonetic. Hugh McGruer Peter Fumey Patrick Burk Thomas Spratley Donald McIntosh lot 1- Donald McDonell, Serg't McPherson 2 Serg't McGillis, Donald McDonell 3 Donald McGillis, junior, Donald McGillis 4 John McKenzie, Duncan McKenzie
    6, Andrew Millross 7, Allen McDonell, Sergeant J. Hay 8, Rodk. McDonell, Don. McDonell 9, Donald McDonell, John McDonell 10, Jonas Wood, John Wood 11, Chas. Rose, Alex. Kennedy 12, John McDonell, Duncan McDonell 13, John Kane, Serg't Wm. McLeod 14, John McDonell, Alex. McDonell 15, George Barnhart, John Beach 16,17, Glebe 18, Peter Carpenter, Andrew Allen 19, Phineas Atherton, Capt. Patrick McDonell 20, Serg't John Hay, John McDonell 21, Serg't D. McGillis, Serg't Murdock McLean 22, Philip Ross, Widow Ross 23, Wm. Cameron, John McLeland 24, Don Malcolm, Don. McKercher 25,26, Mr. John Grant
    3,4,5, Sir John Johnson 6, Angus Baker, James Smith 7, John McGruer, Daniel Campbell 8, Widow Grant, W. Crowder 9, John Barnhart, Nicholas Barnhart 10, Duncan McIntire, John Crowder 11, John Larraway, P. Byrne, James Roach 12, Peter Grant, John Grant 13, R. McDonell, Thos. Munro 14, Danl. Campbell, junior, Alex. McGruer 15, Corpl. McGruer, John McIntire, sr. 16, Chas. Atkinson, Thomas Cooper 17, Peter Rupert, Francis Ruport 18, Philip Gray, Peter Grant 19, John Loney, Wm. McKay 20, Anthony Crouder, William Crouder, junior 21, John Ross, Donl. McKay 22, John Munro, Wm. Urkert 23, John Cameron, John McMartin 24, Duncan Grant, Angus Grant 25, John McMartin, by purchase; Patrick O'Hale 26, Donl. McDonell
    11, Shadrick Ball, Jacob Ball 12, John Ball, Amos Martin 13, Lewis Grant, Donl. Grant 14, Archd. Grant, John McDonald 15, Jacob Lautwine, Jacob Merkley 16, Allen Chisholm, Donl. Grant 17, Heirs of Kenneth McKenzie, John Grant 18, Lewis Grant, Duncan Grant 19, Donl. McDonell, Rodk. McDonell 20, Widow Sutherland, Dn. Grant 21, Malcolm McDonell, Widow McBane 22, Donl. McLean, Donl. Prentiss 23, Wm. Wood, John Muney 24, Jonas Wood, Rd. McDonell, Corpl. 25, John Burton 26, John Cashen, James Lowe
    27, John Grant 28, John Bryan, Hugh McGregor 29, John Haggard, Don'l McBane 30, Robert Smith and son 31,32, James Milloy and family 33, Alex. Ross, Sergt. Dn. Murchison 34, Dd. McArthur and two sons 35, Dl. Robertson, Angus McDonell 36, Widow of Allen McDonell 37, Peter Smith, Ebenr. Ears 38, Duncan McIntyre, Sergt. McPherson 39, Peter Smith, junior 40, Sergt. Alex. Grant 41, Sergt. John McIntire 42, Malcolm McMartin, Danl. Campbell, Corpl. 43, John McCaffrey, Angus Cameron 44, Kenneth Murchison, John Murchison and family 45, Alex. McDonell, Hugh McDonell 46, Donl. Cuthbert, Sergt. De Gray, John Dingwall 47,48,49, Sir John Johnson 50, Peter Ferguson, Archd. Grant 51, Alex. Cameron, Hugh McDonell 52, Nicholas Weaver, George Kintner 53, Donl. Ross, Angus McKay 54, Hugh McKay, John McKay 55, Jphn McDonell, Alex. McDonell 56, Hugh Chisholm, Hugh Cameron 57, John Mustard, Thos. Dodge 58, Murd'h McPherson, Donl. Chisholm 59, Allen Chisholm, Widow Livingstone 60, William Chisholm
    42, Lewis Bright, Donl. McDonell, Corpl. 44, John Cameron, Donald McKay 45, William Howard 46, Sergt. Clarke, Duncan Chisholm 50, David Flynn 52, Heirs of Lieut. McKenzie
    TOWNSHIP NO. 2, NOW CORNWALL. 1st Concession
    D,C,B,E1/2 Major James Gray W.1/2B.A., Lieut. J. F. Holland 1,2, Capt. Samuel Anderson 3, Wm. Carr, David McCoon 4, Peter Empey, Henry Hawn 5, Christopher Impey, Jacob Impey 6, Phil. Impey, Will. Impey
    12, Patrick McNiff 13, Revd. Mr. Stuart 14, Sergt. John Smith 15, William McLaughlin, Michael Gallinger 16, George Johnson, James Johnson 17,E1/2 Sergt. Prescott 17,W1/2,18, Lieut. Jos. Anderson 19, Henry Runnions, Geo. Barnhart 20, Geo. Barnhart, Richd. Prosser 21, Ashel Wright, David Robertson 22, John Mattice, Capt. French 23,E1/2 24, Ensign Anderson W1/2 24,Sergt. Moss 25, John McNairn, John Nave 26, Abraham Marsh 27,E1/2 28, Lieut. William Claws W1/2 28,Sergt. John Annable 29, Andw. Millross, Stephen Brownell 30, James Forsyth, Jacob Summers E1/2 31,Sergt. Spencer W1/2 31,32, Ensign Connolly 33,34, Sir John Johnson, Knight and Baronet 35 Elisha Anderson, Matt. Snetsinger 36,37, Capt. Dally (Daly)
    2nd Concession
    D.C.E.1/2 B., Major James Gray W1/2B.A., Lieut. J. F. Holland 1,2, Capt. Samuel Anderson 3, Wm. Carr's family, Jerry VanDusen 4, Wm. Tusler, Andrew Tusler 5, Geo. Crawford, Robt. Robertson 6, Wm. Ferguson, heirs of D. Robertson, Solon Peck 7, J. Delabough, Herman Hawn 8, Henry Gallinger, George Craits 9, Frederick Bouck, Werner Castleman 10, John Foucks, Chris. Gallinger 11, Herman and Joseph Cryderman 12, James Lynch, Wm. Palter
    3rd Concession
    D.C.B.E.1/2, Major James Gray W.1/2B.A, Colon Hamilton, Henry Sayer 1,2, Capt. Samuel Anderson 3, John Waite, Hugh Cameron 4, John McKay, Phil. Impey, senior 5, James McCloughedy, Samuel Anderson 6, John Dewit, Garret Dewit 7, Nicholas Silmser, George Waite 8, John Hawn, Jacob Waggoner 9, Widow Austen, Adam Wenzell 10, John Quinn, Michael Quinn 11, George Painter, Bernard Hart 12, Widow Cryderman, Jacob Hawn, jr. 13, Matt. Park, Corpl. R. Park 14, Adam Johnson 15, John Hartle, Adam Hartle 16, Ralph Christie, Ralph Christie E1/2 17,Sergt'. Prescatt W1/2 17,18, Lieut J. Anderson Pt. rear 18, Arthur Fagan 19, Daniel Campbell 20, John Cook, senior, Wm. Castelman 21, Henry Merkley, Jacob Ross 22, James Anderson, Ben. Reynolds
    D.C.B.E.1/2, Heirs of Kenneth McKenzie W.1/2 B., John McIntire, Sergt. A, Thomas Swan, Joseph Burton 1, Louis Weddows, Jas. Butterworth 2, John Christie, Paul Drew 3, Wm. Cumming, Christy and John Cameron 4, Alex. Cameron, Danl. McLeod 5, Heirs of D. Robertson, Isaac Hall 6, Alex. Cameron, John Cameron 7, Allen Cameron, Corns. Bulson 8, Andrew Tusler, Michael Cline 9, John Alguyer, Philip Eamer 10, Peter Eamer, Margaret Selemser 11, George Gallinger, Michael Gallinger, junior 12, Jacob Alguyer, Martin Alguyer 13, Luke Brady, Fred. Hut 14, D. Campbell, Rob. Chambers (by purchase) 15, John Bradshaw, Levi Baley 16, George Johnson, James Johnson 17, John Dickson, Ben Eastman 18, John Milroy, Wm. Ferguson 19, Efferson Putman, heirs of D. Robertson 20, Thos. Anderson, Geo. Anderson 21, Cyrus Anderson, John Shaver 21,[?] Michael Mattice, Andrew Milross and family 23,E1/2 24, Ensign Anderson W1/2 24,Sergt. Moss 25, Myers Solomans, Matt. Lynk 26, Joseph Stoneburner, Jacob Stoneburner
    D.C., Major Wm. Hogan B.A, P. Delany 1,2, Thomas Swan 3, Lieut. Simons 4, DonI. McDonell, Donl. McGregor 5, Archd. McDonell, Allen McPhee 6, Duncan McDonell 7, John McDonell 8, Mr. Allen McDonell 9, John McDonell 10, Alex. McDonell, John McDonell 11, John McDonell, junior, Ranl. McDonell 12, Alex McDonell, Donl. McDonell 13, P. McGuire, Donl. McGuire 14, John Mcintosh, Angus McDonell 15, Donl. Fraser, Wm. Fraser 16, Donl. Cammeron, Wm. Cameron 17, Dn. McDonell, John McDonell 18, Angus McDonell, Angus McDonel, Capt. French 19, Ed. Perry, Duncan McDonell, Benj. French, Albert French 20, John McDonell, Donl. McMillan, Capt. French, Am. Marsh 21, Ebenr. Wright, Ashel Wright 22, John Hartle's family and son 23, Chris. Templer, Ml. Cook 24, Samuel Sutton, Henry Impey 25, Joseph Brownel, Christn. Sheek 26, Corns. Shatford, John P. Helmer 27,E1/2 28, Lieut. W. Claws W1/2 28,Sergt. Annable 29, John Plantz, John A. Helmer 30, John Finkner, John Hunsinger E1/2 31,Sergt. Spencer W1/2 31,32 Ensign Connolly 33, Jacob Scheets, George Scheets 34, Adam Mattice, Michael Mattice
    B.A.,1,2, Stephen Delancey 3,4,5, Lieut. Neil Robertson and family (1350 acres) 6, William McDonell 7,E1/2 8, Alex. McPherson W1/2 8,9, R. McDonell and family 10, Lieut. Neil McLean 11, Lieut. R. McDonell, the elder 12, Lieut. R. McDonell 13,14, Lieut. Neil McLean 15, 16, James McGregor, Corpl. 17,18, Lieut. Miles McDonell Pt18,19,Levi Willard 20, Lieut. Wm. Fraser 21, Alex. Bruce, John McDonell, Corpl. 22, Kenneth McDonell, Dond. McDonell 23, Sergt. Prescott's family 24, Sergt. Annable's family 25, Sergt. J. Smith's family 26, Jos. Stoneburner, Wm. Brannan 27, Adam Nave, James Forsyth 28, George Christie's family 29, John Crammer, Fred. Bouck 30, John Reddock, Alex. McDonell 31, Cornelious O'Keeff, Thomas Syce 32, Corpl. R. Park, Finnan McDonell 33, Ralph Miller, George Wagline 34, Jacob Stoneburner, John Harley 35, James Watson, Cornelious Smith 36, Jacob Pickle and family
    C.,pt.D., Walter Scott and family B., Wm. Scott and family A., John Scott and family 1, John Chisholm and family 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,E1/2 16, not taken up W.1/2 16, James McGregor 17,18,19, not taken up 20, Lieut. Wm. Fraser 21, Angus Fraser 22, Jas. McDonell, Archd. McDonell, son of Kenneth 23, Capt. P. Atherton 24,25, Patrick McNiff 26, P. Smith 27,28, Capt. P. Atherton 29, Ashel Wright, Allen Campbell 30, Duncan Reid, Stephen Brownell 31, John McKay, David Robertson 32, Ranald McDonell, John McDonell 33, John Maxwell, John McDonell 34, Colon Hamilton, Henry Dobbins 35, John Campbell, Wm. McLoughlin 36, Wm. Frasher, Kenneth McDonell, Sergt. 37, Michael Cryderman, Corpl.
    6, Farquhar McDonell, Rory McDonell 7, Allen McDonell, Henrietta McDonell 10, Angus McDonald, Eva McTavish 22, Alex. Frasher, Finlay McDonell 23, Anna McIntosh, Angus McDonell 24, Angus McDonell, John Kennedy 25, Donald McDonell, Alex McDonell 26, Angus McDonell, Wm. McGuire 27, Colon Frasher, John McDonell 28, John McIntosh, Allen McDonell 29, Angus McDonell 34, Colin Hamilton
    1,2, Capt. Archibald McDonell 3, Evan Rice, Jacob Countryman, Corporal 4, Chris. Servos, John Fennel 5, Coend. Wert, Andrew Wert 6, John Cadman, John Cadman, jun. 7,E1/2 8, Dr. James Stuart W1/2 8, James Crowder, (a grist mill) 9, Jacob Eamen, Joseph Eamen 10, James Mordon, Joseph Fitchet 11, Henry Hoople, John Hoople 12, Michael Cryderman, Corpl.; John Pratt, Corpl. 13, Sergt. John Wm. Philips 14, Ensign John Maun 15, 16, Mckenzie Morgan, Sergt. Wm. Morgan 17, Daniel Morden, Jacob Sheets 18, John Cook, jun., Henry Evehouse, Common between 18 and 19 19,E1/2 20, Lieut. Prentiss W1/2 20,Sergt. John McKie 21, Daniel Fike, Francis Fike 22, Henry Winter, John Kirne 23, John Shell, John Reddick 24, Jacob Denny, Michael Denny, Corporal 25,E1/2 26, Lieut. P. Everett W1/2 26,Sergt. J. Impey 27, Philip Staety, Francis Putman 28, Leonard Stoneburner, Adam Impey 29, Soloman Tuttle, Corp. J. Impey 30, Joseph Mott, Coen. Devoe 31, Michael Keyser, John Keyser 32. Wm. Impey 33, Abraham Freese, Francis Albrant 34, Alex. Rose, Michael Ault 35, Peter Loucks, Joseph Loucks 36,E1/2 John McDonell W1/2 36,37, Lieut. Miles McDonell
    1,2, Capt. Archd. McDonell 3, ?? Countryrnin, ?? Gibson 4, Jesse Wright, Richard Sersey 5, Philip Cline, James Lynch 6, Francis Cole, Michael Whealan 7,E1/2 8, Dr. James Stuart W1/2 8, Sergt. Cline 9, John Gardner, Thos. Hatter 10, Gilbert Stuart, Geo. Stuart 11, John Stoneburner, Thos. Castleman 12, James Mordon, Rhdol. Papist 13, Sergt. Johns, Mancie Curry 14, Ensign John Mann 15, ?? 16, Sergt. Wm. Morgan's family 17, Isaac Crowder, James Crowder (From the east side of lot No. 18, to the west side of lot No. 26, the river bends so much to the northward, that the rear of the 1st Concession runs to the front of the 3rd.) 27, Balthis Dillabough, Chris. Haines 28, Wm. Impey, Sen., and family 29, Corp'l. I. Impey, Wm. Impey, Sen. 30, Jacob Winter, Peter Winter 31, John Pressley, Richard Loucks 32, 33, George Murray, John. Paddock 34, Margaret Jeacocks 35, David Ketchum, Martin Meddough E1/2 36,John McDonell W1/2 36,37, Lieut. Miles McDonell
    1, 2, ?? Armstrong, John McNairn 3, Hugh Tulloch, Rory McLeod 4, Desmond Bernard 5, Chris. Servos 6, John Brownell, John Donnelly 7, Joseph Brownell, Widow Huff and son 8, John Pratt, Corp'l 9, Chas. Gascaigne 10, John Servos, Senior 11, Martin and John Dillabough 12, Adam Empey 13, John Moor, Casper Coones 14, Adam Cilne, Philip Moak 16, John Servos, junior, Adam Rupert 17,18 Glebe Common 19, John Stickeman 21, John Foster 22, John Mullen, Capt. I. McDonell, by purchase 23, John McWilliam, John Davis 24, John Hunning 26, Sergt. J. Impey 27, Lawrence Emen 28, Wm. Malone 33, R. Louck's 35, Daniel Fike's family 15,18,20,25,29,30,31,32,34,36,37, not occupied.
    1,2, Capt. J. McKenzie 3, John Hickey, John Markley 4, John Markley, Philip Crysler 5, Adam Snyder, Coen. Snyder, C. Snyder's family 6, Geo. Weaver, Frederick Weaver 7, Sergt. J. McIntosh, Sergt. D. Campbell 8,E1/2 9, Lieut. J. Farrand W1/2 9, Farquhar McDonell 10, Edward Gay, Peter Davis 11, Frederick Bouck, Adam Bouck 12, Loud. Acker, John Killman 13, Heirs of Abijah Wade, John P. Chrisler E1/2 14,George Wert W1/2 14,15, Adjutant Valentine 16, Jacob Garlowe, Peter Garlowe 17, Chris. Bouck, John Crisler 18, Gillis McBane, John Link Common 19, Nicholas Freemire, Jno. Barnhart 20, Coend. Baker, John Marcellius 21,E1/2 22, Doctor Austin W1/2 22,Sergt. Mandeville 23, Coend. Castleman, Stephen Castleman 24, Adam Castleman, Herman Castleman 25, Chris. Deperious, Jas. Haines 26,E1/2 27, Lieut McMartin W1/2 27,Sergt. M. Haines 28, John Shaver, Chris. Reddick 29, Philly Walters, Corp'l James MacGaughey 30, Michael Markley, Jacob Markley 31,E1/2 32, Ensign Valentine W1/2 32,Henry Merkley 33, Henry Frauts, John Ulman 34, Abraham Hopper, Geo. Loucks 35, Jas. Rose, John McDonell 36,57, Capt. R. Duncan Common
    1,2, Capt. J. Mackenzie 3, 4, Jerominus Crisler 5, John Tuhey, Adam Snyder's family 6, Severs Marcelius 7, 8,E1/2 9, Lieut. J. Farrand W1/2 9, 10, Alegails Wade's heirs, Jacob Garlowe 11, Peter Frayarline 12, Widow Van Alstine, Saml. Van Alstine 13, Robert and Stephen Farrington E1/2 14,Henry Garlow W1/2 14,15, Adjutant Valentine 16, Herman Utman, John Wert 17, Matthias Link 18, Philip Byrne Common 19, 20, Widow O'Hara, Philip Cook 21,E1/2 22, Doctor Austin W1/2 22,Sergt. Mandeville 23, David Reilly 24, Geo. Reddock, John Shaver 25, John Ulman 26,E1/2 27, Lieut. McMartin W1/2 27,Sergt Haines 28, 29, Henry Frauts, Sergt. Knight 30, Joseph Haines, Richd. Mandeville 31,E1/2 32, Ensign Valentine W1/2 32,Sergt. Knight 33, 34, Robt. Abril, John Bunker 35, John Bishop 36, Capt. R. Duncan
    Common, Sergt. Wright 1,E1/2 2, Capt. John Munro W1/2 2, 3, Herman Woggoner, (in red ink, Jacob Dorn), Jacob Shieres, (now Shafer) 4, John Collison, Edward Stokes, 5, Robert Glasford, John Glasford 9, ** Jno. Benedict, Jacob Von Allen **must be lot 6 7,E1/2 8, Lieut Hugh Munro W1/2 8, Sergt. James McDonell 9, John McCarter, Stephen Meddogh, (in red ink, Middough) 10, Richd. Dingnean, David Beverley, (in red ink, Jerm Dorn) 11, Henry Baker, Jacob Cairnes 12, Florence McCarthy, (in red ink J. Kintners), Wm. McCormack, (now J. Servos) 13,E1/2 14, Ensign Francis McCarty W1/2 14,Luke Bowen 15, Adam Shaver, John Shaver 16, Lodok. Frederick, Bern'd Frederick 17, Adam Foster, Edward Foster 18, Jonathan Armstrong, Wm. Cuttham (in red ink James Everinghouse) Common 19, John Ault, Edward Ault 20, John Meddogh, Michael Ault, (in red ink, now Shafers) 21, Dorothy Russell, Michael Russell 22, Eliz Brouse, Peter Brouse 23, Jacob Coons, Peter Murray E1/2 24,Sergt. Martin Walter W1/2 24,25, (No name entered on map, Patent issued to Peter Carman, 4th Oct., 1803). Point Iroquois here forms a Concession in front. 26, Jerry Doring, David ??, Jacob Doring, H. Servos 27, Widow Fedar, Lucas Fedar 28, Caspar Coons, David Doring 29, John Van Camp, John Boyer 30, Martin Wallace, Arth. Z. Wallace 31,E1/2 32, Lieut. J. Smythe W1/2 32,Sergt. Teeple 33, Corpl. Shaver, Corpl. P. Crouse 34, Wm. Baxter, Richd. Davis, (in red ink, Clarke) 35, Henry Albrant, John Saver 36, Capt. Allen McDonell
    Common, Sergt. Wright 1,W1/2 2, Capt. John Munro 3, 4, George Thompson, Fred. V. Snell, Corporal 5, Henry Munro, Cornelius Munro 6, John Munro, Wm. Johnson Munro 7,E1/2 8, Lieut. Hugh Munro W1/2 8, Sergt. James McDonell 9, George Johnson, Garret Eastling 10, Abraham Rowson, Jno. McDonell 11, John Strader, Joseph Warte 13,E1/2 14, Ensign Francis McCarthy W1/2 14,Luke Bowen 15, Philip Shaw, Jacob Shaver 16, John Palmer, Dennis Courtney 17, R. McDonell, Corp'l. J. Van Allen 18, Common, Henry Witner 19, 20, 21, Adam Baker 22, 23, E1/2 24,John Ashburn, Corporal 26, Michael Carman, Henry Waley 27, Timothy O'Brien, Geo. Schriver 28, 29, 30, Simon Strider 31,E1/2 32, Lieut. J. Smythe W1/2 32,Sergt. Teeple 33, Corp'l Shaver, Corp'l P. Crause 34, Henry Strider, jun., Geo. Myres 35, Esther Saver 36,37, Capt. Allen McDonell, John Secord